Theoretical Chemistry Accounts (1962-2011)

Volume 1, Number 1 / February 1962

1-5Structure électronique des éthers vinylique et divinylique: Introduction de la déformation des orbitales σ
6-13Structure électronique du phénol, de l'ion phénate et du phénol perturbé par l'établissement d'une liaison hydrogène
14-22Die Termschemata derd1- undd2-Elektronensysteme in achtfach koordinierten Komplexverbindungen der SymmetrieD4dGünter Gliemann
23-35Interpretation der Absorptionsspektren der Komplexionen [Mo(CN)8]4−, [Mo(CN)8]3−, [W(CN)8]4− und [W(CN)8]3−Edgar König
36-41The use of interparticle coordinates in electronic energy calculations for atoms and moleculesArthur A. Frost
42-51Die Berechnung von adiabatischen Energiehyperflächen nach einer erweiterten halbtheoretischen Methode der AtomassoziationenH. Preuss
52-65Die Anwendbarkeit von Ein-Zentrum-Wellenfunktionen mit sphärischer Symmetrie beiBH4,CH4 undNH4+F. Grein
66-82Structures électroniques deNO2 et deN2O4Renée Le Goff and Josiane Serre
83-85Self consistent field molecular orbital calculations for mono and disubstituted benzenesJ. E. Bloor and F. Peradejordi
86RecensioH. von Hirschhausen

Volume 1, Number 2 / January 1963

87-92Energies of the lowest singlet S and triplet S states of helium by the local energy methodB. M. Gimarc and A. A. Frost
93-101Simple energy eigenfunctions for Li2 and LiHDonald K. Harriss, Carl W. Mitchell and Boris Musulin
102-115Properties and electronic structure of tetrahalogenocuprate (II)-complexesClaudio Furlani and Giorgio Morpurgo
116-123Zur Davidov-Aufspaltung in den Absorptionsspektren dünner Filme einiger aromatischer KohlenwasscrstoffeH. -H. Perkampus and L. Pohl
124-132Berechnung der Bindungsverhältnisse im NH3,-Molekül nach der statistischen MethodeH. Hartmann and G. Reske
133-139Studies of delocalized electron bondingHarry G. Hecht
140-143Structure électronique de la formamide et de l'uréeAndré Julg and Pierre Carles
144-154Zur Theorie der Parawasserstoffumwandlung durch BiradikaloideH. Hartmann, G. Gliemann and H. Gebler
155-158Das eingeschränkte FermigasH. Hartmann, W. Ilse and G. Gliemann
159-171Zur gruppentheoretischen Bestimmung der Atomzustände in LigandenfeldernKarl Heinz Hansen
172-187Elektronenstruktur, Spektren und Magnetismus von Chinon-π-Komplexen des NickelsGerhard Norbert Schrauzer and Helmut Thyret
188-197Hybridization and localization in the tight-binding approximationGiuseppe Re
198RecensioH. Hartmann

Volume 1, Number 3 / January 1963

199-205Self consistent field molecular orbital calculation for pyrroleJ. P. Dahl and Aage E. Hansen
206-208On the aromatic character of some ten π-electron systemsJ. P. Dahl and Aage E. Hansen
209-221Orbital electronegativities and the determination of s and d hybridization in various halides from nuclear quadrupole resonance frequenciesM. A. Whitehead and H. H. Jaffé
222-225Studies of delocalized electron bondingHarry G. Hecht
226-234Zur Lage, Intensität und Polarisation der Elektronenübergänge im StilbenH. -H. Perkampus
235-244The effect of alkyl groups on the electronic spectra of benzenoid hydrocarbonsEdgar Heilbronner and John N. Murrell
245-256Semi-empirical SCF-LCAO theory with overlapH. M. Gladney
257-267Zur Verwendung der vollständigen Laguerre-Funktionen bei quantenchemischen RechnungenWerner Kutzelnigg
268-281A study of interaction of two ethylene molecules by the semiempirical complete configuration interaction method in π-electron approximationJ. Koutecký and J. Paldus
282-284RecensionesBernard Pullman and H. Hirschhausen

Volume 1, Number 4 / January 1963

285-293A vibrational analysis of the MnO4 bandsC. J. Ballhausen
294-301Molecular geometry of phenyl- and methyl-substituted ethylenesGiorgio Favini and Massimo Simonetta
302-307Molecular orbital study of hyperfine splitting constants in ethyl and cyclohexadienyl radicalsPierluigi Nordio, Maria V. Pavan and Giovanni Giacometti
308-315Über den Zusammenhang von Bindungslängen und ElektronegativitätenOskar E. Polansky and Gerhard Derflinger
316-326Über den Zusammenhang von Kovalenzradien und ElektronegativitätenGerhard Derflinger and Oskar E. Polansky
327-342Die Lösung des quantenmechanischen Zwei-Elektronenproblems durch unmittelbare Bestimmung der natürlichen EinelektronenfunktionenWerner Kutzelnigg
343-352Résolution du problème à deux électrons en mécanique quantique par détermination directe des orbitales naturellesWerner Kutzelnigg
353-368Zur gruppentheoretischen Bestimmung der MolekülzuständeKarl Heinz Hansen
369-377Ermittlung der F- und G-Matrixelemente für achtfach koordinierte Verbindungen vom Typ des archimedischen AntiprismasH. L. Schläfer and H. F. Wasgestian
378-392Simple molecular orbital calculations on the electronic structure of iron-porphyrin complexesKimio Ohno, Yukito Tanabe and Fukashi Sasaki

Volume 1, Number 5 / January 1963

393-396Molecular orbital study of proton hyperfine splitting constants in H2CN radicalCarlo Corvaja, Giovanni Giacometti and Pierluigi Nordio
397-403The electron-spin resonance spectra of 1,4-dithiin radical-cations and the nature of the carbon-sulphur π-bondE. A. C. Lucken
404-409Non-neighbour effects on hyperfine coupling constants in alternant hydrocarbon radicalsG. Giacometti, P. L. Nordio and M. V. Pavan
410-417A one-centre treatment of the ammonium and borohydride ionsDavid M. Bishop
418-431Zur metall-ring-bindung in sandwich-komplexenR. Dieter Fischer
432-447Beiträge zur Theorie der π-Elektronensysteme von Hückel und HartmannG. Diercksen and H. Preuss
448-457Isoelectronic sequences of hydride moleculesG. G. Hall and D. Rees
458-462The configuration of diphenyl in the crystalline and in the vapour states: A simple non-bonded H-H potential functionT. H. Goodwin and D. A. Morton-Blake
463-467The interpretation of the stability of aromatic hydrocarbon ions by valence bond theoryH. Fischer and J. N. Murrell
468Studies of delocalized electron bondingHarry G. Hecht
469-470RecensionesH. Hartmann and J. W. Linnett

Volume 2, Number 1 / January 1964

1-13Die Bestimmung der Bindungsenergien der 1s-Elektronen der leichten Elemente aus ihren Absorptionsspektren im ultraweichen RöntgengbietHermann Hartmann and Hans-Ulrich Chun
14-21Berechnung der Röntgen- und Auger-Linien des Methans mit Hilfe des Pseudo-Neon-ModellsHermann Hartmann and Tae-Kyu Ha
22-28Propriétés physico-chimiques de composés à caractère aromatique IXJ. Nasielski and E. Donckt
29-39Über das Pseudo-Neon-Modell des BerylliumkarbidkristallsH. Hartmann and W. Mosch
40-54Structure électronique du fluoroacétylène et du chloroacétylèneClaude Moreau and Josiane Serre
55-62Hybridization in cyclopropane, cyclobutane and cubaneA. Veillard and G. Re
63-74Untersuchung der Quadrupolkopplung in salzsaurem trans-Dichloro-diäthylendiamin-kolbalt(III)-chloridH. Hartmann, M. Fleissner and H. Sillescu
75-83A simple molecular-orbital study of theβ-,α-, and p-bands in triphenylenesT. H. Goodwin and D. A. Morton-Blake
84-85Zum Valenzwinkelproblem einfacher MoleküleHans-Herbert Schmidtke
86RecensioJ. W. Linnett

Volume 2, Number 2 / January 1964

87-92SCF CI calculation of the electronic spectra of nitroso and nitro benzeneRama Basu (née Bhattacharya)
93-97Zur Definition des effektiven Potentials IH. Preuss
98-101Zur Definition des effektiven Potentials IIH. Preuss
102-113Eine neue Näherung für die Energiekurven zweiatomiger SystemeH. Preuss
114-124A Simplified version of the Pariser-Parr-Pople treatment of π-electron systemsEugen Weltin, Jean -Pierre Weber and Edgar Heilbronner
125-133Structure électronique du furanne méthode L.C.A. O. amélioréeLouis Pujol and André Julg
134-157Le problème de la réduction des intégrales électroniques dans la méthode L.C.A.O. amélioréeAndré Julg
158-167Electronic structures of carbazole and indole and the solvent effects on the electronic spectraNoboru Mataga, Yoshikazu Torihashi and Kiyoshi Ezumi
168-176On the mechanism of proton transfer reactions in the excited hydrogen bonded complexesNoboru Mataga, Yoshikane Kawasaki and Yoshikazu Torihashi
177-180Nature of the chemical bonds in HCN and C2N2Louis Burnelle

Volume 2, Number 3 / January 1964

181-185Koopmans' theorem and virtual orbital energies in the general SCF theoryW. G. Laidlaw and F. W. Birss
186-192On the empirical validity of koopmans’ theoremF. W. Birss and W. G. Laidlaw
193-201Über Isomorphie bei PunktsymmetrienErnst Ruch
202-209Recherches théoriques sur la structure électronique de molécules contenant des atomes hybridés en sp:André Julg and Alain Pellégatti
210-214Recherches théoriques sur la structure électronique de molécules contenant des atomes hybridés en sp:André Julg and Alain Pellégatti
215-218SCF CI calculation of the electronic spectra of cis and trans isomers of stilbene and azo-benzeneRama Basu
219-227Some remarks on the Pariser-Parr-Pople methodKimio Ohno
228-246Valence bond treatment of systems involving orbital degeneracyMassimo Simonetta and Edgar Heilbronner
247-257The electronic structure of naphthaleneHirotoshi Ito and Yasumasa I'haya
258RecensioHeinrich v. Hirschhausen

Volume 2, Number 4 / January 1964

259-264Ionic characterN. C. Baird and M. A. Whitehead
265-280A survey of Gaussian two-electron functionsJ. V. L. Longstaff and K. Singer
281-284An attempt to predict the relative resonance stabilization of some non benzenoid π-electron systems with the perimeter modelG. Wagnière
285-292Über die Aufspaltung des d-Niveaus in Komplexen kubischer SymmetrieGünter Gliemann
293-301Sur les propriétés électroniques de la phénothiazine et de son radicalJean -Paul Malrieu and Bernard Pullman
302-314Configuration spatiale et propriétés électroniques du noyau d'isoalloxazineJean -Paul Malrieu and Bernard Pullman
315-323Valency-bond studies of some conjugated hydrocarbonsT. H. Goodwin
324-33113C-H coupling constants and maximum overlap orbitals in some three-membered heterocyclic compoundsPhillip R. Certain, Virginia S. Watts and J. H. Goldstein
332-343Über zugeordnete FunktionenE. Ruch and A. Schönhofer
344-361Die Bestimmung von Energiehyperflächen mehratomiger Systeme nach einer Interpolationsmethode mit Hilfe der Vorstellung der AtomassoziationenH. Preuss
362-370Die Bestimmung von Energiehyperflächen mehratomiger Systeme nach einer Interpolationsmethode mit Hilfe der Vorstellung der AtomassoziationenH. Preuss

Volume 2, Number 5 / January 1964

371-385Kernquadrupolkopplung in einigen Kobalt(III)-komplexenHermann Hartmann and Hans Sillescu
386-392An interpretation of the nuclear quadrupole coupling constant for the HCl molecule on the basis of an “ab initio” calculationE. Scrocco and J. Tomasi
393-395Chemical valence in SF4 and SF4ORoger D. Willett
396-402Recherches théoriques sur la structure électronique de molécules contenant des atomes hybridés en sp:André Julg and Alain Pellégatti
403-405Non-relativistic self-consistent-field theory. ISerafin Fraga
406-410Non-relativistic self-consistent-field theory. IISerafin Fraga
411-415Non-relativistic self-consistent-field theory. IIISerafin Fraga
416-421Non-relativistic self-consistent-field theory. IVR. E. D. McClung and S. Fraga
422-427Davydov splitting in the polarized absorption spectra of single crystals of some copper complexes of α-amino acidsC. Dijkgraaf
428-436Die Kernwechselwirkung in der MO-LCAO-TheorieH. Preuss and H. -H. Schmidtke
437-452Valency structures for N2O4R. D. Harcourt
453-461Couplage d'exciton triplet avec les mouvements des noyauxYves Maréchal and Andrzej Witkowski
462-467The effect of the choice of parameters on the order of energy levels of benzene calculated in the π-electron approximation by the configuration interaction method including double- and triple-excited configurationsJ. Koutecký, J. číŽek, J. Dubský and K. Hlavaty
468-472The splitting of d-orbitals in less symmetrical molecules containing a cyclopentadienyl ligandMilan Randić
473-474ErrataHermann Hartmann and Tae -Kju Ha

Volume 3, Number 1 / January 1965

1-20Berechnung der Quadrupol-Merocyanine, einschließlich indigoider Farbsysteme, nach einer vervollständigten LCAO-MO-MethodeD. Leupold and S. Dähne
21-30Über einen Zusammenhang der nach Hylleraas und der nach Jaffé bestimmten Lösungen der Schrödinger-Gleichung für ein Elektron im Feld zweier PunktladungenK. Helfrich and H. Hartmann
31-37Molekülstruktur in der Theorie der Spinvalenz IKarl Heinz Hansen
38-44Interpretation of the polarized absorption spectra of single crystals of copper acetylacetonateC. Dijkgraaf
45-58Calculation of electronic spectra of aza-benzenes and aza-naphthalenes by the Pariser-Parr-Pople methodGiorgio Favini, Ida Vandoni and Massimo Simonetta
59-68Maximum overlap hybridization in cyclopropane and some related moleculesM. Randić and Z. Maksić
69-96Atomic wave functions for the configurations snpm studied by the projection operator techniqueJean -Louis Calais and Jan Linderberg
97-110Ein 3-dimensionales FE-Modell der chemischen BindungH. Müller and H. Dunken
111-116Quelques intégrales utiles en chimie théoriqueC. R. Guerillot, R. Lissillour and A. Botrel
117-125Über eine Randlochkartei zur Dokumentation der Quantentheoretischen Chemie (DQC)W. A. Bingel, G. Diercksen and H. Preuss
126RecensioAlberte Pullman

Volume 3, Number 2 / January 1965

127-134Ein Analogrechner zur Ermittlung der π-ElektronenzuständeHermann Hartmann and Adolf Neumann
135-146Group orbital electronegativitiesM. A. Whitehead, N. C. Baird and M. Kaplansky
147-155Semi-empirical approximations for the coulomb and bond integrals in simple LCAO-MO methodsRicardo Ferreira
156-158Free electron model and magnetic susceptibility of aromatic hydrocarbonsSadhan Basu
159-163A calculation of the spin-orbit splitting of the X2Π state of NOOle J. Heilmann and C. J. Ballhausen
164-173Vacuum ultraviolet spectra of styrene, benzaldehyde, acetophenone, and benzonitrileKatsumi Kimura and Saburo Nagakura
174-181Unique orbitalsDonald K. Harriss and Arthur A. Frost
182-193Berechnung von Zuständen komplexer Ionen mit ZentralfeldfunktionenH. Hartmann, E. Zeeck and A. Ludi
194-201Valency structures for oxalate and dithionite anions, and dimers of nitrosoalkanesR. D. Harcourt
202-210Analysis of NMR spectra of magnetically inequivalent nuclei using perturbation theoryHarry G. Hecht
211-212The bonding within the Mo6Cl84+ and Ta6Cl122+ cationsS. F. A. Kettle

Volume 3, Number 3 / January 1965

213-230Interprétation structurale des spectres hyperfins des radicaux libres et méthodes de chimie quantiqueGaston Berthier, Henri Lemaire, André Rassat and Alain Veillard
231-237The calculation of Franck-Condon factors for the electronic transitions of the polyacenesK. Miller and J. N. Murrell
238-240Free electron model and photoionization of π-electrons from aromatic hydrocarbonsSadhan Basu
241-253On the validity of the electron pair approximation for the Beryllium ground stateWerner Kutzelnigg
254-260Atom-atom correlation order and its relation to the molecular propertiesY. Amako, T. Azumi, K. Okamura and H. Azumi
261-266Etude théorique des densités de spin dans des ions négatifs pouvant présenter des phénomènes de quasi-dégénérescenceJ. P. Malrieu, A. Pullman and M. Rossi
267-270Sur une variation sélective du nombre Z appliquée au calcul des niveaux d'énergie de l'éthylèneHélène Cambron-Bruderlein and C. Sandorfy
271-277Energy levels and crystal-field calculations of trivalent ytterbium in yttrium aluminum garnet and yttrium gallium garnetJ. A. Koningstein
278-281Benützung der Symmetrie von Molekülteilen zur Faktorisierung von Säkulardeterminanten in den einfachen LCAO-MO-MethodenPeter Schuster
282-283An equivalent orbital description of the Re3Cl123− anion and related speciesS. F. A. Kettle
284-286The variation of the quadrupole moment of H2 with internuclear distance, as given by some one center wave functionsAlmon G. Turner
287-289Davydov splitting and the absorption spectra of transition metal ion crystalsJ. Ferguson
290Valency structures for oxalate and dithionite anions and dimers or nitrosoalkanesR. D. Harcourt

Volume 3, Number 4 / January 1965

291-304Ein Beweis des Jahn-Teller-Theorems mit Hilfe eines Satzes über die Induktion von Darstellungen endlicher GruppenE. Ruch and A. Schönhofer
305-308Eine neue Methode zur Rassenanalyse von MolekülschwingungenE. Ruch and A. Schönhofer
309-336A new approach to the molecular orbital theory of bondingH. D. B. Jenkins and J. B. Pedley
337-340Unrestricted hartree fock wave functions and hyperfine coupling constants in aromatic radicalsG. Giacometti and G. Orlandi
341-346Complete configuration interaction calculation of singlet energy levels of benzene in π-electron approximationJ. Koutecký, K. Hlavatý and P. Hochmann
347-354Analyse von Kernresonanzspektren in Einkristallen niedriger Symmetrie. IH. Hartmann, M. Fleissner and H. Sillescu
355-362Analyse von Kernresonanzspektren in Einkristallen niedriger Symmetrie II: trans-[Cr en2Cl2] Cl · HCl · xH2O, trans- [Co en2Cl2] Cl · HCl · xH2OH. Hartmann, M. Fleissner, G. Gann and H. Sillescu
363-367Structure électronique de l'o-benzoquinone (méthode L.C.A.O. améliorée)Jean -Claude Béry
368-374Jahn-teller configurational instability in square-planar complexesC. J. Ballhausen
375-377Expanded gaussian orbitals and the electronic states of ethyleneR. R. Hart and M. B. Robin
378RecensioJ. A. A. Ketelaar

Volume 3, Number 5 / January 1965

379-383On the connection between the alternant molecular orbital method and the separated-pair theoryE. Kapuy
384-397Etude de la structure du cortège électronique par la méthode des états de valenceC. R. Guerillot, R. Lissillour and F. Corre
398-406Etude de la structure du cortège électronique par la méthode des états de valenceC. R. Guerillot, R. Lissillour, F. Corre, B. Bariou and J. Abdelazziz
407-417SCF calculations of aromatic hydrocarbons the variable β approximationKichisuke Nishimoto and Leslie S. Forster
418-425Calculation of electronic spectra of aza-benzenes and aza-naphthalenes by a simplified version of the Pariser- Parr-Pople methodGiorgio Favini, Ida Vandoni and Massimo Simonetta
426-431The stability of silver-olefine complexesW. H. Prichard and W. J. Orville-Thomas
432-438The electronic spectrum and electronic structure of 1,5 dinitronaphthialeneMaomi Kojima, Jiro Tanaka and Saburo Nagakura
439-457Anwendung einer Einzentrenmethode auf die π-Elektronensysteme von FünferheterozyklenHermann Hartmann and Karl Jug
458-464Valence orbital ionization potentials from atomic spectral dataHarold Basch, Arlen Viste and Harry B. Gray
465-467Group-theoretic criterion for selection rules in the vibronic mechanism and applications to copper acetylacetonateR. Linn Belford and Geneva G. Belford

Volume 4, Number 1 / January 1966

1-12Molecular Orbital Calculations on Copper Chloride ComplexesP. Ros and G. C. A. Schuit
13-21Transition Probabilities in the CuCl42−-ComplexA. Avoird and P. Ros
22-29Two-configuration, self-consistent field theoryA. Veillard
30-36Two by two rotations of orbitals for minimizing the energy of LCAO-MO wave functionsMassimo Rossi
37-43Generalized Hückel treatment of a simple model of transannular interaction and excimer formationRudolf Polák and Josef Paldus
44-63PorphyrinsMichael Zerner and Martin Gouterman
64-68The electronic spectra of [n]-radialenesE. Heilbronner
69-84Calculation of the π-electronic structures of vinyl boron compounds by the free-electron MethodD. R. Armstrong and P. G. Perkins
85-93The Calculation of directly bonded 13C-H and 13C-13C coupling constants using delocalized molecular orbital theoryF. B. Duijneveldt, V. M. S. Gil and J. N. Murrell
94-97Simple Hückel calculation on triphenyl cyclopropenyl cationRama Basu and Swapan Bose
98-100Unter Vernachlässigung der Elektronenwechselwirkung erhaltene Molekülbahnfunktionen als Basis fürN. Tyutyulkov and R. Vodenitscharov

Volume 4, Number 2 / April 1966

101-107S.C.F.M.O. study of Hafner's hydrocarbonsN. K. DasGupta and M. A. Ali
108-113Ground-state energies of mono-, di-, tri- and tetranegative ions of porphins and their metal complexesN. S. Hush
114-122The relative importance of delocalization terms in proton spin-spin coupling constantsJ. N. Murrell and V. M. S. Gil
123-131Ein Zentralmodell für PerimetermoleküleKarl Heinz Hansen and Ekkehard Frenkel
132-144Pariser-parr-pople calculations on different DNA constituentsJ. Ladik and K. Appel
145-149Ligand field splitting in seven coordinated NbF72−-type complexesM. Randić and Z. Maksić
150-154A topological equivalent-orbital approach to the bonding in some tetrahedral moleculesS. F. A. Kettle
155-165SCFMO calculations of heteroatomic systems with the variableβ approximation
166-173A ligand field approach to orthoaxial complexes
174-184Electronic structures and spectra of cyanoethylene derivativesJ. Halper, W. D. Closson and H. B. Gray
185-202Zur Deutung der Ultraviolett-Absorptionsspektren der Alkalihalogenid-KristalleE. Otto Steinborn and Günter Gliemann
202Annotationes et ErrataM. Zerner and M. Gouterman
202Annotationes et ErrataB. D. Harcourt
202Annotationes et ErrataB. D. Harcourt

Volume 4, Number 3 / January 1966

203-223Pariser and Parr type calculations on saturated hydrocarbons IS. Katagiri and C. Sandorfy
224-235A Hückel molecular orbital approach to stereochemical problems based on the variation of the Coulomb integralHélène Cambron-Brüderlein and C. Sandorfy
236-249The electronic spectra of the anion radicals of substituted benzenesAkira Ishitani and Saburo Nagakura
250-259Relativistic effects in aromatic moleculesRalph E. Christoffersen and G. G. Hall
260-264Atomic potentials from SCF dataFabio Campadelli and Carlo Zauli
265-272A maximum overlap orbital calculation of 13C-H coupling constants in the vinyl halidesV. S. Watts and J. H. Goldstein
273-286Maximum overlap hybridization in cyclobutane, bicyclobutane and related highly strained systemsZ. Maksić, L. Klasinc and M. Randić
287-304Das stereochemische Strukturmodell, ein mathematisches Modell zur gruppentheoretischen Behandlung der dynamischen StereochemieErnst Ruch and Ivar Ugi

Volume 4, Number 4 / August 1966

305-316Pariser-Parr-Pople-Rechnungen mitσ- undπ-BasisorbitalenM. Jungen, H. Labhart and G. Wagnière
317-320Exciton-exciton interaction resulting from phonon-exciton couplingAndrzej Witkowski
321-331Etude des spectres électroniques de quelques p. quinones polycycliques par la méthode de Pariser-Parr-PopleClaude Leibovici and Jean Deschamps
332-342Connections between currentπ-electron theoriesInga Fischer-Hjalmars
343-346On the calculation of energies of excited statesJerry Goodisman
347-351π-electron approximation in pyridine and related compoundsA. Veillard and G. Berthier
352-366Self-consistent molecular orbital calculations on organoboron compounds Part 1. HalogenovinylboranesD. R. Armstrong and P. G. Perkins
367-376Approximate analytical orbital functions for second and third-row transition metalsHarold Basch and Harry B. Gray
377-389Ground state wavefunctions of some conjugated carbon compounds — NPSO methodP. B. Empedocles and J. W. Linnett
390-392Lower excited state wavefunctions for some conjugated carbon compounds — NPSO methodP. B. Empedocles and J. W. Linnett

Volume 4, Number 5 / January 1966

393-407A perturbation theory of isoelectronic molecules: Application to CO based on N2Tai Yup Chang and W. Byers Brown
408-416Theoretical calculation of the vibrational spectra of some XHn type moleculesEnrico Menna, Roberto Moccia and Lucio Randaccio
417-433Zur Behandlung der Bindungsalternierung als Störung in der Hückelschen MO-TheorieWerner Kutzelnigg
434-451Etude semiempirique de la configuration moléculaire stable des molécules ionisées ou excitéesJ. P. Malrieu
452-459About evaluation of many-center molecular integralsYves G. Smeyers
460-465A scaled united atom model for diatomic hydridesAy-ju A. Wu and Frank O. Ellison

Volume 5, Number 1 / January 1966

1-10Theoretical studies in the chemistry and physics of heterocyclesPaolo Chiorboli, Augusto Rastelli and Fabio Momicchioli
11-20Self-consistent molecular orbital calculations on organoboron compoundsD. R. Armstrong and P. G. Perkins
21-28Calcul des constantes de force de la molécule CH4 à l'aide des fonctions d'onde électroniquesM. Allavena
29-34Zur Deutung der Ultraviolett-Absorptionsspektren der EdelgaskristalleE. O. Steinborn and H. Hartmann
35-52Extended Hückel method charge distributions and the chemical shiftJ. M. Sichel and M. A. Whitehead
53-68Theoretical study of the electronic properties of the purine and pyrimidine components of the nucleic acidsHélène Berthod, Claude Giessner-Prettre and Alberte Pullman
69-73Investigation of the electronic structures of vinyl silicon compounds by the free electron methodD. R. Armstrong and P. G. Perkins
74-78An Improvement in the calculation of electron repulsion integrals in Pariser-Parr-Pople theory—Electron interactions in moleculesKichisuke Nishimoto
79-80The rotation barrier of ethane-like moleculesMagda M. Zaalberg
81-83SCF MO calculations of polyene spectraLeslie S. Forster
84-86Simple Hückel calculations on acenaphth(1, 2-a) acenaphthyleneSwapan Bose

Volume 5, Number 2 / April 1966

87-94Molecular orbitals and the virial theoremH. Baumann, E. Heilbronner and J. N. Murrell
95-101Calculations on the electronic spectra of anilino, phenoxyl and benzyl radicalsA. Hinchliffe, R. E. Stainbank and M. A. Ali
102-111The electronic structure of tetra-azapentaleneL. Paoloni, P. Gramaccioni and A. Vaciago
112-126Über eine vereinfachte Methode des self-consistent field für AtomeP. Gombás
127-138Zur Theorie der PseudopotentialeP. Gombás and D. Kisdi
139-147Zur Bereehnung des Behinderungspotentials der inneren Rotation von WasserstoffperoxidL. Zülicke and H. -J. Spangenberg
148-158Self-consistent perturbation theory for conjugated molecules
159-168Quantum mechanical guides to the potential energy curves of some simple moleculesDavid Peters
169-172Application of the Pariser-Parr-Pople method to the croconate ion (C5O5−2)Maurizio Cignitti
173-178Einheitliche Auffassung der Eigenwertspektren und Eigenfunktionen der Zweimassenmodelle „Wasserstoffatom” und „rotierender Oszillator”H. Dunken and P. Kadura

Volume 5, Number 3 / January 1966

179-186Four-particle perimetric coordinatesYecheskel Rasiel and John Karl
187-191Theoretische Begründung empirischer Schemata für die Berechnung von DipolmomentenE. Gey
192-207Semi-empirical calculation of the energy of formation of hydrocarbons and radicalsA. J. Lorquet
208-214Open shell SCF MO CI calculation of spin density distributionsA. Hinchliffe
215-221Self-consistent molecular orbital calculations on organoboron compoundsD. R. Armstrong and P. G. Perkins
222-235Self-consistent molecular orbital calculations on organoboron compoundsD. R. Armstrong and P. G. Perkins
236-250Pariser-Parr-Pople-Rechnungen an Molekülen mit AminogruppenMartin Klessinger
251-265Pariser-Parr-Pople-Rechnungen an Molekülen mit AminogruppenMartin Klessinger
266-270Evaluation of molecular magnetic properties and some related approximationsG. P. Arrighini, F. Grossi and M. Maestro
271-274SCF calculation of the spin density distributions in some nitrile radical anionsA. Hinchliffe and M. A. Ali

Volume 5, Number 4 / January 1966

275-283Physical properties of many-electron atomic systems evaluated from analytical Hartree-Fock functionsGulzari Malli and Serafin Fraga
284-288Physical properties of many-electron atomic systems evaluated from analytical Hartree-Fock functionsGulzari Malli and Serafin Fraga
289-304On the solution of the quantum mechanical two-electron problem by direct calculation of the natural orbitalsR. Ahlrichs, W. Kutzelnigg and W. A. Bingel
305-311On the solution of the quantum mechanical two-electron problem by direct calculation of the natural orbitalsR. Ahlrichs, W. Kutzelnigg and W. A. Bingel
312-326Der Einfluß der kationischen Umgebung auf die Lichtabsorption des zweiwertigen Nickels in oxidischen WirtsgitternDirk Reinen
327-335Crystal-field studies of trivalent Thulium in Yttrium Aluminum GarnetJ. A. Koningstein
336-340Split orbitals for the LiH moleculePeter Lindner
341-345The behaviour of the second-order density matrix at the coulomb singularities of the Schrödinger equationW. A. Bingel
346-368Comparisons of the Hückel and Pariser-Parr-Pople-type MO methods: Closed forms for SCF charge distributions and bond ordersS. Ehrenson
369-372Note on the Generalized Hückel treatment of the simple model of aromatic hydrocarbon-carbonium ion charge transfer complex formationJ. Paldus and R. Polák
373-375The significance of the strong orthogonality condition for geminal functions in variational calculationsC. S. Lin and F. W. Birss
376-378Anhand der Methode der Konfigurationenwechselwirkung berechnete Dipolmomente einiger nichtalternierender Kohlenwasserstoffe in angeregtem Singulett- und TriplettzustandN. Tyutyulkov and F. Fratev

Volume 5, Number 5 / January 1966

379-397Low spin ferric hemoglobin complexesGilda Harris
398-400Self-consistent-field theory for one-electron propertiesSerafin Fraga and Fraser W. Birss
401-405Molecular orbital study of some heterocycles containing nitrogen and sulphurN. K. Ray and P. T. Narasimhan
406-412Semiempirical calculations involving π- and σ-electrons on some nitrogencontaining heterocyclesPeter Lindner, Rolf Manne and Olle Måstensson
413-421Quantum mechanical calculations on barriers to internal rotationAlain Veillard
422-434An ab initio model calculation of the π and σ electronic structure of the ethylene moleculeRudolf Polák and Josef Paldus
435-439π Electronic distribution, charge transfer and intensities of infrared absorption bands in borazineMario Giambiagi, Myriam Segre Giambiagi and Enrique Silberman
440-445Configuration interaction wavefunction for positronium hydrideOliver G. Ludwig and Robert G. Parr
446-448Les conditions d'orthonormation dans la méthode SCF de champ auto-cohérentSerafin Fraga and Gulzari Malli
449-450Störungstheorie und koordinatenstreckungGünter Gliemann
451-454Semi empirical calculations of the spin density distributions in some nitro substituted, conjugated anionsA. Hinchliffe
455-458Application of Z−1 expansion method to 1s3d1D and 3D states of Helium: Configuration interaction calculation and correlation energyN. K. Das Gupta and M. A. Ali

Volume 6, Number 1 / January 1966

1-11Magneto-optical rotation in moleculesY. I'Haya
12-19Magneto-optical rotation in moleculesY. I'Haya
20-25Absolutberechnung der Normalfrequenzen des HydrogendifluoridionsHermann Hartmann and Karl Hensen
26-35Recherches complémentaires sur la théorie LCAO amélioréeAndré Julg
36-44Bent bonds, hybridization, and the maximum localization criterionG. Re, U. Esposito and M. Carpentieri
45-53SCF-CI-Berechnungen am StilbenH. -H. Perkampus and J. V. Knop
54-63Physical properties of many-electron atomic systems evaluated from analytical Hartree-Fock functionsGulzari Malli and Serafin Fraga
64-72Berechnung der Moleküle PHn (n=1–4) nach einem erweiterten MO-LCAO-VerfahrenKurt Issleib and Wolfgang Gründler
73-82Integral approximations for molecular orbital theoryFrank E. Harris and Robert Rein
83-86Restriction on approximations of molecular integralsP. J. A. Ruttink
87-90Variations-Störungsrechnung bei Einzentren-ProblemenKarl Heinz Hansen
91-94Note on the significance of Walsh's rulesJ. C. Leclerc and J. C. Lorquet
95-108The kinetic energy components of LCAO-molecular orbitals: A comment on the “Electron-in-a-Box”-“LCAO-MO-Model” analogyHarold Baumann and Edgar Heilbronner

Volume 6, Number 2 / January 1966

109-115Recherches complémentaires sur la théorie LCAO amélioréeAlain Pellégatti
116-121Table of Sanibel (spin projection) coefficientsRolf Manne
122-130Self-consistent-field theory for positive ionsSerafin Fraga, Gulzari Malli and Carmela Valdemoro
131-140Valency structures for N2O4 part IIR. D. Harcourt
141-158The electronic spectra of acenaphthylene and fluorantheneEdgar Heilbronner, Jean -Pierre Weber, Josef Michl and Rudolf Zahradník
159-166Self-consistent perturbation theory for conjugated moleculesA. T. Amos and G. G. Hall
167-185Charge density distributions and sigma bond inductive effects in hydrocarbons and hydrocarbon ionsN. C. Baird and M. A. Whitehead
186-188A comment on the bonding in XeF6Roger D. Willett
189ω-Modification of extended Hückel theoryA. Ažman, Z. Bohte and A. Ocvirk
190ErrataN. C. Baird and M. A. Whitehead
190ErrataM. A. Whitehead, N. C. Baird and M. Kaplansky

Volume 6, Number 3 / November 1966

191-216Non-empirical LCAO-MO-SCF-CI calculations on organic molecules with Gaussian type functions
217-239Non-empirical LCAO-MO-SCF-CI calculations on organic molecules with Gaussian type functions
240-248Hybridization in methylenecyclopropane and related molecules having exocyclic double bondsM. Randić, J. M. Jerkunica and L. Klasinc
249-256The source of spectral band intensity in tris ethylenediamine complexes
257-267Quelques considérations sur la structure électronique du naphtalèneHéctor C. González, Myriam Segre de Giambiagi and Mario Giambiagi
268-271Eine einfache Albleitung der Slaterschen Abschirmkonstanten für äquivalente ElektronenKarl Heinz Hansen
272-277Zur Luminiszenz von Cr(3)-VerbindungenK. H. Hansen and G. Vierke
278-280Physical properties of many-electron atomic systems evaluated from analytical Hartree-Fock functions

Volume 6, Number 4 / January 1966

281-291Extension of the separated pair theoryE. Kapuy
292-298Eléments matriciels de l'hamiltonien entre les états monoexcités et biexcités singuletsJiří Čížek
299-311An approximate MO-LCAO-SCF method including overlapRolf Manne
312-319The electronic structure of chlorine trifluoride: An approximate MO-LCAO-SCF calculationRolf Manne
320-332Electronic structures and spectra of adenine and thymineMasashi Tanaka and Saburo Nagakura
333-340Self-consistent perturbation theory for conjugated moleculesA. T. Amos
341-349On the evaluation of electric and magnetic dipole transition moments in the ZDO approximationAage E. Hansen
350-353The electronic structures of substituted benzenes and borazinesD. A. Brown and C. G. McCormack
354-357A bond length — Bond order relation derived from a morse type sigma electron energy curveP. C. Boer-Veenendaal and D. H. W. Boer
358Free valence numbers of carbonW. M. A. Smit and D. H. W. Boer
359-361Some consequences of the magnetic interaction of protons and electronsW. T. Dixon
362ErratumM. M. Zaalberg

Volume 6, Number 5 / January 1966

363-400PorphyrinsMichael Zerner, Martin Gouterman and Hiroshi Kobayashi
401-412Schwingungsfrequenzen komplex gebundener OxalatanionenHermann Hartmann and Ernst -Albrecht Reinsch
413-427Die Bestimmung von Energiehyperflächen mehratomiger Systeme nach einer Interpolationsmethode mit Hilfe der Vorstellung der AtomassoziationenH. Preuss
428-436Die Bestimmung von Energiehyperflächen mehratomiger Systeme nach einer Interpolationsmethode mit Hilfe der Vorstellung der AtomassoziationenH. Preuss
437-444Molekülstruktur in der Theorie der SpinvalenzKarl Heinz Hansen
445-449Bindungsverhältnisse und Elektronenverteilung im Trijodid-Anion J3 im Modell der freien ElektronenHans Müller
450-451Perimetric coordinates for four particlesRonald J. White
452ErratumK. H. Hansen and G. Viekre
452ErratumFrank E. Harris and Robert Rein
453-454RecensioErnst -Albrecht Reinsch

Volume 7, Number 1 / January 1967

1-3Modus Computandi Eigenvectores et Eigenaestimationes e Matrice DensitatisT. K. Lim and M. A. Whitehead
4-14Extended hückel theory applied to chemical reactivityW. C. Herndon and L. H. Hall
15-19Molecular deformation and vibrational structure of the first U.V. band in linear polyenesS. Diner and J. P. Malrieu
20-24Self-consistent perturbation theory for conjugated moleculesA. T. Amos
25-31CI calculation of Spin Densities in π-radicals and ions using Hückel orbitals as a basisA. Hinchliffe
32-40Atomic parameters for semi-empirical SCF-LCAO-MO calculationsJ. M. Sichel and M. A. Whitehead
41-47Paramètres d'écran et effets de quasi-dégénérescence dans les atomes légersAlain Sureau and Gaston Berthier
48-63Non self-consistent field theory — A new approach in quantum mechanical calculationsT. K. Lim and M. A. Whitehead
64-68Décomposition des constantes de couplage nucléaires en éléments de symétrie à l'aide de la théorie des représentationsClaudette Barbier and Josiane Serre
69-72Franck-condon factors for large aromatic moleculesK. Miller and J. N. Murrell
73-74RecensioK. Jug

Volume 7, Number 2 / April 1967

75-79Physical properties of many-electron atomic systems evaluated from analytical Hartree-Fock functions
80-84Physical properties of many-electron atomic systems evaluated from analytical Hartree-Fock functions
85-88A numerical method to obtain a symmetry-adapted basis from the hamiltonian or a similar matrixR. Moccia
89-96X-ray transitions in compounds of sulphur: Relativistic corrections andkβ-,l-spectraP. Palmieri and C. Zauli
97-102Helium states
103-109Recherches complémentaires sur la théorie L.C.A.O. améliorée
110-116Theoretical study of the electronic properties of biological purines and pyrimidines
117-123Vacuum ultraviolet absorption spectra of simple amidesKoji Kaya and Saburo Nagakura
124-132Electronic absorption spectra of hydrogen bonded amidesKoji Kaya and Saburo Nagakura
133-143Complete multi-configuration self-consistent field theoryA. Veillard and E. Clementi
144-149A population analysis of the bonding in N2O4, B2Cl4, B2F4, C2H4 and C3H4Emmett B. Moore
150-155The π-electron energies ofcis- andtrans-stilbenePeter Lindner and Olle Mårtensson
156Non-empirical LCAO-MO-SCF-CI calculations on organic molecules with Graussian type functionsI. G. Csizmadia, M. C. Harrison, J. W. Moskowitz and B. T. Sutcliffe

Volume 7, Number 3 / June 1967

157-166Étude théorique des spectres électroniques de dérives à structure p. quinonique, par la méthode de Pariser-Parr-Pople
167-170Perimeterkoordinaten für VierteilchensystemeKarl Jug
171-180Steric effect in biphenyl according to SC LCAO MO and limited CI methodsA. Gołębiewski and A. Parczewski
181-188The effect of ionicity and hybridization on the calculation of spectroscopic coupling parameters and dipole momentsV. S. Watts and J. H. Goldstein
189-195Zur Kristallfeld-Polarisation
196-206Zur Kristallfeld-Polarisation
207-219Electron interaction in molecules
220-229SCF MO calculations of tropone, tropolone and related compoundsHaruo Kuroda and Tosiyasu Kunii
230-235On the importance of correlation effects for the parameters of semi-empirical molecular orbital calculationsAage E. Hansen
236-244Nova methodus adhibendi approximationem molecularium orbitalium ad plures iuxtapositas unitatesMichèle Suard, Gaston Berthier and Giuseppe Del Re
245-248Approximate natural orbitals for carbon1SVedene H. Smith
249-252Structure électronique du formaldéhyde et de l'ion formiateJean -Claude Béry
253-255Ligand field matrix elements forf-electronsZ. Maksić and M. Randić
256-258RecensionesJ. P. Dahl and J. Koutecký

Volume 7, Number 4 / January 1967

259-282Theoretical calculation of electric dipole moments for conjugated systemsR. D. Brown and B. A. W. Coller
283-289Non self-consistent field theoryT. K. Lim and M. A. Whitehead
290-304Model two-electron chemical bonds and the concept of electronegativityM. J. Feinberg and T. E. Haas
305-312Molecular geometry and electronic structure of chlorosubstituted trans- and cis-stilbene derivativesGiorgio Favini, Salvatore Trovato and Aldo Gamba
313-320Low temperature absorption spectra of KMnO4 in KClo4Smith L. Holt and C. J. Ballhausen
321-327Influence de la liaison hydrogène intramoléculaire sur les bandes ππ* de certaines molécules organiques. Théorie électroniqueE. Razafindrakoto and S. Besnainou
328-341A theory of the optical properties of vitamin B12 and its derivativesPeter Day
342-351Sigma-polarization in 5-membered heterocyclic ring systemsWaldemar Adam and Alec Grimison
352-355A semiempirical approach to hyperconjugation and application to toluene, the xylenes and mesitylenePeter Lindner and Olle Mårtensson
356-358RecensionesRalph G. Pearson and W. H. E. Schwarz

Volume 7, Number 5 / January 1967

359-366Bipolare Entwicklungen, Fouriertransformation und Molekulare Mehrzentren-IntegraleKlaus Ruedenberg
367-374The crystal structure of bis-trimethylbenzylammoniumtetrachlorocuprate (II)M. Bonamico, G. Dessy and A. Vaciago
375-382Crystal spectrum of bis-trimethylbenzylammoniumtetrachlorocuprate (II)C. Furlani, E. Cervone, F. Calzona and B. Baldanza
383-401The electronic structure of groups of isomeric hetero-aromatic systemsM. Cignitti and L. Paoloni
402-409Das mittlere Quadrat des Abstands des Elektrons von der interatomaren Achse im ZweizentrenproblemDavid Ilten and Hermann Hartmann
410-419Reduced-density-matrix theory: The electron-pair approximationGene P. Barnett
420-432Die Vandermondesche Determinante als Näherungsansatz für eine Chiralitätsbeobachtung, ihre Verwendung in der Stereochemie und zur Berechnung der optischen AktivitätErnst Ruch, Alfred Schönhofer and Ivar Ugi
433-437Moddellrechnungen zur symmetrischen Vierzentrenbindung. IP. Kadura

Volume 8, Number 1 / January 1967

1-7Study of the non-adiabatic transitions with application to NOSheng Hsien Lin
8-17Optimization of the basis functions in SCF MO calculations optimized one-center SCF MO basis set for HCLRoberto Moccia
18-25On the propagation of errors in Hückel-Wheland molecular orbital calculationsWm. D. Moseley, J. Ladik and O. Mårtensson
26-34PorphyrinsMichael Zerner and Martin Gouterman
35-53A comparative study of SCFMO calculations on alternant and nonalternant hydrocarbonsJ. E. Bloor, B. R. Gilson and N. Brearley
54-61A physical interpretation of the cusp conditions for molecular wave functionsW. A. Bingel
62-65Anhand der Methode der Konfigurationenwechselwirkung berechnete Dipolmomente einiger nichtalternierender Kohlenwasserstoffe in angeregtem Singulett- und TriplettzustandN. Tyutyulkov and F. Fratev
66-691s1p, 1s2p, and 1s3p hybrids in the H2+ moleculeG. P. Arrighini and F. Grossi
70-72Zur Elektronenstruktur des Moleküls PH5Kurt Issleib and Wolfgang Gründler
73-75Some remarks on the linear dependence problem in variational calculationsC. S. Lin
76-79Sur le calcul des intégrales Rk(nalanblb, nclcndld) de Slater à l'aide des fonctions d'onde hydrogénoïdesA. Sureau
80-86Unidimensional model for optical rotatory powerM. Maestro, R. Moccia and G. Taddei
87-89Use of orthogonal functions in non-paired spatial orbital (NPSO) wave functionsB. J. Duke
90RecensioC. J. Ballhausen

Volume 8, Number 2 / January 1967

91-100Self-consistent perturbation theory for conjugated moleculesA. T. Amos
101-116The electronic spectra of unsaturated hydrocarbons a VESCF-CI treatmentNorman L. Allinger, Julia Chow Tai and Thomas W. Stuart
117-127Multi-conformational compounds with two absorbing groups. IAmatzya Y. Meyer and Josiane Serre
128-137Recherches théoriques sur la structure électronique de molécules contenant des atomes hybridés en spAlain Pellégatti
138-149Self-consistent molecular orbital calculations on organoboron compoundsD. R. Armstrong and P. G. Perkins
150-156Some integral Hellmann-Feynman calculations on hydrogen peroxide and ammoniaM. P. Melrose and Robert G. Parr
157-160On the correction of exchange potentialsP. Gombás
161-164On certain charge distribution anomalies in conjugated heteroatomic moleculesD. R. Land and F. L. Pilar
165-174Polyelectronic perturbation treatment of chemical reactivityG. Klopman and R. F. Hudson
175-177Some comments on the band structure calculations of linear chains in the semiempirical SCF LCAO crystal orbital approximationJ. Čížek, G. Biczó and J. Ladik
178-180Pentatriafulvalenes [1]Amatzya Y. Meyer
181-184RecensionesK. Jug

Volume 8, Number 3 / January 1967

185-191Theoretical electronic transition probabilities of heteronuclear diatomic moleculesS. R. Paglia
192-202Perturbed SCF MO calculations. Electrical polarizability and magnetic susceptibility of HF, H2O, NH3 and CH4R. Moccia
203-211The inclusion of non-nearest neighbor ß terms in pariser-parr-pople type S.C.M.O. calculationsR. L. Flurry, E. W. Stout and J. J. Bell
212-222Sur les rôles respectifs des électrons σ et π dans les propriétés des dérivés halogénés des molécules conjuguées. Application à l'étude de l'uracile et du fluorouracileH. Berthod, Cl. Giessner-Prettre and A. Pullman
223-227Van der Waals-London interaction energies in hydrogen bonding between purine and pyrimidine base analoguesBernard Pullman and Jacqueline Caillet
228-235Crystal, molecular and electronic structure of 1,1-diaryl-2-halogenoethylenesGian Luigi Casalone, Carla Mariani, Angelo Mugnoli and Massimo Simonetta
236-243Quantenchemische Untersuchung der Reaktionsfähigkeit von π-Elektronen-Systemen in angeregtem Singulett- und TriplettzustandN. Tyutyulkov, F. Fratev and D. Petkov
244-248Aproximate pairing properties of SCF solutions in highly symmetric heteroatomic systemsJaroslav Koutecký
249-259Recherches sur la géométrie de quelques hydrocarbures non-alternants: son influence sur les énergies de transition, une nouvelle définition de l'aromaticitéAndré Julg and Philippe François
260-272Trigonale kristallfelder in oxidischen spinellverbindungenDirk Reinen
273-276Walsh's rules for AH4 systems derived from united atom molecular orbitalsAntony F. Saturno
277-280Note sur le dimère d'éthylène en méthode de Hückel généraliséeM. Garcia Sucre and A. Tallet
280Unidimensional model for optical rotatory powerM. Maestro, R. Moccia and G. Taddei

Volume 8, Number 4 / January 1967

281-284Non-empirical LCAO-MO-SCF-CI calculations on organic molecules with gaussian type functionsS. S. Seung, M. C. Harrison and I. G. Csizmadia
285-291Molecular orbital energy levels for the sulfate IonDavid M. Bishop
292-299Modellrechnungen zur symmetrischen Vierzentrenbindung. IIP. Kadura
300-305An omega technique study of proton hyperfine coupling constantsA. Hinchliffe
306-311Unrestricted hartree-fock calculation of spin distributions in some radical anions exhibiting restricted rotation about a carbon carbon bondN. K. Ray and P. T. Narasimhan
312-318Structure électronique du borazane BH3—NH3A. Veillard, B. Levy, R. Daudel and F. Gallais
319-333The electronic structure and spectrum of troponeHaruo Hosoya and Saburo Nagakura
334-340Cross sections for transitions between fine structure components of second group excited atoms induced by collisions with noble gas atomsA. I. Voronin and V. A. Kvlividze
341-357An analysis of the polarizabilities in some conjugated moleculesMyriam Segre Giambiagi and Mario Giambiagi
358-360Overlap integrals of clementi orbitals for bonds involving some first row atomsL. Klasinc, D. Schulte-Frohlinde and M. Randić

Volume 8, Number 5 / January 1967

361-366SCF MO calculations of ultraviolet electronic spectra of azanaphtalenes with the variable Β approximationBernard Tinland
367-375A semiempirical method for treating unsaturated molecules in terms of electron pair functionsGy Büti
376-382The virial theorem for non-coulombic interactions and scaled approximate wave functionsHans-Herbert Schmidtke
383-389The use of improved atomic orbitals in the evaluation of zero-field splitting integralsDiana Capello and Alberte Pullman
390-403The use of perturbation methods for the study of the effects of configuration interactionS. Diner, J. P. Malrieu and P. Claverie
404-423Use of perturbation methods for the study of configuration interaction effectsJ. P. Malrieu, P. Claverie and S. Diner
424-426étude théorique de l'équilibre cistrans entre les formes isomères de la p. benzoquinone dioximeClaude Leibovici
427-430The integral Hellmann-Feynman theorem applied to hydrogen peroxideStuart M. Rothstein and S. M. Blinder
431-433RecensionesTh Rami and H. Kelm
433Crystal, molecular and electronic structure of 1,1-diaryl-2-halogenoethylenesGian Luigi Casalone, Carla Mariani, Angelo Mugnoli and Massimo Simonetta

Volume 9, Number 1 / January 1967

1-16Ground states of σ-bonded moleculesN. Colin Baird and Michael J. S. Dewar
17-25Spektroskopische und theoretische Untersuchungen am Borazolmolekül und seinen BortrihalogenoderivatenKarl Hensen and Klaus Peter Messer
26-37Torsionsabhängige Beiträge zur Spin-Bahn-Kopplung in organischen MolekülenUdo Sommer
38-50LCAO-MO-SCF-CI semi-empirical π-electron calculations on heteroaromatic systemsG. W. Pukanic, D. R. Forshey, Br. Jerome D. Wegener and J. B. Greenshields
51-56SCF MO CI calculations on the electronic spectra of fluorenone and related compoundsHaruo Kuroda and Tosiyasu L. Kunii
57-66The electronic structure and spectrum of the geometric isomers of 1,4-diphenyl-1,3-butadieneGunnar Wettermark and Robert Schor
67-81Die horizontale Korrelation in π-Elektronensystemen und ihre Beschreibung durch ElektronenpaarfunktionenVolker Staemmler and Werner Kutzelnigg
82-91An improved semi-empirical Hückel-method for the study of physico-chemical properties of aromatic systemsH. P. Figeys and P. Dedieu
92-95Théorie excitonique des constantes de couplage nucléaires dans les molécules organiquesClaudette Barbier and Gaston Berthier
96-98S.C.M.O. π-electron calculations of the spectra and ionization potentials of some methyl substituted benzenesR. L. Flurry
99Annotatio et erratumW. A. Bingel
100-102RecensionesW. H. Eugen Schwarz and C. Schäffer

Volume 9, Number 2 / January 1967

103-115Ab initio study of the molecular geometry and properties of nitrosyl fluorideSigrid D. Peyerimhoff and Robert J. Buenker
116-122The infrared spectra of hydrogen-bonded crystalsYves Maréchal and Andrzej Witkowski
123-132Etude théorique d'une chaine polyénique infinie par la méthode LCAO-SCF-COJ. M. André and G. Leroy
133-139On the complex hybridization of orbitals of s and p typeOlle Mårtensson and Yngve öhrn
140-150MO-LCAO-Berechnungen an schwefelhaltigen π-ElektronensystemenJürgen Fabian, Achim Mehlhorn and Gudrun Tröger
151-170Magnetic properties of transition metal ion cubic 5T2 terms in axial ligand fieldsE. König and A. S. Chakravarty
171-181Magnetic properties of transition metal ion cubic 5T2 terms in axial ligand fieldsE. König, A. S. Chakravarty and K. Madeja
182-191Structure électronique et stabilité thermique d'heterocycles appartenant à la serie de l'imidazole et du thiazoleMaurice Gelus, Paul-Marie Vay and Gaston Berthier
192-196Spin densities in some simple parasemiquinonesBrian L. Silver
197-198Comment on the kinetic energy components of LCAO-molecular orbitals by Harold Baumann and Edgar HeilbronnerMurray Geller

Volume 9, Number 3 / January 1968

199-209Die Bestimmung von Orbitalreihenfolgen in symmetrischen Molekülen auf Grund der Topologie und StrukturHans-Herert Schmidtke
210-221The electronic structure and spectrum of the silver(I)perchlorate-pyridine complexYukako Bando and Saburo Nagakura
222-229Electronic structure and absorption spectra of indolizinesV. Galasso, G. Alti and A. Bigotto
230-241Evaluation des facteurs de diffusion bicentriques par la méthode de la fonction zetaC. R. Guerillot, J. P. Ganachaud and R. Lissillour
242-252Molecular orbital calculations on the preferred conformation of nucleosidesFrank Jordan and Bernard Pullman
253-259The mechanism of long-range proton-proton couplingR. Ditchfield, G. T. Jones and J. N. Murrell
260-267The Iterative Extended Hückel Method (IEHM)B. J. Duke
268-274Study of the transition state in the isomerization of trans-N2F2 to cis-N2F2 by extended Hückel theoryN. K. Ray and P. T. Narasimhan
275-277An ab initio SCF-LCAO-MO study of the nitrogen inversion barriers in ammonia and in ethylenimineA. Veillard, J. M. Lehn and B. Munsch
278RecensionesMassimo Simonetta and C. Sandorfy

Volume 9, Number 4 / January 1968

279-287All valence-electrons calculations of the biological purines and pyrimidinesC. Giessner-Prettre and A. Pullman
288-295LCAO-MO-SCF-CI semi-empirical π-electron calculations on heteroaromatic systemsD. R. Forshey, G. W. Pukanic, Br. Jerome D. Wegener and J. B. Greenshields
296-302Application of variation perturbation theory to some one-center problems of quantum chemistryKarl Heinz Hanseen
303-311Nonlinear parameters in the Least-Squares Local Energy MethodDonald K. Harriss and Ronald K. Roubal
312-323Semiempirical calculations on triplet and doublet statesG. Wagniére
324-329Simple accurate two-centre wave-functions for homonuclear diatomic moleculesM. Cohen, Brenda H. Dorrell and R. P. McEachran
330-332An extension of the least squares local energy method to perturbed systemsD. W. Davies
333-335Free valence indices of carbon in heterocyclic compoundsJ. N. Herak and N. Trinajstić
336-338Nichtnachbar-Matrixelemente in der HMO-MethodeD. Leupold
339-343Nichtnachbar-Matrixelemente in der HMO-MethodeMartin Klessinger
344Modellrechnungen zur symmetrischen vierzentrenbindung. IIP. Kadura

Volume 9, Number 5 / January 1968

345-365Zur Wechselwirkung von π- und σ-Elektronen in der Theorie ungesättigter MoleküleM. Jungen and H. Labhart
366-374Zur Wechselwirkung von π- und σ-Elektronen in der Theorie ungesättigter MoleküleM. Jungen and H. Labhart
375-381Calcul des facteurs de diffusion polycentriques sur une base de fonctions GaussiennesC. R. Guerillot, J. P. Ganachaud and R. Lissillour
382-389Approximate wave functions for excited states: Energies and dipole moments of the 2pσ state of HeH+2M. Cohen, Brenda H. Dorrell and R. P. Mceachran
390-400Semi-empirical molecular orbital computationsL. G. Vanquickenborne and S. P. McGlynn
401-411Multi-conformational compounds with two absorbing groupsAmatzya Y. Meyer
412-416Calculation of σ→π* and π→σ* transitions in vinylboranesD. R. Armstrong and P. G. Perkins

Volume 10, Number 1 / January 1968

1-12Some comments on the parameter choices for S.C.M.O. calculations on five membered heteroatomic π-electron systemsR. L. Flurry and J. J. Bell
13-22Criteria for bond orbitals and optimum hybridsR. McWeeny and G. Re
23-32Torsion barriers of end-groups in cumulenesYuri A. Kruglyak and G. G. Dyadyusha
33-42Indices de liaison et isomérie de valenceG. Feler
43-46On the crystal structure of purineB. Pullman, H. Berthod and J. Caillet
47-64Electronic structure and spectra of organic moleculesJ. S. Kwiatkowski
65-72The variable core approach in the SCF MO calculation of heteroatomic systemsKichisuke Nishimoto
73-78The electronic structure of angular polyphenesR. M. Hedges and L. F. Phillips
79-85Anisotropy of diamagnetic susceptibility of alternant hydrocarbonsJ. Nowakowski
86-89Aromatic hydrocarbon-carbonium ion molecular complexesMartin Feldman and S. Winstein
90RecensioB. Pullman

Volume 10, Number 2 / January 1968

91-110Näherungsformeln für spiegelungsantimetrische MoleküleigenschaftenErnst Ruch and Alfred Schönhofer
111-118A self consistent field molecular orbital treatment, including excited states of cyclopropane, ethylene oxide and ethylenimineD. T. Clark
119-154Spin-mixed states of ferric ion in complexes of tetragonal symmetry
155-180Spin-mixing and the different spin states of ferric ion in tetragonal symmetry
181-186Numerical evaluation of matrix elements of the electric field and electric field gradient operators in a slater basis setCarla Guidotti and Oriano Salvetti
187-188Application of CNDO/II to some hydrogen-bonded systemsA. Ocvirk, A. Ažman and D. Hadži
189-192Models for the theory of the hydrogen bond: Linear H3/−T. E. Haas and M. J. Feinberg

Volume 10, Number 3 / January 1968

193-208Theory of electronic effects in the formation of the trimethylamine-trimethylboron addition complexS. Ehrenson
209-221Environmental effects in the MO treatment of the trimethylamine-trimethylboron addition reactionS. Ehrenson
222-23014N Hyperfine structure of triphenylaminium radical ionsMahboob Mohammad and Benson R. Sundheim
231-239All valence-electrons calculations on purines and pyrimidinesA. Pullman, E. Kochanski, M. Gilbert and A. Denis
240-246LCAO-MO-SCF-CI semi-empirical π-electron calculations on heteroaromatic systems part III. AzinesG. W. Pukanic, D. R. Forshey, Br. Jerome D. Wegener and J. B. Greenshields
247-253Further studies on configuration interaction in the molecular orbital theory of π-systemsThomas W. Stuart and Norman L. Allinger
254-262Application of the AMO method to the naphthalene moleculeZ. Silberman and R. Pauncz
263-268Theory of deuterium effect on the ESR spectra of cyclic polyene radicals a semiempirical approachM. Rossi, P. L. Nordio and G. Giacometti
269-284Non-empirical LCAO-MO-SCF-CI calculations on organic molecules with Gaussian type functionsM. A. Robb and I. G. Csizmadia
285-286Hyperconjugation and induction in the methyl benzenesC. A. Coulson
287-288RecensioK. Jug

Volume 10, Number 4 / January 1968

289-300Structure électronique et spectres de resonance paramagnétique électronique des radicaux vinyle et cyclopropyleYves Ellinger, André Rassat, Robert Subra and Gaston Berthier
301-310Spectral band shape of absorption and emission of molecules in dense mediaSheng Hsien Lin
311-315Étude théorique de l'oxime de l'acroléineClaude Leibovici
316-324Basis of extended Hückel formalismG. Blyholder and C. A. Coulson
325-330The use of Hückel theory charge densities and localization energies for the prediction of kinetic and thermodynamic factors involved in an assumed model for the hydrohalogenation of 1,3-butadiene, isoprene and chloropreneM. D. Jordan and F. L. Pilar
331-336Force constants
337-341Ligand field splitting for a diffuse charge modelV. Bonačić and M. Randić
342-351Semi-empirical LCAO-SCF molecular orbital calculations for selected homo-substituted benzenesB. Ford
352-356The π-inductive effect of the ammonio (NHD. T. Clark
357-360Über die Berechnung der Elektronenenergie eines Moleküls aus dem Erwartungswert der kinetischen EnergieL. Knöll
361-363Electronic spectrum of 2,6-di(diethylamino)purineJ. S. Kwiatkowski
364-366Use of orthogonalised atomic orbitals in π-electron systemsJ. A. Chapman and D. P. Chong
367-371Fonctions autocohérentes et intégrales radiales pour les ions de la série du ferFrançoise M. O. Michel-Calendini and Maurice R. Kibler
372-376Possible “ferromagnetic states” of some hypothetical hydrocarbonsNoboru Mataga

Volume 10, Number 5 / January 1968

377-387Ab initio calculations on small hydrides including electron correlation
388-392Physical properties of many-electron atomic systems evaluated from analytical Hartree-Fock functions
393-405Hybridization and correlation in a model calculation of a two-electron bondBeniamino Cadioli, Ugo Pincelli and Giuseppe Re
406-422Quantenmechanische Zweizentren-Coulomb-Modelle für Acetylen, Äthylen und ÄthanHermann Hartmann and Klaus Helfrich
423-434Extended Hückel calculations on the conformation and structure of thymine photodimersFrank Jordan and Bernard Pullman
435-4461,2,5-, 1,3,4- and 1,2,4-Oxadiazoles
447-453Physical nature of the chemical bond
454-457Double orbital exponent SCF functions for H2O, NH3, CH4Carla Guidotti and Oriano Salvetti
458-460Calculation of proton coupling constants for dibenzothiophene radical anionA. Hinchliffe and N. Trinajstić
461-464On the electronic structure of the hydrogen-bond: Formamide and its dimersA. Pullman and H. Berthod
465-466RecensionesKarl Hensen, H. Gebelein and Ernst-Albrecht Reinsch
467ErratumJ. P. Malrieu, P. Claverie and S. Diner
467ErratumD. T. Clark

Volume 11, Number 1 / January 1968

1-7Effect of ionic lattices on electronic structures of polyatomic ionsR. D. Brown, M. F. O'Dwyer and K. R. Roby
8-25Electronic structure of the permanganate ionJ. P. Dahl and H. Johansen
26-30Electronic structures of tetrahedral CrO42−, VO43− and TiCl4J. P. Dahl and H. Johansen
31-37Some effects of protonation on the electronic structure of pyridine and cytosineArmelle Denis and Marcel Gilbert
38-50A molecular orbital approach to electronegativity equalizationN. C. Baird, J. M. Sichel and M. A. Whitehead
51-58Solutions of octacyanometallate anionsD. G. Blight and D. L. Kepert
59-74Méthode directe de calcul des effets d'écran dans les atomesLouis Pujol and Jacques-Claude Simon
75-80Ein Beitrag zur Koordinatenstreckung und Störungsrechnung bei MehrzentrensystemenGünter Gliemann
81-84Comment on the Extended Hückel method applied to transition metal complexesP. W. Smith, R. Stoessiger and A. G. Wedd
85-88Note on the Hylleraas-Eckart split-shell description of the groundstate of atomic two-electron systemsMarten J. Hoor

Volume 11, Number 2 / April 1968

89-96FEMO treatment of all trans-polyenes with parametric energy dependencesS. R. La Paglia
97-106Ionization potentials and electron affinities of carbo- and heterocyclicπ-conjugated moleculesTosiyasu L. Kunii and Haruo Kuroda
107-118Berechnung ketten- und ringförmiger Phosphorwasserstoffe nach einem erweiterten MO-LCAO-VerfahrenK. Issleib and W. Gründler
119-127Rôle de la polarisation dans les moments dipolaires des complexes dits ≪ de transfert de charge ≫Marie-José Mantione
128-134Recherches sur la géometrie de quelques hydrocarbures non-alternants: Cas des molécules possédant plusieurs structures possibles (pentalène, heptalène, azulène)Philippe François and André Julg
135-144The determination of SCF LCAO solutions for open shell configurationsDerek H. Sleeman
145-155The electronic structures of pyridine-N-oxide and related compoundsE. M. Evleth
156-158Unrestricted Hartree-Fuck calculations of spin density distributions in the radical anions of some heterocycles derived from thiophene, furan and pyrroleN. K. Ray and P. T. Narasimhan
159-164On the calculation of molecular dipole momentsClaude Giessner-Prettre and Alberte Pullman
165-166Zero-field splittings in aromatic triplet states
167-168Electronic spectra of the 2-oxypurine isomersJ. S. Kwiatkowski
169-173Structure électronique comparée des isomères conjugués du benzèneLionel Praud, Philippe Millie and Gaston Berthier
174-177Repulsion integral parametrization of the SCF LCAO MO CI method for nitrogen heteroaromatesH. Chojnacki
178-181A molecular orbital study of the difluorodiazine (N2F2) systemW. C. Herndon, J. Feuer and L. H. Hall
182RecensioJ. A. A. Ketelaar

Volume 11, Number 3 / January 1968

183-192Homochiralität als Klassifizierungsprinzip von Molekülen spezieller MolekülklassenErnst Ruch
193-204Vergleich einiger vereinfachter Methoden zur Lösung des SCF-Problems bei Systemen mit ungepaarten ElektronenMartin Jungen
205-209Constrained variations for diatomic forces and force constantsD. P. Chong
210-219über eine Korrektion des statistischen BesetzungsverbotpotentialsP. Gombás
220-238Semi-empirical all valence electrons SCF-MO-CNDO theoryJ. M. Sichel and M. A. Whitehead
239-253Semi-empirical all valence electrons SCF-MO-CNDO theoryJ. M. Sichel and M. A. Whitehead
254-262Semi-empirical all valence electrons SCF-MO-CNDO theoryJ. M. Sichel and M. A. Whitehead
263-270Semi-empirical all valence electrons SCF-MO-CNDO theoryJ. M. Sichel and M. A. Whitehead
271-273The electronic properties of conjugated ions. IIA. Hinchliffe and N. Trinajstic
274-277Atomic three-electron integrals for correlated Slater-type s orbitalsP. John Roberts
278RecensioR. Hoppe

Volume 11, Number 4 / January 1968

279-295The electronic absorption spectra and the electronic structures of cytosine, isocytosine, and their anions and cationsHiroshi Morita and Saburo Nagakura
296-306Theoretische Überlegungen zur Cyclooctatetraensynthese nach ReppeErnst -Albrecht Reinsch
307-324Das Kombinierte NäherungsverfahrenW. H. Eugen Schwarz
325-343Theoretical studies on the electronic spectra of substituted aromatic moleculesF. P. Billingsley and J. E. Bloor
344-357Quantum mechanical calculations on barriers to internal rotationM. -Cl. Moireau and A. Veillard
358-360Electronic spectra of diaminopyridinesJ. Budzlński and J. S. Kwiatkowski
361-364Structure électronique de quelques dérivés nitrés insaturés (méthode L.C.A.O. améliorée)Maurice Bonnet
365-368Simple electrostatic model for the I — A approximationAntony F. Saturno

Volume 11, Number 5 / January 1968

369-376Preliminary calculations on excited states of the oxygen moleculeHiroshi Taketa, Hiroshi Tatewaki, Okio Nomura and Kimio Ohno
377-384Das Kombinierte NäherungsverfahrenW. H. Eugen Schwarz
385-389An SCF-CI study of steric effects in hydrocarbon molecules containing phenyl or naphtyl groups, in relation with their electronic spectraBernard Tinland
390-400Theoretical calculation of the structure and electronic properties of dihydrothymines and dihydrouracilsFrank Jordan
401-410Extended Hückel method: Calculation of the ethylene force fieldJ. Paldus and P. Hrabě
411-416Electronic structure and spectra of fused n/m ring systems with one or two bridgehead nitrogen atomsV. Galasso and G. Alti
417-422Electronic structure and spectra of fused n/m ring systems with one or two bridgehead nitrogen atomsV. Galasso
423-433Une méthode simple de calcul des structures électroniques (σ + π) des borazines et des boroxines substitués de symétrie D3h: une estimation théorique de l'aromaticité comparée de ces moléculesJean -François Labarre, Marcel Graffeuil, Jean -Paul Faucher, Maurice Pasdeloup and Jean -Pierre Laurent
434-440H-H-interactions in the region of small orbital overlapJ. N. Murrell and G. Shaw
441-451A comparison of different contractions for molecular calculations with gaussian-type functionsC. Salez and A. Veillard
452-454A CNDO study of steric effects in biphenylBernard Tinland
455-458Physical properties of many-electron atomic systems evaluated from analytical Hartree-Fock functionsJon Thorhallsson, Carolyn Fisk and Serafin Fraga
459-462A note on the treatment of quadruple excitations in configuration interactionJ. G. Stamper
462Homochiralität als klassifizierungsprinzip von molekülen spezieller molekülklassenErnst Ruch

Volume 12, Number 1 / January 1968

1-17Local electronic states in long polyene chainsG. F. Kventsel and Yuri A. Kruglyak
18-28Torsion barriers of end-groups in cumulenesYuri A. Kruglyak and G. G. Dyadyusha
29-33Further theoretical studies of the structure and electronic spectrum of cyclobutadieneN. L. Allinger and J. C. Tai
34-47Etude théorique de derives substitués du benzèneClaude Leibovici
48-56Etude théorique de derives substitués du benzèneClaude Leibovici
57-65Correlated one-center wavefunctions for two-electron moleculesF. Grein and T. -J. Tseng
66-79Influence of σ systems on the ππ* transition energies: A simple application to the series of linear polyenesArmelle Denis and Jean -Paul Malrieu
80-84Physical properties of many-electron atomic systems evaluated from analytical Hartree-Fock functionsJon Thorhallsson, Carolyn Fisk and Serafin Fraga
85-86Electronic structure of dioxazinesBernard Tinland
87-90Nuclear repulsion effects in molecular bondingM. Cohen and R. P. McEachran
91-94An ab initio SCF-LCAO-MO study of the nitrogen inversion barriers in methylenimine, diimide and carbodiimideJ. M. Lehn and B. Munsch

Volume 12, Number 2 / January 1968

95-103Optimum parametrization of the Pople-Santry-Segal method of treating all valence electronsR. D. Brown and F. R. Burden
104-116Vibrational analysis of free nine-atomic and bound five-atomic tetrahedral moleculesWahby Wadia
117-126Electronic structures of the Meisenheimer and Janovsky complexesHaruo Hosoya, Sumie Hosoya and Saburo Nagakura
127-137Boron-boron bonding in pentaborane-9J. F. Larcher and J. W. Linnett
138-150Calcul par double perturbation de l'interaction dipolaire spin-spin dans les moléculesB. Levy and E. Kochanski
151-165An improved LCAO-MO-SCF π-electron methodO. W. Adams and R. L. Miller
166-174Asymptotic calculation of some exchange integralsS. Ja. Umanski and A. I. Voronin
175-177Parameters for multiple constraintsD. P. Chong and Margaret Lowe Benston
178-182Calculation of hyperfine field and quadrupole splitting in ferriprotoporphyrin IX chloride (Hemin)M. F. Rettig, P. S. Han and T. P. Das

Volume 12, Number 3 / January 1968

183-199CI method for the study of general molecular potentialsRobert J. Buenker and Sigrid D. Peyerimhoff
200-205MO-LCAO-calculations on sulfur containing π-electron systemsJürgen Fabian
206-213Untersuchung der UV-Absorptionsspektren einiger Pyridin-AdditionsverbindungenKarl Hensen and Walter Sarholz
214-228“d-Orbital” effects in silicon substituted π-electron systemsJürgen Kroner and Hans Bock
229-242A semiempirical method based on geminal functionsA. Ciampi and L. Paoloni
243-246Correlated one-center wavefunctions for two-electron moleculesF. Grein and T. -C. Chang
247-255PPP-Berechnungen und Vergleich der Elektronenspektren von iso-π-elektronischen Sauerstoff-, Stickstoff-, Schwefel- und SelenheterocyclenJ. Fabian, A. Mehlhorn and R. Zahradník
256-260Exact solution of an electron trapped in a spherical cavity and applications to the F center in alkali halidesJohn D. Zahrt and Sheng Hsien Lin
261-266VESCF calculations of the spectra of some hydrocarbons containing triple bondsJulia C. Tai and Norman L. Allinger

Volume 12, Number 4 / January 1968

267-278SCF-π-electron calculations using orthogonalised atomic orbitalsKeith D. Warren and John R. Yandle
279-292SCF-π-electron calculations using orthogonalised atomic orbitalsKeith D. Warren and John R. Yandle
293-306Electronic structure of octacyanides of molybdenum IV and V according to the SCCC MO methodA. Gołcebiewski and H. Kowalski
307-312Quasistationäre Zustände in der konischen PotentialmuldeE. E. Nikitin
313-318Zum C-H-Bindungsmoment von Methan, Äthan, Äthylen und AcetylenE. Gey, U. Havemann and L. Zülicke
319-324MO-LCAO-Berechnungen an schwefelhaltigen π-ElektronensystemenJ. Fabian, K. Fabian and Horst Hartmann
325-329Low temperature absorption spectra of CrO4= in K2SO4 and VO4 in Na3PO4 · 12H2OJ. C. Duinker and C. J. Ballhausen
330-332Rotationsspektrum von Trichlorsilan in angeregten SchwingungszuständenH. Hartmann, W. Winkle and M. Mitzlaff
333-336The radii of spherical ionsM. F. C. Ladd
337-340On the method of solving constrained secular equationsD. P. Chong
341-343Note on an integral of A. F. SaturnoC. A. Coulson
344-348Zur Invarianz in der LCAO MO TheorieHerbert Fischer and Herbert Kollmar

Volume 12, Number 5 / January 1968

349-359The electronic structures and spectra of nonbenzenoid aromatic hydrocarbons containing the cyclopropenyl ringH. Yamaguchi, T. Nakajima and T. L. Kunii
360-372Valence-shell calculations on polyatomic moleculesJ. E. Bloor, B. R. Gilson and F. P. Billingsley
373-378Electronic spectrum and π-electron delocalization of imidazoleH. Chojnacki
379-386An investigation of definitions of the charge on an atom in a moleculeE. W. Stout and P. Politzer
387-396Molecules-in-molecules calculations on some conjugated carbonyl compoundsT. G. Edwards and R. Grinter
397-404Application of the extended separated pair theory to the π-electrons of trans-butadiene without zero differential overlap approximationE. Kapuy
405-411Gaussian basis set for molecular wavefunctions containing second-row atomsA. Veillard
412-426Cyclisation du butadiéne en modes corotatoire et disrotatoireG. Feler
427-430Calculation of the U.V. Spectrum of p-disilylbenzeneP. G. Perkins
431-435On the use of integral electron cusp conditions as constraintsC. P. Yue and D. P. Chong

Volume 13, Number 1 / January 1969

1-17Localized bond orbitals and the correlation problemS. Diner, J. P. Malrieu and P. Claverie
18-45Localized bond orbitals and the correlation problemJ. P. Malrieu, P. Claverie and S. Diner
46-55GF calculation with minimal and extended basis sets for H2O, NH3, CH4 and H2O2Pier Filippo Franchini and Claudio Vergani
56-64Semi-empirical π-electron calculationsMargaret L. Bailey
65-78An attempted application of the extended hückel molecular orbital approach to reactions involving charged speciesA. C. Hopkinson, R. A. McClelland, K. Yates and I. G. Csizmadia
79-80Calculation of electronic spectra of pyrido [2,3-d]pyridazine and pyrido[3,4-d]pyridazineG. Favini and G. Buemi
81-90Hydrogen bonding: A molecular orbital treatment by the EHT and the CNDO/2 methods of methanol and of formic acidA. S. N. Murthy, R. E. Davis and C. N. R. Rao

Volume 13, Number 2 / January 1969

91-105Elektronenwellenfunktionen und Terme zweiatomiger Moleküle bei großen AtomabständenS. Ja. Umanskij and E. E. Nikitin
106-108Isoelectronic moleculesBernard J. Laurenzi
109-114Valence bond study of the B1σu+ state of the hydrogen moleculeAage E. Hansen and Kai Kampp
115-124Electronic structure of high π-electron systems (graphite, polyacene, cumulene)I. A. Misurkin and A. A. Ovchinnikov
125-138Semi-empirical molecular orbital calculations the electronic structure and the spin-orbit coupling in azabenzenesTeijiro Yonezawa, Hajime Katô and Hiroshi Kato
139-148Range relaxationPhilip Empedocles
149-154Electronic structure and spectra of organic moleculesJ. S. Kwiatkowski
155-158A procedure for obtaining lower bounds for ground state energies of atoms and moleculesM. Bersohn, M. Glicksohn and J. Stewart
159-161Studies of off-diagonal hypervirial constraintsC. P. Yue and D. P. Chong
162-164E.H.M.O. calculations on the actual conformations of thymine photodimersNorman Camerman and S. C. Nyburg
165-170A perturbation treatment for two-electron atomic systems with correlation in zero orderK. Jankowski
171-174A CNDO CI study of the electronic structure and spectrum of nitrobenzeneB. Tinland

Volume 13, Number 3 / June 1969

175-194Interpretation of electronic spectra of aromatic hydrocarbons by the “molecules in molecules” methodGiorgio Favini, Aldo Gamba and Massimo Simonetta
195-212Charge influence in semi-empirical calculations of heteroatomic ionic and neutral moleculesGöran Karlsson and Olle Mårtensson
213-219A reparametrization of the CNDO method I. HydrocarbonsH. Fischer and H. Kollmar
220-229The role of the doubly excited configurations in the π-electronic structure of the croconate anionKazuyoshi Sakamoto and Y. J. I'Maya
230-248The geometries of molecular complexes: An extended Hückel approachD. B. Chesnut and R. W. Moseley
249-258Oscillator strengths for electronic spectra of conjugated molecules from transition gradients III. PolyacenesA. J. McHugh and M. Gouterman
259-261Bonding properties in organolithium aggregatesGary R. Peyton and William H. Glaze
262-263A CNDO and INDO calculation of nuclear spin-spin coupling constants in HF, HF2 and H2F3A. Azman, B. Borštnik and J. Koller
264RecensioK. Jug

Volume 13, Number 4 / January 1969

265-277The effect of σ and π singly-excited configurations in the calculation of excited states by the CNDO and INDO approximationsClaude Giessner-Prettre and Alberte Pullman
278-287Ab initio Calculations on cytosine, thymine and adenineB. Mely and A. Pullman
288-296The electron density-bond order matrix and the spin density in the restricted CI methodV. I. Danilov, Yuri A. Kruglyak and V. I. Pechenaya
297-307Etude théorique de dérivés substitués du benzèneOdilon Chalvet and Claude Leibovici
308-312Pariser-Parr-Pople type SCF-MO-CI calculations on pentafluorobenzenesC. L. Khetrapal and D. K. Rai
313-339Analyse conformationnelle théorique III. Etude ab initio SCF-LCAO-MO de l'inversion de l'azote dans l'Aziridine et dans l'OxaziridineJ. M. Lehn, B. Munsch, Ph. Millie and A. Veillard
340-345Correlation factor for ground state of heliumP. J. Roberts
346-348Determination of approximate bond dissociation energies by a semi-empirical MO techniqueWalter A. Yeranos
349-352Comparison of Pople-Santry type and Hoffmann type calculations of nuclear spin-spin couplingW. H. Jeu and G. P. Beneder
353-354Justification of the Mmataga-Nishimoto approximationGareth Roberts and Keith D. Warren

Volume 13, Number 5 / January 1969

355-364Investigation of the electronic structure of Ticl4C. A. L. Becker, C. J. Ballhausen and I. Trabjerg
365-380Non-empirical LCAO-MO-SCF calculations with gaussian type functions on the electrocyclic transformation of cyclopropyl to allylD. T. Clark and D. R. Armstrong
381-408Hartree-Fock-Roothaan wave functions, electron density distribution, diamagnetic susceptibility, dipole polarizability and antishielding factor for ions in crystalsEustratios Paschalis and Alarich Weiss
409-420Some new aspects of π-electron theoryM. V. Basilevsky
421-427A modified Hückel method for calculating ring current contributions to the diamagnetic susceptibilities of conjugated hydrocarbonsA. T. Amos and H. G. Ff. Roberts
428-432Spin contamination in PPP unrestricted Hartree-Fock wave functionsD. R. Burnham
432ErratumM. F. Rettig, P. S. Han and T. P. Das

Volume 14, Number 1 / January 1969

1-16Etude théorique du pK des états excitésJ. Bertrán, O. Chalvet and R. Daudel
17-25Valence bond treatment of systems involving orbital degeneracyIda Vandoni and Massimo Simonetta
26-38A CNDO-MO calculation of TiCl4C. A. L. Becker and J. P. Dahl
39-47Quantenchemische Untersuchung der ReaktionsfÄhigkeit von π-Elektronen-Systemen im angeregten Singulett- und TriplettzustandN. Tyutyulkov and G. Hiebaum
48-54Frequency shift in the NQR spectra of charge transfer complexesYu. K. Maksyutin, T. A. Babushkina, Ye. N. Guryanova and G. K. Semin
55-64The calculation of valence angles for H2O and NH3 using the maximum overlap principleL. Valko and P. Pelikán
65-70Etude théorique de dérives substitués du benzèneOdilon Chalvet and Claude Leibovici
71-79Calcul de constantes de couplage nucléaires spin-spin par la méthode des orbitales moléculaires à l'aide de fonctions d'onde non-empiriquesClaudette Barbier and Gaston Berthier
80-90SCF MO calculations of heteroatomic systems with the variable Β approximationKichisuke Nishimoto, Kimiko Nakatsukasa, Ryoichi Fujishiro and Shunji Kato

Volume 14, Number 2 / January 1969

91-135On the development of semiempirical methods in the MO formalismKarl Jug
136-146On damping in self-consistency cycling proceduresS. Ehrenson
147-162Comparative borazarobenzenes calculations following different methodsR. Carbó, M. S. Giambiagi and Mario Giambiagi
163-174On the use of strictly localized orbitals for the description of σ bondsRudolf Polák

Volume 14, Number 3 / January 1969

175-183The electronic structure of the boron hydridesS. F. A. Kettle and V. Tomlinson
184-191Coulomb interaction in the one-dimensional free-electron modelP. John Roberts
192-197Upper and lower bounds to eigenvaluesR. P. Messmer and F. W. Birss
198-202Upper and lower bounds to eigenvaluesR. P. Messmer and F. W. Birss
203-205Upper and lower bounds to eigenvaluesR. P. Messmer and F. W. Birss
206-211Inclusion of 3d orbitals in calculations involving second row atomsK. A. Levison and P. G. Perkins
212-220Organometallic compoundsM. Gielen and C. Depasse-Delit
221-231The electronic structure of groups of isomeric hetero-aromatic systemsL. Paoloni, M. L. Tosato and M. Cignitti
232-241A theoretical study of the bond-bond interaction force constant in XF2 moleculesRoy Bruns, Lionel Raff and J. Paul Devlin
242-249Electronic aspects of photodimerization of the pyrimidine bases and of their derivativesV. I. Danilov, Yuri A. Kruglyak, V. A. Kuprievich and V. V. Ogloblin
250-252Configuration interaction calculations on the dinegative ion of coroneneAnnemarie Haupt and G. J. Hoytink
253-257A two-electron model for the Li2 moleculeUgo Pincelli, Beniamino Cadioli and Giuseppe Re
258-260Extended Hückel MO calculations of the conformation of several amino acidsLemont B. Kier and Jack M. George
261-262Relationship between EHT and CNDO/2 calculationsP. R. Andrews

Volume 14, Number 4 / January 1969

263-272Die Integrale mit elliptischen Gaußfunktionen in der QuantenchemieP. Drossbach and H. Preuss
273-280Quantenmechanische Modellrechnung am DiboranmolekülKarl Hensen
281-304The electronic structure of cyclopropane, cyclopropene and diazirine an ab initio SCF-LCAO-MO studyE. Kochanski and J. M. Lehn
305-318Theoretical study of cyclopropene and its C3H4 isomersSigrid D. Peyerimhoff and Robert J. Buenker
319-328On a variational method for determining excited state wave functionsRichard P. Messmer
329-338Calculs non empiriques sur une réaction SN2 typiqueG. Berthier, D. -J. David and A. Veillard
339-349Structure du radical cyano-vinyle CH2=Ċ-CN Etude expérimentale et théoriqueS. Fenistein, R. Marx, C. Moreau and J. Serre
350-351Approximate natural orbitals for BH4, CH4 and NH4+Almon G. Turner
352-355Cyclohexadienyl — A homoaromatic radical?C. Corvaja and G. Giacometti
356ErratumJ. M. Sichel and M. A. Whitehead

Volume 14, Number 5 / January 1969

357-362Calculation of the molecular parameters of small-ring unsaturated hydrocarbons by a refined ω-techniqueE. A. Dorko, H. P. Nielsen and W. C. Bahr
363-369A 2pπ, 3dπ valence bond wave function for the 1B1u state of ethyleneAage E. Hansen
370-382Non-empirical LCAO-MO-SCF calculations with gaussian type functions on the electrocyclic transformation of cyclopropyl to allylD. T. Clark and D. R. Armstrong
383-395Symmetry properties of the Hückel matrixU. Wild, J. Keller and Hs. H. Günthard
396-401Bent bonds in cis-1,2,3-tricyanocyclopropaneZ. B. Maksić and Lj. Vujisić
402-410Molecular orbitals for components of adenosine triphosphateDonald B. Boyd
411-414Structure électronique de quelques dérivés nitrés du dibenzotétrazapentalèneMaurice Bonnet
415-419Electronic structures of pyridine N-oxide and 4-nitrosopyridine N-oxideShunske Kobinata and Saburo Nagakura
420-425Ultraviolet spectra of, and SCF MO calculations on 6a-thiathiophthensR. A. W. Johnstone and S. D. Ward
426-428Semiempirical calculations of singlet-triplet and triplet-triplet transitionsJ. Pancíř and R. Zahradník
429-431Extended Hückel calculations on polypeptide chainsA. Rossi, C. W. David and R. Schor

Volume 15, Number 1 / January 1969

1-11Semiempirical quantum mechanical studies on some hydrogen bonded systemsJames R. Hoyland and Lemont B. Kier
12-19Some calculations on the ethylene moleculeSigeru Huzinaga
20-42Porphyrins XIV. Theory for the luminescent state in VO, Co, Cu complexesRobert L. Ake and Martin Gouterman
43-56The electronic structures of urazole, pyrrole, and their ions. The σ-π separability problemRobert W. Kramling and E. L. Wagner
57-62CNDO calculations: Electronic spectra and nitrogen-14 N.M.R. shielding constants for some small nitrogen ionsDavid N. Hendrickson and Paul M. Kuznesof
63-72Uncoupled Hartree-Fock calculations of the ring current contribution to the chemical shifts in conjugated hydrocarbonsH. G. Ff. Roberts
73-85Analysis of the natural spin orbitals of the three-electron system: Lithium hydride molecule ionC. S. Lin
86-88Zur Deutung des Einflusses von Siliziumsubstituenten auf das Spektrum konjugierter KohlenwasserstoffeE. Zeeck
89-90Relation between torsional frequency and ionization potential of substituent atoms in 1-fluoro-2-haloethanes and allyl halidesJ. Lielmezs and B. J. Hagan

Volume 15, Number 2 / January 1969

91-99The excited states of alleneL. J. Schaad, L. A. Burnelle and K. P. Dressler
100-110Localized bond orbitals and the correlation problemS. Diner, J. P. Malrieu, F. Jordan and M. Gilbert
111-122Possible mechanisms of intermolecular charge transfer and electron transfer processes in the excited electronic stateN. Mataga and O. Tanimoto
123-132The strengths of bonding and degree of distortion from octahedral symmetry by Mössbauer spectroscopyR. M. Golding, Fay Jackson and E. Sinn
133-140Application of the VESCF method to calculation of the electronic spectra of pyridine, pyrrole, and furanJ. C. Tai and N. L. Allinger
141-148Van der Waals Onteractions in molecular complexes of tetracyanoethyleneMarie José Mantione
149-164Berechnung der Bandstruktur von ScC und ScNK. Schwarz, P. Weinberger and A. Neckel
165-173On the partitioning of energy for Atoms, Ions, and MoleculesJerry Goodisman
174-180A semi-empirical calculation of the potential surface for the CH3.+CH2=CH2 reactionM. V. Basilevsky and I. E. Chlenov

Volume 15, Number 3 / January 1969

181-195Ab initio calculation on the H3 activated complexA. Riera and J. W. Linnett
196-204The wave functions of H2 and symmetrical linear H3J. W. Linnett and A. Riera
205-210Tautomerism in isomeric oxypurinesBernard Pullman and Hélène Berthod
211-224Localized bond orbitals and the correlation problemF. Jordan, M. Gilbert, J. P. Malrieu and U. Pincelli
225-234Non empirical LCAO-MO-SCF calculations with gaussian type functions on some three membered ring heterocyclesD. T. Clark
235-243Die Alkalimetallmoleküle nach dem Kombinierten NÄherungsverfahren (KN)W. H. Eugen Schwarz
244-264Electronic structures of aromatic amine N-oxidesMasumi Yamakawa, Tanekazu Kubota and Hideko Akazawa
265-268Amine-imine tautomerism in adeninesBernard Pullman, Héléne Berthod and Marc Dreyfus
269-270RecensionesGünter Reske
271-272Correlated one-center wavefunctions for two-electron moleculesF. Grein and T.-J. Tseng

Volume 15, Number 4 / January 1969

273-282Determination of molecular properties by the method of moments. IM. G. Hegyi, M. Mezei and T. Szondy
283-292Determination of molecular properties by the method of moments. IIM. G. Hegyi, M. Mezei and T. Szondy
293-302SCF-π-electron calculations using orthogonalised atomic orbitalsGareth Roberts and Keith D. Warren
303-310Deutung der Kα-satelliten bei leichten ElementenHermann Hartmann and Dieter Hendel
311-314Chemische Verschiebung der Röntgen-Sauerstoff-Kα-Linien in den relativ polaren Oxiden BaO, SrO, CaO und MgOHermann Hartmann and Dieter Hendel
315-331Effects of inductive substituents on electronic spectra aza analogs of fluorantheneJosef Michl
332-343Configuration-interaction calculations for the ground state of OF2, NO2, CN: Canonical orbitals and exclusive orbitalsRosanna Bonaccorsi, Carlo Petrongolo, Eolo Scrocco and Jacopo Tomasi
344-352Atomic valence states in molecular orbital theoryG. Doggett
353-364Gaussian expansions of minimal STO basis for calculations in molecular quantum mechanicsM. Klessinger

Volume 15, Number 5 / January 1969

365-373Study of the electronic structure of radicals by the CI methodYuri A. Kruglyak and E. V. Mozdor
374-384Study of the electronic structure of radicals by the CI methodYuri A. Kruglyak and E. V. Mozdor
385-392A molecular orbital study of a dimer model for the hydrated and the ammoniated electronB. J. McAloon and B. C. Webster
393-412LCAO-MO-SCF-Indizes chemischer ReaktionsfÄhigkeit und krebserregende Eigenschaft polyzyklischer KohlenwasserstoffeF. Hoffmann
413-422The electronic structure of boron trifluorideD. R. Armstrong and P. G. Perkins

Volume 16, Number 1 / February 1970

1-21Hyperfine and quadrupole interactions at nitrogen in heminP. S. Han, T. P. Das and M. F. Rettig
22-32Systematics of the electronic absorption spectra of fused 5–6 ring heterocyclicsE. M. Evleth
33-42Studies in halogen-halogen bonding
43-50Emploi d'une méthode de perturbation-variation pour l'étude de la polarisation de spin dans les radicaux libres aromatiquesHélène Lebrun and Michèle Suard
51-54Application of a force constraint to an approximate wavefunction of LiHJ. Thorhallsson, J. F. Larcher and D. P. Chong
55-62Localized orbitals for the oxygen and nitric oxide moleculesD. M. Hirst and Mary E. Linington
63-74Calculations on some excited states of HeI. Eliezer and Y. K. Pan

Volume 16, Number 2 / January 1970

75-94Electronic transitions in mono-olefinic hydrocarbonsF. H. Watson, A. T. Armstrong and S. P. McGlynn
95-106Determination of α and β parameters in approximate SCF MO theoriesKarl Jug
107-110Symmetry rules for predicting the course of chemical reactionsRalph G. Pearson
111-119The correspondence between the molecular orbital and differential ionization energies methodsRicardo Ferreira and John K. Bates
120-125Atom promotion and bond properties in the hydrogen and the lithium moleculesPeter Politzer
126-144Electronic wave functions for atomsCarlos F. Bunge
145-154Preliminary results on the density matrix structure of the first beryllium1S excited statePedro L. Olympia
155-162ab inito-Rechnungen über die Behinderung der freien Drehbarkeit der Methylgruppe in PropylenE. Zeeck

Volume 16, Number 3 / January 1970

163-174Energy partitioning with the CNDO methodH. Fischer and H. Kollmar
175-193Approximate molecular orbital theory for inorganic moleculesR. D. Brown and K. R. Roby
194-216Approximate molecular orbital theory for inorganic moleculesR. D. Brown and K. R. Roby
217-225On the equivalence of different hamiltonians for the semi-classical radiation theoryAage E. Hansen
226-238Multi-conformational compounds with two absorbing groupsAmatzya Y. Meyer
239-242π-Electron hyperconjugation in organic molecules and ionsN. C. Baird
243-246Electronic absorption spectra of 3-hydroxypyridine and 5-hydroxypyrimidineJ. S. Kwiatkowski
247-248Some remarks on the Pariser-Parr-Pople methodKimio Ohno

Volume 16, Number 4 / January 1970

249-262The double-bond in ethyleneA. M. S. C. Amaral, J. W. Linnett and C. T. Williamson
263-277Generalized quantum mechanical two-centre problemsKlaus Helfrich and Hermann Hartmann
278-290Approximate molecular orbital theory for inorganic moleculesR. D. Brown and K. R. Roby
291-302Approximate molecular orbital theory for inorganic moleculesR. D. Brown and K. R. Roby
303-308PPP and CNDO calculations for protonated moleculesMargaret L. Bailey and J. P. M. Bailey
309-315PPP calculations of the absorption spectra of purines and pyrimidinesMargaret L. Bailey
316-318The electronic structure of N-methyl-3pyridone and its representationG. Berthier, B. Lévy and L. Paoloni

Volume 16, Number 5 / January 1970

319-330The symmetry behaviour of the first-order density matrix and its natural orbitals for linear moleculesW. A. Bingel
331-345A semi-empirical approach to the estimation of ESR isotropic hyperfine coupling constants in aromatic radicalsM. F. Chiu and B. T. Sutcliffe
346-350The restriction of spin contamination in unrestricted Hartree Fock wave functionsT. A. Claxton and D. McWilliams
351-372Analyse conformationnelle théoriqueJ. M. Lehn, B. Munsch and Ph. Millie
373-376Coupling coefficients for the octahedral group with orthorhombic componentsLawrence L. Lohr
377-392Semi-empirical calculations on methyl substituted aromaticsDavid M. Bishop and Hirotoshi Ito
393-400Comparison of Omega and PPP techniques for reactivity calculations in methyl-substituted naphthalenesLe -Khac Huy and W. Forst
401-402Uses of pair energy techniques in molecular calculations: The ammonia moleculeC. F. Bender

Volume 17, Number 1 / January 1970

1-14Methylaluminium compounds
15-17Methylaluminium compounds
18-34A comparison of molecular orbital and crystal field calculations of ferric heme compoundsGilda Hakris-Loew
35-48Electronic structure and spectra of organic molecules
49-60Recherches sur la structure électronique de composés soufrés (méthode L.C.A.O. améliorée)
61-68Excited orbitals of sulphur in aliphatic and unsaturated sulphidesG. L. Bendazzoli, F. Bernardi and P. Palmieri
69-73Studies on the electronic structure of conjugated systemsMiguel Melgarejo and Serafin Fraga
74-80The perturbation theory for non-degenerate states and the extended Hückel methodRamon Carbo
81-84Vaporization energy change and vibrational frequency shift in substituted mono-halo-benzenesJ. Lielmezs, J. B. Butler, H. C. Henry and R. G. Orr
85-88Aspects of the electron distribution in adenine, thymine and cytosine as given by probability density curves from nonempirical calculationsA. Pullman, M. Dreyfus and B. Mély
89-90De structura electronica et stereochimica ionis Cu(NO2)Derek W. Smith

Volume 17, Number 2 / January 1970

91-96N. M. R. coupling constantsA. Hinchliffe and D. B. Cook
97-108Etats de valence 2Π et 2Δ des molécules isoélectroniques N2+, CN et CO+Françoise Guérin
109-119A non-empirical study of hydrogen bonding in the dimer of formamideM. Dreyfus, B. Maigret and A. Pullman
120-130Configuration mixing involving σ and π orbitalsClaude Giessner-Prettre and Alberte Pullman
131-144Modellrechnungen an einigen Siliziumwasserstoffverbindungen vom Typ SiHn, SiHn+ und SiHn nach der EinzentrenmethodeHermann Hartmann, Lothar Papula and Wolfgang Strehl
145-150Determination de bases de gaussiennes optimales pour les moléculesD. -J. David and B. Mely
151-154Uncoupled Hartree-Fock calculations of the ring current properties of some heterocyclicsH. G. Ff. Roberts
155-157MO-SCF calculations for B2O3Joseph F. Chiang and Donald R. Whitman
158-161Nonempirical SCF-LCAO-MO calculations for (CH)+N. C. Baird and D. Lemaire
162RecensioC. Sandorfy
163-164A CINDO CI study of the electronic structure and spectrum of nitrobenzeneB. Tinland

Volume 17, Number 3 / January 1970

165-170Semi-empirical all-valence-electron SCF calculations of acidities of cycloalkanesRaymond G. Jesaitis and Andrew Streitwieser
171-178Nichtadiabatische Übergänge bei Stößen zwischen Atomen und Molekülen. Desaktivierung von Br(42P1/2)- und J(52P1/2)-Atomen durch zweiatomige Moleküle (N2, CO)E. A. Andreev and E. E. Nikitin
179-187Die Gesamtelektronenfunktion des Benzolmoleküls als Einzentrenproblem in ZylinderkoordinatenH. Hartmann and H. v. Hirschhausen
188-198Semiempirical molecular orbital calculations on boranesBrian G. Ramsey and Hirotoshi Ito
199-208Polarization functions for first and second row atoms in Gaussian type MO-SCF calculationsB. Roos and P. Siegbahn
209-215Gaussian basis sets for the first and second row atomsB. Roos and P. Siegbahn
216-224The relationship between the Ritz variational method and Frobenius's method of solving Schrödinger's equationG. Hunter
225-234Zur Kristallstruktur des Ammonium- und NatriumfluoridsKarl Hensen
235-238Resonance energies of some compounds containing nitrogen or oxygenMichael J. S. Dewar and N. Trinajstić
239-243Über den Beitrag der σ-Elektronen zur elektrischen Polarisierbarkeit ungesättigter KohlenwasserstoffeH. Navangul and H. Labhart
244-247On the electrical conductivity of hydrogen bonded biological systemsHenryk Chojnacki
248RecensioK. Jug

Volume 17, Number 4 / January 1970

249-258Sur le calcul du PK des premiers états excités singulet et triplet du β naphtol et de la β naphtylamineJ. Bertran, J. J. Dannenberg, R. Leute, C. Ponce and O. Chalvet, et al.
259-263Application of the extended geminal theory to the BH moleculeP. J. Gagnon and D. P. Chong
264-278Molecular orbital calculations on transition element compoundsR. D. Brown, B. H. James and M. F. O'Dwyer
279-292Molecular orbital calculations on transition element compoundsR. D. Brown, B. H. James, T. J. V. McQuade and M. F. O'Dwyer
293-300Theoretical and practical aspects of the ZDO approximationS. Bruijn
301-308Recherches sur la structure électronique et les caractéristiques des différentes formes tautomères de la purineAndré Julg and Pierre Carles
309-315Zur Katalyse der Cyclooctatetraen-Synthese durch Ni2+-ionenErnst -Albrecht Reinsch
316-319Conjugated radicalsP. Čársky and R. Zahradník
320-322An INDO investigation of the electronic structure and hyperfine coupling constants of the radicals HBO, HCO and HCNColin Thomson
323-326The cis-effect in trans-[PtCl2XY] compoundsA. F. Schreiner and T. B. Brill
327-328On the configuration of 2,2′-bipyridyl and 5,5′-Bis-Isoxazole by means of the CNDO/2 methodM. Bossa, G. Ramunni and P. F. Franchini
329-333Conformational analysis and electronic structure of acetanilideJohn F. Olsen and Sungzong Kang
334-338An alternative model for anomalous waterM. Ageno

Volume 17, Number 5 / January 1970

339-347Ab initio calculations on small hydrides including electron correlationM. Jungen and R. Ahlrichs
348-361Ab initio calculations on small hydrides including Electron correlationReinhart Ahlrichs
362-370Molecular orbital calculations on transition element compoundsR. D. Brown, B. H. James and M. F. O'Dwyer
371-376Correlated one-center wavefunctions for two-electron moleculesT. C. Chang and F. Grein
377-383Quantum-mechanical studies on the conformational and electronic properties of steroidsJacqueline Caillet and Bernard Pullman
384-395Determination of the charge distribution of methane by a method of density constraintsR. F. W. Bader and H. J. T. Preston
396-407Die Elektronenstruktur von SteroidhormonenH. Repmann
408-416PorphyrinsRobert L. Ake and Martin Gouterman

Volume 18, Number 1 / March 1970

1-13PorphyrinsArnold M. Schaffer and Martin Gouterman
14-20Configuration mixing involving σ and π orbitalsClaude Giessner-Prettre and Alberte Pullman
21-33Relaxation during internal rotation ethane and hydrogen peroxydeA. Veillard
34-43π-Electron correlation in alternant hydrocarbons: Bondorder-bondlength relation, force constants and the spectroscopic, vibrational and thermochemical Β-valuesS. de Bruijn
44-56Molecular orbital calculations on the conformation of polypeptides and proteinsBernard Pullman, Bernard Maigret and David Perahia
57-66Molecular orbital calculations of rotational strengths: A study of skewed diketonesW. Hug and G. Wagnière
67-74π-Interaction in metal Β-ketoenolatesR. D. Hancock and D. A. Thornton
75-76RecensionesH. v. Hirschhausen and M. Simonetta

Volume 18, Number 2 / June 1970

77-85The polarized ion model and the bending force constants of the group IIB halidesI. Eliezer
86-97Use of perturbation methods for the study of configuration interaction effectsS. Diner, J. P. Malrieu, F. Jordan and P. Claverie
98-106Simplified ab-initio calculations for molecular systemsR. D. Brown, F. R. Burden and G. R. Williams
107-118An approximate ab initio SCFMO methodR. G. Body
119-132Spin density calculations in semiempirical restricted and unrestricted SCF MO methodsJ. Tiňo
133-142Calculation of spin densities in odd alternant hydrocarbon radicalsJ. Nowakowski
143-155Orbitales moléculaires S.C.F. localisées. Etude de barrières d'inversionB. Levy, Ph. Millie, J. M. Lehn and B. Munsch
156-161A floating spherical Gaussian orbital model of molecular structureArthur A. Frost
162-165Franck-Condon Factors for the Transitions N2, C3πuB3πg and CN, B2Σ+X2Σ+Bejoy Chakraborty and Y. K. Pan
166-169A semiempirical method based on geminal functionsA. Neszmelyi and L. Paoloni
170-173A modified Del Re methodRamón Carbó
174-176RecensionesEugen Schwarz and Yuh Kang Pan

Volume 18, Number 3 / September 1970

177-183Electronic absorption spectra and dipole moments for hydrazyl radicalsV. A. Gubanov, L. A. Pereliaeva, A. K. Chirkov and R. O. Matevosian
184-192Topography of the electron density in pyrophosphate bondsDonald B. Boyd
193-207Formaldéhyde: calcul de l'énergie dans l'état fondamental par une méthode de perturbationA. Masson, B. Levy and J. P. Malrieu
208-222The valence orbital ionization potential of the first transition-metal atoms and ionsTosinobu Anno and Yoshiko Sakai
223-234Valence orbital ionization potentials of 1s22sm2pn atoms and ionsTosinobu Anno
235-238Ab initio MO-SCF calculation on a model of anomalous waterJ. R. Sabin, R. E. Harris, T. W. Archibald, P. A. Kollman and L. C. Allen
239-249The calculation of excited state and ground state properties of conjugated heteroatomic molecules using a single SCF-LCAO-CI method including σ-polarizationH. A. Hammond
250-254An improved iterative Extended Hückel method for conjugated moleculesJames R. Hoyland
255-257Electronic spectra of Hafner's hydrocarbonsH. Yamaguchi, T. Terasaka and T. Nakajima
258-260Extended Hückel calculations on n-v addition compoundsShanti A. Kudchadker and C. N. R. Rao
261-264Use of single determinant wave functions constructed from localized orbitals in the mapping analysis of concerted reactionsCarl Trindle

Volume 18, Number 4 / December 1970

265-276Linear symmetrical H3: A CI function based on STOs enlarged with Gaussian functionsA. Riera and J. W. Linnett
277-289Comparison of cartesian and lobe function Gaussian basis setsShingkuo Shih, Robert J. Buenker, Sigrid D. Peyerimhoff and Bernd Wirsam
290-308Quantenmechanische Behandlung von tief liegenden elektronischen Zuständen des Ammonium-Radikals mit der Methode der EinzentrumentwicklungWolfgang Strehl, Hermann Hartmann, Karl Hensen and Walter Sarholz
309-328Transition-element hexafluoride systems in ionic lattices. A Suhf molecular orbital studyR. D. Brown and P. G. Burton
329-340SCF and configuration interaction calculations of some properties of LiH molecule in its ground stateG. P. Arrighini, J. Tomasi and C. Guidotti
341-353Electric and magnetic properties of LiH molecule according to Hartree-Fock perturbation theoryG. P. Arrighini, J. Tomasi and C. Petrongolo
354-367Developments in the resonance theory of the color of dyes: Correlation function approachWilliam T. Simpson
368-384Spin-orbit and spin-other-orbit interaction in diatomic moleculesL. Veseth
385-388Convergence of the perturbation theory expansion for spin-spin coupling constantsWaldemar Adam, Alec Grimison and Phillip A. Sprangle
389-390Justifiability of the ZDO approximation in terms of a power series expansionN. A. B. Gray and A. J. Stone
391-393Energies des premiers états électroniques du radial NO3 dans l'approximation Hartree-FockR. Lefebvre and E. Ressayre
394-398On a SC method for determining bond orders in alternant hydrocarbonsC. G. Bollini, J. J. Giambiagi, M. Giambiagi and M. Segre Giambiagi
399-403An SCF partitioning scheme for the hydrogen bondPeter A. Kollman and Leland C. Allen

Volume 19, Number 1 / March 1970

1-19Comparison of the molecular structure and spectra of benzene and borazineSigrid D. Peyerimhoff and Robert J. Buenker
20-37A non-empirical study of the hydrogen bond between peptide unitsM. Dreyfus and A. Pullman
38-44p-character and the polarizability of molecular hydrogenTiong -Koon Lim and Bruno Linder
45-54Molecular orbital calculations on transition element compoundsR. D. Brown, B. H. James and M. F. O'Dwyer
55-65Absolute infrared intensities of hydrocarbonsThomas P. Lewis and Ira W. Levin
66-70Ab initio computations on H2S: LCAOSCF wave functions without d orbitalsB. Cadioli, U. Pincelli, G. L. Bendazzoli and P. Palmieri
71-82The electronic structures of aminopyridines and their mono- and di-protonated cationsHideyuki Konishi, Hiroshi Kato and Teijiro Yonezawa
83-91Perturbation calculations on the hydrogen bond in the water dimer for different proton acceptor orientationsJ. G. C. M. Duijneveldt-van de Rijdt and F. B. Duijneveldt
92-97A note on the parameters for heteroatoms in Pariser-Parr-Pople (PPP) calculationsJosef Michl, Jaroslav Koutecký, Ralph S. Becker and Charles E. Earhart
98-101Theoretical study of the barriers to internal rotation in nitrous acidMaurice E. Schwartz, Edward F. Hayes and Stephen Rothenberg
102-106Calcul CNDO-CI de la structure et du spectre électronique de l'azulèneClaude Leibovici and Odilon Chalvet
107-108RecensionesErnst -Albrecht Reinsch and H. Sillescu

Volume 19, Number 2 / June 1970

109-120Influence of long-range coulombic interactions on binding energy curves of molecule-ionsM. J. Feinberg
121-134Molecular orbital calculations on the conformation of polypeptides and proteins
135-154A CNDO-MO calculation of VCl4C. A. L. Becker and J. P. Dahl
155-166Einzentrum-Modellrechnungen an Germaniumhydriden vom Typ GeHn, GeHn+ und GeHn (n = 3,4 oder 5)Hermann Hartmann, Lothar Papula and Wolfgang Strehl
167-172The electronic structures of charge-transfer complexes: Application of the semiempirical SCF-MO-Cl methodT. Ohta, H. Kuroda and T. L. Kunii
203-211Determination de bases de gaussiennes optimales pour les molecules
212-224LCAO-MO-SCF-Calculations on the stability and Sterochernistry of hydrogen bonds

Volume 19, Number 3 / September 1970

225-287Theorie der ChiralitÄtsfunktionenErnst Ruch and Alfred Schönhofer
288-300Doppelnebenklassen als Klassenbegriff und Nomenklaturprinzip für Isomere und ihre AbzÄhlungErnst Ruch, Werner HÄsselbarth and Bernd Richter

Volume 19, Number 4 / December 1970

301-309Formulas for
310-325Molecular orbital studies of some transition metal complexesG. Brouckére
326-334A CNDO/2 calculation on stilbeneStig Ljunggren and Gunnar Wettermark
335-346Crystal field theory with covalencyB. R. Russell and R. M. Hedges
347-364Recherches quantiques sur la conformation des disaccharidesMichèle Giacomini, Bernard Pullman and Bernard Maigret
365-368Calculations on electric-field-induced shifts in ultraviolet absorption spectra: The significance of doubly excited configurationsP. Biloen
369-372Comments on the approximate calculation of lattice potentialR. D. Brown and B. W. N. Lo
373-376CNDO-molecular orbital calculations of MnO4 and MnF64−D. W. Clack and M. S. Farrimond
377-380Electronic spectra and structures of organic π-systemsZen -ichi Yoshida and Tsunetoshi Kobayashi
381-383Configuration interaction calculation of the ground state π-electronic angular momenta of the benzene anion and cationY. J. I'Haya, M. Nakayama and Y. Yagi
384-389Quantum chemical study of the π-electronic states of the DNA base pairsV. I. Danilov and N. V. Zheltovsky
390-395Parameterization in the H2I2 potential surfaceFredrick L. Minn and Anne B. Hanratty
396-398Calculation of the exchange splitting of N and O 1s binding energies in NOMaurice E. Schwartz

Volume 20, Number 1 / March 1971

1-11Gaussian basis sets for molecular wavefunctions containing third-row atomsB. Roos, A. Veillard and G. Vinot
12-16The application of MIM method to spiroconjugated systemsA. Gamba, G. F. Tantardini and M. Simonetta
17-30On CNDO bond indices and relations to molecular energiesS. Ehrenson and S. Seltzer
31-40An iterative extended Hückel calculation for some amino acids containing sulphur and seleniumGiuliano Colombetti and Carlo Petrongolo
41-50The correlation of NMR chemical shifts with EHT calculated electron densities for 3-pyridinolsChristian T. Goralski and W. Brock Neely
51-56Recherches sur la structure électronique de composés soufrés (méthode LCAO améliorée)Yves Ozias and Lucette Reynard
57-64Calculation of two-center zero-field splitting integralsG. Jager, J. Jong, C. MacLean and P. Ros
65-79The electronic structure of carbonium ionsHerbert Kollmar and Harry O. Smith
80RecensioK. Jug

Volume 20, Number 2 / June 1971

81-91Excited states in the photochemistry of chromium(III) complexesG. B. Porter, S. N. Chen, H. L. Schläfer and H. Gausmann
92-104Das “Angular Overlap”-Modell für niedersymmetrische KoordinationsverbindungenHans-Herbert Schmidtke
105-112Spinvalenzrechnung an Molekülen AHnKarl Heinz Hansen and Ekkehard Frenkel
113-118On concentration self-quenching of chromium phosphorescence in K3[CrxCo1−x(CN)6] mixed crystalsA. D. Kirk
119-134Photosensitized aquation reactions of Cr(NH35(NCS)2+John E. Martin and Arthur W. Adamson
135-142The2E4A2 transition in tetragonal Cr3+ complexesWhiting N. Shepard and Leslie S. Forster
143-158Theory of magnetism close to the5T21A1 crossover in iron(II) complexesE. König and S. Kremer
159-170Vibrational analysis of the Raman, infrared and electronic spectra of hexafluoromanganate(IV)Achim Pfeil
171-185Semi-empirical evaluations of the racahB andC parameters from the crystal field spectra of chromium(III) complexesHorst Witzke
186-192Triplettlöschung durch Chrom(III)-KomplexeH. F. Wasgestian and G. S. Hammond
193-202The structure and spectra of bis(ethylenediamine)nickel(II)-tetracyanopalladate(II), Ni(NH2CH2CH2NH2)2Pd(CN)4Max Rüegg and Andreas Ludi

Volume 20, Number 3 / September 1971

203-215Energy-conformation studies of HCN, HNC and CN: A comparison of results from EH-SCC and SCF molecular orbital calculationsGilda Harris Loew
216-226Electronic spectra and structures of organic π-systemsZ. Yoshida and T. Kobayashi
227-242CNDO, INDO and RCNDO-CI calculations on the electronic spectra of saturated hydrocarbonsD. R. Salahub and C. Sandorfy
243-249Zusammenhang zwischen den Kα-Satelliten-Linien und den Röntgenübergängen vom Typ K1L1L2 bei den Elementen Neon, Natrium, Magnesium, Aluminium und SiliziumHermann Hartmann, Lothar Papula and Wolfgang Strehl
250-262The TCNE-benzene complex: A CNDO approachD. B. Chesnut and Paul E. S. Wormer
263-272Theoretical treatment of overcrowding in phenanthreneAlec Grimison
273-281Near-minimum basis set SCF calculations on HCl as a source of transferable parametersDonald B. Boyd
282-291Calculation of the energies of the lower excited states of CH3Ruth McDiarmid
292-298INDO-MO calculations of hyperfine splitting constants for pyridine anionsD. M. Hirst
299-302EHT and CNDO/2 calculations on amino terminal peptidesM. Bossa, A. Damiani, R. Fidenzi, S. Gigli and R. Leli, et al.

Volume 20, Number 4 / December 1971

303-316On the importance of scale and polarization of the atomic orbital basis for LCAO calculations of electronic intensitiesAa. E. Hansen and E. Nørby Svendsen
317-330An unrestricted CNDO-MO calculation of VCl4David A. Copeland and C. J. Ballhausen
331-342Theoretical investigations on the solvation processRosanna Bonaccorsi, Carlo Petrongolo, Eolo Scrocco and Jacopo Tomasi
343-351Conjugated radicalsP. Čársky and R. Zahradník
352-363Multi-conformational compounds with two absorbing groupsAmatzya Y. Meyer and Yonit Kesten
364-370The carbonyl frequency of cyclopentanone as a function of its distortion, a vibrational model for 2- and 7-norbornanoneR. E. Davis and C. R. Chuang Pfaffenberger
371-377Overlap partitioning as a tool for predicting molecular rearrangementsR. L. Flurry, Donna Breen and Donna L. Howland
378-384Configuration mixing involving σ and π orbitalsC. Giessner-Prettre and A. Pullman
385-393Quantum chemical investigation of the electron structure, physical properties and the reactivity of π-electron molecules in excited singlet and triplet statesN. Tyutyulkov, F. Fratev and M. Ivanova
394-398Semi-asymptotic evaluation of certain three-center two-electron integralsJames W. Richardson and David M. Vaught
399-404Resonance topology of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbonsTeh Fu Yen
405-408The rotation barrier of the cyclopropylcarbinylcationMuthana Shanshal
409-411Calculation of 14N hyperfine coupling constants by the INDO-MO methodD. M. Hirst
411-412RecensionesH. -H. Schmidtke and Karl Jug

Volume 21, Number 1 / March 1971

1-8Valence shell calculations on polyatomic moleculesD. D. Shillady, F. P. Billingsley and J. E. Bloor
9-16Small gaussian basis sets in ab initio calculationsHelge Johansen
17-27Molecular SCF calculations for the ground state of some three-membered ring molecules: Cis and trans diaziridine, oxaziridine and the corresponding imminium ionsRosanna Bonaccorsi, Eolo Scrocco and Jacopo Tomasi
28-43Etude théorique de quelques cycles à quatre piècesJ. M. André, M. Cl. André and G. Leroy
44-62Generalized quantum mechanical two-centre problemsSiegfried Kehl, Klaus Helfrich and Hermann Hartmann
63-68Ab initio calculations of small hydrides including electron correlationMaurice Gélus, Reinhart Ahlrichs, Volker Staemmler and Werner Kutzelnigg
69-78OCE-Modellrechnungen mit minimalen STO-Basissätzen an einigen Zinnhydriden vom Typ SnHn, SnHn+ und SnHn- (n=3, 4 oder 5)Hermann Hartmann, Lothar Papula and Wolfgang Strehl
79-89The solution of the rate equations for Berry processesJ. Brocas
90-97GF Calculations for some tricyclic molecules: C3H6, C3H4, C2H4NH, C2H4O and C2H4SP. Filippo Franchini and Maurizio Zandomeneghi
98-104Semi-empirical calculations on the ZFS parameters of phosphorescent charge-transfer complexesJ. Jong and C. Maclean
105-109Calcul approché des contributions dipolaires et orbitales au couplage Jcc à l'aide de fonctions d'onde LCAO-SCF non empiriquesClaudette Barbier, Henri Faucher and Gaston Berthier
110-114Bindungsverhältnisse und Elektronenverteilung im Br42−-IonH. Müller

Volume 21, Number 2 / June 1971

115-126Valence bond functions for the hydrogen moleculeL. J. Schaad and I. L. Thomas
127-142Systematic determination of the Slater-Condon parameters of atoms and ions with 1s2 2sm 2pn configurationsTosinobu Anno and Hirohide Teruya
143-148A semiempirical molecular orbital calculation of borazine and some B-trifluoroborazinesVirginia M. Scherr and Daniel T. Haworth
149-158Inversion des aromatisch-substituierten StickstoffsMuthana Shanshal
159-167Approximate variation-perturbation calculations of the second-order molecular propertiesAndrzej J. Sadlej
168-175Determination of molecular properties by the method of moments. IIIM. G. Hegyi, M. Mezei and T. Szondy
176-184Determination of molecular properties by the method of momentsK. Ladányi, V. Lengyel and T. Szondy
185-190Eine klassische StörungstheorieHermann Hartmann
191-198Influence des charges nucléaires effectives σ et π sur les calculs LCAO-MO-SCF-πJacques-Claude Simon and Louis Pujol
199-204A study of the effect of protonation on the electronic structure of the diatomic molecules BF, CO and N2H. B. Jansen and P. Ros
205-210Simplified ab-initio calculations on hydrogen-containing moleculesR. D. Brown, F. R. Burden, G. R. Williams and L. F. Phillips
211-214Nuclear spin coupling constants from the extended Hückel methodJ. A. Varga and S. S. Zumdahl

Volume 21, Number 3 / September 1971

215-234How quantitative is the concept of maximum overlap?Rodney J. Bartlett and Yngve Öhrn
235-260The continuation of the periodic table up to Z = 172. The chemistry of superheavy elementsB. Fricke, W. Greiner and J. T. Waber
261-266Quantenmechanische Behandlung derKα-Satellitenstruktur des PhosphorsHermann Hartmann, Lothar Papula and Wolfgang Strehl
267-279A simple model of short-range interactions
280-286A simple model of short-range interactions II. The orientation dependence of the interaction between non-bonded hydrogen atomsV. Magnasco and G. F. Musso
287-300An investigation of the1B1 excited states of waterDavid M. Bishop and Ay-ju A. Wu
301-308Finite analytical expressions for two-centre exchange integrals between having the same exponentsT. Živković and J. N. Murrell

Volume 21, Number 4 / December 1971

309-322Electronic transitions in mono-olefinic hydrocarbonsF. H. Watson and S. P. McGlynn
323-334Ab initio calculations on ethylene and fluoroethylene. A comparative studyS. Meza and U. Wahlgren
335-367SCF-MO-LCGO studies on hydrogen bonding. The water dimerGeerd H. F. Diercksen
368-380MO-SCF-LCAO studies of sulphur compoundsB. Roos and P. Siegbahn
381-397Generalized quantum mechanical two-centre problemsKlaus Helfrich
398-409The inversion eigenvalues of non-σ states of diatomic molecules, expressed in terms of quantum numbersI. Røeggen
410-412Calculation of molecular geometry with the PCILO-MethodJacqueline Langlet and Hans Meer

Volume 22, Number 1 / March 1971

1-10A comparison of one-electron properties calculated from Gaussian SCF and CI wavefunctionsR. E. Kari and I. G. Csizmadia
11-22Molecular orbital calculations on the conformation of polypeptides and proteinsB. Pullman, J. L. Coubeils, P. Courriere and D. Perahia
23-38σ-π separation: Excited H2 as a model systemWarren T. Zemke
39-44Ionisationspotentiale des MethansH. Hartmann and H. Gebelein
45-60Theory of magnetism close to the 5T21A1 crossover in iron(II) complexesE. König and S. Kremer
61-69Photochemical dimerization of p-benzoquinone methyl derivatives in crystalsJiro Higuchi and Takeshi Ito
70-79Correlation between C-H and C-C spin-spin coupling constants and s character of hybrids calculated by the maximum overlap methodZ. B. Maksić, M. Eckert-Maksić and M. Randić
80-89Extension of the PCILO-method to the localized free radicalsJacqueline Langlet, Marcel Gilbert and Jean -Paul Malrieu
90-104Theoretical study of the variations in the β-protons hyperfine splitting parameter of hydrocarbon radicalsMarina Brustolon, Carlo Corvaja and Giovanni Giacometti
105-108On the chemical shifts in conjugated systemsH. G. Ff. Roberts
109-110RecensionesK. Jug and D. L. Beveridge

Volume 22, Number 2 / June 1971

111-129Non-empirical interpretation of nitrogen 14 nuclear quadrupole coupling constantsE. Kochanski, J. M. Lehn and B. Levy
130-141Semiempirical SCF theory with “scaled” slater orbitalsG. Klopman and R. Polák
142-148Eine vollständige CNDO/2-CI Berechnung von H2O und H2O+P. Rosmus, J. Vojtík and V. Kvasnička
149-156Bestimmung der Atomladungen in Molekülen aus der Verschiebung der Kα1/α2-Hauptlinie und ihrer Satellitenlinien für Elemente der 3.PeriodeLothar Papula, Wolfgang Strehl and Hans-Ulrich Chun
157-166Calculation of bond energies in diatomic moleculesG. Hooydonk
167-175Use of the mixed basis method for ab initio SCF MO calculationsD. B. Cook, P. D. Dacre, J. L. Dodds and M. Elder
176-183Conformational analysis of 5-hydroxytryptamine and its cation: Γ, Φ-energy contour diagram by the INDO molecular orbital methodSungzong Kang and Moon-Hae Cho
184-195SCF-π-electron calculations using orthogonalised atomic orbitalsGareth Roberts and Keith D. Warren
196-213Localized π-orbitals, pauling bond orders, and the origin of aromatic stabilityWalter England and Klaus Ruedenberg
214-223Merged Gaussian lobe basis SCFMO calculationsR. D. Brown, F. R. Burden and B. T. Hart
224-228SCF MO INDO calculation of g-tensors of some σ-type radicalsTetsuo Morikawa, Osamu Kikuchi and Kazuo Someno
229-233MINDO/2 calculations on the reaction of methyl radicals with ethylene and butadieneJames R. Hoyland
234-238Interaction independent π bond orders for certain excited statesC. G. Bollini, J. J. Giambiagi, M. Giambiagi and M. Segre De Giambiagi

Volume 22, Number 3 / September 1971

239-249The electronic structure of the boron hydridesS. F. A. Kettle and D. J. Reynolds
250-254A CNDO/2 investigation on linear chains of symmetrically bonded water moleculesM. Cignitti and L. Paoloni
255-260Das „Floating Gaussian Orbital”-Modell als Hilfsmittel zur Interpretation von Photoelektronen-SpektrenMartin Jungen
261-270Extended Hückel treatment of the Fe57m nuclear quadrupole interaction in heminP. S. Han, M. F. Rettig, Dennis Ikenberry and T. P. Das
271-282Multi-conformational compounds with two absorbing groupsAmatzya Y. Meyer
283-290Perturbation theory for excited states of molecules. IA. T. Amos and B. L. Burrows
291-298Analyse de population dans les calculs LCAO: charges et moments atomiquesDaniel Rinaldi, Jean-Louis Rivail and Jean Barriol
299-303The electronic state of butadiene bonded to an iron tricarbonyl residueP. G. Perkins, I. C. Robertson and J. M. Scott
304-308Calculations on some phosphate ions by a modified CNDO methodB. J. McAloon and P. G. Perkins
309-311All-valence MO study of hydrogen bonding in waterHenryk Chojnacki
312-314Molecular orbital aspects of substituent effectsSungzong Kang and David L. Beveridge

Volume 22, Number 4 / December 1971

315-324The method of non-paired spatial orbitals: Naphthalene and azuleneD. M. Hirst and Mary E. Linington
325-329Semi-empirical MO-CI calculations on excited states
330-336Semi-empirical MO-CI calculations on excited states
337-352Ab initio calculations on large molecules using molecular fragments First order electronic properties for hydrocarbonsGerald M. Maggiora, Donald W. Genson, Ralph E. Christoffersen and B. Vernon Cheney
353-360Relation générale entre l'indice de liaison et la distance interatomique dans les molécules conjuguées, planes et linéairesAndré Julg and Odette Julg
361-368Extended hückel calculations of negative spin densityRonald J. Fitzgerald and Donald H. Dugre
369-377Unrestricted Hartree-Fock spin density distributions in nitro aromatic radical anionsD. N. Nanda, J. Subramanian and P. T. Narasimhan
378-385Small gaussian basis sets for second-row atomsT. A. Claxton and N. A. Smith
386-391Angularly correlated two-electron repulsion operators
392-395Hydrogen bonding in electronically excited states of moleculesC. N. R. Rao and A. S. N. Murthy
396-398Separated pair theoryvia Girardeau's HamiltonianB. Lukman, J. Koller and A. Ažman
399-402Comparison of minimization procedures for UHF wave functionsT. A. Claxton and N. A. Smith
403-406Spin density distributions in some radical anions exhibiting restricted rotation about a carbon-carbon bondN. K. Ray and K. K. Sharma
407-409On the use ofTH[1s] and 1s functions as expansion functionsC. P. Yue

Volume 23, Number 1 / March 1971

1-11Molecular orbital theory of electron donor-acceptor complexesR. L. Flurry
12-20Exact spin-pairing energies at the crossovers in octahedral d4, d5, d6, and d7 transition metal complexesE. König and S. Kremer
21-38Modifiziertes Statistisches AtommodellW. H. Eugen Schwarz
39-51Perturbation treatment of Hartree-Fock equations for resonance states of three electron atoms and ionsI. Eliezer and A. Moualem
52-58Ab Initio molecular orbital calculationsMichael H. Palmer and Antony J. Gaskell
59-66MO-SCF-LCAO studies of sulphur compoundsU. Gelius, B. Roos and P. Siegbahn
67-74SCFMO calculation of the 1∶1 charge-transfer complex between benzene and p-benzoquinone by the variable integrals method IIZ. Yoshida and T. Kobayashi
75-92The potential surfaces for the addition reactions of π-systemsM. V. Basilevsky, V. A. Tikhomirov and I. E. Chlenov
93-97β Parameters for non-nearest neighborsKarl Jug
98-102Theory of delayed thermal fluorescenceS. H. Lin
103-104Atomic SCF valence orbitals for first transition series metalsRonald S. Strange, W. Dexter White and Russell S. Drago
105-108Molecules in molecules calculations on decacycleneC. J. M. Brugman, N. P. Asselt, R. P. H. Rettschnick and G. J. Hoytink
109-110Bond length alternation in infinitely long conjugated polyacenesM. R. Boon
111-114Theoretical study of the structure of protonated ethane (C2H7+)N. K. Ray

Volume 23, Number 2 / June 1971

115-126Ab Initio versus CNDO barrier calculationsE. L. Wagner
127-137Ab Initio versus CNDO barrier calculationsE. L. Wagner
138-146Semi-empirical molecular orbital calculations on some tautomers of cytosineDonna L. Breen and R. L. Flurry
147-154The general form of pseudopotential operatorsW. H. Eugen Schwarz
155-174Das Kastenmodell als Grundlage für ein ab initio VerfahrenErnst -Albrecht Reinsch
175-182The 3-centre bond — non paired spatial orbital method (NPSO)B. J. Duke
183-194Operator equations in approximate molecular orbital theoriesKarl Jug
195-202Molecular orbital calculations on substituted carbodiimidesDenis R. Williams and R. Damrauer
203-207Properties of atoms in moleculesPeter Politzer
208-210Extended Hückel calculations on the bonding in oxyhaemoglobinMargaret P. Halton

Volume 23, Number 3 / September 1971

211-225Etude quantitative de la distinction entre une liaison de covalence et une liaison de coordination: les molecules de borazane et d'aminoboraneClaude Aslangul, Alain Veillard, Raymond Daudel and Fernand Gallais
226-238Détermination de bases de Gaussiennes optimales pour les moléculesD. -J. David
239-258Molecular orbital calculations of the active site complex of two iron ferredoxinsGilda Harris Loew and David A. Steinberg
259-265Applications of the INDO method to some radicals containing second row elementsH. G. Benson and A. Hudson
266-277Structure électronique des ions méthyloxocarbonium et isopropyloxocarboniumB. Rees, A. Veillard and R. Weiss
278-284The electronic spectrum of acrylonitrileP. A. Mullen and M. K. Orloff
285-290Doubly excited configurations in modified CNDO and INDO methodsCarl Brabant and D. R. Salahub
291-294A simplified Weinbaum functionKay M. Miller, Cherng -Maw Wang and Boris Musulin

Volume 23, Number 4 / December 1972

295-308Vertical excitation as a transient phenomenonWilliam T. Simpson
309-315A study of the interpretation of Hund's ruleJ. Katriel
316-326On the role of core repulsion in the prediction of the energy levels of π-conformersG. Re, F. Momicchioli and A. Rastelli
327-335Perturbation theory for excited states of moleculesA. T. Amos and B. L. Burrows
336-345Application of the MIM method to the study of electronic absorption bands involving triplet states in hydrocarbonsAldo Gamba, Gianfranco Tantardini and Massimo Simonetta
346-359Ab initio SCF and CI calculations on the barrier to internal rotation of 1,3-butadieneBernd Dumbacher
360-368Some remarks on the calculations of hyperfine splittings in the ESR spectra of conjugated radicalsJan Wasilewski and Wiesław Woźnicki
369-377A theoretical study of the heats of formation of some small molecules using non-empirical wavefunctionsA. C. Hopkinson, K. Yates and I. G. Csizmadia
378-382Application of the INDO-MO method to the calculation of hyperfine splitting constants for styrene radical anionsD. M. Hirst
383-386Direct comparison of EH and CNDO charge distributions for adenineDonald B. Boyd
387-392SCF MO LCGO studies on the hydration of ions: The systems H+H2O, Li+H2O, and Na+H2OGeerd H. F. Diercksen and Wolfgang P. Kraemer
393-397SCF MO LCGO studies on the hydration of ions: The system Li+·2H2OWolfgang P. Kraemer and Geerd H. F. Diercksen
398-403SCF MO LCGO studies on hydrogen bonding: The system (HOHOH)Wolfgang P. Kraemer and Geerd H. F. Diercksen

Volume 24, Number 1 / March 1972

1-10Energy levels in modified quantum statistical potentialsJerry Goodisman
11-15Suggested calculations using transition density matricesF. David Peat
16-28The use of symmetry in the self-consistent field theory of the localised molecular orbitalDavid Peters
29-34Gombás pseudopotential SCF calculations for atomsW. H. Eugen Schwarz
35-41Molecular orbital study of the conformational properties of phenothiazinesJ. L. Coubeils and B. Pullman
42-50Contracted and uncontracted oscillator orbitals in CI calculations on two electron systemsGiuliano Alagona and Jacopo Tomasi
51-60The molecular electrostatic potentials for the nucleic acid bases: Adenine, thymine, and cytosineR. Bonaccorsi, A. Pullman, E. Scrocco and J. Tomasi
61-70Configuration analysis and electronic states propertiesG. Favini and G. Buemi
71-77Electron spin-spin contact interaction in many-electron atomsB. W. N. Lo, K. M. S. Saxena and S. Fraga
78-88Electronic structures and MCD spectra of trigonal Cr(III)S6 systemsP. J. Hauser, A. F. Schreiner, J. D. Gunter, W. J. Mitchell and M. K. Dearmond
89-98SCC-EH-MO calculations on the bonding and electric field gradient in oxyhaemoglobin and other haem derivativesMargaret P. Halton
99-101Hyperconjugation in the 2-butyl cationJ. J. Dannenberg and T. D. Berke
102-106An SCF study of P4O6 and P4O10B. J. McAloon and P. G. Perkins
107-110Freie Elektronenpaare in lokalisierten CNDO/2-Wellenfunktionen der StickstoffverbindungenR. Polák and P. Rosmus
111-116Excited state wave functionsA. C. Brett and T. W. Dingle

Volume 24, Numbers 2-3 / June 1972

117-131The shape of moleculesLeland Cullen Allen
132-146Extension of Walsh's rules to more general systemsRobert J. Buenker and Sigrid D. Peyerimhoff
147-151On the rules of ScheibeKarl Jug and Robert G. Parr
152-169The direct determination of Brueckner orbitals with application to the H2 moleculeVolker Staemmler and Martin Jungen
170-190Berechnung der Bandstruktur vom Vanadiumcarbid VCA. Neckel, P. Rastl, P. Weinberger and Renate Mechtler
191-200Modellrechnungen zur Solvatation einatomiger Ionen (LCAO-MO-Untersuchungen von Molekülstrukturen VIII)P. Russegger, H. Lischka and P. Schuster
201-206Die Bewegung eines Körpers in einem ringförmigen PotentialfeldHermann Hartmann
207-215Polarisierte Kristallspektren einiger Hexaharnstoffkomplexe bei tiefen TemperaturenK. H. Hansen and H. J. Schenk
216-224Polarisierte Kristallspektren einiger Hexaharnstoffkomplexe bei tiefen TemperaturenK. H. Hansen and E. Koglin
225-233Spin-Bahn-Wechselwirkung und Jahn-Teller-Effekt Analyse der4A22E-Schwingungsprogression bei Crha6J3H. J. Schenk and W. H. E. Schwarz
234-240The crystal field splittings in the 5f complexesC. J. Ballhausen
241-250Chemical effects on inner shells studied by photo-electron spectrometryChristian Klixbüll Jørgensen
251-264Eine exakte klassische Behandlung der Schwingungs-Translations-Energieübertragung bei symmetrischen ZentralstößenG. H. Kohlmaier, E. O. Siré and V. Hensel
265-270Reversible energy transferGerald B. Porter
271-282Constants of motion for separable one-particle problems with cylinder symmetryKlaus Helfrich
283First international congress of quantum chemistry July 4–10, 1973 — Menton, France

Volume 24, Number 4 / December 1972

283-289Über den Kontinuumseinflu\ auf die Polarisierbarkeit von MolekülzuständenK. Jug and H. Labhart
290-299Das Kastenmodell als Grundlage für einab initio Verfahren
300-306Mass-variation and Darwin relativistic corrections in many-electron atomsB. W. N. Lo, K. M. S. Saxena and S. Fraga
307-316The electronic structures and energies of borazine, boronimide and dimeric boronimideD. R. Armstrong and D. T. Clark
317-333Nature de la liaison dans l'ion tétraperoxochromate CrO83−: une étude des structures cristalline et électroniqueJ. Fischer, A. Veillard and R. Weiss
334-345Polarization functions and geometry optimization inab initio calculations of the rotational barrier in hydrogen peroxideJohn P. Ranck and Helge Johansen
346-370Porphyrins XXIV. Energy, oscillator strength, and Zeeman splitting calculations (SCMO-CI) for phthalocyanine, porphyrins, and related ring systemsA. J. McHugh, Martin Gouterman and Charles Weiss
371-381Zur Quantenchemie zyklischer und linearer KohlenwasserstoffeP. Raeber
382-388Spectral variational principle for Green's functionsS. M. Blinder
389-392CNDO/2 calculation of prototropic rearrangement in cyclopentadieneG. A. Shchembelov and Yu. A. Ustynyuk
393-395SCF MO INDO calculation of anisotropie hyperfine coupling tensors for σ-type radicalsTetsuo Morikawa, Osamu Kikuchi and Kazuo Someno

Volume 25, Number 1 / March 1972

1-9On open shell Hartree-Fock calculationsT. E. H. Walker
10-16Exponent optimization for Π states of H2Karl Jug, Peter G. Lykos and A. D. McLean
17-40Optimal double-configuration study of the lowest excited Π states of H2
41-48Optimal double-configuration study of the lowest excited Π states of H2
49-53A comparison of lobe and cartesian gaussian basis sets for molecular calculationsR. D. Brown, F. R. Burden and B. T. Hart
54-61Etude LCAO MO CNDO 2 de la structure électronique de composés du titaneF. Choplin and G. Kaufmann
62-82Porphyrins XXV. Extended Hückel calculations on location and spectral effects of free base protonsA. M. Schaffer and M. Gouterman
83-88Molecular electrostatic potentials: Comparison of ab initio and CNDO resultsC. Giessner-Prettre and A. Pullman
89-96Fermi resonance in the carbonyl band of cyclopentanoneR. E. Davis and Kwang Sup Kim
97-102Complete spin-orbit interaction in many-electron atomsB. W. N. Lo, K. M. S. Saxena and S. Fraga
103-119Theoretical investigations on the solvation processGiuliano Alagona, Renzo Cimiraglia, Eolo Scrocco and Jacopo Tomasi
120RecensioH.-H. Schmidtke

Volume 25, Number 2 / June 1972

121-129A note on the relation between CI and Rayleigh-Schrödinger perturbation theoryM. Kleiner
130-137Intermolecular interactions-dependence on inter- and intra-molecular distances. A configuration interaction study of the H2...H2 systemO. Tapia and G. Bessis
138-142Furtherab initio calculations on the allyl radicalA. Hinchliffe
143-168On the relation between non adiabatic unimolecular reactions and radiationless processesHelmut Gebelein and Joshua Jortner
169-180Ab initio Untersuchungen über Stabilität und Spektren des hypothetischen Moleküls Si2H2Bernd Wirsam
181-188Integral Hellmann-Feynman investigations oftrans bent acetyleneM. P. Melrose and P. J. Briggs
189-195Application of Coulson's Contour integral method to linear finite polymersJouko J. Kankare
196-199Note on the solution of secular problems with two non-orthogonal basis functionsW. A. Bingel
200-204SCF calculations for H2+, Li2+ and LiH+ with atomic basis sets enlarged by bond functionsSan Y. Chu

Volume 25, Number 3 / September 1972

205-214Thomas-Fermi-Dirac calculations for moleculesJerry Goodisman
215-222Graphical enumeration of the coefficients of the secular polynomials of the Hückel molecular orbitalsHaruo Hosoya
223-236Semiempirical SCF theory with “Scaled” slater orbitalsG. Klopman and R. Polak
237-247The influence of solvation on the calculated activation energy for the reaction CH3F+FP. Cremaschi, A. Gamba and M. Simonetta
248-253On the evaluation of the energies of hybridized valence statesTosinobu Anno
254-258Sulphur dioxide. Notes on the electronic changes which occur on coordinationP. D. Dacre and M. Elder
259-267Analyse conformationnelle théorique de la diméthylsulfone, (CH3)2SO2Germaine Robinet, François Crasnier, Jean -François Labarre and Claude Leibovici
268-276A molecular orbital study of bond energies in compounds of sulfur and fluorineAudrey L. Companion
277-288The electronic structure of groups of isomeric heteroaromatic systemsM. Cignitti and L. Paoloni
289-308Störungstheoretische Berechnung von Ionisierungsenergien und Elektronenaffinitäten mit Hilfe der Greenschen ZweipunktfunktionFranz Ecker and Georg Hohlneicher

Volume 25, Number 4 / December 1972

309-318Chemical applications of topology and group theoryR. B. King
319-330Angenäherte Berechnung der Dreizentren-Kernanziehungsintegrale in LCAO-MO-Verfahren für KoordinationsverbindungenJ. Reinhold and E. Hoyer
331-337Low temperature absorption spectra of TcO4 and ReO4 in KClO4H. U. Güdel and C. J. Ballhausen
338-345Das Kastenmodell als Grundlage für ein ab initio-VerfahrenErnst -Albrecht Reinsch
346-351Finite electric field valence-shell calculations of molecular hyperpolarizabilitiesN. S. Hush and M. L. Williams
352-359Geometry and force constant determination from correlated wave functions for polyatomic molecules: Ground states of H2O and CH2Donald R. McLaughlin, Charles F. Bender and Henry F. Schaefer
360-371Electronic structure of long polyene chains with an impurity atomI. I. Ukrainsky and G. F. Kventsel
372-381Theoretical study of the photodimerization of pyrimidine basesJ. Bertran
382-390A CNDO/2 calculation on a complex between ethylene and chlorineBengt Nelander
391-395Nuclear mass effect in many-electron atomsB. W. N. Lo and S. Fraga
396-399The electronic structure of the silyl halidesD. R. Armstrong, J. Jamieson and P. G. Perkins
400-402Charge distributions in polyatomic ionsM. F. C. Ladd

Volume 26, Number 1 / March 1972

1-13Mixed basis functions in molecular quantum mechanicsG. B. Bacskay and J. W. Linnett
15-21Mixed basis functions in molecular quantum mechanicsG. B. Bacskay and J. W. Linnett
23-32Mixed basis functions in molecular quantum mechanicsG. B. Bacskay and J. W. Linnett
33-42Mixed basis functions in molecular quantum mechanicsG. B. Bacskay
43-54An intermolecular perturbation approach to the cycloaddition of carbenes toward olefins. Reaction Path and StereoselectivityT. Fueno, S. Nagase, K. Tatsumi and K. Yamaguchi
55-65Zur Konjugation in makrocyclischen Bindungssystemen [1] XX. Charakterordnung, magnetische Suszeptibilitäten und chemische Verschiebungen von CorannulenenG. Ege and H. Vogler
67-78Graph theory and molecular orbitalsA. Graovac, I. Gutman, N. Trinajstić and T. Živković
79-86CNDO/2 Rechnungen für einige SchwefelverbindungenHeinz Oberhammer
87-88Calculation of oscillator strengths for π-electron moleculesMargaret L. Bailey
89-96Correlation effect on the singlets π π* transition energies of polyacenesJ. F. Gouyet and M. T. Prat
97-100The electronic structure of the HCN dimer and trimerAllan Johansson, Peter Kollman and Steve Rothenberg
101-105The electrostatic molecular potential for imidazole, pyrazole, oxazole and isoxazoleG. Berthier, R. Bonaccorsi, E. Scrocco and J. Tomasi
106The 6th Jerusalem symposium

Volume 26, Number 2 / June 1972

107-130Molecular orbital calculations of the active site complex of two iron ferredoxins
131-140The use of the CNDO method in spectroscopy
141-146Finite electric field valence shell calculations of polarizability gradients and raman depolarization ratios for diatomic moleculesN. S. Hush and M. L. Williams
147-156Calculated physical properties of a water molecule in an ice-Like clusterC. Guidotti, U. Lamanna and M. Maestro
157-161Acceleration of convergence by density matrix extrapolation in CNDO/2 calculationsJ. C. Rowland and R. L. Flurry
163-170An interpretation of Hund's ruleJ. Katriel
171-178A remark on the comparison between the roothaan open shell and half-electron methodP. Čársky and R. Zahradník
179-186The method of non-paired spatial orbitals
187-193Energie des systèmes H2, HHe+ et LiHGuy Pouzard and Louis Pujol
194RecensioF. Wasgestian

Volume 26, Number 3 / September 1972

195-210The role of kinetic energy in chemical bindingC. Woodrow Wilson and William A. Goddard
211-230The role of kinetic energy in chemical bindingWilliam A. Goddard and C. Woodrow Wilson
231-236Operator equations in approximate molecular orbital theoriesKarl Jug
237-248The electronic structures of some tetrazaborolines and dimethyltetrazadieneirontricarbonylD. R. Armstrong, P. G. Perkins, J. M. Scott and J. J. P. Stewart
249-256Introduction de la matrice densité de paire dans l'étude théorique du pK des états excitésR. Constanciel
257-265Analyse conformationnelle théorique du diméthylsulfoxyde (CH3)2SOGermaine Robinet, Claude Leibovici and Jean -François Labarre
267-271Perturbation theory for excited states of molecules. IIIB. L. Burrows
273-278Perturbation theory for excited states. IVB. L. Burrows
279-282The box model as a basis for an ab initio procedureErnst-Albrecht Reinsch
283-288Calculations on the force constants of triatomic group II metal halidesI. Eliezer and A. Reger

Volume 26, Number 4 / December 1972

289-299Correlation of Hückel molecular orbital energies with π-ionization potentialsF. Brogli and E. Heilbronner
301-310A poisson equation for vibrational potentials of diatomic moleculesAlfred B. Anderson and Robert G. Parr
311-320Detailed crossover studies of transition metal ions
321-330Ab initio valence-bond calculations of H2O
331-350A self-consistent molecular field theory for aggregates of neutral molecules. IKoichi Ohno and Hiroo Inokuchi
351-356Calculations of molecular wave functions in terms of modulated plane wavesM. Morandi Cecchi and O. Salvetti
357-366Ab initio molecular orbital calculations
367-380Molecular orbital calculations on the ethylene episulfide molecule and its isomersO. P. Strausz, R. K. Gosavi, A. S. Denes and I. G. Csizmadia
381-386The electronic structure of the B2H5+ ionB. J. Duke and D. G. Stephens
387-389The stability of the hartree fock solutions of pentalene and heptaleneW. G. Laidlaw and K. Vasudevan
390Comment on a paper by Stout and PolitzerJ. E. Grabenstetter and M. A. Whitehead
391-392RecensioneC. J. Ballhausen and K. Jug

Volume 27, Number 1 / March 1972

1-8Assignments in photoelectron spectroscopy using the CNDO/2 methodT. G. Edwards
9-23Density localization of atomic and molecular orbitalsW. Niessen
25-32Analysis of correlation effects in HeI, LiI and BeI iso-electronic sequences by Z-expansion methodsJ. P. Colpa and M. F. J. Islip
33-47Spin-Bahn-Kopplungseffekte verschiedener Ordnung bei Jod und DijodazetylenMartin Jungen
49-54Optical manifestation of Jahn-Teller effect in square-planar complexesB. G. Vekhter, B. S. Tsukerblat and Yu. B. Rosenfeld
55-62Barriers to the internal rotation and observables of the ground state for hydrogen peroxydeC. Guidotti, U. Lamanna, M. Maestro and R. Moccia
63-68A.M.O. calculations for some first row diatomic moleculesG. L. Bendazzoli, F. Bernardi, A. Geremia and P. Palmieri
69-74A model study of the interaction of a hydrogen bond with a π-electron systemJohn R. Sabin
75-79EHT conformational study of nicotinamide and related amidesKathryn R. Long and J. H. Goldstein

Volume 27, Number 2 / June 1972

81-93Atoms-in-molecules treatment of Li2+ and Li2 using optimum Gaussian approximations of Li+ and Li eigenstatesFrank O. Ellison and Lyndon L. Larcom
95-107On the use of small atomic basis sets in non-empirical molecular calculationsH. B. Jansen and P. Ros
109-119Orbitales moléculaires localisées: structure électronique de la molécule de méthaneJ. C. Barthelat and Ph. Durand
121-134Open shell cndo treatments on small and aliphatic radicals. Electronic spectra and some ground state propertiesR. Zahradník and P. Čársky
135-145Proton magnetic shielding in the water moleculeMichał Jaszuński and Andrzej J. Sadlej
147-149Über die Hartreesche MethodeHermann Hartmann
151-152Least-squares Gaussian expansions of atomic orbitalsF. R. Burden and R. M. Wilson
153-159Spin-Bahn-Wechselwirkung räumlich beschränkter ElektronensystemeG. Gliemann and P. Plath
161-163A note on general core-valence orthogonalityD. B. Cook
165-170De la possibilité d'utiliser une base de Slater uniquement s dans les calculs relatifs aux atomes et aux moléculesMichel Roche and Jacques-Claude Simon

Volume 27, Number 3 / September 1972

171-185MO-SCF-LCAO studies of sulphur compounds
187-196Influence du couplage vibronique sur le paramagnétisme d'un complexe cubique dans l'état électronique2T2O. Kahn and S. F. A. Kettle
197-212Simplified non-empirical excited state calculations
213-222Semiempirical molecular orbital studies of phthalocyanines
223-242PCILO method for excited states
243-264Vibrational analysis of the electronic spectrum of ethylene based onab initio SCF-CI calculationsSigrid D. Peyerimhoff and Robert J. Buenker
265-272SCF LCAO MO studies on the hydration of ions: The system F · 2H2OWolfgang P. Kraemer and Geerd H. F. Diercksen

Volume 27, Number 4 / December 1972

273-280Energy-conformation studies of hydrogen cyanide tetramer: A prebiotic precursorGilda H. Loew and Sherwood Chang
281-287Ionization potentials of ferrocene and Koopmans' theorem. Anab initio LCAO-MO-SCF calculationMarie-Madeleine Coutière, Jean Demuynck and Alain Veillard
289-302A semi-empirical MO-electron correlation method for molecules and the correlation energies of π-system linear and polycyclic hydrocarbonsOktay Sinanoğglu and H. Önder Pamuk
303-313Semiempirical molecular orbital studies of phthalocyaninesA. Henriksson, B. Roos and M. Sundbom
315-324Effect of atomic dipole in semi-empirical calculation of π-electron energy levelsJiro Higuchi
325-338CNDO/2 calculations and configuration analyses for some hydrogen-bonded systemsH. Morita and S. Nagakura
339-354A Theoretical study of the interaction of ethylene with transition metal complexesE. J. Baerends, D. E. Ellis and P. Ros
355-366First order pair functions for the beryllium isoelectronic sequenceB. C. Webster and R. F. Stewart
367-372Approximate radial functionsDavid A. Copeland
373-375Ground states of moleculesMichael J. S. Dewar and Paul Weiner

Volume 28, Number 1 / March 1972

1-11Interpretation of pentacyclic aromatic hydrocarbon transitions in terms of composite system approximationsHenry A. Germer and Ralph S. Becker
13-26The use of correlated Gaussian wavefunctions for the calculation of chemical energies for small systemsS. J. Fraser and J. W. Linnett
27-35The electronic structure of periodic protein modelsS. Suhai and J. Ladik
37-51Der Elektronendichtequotient zweiatomiger MoleküleW. A. Bingel and B. Klahn
53-66Der Elektronendichtequotient zweiatomiger MoleküleB. Klahn and W. A. Bingel
67-74SCF MO LCGO Studies on hydrogen bonding: The system NH3 · H2OGeerd H. F. Diercksen, Wolfgang P. Kraemer and W. Niessen
75-80Electronic structures of some olefins and their radical cationsP. A. Clark
81-84Isoelectronic moleculesBernard J. Laurenzi
85-98Semi-empirical effective pair correlation parameters and correlation energies of BH, CH, NH, OH, HF, N2, and CH4H. Önder Pamuk
99-102A note on the importance of including monoatomic overlap densities in the calculation of CNDO/2 charge distributionsH. L. Hase, H. Meyer and A. Schweig

Volume 28, Number 2 / June 1973

103-110Ab initio calculations of small hydrides including electron correlationM. Gelus and W. Kutzelnigg
111-120An application of RPA theory to conjugated systems in the excited statesKazuo Kitaura and Kichisuke Nishimoto
121-140Wellenfunktionen und Terme des Systems Atom/zweiatomiges Molekül bei großen intermolekularen AbständenE. E. Nikitin and S. Ja. Umanskij
141-149The electronic structure of steroid hormonesH. Repmann
151-160Photodecomposition of ketene to form methyleneHarold Basch
161-168Hydrogen bond studiesJan Almlöf and Ulf Wahlgren
169-177A comparative study of approximate SCF MO treatments of hydridesA. Gołębiewski, J. Mrozek and R. Nalewajski
179-191Unrestricted Hartree Fock perturbation theoryB. L. Burrows
193-199The electronic structure of the oxygen double-bridged μμ′-dioxo-bis(oxodichloroaquo)dimolybdate (V)-ion by SCCC MO methodLeszek Natkaniec, Mikołaj F. Rudolf and Bogusława Jeźowska-Trzebiatowska
201-207Optimized extended Hückel theory for calculating the ionization potentials and dissociation energies of hydrocarbonsJ. L. Chenot
209-212Electronic structure of BF3-benzaldehydeEduardo A. Castro and O. M. Sorarrain

Volume 28, Number 3 / September 1973

213-222The influence of polarization functions on molecular orbital hydrogenation energiesP. C. Hariharan and J. A. Pople
223-233The electronic structure of bicyclo [2.1.1] hexaneJ. M. Lehn and G. Wipff
235-239On asymptotic calculation of the exchange interactionE. A. Andreev
241-265Electronic structure of the nickel tetracyanonickelate Ni(CN)42− and nickel carbonyl Ni(CO)4. An ab-initio LCAO-MO-SCF calculationJ. Demuynck and A. Veillard
267-282Vibronic and spin-orbit splitting in spectra of systems exhibiting Jahn-Teller-EffectPeter Habitz and Wilhelm Hans Eugen Schwarz
283-296On radial weighting effects in gaussian expansions of self-consistent field atomic orbitalsS. Ehrenson and M. Wong
297-305Statistische Modellrechnungen an den Molekülen CH4, SiH4, GeH4, SnH4 und PbH4 nach der EinzentrenmethodeKarl Hensen, Manfred Achatz and Rolf Müller
307-310No N4-dependence in the calculation of large moleculesVolker Dyczmons
311Influence du couplage vibronique sur le paramagnétisme d'un complexe cubique dans l'état électronique 2T2O. Kahn and S. F. A. Kettle
312First International Congress of Quantum Chemistry July 4–10 1973, Menton, France

Volume 28, Number 4 / December 1973

313-337A semiempirical MO study of the electronic structure and excited states of the Tris(2,2′-bipyridyl)Iron(II) and Tris(glyoxal-Bis-N-methylimine)iron(II)IonsJan Blomquist, Bengt Nordén and Marianne Sundbom
339-353The electronic structure of the NF2 radicalR. D. Brown, F. R. Burden, B. T. Hart and G. R. Williams
355-361Spectres et étude conformationnelle des dérivés méthyles de l'acide benzoïqueYves G. Smeyers and Carlos Sieiro
363-390SCF Dirac-Hartree-Fock calculations in the periodic systemJaromír Malý and Michel Hussonnois

Volume 29, Number 1 / March 1973

1-7Theoretical investigation of the carbon nitrogen double bondR. Macaulay, L. A. Burnelle and C. Sandorfy
9-20Effects of polarization on charge distributions and integral approximationsKarl Jug
21-28Study of reaction mechanisms by semiempirical methods IJ. PancíŘ
29-48Density localization of atomic and molecular orbitalsW. Niessen
49-55Corrélation électronique et effets de base dans l'étude de la liaison hydrogène: le dimère mixte ammoniac-eauAnnie Meunier, Bernard Lévy and Gaston Berthier
57-74Ab initio-Behandlung der IR- und RamanaktivitÄt der Wasserstoffbrücke (ClHCl) unter Berücksichtigung der UmgebungR. Janoschek
75-83Local orbitals for bonding in ethaneJohn L. Nelson and Arthur A. Frost
85-91Atomic wave functions by rotational projections of floating orbitalsG. L. Bendazzoli, F. Bernardi, C. Zauli and P. Palmieri
93-96Theoretical investigations on the solvation processGiuliano Alagona, Renzo Cimiraglia and Ugo Lamanna

Volume 29, Number 2 / June 1973

97-116Electronic relaxation of small molecules in a dense mediumAbraham Nitzan and Joshua Jortner
117-131Orbital and excitonic descriptions of molecular excited and ionized statesArmelle Denis, Jacqueline Langlet and J. P. Malrieu
133-137Barriers to molecular inversion in (nπ*) carbonyls: A CNDO investigationD. A. Condirston and D. C. Moule
139-150Dispersion interactions and solvent-shift effectsA. T. Amos and B. L. Burrows
151-166Matrix elements of one- and two-electron operatorsJacek Karwowski
167-172An application of the functional Boys-Bernardi counterpoise method to molecular potential surfacesAllan Johansson, Peter Kollman and Steve Rothenberg
173-181An ab initio LCAO-MO-SCF study of the electronic structure of phosphirane and thiiraneIlyas Absar, Lawrence J. Schaad and John R. Wazer
183-187An ab initio molecular orbital study of the C2F2 species: The difluorovinylidene → difluoroacetylene rearrangementOtto P. Strausz, Ross J. Norstrom, Alan C. Hopkinson, Michael Schoenborn and Imre G. Csizmadia

Volume 29, Number 3 / September 1973

189-234Quantenmechanische Theorie der optischen Aktivität der Methanderivate im TransparenzgebietDietrich Haase and Ernst Ruch
235-246Bemerkung zur Rayleigh-Schrödinger-StörungstheorieDietrich Haase and Ernst Ruch
247-258Quantenmechanische Theorie der optischen Aktivität der Allenderivate im TransparenzgebietDietrich Haase and Ernst Ruch
259-268Classifications of rearrangement mechanisms by means of double cosets and counting formulas for the numbers of classesWerner Hässelbarth and Ernst Ruch
269-304Theory of chirality functions, generalized for molecules with chiral ligandsAlden Mead, Ernst Ruch and Alfred Schönhofer

Volume 29, Number 4 / December 1973

305-311Application of SCF-perturbation theory to hydrogen bonding in water dimersReiner Sustmann and Fritz Vahrenholt
313-317SesquiacetylenesJ. Y. Becker, A. Y. Meyer and J. Klein
319-334Le spectre d'absorption électronique du trichloroamminoplatinate de potassium cristalliséEdmond Francke and Claude Moncuit
335-343Transition energies and oscillator strengths for electronic spectra of non planar conjugated molecules. I. PolyphenylsA. Gamba, G. F. Tantardini and M. Simonetta
345-357Simplified non-empirical excited states calculationsI. Fischer-Hjalmars and J. Kowalewski
359-374Couplage vibronique et anisotropie paramagnétique dans un complexe cubique 2T2 soumis à un champ trigonalO. Kahn and S. F. A. Kettle
375-382Molecular dipole polarizabilities based on MINDO/1 and MINDO/2 wavefunctionsH. Meyer and A. Schweig

Volume 30, Number 1 / March 1973

1-8Theoretical study of the electronic spectrum of carbonyl cyanideCharles H. Warren and Chorman Ching
9-30Porphyrins XXVIII. Extended Hückel calculations on metal phthalocyanines and tetrazaporphinsArnold M. Schaffer, Martin Gouterman and Ernest R. Davidson
31-44Molecular orbital calculations on the conformation of nucleic acids and their constituentsAnil Saran, David Perahia and Bernard Pullman
45-58Molecular orbital structure, Mössbauer isomer shift, and quadrupole splitting in iron complexesAlfred Trautwein and Frank E. Harris
59-79PCILO method for excited statesJ. Langlet and J. P. Malrieu
81-93RPA method applied to molecular crystalsMasashi Tanaka and Jiro Tanaka
95-113Formal solution for the three body problem in helium theoretical chemistryF. T. Newman
115-117CNDO calculation of the π-electronic structure and barrier to internal rotation in benzenesulphonic acidC. I. Ghirvu
119-126A note on an aspect of pseudopotential theoryW. C. Mackrodt
127-128RecensionesErnst -Albrecht Reinsch and Karl Jug

Volume 30, Number 2 / June 1973

129-136Convenient formulas for evaluation of the hybridized valence states involving thes - p hybrid orbitals and their applications to the atoms and the ions of carbon, nitrogen, and oxygenTosinobu Anno
137-150Electron redistribution in disulfide bonds under torsionDonald B. Boyd
151-158The protonation of three-membered ring molecules Theab initio SCF versus the electrostatic picture of the proton approachCaterina Ghio and Jacopo Tomasi
159-167Electronic structures of organo-transition-metal complexes I. Silver(I)-Olefin complexesShigeyoshi Sakaki
169-176Natural spin orbital analysis of diatomic molecular wave functions in terms of generalized diatomic orbitals I. Outline of the method. Results for the ground state of H2Klaus Helfrich
177-190Correlation effects in the neutral and ionized ground states of acetyleneAnthony J. Duben, Lionel Goodman, H. Önder Pamuk and Oktay Sinanoglu
191-196Exchange interaction between two different atoms at large distancesE. A. Andreev
197-204Calculations of the isotropic hyperfine coupling constants in free radicalsG. M. Zhidomirov and N. D. Chuvylkin
205-208Theory of spin triplet ground states ind6 transition metal compounds and the effect of high-energy states on the nature of the ground stateE. König and R. Schnakig

Volume 30, Number 3 / September 1973

209-216The use of average natural orbitals for configuration interaction calculations on the Boron Hydride moleculeS. A. Houlden and I. G. Csizmadia
217-229Non radiative transition probabilities in the statistical limitAbraham Nitzan and Joshua Jortner
231-242Semiempirical extended Hartree-Fock theoryKarl Jug
243-256L'utilisation d'orbitales localisées dans l'étude théorique des moléculesPh. Degand, G. Leroy and D. Peeters
257-265Proton magnetic shielding in H2O and (H2O)2Michał Jaszuński and Andrzej J. Sadlej
267-274Calculations on the π→1π* transitions in large conjugated carbonyl compounds using the molecules-in-molecules methodT. G. Edwards
275-281An EHT re-examination of AcetylcholineD. AjÒ, M. Bossa, R. Fidenzi, S. Gigli and G. Jeronimidis, et al.
282RecensioKarl Hensen

Volume 30, Number 4 / December 1973

283-314An ICSCF investigation of Walsh's rulesLarilyn Zeller Stenkamp and Ernest R. Davidson
315-326Ab-initio calculations on small hydrides including electron correlationFrank Driessler, Reinhart Ahlrichs, Volker Staemmler and Werner Kutzelnigg
327-337An MO-theoretical calculation of solvent effect upon the NH3 + HF = NH4F reactionShinichi Yamabe, Shigeki Kato, Hiroshi Fujimoto and Kenichi Fukui
339-346A calculation of the rotatory strengths of the electron-transfer transitions of the Tris-(1,10-phenanthroline)iron(II) ionM. Král, A. Moscowitz and C. J. Ballhausen
347-352Examination of charge alternation in CH4 and CH3F from ab initio LCAO SCF MO wavefunctions and their localized bond orbitalsConrad A. Naleway and Maurice E. Schwartz
353RecensioHorst Heydtmann

Volume 31, Number 1 / March 1973

1-17A comparative ab initio study of ethylene, acetylene and benzeneInga Fischer-Hjalmars and Per Siegbahn
19-37Complementary molecular orbital investigations on the conformation of choline derivativesBernard Pullman and Philippe Courrière
39-48Ab initio calculations on small hydrides including electron correlationHans Lischka
49-61Ab initio calculations on small hydrides including electron correlationVolker Staemmler
63-73A new definition of atomic charges in moleculesKarl Jug
75-82Ab initio calculations on large molecules using molecular fragments. Characterization of the zwitterion of glycineLester L. Shipman and Ralph E. Christoffersen
83-89An ab initio study of the AAc1 hydrolysis mechanism of formamideA. C. Hopkinson and I. G. Csizmadia
91-94An application of RPA theory to conjugated systems in the excited states
95-99CNDO/2 and INDO calculations of a reaction pathway for the sigmatropic [1, 5] H-shift in cyclopentadieneJ. R. Dobbelaere, J. W. Haan, H. M. Buck and G. J. Visser
101-102Oscillations in the Thomas-Fermi-Dirac electron densityJerry Goodisman

Volume 31, Number 2 / June 1973

103-109Three-dimensional bond-charge models for potential curves of diatomic moleculesGeorge A. Henderson and Robert G. Parr
111-135A theory of molecules in moleculesW. Niessen
137-153SCF Dirac-Hartree-Fock calculations in the periodic systemJaromír Malý and Michel Hussonnois
155-169The influence of solvation on π*n and π*π transition energies in molecules containing Aza or carbonyl groupsP. Cremaschi, A. Gamba and M. Simonetta
171-182Ab initio calculations of core electron binding energies and shifts in halomethanesDavid B. Adams and David T. Clark

Volume 31, Number 3 / September 1973

183-188The numerical integration of a molecular integral using two different techniquesD. Rees, Deborah J. Moore and P. R. Taylor
189-194A six-dimensional quadrature procedureJ. Hyslop
195-200Integration points for the reduction of boundary conditionsN. C. Handy and S. F. Boys
201-204A method for selection and use of numerical integration points for molecules with cylindrical symmetryN. C. Handy
205-214SCF LCGO MO studies on the fluoronium ion FH2+ and its hydrogen bonding interaction with hydrogen fluoride FHG. H. F. Diercksen, W. Niessen and W. P. Kraemer
215-220CNDO/2 (complete neglect of differential overlap)-method for third-row moleculesH. L. Hase and A. Schweig
221-230The use of site symmetry in constructing symmetry adapted functionsR. L. Flurry
231-237An ab initio study of the hydration of alkylammonium groupsG. N. James Port and Alberte Pullman
239-260Direct calculation of ionization potentials of closed-shell atoms and moleculesLorenz S. Cederbaum
261-268Modes of interconversion in the cycloheptene ringGiorgio Favini and Alberto Nava
269-274On the electronic structure of N2H2. A possible triplet ground state in diazinesG. Wagnière
275-281Calculations of singlet and triplet states of some azabenzenes by modified INDO-CISis-Yu Chen and Richard M. Hedges

Volume 31, Number 4 / December 1973

283-288An ab initio molecular orbital study on the addition reaction of triplet nitrene to ethyleneW. Joseph Haines and Imre G. Csizmadia
289-295On bridging the gap between the INDO and the NDDO schemesBjørn Voigt
297-309A theory of molecules in moleculesW. Niessen
311-324Point charge models for LiH, CH4, and H2OA. D. Tait and G. G. Hall
325-333Etude théorique de l'isomérisation syn-anti dans la FormaldoximeDaniel Liotard, Alain Dargelos and Max Chaillet
335-346Etude théorique de la conformation des complexes moléculaires de type donneur accepteur d'électronsRoger Arnaud, Danielle Faramond-Baud and Maurice Gelus
347-353Electronic structure of unstable intermediatesColin Thomson and Brian J. Wishart
355-358Gas phase acidities of CH bonds adjacent to oxygen and to sulphurSaul Wolfe, Luis M. Tel and Imre G. Csizmadia

Volume 32, Number 1 / March 1973

1-12Perturbation calculations on the split-shell wavefunctions of two-electron atomsDelano P. Chong, Chee P. Yue and William R. Scott
13-26A theory of molecules in molecules IV. Application to the Hydrogen Bonding Interaction in NH3 · H2OWolfgang von Niessen
27-40Symmetry coupling coefficients for point groups and the importance of Racah's Lemma for the standardization of phaseEdgar König and Stefan Kremer
41-47Unrestricted CNDO-MO calculations. II. MnO42− and CrO43−David A. Copeland
49-56Ab initio investigation of the simultaneous motion of protons in the hydrogen bonds in the cyclic dimer of formamideR. Janoschek
57-70Polarisabilites moléculaires et effet diélectrique de milieu à l'état liquide. Étude théorique de la molécule d'eau et de ses diméresDaniel Rinaldi and Jean-Louis Rivail
71-75The interaction of directional lone pairs between bonded atoms: HydrazineRaymond G. Jesaitis
77-79Anab initio SCF molecular orbital study of acetylcholineAlberte Pullman and G. N. James
81-86Rotational barrier for 1-acetyl-2-(p-methoxy benzyl)-3-pyrrolineR. Cetina and M. Rubio
87-91The complete multi-ζ electric dipole moment matrix of π-(C6H6) Cr(CO)3 and tests of semi-empirical MO modelsP. J. Hauser, R. S. Evans and A. F. Schreiner
92RecensioKarl Jug

Volume 32, Number 2 / June 1973

93-100Non-empirical LCAO-MO-SCF calculations of the electronic structure of SiF2Colin Thomson
101-109An ab initio investigation of the geometry, bonding and coupling constants of BF2Colin Thomson and Douglas A. Brotchie
111-134An intermediate neglect of differential overlap technique for spectroscopy: Pyrrole and the azinesJ. Ridley and Michael Zerner
135-144Calculs «a priori» de constantes physiques moléculaires à partir de méthodes SCF sémi-empiriques. I. Influence des orbitales d dans la série des chloréthylènesMichel Rajzmann and Guy Pouzard
145-150Calculation of fully optimized geometries of five- and six-membered heterocycles by the CNDO force methodFerenc Török, Ágnes Hegedüs and Péter Pulay
151-159Ab initio SCF-CI studies of the intermolecular interaction between two hydrogen molecules near the Van der Waals minimumElise Kochanski, Björn Roos, Per Siegbahn and Melvyn H. Wood
161-170Ab initio calculation of some low-lying electronic excited states of methaneRaffaele Montagnani, Pierluigi Riani and Oriano Salvetti
171-182The methyl isocyanide isomerization: A CNDO/2 study with partitioning of energyJ. B. Moffat and K. F. Tang
183-186A CNDO/2 study of the polymerization of beryllium chlorideJohn MacCordick, François Choplin and Gérard Kaufmann

Volume 32, Number 3 / September 1974

187-201An MO study of bridge bonds in B2H6Shinichi Yamabe, Tsutomu Minato, Hiroshi Fujimoto and Kenichi Fukui
203-216Selection of configurations for SCF-CI calculations of spectral properties and comparison with TDHF calculationsJohn W. Downing, Josef Michl, Poul Jørgensen and Erik W. Thulstrup
217-226Molecular orbital calculation of hyperfine interactions, electric field gradient and quadrupole splitting in reduced rubredoxinsGilda H. Loew and David Y. Lo
227-242Electronic structure of linear halogen compoundsPeter A. Straub and A. D. McLean
243-251Calcul théorique des polarisabilités électroniques moléculaires. Comparaison des différentes méthodesDaniel Rinaldi and Jean -Louis Rivail
253-264Hartree-Fock calculation of the harmonic force constants and equilibrium geometry of formaldehydeWilfried Meyer and Péter Pulay
265-272The diagrammatic perturbation theory for the interaction of two molecular systems treated by the extended Hückel theoryV. Laurinc, I. Hubač and V. Kvasnička
273-278SCF LCAO MO calculations for the iso-electronic series ClO4, SO42−, and PO43−Helge Johansen

Volume 32, Number 4 / December 1974

279-293Ab initio Calculations for the electronic structure of carbazole and trinitrofluorenoneI. P. Batra, P. S. Bagus, E. Clementi and H. Seki
295-310Ab initio versus CNDO potential surface calculations for Li2O and Al2OE. L. Wagner
311-320Molecules in electric fieldsG. B. Bacskay and N. S. Hush
321-330Unrestricted Hartree-Fock spin density calculations with orthogonalized atomic orbitals on aza and nitroaromatic radical anionsD. N. Nanda and P. T. Narasimhan
331-339Modellrechnungen zu einer metallischen Modifikation des WasserstoffsHans Müller
341-345Ab initio molecular orbital calculations on the pyrazine-lithium ion pairA. Hinchliffe, J. C. Cobb and A. J. Duke
347-354On the evaluation of molecular integrals by three dimensional numerical integration in spherical polar coordinatesM. Kleiner

Volume 33, Number 1 / March 1974

1-6Optimized transformation of four center integralsGeerd H. F. Diercksen
7-47A theory of molecules in moleculesWolfgang Niessen
19-28CNDO CI calculations on second-row moleculesKarl-Wilhelm Schulte and Armin Schweig
29-41A numerical method for the solution of the one-dimensional Schrödinger equationHeinz Sklenar
43-50The electronic structure of bicyclo [2.2.1] heptane and of bicyclo [2.2.2] octaneJ. M. Lehn and G. Wipff
51-62Jahn-Teller instability and the magnetic circular dichroism of a tetragonal molecular systemD. J. Robbins
63-78Emission, Emissionslebensdauer und Absorption von [Cr urea6]X3-EinkristallenHartmut Yersin, Harald Otto and Günter Gliemann
79-86Scaling in the S and P states of the helium isoelectronic sequenceRussell J. Boyd
87-90Quantum mechanical studies of environmental effects on biomoleculesAlberte Pullman, Giuliano Alagona and Jacopo Tomasi
91-94On the molecular electrostatic potentials obtained with CNDO and INDO wave functionsC. Giessner-Prettre and Alberte Pullman
95-96RecensionesB. T. Sutcliffe

Volume 33, Number 2 / June 1974

97-103Multipole expansions of the electrostatic molecular potentialRosanna Bonaccorsi, Renzo Cimiraglia, Eolo Scrocco and Jacopo Tomasi
105-113On the mathematical formulation and interpretation of LACO MO theoryKeith R. Roby
115-124Ab initio valence-bond calculations of H2OCarl Peterson and Gary V. Pfeiffer
125-136Calculated properties of the active site complex of oxidized rubredoxinsGilda Harris Loew, Michael Chadwick and David A. Steinberg
137-145Calculated properties of the active site complex of oxidized rubredoxinsGilda H. Loew and David Lo
147-156Calculated properties of the active site of oxidized rubredoxinsGilda H. Loew, Michael Chadwick and David Lo
157-167Methods for efficient evaluation of integrals for Gaussian type basis setsReinhart Ahlrichs
169-176Hermitian operators for two-centre wavefunctionsThuy T. T. Bui and Geoffrey Hunter
177-181Ground state properties of some nonbenzenoid hydrocarbonsArchana DasGupta and N. K. DasGupta
183-184RecensionesJ. S. Kwiatkowski

Volume 33, Number 3 / September 1974

185-200Localized molecular orbitals for aromatic moleculesWolfgang Niessen
201-214The convergence properties of direct methods of energy minimization with respect to linear coefficients in the LCAO-MO-SCF approachB. T. Sutcliffe
215-226Linear combination of hybrid orbitals: Cyclobutane as test-caseAmatzya Y. Meyer and Reuven Pasternak
227-238A Molecular orbital description for sulfur compounds of valences 2, 4 and 6Vlasta Bonačić Koutecký and Jeremy I. Musher
239-247Ab initio calculations of small hydrides including electron correlationVolker Dyczmons and Werner Kutzelnigg
249-261Determination of many-particle integrals by the method of distance functionsTamás Szondy, Maria Hegyi, Vera Lengyel, M. Mezei and E. Kapuy
263-268SCF-CI MO treatment of radicals having degenerate ground statesJakob Kuhn, Petr Čársky and Rudolf Zahradnik
269-273On the application of the geometric approximation to the calculation of ring-current propertiesHuw G. Ff. Roberts
275-278An ab initio SCF molecular orbital study on the conformation of serotonin and bufotenineG. N. J. Port and B. Pullman

Volume 33, Number 4 / December 1974

279-284The C-potential surface for predicting conformations of molecules in solutionOktay Sinanoğlu
285-297Multi-configuration electron-hole potential method for excited statesSuehiro Iwata and Keiji Morokuma
299-306Non-empirical INDO-MO calculations on some vanadium(IV) halidesD. R. Truax, J. A. Geer and T. Ziegler
307-321Geometries of excited states of small polyenesJacqueline Langlet and Jean -Paul Malrieu
323-328Electronic structure of saturated hydrocarbons in the semiempirical equivalent orbital methodP. N. Dyachkov and A. A. Levin
329-338Etude théorique de la molécule de diazométhaneGeorges Leroy and Michel Sana
339-346Conformational studies on substituted purinesÅse Støgård
347-349Atomic spin-orbit interaction parameters from spectral data for 19 elementsKlaus Wittel and Rolf Manne
350RecensionesKarl Jug
351A Remark on the Comparison between the Roothaan Open Shell and Half-Electron MethodP. Čársky and R. Zahradnik
352Open Shell CNDO Treatments on Small and Aliphatic RadicalsP. Čársky and R. Zahradnik

Volume 34, Number 1 / March 1974

1-17Theoretical assignments of the electronic spectrum of acetyleneDaniel Demoulin and Martin Jungen
19-29Valence bond studies of AH2 moleculesRobert G. A. R. Maclagan and H. David Todd
31-38The UHF-CNDO/2 study of tetra-atomic radicals containing silicon and phosphorusYuri I. Gorlov, Ivan I. Ukrainsky and Vladimir V. Penkovsky
39-47Bond orbital analysis of the deuteron quadrupole coupling constants in MD4 moleculesShaul D. Goren
49-59The electronic structure of FeO42−, RuO4, RuO4, RuO42− and OsO4 by the HFS-DVM methodA. Rauk, T. Ziegler and D. E. Ellis
61-65A complete diagrammatic construction of PCILO methodVladimír Kvasnička
67-72Einzentrenmodell für die Clusterverbindung [Nb6Cl12]4+Joachim Wirsich
73-77Electron transfer in atomic-molecular collisionsE. A. Andreev
79-83Les orbitales de Slater à nombre quantique ≪n≫ non-entierAlain Allouche
85-90A comparison of quantitative theoretical results of the bonding in Ni(CO)4 and Ni(N2)4Herman B. Jansen and Piet Ros
91-92RecensionesTakeshi Nakajima and W. F. Schmidt

Volume 34, Number 2 / June 1974

93-103An ab initio molecular orbital study of the protonation of aminesA. C. Hopkinson and Imre G. Csizmadia
105-114Configuration interaction by the method of bonded functions, some preliminary calculationsGeerd H. F. Diercksen and B. T. Sutcliffe
115-127Hydrogen bonding in long chains of hydrogen fluoride and long chains and large clusters of water moleculesAlfred Karpfen, Janos Ladik, Peter Russegger, Peter Schuster and Sàndor Suhai
129-136Graph theory and molecular orbitalsDragoš Cvetković, Ivan Gutman and Nenad Trinajstić
137-144INDO Investigation of the halogen N.Q.R. frequencies and 14N nuclear quadrupole coupling constants of halothiophenes and halopyridinesV. Galasso
145-155Solvent interaction within the Hartree-Fock SCF molecular orbital formalismHenry A. Germer
157-163The electronic structure of periodic protein modelsSándor Suhai
165-167Electrostatic energies of the {CoNO}8 group in ligand fieldsRobert D. Feltham and John H. Enemark
168RecensionesH. Labhart

Volume 34, Number 3 / September 1974

169-174The ligand field as a pseudo-potentialC. J. Ballhausen and J. P. Dahl
175-182A theoretical study of electrophilic aromatic substitutionPietro Cremaschi and Massimo Simonetta
183-187Crucial role of electron correlation in both the upper and lower states in optical transitionsOktay Sinanoğlu and Donald R. Beck
189-198Models and paradoxes in quantum chemistryC. K. Jørgensen
199-212Determination of the H2-H2 potential from absolute integral cross section measurementsRolf Gengenbach, Christian Hahn, Wilhelm Schrader and Jan Peter Toennies
213-224Semiempirical MO calculations on symmetry governed reactionsPatrick Coffey and Karl Jug
225-231Optimized statistical exchange parameters α for atoms with higherZKarlheinz Schwarz
233-236Bond models for the photochemical reactivity of transition metal complexesClaudio Furlani

Volume 34, Number 4 / August 1974

237-243The non-additive ligand field
245-250Eine allgemeine Charakterenformel für Multiplett-ZuständeGerhard Fieck and Günter Gliemann
251-262Analytische Lösung des Molekülintegrals vom Drei-Zentren-Ein-Elektron-Typ über Slater-Atomorbitale und eine reguläre räumliche KugelfunktionE. Otto Steinborn
251-262Analytische Lösung des Molekülintegrals vom Drei-Zentren-Ein-Elektron-Typ über Slater-Atomorbitale und eine reguläre räumliche KugelfunktionE. Otto Steinborn
263-275Accuracy and limitations of the pseudopotential methodT. C. Chang, P. Habitz, B. Pittel and W. H. E. Schwarz
263-275Accuracy and limitations of the pseudopotential methodT. C. Chang, P. Habitz, B. Pittel and W. H. E. Schwarz
277-292Conformation of ethylene glycol: Isometric group,ab initio study of internal H bonding and ir-matrix spectra of the species CH2OHCH2OH, CD2OHCD2OH and CH2ODCH2ODTae-Kyu Ha, H. Frei, R. Meyer and Hs. H. Günthard
277-292Conformation of ethylene glycol: Isometric group,
293-299Berechnung der Intensitäten von CH-Valenzschwingungen mit der CNDO/2 MethodeH. -H. Perkampus, M. Klampfer and J. V. Knop
293-299Berechnung der Intensitäten von CH-Valenzschwingungen mit der CNDO/2 MethodeH. -H. Perkampus, M. Klampfer and J. V. Knop
301-314Charge-Transfer-Effekte in-SystemenRainer Brüggemann and Jürgen Voitländer
301-314Charge-Transfer-Effekte in-SystemenRainer Brüggemann and Jürgen Voitländer
315-326π-Molecular complexes: A modified CNDO study of the benzene-borazine systemFriedrich Grein and Karl Weiss
315-326π-Molecular complexes: A modified CNDO study of the benzene-borazine systemFriedrich Grein and Karl Weiss
327-337Gemischt quantenmechanisch-statistische Modellrechnungen nach der Einzentrenmethode an Wasserstoffverbindungen tetraedrischer Symmetrie von Elementen der III., IV. und V. HauptgruppeKarl Hensen, Manfred Achatz, Rolf Müller and Ulrich Tröbs
327-337Gemischt quantenmechanisch-statistische Modellrechnungen nach der Einzentrenmethode an Wasserstoffverbindungen tetraedrischer Symmetrie von Elementen der III., IV. und V. HauptgruppeKarl Hensen, Manfred Achatz, Rolf Müller and Ulrich Tröbs

Volume 35, Number 1 / August 1974

1-15Consequences of resonance tunnelling in chemical kineticsMohamed W. Morsy, Ali Rabie, Abdelazim Hilal and Hermann Hartmann
17-32Orbital correlation effects: The independent pair-potential approximation with application to the ground state and first ionized state of boron hydrideE. L. Mehler
33-58Individualized configuration selection in CI calculations with subsequent energy extrapolationRobert J. Buenker and Sigrid D. Peyerimhoff
59-68The influence of electron correlation on reaction energies. The dimerization energies of BH3 and LiHReinhart Ahlrichs
69-80C-H Group as proton donor by formation of a weak hydrogen bondD. Bonchev and P. Cremaschi
81-87FSGO calculations of octahydrotriborate anion and tetraboraneJozef Bicerano and Arthur A. Frost
89-92Composite wave variational method for predicting molecular electronic structureSalvatore Antoci and Gianfranco Nardelli
93-96Approximated potential functions of non-bonded interactions of methyl groupV. Z. Pletnev, E. M. Popov and F. A. Kadymova
97RecensionesJ. W. Linnett
98RecensionesKarl Jug

Volume 35, Number 2 / October 1974

99-112Applications of fourier transforms in molecular orbital theory. Calculation of optical properties and tables of two-center one-electron integralsJohn Avery and Michael Cook
113-128Molecular orbital calculations on the conformation of polypeptides and proteins
129-139Hartree-Fock calculations and photoelectron spectra of SSO and NSFP. Rosmus, P. D. Dacre, B. Solouki and H. Bock
141-149The influence of hyperconjugation on properties of borane adductsKeith F. Purcell and R. L. Martin
151-156Behandlung der Strukturen 3 atomiger Dublett- und Triplett-Radikale auf der Grundlage von Slater-ExponentenPaul Machmer
157-162Molecular orbital calculations on transition metal complexes part VII
163-167The electronic structure and energy of acyloxy and dioxacyclopropyl cationsManfred T. Reetz and Wilhelm F. Maier
169-171Possible anisotropy in phenanthrene overcrowdingAlec Grimison

Volume 35, Number 3 / September 1974

173-181The determination of electronic ground and singlet state wavefunctions of BHS. A. Houlden and Imre G. Csizmadia
183-187Relativistic treatments for bound-state atomic energiesSerafin Fraga and Jacek Karwowski
189-202Zur Konjugation in makrocyclischen Bindungssystemen [1]Günter Ege and Helmut Vogler
203-216Self consistent field perturbation theory for Frenkel and charge transfer states of hydrogen bonded crystalsKeith M. Middlemiss and David P. Santry
217-230An intermolecular perturbation approach to hydrogen bondings in systems in the ground and excited electronic statesShigeru Nagase and Takayuki Fueno
231-236Interpretation of experimental Mössbauer quadrupole splittings of iron pentacyanide complexes using molecular orbital theoryAlfred Trautwein, Frank E. Harris and Istvan Dézsi
237-242Near Hartree Fock wave function and computed molecular properties of methinophosphide, HCPColin Thomson
243-250Etude variationnelle d'une double perturbation. Application au calcul des constantes de couplage entre spins nucleairesJean Hoarau and Jacques Paviot
251-259Etude variationnelle d'une double perturbation. Application au calcul des constantes de couplage entre spins nucléairesJacques Paviot and Jean Hoarau
261-265Electronic structure of unstable intermediatesColin Thomson and Brian J. Wishart
267-271Electronic structure of unstable intermediatesColin Thomson and Brian J. Wishart
273-274Solvent interaction within the Hartree-Fock SCF molecular orbital formalismH. A. Germer
275RecensionesW. A. Bingel

Volume 35, Number 4 / December 1974

277-292PNO-CI and CEPA studies of electron correlation effectsWilfried Meyer
293-299Verbesserung von SCF-Bildungsenthalpien mit einer beschränkten KonfigurationswechselwirkungHeinrich Hirschhausen and Klaus Wenzel
301-308(p-d) π-bonding and hyperconjugation in vinylsilaneErich Zeeck
309-327Ab initio calculation of the lowest singlet and triplet states in CH2, CHF, CF2, and CHCH3Volker Staemmler
329-340New developments in CNDO molecular orbital theoryArchana DasGupta and Sigeru Huzinaga
341-354Non empirical LCAO SCF MO investigations of electronic reorganizations accompanying core ionizationsDavid T. Clark, Ian W. Scanlan and Jiri Muller
355-359The nonexistence of topological formula for total π-electron energyIvan Gutman
361-368Core-electron contributions to Fe57m nuclear quadrupole interactions in heminJane C. Chang, T. P. Das and Dennis Ikenberry
369-378The interaction of cations with amidesBernd M. Rode and Heinzwerner Preuss
379-380RecensionesRalph E. Christoffersen
381-382RecensionesKarl Jug

Volume 36, Number 1 / March 1974

1-10Perturbation theory for excited states of moleculesB. L. Burrows and A. T. Amos
11-24L'utilisation d'orbitales localisées dans l'étude théorique des moléculesGeorges Leroy and Daniel Peeters
25-36Calculated vibrational spectra of weak hydrogen bondsKrzysztof Pecul and Rudolf Janoschek
37-48Inorganic analogues of cyclic organic moleculesJames S. Wright
49-66Chiroptical properties of cyclic α-diketonesFrederick S. Richardson and David Čaliga
67-76Mössbauer and molecular orbital study of the myoglobin-CO complexAlfred Trautwein, Yutaka Maeda, Frank E. Harris and Helmuth Formanek

Volume 36, Number 2 / June 1974

77-86Effective potential energy barriers and X-ray transitions of sulphate ionGian Luigi Bendazzoli and Paolo Palmieri
87-92Molecular orbital calculations on transition metal complexes. Part IXDenis W. Clack and William Smith
93-102A “double-zeta” type wavefunction for an organometallic: Bis-(π-allyl)nickelMarie -Madeleine Rohmer, Jean Demuynck and Alain Veillard
103-108Ab initio calculations for ground states of CH2Li and CH2BeUgo Lamanna and Marco Maestro
109-115Orthogonalized hybrid orbitals in the theoretical study of polyatomic systemsAndré Deplus, George Leroy and Daniel Peeters
117-124Some analysis of the ω-TechniqueJerry Goodisman
125-134A comparison of different methods in determining energies and geometries of open-shell systemsNorman Colin Baird and Robert Francis Barr
135-143Magnetic circular dichroism studies XXXIIRobert E. Linder, Hannah Weiler-Feilchenfeld, Günter Barth, Edward Bunnenberg and Carl Djerassi
145-148C.I. Calculations on the lower transitions in the terphenyl and quaterphenyl di-valent ionsIrene P. Cook and G. Jan Hoytink

Volume 36, Number 3 / September 1975

149-161General properties of the Hartree-Fock problem demonstrated on the frontier orbital modelVlasta Bonačić-Koutecký and Jaroslav Koutecký
163-180General properties of the hartree-fock problem demonstrated on the frontier orbital modelVlasta Bonačić-Koutecký and Jaroslav Koutecký
181-194Electronic structure of saturated hydrocarbons in the semi-empirical equivalent orbital methodPavel N. Dyachkov and Alexandr A. Levin
195-206Anab initio molecular orbital study of substituted carbonyl compoundsJanet E. Bene, Guy T. Worth, Francis T. Marchese and Michael E. Conrad
207-214Weak intermolecular interactionMiroslav Urban and Pavel Hobza
215-220Weak intermolecular interactionMiroslav Urban and Pavel Hobza
221-225Additivity of the hydrogen bridges in several polymers of formamideI. Ortega Blake and M. Rubio
227-230Alternant and non-alternant systems; valence bond analysisJan J. C. Mulder
231-235Electronic aspects of dioxygen binding to cobalt-schiff-base-complexes: Anab initio calculationAlain Dedieu and Alain Veillard
237-239Vertical ionization potentials of radicals by the MINDo/3 methodMichael J. S. Dewar, Herbert W. Kollmar and Sung Ho Suck
241-247Une extension de la méthode CNDO/2 á l'étude des complexes d'éléments de transitionAlain Serafini, Jean -Michel' Savariault, Patrick Cassoux and Jean -François Labarre

Volume 36, Number 4 / December 1975

249-274SCF-CI studies of correlation effects on hydrogen bonding and ion hydrationGeerd H. F. Diercksen, Wolfgang P. Kraemer and Björn O. Roos
275-287Direct determination of pair natural orbitalsReinhart Ahlrichs and Frank Driessler
289-296The synthetic construction of spin eigenfunctions in second quantization representationPaul J. A. Ruttink
297-308Calculation of the brueckner orbitals and generalized natural orbitalsVladimir Kvasnička
309-315An ab initio study of the ground and low-lying excited states of the permanganate ionMelvyn H. Wood
317-328Molecular orbital studies on the conformation of GABA (γ-aminobutyric acid)
329-338A comparative molecular orbital study on the low lying singlet and triplet states of ethylene oxidePaul Mezey, Roy E. Kari, Azucena S. Denes, Imre G. Csizmadia and Ratnakar K. Gosavi, et al.
339-344Ab initio molecular electrostatic potentialsRossana Bonnaccorsi, Eolo Scrocco, Jacopo Tomasi and Alberte Pullman
345-349An ab initio study of the ground and excited states of p-benzoquinoneMelvyn H. Wood
351-355MO-LCAO Calculations of PolymethinesJürgen Fabian and Horst Hartmann
357RecensionesF. Dörr

Volume 37, Number 1 / March 1975

1-16Non-empirical molecular orbital theory of the electronic structure of molecular crystalsSèamus F. O'Shea and David P. Santry
17-36Etudes quantiques sur la conformation de la valinomycine et de ses éléments constitutifsBernard Maigret and Bernard Pullman
37-46Méthode de Hückel étendue aux électrons de valence s, p, dAlain Botrel, Pascal Dibout and Roland Lissillour
47-65Inner-shell Eigenvalues from valence orbital only calculationsAba Hartman and Michael C. Zerner
67-75Semiempirical calculation of harmonic force constants: CNDO/2 and MINDO/2 study of C2H6, C2H4 and C2H2Kornélia Kozmutza and Péter Pulay
77-88Effects of anharmonicity on non-radiative transitions in polyatomic moleculesNoriyuki Shimakura, Yuichi Fujimura and Takeshi Nakajima

Volume 37, Number 2 / June 1975

89-104Molecular structure, quadrupole splitting, and magnetic susceptibility of iron in deoxygenated myoglobin and hemoglobinAlfred Trautwein, Reinhart Zimmermann and Frank E. Harris
105-127Zur Elektronenstruktur von metallorganischen Komplexen der f-elementeH. -D. Amberger, R. D. Fischer and B. Kanellakopulos
129-145Investigation of the muffin-tin approximations for potential and charge density in the MS-Xα method by means of calculations of H2OUlla Mitzdorf
147-158Application of semi-empirical molecular orbital methods to the calculation of properties of ionic crystalsMichael R. Hayns and Lenard Dissado
159-169Ab initio Calculations on the thermal ring closure of acroleinKees Meer and Jan J. C. Mulder
171-176A relationship between correlation energies and sizes: The helium-like ionsFernando Bernardi, Imre G. Csizmadia, Vedene H. Smith, M. H. Whangbo and Saul Wolfe

Volume 37, Number 3 / September 1975

177-216Localized charge distributionsWalter England, Mark S. Gordon and Klaus Ruedenberg
217-231Group-theoretical analysis of carbonium ion rearrangements: The barbaralyl cationThomas D. Bouman and Carl Trindle
233-250The coupling algebra of trigonally subduced crystal field eigenvectorsBryan R. Hollebone and J. C. Donini
251-252Note on the solution of secular problems with two non-orthogonal basis functionsW. A. Bingel

Volume 37, Number 4 / December 1975

253-267Spatially projected generalized valence bond description of the pi-states of allyl radicalGeorge Levin and William A. Goddard
269-274CNDO/2 study of benzene-chlorine complexJohn C. Schug and Keith A. Levinson
275-283Numerical integration techniques for quantum chemistry
285-303Genäherte Lösung der Hartree-Fock-Gleichungen wechselwirkender Moleküle im Bereich der geringen Überlappung
305-318Comparative study of the pK of acridine, thionine and phenazine molecules in their first excited singlet and triplet statesRaymond Constanciel, Odilon Chalvet and Jean -Claude Rayez
319-327Applications of the group function method
329-334Approximate calculation of the correlation energy for the closed shellsRenato Colle and Oriano Salvetti
335-339On the molecular electrostatic potentials obtained from CNDO wave functionsClaude Giessner-Prettre and Alberte Pullman
341-344Geometrical and electronic structure of hydrated CH5+ and CH5Pietro Cremaschi and Massimo Simonetta
345-347Variational calculations with a hyperspherical basis on atomic heliumGlen O. Morrell and Dwayne L. Knirk

Volume 38, Number 1 / March 1975

1-8Untersuchungen zum Energiespektrum vonα,ω-substituierten Polymethinketten
9-20On a definition of bond energies based on localized molecular orbitalsWolfgang von Niessen
21-35A quantum chemical study on electrophilic addition
37-47A topological index for the totalπ-electron energy
49-63Delocalized and localized pictures of excited and ionized states
65-69Calculated electron densities and experimental isomer shifts of Fe57 in the deoxy- and CO-compounds of myoglobin and hemoglobinAlfred Trautwein and Frank E. Harris
71-77Metal ion interaction with dimethyl phosphate anion
79-82Theoretical study of the photochemical isomerism of oximesAlain Dargelos, Daniel Liotard and Max Chaillet
83-84RecensionesHeinz Krüger and C. J. Ballhausen

Volume 38, Number 2 / June 1975

85-100Molecular orbital studies on ice-like structuresBrian F. Scott
101-107Properties of atoms in moleculesPeter Politzer, Katherine C. Leung, James D. Elliott and Shirley K. Peters
109-114A note on the torsional potential functionV(φ) in the dipeptide modelAshok S. Kolaskar, Viswanathan Sasisekharan and Kasturiranga P. Sarathy
115-119Theoretical conformational analysis of a simple sulphilimine modelPaul Mezey, Arpad Kucsman, Giannoula Theodorakopoulos and Imre G. Csizmadia
121-129An alternative approach to the problem of assessing stabilization energies in cyclic conjugated hydrocarbonsPhilip George, Mendel Trachtman, Charles W. Bock and Alistair M. Brett
131-138Antisymmetric exchange in the trinuclear clusters of copper (II)B. S. Tsukerblat, B. Ya. Kuyavskaya, M. I. Belinskii, A. V. Ablov and V. M. Novotortsev, et al.
139-148Energy band structure of polymer chains with screw axes of symmetryIvan I. Ukrainski
149-157Application of one-particle Green functions technique for calculation of vertical ionization potentials of closed-shell molecules described by CNDO/2 semiempirical HamiltonianStanislav Biskupič, Ladislav Valko and Vladimír Kvasnička
159-163A misconception concerning the electronic density distribution of an atomHarel Weinstein, Peter Politzer and Shalom Srebrenik
165RecensionesB. Pullman and W. H. Eugen Schwarz

Volume 38, Number 3 / September 1975

167-183The diagram lattice as structural principle A. New aspects for representations and group algebra of the symmetric group B. Definition of classification character, mixing character, statistical order, statistical disorder; A general principle for the time evolution of irreversible processesErnst Ruch
185-197Non relativistic continuum wave functions for two coulomb centresP. Thornton Greenland
199-210PCILO method for excited states IV. Localized Character of then→-7π* excitation of polyenic aldehydesJacqueline Langlet
211-221Direct minimization of the energy functional in LCAO-MO density matrix formalism I. Closed and open shell systemsStefano Polezzo
223-229Theoretical study on the protonation of AZA-aromaticsPeter van de Weijer, Douwe van der Meer and Johan L. Koster
231-240An SCF-Xα-SW study of the ionic and covalent state in the NaCl SystemPeter Weinberger and Karlheinz Schwarz
241-244INDO calculations on the sigmatropic [1, 5] H-Shift in 1,3-cyclohexadiene and 1,3,5-cycloheptatriene A homo-cyclopentadienyl transition state modelJan R. de Dobbelaere, Erica L. van Zeeventer, Jan W. de Haan and Henk M. Buck
245-246RecensionesDonald J. Kouri

Volume 38, Number 4 / December 1975

247-260Translations of fields represented by spherical-harmonic expansions for molecular calculations
261-271Translations of fields represented by spherical-harmonic expansions for molecular calculations
273-281Translations of fields represented by spherical-harmonic expansions for molecular calculations
283-302A theoretical method to determine atomic pseudopotentials for electronic structure calculations of molecules and solidsPhilippe Durand and Jean-Claude Barthelat
303-309Application of the independent electron pair approach to the calculation of excitation energies, ionization potentials, and electron affinities of first row atomsVolker Staemmler and Martin Jungen
311-326The evaluation of two-centre molecular integrals involving one-electron green's functionsMichael Blakemore, Gwynne A. Evans and John Hyslop
327-339Predictions of molecular geometries and electronic spectra of complex unsaturated molecules from MC-LCAO-MO method with particular reference to triplet-triplet transitions of naphthaleneMitsunobu Nakayama, Kazunori Sazi and Yasumasa J. I'Haya
341-354A second quantized formulation of valence bond theoryA. A. Cantu, D. J. Klein, F. A. Matsen and T. H. Seligman
355-358Structure and magnetic properties of some boron containing radicals: A molecular orbital studyAndrew Hudson, Roger F. Treweek and John T. Wiffen

Volume 39, Number 1 / March 1975

1-6A note on a non-empirical molecular orbital study of some cytosine and thymine tautomersJohn D. Goddard, Paul G. Mezey and Imre G. Csizmadia
7-16First and second-order properties of charge-localized and Frost-localized orbitalsA. Terry Amos, Raymond J. Crispin and Richard A. Smith
17-24An SCF-MO study of the electronic structure of the [LiNH3] cation and related moleculesAlan Hinchliffe and J. Charles Dobson
25-31Atomic spherical orbitalsGilles Klopman
33-49Ligand field distortion parametersBryan R. Hollebone and J. C. Donini
51-59Quantum chemical study of the geometries and stabilities of the two valence-tautomers of C2H2F+Imre G. Csizmadia, Vittorio Lucchini and Giorgio Modena
61-74Molecular orbital calculations of the chemisorption and diffusion of oxygen and water on a graphite substrateMichael R. Hayns
75-91The influence of vibronic interactions on the chiroptical spectra of dissymmetric pseudo tetragonal metal complexesFrederick S. Richardson, Gary Hilmes and Jacqueline J. Jenkins
93-102The convergence properties of direct energy minimisation with respect to linear coefficients in the MC-LCAO-MO-SCF approachB. T. Sutcliffe
103-110Calculations of the pseudopotential for the excess electron in water and methaneShingo Ishimaru, Kenichi Fukui and Hiroshi Kato

Volume 39, Number 2 / June 1975

111-118Random-phase-approximation calculations on triplet spectra of conjugated moleculesOsamu Matsuoka and Hirotoshi Ito
119-125An analysis of the complex molecular orbitals methodJosip Hendeković and Krishnaswamy Vasudevan
127-148Pattern recognition in molecular quantum mechanicsHans Primas
149-160Theoretical study of the H5+ systemReinhart Ahlrichs
161-172A least-squares method applied to the hydrogen moleculeInge Røeggen, John P. Huggett and Edward A. G. Armour
173-183Transferred hyperfine structure interactions in transition metal complexesSven Larsson
185-187Comments on calculations of nuclear spin-spin coupling constants using the blinder operatorPekka Pyykkö
189-195End-on versus side-on coordination of dioxygen model ab initio calculations for the adducts of Co(acacen)Marie-Madeleine Rohmer, Alain Dedieu and Alain Veillard

Volume 39, Number 3 / October 1975

197-210Spectra-structure relationships in the near ultraviolet optical activity of chiral barbituric acid derivativesChin-yah Yeh and Frederick S. Richardson
211-216A molecular orbital study of the changing role ofd-orbitals in transition metal compounds: ZnS, FeS and CrSAlan Hinchliffe and J. Charles Dobson
217-228Energy extrapolation in CI calculationsRobert J. Buenker and Sigrid D. Peyerimhoff
229-239Une extension de la méthode CNDO/2 à l'étude des complexes d'éléments de transition
241-246The transformation of aromatic molecules into the subspace of their double bondsHeikki Joela
247-253The two-electron integral transformation and two-body density matrix transformationChristopher N. M. Pounder
255-276Intensités des transitions optiques de [PtCl4]2Claude Moncuit
277-280A modification of McLachlan method for spin density calculationsPascal Devolder

Volume 39, Number 4 / December 1975

281-288Applications of fourier transforms in molecular orbital theoryJohn S. Avery
289-300Direct formation of the CI Hamiltonian matrix from an expansion of Bonded FunctionsJames M. Scott and Brian T. Sutcliffe
301-312Charge distributions and multipole moments in moleculesKarl Jug
313-320Die longitudinale Widerstandsänderung im MagnetfeldKyu-Myung Chung
321-328Shake up phenomena in some unsaturated fluorocarbonsDavid T. Clark and David B. Adams
329-337Ab initio calculation of the first order term of the intermolecular energy near the van der Waals minimumE. Kochanski and J. F. Gouyet
339-346Ab initio calculation of the intermolecular energy between two hydrogen molecules near the van der Waals minimumE. Kochanski

Volume 40, Number 1 / March 1975

1-15Orbital correspondence analysis in maximum symmetry: Formulation and conceptual frameworkJacob Katriel and E. Amitai Halevi
17-23The configuration interaction method, and the triplet-singlet splitting in CH2Ali H. Pakiari and Nicholas C. Handy
25-31NMR line-shape analysis and modes of rearrangementsRudolph Willem, Jean Brocas and Daniel Fastenakel
33-45Localized molecular orbitals for polyatomic moleculesDaniel A. Kleier, David A. Dixon and William N. Lipscomb
47-60An ab initio study of the effect of the 3d orbitals of phosphorus on the properties of the phosphate groupDavid Perahia, Alberte Pullman and Hélène Berthod
61-70Interstitial and lattice substituted models of an expanded ice-IhlatticeBrian F. Scott
71-74Binding of cations and the conformation of the phosphodiester linkageBernard Pullman, Nohad Gresh and Hélène Berthod
75-80Optimum Gaussian basis set for the Bromine atom. Ab initio calculations on the HBr moleculePaul G. Mezey, Min H. Lien, Keith Yates and Imre G. Csizmadia
81-83Cis-trans isomerization of glyoxalJiří Pancíř
85-86RecensionesGiuseppe Re

Volume 40, Number 2 / June 1975

87-92Stability and crystal field splitting of N
93-111Quantum-mechanical studies of environmental effects on biomolecules VI.Ab initio Studies on the hydration scheme of the phosphate groupBernard Pullman, Alberte Pullman, Hélène Berthod and Nouhad Gresh
113-118Decomposition of 1,2-dioxetaneCharles W. Eaker and Juergen Hinze
119-127Marron-weare variational computation of energy differences for motions of C2H6, B2H6, CH3CH
129-141Konsequenzen des Koopmansschen Theorems in den Restricted Hartree Fock Methoden für open-shell-SystemeJoachim Sauer and Christoph Jung
143-156The use of slater orbitals in variational calculations involving one-electron green's functionsMichael Blakemore, Gwynne A. Evans and John Hyslop
157-174Coupled multiconfiguration self-consistent field (MC SCF) perturbation theoryMichał Jaszuński and Andrzej J. Sadlej
175-188Perturbation calculation of correlation energies for polyatomic molecules I. Initial resultsNeil S. Ostlund and M. Fillmore Bowen

Volume 40, Number 3 / September 1975

189-197Calculations of potential energy surfaces in the complex planeRichard L. Jaffe, Alan D. Isaacson, John R. Laing, Keiji Morokuma and Thomas F. George
199-205Statistische Modellrechnungen an zweiatomigen Alkalimetallmolekülen und -molekülionenKarl Hensen and Ulrich Tröbs
207-219Mechanistic pathways for ketene dimerizationKarl Jug and James Chickos
221-230A point-charge representation of frost-model wave functionsA. Terry Amos and Jonathan A. Yoffe
231-236Calculation of the electronic structure of ethylene by the SCF-Xα scattered wave methodAldwyn H. Tang Kai and Jean -Louis Calais
237-244Electronic structure of silanes in the semi-empirical equivalent orbital methodPavel N. Dyachkov, Nina V. Ioslovich and Alexander A. Levin
245-252Direct minimization of the energy functional in LCAO-MO density matrix formalismStefano Polezzo
253-261Approximate charge density localization of molecular orbitalsHubert P. Figeys, Paul Geerlings, Paul Raeymaekers and Christian Alsenoy
263-270The Gaussian approximation in molecular radiationless transitionsParbury P. Schmidt

Volume 40, Number 4 / December 1975

271-281Structure and packing arrangement of molecular compoundsIsrael Goldberg
283-285Configuration interaction by the method of bonded functionsGeerd H. F. Diercksen
287-295Semiempirical estimates of the correlation energy in small clusters of hydrogen atomsPetr Čársky, Rudolf Zahradník and Pavel Hobza
297-302The “invariance principle” in approximate molecular orbital theoriesDavid B. Cook
303-312Ab initio calculations including solvent effects of the structure of pyrazine, 4-nitropyridine and dicyanobenzenes ion pairsPietro Cremaschi, Aldo Gamba and Massimo Simonetta
313-321Theoretical study of the Diels-Alder reactionLuke A. Burke, Georges Leroy and Michel Sana
323-341The interaction of alkali metal cations with oxygen-containing ligandsPeter Schuster, Wolfgang Marius, Alberte Pullman and Hélène Berthod
343-348Electronic structure of friedel crafts catalysts BF3+HFEstanislao Silla, Eolo Scrocco and Jacopo Tomasi
349-351RecensionesA. Julg and Wolfgang Niessen
352Electronic structure of saturated hydrocarbons in the semi-empirical equivalent orbital methodPavel N. Dyachkov and Alexandr A. Levin

Volume 41, Number 1 / March 1976

1-6A theoretical study of the electromagnetic properties of ferrocene and the ferrocenium ionRobert F. Kirchner, Gilda H. Loew and Ulrich T. Mueller-Westerhoff
7-15Convergence properties of the intermolecular force series (1/R-expansion)Reinhart Ahlrichs
17-36Niveaux d'énergie électronique et susceptibilité magnétique des ions de configurationf2 en champ cristallin cubiqueEdgar Soulié and Gordon Goodman
37-49Theory of isomer shift in heminJane C. Chang, Yong M. Kim, Tara P. Das and Kenneth J. Duff
51-58Application of the virial theorem to the study of molecular electronic wave functionsMartin Jungen
59-70Reaction paths of some open-shell reactive intermediatesShigeru Nagase and Takayuki Fueno
71-77Calculation of the vibration-rotational transition moments: Matrix methodChe -Shung Lin
79-88Mixing of generalized parity in molecular orbitalsJosip Hendeković
89-91Ab initio crystal orbital studies on linear chains of H atomsMiklos Kertesz, Jože Koller and Andrej Ažman

Volume 41, Number 2 / June 1976

IIn memoriam John Wilfrid LinnettHermann Hartmann
95-117The principle of increasing mixing character and some of its consequencesErnst Ruch and Alden Mead
119-131The Hellmann-Feynman theorem applied to long-range forcesToshikatsu Koga and Hiroshi Nakatsuji
133-139FSGO calculations of geometries and electronic structures of “argon-core” third-row hydridesErach R. Talaty, Alan J. Fearey and Gary Simons
141-148A configuration interaction study of phosphine using bonded functionsJames M. Scott and Brian T. Sutcliffe
149-156The physical nature of the lone pair
157-176Semi-empirical calculations of π-electron affinities for some conjugated organic moleculesJohn M. Younkin, Linda J. Smith and Robert N. Compton
177-182Influence of spin contamination and basis set on electrostatic potential and Hfs coupling constants of organic radicalsPietro Cremaschi, Aldo Gamba, Gabriele Morosi and Massimo Simonetta
183-186Ab initio calculations on octahedral (CH)x(NH)6−xKees van der Meer and Jan J. C. Mulder
187-188Book reviewsA. Neckel
189-191Core-electron contributions to Fe57m nuclear quadrupole interactions in HeminJane C. Chang, T. P. Das and Dennis Ikenberry

Volume 41, Number 3 / September 1976

193-215Some theoretical aspects of vibrational fine structure accompanying core ionizations in N2 and CODavid T. Clark and Jiri Muller
217-221Direct calculation of the energy gradient with cartesian Gaussian basis setsHanspeter Huber, Petr Čársky and Rudolf Zahradník
223-232Electronic and magnetic structure of the polymeric system di-imidazolato iron(II)
233-241Electronic and magnetic structure of the polymeric system di-imidazolato iron(II)
243-256NDDO MO calculations
257-262NDDO MO calculations
263-264Note on nuclear spin-spin coupling in HDW. Sänger and J. Voitländer
265Book reviewsRalph G. Pearson and F Becker
267-268Book reviewsRalph G. Pearson and F Becker

Volume 41, Number 4 / December 1976

269-278The half-projected Hartree-Fock method
279-285The half-projected Hartree-Fock method
287-299On the lattice stability of metals
301-309Ab initio SCF computation of force constants for CO2Jacob Pacansky, Ulf Wahlgren and Paul S. Bagus
311-319Direct minimization of the energy functional in LCAO-MO density matrix formalism
321-328The Gaussian potential: Bound states in the continuum?Nimrod Moiseyev and Jacob Katriel
329-333Floating spherical Gaussian orbital (FSGO) studies with a model potential: Application to two-valence-electron systemsNaba K. Ray and Jurgen Switalski
335-344On the use of NDO approximate wavefunctions in the evaluation of momentum density and radial momentum density distributions in polyatomic moleculesHubert P. Figeys, Paul Geerlings and Christian van Alsenoy

Volume 42, Number 1 / March 1976

1-3Die diamagnetische Suszeptibilität eines nicht kugelsymmetrischen SystemsHermann Hartmann, Regina Schuck and Jürgen Radtke
5-11Pseudopotential calculations on ion-molecule complexesWolfgang Marius and Peter Schuster
13-22UV spectral changes from rotational and inversion processes at the nitrogen center in aniline moleculesCarol C. Strametz and Hans -Herbert Schmidtke
23-31Cation-binding to biomoleculesDavid Perahia, Alberte Pullman and Bernard Pullman
33-45Population analysis based on occupation numbers of modified atomic orbitals (MAOs)Rolf Heinzmann and Reinhart Ahlrichs
47-65Theoretical study of the electronic structure of diazomethaneJacques Lievin and Georges Verhaegen
67-75Application of SCF perturbation theory to molecular calculationsDavid P. Santry
77-82SCF-CI studies of the equilibrium structure and the proton transfer barrier H3O2Björn O. Roos, Wolfgang P. Kraemer and Geerd H. F. Diercksen
83-86Effect of water on the tautomeric equilibrium of uracil monoanions. A PCILO studyJózef S. Kwiatkowski and Bernard Pullman
87-90The correct McLachlan method in free radicals and radical anionsColin L. Honeybourne
91-94On the use of projection operators in molecular dynamicsM. Sanquer, J. L. Baudour and J. C. Messager
95Book reviewsU. Müller-Herold

Volume 42, Number 2 / June 1976

97-110The coupling symbols and algebrae of subducible, octahedrally projected ligand field eigenvectorsJohn C. Donini and Bryan R. Hollebone
111-144Quotients of group algebrae in the calculation of intermediate ligand field matrix elementsJohn C. Donini and Bryan R. Hollebone
145-154Semi-empirical calculations on the structure of the oxonium ion in various crystal sites and relative acidity scaleMichel Fournier, Marcel Allavena and Antoine Potier
155-161An extension of the CNDO/2 formalism for the study of transition metal complexesJean -Michel Savariault, Alain Serafini, Michel Pelissier and Patrick Cassoux
163-168A note on the implementation of variational procedures involving Green's operatorsMichael Blakemore, Gwynne A. Evans and John Hyslop
169-180Interpretation of soft X-ray emission spectra by means of local solid state modelsPeter Weinberger
181-192Many body perturbation methods in a discrete orbital basis: Application to CH4 and NeSally Prime and Michael A. Robb
193-198General procedure for solving the open-shell SCF secular equationsJosip Hendeković

Volume 42, Number 3 / September 1976

199-206The ellipsoidal gaussian basis in molecular orbital theoryDrora Cohen and Harold Basch
207-212An extension of the CNDO/2 formalism for the study of transition metal complexesJean-Michel Savariault and Jean-François Labarre
213-222Acidity scale for strong Bronsted acids referred to their complexes with water and in the Gaseous phaseMichel Fournier, Antoine Potier and Marcel Allavena
223-236Triplet states via intermediate neglect of differential overlap: Benzene, pyridine and the diazinesJoan E. Ridley and Michael C. Zerner
237-246Anab initio energy surface for the trichloride ion, Cl3E. F. Riedel and Roger D. Willett
247-260Long-range molecular interaction coefficients computed from frost-model wave functionsA. Terry Amos and Jonathan A. Yoffe
261-271Determination of molecular properties by the method of momentsTamás Szondy and Ede Kapuy
273-291Two centre continuum Coulomb wavefunctions in the entire complex planeP. Thornton Greenland and Walter Greiner

Volume 42, Number 4 / December 1976

293-301Excited states of phenyl carbonyl compoundsJacqueline Langlet and Philippe Gacoin
303-310Mechanism of cyclopropane-propene isomerizationKarl Jug
311-323Influence of solvents on the properties of chemical compoundsFrieder Birnstock, Hans -Jörg Hofmann and Hans -Joachim Köhler
325-332Non-integer Slater orbital calculationsAlain Allouche
333-344Molecular orbital calculations on the optical rotatory properties of chiral allene systemsHarry Dickerson, Steven Ferber and Frederick S. Richardson
345-352Application des orbitales atomiques perturbées au calcul de la constante de couplage entre les spins nucléaires de la molécule HDAlain Delpuech, Jacques Paviot and Jean Hoarau
353Book reviewK. Jug

Volume 43, Number 1 / March 1976

1-27Analysis of the chemical bondFrank Driessler and Werner Kutzelnigg
29-35Conformation analysis of diphosphineReinhart Ahlrichs, Rolf Heinzmann and Constantin Zirz
37-43On the lattice stability of metalsBernhard Reiser
45-62On the lattice stability of metalsBernhard Reiser
63-73A representation of the polarization term in the interaction energy between a molecule and a point-like chargeRosanna Bonaccorsi, Eolo Scrocco and Jacopo Tomasi
75-87CNDO/S calculations of magnetic circular dichroism of some mono-substituted benzenes using the complete angular momentum operatorJ. H. Obbink and A. M. F. Hezemans
89-93About direct obtainment of π SC bond ordersCarlos G. Bollini, Juan José Giambiagi, Mario Giambiagi and Myriam Segre Giambiagi
95-98Addendum et ErratumBryan R. Hollebone and J. C. Donini
99-100Book reviewsG. H. Kohlmaier

Volume 43, Number 2 / June 1976

101-120Study of the structure of molecular complexesEnrico Clementi, Riccardo Barsotti, Jacob Fromm and Robert O. Watts
121-135Application of intermolecular SCF-perturbation theory to the regioselectivity in the Diels-Alder reactionVinzenz Bachler and Franz Mark
137-144Semiempirical description of the C6H5N reactive intermediate in phenyl azide photolysisDonald D. Shillady and Carl Trindle
145-159An investigation of the reliability of the Galerkin-Petrov method with a special study of the helium atom ground stateKarol Jankowski and Andrzej Rutkowski
161-164Determination of molecular properties by the method of momentsTamás Szondy and Ede Kapuy
165-174A topological stochastic approach to the study of multidimensional potential energy surfaces of chemical reactionsIgor V. Krivoshey and Liudmila A. Sleta
175-184Moment characterization of localized orbitalsEde Kapuy, Cornelia Kozmutza and Michael E. Stephens
185-196Calculation of optimum geometries and force fields by the CNDO/force methodMeenakshisundaram Kanakavel, Jayaraman Chandrasekhar, Sankaran Subramanian and Surjit Singh
197-205On the configuration interaction method for singlet statesPeter D. Dacre

Volume 43, Number 3 / September 1977

207-214Cation-binding to biomoleculesDavid Perahia, Alberte Pullman and Bernard Pullman
215-225The linear combination of localized orbitals methods (LCLO) for polymersJoseph Delhalle, Jean -Marie André, Simone Delhalle, Christiane Pivont-Malherbe and Françoise Clarisse, et al.
227-237Efficient multipole expansion: Choice of order and density partitioning techniquesMihaly Mezei and Edwin S. Campbell
239-251Quantum mechanical approach to the chemisorption of molecular hydrogen on defect magnesium oxide surfacesJean -Marie André, Eric G. Derouane, Joseph G. Fripiat and Daniel P. Vercauteren
253-260The n→π* optical activity of chiral carbonyl compounds predicted to be optically inactive by the octant ruleChin -yah Yeh and Frederick S. Richardson
261-271On the calculation of multiplet energies by the hartree-fock-slater methodTom Ziegler, Arvi Rauk and Evert J. Baerends
273-276Spin-orbit coupling in chelates with conjugated ligandsMilan Král
277-286Ab initio Calculation of the charge distribution and the ligand field splitting in the tetrahedral halo complexes CuCl42−4 and NiCl42−Tonnis J. M. Smit, Cornelis Haas and Willem C. Nieuwpoort

Volume 43, Number 4 / December 1977

287-297Linear combination of hybrid orbitals: Acyclic alkanesReuven Pasternak and Amatzya Y. Meyer
299-306An MS Xα study of the potential energy surface and electronic structure of the PF4 radicalJacques Weber and Michel Geoffroy
307-328Analysis of the chemical bondFrank Driessler and Werner Kutzelnigg
329-335Open-shell SCF calculations with a model potential methodYasuyuki Ishikawa
337-349Ab initio SCF and CI study of the electronic spectrum of pyridine N-oxideTae -Kyu Ha
351-355A theoretical study of electrophilic reactionsPietro Cremaschi and Massimo Simonetta
357Book reviewC. J. Ballhausen

Volume 44, Number 1 / March 1977

1-7V-N vertical transition of planar ethyleneRenato Colle, Federico Moscardo, Pierluigi Riani and Oriano Salvetti
9-26The convergence of the Rayleigh-Ritz Method in quantum chemistryBruno Klahn and Werner A. Bingel
27-43The convergence of the Rayleigh-Ritz Method in quantum chemistryBruno Klahn and Werner A. Bingel
45-59Generalized brillouin theorem multiconfiguration method for excited statesT. C. Chang and W. H. E. Schwarz
61-76Accuracy and limitations of the pseudopotential methodTse -Chiang Chang, Peter Habitz and W. H. Eugen Schwarz
77-83Study of the hydrogen bond and of the proton transfer between two H2S moleculesKrzysztof Pecul
85-93The electronic structure of molecules by a many-body approachWolfgang Niessen, Lorenz S. Cederbaum and Wolfgang P. Kraemer
95Die paramagnetische suszeptibilität eines nicht kugelsymmetrischen systemsHermann Hartmann, Regina Schuck and Jürgen Radtke
96Book reviewsBernard Pullman

Volume 44, Number 2 / June 1977

97-107The optimization of MCSCF functions by application of the generalized brillouin theorem: The LiH2 potential energy surfacePaul J. A. Ruttink and Joop H. Lenthe
109-127Calculation of molecular one-electron propertiesPeter Swanstrøm, Wolfgang P. Kraemer and Geerd H. F. Diercksen
129-138Bonded-atom fragments for describing molecular charge densitiesF. L. Hirshfeld
139-149Generalized hybrid orbitalsE. F. Kirkwood and D. B. Cook
151-163Cation binding to biomoleculesBernard Pullman, Nohad Gresh, Hélène Berthod and Alberte Pullman
165-169A new approach to variational CI calculations on systems containing non-interacting moleculesGunnar Karlström
171-180The electronic structure and one-electron properties of BH computed from SCF and CI wave functionsStewart A. Houlden and Imre G. Csizmadia
181-199A theoretical investigation of electronic reorganizations accompanying core and valence ionization in simple hydrogen bonded systemsDavid T. Clark and Benjamin J. Cromarty
201-213Generalized perturbation theory: Quality of the first-order wave functionNimrod Moiseyev and Jacob Katriel
215-218Perpendicular component of dipole moment in methyl groupsJohn F. Ogilvie
219-221CorrigendumLuke A. Burke and Georges Leroy

Volume 44, Number 3 / September 1977

223-243Symmetry factoring of the characteristic equations of graphs corresponding to polyhedraR. B. King
245-256An ab initio investigation into the SN2 reaction: Frontside attack versus backside attack in the reaction of F with CH3FH. Bernhard Schlegel, Kurt Mislow, Fernando Bernardi and Andrea Bottoni
257-263An ab initio calculation of K-spectra in molecules HCl and HFLev N. Mazalov, Anatoly V. Kondratenko, Faris K. Gel'mukhanov, Vasily V. Murakhtanov and Tamara I. Guzhavina
265-278Calculations of the electronic structures of cage molecules using free-electron orbitals as a basisH. M. Cartwright, T. R. J. Bossomaier and R. Grinter
279-291Symmetry adaption reduced to tabulated quantitiesGerhard Fieck
293-303Changes in molecular properties with changes in molecular geometry: A partitioning into electronic and nuclear componentsJohn D. Goddard and Imre G. Csizmadia
305-313Iterative natural orbitals for configuration interaction using perturbation theoryJawed A. Jafri and Jerry L. Whitten
315-320Theoretical interpretation of the valence X-ray photoelectron spectrum of TiCPeter Weinberger
321Book reviewsH. Preuß
322Book reviewsWerner Kutzelnigg

Volume 44, Number 4 / December 1977

323-339Molecular orbital studies of hydrogen bondsSuehiro Iwata and Keiji Morokuma
341-350Semiclassical study of collision-induced predissociation: Comparison of the Landau-Zener model with the method of analytic continuationGianni L. Bendazzoli, Mario Raimondi, Bruce A. Garetz, Thomas F. George and Keiji Morokuma
351-373Natural spin orbital analysis of diatomic molecular wave functions in terms of generalized diatomic orbitalsSiegfried Kehl, Klaus Helfrich and Hermann Hartmann
375-384Role of the configuration interaction in the CNDO/S calculation of optical rotatory strengthsAndrey P. Volosov and Vladimir A. Zubkov
385-398Quantum chemical studies on electrophilic additionAlan C. Hopkinson, Min H. Lien, Keith Yates and Imre G. Csizmadia
399-404On basis set effects in SCF calculations of the interaction energy between closed-shell atomsMarek Bulski and Grzegorz Chałasiński
405-419An ab initio study of formamideLarilyn Zeller Stenkamp and Ernest R. Davidson
421-424Molecular MC SCF calculations by direct minimizationPiercarlo Fantucci and Stefano Polezzo

Volume 45, Number 1 / March 1977

1-20Heisenberg models of radical reactionsY. Yoshioka, K. Yamaguchi and T. Fueno
21-32Conformations of the thiathiophthenes and related moleculesStanley C. Nyburg, Giannoula Theodorakopoulos and Imre G. Csizmadia
33-44Selection of terms for a CI wavefunction to preserve potential surface featuresRichard C. Raffenetti, Kang Hsu and Isaiah Shavitt
45-52Comments on the electronic properties of cyclopropane, cyclobutane, and cyclohexaneAmatzya Y. Meyer and Reuven Pasternak
53-59Calculation of polarizabilities by the CNDO methodErik Nørby Svendsen and Torben Stroyer-Hansen
61-67Fermi and Coulomb correlations in the 21S state of the helium isoelectronic sequenceNimrod Moiseyev, Jacob Katriel and Russell J. Boyd
69-72Carbon-beryllium binding in CH2BeJ. Stephen Binkley, Rolf Seeger, John A. Pople, James D. Dill and Paul von R. Schleyer
73-78Book reviewsErnst -Albrecht Reinsch, I. Gutman, Reinhart Ahlrichs and E. E. Nikitin

Volume 45, Number 2 / June 1977

79-87Acyclic systems with extremal Hückel π-electron energyIvan Gutman
89-94Note on open shell restricted SCF calculations for rotation barriers about C-C double bonds: Ethylene and alleneVolker Staemmler
95-109The heisenberg exchange integral in a non-orthogonal basis for antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic systemsGeorge R. Tsaparlis and Sidney F. A. Kettle
111-120The spatial distribution of localized molecular orbital densitiesMichael E. Stephens, Ede Kapuy and Cornelia Kozmutza
121-126Ab initio SCF MO calculations on the CH3Br moleculeGuillermo P. Conde, Paul S. Bagus and Charles W. Bauschlicher
127-136The catalytic effect of BF3 on the electrophilic hydrogen exchange reaction in benzeneGiuliano Alagona, Eolo Scrocco, Estanislao Silla and Jacopo Tomasi
137-145Quantum-theoretical treatment of motions of ions in ion cyclotron resonance cellsHermann Hartmann and Kyu -Myung Chung
147-156Multipole expansion of diatomic overlapOthmar Steinhauser and Peter Schuster

Volume 45, Number 3 / August 1977

157-165A study of the hydrogen bond by means of comparative calculationsMichael D. Dolgushin and Vladimir M. Pinchuk
157-165A study of the hydrogen bond by means of comparative calculationsMichael D. Dolgushin and Vladimir M. Pinchuk
167-176Mechanisms of exchange interactions in some transition metal carboxylates, sulfates, and chloridesYurii V. Rakitin, Vladimir T. Kalinnikov and Mikhail V. Eremin
167-176Mechanisms of exchange interactions in some transition metal carboxylates, sulfates, and chloridesYurii V. Rakitin, Vladimir T. Kalinnikov and Mikhail V. Eremin
177-183Pseudopotential calculations using the FSGO Method: Application to first-row hydridesSid Topiol, Arthur A. Frost, Mark A. Ratner, Jules W. Moskowitz and Carl F. Melins
177-183Pseudopotential calculations using the FSGO Method: Application to first-row hydridesSid Topiol, Arthur A. Frost, Mark A. Ratner, Jules W. Moskowitz and Carl F. Melins
185-195Calculation of vertical ionization potentials of H2O and Ne by many-body Rayleigh-Schrödinger perturbation theoryIvan Hubač and Miroslav Urban
185-195Calculation of vertical ionization potentials of H2O and Ne by many-body Rayleigh-Schrödinger perturbation theoryIvan Hubač and Miroslav Urban
197-203Calculation of correlation energy by many-body diagrammatic perturbation theoryVladimír Kvasnička and Viliam Laurinc
197-203Calculation of correlation energy by many-body diagrammatic perturbation theoryVladimír Kvasnička and Viliam Laurinc
205-213Polarization functions for gaussian basis sets for the first row atomsMiroslav Urban, Vladimir Kellö and Petr Čársky
205-213Polarization functions for gaussian basis sets for the first row atomsMiroslav Urban, Vladimir Kellö and Petr Čársky
215-223A possible construction of a complex chemical reaction networkIstván Nemes, Tamás Vidóczy, László Botár and Dezsö Gál
215-223A possible construction of a complex chemical reaction network
225-233A possible construction of a complex chemical reaction networkIstván Nemes, Tamás Vidóczy, László Botár and Dezsö Gál
225-233A possible construction of a complex chemical reaction network
235-237Correlation of the position of the bond functions in H-X with electronegativityT. D. Metzgar and T. Vladimiroff
235-237Correlation of the position of the bond functions in H-X with electronegativityT. D. Metzgar and T. Vladimiroff
239-240Book reviewsW. Kutzelnigg and Hermann Hartmann
239-240Book reviewsW. Kutzelnigg and Hermann Hartmann

Volume 45, Number 4 / December 1977

241-247The calculation of ground and excited state molecular polarizabilities: A simple perturbation treatmentFrancis T. Marchese and H. H. Jaffé
249-256On the affinity of cytosine towards electrophilesAlberte Pullman and Anne Marie Armbruster
257-267Quantum mechanical studies of environmental effects on biomoleculesYoshimasa Orita and Alberte Pullman
269-281Theoretical study of the electronic structure of diazomethaneJacques Lievin and Georges Verhaegen
283-300On the excited states ofp-quinones and an interpretation of the photocycloaddition ofp-quinones to alkenesNigel J. Bunce, Joan E. Ridley and Michael C. Zerner
301-307Spin-adapted wave functions of the serber type and time reversalJan Vojtík and Jiří Fišer
309-315Topological properties of benzenoid systemsIvan Gutman
317-324Direct minimization of the energy functional in the LCAO-MO density matrix formalismPiercarlo Fantucci and Stefane Polezzo
325-326Book reviewsHans Sillescu

Volume 46, Number 1 / October 1977

1-10On the calculation of bonding energies by the Hartree Fock Slater methodTom Ziegler and Arvi Rauk
1-10On the calculation of bonding energies by the Hartree Fock Slater method
11-21On the direct calculation of localized HF orbitals in molecule clusters, layers and solidsHermann Stoll and Heinzwerner Preuß
11-21On the direct calculation of localized HF orbitals in molecule clusters, layers and solidsHermann Stoll and Heinzwerner Preuß
23-37MINDO-Forces calculation of molecular geometries and reaction pathsSalim M. Khalil and Muthana Shanshal
23-37MINDO-Forces calculation of molecular geometries and reaction pathsSalim M. Khalil and Muthana Shanshal
39-62Ab initio Studies of long range interactions between ethylene molecules in the multipole expansionFred Mulder, Marc Hemert, Paul E. S. Wormer and Ad Avoird
39-62Ab initio
63-71A programmable spin-free method for configuration interactionC. R. Sarma and Sten Rettrup
63-71A programmable spin-free method for configuration interactionC. R. Sarma and Sten Rettrup
73-76A new program for CI calculations in moleculesSten Rettrap and C. R. Sarma
73-76A new program for CI calculations in moleculesSten Rettrap and C. R. Sarma
77Pseudopotential calculations using the FSGO method: Applications to first-row hydridesS. Topiol, A. A. Frost, M. A. Ratner, J. W. Moskowitz and C. F. Melius
77Pseudopotential calculations using the FSGO method: Applications to first-row hydridesS. Topiol, A. A. Frost, M. A. Ratner, J. W. Moskowitz and C. F. Melius

Volume 46, Number 2 / June 1977

79-88The MCD spectra of some 8-azapurinesHannah Weiler-Feilchenfeld, Robert E. Linder, Günter Barth, Edward Bunnenberg and Carl Djerassi
89-104A semiempirical model for the two-center repulsion integrals in the NDDO approximationMichael J. S. Dewar and Walter Thiel
105-116Studies of solvent effectsJ. Langlet, P. Claverie, B. Pullman, D. Piazzola and J. P. Daudey
117-127Theoretical investigation of structure and stability of oligomers of LiH, NaH, LiF, and NaFMartin Rupp and Reinhart Ahlrichs
129-141The computation of the representation matrices of the generators of the unitary groupMichael J. Downward and Michael A. Robb
143-155On the algebraic approximation of scattering wave functions for molecular systemsKlaus D. Hänsel and Notker Rösch

Volume 46, Number 3 / September 1977

157-164Multipole expansion of diatomic overlapOthmar Steinhauser and Peter Schuster
165-172Valence-bond studies of AH2 moleculesRobert G. A. R. Maclagan and Gary W. Schnuelle
173-181Bonding criteria for diatomic molecular orbitals and inter-relations among themYoram Tal and Jacob Katriel
183-189Theoretical studies of atmospheric molecules: SCF and correlated energy levels for the NO2, NO2+ and NO2 systemsPatrick J. Fortune, Bruce J. Rosenberg, Walter B. England and Arnold C. Wahl
191-203Band structure of even and ions of odd polyenesNikolay Tyutyulkov, Ivo Kanev, Oskar Polansky and Jürgen Fabian
205-221An open-shell INDO study of models for the stabilized O ion in γ-irradiated alkaline icesAndrew T. Pudzianowski and Robert N. Schwartz
223-235A theoretical description of thetrans-cis conversion in the lowest excited states of diimideRenzo Cimiraglia, Josep M. Riera and Jacopo Tomasi
237-240Geometrical shapes of molecules by iterative extended Hückel methodToshinobu Ukawa and Osamu Matsuoka
241Book reviewC. J. Ballhausen
242AnnouncementBernard Pullman

Volume 46, Number 4 / December 1977

243-250A possible construction of chemical reaction networksIstván Nemes, Tamás Vidóczy and Dezsö Gál
251-258Quantum mechanical studies of environmental effects on biomoleculesYoshimara Orita and Alberte Pullman
259-275Application of self-consistent HMO theory to heteroconjugated moleculesToshiaki Kakitani and Hiroko Kakitani
277-290Exchange polarization effects in the interaction of closed-shell systemsGrzegorz Chałasiński and Bogumił Jeziorski
291-305Molecular integrals in the approximate calculation of electronic structureDavid B. Cook
307-311Theoretical approach of the conformations of benzylidene aniline using the PCILO methodPatrice Jacques and Jean Faure
313-323Molecular orbital calculations on transition metal complexesDenis W. Clack and Keith D. Warren
325-329On the “level-shifting” method for converging hartree-fock wave functionsPrem Kishore Mehrotra
331-336An optimum minimal basis of exponential atomic orbitalsD. B. Cook

Volume 47, Number 1 / March 1978

1-16An examination of UHF methods for atoms in the first three rowsJ. R. Macdonald and R. M. Golding
17-26Effect of the crystalline environment upon the rotational conformation about the N-C and C-C′ bonds (Φ andΨ) in amides and peptidesJ. Caillet, P. Claverie and B. Pullman
27-38Molecular-orbital realizations of the bent-bond model: Spiranic derivatives of cyclobutanoneAmatzya Y. Meyer and Reuven Pasternak
39-50Ab initio studies on several species of the formula X3YO and X3YOHJohn F. Olsen and James M. Howell
51-58The analysis of electron pair distribution functions in moleculesIan L. Cooper and Christopher N. M. Pounder
59-66Quantum-mechanical exploration of the properties of the sugar ringsHélène Berthod and Alberte Pullman
67-79On the investigation of pseudoscalar molecular properties and polynomial approximations according to Ruch and SchönhoferDirk Meinköhn
81-83Book reviewsJ. J. Fernández-Alonso and H. -H. Schmidtke

Volume 47, Number 2 / June 1978

85-96Numerical integration of overlap and ligand contributions to the electric field gradientReiner Reschke and Alfred Trautwein
97-109Quantum chemical studies on electrophilic additionAlan C. Hopkinson, Min H. Lien, Imre G. Csizmadia and Keith Yates
111-131A MO-theoretical study of the hydrogen bond in (HCOOH)2, (HCONH2)2 and (B(OH)3)2Shinichi Yamabe, Kazuo Kitaura and Kichisuke Nishimoto
133-145On a possible catalytic effect of water on some nucleophilic substitution reactions in “Inert” solventsGiuliano Alagona, Eolo Scrocco and Jacopo Tomasi
147-156On the application of a classical perturbation theory to the theory of coupled fieldsHermann Hartmann and Kyu -Myung Chung
157-169Some remarks on the SCRF theory of solvent effects and the calculation of proton potentialsO. Tapia
171-174Environmental effects on second order perturbation energyO. Tapia, E. Poulain and F. Sussman

Volume 47, Number 3 / September 1978

175-192An SCFab initio investigation of the “through-water” interaction of the phosphate anion with the Na+ cationAlberte Pullman, Bernard Pullman and Hélène Berthod
193-203VB calculations with orthogonal basis functionsMartin Klessinger and Wolfgang Schmidt
205-216Molecular electric polarizabilitiesAndrzej J. Sadlej
217-222Bounds for reactivity indicesIvan Gutman
223-231Ab initio studies of the protonation of CO, N2 and NO+: Calculation of the minimum energy reaction pathsNeena L. Summers and James Tyrrell
233-248SCF-CI studies on the electronic ground state of water: Potential energy hypersurface and spectroscopic constantsPaul Hennig, Wolfgang P. Kraemer, Geerd H. F. Diercksen and Gernot Strey
249-257A Floating Gaussian Orbital calculation on argon hydrochloride (Ar · HCl)Peter H. Blustin
259Book reviewsK. Jug and W. A. Bingel

Volume 47, Number 4 / December 1978

263-273Influence of polarization functions on molecular electrostatic potentialsOtilia Mó and Manuel Yáñez
275-282An investigation of the reliability of the Galerkin-Petrov methodKarol Jankowski, Janina Muszyńska and Andrzej Rutkowski
283-296Application of a screened INDO model (INDO/S) to spectroscopic properties of TCNQ and its anionsKarsten Krogh-Jespersen and Mark A. Ratner
297-304Multiplicity of the ground state of large alternant organic molecules with conjugated bondsAlexandr A. Ovchinnikov
305-314Role of coupling operators on open shell RHF equationsFederico Moscardó and José Ignacio Fernández-Alonso
315-328INDO Calculations with inclusion of an effective solvent field. Application to benzosemiquinonesJens Spanget-Larsen
329-343Calculation of hfs coupling constants by the roothaan “Plus” configuration interaction method within the INDO approximationVera Bellagamba, Roberta Ercoli, Aldo Gamba and Gabriele Morosi
345-347Study of anion binding to protonated nucleic acid bases using electrostatic molecular potentialsAmiram Goldblum and Bernard Pullman
349Book reviewH. Preuss

Volume 48, Number 1 / March 1978

1-15Simple ab initio calculations using a floating basisPeter H. Blustin
17-27A statistical thermodynamic supermolecule-continuum study of ion hydration: Cell and shell methodsGary W. Schnuelle, S. Swaminathan and David L. Beveridge
29-36Hydration scheme of uracil and cytosineAlberte Pullman and David Perahia
37-45All-electron SCF LCAO MO calculations on various conformations of cis- and trans-stilbeneAndreas Wolf, Hans-Herbert Schmidtke and Jan V. Knop
47-57SCF MO CI perturbation calculations of inner shell and valence shell vertical ionization potentialsHans-Lothar Hase, Günther Lauer, Karl-Wilhelm Schulte and Armin Schweig
59-74A critical study of basis set effects and the use of approximate natural orbitals in SCF-CI calculations of molecular geometries and heats of reactionGunnar Karlström, Bo Jönsson, Björn O. Roos and Per E. M. Siegbahn
75-86On the theory of solvent effectsR. Constanciel and O. Tapia

Volume 48, Number 2 / May 1978

87-101The Jahn-Teller effect in icosahedral molecules and complexesV. P. Khlopin, V. Z. Polinger and I. B. Bersuker
87-101The Jahn-Teller effect in icosahedral molecules and complexesV. P. Khlopin, V. Z. Polinger and I. B. Bersuker
103-118Ab initio Hartree-Fock instabilities in closed-shell molecular systemsGilberte Chambaud, Bernard Levy and Philippe Millie
103-118Ab initio Hartree-Fock instabilities in closed-shell molecular systemsGilberte Chambaud, Bernard Levy and Philippe Millie
119-125An investigation of the reliability of the Galerkin-Petrov methodKarol Jankowski, Danuta Rutkowska and Andrzej Rutkowski
119-125An investigation of the reliability of the Galerkin-Petrov method
127-141Fourier representation method for electronic structures of linear polymersJoseph Delhalle and Frank E. Harris
127-141Fourier representation method for electronic structures of linear polymers
143-153A quantum-mechanical study of the interaction of glyoxal with guanineDaniel Demoulin, Anne-Marie Armbruster and Bernard Pullman
143-153A quantum-mechanical study of the interaction of glyoxal with guanineDaniel Demoulin, Anne-Marie Armbruster and Bernard Pullman
155-163An empirical relation between oscillator strengths calculated from the dipole length and dipole velocity formalisms in the optical absorption of conjugated moleculesToshiaki Kakitani and Hiroko Kakitani
155-163An empirical relation between oscillator strengths calculated from the dipole length and dipole velocity formalisms in the optical absorption of conjugated moleculesToshiaki Kakitani and Hiroko Kakitani
165-174A new interpretation of Hund's first ruleIrene Shim and Jens Peder Dahl
165-174A new interpretation of Hund's first ruleIrene Shim and Jens Peder Dahl

Volume 48, Number 3 / September 1978

175-183Distribution of odd electrons in ground-state moleculesKazuo Takatsuka, Takayuki Fueno and Kizashi Yamaguchi
185-206Extended Hartree-Fock (EHF) theory in chemical reactionsK. Yamaguchi, Y. Yoshioka, T. Takatsuka and T. Fueno
207-214The enumeration of electron-rich and electron-poor polyhedral clustersR. Bruce King and Dennis H. Rouvray
215-221Vertical proton affinities of CH2O and CH2OH+ in their ground singlet, excited triplet and ionized doublet statesOtto P. Strausz, Cornelia Kozmutza, Ede Kapuy, Michael A. Robb and Giannoula Theodorakopoulos, et al.
223-239Violation of Hund's rule by spin polarization in moleculesH. Kollmar and V. Staemmler
241-249An investigation of Hartree-Fock calculations on some d8 and d10 transition metal nitrosylsJ. Robert Jensen and Richard F. Fenske
251-256An iterative process to calculate the SCF open shell orbitalsRenato Colle, Raffaele Montagnani, Pierluigi Riani and Oriano Salvetti
257-261Molecular orbitals for excited states of atoms and moleculesRenato Colle, Raffaele Montagnani, Pierluigi Riani and Oriano Salvetti
263-266The molecular electrostatic potentials of the complementary base pairs of DNADavid Perahia and Alberte Pullman
267Book reviewPeter Pulay

Volume 48, Number 4 / June 1978

269-277Electrostatic molecular potentials in hydrogen-bonded systemsAlberte Pullman and Hélène Berthod
269-277Electrostatic molecular potentials in hydrogen-bonded systemsAlberte Pullman and Hélène Berthod
279-286On the calculation of the acyclic polynomialIvan Gutman and Haruo Hosoya
279-286On the calculation of the acyclic polynomialIvan Gutman and Haruo Hosoya
287-299Finding all possiblea priori mechanisms for a given type of overall reactionOktay Sinanoğlu and Lih-Syng Lee
287-299Finding all possiblea priori mechanisms for a given type of overall reaction
301-321Tempered orbital energies in SCF MO calculations and their relation to the ordinate in Mulliken-Walsh correlation diagrams and extended Hückel orbital energiesPrem K. Mehrotra and Roald Hoffmann
301-321Tempered orbital energies in SCF MO calculations and their relation to the ordinate in Mulliken-Walsh correlation diagrams and extended Hückel orbital energiesPrem K. Mehrotra and Roald Hoffmann
323-329Magnetic susceptibility of the BH moleculeMichał Jaszuński
323-329Magnetic susceptibility of the BH moleculeMichał Jaszuński
331-335Local orbital study of bonding in small rings: Cyclopropane, thiirane, oxirane, and aziridineErach R. Talaty and Gary Simons
331-335Local orbital study of bonding in small rings: Cyclopropane, thiirane, oxirane, and aziridineErach R. Talaty and Gary Simons
337-347Ab initio calculations on NO2 and NO2: Optimization of diffuse Gaussian exponentsPaul A. Benioff
337-347Ab initio calculations on NO2 and NOPaul A. Benioff
349-356Interpretation of soft X-ray emission spectra in terms of relativistic electric dipole transition probabilities
349-356Interpretation of soft X-ray emission spectra in terms of relativistic electric dipole transition probabilitiesPeter Weinberger and Franz Rosicky
357-359The most stable CNDO/2 water dimerWalter Thiel
357-359The most stable CNDO/2 water dimerWalter Thiel
361-365Symmetry coordinates and group orbitals from basis functionsJames L. Bills and Richard L. Snow
361-365Symmetry coordinates and group orbitals from basis functionsJames L. Bills and Richard L. Snow
367On the application of a classical perturbation theory to the theory of coupled fieldsHermann Hartmann and Kyu-Myung Chung
367On the application of a classical perturbation theory to the theory of coupled fieldsHermann Hartmann and Kyu-Myung Chung

Volume 49, Number 1 / March 1978

1-11Simple electrostatic models for vibrating unsymmetrical triatomic molecules and triatomic ionsJosé Luis Gázquez, N. K. Ray and Robert G. Parr
13-23Alternative paths in the ring opening of oxadiaziridine: The diimide N-oxide versus the oxodiimide rearrangementRenzo Cimiraglia, Maurizio Persico and Jacopo Tomasi
25-35A molecular orbital approach to the fragmentation of the acetaldehyde cation radicalKoichi Yamashita, Shigeki Kato, Tokio Yamabe and Kenichi Fukui
37-44Calculation of some electronic excited states of formaldehydeRenato Colle, Raffaele Montagnani, Pierluigi Riani and Oriano Salvetti
45-53Atomic charges in the multiple scattering molecular orbital methodSven Larsson
55-65Ab initio calculation of the band structure of some boron-nitrogen polymersD. R. Armstrong, J. Jamieson and P. G. Perkins
67-76A steepest-descent method for the calculation of localized orbitals and pseudoorbitalsHermann Stoll, Gerhard Wagenblast and Heinzwerner Preuss
77-92Molecular orbital calculations based on linear combinations of fragment orbitalsMartin Klessinger

Volume 49, Number 2 / September 1978

93-100Zur Theorie der ChiralitätsfunktionenHildegard Keller, Elisabeth Langer, Harald Lehner and Gerhard Derflinger
93-100Zur Theorie der Chiralitätsfunktionen
101-105Zur Theorie der ChiralitätsfunktionenGerhard Derflinger and Hildegard Keller
101-105Zur Theorie der Chiralitätsfunktionen
107-112Über die Fehleinschätzung der TheorieErnst Ruch
107-112Über die Fehleinschätzung der Theorie
113-114Bemerkungen des Herausgebers zu den Abhandlungen vonH. Keller, E. Langer, H. Lehner, G. Derflinger and E. Ruch
113-114Bemerkungen des Herausgebers zu den Abhandlungen vonH. Keller, E. Langer, H. Lehner, G. Derflinger and E. Ruch
115-122Eine Variante des CNDO-Verfahrens unter Einbeziehung vond-FunktionenPeter Scharfenberg
115-122Eine Variante des CNDO-Verfahrens unter Einbeziehung vond-Funktionen
123-130Potential energy surfaces for BeH2 and BH2Vladimir I. Osherov and Leonid V. Polujanov
123-130Potential energy surfaces for BeH2 and BH2Vladimir I. Osherov and Leonid V. Polujanov
131-142On a formal treatment of the Rayleigh-Schrödinger perturbation theoryDietrich Haase
131-142On a formal treatment of the Rayleigh-Schrödinger perturbation theoryDietrich Haase
143-149On the calculation of correlation energies in the spin-density functional formalismHermann Stoll, Chrysso M. E. Pavlidou and Heinzwerner Preuß
143-149On the calculation of correlation energies in the spin-density functional formalismHermann Stoll, Chrysso M. E. Pavlidou and Heinzwerner Preuß
151-160Screened potential in π-electron systems and its application to the estimation of excitation energiesKenji Yamaguchi
151-160Screened potential in π-electron systems and its application to the estimation of excitation energiesKenji Yamaguchi
161-181Anab initio theoretical study of the binding of ZnII with biologically significant ligands: CO2, H2O, OH, imidazole, and imidazolateDaniel Demoulin and Alberte Pullman
183-184Book reviewA. Neckel
183-184Book reviewA. Neckel
185The 3rd International Congress of Quantum Chemistry
185The 3rd International Congress of Quantum Chemistry

Volume 49, Number 3 / September 1978

187-198Symmetry adaptionGerhard Fieck
199-210Symmetry adaptionGerhard Fieck
211-222Symmetry adaptionGerhard Fieck
223-239On the evaluation of CI matrix elements for a canonically ordered basisPaul J. A. Ruttink
241-248Molecular orbitals studies on two limiting structures of conjugated vinyl cation, C4H4F+Toingming A. Go, Keith Yates and Imre G. Csizmadia
249-257Reaction pathways for various ketene dimersKarl Jug, C. P. D. Dwivedi and James S. Chickos
259-275The excited states of bipyridyl and phenanthroline complexes of Fe(III), Ru(II) and Ru(III): A molecular orbital studyBryan Mayoh and Peter Day
277-281The instability of the planar structure of carbanion ⊖:CH2-CNPaul G. Mezey, Michael A. Robb, Keith Yates and Imre G. Csizmadia

Volume 49, Number 4 / December 1978

283-294On the use of pseudopotentials in molecular calculationsNohad Gresh and Alberte Pullman
295-307Orbit-orbit interaction between iron(III) kramers doublet and porphyrin π-orbitals studied by magnetic circular dichroism of low-spin ferriheme compoundsAlexander P. Mineyev and Yurii A. Sharonov
309-320An energy decomposition scheme applicable to strongly interacting systemsShigeru Nagase, Takayuki Fueno, Shinichi Yamabe and Kazuo Kitaura
321-347Differential geometry of chemically reacting systemsAkitomo Tachibana and Kenichi Fukui
349-359Iterative extended Hückel studies of some pyridine-Fe(II)-porphin complexesLaura Eisenstein, Donald R. Franceschetti and Kwok L. Yip
361Book reviewW. Ulmer

Volume 50, Number 1 / March 1978

1-10Comparative studies on a maximum bond order principleKarl Jug and Bernd-M. Bussian
11-19A modified PCILO methodRoman Boča and Peter Pelikán
21-30On the definition of the atomic charge in a moleculeRudolf Polák
31-38Basis set dependence of localized orbitalsEde Kapuy, Cornelia Kozmutza, Raymond Daudel and Michael E. Stephens
39-48Application of SCF perturbation theory to the study of tetrahedrally bonded valence crystalsMasao Hashimoto and David P. Santry
49-65ab initio calculations on model chainsA. Karpfen
67-73On the relative acidity and basicity of the amino groups of the nucleic acid basesRichard Lavery, Alberte Pullman and Bernard Pullman
75-79A quantum-mechanical study of the interaction of methylglyoxal with guanineDaniel Demoulin, Anne-Marie Armbruster and Bernard Pullman
81-85An analysis of the partition of the molecular space in the SCF-MS-Xα method: Calculations of the valence ionization potentials of SiH3F and SiH2F2Giancarlo Alti, Piero Decleva and Antonio Sgamellotti
87-91Valence-bond studies of AH2 moleculesIan J. Doonan and Robert G. A. R. Maclagan
93Book reviewA. T. Amos

Volume 50, Number 2 / June 1978

95-116Crystal field calculation of g values and zero-field splitting for high spin ferric complexes of rhombic characterAmy S. Rispin, Mitsuo Sato and Hideo Kon
117-134The effect of substitution on the properties of a chemical groupCaterina Ghio, Eolo Scrocco and Jacopo Tomasi
135-144On the use of localized orbitals and restricted alternant orbitals in chemical systemsDaniel Peeters and Georges Leroy
145-158Orbital interactions in anti- and syn- tricyclooctadienes and their homoderivativesJens Spanget-Larsen, Rolf Gleiter, Leo A. Paquette, Michael J. Carmody and Charles R. Degenhardt
159-167Non-empirical pseudopotentials (PSIBMOL algorithm) for molecular calculations: The Rh2Cl2(CO)4 complexAlain Serafini, René Poilblanc, Jean-François Labarre and Jean-Claude Barthelat
169-179Conformational analysis of dimethylphosphate with quantum-mechanical and classical methodsGiovanni Lipari and Camillo Tosi
181-184Calculation of vertical ionization potentials of ketene by perturbation corrections to Koopmans' theoremD. P. Chong

Volume 50, Number 3 / September 1978

185-191Gauss' theorem approach to delta function terms in solid spherical harmonic expansionsHans P. W. Gottlieb
193-209Systematicab initio calculations on one- and three-dimensional polyethyleneDavid R. Armstrong, John Jamieson and Peter G. Perkins
211-221Calculation of nuclear spin-spin coupling constants by SCF perturbation theory with MINDO/3 approximationPrabhat K. K. Pandey and P. Chandra
223-234A simple electrostatic model of solvation for large molecules within the SCF MO theoryMaria Berndt and Józef S. Kwiatkowski
235-262Partitioning scheme for theab initio SCF energyHerbert Kollmar
263-280The ellipsoidal Gaussian basis in molecular orbital theoryDrora Cohen and Harold Basch
281Book reviewV. Staemmler
283An iterative process to calculate the SCF open shell orbitalsRenato Colle, Raffaele Montagnani, Pierluigi Riani and Oriano Salvetti
285Calculation of optimum geometries and force fields by the CNDO/force methodMeenakshisundaram Kanakavel, Jayaraman Chandrasekhar, Sankaran Subramanian and Surjit Singh
287CommunicationBernard Pullman

Volume 50, Number 4 / December 1979

287-297Topological studies on heteroconjugated moleculesIvan Gutman
299-312An efficient ab initio gradient programPéter Pulay
313-316HAM/3: An algorithm or a theory?Steef Bruijn
317-325Hydration scheme of the purine and pyrimidine bases and base-pairs of the nucleic acidsBernard Pullman, Stanislav Miertus and David Perahia
327-342SCF perturbation theory for unimolecular reactionsVinzenz Bachler, Gottfried Olbrich, Oskar E. Polansky and Yuh-Kang Pan
343-349Conformational origin of peak structure arising in the XPS Spectrum of an isotactic polypropyleneJoseph Delhalle, Roch Montigny, Christian Demanet and Jean Marie André
351-354The molecular electrostatic potential of the B-DNA helixDavid Perahia and Alberte Pullman
355-357The rotatory strengths of the electron-transfer transitions of the Tris-(1,10-phenanthroline)ruthenium(II) ionMilan Král
359-361On the sites and mechanisms of alkylation in the nucleic acidsAlberte Pullman and Anne-Marie Armbruster
363Book reviewA. T. Amos
365ErratumBjörn Roos and Per Siegbahn

Volume 51, Number 1 / February 1979

i-iiEditorialHermann Hartmann
i-iiEditorialHermann Hartmann
1-9Finding the possible mechanisms for a given type of overall reaction
11-35A theoretical
37-54A generalized wreath product method for the enumeration of stereo and position isomers of polysubstituted organic compoundsK. Balasubramanian
55-64Study of the semiempirical HAM/3 MO methodDelano P. Chong
65-78Structure and solvation of nitrobenzene and 1,4-dinitrobenzene radical anionsJens Spanget-Larsen
79-83Ab initio SCF MO study of hydrogen bonds between H2S and H2O moleculesGuillermo del Conde P. and Octavio A. Novaro

Volume 51, Number 2 / June 1979

85-95The effect of ring opening on the MOs of a cyclic polymerDavid A. Morton-Blake
97-106Magnetic susceptibilities of acetylene and ethylene using frost-model wavefunctions withp-type GaussiansJonathan A. Yoffe
107-119Electric polarizabilities, magnetic susceptibilities and dispersion coefficients for hydrocarbonsJonathan A. Yoffe
121-135Electric polarizabilities, magnetic susceptibilities and dispersion coefficients for hydrocarbonsJonathan A. Yoffe
137-144Bond and inner shell interaction coefficients for hydrocarbonsJonathan A. Yoffe
145-162Calculation of transition metal compounds using an extension of the CNDO formalismHans-Joachim Freund and Georg Hohlneicher
163-172The electronic structures of polymeric beryllium hydride and polymeric boron hydrideDavid R. Armstrong, John Jamieson and Peter G. Perkins
173-174RHF CI INDO Spin density calculationJ. Tiňo and V. Klimo

Volume 51, Number 3 / September 1979

175-188Coupling constants in the direct configuration interaction methodWłodzisław Duch and Jacek Karwowski
189-206Intrinsic dynamism in chemically reacting systemsAkitomo Tachibana and Kenichi Fukui
207-217Ab initio Calculations of the potential energy surface of the reaction of singlet methylene with the hydrogen moleculeHerbert Kollmar and Volker Staemmler
219-240Possible improvements of the interaction energy calculated using minimal basis setsWłodzimierz Kołos
241-246Atoms-in-molecules theory: Non-Hermitian formulationFrank O. Ellison
247-254Cation binding to biomoleculesAlberte Pullman, Thomas Ebbesen and Mohammed Rholam
255-258Book reviewsW. A. Bingel, B. Pullman, W. H. E. Schwarz and Armin Schweig
259-260ErratumEdgar Soulié and Gordon Goodman

Volume 51, Number 4 / December 1979

261-273Equilibrium structure and harmonic force field of the known PH3 and the unknown PH5Werner Kutzelnigg, Holger Wallmeier and Jan Wasilewski
275-296Intrinsic field theory of chemical reactionsAkitomo Tachibana and Kenichi Fukui
297-309Intensity distribution in the vibronic side bands of the Γ7(2T2g) → Γ8(4A2g) origin of ReX62- doped K2PtCl6-type crystalsHans Kupka, Rainer Wernicke, Walther Enßlin and Hans -Herbert Schmidtke
311-322Uniform approximate Franck-Condon matrix elements for bound-continuum vibrational transitionsHeinz Krüger
323-329Non-empirical SCF MO studies on the protonation of biopolymer constituentsPaul G. Mezey, Jänos J. Ladik and Sándor Suhai
331-338Continuity of bond orderKarl Jug
339-348A simulation of the exchange potential in unrestricted and restricted Hartree-Fock calculations studied on atomsErich Wimmer
349-357The molecular electrostatic potential of the B-DNA helixDavid Perahia, Alberte Pullman and Bernard Pullman
359-362Molecular constants for the 1Σ+ ground state of the ArH+ ionPavel Rosmus

Volume 52, Number 1 / March 1979

1-17Extended Hückel theory: A new population analysis and its application to forecast chemical bond lengthsC. R. Guerillot, Roland Lissillour and A. Beuze
19-26A comparison between ethylene dimerization and Diels-Alder reactionKarl Jug and Hans -Walter Krüger
27-35Application of theU(3) symmetric matrices algebra to molecular problemsCarlos G. Bollini, Juan J. Giambiagi, Mario Giambiagi and Myriam S. Giambiagi
37-43Conformational preferences in methylsilane and disilane. A quantitative non-empirical analysis of the importance of the hyperconjugative interactionsFernando Bernardi, Andrea Bottoni and Glauco Tonachini
45-53Solvent effect on intensities off-ftransitions in lanthanide(III) complexesWieslaw Strek
55-66Possible artifacts occurring in the calculation of intermolecular energies from delocalized picturesJ. P. Malrieu and F. Spiegelmann
67-73A theoretical study of the interaction of ammonium and guanidinium ions with the phosphodiester linkageNohad Gresh and Bernard Pullman
75-88Ab initio study of hydrazoic acidJacques Lievin, Jacques Breulet and Georges Verhaegen
89-91Hypervirial theorems and symmetrySaul T. Epstein

Volume 52, Number 2 / June 1979

93-101Many-orbital cluster expansion for the exchange-repulsion energy in the interaction of closed-shell systemsMarek Bulski, Grzegorz Chałasiński and Bogumił Jeziorski
103-111The CNDO approximation in the Green's function method for VIP calculationChristoph -Maria Liegener and Udo Scherz
113-127The properties of the metal complex hydridesRosanna Bonaccorsi, Eolo Scrocco and Jacopo Tomasi
129-145A non-empirical molecular orbital study on the relative stabilities of adenine and guanine tautomersPaul G. Mezey and Janos J. Ladik
147-154Electric polarizabilities using point charge modelsJonathan A. Yoffe
155-161Intermolecular interaction coefficients using point charge modelsJonathan A. Yoffe

Volume 52, Number 3 / September 1979

163-170Natural spin orbital analysis of diatomic molecular wave functions in terms of generalized diatomic orbitalsKlaus Helfrich
171-179The electronic spectra of the alkyl, fluorine and chlorine substituted derivatives of silaneR. Roberge, C. Sandorfy and O. P. Strausz
181-187Sternheimer antishielding factors of F, Cl, Br and IKalidas Sen and Alarich Weiss
189-208Symmetrie und analytische Struktur der Additionstheoreme räumlicher Funktionen und der Mehrzentren-Molekülintegrale über beliebige AtomfunktionenE. Otto Steinborn and Eckhard Filter
209-218Extended Hückel calculations on the chemisorption of acetylene on tungstenA. Gavezzotti, E. Ortoleva and M. Simonetta
219-229Ab initio studies of the low-lying π-states of borazineKrishnaswamy Vasudevan and Friedrich Grein
231-251Systematic approach to extended even-tempered orbital bases for atomic and molecular calculationsDavid F. Feller and Klaus Ruedenberg
253-256Chemical bonding from superposition of one-center charge densitiesRalph G. Pearson

Volume 52, Number 4 / December 1979

257-265A theoretical study on the photodissociation of C3O2Yoshihiro Osamura, Kichisuke Nishimoto, Shinichi Yamabe and Tsutomu Minato
267-276Application of symmetry coupling coefficients in the evaluation of the electronic spectra of d7 ionsR. M. Golding, S. V. J. Lakshman and J. Lakshmana Rao
277-301Molecular model potentials: Combination of atomic boxesLászló v. Szentpály
303-310NDDO MO calculationsJayaraman Chandrasekhar, Prem K. Mehrotra, Sankaran Subramanian and Periyakaruppan T. Manoharan
311-318An ab initio investigation of the collective phenomena accompanying the core ionization in the radical NOAnatoly V. Kondratenko, Lev N. Mazalov and Boris A. Kornev
319-328Geometry optimizations with explicit inclusion of electron correlationGünther Lauer, Karl -Wilhelm Schulte, Armin Schweig and Walter Thiel
329-340Configuration interaction methods for improving unrestricted Hartree-Fock spin densitiesA. Terry Amos, Donald R. Beck and Ian L. Cooper
341-344On the bond order of C2 and N2Karl Jug and Bernd -M. Bussian

Volume 53, Number 1 / March 1979

1-7Clusters of hydrogen molecules: Ab initio SCF calculations corrected semiempirically for correlation energiesPavel Hobza, Rudolf Zahradník and Petr Čársky
9-19Theoretical studies on the conformation of saccharidesTibor Kožár and Igor Tvaroška
21-54An intermediate neglect of differential overlap theory for transition metal complexes: Fe, Co and Cu chloridesAllan D. Bacon and Michael C. Zerner
55-63Approximate calculation of the correlation energy for the closed and open shellsRenato Colle and Oriano Salvetti
65-74Ab initio Studies on polymersAlfred Karpfen and Jordan Petkov
75-93Location of saddle points and minimum energy paths by a constrained simplex optimization procedureKlaus Müller and Leo D. Brown
95-99Intensity distribution in the vibronic Γ7(2T2g)→Γ8(4A2g) transition of ReBr62− in Hexahalogenostannate host crystalsRainer Wernicke and Hans Kupka

Volume 53, Number 2 / June 1979

101-119An ab initio study of the keto-enol tautomerismWolf Eckart Noack
121-128Application of second-order SCF perturbation theory to the calculation of mixed-frequency hyperpolarizabilities from time-dependent Hartree-Fock theoryDavid P. Santry and Thomas E. Raidy
129-146Enumeration of internal rotation reactions and their reaction graphsK. Balasubramanian
147-157Transferability of some properties of localized molecular orbitalsEde Kapuy, Cornelia Kozmutza, Raymond Daudel and Michael E. Stephens
159-163An exactly solvable model for the Fermi contact interactionS. M. Blinder
165-173Evaluation of fourier transform of two-center charge distribution for arbitrary slater-type orbitalsCarla Guidotti, Giovanni P. Arrighini and Francis Marinelli
175-181The molecular electrostatic potential of the B-DNA helixRichard Lavery and Bernard Pullman
183-192A study on universal Gaussian basis sets for first-row atomsPaul G. Mezey
193-196Atom-surface elastic scattering in the presence of laser radiationHai Woong Lee and Thomas F. George
197-201Note on the ab initio PUHF treatment of open-shell systemsJohn C. Schug

Volume 53, Number 3 / September 1979

203-214Collisionally damped ion motion in ICR spectrometryHermann Hartmann, Kyu-Myung Chung, Dieter Schuch and Jürgen Radtke
215-220An approximate expression of the electrostatic molecular potential for benzenic compoundsAlessandro Agresti, Rosanna Bonaccorsi and Jacopo Tomasi
221-251Two-photon spectroscopy of dipole-forbidden transitionsBernhard Dick and Georg Hohlneicher
253-268Variable metric optimization of molecular geometry in electronically excited statesJaroslav Leška, Pavol Zahradník and Darina Ondrejičková
269-278On the fragmentation modes in PMO analysesFernando Bernardi, Andrea Bottoni and Nicolaos D. Epiotis
279-292Invariance criteria and symmetry conservation rules for geometry optimizationsPeter Scharfenberg
293-296NDDO MO CalculationsJeyaraman Chandrasekhar, Prem Kishore Mehrotra, Sankaran Subramanian and Periakaruppan T. Manoharan

Volume 53, Number 4 / December 1979

297-308The nonsinglet instabilities of the hartree-fock solutions for nonalternant hydrocarbonsAzumao Toyota and Takeshi Nakajima
309-317Additivity model calculations of UHF spin densities and charge densities in methyl-substituted radical cationsKrishan K. Sharma and Russell J. Boyd
319-326Eigenvalues of graphs with threefold symmetrySusan S. D'Amato
327-335Calculation of harmonic force constants, vibrational frequencies and integrated intensities of some organic molecules using the MINDO—Forces methodAbdul -Latif K. Al-Jiburi, Kisma H. Al-Niami and Muthana Shanshal
337-343Structure and charge distribution of some alkynoyl cationsOtilia Mó and Manuel Yáñez
345-353Application of the direct configuration interaction method to the ground state of O2Ian Ferguson and Nicholas C. Handy
355-375Chemical graphsAlexandru T. Balaban
377-381Relative stability of the2A1g and2Eg states of the C2H6+ ionFederico Moscardó, Miguel Paniagua and Emilio San-Fabián
383Book reviewsKarlheinz Schwarz
384Book reviewsJ. Troe

Volume 54, Number 1 / December 1979

1-14Molecular orbital theory of the electronic structures of one-dimensional molecular crystalsAkira Imamura, Kazuyoshi Tanaka, Tokio Yamabe and Kenichi Fukui
1-14Molecular orbital theory of the electronic structures of one-dimensional molecular crystalsAkira Imamura, Kazuyoshi Tanaka, Tokio Yamabe and Kenichi Fukui
1-14Molecular orbital theory of the electronic structures of one-dimensional molecular crystalsAkira Imamura, Kazuyoshi Tanaka, Tokio Yamabe and Kenichi Fukui
15-21On the use of UHF orbitals in ionization energy calculationsStanislav Biskupič
15-21On the use of UHF orbitals in ionization energy calculationsStanislav Biskupič
15-21On the use of UHF orbitals in ionization energy calculationsStanislav Biskupič
23-34The C2H3+ cation and its interaction with HFHans-Joachim Köhler and Hans Lischka
23-34The C2H3+ cation and its interaction with HFHans-Joachim Köhler and Hans Lischka
23-34The C2H
35-51Approximate relativistic Hartree-Fock equations and their solution within a minimum basis set of slater-type functionsFranz Rosicky and Franz Mark
35-51Approximate relativistic Hartree-Fock equations and their solution within a minimum basis set of slater-type functionsFranz Rosicky and Franz Mark
53-58Theoretical study of the ethane ionization spectra within the correlation hole modelFederico Moscardó, Miguel Paniagua and Emilio San-Fabián
53-58Theoretical study of the ethane ionization spectra within the correlation hole modelFederico Moscardó, Miguel Paniagua and Emilio San-Fabián
59-72Further investigations about the zwitterionic excited states of twisted conjugated moleculesJean-Paul Malrieu and Georges Trinquier
59-72Further investigations about the zwitterionic excited states of twisted conjugated moleculesJean-Paul Malrieu and Georges Trinquier
73-82Quantum mechanical studies of environmental effects on biomoleculesYoshimasa Orita, Akio Ando, Hiroshi Abe, Shin-ichi Yamabe and Hélène Berthod, et al.
73-82Quantum mechanical studies of environmental effects on biomolecules
83-91On the contribution of higher-order excitations to correlation energies: The ground state of the water moleculeStephen Wilson and David M. Silver
83-91On the contribution of higher-order excitations to correlation energies: The ground state of the water moleculeStephen Wilson and David M. Silver
93Non-empirical interpretation of nitrogen 14 nuclear quadropole coupling constantsE. Kochanski, J. M. Lehn and B. Levy
93Non-empirical interpretation of nitrogen 14 nuclear quadropole coupling constantsE. Kochanski, J. M. Lehn and B. Levy

Volume 54, Number 2 / January 1980

95-111Reactive domains of energy hypersurfaces and the stability of minimum energy reaction pathsPaul G. Mezey
95-111Reactive domains of energy hypersurfaces and the stability of minimum energy reaction pathsPaul G. Mezey
113-122Electronic states of the NiCu molecule determined byab initio Hartree-Fock and configuration interaction methodsIrene Shim
113-122Electronic states of the NiCu molecule determined by
123-130The Virtual Charge Model of a polarizable medium as a basis for Hückel calculations with the ω-techniqueRaymond Constanciel
123-130The Virtual Charge Model of a polarizable medium as a basis for Hückel calculations with the ω-techniqueRaymond Constanciel
131-144A re-examination of the justification of neglect of differential overlap approximations in terms of a power series expansion inSGraham S. Chandler and Frederik E. Grader
131-144A re-examination of the justification of neglect of differential overlap approximations in terms of a power series expansion inSGraham S. Chandler and Frederik E. Grader
145-156Semiempirical studies of core-electron binding energy shiftsZvonimir B. Maksić and Krešimir Rupnik
145-156Semiempirical studies of core-electron binding energy shifts
157-164Charge distributions on polyatomic ions, and their relationships with cohesive energies of ionic crystalsMarcus F. C. Ladd
157-164Charge distributions on polyatomic ions, and their relationships with cohesive energies of ionic crystalsMarcus F. C. Ladd
165-168Comment on the recent controversy over the theory of chirality functionsC. Alden Mead
169-170A further study on the CNDO/2 structures of water dimerChen Zhixing
171-177Franck-Condon matrix elements for bound-continuum vibrational transitions calculated by numerical integration and basis set expansion techniquesJoachim Römelt and Ralf Runau

Volume 54, Number 3 / September 1979

179-185Anab initio investigation of the inner shell excited states of the molecule Cl2Anatoly V. Kondratenko, Lev N. Mazalov and Konstantin M. Neyman
187-203Minimal basis sets in calculations of intermolecular interaction energiesWlodzimierz Kołos
205-227Ab initio study, including electron correlation, of the electronic structures, the dipole moments, the static polarizabilities and of the harmonic force fields of H2CO, H2CS and H2SiORalph Jaquet, Werner Kutzelnigg and Volker Staemmler
229-238Non-empirical calculations and basis set effects on the inversion geometry of the aniline moleculeAndreas Wolf, Ursula Voets and Hans -Herbert Schmidtke
239-243Ab initio Study of β-lactam antibioticsCarlo Petrongolo and Graziella Ranghino
245-249Degenerate eigenvalues of the Hückel matrixUrs P. Wild
251-258Non-empirical SCF MO studies on the protonation of biopolymer constituentsPaul G. Mezey, János J. Ladik and Michael Barry
259-260Comment on semiemperical calculations of πelectron affinitiesR. N. Compton, Y. Yoshioka and K. D. Jordan
261Collisionally damped ion motion in ICR spectrometryHermann Hartmann, Kyu -Myung Chung, Dieter Schuch and Jürgen Radtke
262Symposium announcement

Volume 54, Number 4 / December 1980

263-300Quantum chemical methods and their applications to chemical reactionsKarl Jug
301-313Coupled calculation of vibrational frequencies and intensitiesManfred Spiekermann, Daniel Bougeard, Hans -Joachim Oelichmann and Bernhard Schrader
315-321A new weak-field coupling scheme for cubic complexesJayarama R. Perumareddi and John A. Collins
323-332The multi-centre integrals of derivative, spherical GTOsGerhard Fieck
333-339Some simplification in spin-free configuration interaction studiesGirish G. Sahasrabudhe, Kuru. V. Dinesha and Challa R. Sarma
340Chemical bonding from superposition of one-center charge densitiesRalph G. Pearson

Volume 55, Number 1 / March 1980

1-14Quantum chemical studies on electrophilic additionAlan C. Hopkinson, Min H. Lien, Imre G. Csizmadia and Keith Yates
15-27Gas-metal interactionsEugene A. Andreev
29-41Correlation energies in the spin-density functional formalismHermann Stoll, Elisabeth Golka and Heinzwerner Preuß
43-54Testing the arbitrariness and limits of a pseudopotential technique through calculations on the series of diatoms HF, AlH, HCl, AlF, AlCl, F2, Cl2Michel Pelissier and Philippe Durand
55-75The structures of molecular topological spacesRichard E. Merrifield and Howard E. Simmons

Volume 55, Number 2 / June 1980

77-86Solvatons. II. Aqueous dissociation of hydrides in the MINDOS approximationGilles Klopman and Patricia Andreozzi
87-101A CDOE/INDO LMO study of the nuclear spin-spin coupling constants between directly bonded C-H and C-C atomsC. Alsenoy, H. P. Figeys and P. Geerlings
103-115Optical rotatory strength calculation by evaluating the gradient matrix through the equation of motionP. R. Surján and M. Kertész
117-126Geometry optimization inab initio SCF calculationsHanspeter Huber
127-132Semiempirical versusab initio calculations of molecular propertiesZvonimir B. Maksić, Krešimir Kovačević and Andrea Moguš
133-151Binding/antibinding analyses for diatomic interactions H2+ systemToshikatsu Koga, Tsutomu Nishijima and Mutsuo Morita
153-164Singlet and triplet molecular interaction in excimersE. Joy Padma Malar and Asish K. Chandra
165-172On bridging the gap between extended Hückel and NDO Type LCAO-MO theoriesJens Spanget-Larsen
173-174Book reviewsAdalbert Ding, A. Neckel and Bernard Pullman

Volume 55, Number 3 / September 1980

179-205On the representation of atoms and molecules as self-interacting field with internal structureWaldemar Ulmer
207-217Influence of the long-range coulomb interaction upon the energy spectrum of infinite polyenesNikolay Tyutyulkov, Ivo Kanev, Obis Castañno, Oskar Polansky and Heinz Barentzen
219-224Hydrocarbon long-range interaction coefficients from point charge model formulaeJonathan A. Yoffe
225-231On the simple energy relation between the RHF, UHF and closed-shell SCF methodsHiroshi Kato, Koichi Yamashita and Kimihiko Hirao
233-241A new method for approximate estimates of the dispersion interaction between two moleculesGunnar Karlström
243-250Hamiltonian for the orbitals of general multiconfigurational self consistent field wave functionsYasuyuki Ishikawa and W. H. Eugen Schwarz
251-253Constraints and the Hellmann-Feynman theoremSaul T. Epstein
255-256Book reviewsG. G. Hall and I. Gutman

Volume 55, Number 4 / December 1980

257-266Non-additivity in water-ion-water interactionsEnrico Clementi, Hans Kistenmacher, Włodzimierz Kołos and Silvano Romano
267-281Ab initio calculations of electrostatic potentials and deformation densities for a series of choline ester model systemsHelge Johansen, Sten Rettrup and Birthe Jensen
283-292A configuration interaction study of the water molecule and interpretation of the walsh diagramIan Ferguson and Nicholas C. Pyper
293-299The calculation of monocyclic molecular structures using MINDO/3Peter Felker, David M. Hayes and Leslie A. Hull
301-305Matrix elements of the Coulomb Green function between Slater orbitalsAnthony C. Tanner and Bruno Linder
307-318On the quantum mechanical treatment of solvent effectsBernard Theodoor Thole and Petrus Theodorus Duijnen
319-323On the possibility of the role of phonon relaxation processes in shock induced chemical reactions in organic solidsFrank J. Owens
325-331MNDO calculations on diazirinesDavid Burkholder, William E. Jones, Kenneth W. Ling, John S. Wasson and Michael T. H. Liu
333-336The ligand-ligand and spin-orbit interactions in Fe(phen)3+2 and Ru(phen)3+2 ionsMilan Král

Volume 56, Number 1 / March 1980

1-43Concerning the theory of chirality functionsGerhard Derflinger and Hildegard Keller
45-60Subduced selection rules for vibronic transitions ind3 octahedral complexesBryan R. Hollebone
61-73The effect of substitution on the properties of a chemical groupCaterina Ghio, Eolo Scrocco and Jacopo Tomasi
75-87The effect of substitution on the properties of a chemical groupCaterina Ghio, Eolo Scrocco and Jacopo Tomasi

Volume 56, Number 2 / June 1980

89-92Failures of the topological resonance energy methodIvan Gutman
93-112The perturbation of a polymer molecular orbitalDavid Antony Morton-Blake
113-123Binding/antibinding analyses for diatomic interactions. the HeH2= systemToshikatsu Koga and Mutsuo Morita
125-131Electrostatic potential for some non-spherical organic molecules: An oblate-spheroidal dipolar approximationClaude Décoret, Bernard Tinland, Jean-Louis Royer and Monique Aubert-Frécon
133-148Theoretical aspects of some physiological correlationsWaldemar Ulmer
149-155Structures and thermodynamic stabilities of the C2H4O isomers: Acetaldehyde, vinyl alcohol and ethylene oxideWillem J. Bouma, Leo Radom and William R. Rodwell
157-162Thecis-trans energy difference in bi-1-cyclopro-pen-1-yl and related compoundsRamón María Sosa, Oscar Nestor Ventura and Arno Liberias
163Book reviewV. Staemmler

Volume 56, Number 3 / September 1980

165-173Transition functional schemes for molecular transition energiesBarry Tennant Pickup, David Warren Sabo and David Firsht
175-181Molecular orbital study of the bridge bonding in an electron deficient molecule [(CH3)2ALH]2Michel Pelissier, Jean Paul Malrieu, Alain Serafini and Jean François Labarre
183-189Variance minimization. A variational principle for accurate lower and upper bounds of the eigenvalues of a selfadjoint operator, bounded belowHeinz Kleindienst and Wolfgang Müller
191-198The london approximation and the calculation of dispersion interactions as a sum of atom-atom termsJonathan A. Yoffe and Gerald M. Maggiora
199-210Many-orbital cluster expansion for the exchange-repulsion nonadditivity in the interaction of rare gas atoms. The neon trimerMarek Bulski and Grzegorz Chałasiński
211-230Self consistent modified extended Hückel (SC-MEH) calculations on heavy metal systems. I. Platinum(II) tetragonal planar complexes with and without relativistic effectsT. P. Carsey and Edward A. Boudreaux
231-243The doublet instabilities of the Hartree-Fock solutions for the cation and anion radicals of fulvalene systemsAzumao Toyota, Mutsuo Saito and Takeshi Nakajima
245-251The influence of metal ions on neighbouring hydrogen bondsBernd M. Rode
253-255Electron pairing and the structure of the periodic system: An even/odd separationLeonello Paoloni
257-258Book reviewsPéter Pulay

Volume 56, Number 4 / December 1980

259-267Transferability of some properties of localized molecular orbitalsEde Kapuy, Cornelia Kozmutza and Raymond Daudel
269-296Chemical applications of group theory and topologyR. Bruce King
297-306Electronic structure and electronic absorption spectra of molybdenum and tungsten oxotetrachloridesIgor A. Topol, Nikolaj F. Stepanov and Vasilij M. Kovba
307-313Remarks on the fermi contact interactionŠtěpán Pick
315-328Many-Body Rayleigh-Schrödinger Perturbation calculations of the correlation energy of open shell molecules in the restricted Roothaan-Hartree-Fock formalism. Application to heats of reaction and energies of activationPetr Čársky, Rudolf Zahradník, Ivan Hubač, Miroslav Urban and Vladimír
329Book reviewW. A. Bingel

Volume 57, Number 1 / March 1980

1-23An improved LCAO SCF method for three-dimensional solids and its application to polyethylene, graphite, diamond, and boron nitridePeter G. Perkins, Ashok K. Marwaha and James J. P. Stewart
25-41A theoretical investigation of the preferred conformations of glutathione and its constituent amino acid residuesPatricia R. Laurence and Colin Thomson
43-51The electronic structure of polymers by the FSGO (Floating Spherical Gaussian Orbital) methodDavid R. Armstrong, John Jamieson and Peter G. Perkins
53-61Systematic sequences of even-tempered Gaussian primitives in electron correlation studies using many-body perturbation theoryStephen Wilson
63-70Molecular electrostatic potentials of hydrogen-bonded systems: The oligomers of formamideHélène Berthod, Alberte Pullman, Jim F. Hinten and Dennis Harpool
71-80Molecular orbital treatments of hydrogen bonded systems. 2. Dimers of water and HCNSteve Scheiner
81-94Novel variational principles of chemical reactionAkitomo Tachibana and Kenichi Fukui

Volume 57, Number 2 / June 1980

95-106SINDO1. A semiempirical SCF MO method for molecular binding energy and geometry I. Approximations and parametrizationD. N. Nanda and Karl Jug
107-130SINDO1 II. Application to ground states of molecules containing carbon, nitrogen and oxygen atomsKarl Jug and D. N. Nanda
131-144SINDO1 III. Application to ground states of molecules containing fluorine, boron, beryllium and lithium atomsKarl Jug and D. N. Nanda
145-161Approximate Franck-Condon factors from piecewise Langer-transformed vibrational wave functionsHeinz Krüger
163-168Spin density distributions in radical anions of heterocyclic amine N-oxidesKrishan K. Sharma and Russell J. Boyd
169-178On the use of local basis sets for localized molecular orbitalsHermann Stoll, Gerhard Wagenblast and Heinzwerner Preuβ
179-180Isoelectronic changes in total Hartree-Fock energy of atomsK. D. Sen

Volume 57, Number 3 / September 1980

181-207Calculation of transition metal compounds using an extension of the CNDO-formalismHans-Joachim Freund, Bernhard Dick and Georg Hohlneicher
209-218On R(4) symmetries in atomic structureSten Rettrup and Colin D. H. Chisholm
219-231Calculation of vertical excitation energies of closed-shell molecules in the CNDO and INDO approximationsChristoph-Maria Liegener
233-243The electrostatic molecular potential of yeast tRNAPhe. III. The molecular potential and the steric acessibility associated with the phosphate groupsRichard Lavery, Alberte Pullman and Bernard Pullman
245-253The electrostatical molecular potential — A tool for the prediction of electrostatic molecular interaction propertiesGustav Peinel, Horst Frischleder and Frieder Birnstock
255-263Theoretical studies of the structure and stability of protonated olefins in the gas phase and in solutionHans-Joachim Rauscher, Dietmar Heidrich, Hans-Joachim Köhler and Dieter Michel
265Book reviewC. Sandorfy

Volume 57, Number 4 / December 1980

267-297Lattice harmonics for graphiteC. P. Mallett
299-313The direct configuration interaction method for general multireference expansions: Symmetric group approachWłodzistaw Duch
315-321A Green's function approach to the photoelectron spectrum of bis(π-allyl)nickel[1]Michael C. Böhm and Rolf Gleiter
323-327The effect of screening the electrostatic potentials of reactive sites within B-DNA by metal cationsDidier Cauchy, Richard Lavery and Bernard Pullman
329-336SCF-Perturbational analysis of thetrans lone pair effect in methylamine and methanolVinzenz Bachler and Gottfried Olbrich
337Ab initio Study, Including Electron Correlation, of the Electronic Structures, the Dipole Moments, the Static Polarizabilities and of the Harmonic Fields of H2CO, H2CS and H2SiORalph Jaquet, Werner Kutzelnig and Volker Staemmler

Volume 58, Number 1 / March 1980

1-8Approximate energy expression in the calculation of photoelectron transition energiesB. T. Pickup and D. W. Sabo
9-18Experimentelle Prüfung von approximativen Chiralitätsfunktionen am Beispiel der optischen Aktivität von Phosphanen und Phosphinoxiden im TransparenzgebietWolf Jürgen Richter
19-30MO theoretical studies of electron pair decorrelation processes. I. Pair correlation energy and single bond dissociationHerbert Kollmar
31-40Universal systematic sequence of even-tempered Gaussian primitive functions in electronic correlation studiesStephen Wilson
41-44Eine Bemerkung zur Berechnung des Diamagnetismus in der Xα-TheorieHans-Georg Bartel
45-68A graph theoretical approach to structure-property and structure-activity correlationsCharles L. Wilkins and Milan Randić
69-71Orbital electronegativity and electron affinity of rare earth atoms using Xα-theoryKali D. Sen, Peter C. Schmidt and Alarich Weiss
73-79Analysis of critical points on the potential energy surfacePeter Scharfenberg

Volume 58, Number 2 / June 1981

81-96Accuracy of energy extrapolation in multireference configuration interaction calculationsCharles F. Jackels and Isaiah Shavitt
97-109Theoretical study of the solvation of nitrogen. Two different approachesP. Demontis, R. Ercoli, E. S. Fois, A. Gamba and G. B. Suffritti
111-119Ab initio Hartree-Fock calculations of molecular X-ray intensities. Validity of one-center approximationsHans Ågren and Joseph Nordgren
121-124A comparison of the results of PCILO andab initio SCF calculations for the molecules glycine, cysteine and N-acetyl-glycinePatricia R. Laurence and Colin Thomson
125-130Ab initio CI study of the nitric oxide dimer (N2O2)Tae-Kyu Ha
131-136Electronegatlvity and the bonding character of Molecular OrbitalsRicardo Ferreira and Alberto O. Amorim
137-144Some rules forS(-2k) dipole sums?Jonathan A. Yoffe, Gerald M. Maggiora and A.Terry Amos
145-153An internal coordinate invariant reaction pathwayMichel Sana, Georges Reckinger and Georges Leroy
155-162Unrestricted Hartree-Fock functions for the carbon and fluorine atomsDavid B. Cook
163-165Correlations of13C chemical shifts and geometry modificationsDonald B. Chesnut and Aubrey L. Helms

Volume 58, Number 3 / September 1981

167-171Valence orbital ionization energies for second-row transition elementsRoberto Munita and Jorge R. Letelier
173-183Interatomic interactions in momentum space. Momentum density and kinetic energy in chemical bondingToshikatsu Koga
185-191Inelastic scattering of fast electrons from simple closed shell atoms. I. He, BeCarla Guidotti, Andrea Biagi, Franco Biondi, Giovanni P. Arrighini and Francis Marinelli
193-231Spectral analysis of graphs by cyclic automorphism subgroupsRobert A. Davidson
233-244The ab initio neglect of differential diatomic overlap methodBrian J. Duke and Michael P. S. Collins

Volume 58, Number 4 / April 1981

245-255Fragment interaction analysis of structural problems in the framework ofAb initio SCF-MO computationsFernando Bernardi and Andrea Bottoni
245-255Fragment interaction analysis of structural problems in the framework ofAb initio SCF-MO computationsFernando Bernardi and Andrea Bottoni
257-283Electronic band structures and electronic properties of some substituted linear polyenesE. A. Cetina V and Peter G. Perkins
257-283Electronic band structures and electronic properties of some substituted linear polyenesE. A. Cetina V and Peter G. Perkins
285-294Ab initio Studies, using the FSGO-pseudopotential method, of the electronic structure in group IV cluster molecules M(LH3)4; M, L = C, Si, GeJeffrey J. Toman, Arthur A. Frost, Sid Topiol, Solomon Jacobson and Mark A. Ratner
285-294Ab initio Studies, using the FSGO-pseudopotential method, of the electronic structure in group IV cluster molecules M(LH3)4; M, L = C, Si, GeJeffrey J. Toman, Arthur A. Frost, Sid Topiol, Solomon Jacobson and Mark A. Ratner
295-300The theorem of hohenberg and kohn for subdomains of a quantum systemJürg Riess and Walter Münch
295-300The theorem of hohenberg and kohn for subdomains of a quantum systemJürg Riess and Walter Münch
301-308Extended hessian matrix along the reaction coordinateAkitomo Tachibana
301-308Extended hessian matrix along the reaction coordinateAkitomo Tachibana
309-330Catchment region partitioning of energy hypersurfaces, IPaul G. Mezey
309-330Catchment region partitioning of energy hypersurfaces, IPaul G. Mezey

Volume 59, Number 1 / January 1981

1-8HMO-elektronen-Struktur von Annulenen mit BindungsalternanzOskar E. Polansky, Filip Fratev and Wenelin Entschev
9-16SCF and CASSCF studies of geometrical rearrangements in LiBOAlexandr V. Nemukhin, Jan E. Almlöf and Anders Heiberg
17-24The use of partially restricted molecular orbitals to investigate transmission mechanisms of spin-spin coupling constants. I. Theσ andπ contributions within the FPT INDO methodAlejandro R. Engelmann, Rubén H. Contreras and Julio C. Facelli
25-45Chemical applications of group theory and topology. X. Topological representations of hyperoctahedrally restricted eight-coordinate polyhedral rearrangements [1]R. Bruce King
47-54The combinatorics of symmetry adaptationK. Balasubramanian
55-69Non empirical quantum mechanical calculations of the1H,13C,15N and17O magnetic shielding constants and of the spin-spin coupling constants in formamide, hydrated formamide and N-methylformamideFernando Ribas Prado, Claude Giessner-Prettre, Alberte Pullman, James F. Hinton and Dennis Harpool, et al.
71-80Scaling in second-order electron correlation calculations using systematic sequences of even-tempered basis setsStephen Wilson
81-85Necessary conditions for the calculation of useful electrostatic isopotential maps from CNDO/INDO wavefunctionsAnthony J. Duben
87-89Hypervirial theorems and restrictions on wave functionsFrancisco M. Fernández and Eduardo A. Castro
91-93Comments on McBride's completion of Kroner's proof that hydrogens of benzene are homotopicK. Balasubramanian
95-96Book reviewsFriedrich Dörr and Janos Ladik

Volume 59, Number 2 / March 1981

97-116Semiclassical bound-continuum Franck-Condon factors uniformly valid at 4 coinciding critical points: 2 Crossings and 2 turning pointsHeinz Krüger
117-125On the appropriateness of “molecules-in-molecule” models in describing of π-electronic states of composed aromatic systemsJ. Fabian and M. Scholz
127-151A CNDO/INDO molecular orbital formalism for the elements H to Br. theoryMichael C. Böhm and Rolf Gleiter
153-179A CNDO/INDO molecular orbital formalism for the elements H to Br. applicationsMichael C. Böhm and Rolf Gleiter
181-189Variational method for calculating molecular multipole polarizabilities using atom centered extended trial functionsAlain Cartier
191-208Semiempirical NDDO calculations with STO-3G and 4-31G basis setsWalter Thiel
209Book reviewPeter G. Perkins

Volume 59, Number 3 / May 1981

213-227Periodic perturbations of a polymerDavid A. Morton-Blake
229-235Molecular shape effects and quantum theoryJosé Glaüco Ribeiro Tostes
237-250The combinatorics of graphical unitary group approach to many electron correlationK. Balasubramanian
251-279Comments about the representation of Rydberg and ionic excited states and their photochemistryJean-Paul Malrieu
281-290FSGO point charge models—Their accuracy and extension to higher gaessiansDavid Martin and George G. Hall
291-297Tetrahedral lobe functionsErich Steiner
299-307Comparative studies of static dipole polarizabilities of ionic crystals on the basis of different self-consistent potentialsBärbel Maessen and Peter C. Schmidt
309-317Fourth-order diagrammatic MB-RSPT calculations of the interaction energy between two helium atomsJozef Noga, Miroslav Urban, Vladimír Kellö and Ivan Hubač
319-320MG-FSGO calculation of ethane geometry and rotation barrierGianfranco Musso

Volume 59, Number 4 / July 1981

321-332Electronic energy inequalities for isoelectronic molecular systemsPaul G. Mezey
321-332Electronic energy inequalities for isoelectronic molecular systemsPaul G. Mezey
333-356Theory for a general system of increments for the properties of polycyclic hydrocarbonsJosé A. N. F. Gomes
333-356Theory for a general system of increments for the properties of polycyclic hydrocarbonsJosé A. N. F. Gomes
357-364Cycloreversion reactions for five to seven membered ringsKarl Jug and C. P. D. Dwivedi
357-364Cycloreversion reactions for five to seven membered ringsKarl Jug and C. P. D. Dwivedi
365-372Cycloreversion of cyclobutanesKarl Jug and Peter L. Müller
365-372Cycloreversion of cyclobutanesKarl Jug and Peter L. Müller
373-385Semiempirical quantum chemical calculations of molecular π- complexesMichael V. Basilevsky, Noham N. Weinberg and Victor M. Zhulin
373-385Semiempirical quantum chemical calculations of molecular π- complexesMichael V. Basilevsky, Noham N. Weinberg and Victor M. Zhulin
387-411Comparison of CEPA and CP-MET methodsS. Koch and W. Kutzelnigg
387-411Comparison of CEPA and CP-MET methodsS. Koch and W. Kutzelnigg
413-421Electronic states of NiFe. Anab initio HF-CI studyIrene Shim
413-421Electronic states of NiFe. Anab initio HF-CI studyIrene Shim
423-435Diatomic interactions in momentum space. The 1sσg and 2pσu states of H2+ systemToshikatsu Koga and Mutsuo Morita
423-435Diatomic interactions in momentum space. The 1sσg and 2pσu states of H
437-450Unrestricted Hartree-Fock instabilities in semiempirical CNDO/S and INDO/S calculations of spin-spin coupling constantsGustavo E. Scuseria and Rubén H. Contreras
437-450Unrestricted Hartree-Fock instabilities in semiempirical CNDO/S and INDO/S calculations of spin-spin coupling constantsGustavo E. Scuseria and Rubén H. Contreras
451-457Accurate values for the nonrelativistic energies of the lowest singlet and triplet S-states of the4He-IsotopHeinz Kleindienst, Gerhard Pauli and Wolfgang Müller
451-457Accurate values for the nonrelativistic energies of the lowest singlet and triplet S-states of the4He-IsotopHeinz Kleindienst, Gerhard Pauli and Wolfgang Müller
459Book reviewsPablo J. Bruna and Gerhard Hirsch
459Book reviewsPablo J. Bruna and Gerhard Hirsch

Volume 59, Number 5 / July 1981

461-465Outer shell ionization potentials for ethane by a many-body Green's function methodIvo Cacelli, Roberto Moccia and Vincenzo Carravetta
461-465Outer shell ionization potentials for ethane by a many-body Green's function methodIvo Cacelli, Roberto Moccia and Vincenzo Carravetta
467-485π-Electron ring currents and magnetic properties of porphyrin molecules in the MO LCAO SCF methodYuri B. Vysotsky, Valery A. Kuzmitsky and Konstantin N. Solovyov
467-485π-Electron ring currents and magnetic properties of porphyrin molecules in the MO LCAO SCF methodYuri B. Vysotsky, Valery A. Kuzmitsky and Konstantin N. Solovyov
487-500CEPA calculations on open-shell molecules. I. Outline of the methodVolker Staemmler and Ralph Jaquet
487-500CEPA calculations on open-shell molecules. I. Outline of the methodVolker Staemmler and Ralph Jaquet
501-515CEPA calculations on open-shell molecules. II. Singlet-triplet energy splitting in π2 configurations of diatomic moleculesVolker Staemmler and Ralph Jaquet
501-515CEPA calculations on open-shell molecules. II. Singlet-triplet energy splitting in π2 configurations of diatomic moleculesVolker Staemmler and Ralph Jaquet
517-526CEPA calculations on open-shell molecules. III. Potential curves for the six lowest excited states of He2 in the vicinity of their equilibrium distancesJan Wasilewski, Volker Staemmler and Ralph Jaquet
517-526CEPA calculations on open-shell molecules. III. Potential curves for the six lowest excited states of He2 in the vicinity of their equilibrium distancesJan Wasilewski, Volker Staemmler and Ralph Jaquet
527-532SCF-CI calculations of the potential energy curve and one-electron property curves of theX1William I. Ferguson
527-532SCF-CI calculations of the potential energy curve and one-electron property curves of theX1g+ ground state of N2William I. Ferguson
533-549Convergence of the Rayleigh—Ritz method in self-consistent-field and multiconfiguration self-consistent-field calculationsGiacomo Fonte
533-549Convergence of the Rayleigh—Ritz method in self-consistent-field and multiconfiguration self-consistent-field calculationsGiacomo Fonte
533-549Convergence of the Rayleigh—Ritz method in self-consistent-field and multiconfiguration self-consistent-field calculationsGiacomo Fonte
551-553Electronegativities and the bonding character of molecular orbitals: A remarkAlberto Onofre de Amorim and Ricardo Ferreira
551-553Electronegativities and the bonding character of molecular orbitals: A remarkAlberto Onofre Amorim and Ricardo Ferreira
551-553Electronegativities and the bonding character of molecular orbitals: A remarkAlberto Onofre Amorim and Ricardo Ferreira

Volume 59, Number 6 / November 1981

555-568The band structures and magnetic properties of some transition-metal monophosphides I. Scandium phosphidePeter G. Perkins, Ashok K. Marwaha and James J. P. Stewart
569-583The band structure and magnetic properties of some transition-metal phosphides. II. V, Cr, and Mn monophosphidesPeter G. Perkins, Ashok K. Marwaha and James J. P. Stewart
585-593Covalence reduction factors of four-coordinated pseudo-tetrahedral paramagnetic compounds inD2d symmetrySubrata Lahiry and Paramjit Singh Jaiswal
595-602Symmetry analysis of the potential energy surfaces for the photochemical decomposition of formaldehydeVinzenz Bachler and E. Amitai Halevi
603-607Delocalization corrections to the strictly localized molecular orbitals: A linearized SCF approximationPéter R. Surján and István Mayer
609-624A simple extension of the external magnasco-perico localization procedure to the virtual MO-SpaceMichael C. Böhm
625-628Toward a best adiabatic potentialSaul T. Epstein
629-637Generalization of electronegativity conceptRobert Ponec
639-648Energy-density relations in momentum spaceToshikatsu Koga and Mutsuo Morita

Volume 60, Number 1 / January 1981

1-10A simple comparative test of multiple versus single-centered spherical gaussiansGerard P. Jellison, John B. Greenshields and J. Clifton Hill
11-17Localized states in polymeric molecules. I. The transfer matrix for long range interactionsBelita Koiller and Humberto S. Brandi
19-39Finite-field many-body perturbation theory. Calculations of the dipole polarizability of the fluoride ion using electric-field-variant gaussian-type orbitalsStephen Wilson and Andrzej J. Sadlej
41-51Molecular orbital computations of the conformational energy of ethyl methyl phosphateCamillo Tosi and Giovanni Lipari
53-63Ab initio program for treatment of related molecules. I. Integral partCornelia Kozmutza
65-71Determination of resonance integrals for transanular interactions within semiempirical theoriesHelmut Vogler
73-78Fragmentation and isomerization of 1,2-dimethylcyclobutaneKarl Jug and C. P. D. Dwivedi
79-87An analysis of the interaction energy in some SN2 reactionsGiuliano Alagona, Caterina Ghio and Jacopo Tomasi
89-96Localized states in polymeric molecules. II. Applications to chemical and biological processesHumberto S. Brandi, Belita Kollier and Ricardo Ferreira

Volume 60, Number 2 / March 1981

97-110Critical level topology of energy hypersurfacesPaul G. Mezey
111-125Quantum chemical approach to electron transfer in molecular systemsSven Larsson
127-141A MINDO/3 MO study of oxidized flavinsMurray F. Teitell, Sung -Ho Suck and J. Lawrence Fox
143-157Some theoretical remarks about semiempirical calculation of quadrupolar momentsJose Eduardo Sanhueza
159-172Ab initio calculation of the band structure of some boron polymersDavid R. Armstrong
173-183Molecular states of atoms. I. Orbital energy parametersD. E. Parry
185-200Studies of the energy spectrum of α, ω- substituted polymethine chains. II. Polymethine chains with odd number of methine groupsNikolay Tyutyulkov, Fritz Dietz, Jürgen Fabian, Achim Melhorn and Alia Tadjer
201ErratumStephen Wilson

Volume 60, Number 3 / November 1981

203-226Cyclic conjugation and the hückel molecular orbital modelI. Gutman and O. E. Polansky
227-231A comparative study ofab-initio effective core potential and all-electron calculations for molecular structures and transition statesShigeru Obara, Kazuo Kitaura and Keiji Morokuma
233-268Electron correlation in weakly coupled transition metal dimers: Bimetallocenylenes and bimetallocenesMichael C. Böhm
269-281A model study of the intermolecular interactions of amino acids in aqueous solution: The glycine-water systemWolfgang Förner, Peter Otto, Julius Bernhardt and János J. Ladik
283-297Non-empirical SCF MO studies on the protonation of biopolymer constituentsErnst C. Hass, Paul G. Mezey and János J. Ladik
283-297Non-empirical SCF MO studies on the protonation of biopolymer constituents
299-302A comment on SCF energy partitioning schemesLluis M. Molino and Enric Canadell
299-302A comment on SCF energy partitioning schemesLluis M. Molino and Enric Canadell

Volume 60, Number 4 / July 1981

303-312A hydrogen rearrangement of formamidine and the solvent effects thereuponK. Yamashita, M. Kaminoyama, T. Yamabe and K. Fukui
313-325An improved LCAO interpolation scheme for energy band structures. Application to four compounds (ScN, ScP, TiN, ZrN) crystallizing in the sodium chloride structureMichael Dorrer, Renate Eibler and Adolf Neckel
327-337The effect of solvent on the internal rotation of formamide: A CNDO/2-solvaton method studyAnthony J. Duben and Stanislav Miertus
339-353A method for molecular correlation energy calculations. Application to the determination of dissociation energies of diatomic and polyatomic moleculesJacques Lievin, Jacques Breulet and Georges Verhaegen
355-361Conformation analysis of formic acid. Extended basis set SCF and CEPA calculationsConstantin Zirz and Reinhart Ahlrichs
363-368Vibrational excitation of molecules in a lattice due to shock induced molecular deformationFrank J. Owens
369-377Hartree-fock calculations for excited rydberg statesMartin Jungen
379-383The structure of the active oxygen complex of catalase: Model calculationsAlain Strich and Alain Veillard

Volume 60, Number 5 / September 1982

385-389Some additional clarifications on the concept of Rydbergization and avoided crossingsEarl M. Evleth and Emil Kassab
391-398A new method analyzing large and strongly interacting reaction systemsHisayoshi Kobayashi, Masaru Yamaguchi and Satohiro Yoshida
399-407Theoretical study of the potential energy curves of the series of diatomic radicals MeIIX. I. Method and its application to BeF radicalRaffaele Montagnani, Pierluigi Riani and Oriano Salvetti
409-428Quantum chemical reaction networks, reaction graphs and the structure of potential energy hypersurfacesPaul G. Mezey
429-444Semi-empirical calculation method for transition metalsGeorge Blyholder, John Head and Fernando Ruette
445-450Correlation energies in open shell systems. Comparison of CEPA, PNO-CI and perturbation treatments based on the restricted Roothaan-Hartree-Fock formalismPetr Čársky, Ivan Hubač and Volker Staemmler
451-454MNDO study of reaction paths: Hydroboration of methyl cyanideNaba K. Ray and Rita Chadha
455-494Intramolecular electron-hole transfer in binuclear transition metal compounds-theoretical methods and model studiesMichael C. Böhm

Volume 60, Number 6 / November 1982

495-511On numerical solution of the integral Hartree-Fock equations for molecules by the method of MO LCAO in the momentum spaceBoris K. Novosadov and Anatolii I. Pogonin
513-522The molecular electrostatic potential and steric accessibility of C-DNARichard Lavery, Sylvie Corbin and Bernard Pullman
523-533Dynamic behavior of the IRC in chemical laser systemsKoichi Yamashita, Tokio Yamabe and Kenichi Fukui
535-541Local polarizabilities in molecules, based on ab initio Hartree-Fock calculationsGunnar Karlström
543-559The experimental design for computing the harmonic and anharmonic force constant matrices of polyatomic moleculesMichel Sana
561-572Density-difference maps in quantum chemistryE. Steiner
573-578MNDO study of reaction paths: Diboration of acetyleneRita Chadha and Naba K. Ray
579-587The interaction of nitrogen and carbon monoxide with certain ions and neutral speciesRita Chadha and Naba K. Ray
589-598Adsorption-complex isomerism and quantum chemical study of gas-solid interactions: A model exampleZdeněk Slanina

Volume 61, Number 1 / January 1982

1-9Basis set superposition effects on properties of interacting systems. Dipole moments and polarizabilitiesGunnar Karlström and Andrzej J. Sadlej
11-19An ab initio study of O2 and CO2 transport by perfluorocarbonsPaul Ruelle and Camille Sandorfy
21-28Does the valence state index reflect the stability of neutral boron subhalide clusters?Marcel Gielen
29-39Intensités des Transitions Électroniques de [PdCl4]2− Intensities of Electronic Transitions of [PdCl4]2−Marc Erny and Claude Moncuit
41-48Additivity of atomic static polarizabilities and dispersion coefficientsYoung Kee Kang and Mu Shik Jhon
49-57Unrestricted Hartree-Fock instabilities in nuclear spin-spin coupling calculations. The MNDO methodGustavo E. Scuseria, Alejandro R. Engelmann and Rubén H. Contreras
59-72Comparative theoretical study of the dissociation process of the isoelectronic molecules BH3CO, CH2CO, HNCO, CO2 and BH3N2, CH2N2, HN3, N2OJacques Breulet and Jacques Lievin
73-85Applicability of momentum density approachToshikatsu Koga and Mutsuo Morita
87-101Diatomic interactions in momentum space. The 2pπu and 3dπg states of H2+ systemToshikatsu Koga, Minoru Sugawara and Mutsuo Morita
103-104Some comments about trivial hypervirial relationshipsFrancisco M. Fernández and Eduardo A. Castro

Volume 61, Number 2 / March 1982

105-133Loop currents in chlorophyll aRoger E. Clapp
135-147Orbital forms of gap equations and instability conditionsJean-Louis Calais
149-162Perturbative solution of the RPA equation. An application to the calculation of rotational strengthsJean-Pierre Flament and Henri-Pierre Gervais
163-170Extended Hückel calculations of the ionization potentials of some conjugated hydrocarbonsRobert James Jerrard, Alfred Terry Amos and Peter Arthur Brook
171-177The valence bond description of xylylenesPhilippe C. Hiberty and Padeleimon Karafiloglou
179-192An extended PCILO methodRoman Boča
193-202Changes in the band structure of a simple polymer on lowering the translational symmetryD. A. Morton-Blake

Volume 61, Number 3 / May 1982

203-226A constant denominator perturbation theory for molecular energyJohn M. Cullen and Michael C. Zerner
227-241Porphyrins 42. Ground and excited state calculations on the isomers of free base porphine and sirohydrochlorinDiane C. Rawlings, Ernest R. Davidson and Martin Gouterman
243-250Quantum model of selective multiphoton processes: The role of external (field) and internal (anharmonic coupling) detuningsJui-teng Lin and Thomas F. George
251-263Fragment interaction analysis in the framework of ab initio UHF MO computations. I. Conformational preference in the ethyl radicalFernando Bernardi, Andrea Bottoni and Jaques Fossey
265-281Localized orbitals and the Fermi holeWilliam L. Luken and David N. Beratan
283-293Extended basis NDDO calculations on diatomic moleculesJohn Tyler Gleghorn and Frederick William McConkey
295-301A cooperative calculation of geometries, energetics and electric properties of water trimers and tetramersEdwin S. Campbell and David Belford
303-305Nuclear electric dipole shielding in molecular ionsSaul T. Epstein

Volume 61, Number 4 / July 1982

307-323The characteristic polynomials of structures with pending bondsK. Balasubramanian and M. Randić
325-333The evaluation of ω parameters in contracted density product calculationsFranz Mascarello, Bruno Cuony and Werner Hug
335-342Particles and holes in the unitary group methodWen Zhen-yi
343-361Many-body perturbation theory for open-shell systems. Expansion through fourth-orderStephen Wilson
363-368Heats of atomization of conjugated hydrocarbons by a new semiempirical methodTomislav P. Živković
369-377Electronic structure and one-electron properties of the MoO2Cl2 molecule. Electronic spectra of the MoO2Cl2, MoO2Br2 and WO2Br2 moleculesI. A. Topol, A. S. Chesnyi, V. M. Kovba and N. F. Stepanov
379-385A short CI expansion for a symmetry-adapted description of localized hole states: Application to the 3dσu hole state of the Cu2+ ionMarc Benard
387-395Eine qualitative Deutung der Hückel-Parameter mit Hilfe der KatastrophentheorieRainer Brüggemann and Jürgen Voitländer
397-400Comment on an improved LCAO SCF method for three-dimensional solidsSteef Bruijn
401-402Comments on de Bruijn's criticisms on the paper entitled “an improved LCAO SCF method for three-dimensional solids”Peter G. Perkins, Ashok K. Marwaha and James J. P. Stewart
402ErratumAlain Strich and Alain Veillard

Volume 61, Number 5 / September 1982

403-426The subduction of vibrational states of molecules from the momentum space of simple harmonic motionArnout Ceulemans and Bryan R. Hollebone
427-436Calculations of induced moments in large molecules I. Polarizabilities and second hyperpolarizabilities in some alkanesC. A. Nicolaides, M. Papadopoulos and J. Waite
437-460Zur Dynamik idealer Speicher. Ein einfaches mathematisches ModellA. Dress, N. I. Jaeger and P. J. Plath
461-472A concise representation of adsorbate-surface interactions. I. Formulation and model calculation for adsorption of Co on Cu(100) surfaceHisayoshi Kobayashi, Masura Yamaguchi, Satohiro Yoshida and Hiroshi Kato
473-484A concise representation of adsorbate-surface interactions. II. An application to Pt(111) + Co, W(110) + Co and Pt(112) + Co systemsHisayoshi Kobayashi, Masaru Yamaguchi and Satohiro Yoshida
485-504Finite-field many-body perturbation theory II. SD-MBPT study of the nuclear charge dependence of the electron correlation contribution to the dipole polarizability of 10-electron atomic systemsGeerd H. F. Diercksen and Andrzej J. Sadlej

Volume 61, Number 6 / September 1982

505-512The electronic structure of the heptafulvalene trianion radical—The doublet instability of the Hartree-Fock solution and related phenomenaAzumao Toyota and Takeshi Nakajima
513-537A simplified method for molecular correlation energy calculations by separation into internal and non-internal parts. Application to multiconfigurational zeroth-order wavefunctionsJacques Lievin, Jacques Breulet, Philippe Clercq and Jean -Yves Metz
539-558On the quantum chemical origin for the nonvalidity of Koopmans' theorem in transitionmetal compoundsMichael C. Böhm
539-558On the quantum chemical origin for the nonvalidity of Koopmans' theorem in transitionmetal compoundsMichael C. Böhm
559-579Assignment of electronic transitions by geometry optimizationP. C. Mishra and Karl Jug
559-579Assignment of electronic transitions by geometry optimizationP. C. Mishra and Karl Jug
581-586Extended connectivity in chemical graphsM. Razinger
581-586Extended connectivity in chemical graphsM. Razinger
587-595Ab-initio SCF potential energy surfaces for the nucleophilic attack of hydride on coordinated carbon monoxideS. Nakamura and A. Dedieu
587-595Ab-initio SCF potential energy surfaces for the nucleophilic attack of hydride on coordinated carbon monoxideS. Nakamura and A. Dedieu

Volume 62, Number 1 / January 1982

1-16On the applicability of CNDO indices for the prediction of chemical reactivityRichard E. Brown and Alfredo Mayall Simas
17-28The calculation of molecular electrostatic potential from a multipole expansion based on localized orbitals and developed at their centroids: Accuracy and applicability for macromolecular computationsCatherine Etchebest, Richard Lavery and Alberte Pullman
29-38Quantum calculation of the intrinsic torsional barrier of C-C and C-O bondsCamillo Tosi and Rolf Hilgenfeld
39-53Diatomic interactions in momentum space. The effect of polarization and floating functionsToshikatsu Koga, Kenji Shimokawa, Ikuo Inagawa and Mutsuo Morita
55-67Binding/antibinding analyses for diatomic interactions. The effect of nuclear charge on one-electron chemical bondingToshikatsu Koga, Akihiro Hirashima, Yuji Ueda and Mutsuo Morita
69-80CEPA calculations on open-shell molecules. V. The vibration frequencies of SF and SClVolker Staemmler
81-86The electronic structures of HCP and FCP: A comparison of the results of SCF calculations with several different basis sets, and the inclusion of electron correlationColin Thomson and Peter Ellam
87-92Configuration interaction: Molecular orbitals for accurate calculations on diatomicsFernando Rei Ornellas and Stanley Hagstrom

Volume 62, Number 2 / March 1982

93-106The electrostatic field of B-DNARichard Lavery, Alberte Pullman and Bernard Pullman
107-132Quadratically convergent calculation of localized molecular orbitalsJoseph M. Leonard and William L. Luken
133-161Topology of energy hypersurfacesPaul G. Mezey
163-174On the size consistence of a few approximate multireference CI schemesJean -Paul Malrieu
175-181Ab initio study of some excited states of A1HF. Marinelli and A. Allouche
183-191The role of 2,3-dimethylene-1, 4-cyclohexadiyl diradical as a reactive intermediate in some rearrangement reactionsKarl Jug and Rüdiger Iffert
193Book reviewK. Jug
194Book reviewW. Witschel

Volume 62, Number 3 / May 1983

195-207Application of an economical method for the calculation of molecular correlation energies to the study of a potential energy surface: The HO2 radical dissociation processJean -Yves Metz and Jacques Lievin
209-217A density-functional calculation of dynamic dipole polarizabilities of noble gas atomsS. K. Ghosh and B. M. Deb
219-222On the relation between the formal atomic charges and total molecular energiesZvonimir B. Maksić and Krešimir Rupnik
223-244On the transferability of Fock matrix elementsBrian J. Duke and Brian O'Leary
245-255Intrinsic reaction coordinate for the gas-phase pyrolysis of ethyl formateKazuhiro Ishida and Shoichi Mayama
257-263Inclusion of discrete-to-continuum coupling in multiphoton excitation and dissociation calculationsI. Harold Zimmerman, Stephen D. Druger and Thomas F. George
265-275Topological localized molecular orbitalsJuan Carlos Paniagua, Albert Moyano and Luis María Tel
277-291Topological localized molecular orbitalsAlbert Moyano, Juan Carlos Paniagua and Luis Maria Tel

Volume 62, Number 4 / July 1983

293-299A comparison of various MO methods for predicting regioselectivity in Diels-Alder reactionsChen Zhixing
301-317On the evaluation of the geometrical factors utilized in ligand polarization calculationsTeodoro Meruane and Roberto Acevedo
319-327Exchange interactions between dimers of chromium(III). A cluster approachUrs Hauser and Hans U. Güdel
329-334Theoretical study of the potential energy curves of the series of diatomic radicals MeIIXRaffaele Montagnani, Pierluigi Riani and Oriano Salvetti
335-350Molecular orbital resonance theory: A new approach to the treatment of quantum chemical problemsTomislav P. Živković
351-372A CNDO/INDO crystal orbital model for transition metal polymers of the 3d series—basis equationsMichael C. Böhm
373-396A CNDO/INDO crystal orbital model for transition metal polymers of the 3d series—the band structure of nickel(II)glyoximateMichael C. Böhm
397-401Calculation of the diamagnetic shielding of the nuclei by the point-charge approximationZvonimir B. Maksić and Krešimir Rupnik

Volume 62, Number 5 / September 1983

403-427Bond-alternating Hückel-Möbius and related, twisted linear, cyclic and helical systems—their molecular orbitals, energies and phase correlation upon dissociationYing-Nan Chiu
429-442General Hartree-Fock solutions for a one dimensional δ-function gasBesnik Sykja and Jean-Louis Calais
443-460Σ-Factorization method: A new development of molecular-orbital theories based on one-centre approximation of atomic and molecular densitiesA. W. Niukkanen and L. A. Gribov
461-475Applicability of a pseudopotential CI method to the investigation of ground and excited states of molecular systems: NaCO, Li2H, Al2 and AlHGianfranco Pacchioni
477-481An ab initio calculation of the dissociation C2H2(1Σ+) → C2H(2Σ+) + H(2S)Stefano Polezzo, Mario Raimondi and Massimo Simonetta

Volume 62, Number 6 / November 1983

485-498On alternative form of the characteristic polynomial and the problem of graph recognitionMilan Randić
499-506Near-Hartree-Fock energies and geometries of the hydrogen clusters Hn+ (n(odd) ≤ 13) obtained with floating basis setsHanspeter Huber and Daniel Székely
507-521“Universal” CNDO/2 method (CNDO/2-U)Abdellatif Baba-Ahmed and José Gayoso
523-536Use of a size-consistent energy functional in many electron theory for closed shellsSourav Pal, M. Durga Prasad and Debashis Mukherjee
537-547Many-electron effects in the X-ray absorption spectra and the one-particle Green's functionAnatoly V. Kondratenko and Lev N. Mazalov
549-562Fourth-order MB-RSPT calculations of the spectroscopic constants and potential energy curve of F2Miroslav Urban, Jozef Noga and Vladimír Kellö
563-565Application of second order BWEN perturbation theory to some simple reactionsMark S. Gordon

Volume 63, Number 1 / January 1983

1-8Localized states in polymeric molecules III The electronic structure of polyacetyleneCelso P. Melo, Humberto S. Brandi and Alfredo A. S. Gama
9-33The topology of energy hypersurfaces II. Reaction topology in euclidean spacesPaul G. Mezey
35-41Ab-initio SOS-CI calculations of magnetic properties of the first- and second-row hydridesVinicio Galasso
43-54Bond orbital approach for optical rotatory strength calculationsJános Ángyán and Péter R. Surján
55-68A theoretical study on the photoisomerization of thiopheneToshio Matsushita, Hidetsugu Tanaka, Kichisuke Nishimoto and Yoshihiro Osamura
69-82Finite-field many-body perturbation theory IV. Basis set optimization in MBPT calculations of molecular properties. Molecular quadrupole momentsGeerd H. F. Diercksen and Andrzej J. Sadlej

Volume 63, Number 2 / March 1983

83-101A simple perturbational approach for the determination of favourable reaction pathwaysVinzenz Bachler and E. Amitai Halevi
103-132Chemical applications of topology and group theory 13. Chirality and framework groups [1]R. Bruce King
133-141Partial LCAO densities of states for ScN, TiN, ZrN and ScPRenate Eibler, Michael Dorrer and Adolf Neckel
143-159An INDO-CI method in π-approximation for the calculation of transition metal complexes with organic ligands—application to iron(II)-trisdiimine complexesChristiane Jung, Otto Ristau and Christoph Jung
161-175Ab initio studies on ONH3, ONF3 and OCF3, using polarization functions and configuration interaction methodsFriedrich Grein and Lawrence J. Lawlor

Volume 63, Number 3 / May 1983

177-194TheT1 state ofp-nitroaniline and related molecules: A CNDO/S studyRichard W. Bigelow, Hans-Joachim Freund and Bernhard Dick
195-207The enumeration of reaction pathways using Burnside's lemmaTimothy J. McLarnan
209-221A general population analysis preserving the dipole momentBernard T. Thole and Petrus Th. Duijnen
223-233Calculation of photoelectron spectra of group IV tetrachlorides and carbon tetrahalides by SCF-Xα-SW methodJi-Kang Zhu, Du Li, Junging Li and Yuh-Kang Pan
235-243A study of the nonadiabatic effects in the Li−Li2+ system: Typical minimum energy paths for the reaction Li+Li2+→Li3+Jan Vojtík, Alena Krtková and Rudolf Polák
245-253A theoretical investigation on the role of solvent in solvolytic reactionsAldo Gamba, Bruno Manunza, Carlo Gatti and Massimo Simonetta
255-268Search for saddle points of energy hypersurfaces using a multi-dimensional space of “guiding” coordinatesImre Bálint and Miklós I. Bán

Volume 63, Number 4 / July 1983

269-290Location of transition states and stable intermediates by MINIMAX/MINIMI optimization of synchronous transit pathwaysAxel Jensen
291-304Band structure of nonclassical polymersNikolai Tyutyulkov, Peter Schuster and Oskar Polansky
305-312Derivation of theoretical formulas for resonance integrals from Heisenberg equation of motion
313-316Relativistic and correlation corrections to electron affinities of alkali and halogen atomsWiesław Nowak, Jacek Karwowski and Mariusz Kłobukowski
317-322Vibrational interaction potentialsY. von Bergen, R. von Bergen and B. Linder
323-338Chemical applications of topology and group theory
339-348State correlation diagrams for the photochemical reactions of organometallicsAlain Veillard and Alain Dedieu
349-356Wigner's phase space function and the bond in LiHMichael Springborg
357-364Approximate electric potentialsGeorge G. Hall
365-376Effective shell charge of electrons on a sphere
377-381Energy-density relations in momentum space

Volume 63, Number 5 / August 1983

383-393Linear dependence of eigenvalues on occupation number application to the determination of the ligand field integralsM. A. Makhyoun, A. Beuze, R. Lissillour and H. Chermette
383-393Linear dependence of eigenvalues on occupation number application to the determination of the ligand field integralsM. A. Makhyoun, A. Le Beuze, R. Lissillour and H. Chermette
395-399Die elektronenstruktur der ethen-nickel π-komplexe the electronic structure of ethylene nickel π-complexesHorst Bögel
395-399Die elektronenstruktur der ethen-nickel π-komplexe the electronic structure of ethylene nickel π-complexesHorst Bögel
401-419Ab initio and model hypersurfaces for ground and excited state radical reactionsUdo Höweler and Martin Klessinger
401-419Ab initio
421-438π-d-Interaction and the temperature dependent magnetic circular dichroism spectra of low spin Fe(III)-heme compoundsAlexander P. Mineyev, Yurii A. Sharonov, Nataly A. Sharonova, Yurii P. Lysov and Vladimir A. Figlovsky
421-438π-d-Interaction and the temperature dependent magnetic circular dichroism spectra of low spin Fe(III)-heme compoundsAlexander P. Mineyev, Yurii A. Sharonov, Nataly A. Sharonova, Yurii P. Lysov and Vladimir A. Figlovsky
439-441Comment on the paper by T. P. Živković “heats of atomization of conjugated hydrocarbons by a new semiempirical method”Wolfgang Gründler
439-441Comment on the paper by T. P. Živković “heats of atomization of conjugated hydrocarbons by a new semiempirical method”Wolfgang Gründler
443-444Comment on the comment of Dr. W. Gründler on the paper “heats of atomization of conjugated hydrocarbons by a new semiempirical method”Tomislav P. Živković
443-444Comment on the comment of Dr. W. Gründler on the paper “heats of atomization of conjugated hydrocarbons by a new semiempirical method”Tomislav P. Živković
445Book reviewsC. Sandorfy
445Book reviewsC. Sandorfy

Volume 63, Number 6 / September 1983

447-472Double cosets in chemistry and physicsErnst Ruch and Douglas J. Klein
447-472Double cosets in chemistry and physicsErnst Ruch and Douglas J. Klein
473-495Analysis of the topological dependency of the characteristic polynomial in its chebyshev expansionHaruo Hosoya and Milan Randić
473-495Analysis of the topological dependency of the characteristic polynomial in its chebyshev expansionHaruo Hosoya and Milan Randić
497-509Valency. I. A quantum chemical definition and propertiesM. S. Gopinathan and Karl Jug
497-509Valency. I. A quantum chemical definition and propertiesM. S. Gopinathan and Karl Jug
511-527Valency. II. Applications to molecules with first-row atomsM. S. Gopinathan and Karl Jug
529-539About counterintuitive orbital mixing and bond populationsFrancisco Elias Jorge, Mario Giambiagi and Myriam S. de Giambiagi

Volume 64, Number 1 / January 1983

1-12Ab initio effective core potential studies on polymersHiroyuki Teramae, Tokio Yamabe and Akira Imamura
13-19Theoretical study of the potential energy curves of the diatomic radicals MeIIX. III. Application to MgCl, CaF and CaCl radicals and some preliminary remarksRafaele Montagnani, Pierluigi Riani and Oriano Salvetti
21-26Some unexpected relationships between first, second and third derivative electron repulsion integrals for diatomic and triatomic moleculesMark A. Vincent and Henry F. Schaefer
27-30Effect of hydration on the FH... NH3 proton transfer reaction: Comparison of some quantum chemical approximationsJános Ángyán and Gábor Náray-Szabó
31-39Many-electron effects in the x-ray emission spectra and the one-particle green's function. Correspondence theoremAnatoly V. Kondratenko, Lev N. Mazalov and Gennady F. Khudorozhko
41-55The electronic structures and bonding of some transition-metal monoboridesDavid R. Armstrong, Peter G. Perkins and Eugenio A. Cetina V
57-64Ring functions, as polarization functions, forab initio calculations on small rings: DioxiraneJosé L. G. Paz and Manuel Yáñez

Volume 64, Number 2 / March 1983

65-81Theoretical study of three-body nonadditive interactions for the H2S-(H2O)2 systemOctavio Novaro, Andrej Leś, Marcelo Galván and Guillermo Conde
83-96Spin-orbit electronic states of octahedral Pt-group d6 complexes as derived from reflectance spectra and ligand field calculationsGerd Eyring, Thomas Schönherr and Hans -Herbert Schmidtke
97-105Potential energy calculations for the double internal rotation in acetone and dimethylamineYves G. Smeyers, Antonio Huertas-Cabrera and Sandor Suhai
107-116Localization of the filled and virtual orbitals in the nucleotide basesJ. Cizek, W. Förner and J. Ladik
117-126A theoretical study on the acid catalysed hydration of excited state acetylenePeter S. Martin, Keith Yates and Imre G. Csizmadia
127-136The hydrogen molecule ion in the old quantum theoryRalph G. Pearson
137-152The electronic structure of the first-row transition-metal diboridesDavid R. Armstrong

Volume 64, Number 3 / May 1983

153-170Topological dependency of the aromatic sextets in polycyclic benzenoid hydrocarbons. Recursive relations of the sextet polynomialNoriko Ohkami and Haruo Hosoya
171-180Simple molecular wavefunctions with correlation correctionsOrlando A. V. Amaral and Roy McWeeny
181-186On the pairing of the natural orbitals for projected broken symmetry statesEsper Dalgaard
187-203Electronic states of the [2n]cyclophanesJens Spanget-Larsen
205-215CEPA calculations on open-shell molecules. VI. The first ionization potential of HCOVolker Staemmler

Volume 64, Number 4 / July 1984

217-228Electronic structure, spectra, and thermodynamical functions of molybdenum pentachlorideI. A. Topol, V. M. Kovba and E. L. Osina
229-248On the application of some solvation models to the water dimerOscar N. Ventura and J. Paolo Bartolucci
249-257Some inferential compton profiles based on the knowledge of energyToshikatsu Koga
259-263A multireference energy decomposition scheme with respect to fragment valence statesF. Bernardi, A. Bottoni and M. A. Robb
265-276Cation influence on the structure and electron density of water in some Men+·H2O complexesKersti Hermansson, Ivar Olovsson and Sten Lunell
277-291Model for vibrations associated with molecular Rydberg transitionsRichard J. Bettega
293-311A molecular orbital study of the rotation about the C-C bond in 1,3-butadieneCharles W. Bock, Philip George and Mendel Trachtman
313-316A theoretical study of the relative stability of the isomeric forms of N2O3Alicia H. Jubert, Eduardo L. Varetti, Hugo O. Villar and Eduardo A. Castro
317CorrigendumErnst Ruch and Douglas J. Klein

Volume 64, Number 5 / September 1984

319-338Reaction potential map analysis of chemical reactivity—IIIHideki Moriishi, Osamu Kikuchi, Keizo Suzuki and Gilles Klopman
339-369On the theory of radiative transitions in centrosymmetric complexesRoberto Acevedo, Teodoro Meruane and Jorge R. Letelier
371-381Approximate calculation of the matrix elements of Coulomb and exchange operators for the “core” electrons of the atoms Li through ArRaffaele Montagnani and Oriano Salvetti
383-395A theoretical study of the relative affinities of an aliphatic and an aromatic bisguanylhydrazone for the minor groove of double-stranded (dA-dT)n oligomersNohad Gresh and Bernard Pullman
397-401MNDO calculations on hydrogen bonds. Modified function for core-core repulsionKonstantin Ya. Burstein and Alexander N. Isaev
403-413An ab initio theoretical research on perfluorochemicals as oxygen carriersSetsuko Oikawa, Minoru Tsuda and Kiyoshi Nagayama
415-419Comments on group theoretical analysis of NQR spectra of crystalsK. Balasubramanian
421-430On the quantum mechanical theory of natural optical activityDietrich Haase

Volume 64, Number 6 / March 1984

431-437Theoretical investigation on the crossing states1g+(2P2P) and X2g+ of the dimers Li2, Na2, K2 and their positive ions Li2+, Na2+ and K2+Raffaele Montagnani, Pierluigi Riani and Oriano Salvetti
431-437Theoretical investigation on the crossing states1Raffaele Montagnani, Pierluigi Riani and Oriano Salvetti
439-451Chemical applications of topology and group theoryR. Bruce King
439-451Chemical applications of topology and group theory
453-459Chemical applications of topology and group theoryR. B. King
453-459Chemical applications of topology and group theory
461-467Rotational isomerism inbis carbene MOL4 complexes: A theoretical studyS. Nakamura and A. Dedieu
461-467Rotational isomerism inbis carbene MOL4 complexes: A theoretical studyS. Nakamura and A. Dedieu
469-479A Hartree-Fock-Roothaan analogon using the principle of variance minimizationGerhard Pauli and Heinz Kleindienst
469-479A Hartree-Fock-Roothaan analogon using the principle of variance minimization
481-499A Hartree-Fock-Roothaan analogon using the principle of variance minimizationGerhard Pauli and Heinz Kleindienst
481-499A Hartree-Fock-Roothaan analogon using the principle of variance minimization
501-514The electronic structure ofα-B12, B12P2 and B12AS2David R. Armstrong, John Bolland and Peter G. Perkins
501-514The electronic structure ofα-B12, B12P2 and B12AS2David R. Armstrong, John Bolland and Peter G. Perkins

Volume 65, Number 1 / April 1984

1-11Self consistent field theory of solvent effects representation by continuum models: Introduction of desolvation contributionRaymond Constanciel and Renato Contreras
1-11Self consistent field theory of solvent effects representation by continuum models: Introduction of desolvation contributionRaymond Constanciel and Renato Contreras
13-22A calculation of the relative protonation energies of amines in solutionDónall A. Mac Dónaill and D. A. Morton-Blake
13-22A calculation of the relative protonation energies of amines in solutionDónall A. Mac Dónaill and D. A. Morton-Blake
23-31Topological properties of benzenoid systems. Bounds and approximate formulae for total π-electron energyI. Gutman, A. V. Teodorović and Lj. Nedeljković
23-31Topological properties of benzenoid systems. Bounds and approximate formulae for total π-electron energyI. Gutman, A. V. Teodorović and Lj. Nedeljković
33-47The electronic substituent influence on the thermally allowed electrocyclic interconversion cyclobutene/butadiene. A MNDO studyAxel Jensen and Horst Kunz
33-47The electronic substituent influence on the thermally allowed electrocyclic interconversion cyclobutene/butadiene. A MNDO studyAxel Jensen and Horst Kunz
49-58The use of Frame's method for the characteristic polynomials of chemical graphsK. Balasubramanian
49-58The use of Frame’s method for the characteristic polynomials of chemical graphsK. Balasubramanian
59-64Energy continuity in multi-reference CI calculationsJames S. Wright and Richard J. Williams
59-64Energy continuity in multi-reference CI calculationsJames S. Wright and Richard J. Williams
65-76Transformation matrices as tool to investigate the changes in the electronic structure of reacting molecules along the reaction coordinateGernot Frenking and Nikolaus Heinrich
65-76Transformation matrices as tool to investigate the changes in the electronic structure of reacting molecules along the reaction coordinateGernot Frenking and Nikolaus Heinrich
77-80Comments on a MORT treatment of bond length alternations in conjugated hydrocarbonsT. Nakajima and A. Toyota
77-80Comments on a MORT treatment of bond length alternations in conjugated hydrocarbonsT. Nakajima and A. Toyota

Volume 65, Number 2 / March 1984

81-89A qualitative determination of the favourable nuclear pathway for the ground state decomposition of formyl-fluorideV. Bachler, E. A. Halevi and O. E. Polansky
91-98Localized states in polymeric molecules. IV. Polyacetylene beyond simple Hückel ModelCelso P. de Melo, Humberto S. Brandi and Alfredo A. S. da Gama
99-108Application of the NDDO method to transition metal compoundsChristine Nieke and Joachim Reinhold
109-125Theoretical study of hydrogen abstraction reactions CH4 + R → CH3 + HR, geometrical, energetical and kinetical aspectsMichel Sana, Georges Leroy and José Luis Villaveces
127-137Broken symmetry in valence molecular region within Hartree-Fock calculationsT. Ficker
139-149The ring-opening of an unsymmetrical tetrahedral intermediate - 2-hydroxy-1,3-oxathiolaneLinda J. Santry, Raymond A. Poirier, Robert A. McClelland and Imre G. Csizmadia
151-157Reply to the comment on MORT treatment of bond length alternation in conjugated hydrocarbonsTomislav P. Živković

Volume 65, Number 3 / May 1984

159-166Approximate calculation of the matrix elements of Coulomb and exchange operators for the “core” electrons of the atoms K through ZnRaffaele Montagnani and Oriano Salvetti
167-177Electronic structure, geometry, and energetics of carbanion and carbocation of [1.1]ferrocenophane: An INDO studyA. Waleh, M. L. Cher, G. H. Loew and U. T. Mueller-Westerhoff
179-190Directed graphs of structurally stable potential energy surfaces representing a-priori reaction pathwaysAriel Fernandez and Oktay Sinanoglu
191-197Characteristic polynomials of large graphs. On alternate form of characteristic polynomial [1]Sherif El-Basil
199-213Fibonacci relations. On the computation of some counting polynomials of very large graphsS. El-Basil
215-218Gaussian basis sets for transition metals of the second seriesAlain Veillard and Alain Dedieu
219-231Conformational preferences of the axial ligands in some metalloporphyrins. A theoretical studyMarie-Madeleine Rohmer, Alain Strich and Alain Veillard

Volume 65, Number 4 / July 1984

233-242A principle of linear covariance for quantum mechanics and the electronic structure theory of molecules and other atom clustersOktay Sinanoğlu
243-248On the algebraic construction of chemistry from quantum mechanics. A fundamental valency vector field defined on the euclidean 3-space and its relation to the Hilbert spaceOktay Sinanoğlu
249-254Non-unitary classification of molecular electronic structures and other atom clustersOktay Sinanoğlu
255-265Structural covariance of graphsOktay Sinanoğlu
267-270Deformational covariance of graphsOktay Sinanoğlu
271-278Hamiltonian as a Hessian on the Hibert space, eigenvectors as critical points, and their relation to topological invariants in the variation methodOktay Sinanoğlu
279-290Minimal basis set MINI-1 — powerful tool for calculating of molecular interactions. I. Neutral complexesPavel Hobza and Joachim Sauer
291-302The minimal basis set MINI-1—powerful tool for calculating intermolecular interactions. II. Ionic complexesJoachim Sauer and Pavel Hobza
303-310Momentum density and molecular geometry. Bent BH2 and linear BH2+Toshikatsu Koga and Hisayoshi Kobayashi
311-316Energy-density relations in momentum space. III. Variational aspectToshikatsu Koga and Takeshi Murai

Volume 65, Numbers 5-6 / September 1984

317-363Phase-fixed double-group 3-Γ symbols. I. A novel exposition of the general theory of 3-Γ symbols and coupling coefficientsTure Damhus, Sven E. Harnung and Claus E. Schäffer
365-387Phase-fixed double-group 3-Γ symbols. II. General features of double groups and their 3-Γ symbolsTure Damhus, Sven E. Harnung and Claus E. Schäffer
389-404Phase-fixed double-group 3-Γ symbols. III. Real 3-Γ symbols and coupling coefficients for the dihedral double groupsTure Damhus, Sven E. Harnung and Claus E. Schäffer
405-417Phase-fixed double-group 3-Γ symbols. IV. Real 3-Γ symbols and coupling coefficients for the group hierarchies T* ⊃ C3* and T* ⊃ C2*Ture Damhus, Sven E. Harnung and Claus E. Schäffer
419-432Phase-fixed double-group 3-Γ symbols. V. 3-Γ symbols and coupling coefficients for all the octahedral double group-subgroup hierarchiesTure Damhus, Sven E. Harnung and Claus E. Schäffer
433-447Phase-fixed double-group 3-Γ symbols. VI. Real 3-Γ symbols and coupling coefficients for the group hierarchy I*C5*Ture Damhus, Sven E. Harnung and Claus E. Schäffer
449-454Generalized quantum mechanical two-centre problems. IV. On the accuracy of simple LCAO approximations for H2+ states and the Eckart criterionKlaus Helfrich
455Book reviewsW. Domcke
457-458Book reviewsU. Müller-Herold
459Book reviewsF. Becker

Volume 66, Number 1 / January 1984

1-20Theoretical studies of molecular conformation. Derivation of an additive procedure for the computation of intramolecular interaction energies. Comparison withab initio SCF computationsNohad Gresh, Pierre Claverie and Alberte Pullman
21-29Ab initio calculations of infrared transition probabilities in the electronic ground states of AlF and AlF+Robert Klein and Pavel Rosmus
31-42Coulombic and ring-shaped potentials treated in a unified way via a nonbijective canonical transformationMaurice Kibler and Tidjani Négadi
43-49On cyclic conjugationIvan Gutman
51-64The electronic structures of some extended conjugated electron acceptors within the Hartree-Fock approximation and beyond the mean-field approach as verified by the Hartree-Fock instabilitiesHelmut Vogler and Michael C. Böhm
65-75The ground state of MoCr(O2CH)4 at theab initio SCF and CI levels. A symmetry adapted RHF energy functional with an artificial double minimumRoland Wiest and Marc Benard

Volume 66, Number 2 / March 1984

77-90A new method for partition of interaction energy. Relation between stabilization energy and orbital mixingKenzi Hori, Yoshihiro Asai and Tokio Yamabe
91-110A note on pólya enumeration theoryWerner Hässelbarth
111-120An ab initio CI study of the ground and excited states of p-quinodimethaneTae -Kyu Ha
121-131Potential energy profiles along the doubly degenerate vibrational modes in conjugated moleculesMasahiro Kataoka and Takeshi Nakajima
133-145Potential energy profiles along the doubly degenerate vibrational modes in conjugated moleculesTakeshi Nakajima and Masahiro Kataoka
147-149The structural stability restriction rules out certain frontside SN2 pathwaysAriel Fernández and Oktay Sinanoğlu

Volume 66, Numbers 3-4 / May 1984

151-159A variational method to calculate static electronic propertiesSourav Pal
161-172On the origin of dynamic instability of molecular systemsIsaac B. Bersuker, Natalia N. Gorinchoi and Victor Z. Polinger
173-181Time-dependent Hartree-Fock calculations for the excited ‘S’ states of lithium isoelectronic sequenceB. Kundu and P. K. Mukherjee
183-192Evaluation of moments and their application in Hückel molecular orbital theoryYuansheng Jiang, Aoqing Tang and Roald Hoffmann
193-205A comparative study of bent-bond vs. Walsh model in strained systems. Bicyclo(1.1.0)butaneMirjana Eckert-Maksić, Zvonimir B. Maksić and Rolf Gleiter
207-215Use of a unitary wavefunction in the calculation of static electronic propertiesSourav Pal
217-232Dissociation of diimideUlf Brandemark and Per E. M. Siegbahn
233-243The reactions between negative hydrogen ions and silaneUlf Brandemark and Per E. M. Siegbahn
245-260Analysis of the concept of minimum energy path on the potential energy surface of chemically reacting systemsWolfgang Quapp and Dietmar Heidrich
261-276An LCAO description of the dynamical symmetry in the hydrogen molecular ionJens Peder Dahl and Xuejun Feng
277Congress AnnouncementK. Charbonneau

Volume 66, Number 5 / September 1984

iAnnouncement of new editorship
279-293Localized orbitals based on the fermi holeWilliam L. Luken and John C. Culberson
295-310Interaction energy calculation scheme employing one-electron hamiltonian approximation for the evaluation of short-range interactionsVladimir A. Zubkov
311-332Development of a size-consistent energy functional for open shell statesSourav Pal, M. Durga Prasad and Debashis Mukherjee
333-340Estimating the hessian for gradient-type geometry optimizationsH. Bernhard Schlegel

Volume 66, Number 6 / November 1985

A3Announcement of new editorship
A5-A7Professor Dr. (phil. nat.) Hermann Hartmann 1914–1984
341-353Molecular orbital calculations for iodine complexes: C2H4·I2 and C6H6·I2Issam Jano
355-363Application of molecular models to electronic structure calculations of defects in oxide crystals. I. Parametrization of the modified INDO methodAlexander Shluger
365-373An empirical scheme for evaluating in situ bond energy from MNDO dataChen Zhixing
375-393A pseudopotential study of the hydrogen bond in H2O·H2S, H2S·H2S and H2O·H2Se systemsAndrzej Leś
395-403Effects of fluorine substitution in the catechole ring. An ab-initio MO theoretical studyM. Hodoscek and T. Šolmajer
405-414Study of nonadiabatic effects in the Li-Li2+ system. Location of nonadiabatic regionsJan Vojtík, Alena Krtková and Rudolf Polák

Volume 67, Number 1 / February 1985

A3Announcement for editorship
1-10Zero virial reaction processes. Reactions of Si and Mg atoms with H2 and HF moleculesHisayoshi Kobayashi and Toshikatsu Koga
11-32Theoretical studies of molecular conformation. II: Application of the SIBFA procedure to molecules containing carbonyl and carboxylate oxygens and amide nitrogensNohad Gresh, Alberte Pullman and Pierre Claverie
33-36Vibrational structure of complex compound emission spectra measured by dynamical photon flux fluctuations as predicted in quantum theory of irreversible processesJoachim Degen and Hans -Herbert Schmidtke
37-42Observation of dynamically induced fluctuations of the photon flux and resolution of the broad luminescence band of Cs2TeBr6Joachim Degen, Hans -Herbert Schmidtke and C. A. Chatzidimitriou-Dreismann
43-61The topology of energy hypersurfaces III. The fundamental group of reaction mechanisms on potential energy hypersurfacesPaul G. Mezey

Volume 67, Number 2 / March 1985

63-89The effect of molecular topology on π-molecular-orbital energiesIoan Motoc, Jeremiah N. Silverman, Oskar E. Polansky and Gottfried Olbrich
91-113The topology of energy hypersurfaces IV. Generator sets for the fundamental group of reaction mechanisms and the complete set of reaction pathsPaul G. Mezey
115-136The topology of energy hypersurfaces V. Potential-defying chemical species: a global analysis of vibrational stabilization and destabilization on potential energy hypersurfacesPaul G. Mezey
137-155Symmetry properties of chemical graphs VIII. On complementarity of isomerization modesMilan Randić
157-174A group theoretical study of fnsystems in an environment of approximately icosahedral symmetryR. M. Golding, R. O. Pascual and I. C. Hoare

Volume 67, Number 3 / April 1985

175-185Application of the FAKE molecular-orbital method to diatomic molecules XY (X, Y = H, F, Cl, Br, I)Alfred X. Trautwein, Siegried Lauer, Joseph Delhalle and Frank E. Harris
187-191Bond dissociation energies and bond orders for diatomic alkali halidesRajuru R. Reddy, Agarala S. R. Reddy and Vanka Krishna Reddy
193-197Simple molecular wavefunctions with correlation corrections IIO. A. V. Amaral
199-209Molecular electronic virial theoremC. Ravimohan and M. S. Gopinathan
211-228Structure and properties of non-classical polymers II. Band structure and spin densitiesNikolai Tyutyulkov, Oskar E. Polansky, Peter Schuster, Stojan karabunarliev and Christo I. Ivanov
229-233Pattern of separatrices and intrinsic reaction coordinates for degenerate thermal rearrangementsAriel Fernández
235-243An improved CNDO/2 standard parametrization for bromine containing moleculesPeter Scharfenberg
245-253Valence-only model potential calculations on copper hydride moleculePiercarlo Fantucci, Stefano Polezzo, Gabriele Morosi and Venanzio Valenti

Volume 67, Number 4 / May 1985

255-262Generation of the eigenvectors of the topological matrix from graph theoryAllen J. Kassman
263-269On the number of spin functions in the first order interaction spaceWłodzisław Duch
271-274Ab initio valence bond calculations and the spin-paired diradical character of S42+Frances L. Skrezenek and Richard D. Harcourt
275-286Origin of the conical intersection between the singlet ionic excited surfaces of twisted ethylenePadeleimon Karafiloglou and Jean-Paul Malrieu
287-292Importance of correlation in LiBOA. V. Nemukhin and N. F. Stepanov
293-305Reduced classical trajectory equations for electronically non-adiabatic transition on photochemical pericyclic reactionsKenji Morihashi and Osamu Kikuchi
307-313The virial theorem as an entail for Koopmans' theorem in atomic calculationsRogério Custodio
315-322Bond orders and valences in the SCF theory: a commentI. Mayer
323-333Electrostatic potentials, fields and field gradients from a general crystalline charge densityP. Herzig
335-337Book reviewsW. H. E. Schwarz and Robert J. Buenker

Volume 67, Number 5 / June 1985

339-367Substitution symmetryWerner Hässelbarth
369-390Extension of a simplified method for molecular correlation energy calculations to molecules containing third row atoms. I. Methodological developmentsJean -Yves Metz and Jacques Lievin
391-407Extension of a simplified method for molecular correlation energy calculations to molecules containing third row atoms II. Application to HCl, HCl+, ClO and NCl moleculesJacques Lievin and Jean -Yves Metz
409-412On some problems in the theorems of alternant hydrocarbonsChen Zhixing and Huang Siqun
413-424An application of the virial theorem to study AH2 structures II. Use of CNDO/2 wavefunctionsRogério Custodio and Yuji Takahata
425Book reviewR. Janoschek

Volume 67, Number 6 / July 1985

427-437On the interrelation between orbits and double cosetsWerner Hässelbarth
439-447A simple model for a reaction surfaceGeorge G. Hall
449-460The matrix theory of electron spin multiplets for atoms and moleculesBoris K. Novosadov and Lev A. Gribov
461-475Calculation and properties of non-orthogonal, strictly local molecular orbitalsGuido F. Smits and Cornelis Altona
477-483Description of interactions in molecular complexes by linear combination of educt orbitalsWolfgang Schäfer
485-490A model for free-radical reactionsUdo Höweler and Martin Klessinger
491-496Topological characterization of normal modes in chains and ringsDavid D. Keeports

Volume 68, Number 1 / July 1985

iStatement of the new editors
iiAnnouncement of new editorship
1-21A semiclassical model for intramolecular vibrational relaxation of local mode overtone in polyatomic moleculesShengua Shi and William H. Miller
23-44Anab initio potential energy surface and dynamics calculations for vibrational excitation of I2 by HeFranklin B. Brown, David W. Schwenke and Donald G. Truhlar
45-55Photochemicalsyn-anti isomerization of a Schiff base: A two-dimensional description of a conical intersection in formaldimineVlasta Bonačić-Koutecký and Josef Michl
57-67Difficulties inab initio CI calculations of the hyperfine structure of small radicalsDavid Feller and Ernest R. Davidson
69-86Chemical binding and electron correlation in diatomic molecules as described by the FORS model and the FORS-IACC modelMichael W. Schmidt, M. T. Brenda Lam, Stephen T. Elbert and Klaus Ruedenberg
87-100On the convergence of the Møller-Plesset perturbation seriesN. C. Handy, P. J. Knowles and K. Somasundram

Volume 68, Number 2 / August 1985

101-105The influence of the cyclic product's structure on the Diels-Alder transition stateLuke A. Burke
107-123Properties and derivation of the fourth and sixth coefficients of the characteristic polynomial of molecular graphs—New graphical invariantsJerry Ray Dias
125-138A variational coupled cluster theory for closed shells using a propagator modification procedureSourav Pal, M. Durga Prasad and Debashis Mukherjee
139-142A simple eigenvalue sum-density relationship for atomsKali D. Sen and Sai Nath
143-152Chemical applications of topology and group theory. 17. An information theoretical approach to polyhedral symmetry [1]R. B. King
155-158Comments on characteristic polynomials of chemical graphsJ. Brocas
159-169Donor acceptor interaction in metalloproteinsA. A. S. Gama
171-178A polarization propagator analysis of the geminal 31P-31P coupling in bis(difluorophosphino)amine⋆H. O. Gavarini, M. A. Natiello and R. H. Contreras

Volume 68, Number 3 / September 1985

179-195Symmetry-adapted cluster f-orbitals and a vector method for generally oriented f-orbital overlapsYing-Nan Chiu and Frederick E. Wang
197-210Conduction electrons of the metal in the electrochemical interfaceJerry Goodisman
211-219Diatomic interactions in momentum space bond polarityToshikatsu Koga, Ryuichi Nakao and Zhi-Dong Hao
221-229Classical chemical concepts from ab initio SCF calculationsJon Baker
231-245Population analysis based on occupation numbers II. Relationship between shared electron numbers and bond energies and characterization of hypervalent contributionsClaus Ehrhardt and Reinhart Ahlrichs
247-250Book reviewsW. Kutzelnigg, Alexandru T. Balaban and David E. Logan

Volume 68, Number 4 / October 1985

251-270New method for qualitative quantum chemical deductions on organic or inorganic molecules or clusters directly from structural formulas or ORTEP diagramsOktay Sinanoğlu
271-283Counterpoise corrections to the interaction energy components in bimolecular complexesR. Cammi, R. Bonaccorsi and J. Tomasi
285-289Jahn-Teller distortion motions as separatrices in PESAriel Fernández
291-300Atomic charges based on spherical harmonics expansion at the atomic centersSven Larsson and Manuel Braga
301-313A novel nomenclature of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons without using graph centreHe Wenchen and He Wenjie
315-319Additive nodal increments for approximate calculation of the total π-electron energy of benzenoid hydrocarbonsJ. Cioslowski
321-334Adiabatic multi-step separation method and its application to coupled oscillatorsJan Makarewicz
335Book reviewW. Kutzelnigg
336A density-functional calculation of dynamic dipole polarizabilities of noble gas atomsS. K. Ghosh and B. M. Deb

Volume 68, Number 5 / November 1985

337-341Bond index: relation to second-order density matrix and charge fluctuationsMyriam S. Giambiagi, Mario Giambiagi and Francisco E. Jorge
343-349Valency changes in chemical reactionsKarl Jug and M. S. Gopinathan
351-362Two-dimensional model of intramolecular hydrogen bondS. Ia. Ishenko, M. V. Vener and V. M. Mamaev
363-377A note on the attainability of states by equalizing processesC. Zylka
379-388Study of approximate coupled cluster methods for first-order static propertiesSourav Pal
389-405A molecular orbital study of the bonding in complexes of lithium with polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbonsD. A. Morton-Blake, J. Corish and F. Bénière
407-417Factors determining bond angles from a classical valence bond perspective. Covalent structure of H2ORobert G. A. R. Maclagan and Bernard Kirtman
419-420Book reviewsA. D. J. Haymet and Walter S. Struve

Volume 68, Number 6 / December 1985

421-430Low temperature 13C NMR magnetic resonance in solids 4. Cyclopropane, bicyclo[1.1.0]butane and [1.1.1] propellaneAnita M. Orendt, Julio C. Facelli, David M. Grant, Josef Michl and Fredrick H. Walker, et al.
431-444Polarized basis sets and the calculation of infrared intensities from nuclear electric shielding tensorsKrzysztof Wolinski, Björn O. Roos and Andrzej J. Sadlej
445-469r12-Dependent terms in the wave function as closed sums of partial wave amplitudes for large lWerner Kutzelnigg
471-506Electron difference densities and chemical bondingW. H. Eugen Schwarz, Petros Valtazanos and Klaus Ruedenberg
507Book reviewK. Jug

Volume 69, Number 1 / January 1986

1-10Chemical applications of topology and group theoryR. B. King and D. H. Rouvray
11-22Counterpoise corrections to the evaluation of the bimolecular interaction energy componentsR. Cammi and J. Tomasi
23-34Partial structure analysis of conjugated systems IKatsunori Sakurai, Kazuo Kitaura and Kichisuke Nishimoto
35-39Characteristic polynomials of chemical graphs via symmetric function theoryRichard Barakat
41-49Conformational behaviour of 2,2′-bipyrroleEnrique Ortí, José Sánchez-Marín and Francisco Tomás
51-62Calculation of rydberg states of lithium isoelectronic sequenceB. Kundu and P. K. Mukherjee
63-69The approximation of electron densitiesC. M. Smith and G. G. Hall
71-81The electron density of the water moleculeG. G. Hall and C. M. Smith
83CorrigendumChen Zhixing and Huang Siqun
84CorrigendumJerry Ray Dias
85-86Meeting reportPer -Olov Löwdin

Volume 69, Number 2 / March 1986

89-100Influence of intersite modes on the exchange interaction in electron transfer at large distancesJ. N. Onuchic and A. A. S. Gama
101-106An ab initio CI study on the rotational barrier of the allyl anionRemedios González-Luque, Ignacio Nebot-Gil, Manuela Merchán and Francisco Tomás
107-117On the generalized approach to the structure countB. Ruščić, N. Trinajstić and P. Křivka
119-133Orientational preference of two ethylene ligands bound to a nickel atomPer E. M. Siegbahn and Ulf B. Brandemark
135-145Internal rotation in molecular complexes: some problems concerning the evaluation of equilibrium and rate constantsZdeněk Slanina
147-159Doubly-charged gas phase cationsG. C. Shields and T. F. Moran
161-170Electric moments and polarizabilities for LiH (X1Σ+)George Maroulis and David M. Bishop
171-174When is H3 stable to asymmetric distortion?Weston Thatcher Borden
175-178Converged close coupling calculations for V-V energy transfer: 2HF(v=1)→HF(v=2)+HF(v=0)David W. Schwenke and Donald G. Truhlar

Volume 69, Number 3 / April 1986

181-223Convergence properties of Fock's expansion for S-state eigenfunctions of the helium atomJohn D. Morgan
225-233The calculation of electric dipole vibronic intensities in centrosymmetric coordination compounds using the crystal field-closure-ligand polarization modelR. Acevedo and C. D. Flint
235-245A molecular orbital study of nitrogen inversion in aniline with extensive geometry optimizationCharles W. Bock, Philip George and Mendel Trachtman
247-258Studies of the energy spectrum of ω,ω′-substituted polymethine chains
259-263Comments on the correlation between the Weizsäcker correction and the binding energy of diatomic moleculesB. M. Deb and P. K. Chattaraj

Volume 69, Number 4 / May 1986

265-279Gradient extremalsDavid K. Hoffman, Ross S. Nord and Klaus Ruedenberg
281-307Bifurcations and transition statesPetros Valtazanos and Klaus Ruedenberg
309-322Reaction dynamics on bifurcating potential energy surfacesWayne A. Kraus and Andrew E. DePristo
323-335Restoration of coherence effects in high-power excitation of an intramolecular quasicontinuumIsrael Schek and Joshua Jortner
337-352Analytic evaluation of infrared intensities and polarizabilities by two-configuration self-consistent field wave functionsYukio Yamaguchi, Michael J. Frisch, Timothy J. Lee, Henry F. Schaefer and J. Stephen Binkley
353-354Book reviewW. Kutzelnigg

Volume 69, Numbers 5-6 / June 1986

357-368Orbital-invariant formulation and second-order gradient evaluation in Møller-Plesset perturbation theoryPeter Pulay and Svein Saebø
369-391Extended π-networks with multiple spin-pairing phases: resonance-theory calculations on poly-polyphenanthrenesG. E. Hite, A. Metropoulos, D. J. Klein, T. G. Schmalz and W. A. Seitz
393-407Wavefunction comparisons for the valence-bond model for conjugated π-networksD. J. Klein, S. A. Alexander, W. A. Seitz, T. G. Schmalz and G. E. Hite
409-423Dimer coverings and Kekulé structures on honeycomb lattice stripsD. J. Klein, G. E. Hite, W. A. Seitz and T. G. Schmalz
425-436The molecular electrostatic potential of some simple moleculesG. G. Hall and K. Tsujinaga
437-446Relativistic effects on molecular structure: methyl derivatives of the fourth main-group elementsJ. Almlof and K. Faegri
447-460Symmetry-adapted integral derivativesPeter R. Taylor
461-473Dipole sums and intermolecular interaction coefficients derived from refractive index dataJonathan A. Yoffe, Gerald M. Maggiora and A. Terry Amos
475-489A Vineyard-type approximation for the distinct term of the dynamic pair correlation functionR. Vogelsang and C. Hoheisel
491-503Ab initio calculation for properties of hydrogen bonded complexes H3N⋯HCN, HCN⋯HCN, HCN⋯HF, H2O⋯HFK. Somasundram, R. D. Amos and N. C. Handy
505-523Theoretical basis of the empirical reaction field approximations through continuum modelRaymond Constanciel
525-534Factors influencing the calculation of molecular X-ray emission spectraT. W. Rowlands and F. P. Larkins

Volume 70, Number 1 / July 1986

1In memoriam Massimo Simonetta 1920–1986G. Favini
3-10A study of hydrogen bond strengths of neutral water clusters (H2O)n using modified MNDOS. H. Suck Salk, T. S. Chen, D. E. Hagen and C. K. Lutrus
11-15Approximate calculation of the matrix elements of Coulomb and exchange operators for the “core” electrons of the atoms Ga through KrRaffaele Montagnani and Oriano Salvetti
17-24Hartree Fock instabilities in the S4N42+ dicationM. Bénard and W. G. Laidlaw
25-34Aromaticity of annulenes and annulene ions with 4v+2 electrons from the viewpoint of the theory of Hartree-Fock instabilitiesPeter Karadakov and Obis Casta¯no
35-41Properties of “structure factor” of characteristic polynomial and a proof of Hosoya-Randić conjecturesHe Wenchen and He Wenjie
43-51One-to-one correspondence between Kekulé and sextet patternsHe Wenjie and He Wenchen
53-65Combinatorial Clar sextet theorySherif El-Basil
67-71On the density matrix definition of valencyOmar G. Stradella, Hugo O. Villar and Eduardo A. Castro

Volume 70, Number 2 / August 1986

73-80An ab initio MO study on the disulfide bond: properties concerning the characteristic S-S dihedral angleMisako Aida and Chikayoshi Nagata
81-88Procedure supplementing SCF interaction energies by dispersion term evaluated in dimer basis set within variation-perturbation approachS. Roszak, W. A. Sokalski, P. C. Hariharan and Joyce J. Kaufman
89-98Saddle points of index 2 on potential energy surfaces and their role in theoretical reactivity investigationsDietmar Heidrich and Wolfgang Quapp
99-114Theoretical studies on the conformation of saccharidesIgor Tvaroška and Tibor Kožár
115-117Approximate upper bounds to the momentum expectation value ratios 〈p2〉/〈p−1〉 and 〈p〉/〈p−1〉 in atomsS. Nath, K. Shobha and K. D. Sen
119-121The incompleteness of Rényi entropiesWerner Hässelbarth
123-131Solvents effect on SN2 reactionsYoung Shik Kong and Mu Shik Jhon
133-141Molecular states of atoms. IID. E. Parry
143-150Specification of oscillating chemical models starting from a given linearized formJános Tóth and Vera Hárs

Volume 70, Number 3 / September 1986

153-163Dynamic electron transfers in B2H6 and Cu(PH3)2(BH4)Kenai Hori and Akitomo Tachibana
165-188Relativistic Gaussian basis sets for the atoms hydrogen to neonFranz Mark
189-202Theoretical interpretation of Mössbauer spectra of 19Sn compoundsV. MÄnning and M. Grodzicki
203-219The method of ascending symmetry for irreducible characters of finite groupsNoam Agmon
221-225A nonadiabatic lower bound calculation of H2+ and D2+Heinz Kleindienst and Dirk Hoppe
227-236Ab initio SCF calculations of the linear infinite chain of LiH according to the pseudo-lattice methodDae Hyun Baik, Yoon S. Lee and Mu Shik Jhon
237Ab inition valence bond calculations and the spin-paireddirafical character 42+Fances L. Skrezenek and Richard D. Harcourt

Volume 70, Number 4 / October 1986

239-252A new one-electron model for extended Hückel type molecular orbital calculationsRyotaro Irie
253-256Approximate calculation of the matrix elements of Coulomb and exchange operators for the “core” electrons of the atoms Rb through CdRaffaele Montagnani and Oriano Salvetti
257-264The currant bun model of simple moleculesK. Tsujinaga and G. G. Hall
265-296Theoretical studies of hydrogen storage in binary Ti-Ni, Ti-Cu, and Ti-Fe alloysJozef Bicerano, John E. Keem and H. Bernhard Schlegel
297-302Covalent-ionic nature of the potential energy surface of the Li-CO2 complexFederico Moscardó and Emilio San -Fabián
303-322Valency and molecular structureM. S. Gopinathan, Prabha Siddarth and C. Ravimohan

Volume 70, Number 5 / November 1986

323-332The evaluation of moments for polycyclic hydrocarbonsGeorge G. Hall
333-350σ, π and δ representations of the molecular point groupsP. W. Fowler and C. M. Quinn
351-356On the Dirac equation in the algebraic approximationD. Hegarty
357-364Non-equilibrium rate coefficients and isotope effect with bimolecular ion-(polar) molecule reactions in xenonWolfgang Stiller, Reinhard Schuster and Rainer Schmidt
365-378Discrimination and ordering of chemical structures by the number of walksMarko Razinger
379-389Electronic structures of multi-decker transition metal sandwich complexesLi Qian-shu, Yu Heng-tai and Tang Au-chin

Volume 70, Number 6 / December 1986

393-406Disilene, silylsilylene and their cationsK. Somasundram, R. D. Amos and N. C. Handy
407-419An application of correlation energy density functionals to atoms and moleculesA. Savin, H. Stoll and H. Preuss
421-427Ab-initio molecular orbital studies on a new mechanism for the interconversion of monomethylnitrosamine and methyldiazohydroxideChristopher A. Reynolds and Colin Thomson
429-441An SCF XαSW study of the electronic structure and X-ray and photoelectron spectra of Fe(II) and Fe(III) hexacyano complexes in a cluster approachVladimir A. Naslusov, Anatoly V. Kondratenko, Konstantin M. Neyman and Lev N. Mazalov
443-445The spectral radius of the adjacency matrix of benzenoid hydrocarbonJ. Cioslowski
447-453Topological properties of KHF-graphs and a proof of a one-to-one correspondence between Kekulé and sextet patterns of KHF-graphsHe Wenjie and He Wenchen

Volume 71, Number 1 / March 1987

1-5The Hartree-Fock dissociation of F2Mark S. Gordon and Donald G. Truhlar
7-19Dynamic stability of carbonyl ylidesAkimoto Tachibana, Masahiko Koizumi, Iwao Okazaki, Hiroyuki Teramae and Tokio Yamabe
21-39An intermediate neglect of differential overlap (INDO) technique for lanthanide complexes: studies on lanthanide halidesJ. Chris Culberson, Peter Knappe, Notker Rösch and Michael C. Zerner
41-57Hydrogen-bonded complexes involving HF and HCl: the effects of electron correlation and anharmonicityR. D. Amos, J. F. Gaw, N. C. Handy, E. D. Simandiras and K. Somasundram
59-73The role of the π-bonding network for trigonal level splittings of tris-bidentate Cr(acac)3 and Cr(ox)33−M. A. Atanasov, T. Schönherr and H. -H. Schmidtke
75-88The energy well connection graph: a use of curvilinear coordinates to achieve dimension reduction for graph representation of molecular conformation energy dataT. M. Creese, Gary L. Grunewald and Mary W. Creese

Volume 71, Numbers 2-3 / April 1987

89-90Symposium on computational quantum chemistry and parallel processorsSigeru Huzinaga and Mariusz Klobukowski
91-103Parallel computation of molecular energy gradients on the loosely coupled array of processors (LCAP)M. Dupuis and J. D. Watts
105-115Strategies for obtaining the maximum performance from current supercomputersPeter R. Taylor and Charles W. Bauschlicher
117-148Computational chemistry on the FPS-X64 scientific computersMartyn F. Guest, Robert J. Harrison, Johan H. Lenthe and Lambertus C. H. Corler
149-167Tables of accurate STF HF wavefunctions from B to CaMasahiro Sekiya and Hiroshi Tatewaki
169-186Extracting more than a few eigenvectors from a dense real symmetric matrix: Optimal algorithms versus the architectural constraints of the FPS-X64Stephen T. Elbert
187-199A multireference direct CI program based on the symmetric group graphical approachWłodzisław Duch and Jacek Karwowski
201-229Exponentially generated wave functions and excited states of benzeneHiroshi Nakatsuji
231-236Cluster expansion of the wavefunctionK. Hirao
237-245Ab initio SCF studies of the molecular structure of XeF6, IF6, and TeF62− in non-octahedral geometriesM. Klobukowski, S. Huzinaga, L. Seijo and Z. Barandiarán

Volume 71, Number 4 / May 1987

247-253Field and field-gradient polarizabilities of H2ODavid M. Bishop and Janusz Pipin
255-262One-electron property from MCHF wavefunction: the dipole moment of ozoneMichel Dupuis and William A. Lester
263-276Full CI benchmark calculations for molecular propertiesCharles W. Bauschlicher and Peter R. Taylor
277-288Theoretical study of the in-plane components of the 13C shielding tensors in condensed aromatic hydrocarbonsJulio C. Facelli and David M. Grant
289-298The matching of structural elements in reactions for evaluating stabilization energies for benzene and monosilabenzenePhilip George, Charles W. Bock and Mendel Trachtman
299-304Topological implications of Y-conjugation for electronic transitions of cyanine dyesLydie Grajcar, Gaston Berthier, Jean Faure and Jean -Pierre Fleury
305-314Molecular orbital calculations for iodine complexes 2. Ammonium iodine and pyridine iodineIssam Jano
315-325Convergent perturbation studies in screened coulomb potential systems: analytic evaluations up to third order for the Yukawa caseHasan Taşeli and Metin Demiralp
327-331MNDO calculations of systems with hydrogen bonds S-HAlexander A. Voityuk and Audrey A. Bliznyuk

Volume 71, Number 5 / June 1987

333-357Fixed-nuclei and laboratory-frame formalisms for electron scattering by a spherical top, with full incorporation of symmetryNajib Abusalbi, David W. Schwenke, C. Alden Mead and Donald G. Truhlar
359-374Application of fixed-nuclei scattering theory to electron methane elastic and inelastic differential cross sections at 10 eV impact energyNajib Abusalbi, David W. Schwenke, C. Alden Mead and Donald G. Truhlar
375-384Dynamic correlation for MCSCF wave functions: An effective potential methodBjörn O. Roos, Mikołaj Szulkin and Michał Jaszuński
385-400119Sn electric field gradients in model clusters of chalcogenide glassesJozef Bicerano
401-405Local orbital eigenvalues and basis set balanceWilliam E. Palke
407-408Book reviewsW. Kutzelnigg and W. H. E. Schwarz

Volume 71, Number 6 / July 1987

411-423A CASSCF and CCI study of the formation of the Ni2(C2H4) complexPer-Olof Widmark and Björn O. Roos
425-448Investigations with the finite element method on the Cyber 205Ralph Jaquet
449-458On nd bonding in the transition metal trimers: comparison of Sc3 and Y3Stephen P. Walch
459-465The rational fraction representation of diatomic potentialsJ. N. Murrell, A. J. C. Varandas and J. Brandão
467-478An SCF technique for excited statesRenato Colle, Alessandro Fortunelli and Oriano Salvetti
479-487Theory of angle-resolved photoemission for in general disordered complex lattices: applications to the off-normal emission from TiNx (100)J. Redinger, P. Weinberger and A. Neckel
489Book reviewP. Warner

Volume 72, Number 1 / August 1987

1-12Converged calculations of vibrational energy transfer probabilities for the collision of two HF(v=1) moleculesDavid W. Schwenke and Donald G. Truhlar
13-26Localized virtual and occupied molecular orbitalsMichel Rajzmann, Bruno Brenier and Keith F. Purcell
27-33Peculiarity of the Dickinson H2+ wave functionToshikatsu Koga and Hiroaki Sasaki
35-46Self-consistent group calculations on a simple model for the photochemical α cleavage reaction of carbonyl compoundsJosef Schüle and Martin Klessinger
47-55Calculation of coulomb integrals in molecules over an spd basis of STOP. Hoggan and D. Rinaldi
57-62Topological properties of the electronic density of CO-MgF2 and OC-MgF2 adductsO. G. Stradella, S. A. Maluendes, E. A. Castro and A. H. Jubert
63-67The structural stability principle and branching points on multidimensional potential energy surfacesM. V. Basilevsky
69Disilene, silysilyene and their cationsK. Somasundram, R. D. Amos and N. C. Handy

Volume 72, Number 2 / September 1987

71-91Generalization of analytic energy derivatives for configuration interaction wave functionsYoshihiro Osamura, Yukio Yamaguchi and Henry F. Schaefer
93-122Correspondence between higher order energy derivative formalisms for restricted Hartree-Fock and correlated wavefunctionsYoshihiro Osamura, Yukio Yamaguchi and Henry F. Schaefer
123-138A data-oriented CI program systemF. Sasaki, K. Tanaka, T. Noro, M. Togasi and T. Nomura, et al.
139-148A parallel architecture and programming language for quantum chemistryJames R. Savage
149-173Strategies to vectorize conventional SCF-Cl algorithmsNobuhiro Kosugi

Volume 72, Number 3 / October 1987

175-195Theoretical study of reaction mechanisms for the ketonization of vinyl alcohol in gas phase and aqueous solutionOscar N. Ventura, Agustí Lledós, Rosanna Bonaccorsi, Juan Bertrán and Jacopo Tomasi
197-205A modification of Koopmans' theorem by imposition of the virial theorem in moleculesRogério Custodio and Yuji Takahata
207-210On the non-additivity of the basis set superposition error and how to prevent its appearanceIstván Mayer
211-222CNDO-S2—a semiempirical SCF MO method for transition metal organometallicsMichael J. Filatov, Oleg V. Gritsenko and George M. Zhidomirov
223-228MNDO calculations of systems containing hydrogen bondsAlexander A. Voityuk and Andrey A. Bliznyuk
229-232Isoelectronic changes in X-alpha theory using a Z-transition state approachVenugopal K. Krishna Kumar and Kali D. Sen

Volume 72, Number 4 / November 1987

233-235The impact of supercomputers on chemistry
237-251Storage management strategies in large-scale quantum dynamics calculationsDavid W. Schwenke, Kenneth Haug, Donald G. Truhlar, Roland H. Schweitzer and John Z. H. Zhang, et al.
253-264A vectorizable potential energy functional for reactive scatteringErnesto Garcia, Luigi Ciccarelli and Antonio Laganà
265-276The use of supercomputers for the variational calculation of ro-vibrationally excited states of floppy moleculesBrian T. Sutcliffe, Jonathan Tennyson and Steven Miller
277-289Problems and prospects in the ab initio treatment of pure and defective crystalsCesare Pisani and Roberto Dovesi
291-295Application of a parallel computer system to polymer calculationsM. Bishop, D. Logan and J. P. J. Michels
297-301Energy optimized Gaussian basis sets for the atoms Tl-RnKnut Faegri
303-318Multi-reference-state perturbation theory for computation of potential-energy surfacesGabriel Hose
319-324A comparison of techniques for embedding defect cluster calculationsA. J. Fisher
325-331On the computation of molecular electronic affinitiesJuan J. Novoa, Fernando Mota and Ana C. Ramirez

Volume 72, Numbers 5-6 / December 1987

333IntroductionJosef Michl
335-336Jaroslav Koutecký
337-345Application of the many-body perturbation theory to normal saturated hydrocarbons in the localized representationEde Kapuy, Ferenc Bartha, Ferenc Bogár and Cornelia Kozmutza
347-361A generalized restricted open-shell Fock operatorW. Daniel Edwards and Michael C. Zerner
363-371Calculations of molecular polarizabilities using the Valence Effective Hamiltonian (VEH) methodChristian Barbier and Jean -Marie André
373-378Treatment of anions in SINDO1Rüdiger Iffert and Karl Jug
379-391Toward a semiempirical density functional theory of chemical bindingSwapan K. Ghosh and Robert G. Parr
393-401Local-density-functional approximation for exchange-correlation potential
403-409Theoretical studies on excited states of Ne2
411-432Reducedab initio theoretical internuclear potentials of diatomic moleculesFrantišek Jenč and Bernd August Brandt
433-458Charge density topological study of bonding in lithium clusters
459-474Critically heterosymmetric biradicaloid geometries of of protonated Schiff bases
475-484Angle-resolved thermal desorption of atoms from solid surfaces: one-phonon mechanismThomas B. Grimley
485-496The effect of hydrogen chemisorption on titanium surface bondingPietro Cremaschi and Jerry L. Whitten
497-506N-dimensional hydrogen atom in an external spherically symmetric field
507-517Electrostatic potentials of some dibenzo-p-dioxins in relation to their biological activitiesJane S. Murray and Peter Politzer

Volume 73, Number 1 / January 1988

1-26Systematics of bonding in non-icosahedral carbon clustersP. W. Fowler, J. E. Cremona and J. I. Steer
27-42Structure and properties of nonclassical polymersChristo I. Ivanov, Nikolai Tyutyulkov, Gottfried Olbrich, H. Barentzen and Oscar E. Polansky
43-53Full configuration interaction benchmark calculations for transition momentsCharles W. Bauschlicher and Stephen R. Langhoff
55-65A gradient extremal walking algorithmPoul Jørgensen, Hans Jørgen A. Jensen and Trygve Helgaker
67-78Kinetic description of bimolecular reactions with low energy cross sections in dilute gasesAndrzej S. Cukrowski, Wolfgang Stiller and Rainer Schmidt

Volume 73, Numbers 2-3 / March 1988

81-103Clifford algebra and unitary group formulations of the many-electron problemJosef Paldus and Bogumil Jeziorski
105-114On the use of asymptotic expansionsModris Gailitis and Harris J. Silverstone
115-122Classical structures in modern valence bond theoryRoy McWeeny
123-134Electronic structures of the S2O and S3 isomers: an ab initio CI studyTakayuki Fueno and Robert J. Buenker
135-145Theoretical study of PO and POLudwik Adamowicz, Rodney J. Bartlett, Józef S. Kwiatkowski and Willis B. Person
147-154On the Hartree-Fock approximation to the electronic structure of molecule in the intense radiation field and the strong vibronic couplingYoshihiro Asai, Tokio Yamabe and Kenichi Fukui
155-171An ab initio study of the molecular structure and vibration-rotation spectrum of the triplet radical HCCNPer -Åke Malmquist, Roland Lindh, Björn O. Roos and Stephen Ross
173-200Origin and meaning of the Fermi contact interactionWerner Kutzelnigg
201-206Potential energy surface of the (H2)2 dimer: an MP2 studyBohdan Schneider, Pavel Hobza and Rudolf Zahradník
207-219A simple method for the calculation of π-bond orders in alternant hydrocarbonsTomislav P. Živković
221-228Symmetry and periodicity of potential surfaces: a test for multicenter interactionsPaul G. Mezey
229-232Electrostatic sums for polymer chainsM. L. Glasser
233-246Composition as a method for data reduction: application to carbon-13 NMR chemical shiftsMilan Randić and Nenad Trinajstić

Volume 73, Number 4 / April 1988

247-277Permutation representations in molecular symmetryGerhard Fieck
279-289Ab initia MO calculation in terms of localized orbitals of the 14N electric field gradient in nitrilesYosslen Aray, Roberto Gomperts, Juan Saavedra, Cristina Urdaneta and Juan Murgich
291-306On expectation value calculations of one-electron properties using the coupled cluster wave functionsJozef Noga and Miroslav Urban
307-316Counterpoise estimates of the BSSE in the evaluation of protonation energiesOtilia Mó, José Luis G. Paz and Manuel Yáñez
317-322Systematic regularities of molecular SCF energiesEvi Honegger

Volume 73, Numbers 5-6 / September 1988

323-336Overlap integrals of B functionsE. Joachim Weniger and E. Otto Steinborn
337-364Extended Hartree-Fock (EHF) theory of chemical reactionsK. Yamaguchi, Y. Takahara, T. Fueno and K. N. Houk
365-382Renormalized Rayleigh-Schrödinger perturbation theoryEdward R. Vrscay
383-391Studies in the paired orbital methodRuben Pauncz
393-403An approximate frozen core approach to valence only molecular calculationsS. Polezzo and P. Fantucci
405-418Broken orbital symmetry and the description of valence hole states in the tetrahedral [CrO4]2− anionR. Broer and W. C. Nieuwpoort
419-423On the Fe-CO moleculeC. Barbier, G. Berthier, A. Daoudi and M. Suard
425-435Molecules with holesGeorge G. Hall
437-448The conjugated circuits modelHelmut Vogler and Nenad Trinajstić
449-458On the electronic band structure of periodic β-pleated sheet polypeptides in the presence of water and ionsC. -M. Liegener, P. Otto, Runsheng Chen and J. Ladik
459-465Application of 2-point Padé approximants to the ground state of the 2-dimensional hydrogen atom in an external magnetic fieldBarry G. Adams

Volume 74, Number 1 / July 1988

1-10Anab initio pair potential for the interaction between a water molecule and a formate ionKersti Hermansson, George C. Lie and Enrico Clementi
11-22Ab initio pair potentials for the ionic lithium-formate systemKersti Hermansson, George C. Lie and Enrico Clementi
23-38Intramolecular energy transfer in waterGeorge G. Hall and Hideharu Nobutoki
39-54Convergent perturbation studies in screened coulomb potential systems: a high precision numerical algorithm via Laguerre basis setM. Demiralp, N. A. Baykara and H. Taşeli
55-62Topological hamiltonian spectra of polycyclic benzenoid hydrocarbonsJ. Cioslowski and O. E. Polansky
63-73Symmetry and equivalence restrictions in electronic structure calculationsCharles W. Bauschlicher and Peter R. Taylor
75-82On the use of cavity models to describe muonium in diamond, silicon and germaniumT. A. Claxton and G. G. Hall
83Book reviewP. Hobza

Volume 74, Number 2 / August 1988

85-99Application of a dynamic method of minimisation in the study of reaction surfacesColin M. Smith
101-110On the counterpoise correction for the basis set superposition error in large systemsJ. A. Sordo, S. Chin and T. L. Sordo
111-122Graph edge colorings and their chemical applicationsKrishnan Balasubramanian
123-135Tunnelling and reaction path curvature effects in the isomerization of the methoxy radicalSusan M. Colwell
137-150MINDO/SR calculations of nickel surface properties as a function of hydrogen coverageFernando Ruette and George Blyholder
151-155Numerical Hartree-Fock and MCSCF calculations on diatomic copper: calibration of basis setsHarry Partridge, Kent W. Richman and E. A. McCullough
157-163Effect of the orientation of coordinated water molecules on the electronic structure of trans halo-aquo complexes: application to TiCl2(H2O)4+ and VCl2(H2O)4+M. A. Makhyoun
165-166Book reviewC. K. Jørgensen

Volume 74, Number 3 / September 1988

167-184Model studies of the chemisorption of hydrogen and oxygen on nickel surfacesItai Panas, Per Siegbahn and Ulf Wahlgren
185-194Electric properties of the chloride ionVladimir Kellö, Björn O. Roos and Andrzej J. Sadlej
195-208Theoretical studies on quinones I. The structure of p-benzoquinone and two of its excited triplet statesJohn R. Ball and Colin Thomson
209-217Violation of Hund's rule in the lowest excited singlet-triplet pairs of dicyclohepta[cd,gh]pentalene and dicyclopenta[ef,kl]heptaleneAzumao Toyota
219-228On the relationship between crystal quantum numbers and irreducible representations of point groupsW. Beeckman and J. Goffart
229-235Extended-Hückel parameters for third-row transition metalsRainer Jostes
237Book reviewN. M. Kostić
238Second announcement

Volume 74, Number 4 / October 1988

239-249Radial dependence of exterior electron distributions of molecular orbitalsKoichi Ohno
251-258Chemisorption on inverse-supported catalysts: H-ZnO/NiWing-ki Liu and Sydney George Davison
259-267Ab initio study of the methyl internal rotation and aldehyde hydrogen wagging of thioacetaldehyde in the X1A′ and a3A″ statesYves G. Smeyers, A. Niño and M. N. Bellido
269-274Complete error potentialA. Laforgue and P. Guérin
275-288Minimal requirements for approximate wavefunctions of moleculesZ. B. Maksić and S. Supek
289-298Model study of the relaxation accompanying adsorption of atomic hydrogen on the Li(100) cluster surfaceJ. Fišer, J. Vojtík and E. Penders-Vaňková
299-309The conflict between hole delocalisation and static plus dynamic polarisation in molecular cations: illustration on Mgn+ clustersG. Durand, J. P. Daudey and J. P. Malrieu
311-322Effect of vibrational excitation of HBr on the H+HBr abstraction and exchange reactionsJozef Tiňo, Ján Urban and Viliam Klimo
323-330The complete symmetrization of quantum operators: new thoughts on an old problemAndré Julg
331-337Instability and (2×1) reconstruction of Si(001) and (111) surfaces: a simple approachM. Tomášek
339-348Origin and information content of the compensation effectH. J. Kreuzer and N. H. March

Volume 74, Number 5 / November 1988

349-361Conjugated circuit theory for graphiteG. E. Hite, T. P. Živković and D. J. Klein
363-379A CASSCF study of the singlet-singlet and triplet-triplet spectroscopy of naphthaleneJ. Mauricio, O. Matos and Björn O. Roos
381-402A new method for the direct calculation of resonance parameters with application to the quasibound states of the H2X1Σg+ systemDavid W. Schwenke
403-414Dynamics of H+O2 collisions on anab initio potential energy surfaceJu Guan-zhi, Feng Da-cheng, Cai Zheng-ting and Deng Chong-hao
415-428The structure and harmonic vibrational frequencies of the weakly bound complexes formed by HF with CO, CO2 and N2OIan L. Alberts, Nicholas C. Handy and Emmanuel D. Simandiras
429-430Book reviewKlaus Ruedenberg

Volume 74, Number 6 / December 1988

431-444Dynamic polarizabilities and Rydberg states of open shell atomic systemsP. K. Mukherjee, K. Ohtsuki and K. Ohno
445-461All-valence-electron and transition density matrix calculations of the electronic spectra of [2.2]paracyclophanequinonesAntoni K. Wisor and Leszek Czuchajowski
463-478Theoretical studies on the ionization potential of interacting atoms at large separationsYoshihiro Mizukami and George G. Hall
479-491The atomic states of nickelCharles W. Bauschlicher, Per Siegbahn and Lars G. M. Pettersson
493-511Vibrational partition functions for H2O derived from perturbation-theory energy levelsAlan D. Isaacson and Xing -Guo Zhang

Volume 75, Number 1 / January 1989

1-10Theoretical investigation of next neighbour interactions and ring strain in linear and monocyclic phosphanesHeinz Schiffer, Reinhart Ahlrichs and Marco Häser
11-32The classification of tensor surface harmonic functions for clusters and coordination compoundsRoy L. Johnston and D. Michael P. Mingos
33-52Semiclassical analysis of Hénon-Heiles coupled oscillators: quasi-periodic and chaotic quantum behavior and the resonance model of unimolecular decayVincenzo Aquilanti, Simonetta Cavalli and Gaia Grossi
53-65On the many-body contributions to the interaction polarisability and hyperpolarisability of HenJohn Waite and Manthos G. Papadopoulos
67-80Quantum theory of chemical bond formation processes in condensed systems: studies towards exploration of electrochemical dark and photoprocesses on semiconductorsC. Engler, E. Rabe, H. Schultz and W. Lorenz

Volume 75, Number 2 / March 1989

81-98Theoretical investigations of molecules composed only of fluorine, oxygen and nitrogen: determination of the equilibrium structures of FOOF, (NO)2 and FNNF and the transition state structure for FNNF cis-trans isomerizationTimothy J. Lee, Julia E. Rice, Gustavo E. Scuseria and Henry F. Schaefer
99-110A theoretical study of structure and bonding of chlorinated silaethanes and 1,3-disilapropanesHeinz Schiffer and Reinhart Ahlrichs
111-127Configuration-interaction energy derivatives in a fully variational formulationTrygve Helgaker and Poul Jørgensen
129-141Perturbative corrections to basis incompleteness in molecular SCF calculationsCarl S. Ewig, Lidia Smentek-Mielczarek and B. Andes Hess
143-159A comparison of the on-top dissociation of H2 on Ni(100) and Cu(100)Per Siegbahn, Margareta Blomberg, Itai Panas and Ulf Wahlgren

Volume 75, Number 3 / May 1989

163-172Electronic structures of the boron cage molecules B4H4, B4Cl4 and B4F4David J. Swanton and Reinhart Ahlrichs
173-194Energy-adjusted pseudopotentials for the rare earth elementsM. Dolg, H. Stoll, A. Savin and H. Preuss
195-222Electronic structure of azidomyoglobin and associated magnetic and hyperfine propertiesSantosh K. Mishra, J. N. Roy, K. C. Mishra and T. P. Das
223-232Rapidly converging threshold value calculations in screened coulomb potential systems: Critical values of the screening parameter for the Yukawa caseMetin Demiralp
233-245Conformational studies of p-t-butylcalix(4)arene and its toluene complexHeon Hong Minn, Suk-Kyu Chang and Kyoung Tai No

Volume 75, Number 4 / July 1989

247-260Self-consistent-field variational approach to the interaction between a polymer and a small moleculeYuriko Aoki, Akira Imamura and Keiji Morokuma
261-270Oxygen-induced next-nearest neighbour effects on the C1s-levels in polymer XPS-spectraRobert J. Meier and A. P. Pijpers
271-278Molecular geometries from spin Hamiltonian calculations through simultaneous optimization of geometry and wave functionJerzy Cioslowski
279-297Stability and reactivities based on moment analysisY. Jiang and H. Zhang
299-306Theoretical study of the calcium dication hydratesR. E. Cachau, H. O. Villar and E. A. Castro
307-319Normal mode calculation and IR band assignments of A-type zeoliteKyoung Tai No, Byung Hee Seo and Mu Shik Jhon
321A CASSCF and CCI study of the formation of the Ni2(C2H4) complexPer -Olof Widmark and Björn O. Roos

Volume 75, Number 5 / September 1989

323-331Test applications of a new SCF method for excited statesRenato Colle, Alessandro Fortunelli and Oriano Salvetti
333-352Discrete characterization of cross-sections of molecular surfacesGustavo A. Arteca and Paul G. Mezey
353-368Monte Carlo study of electron correlation functions for small moleculesZhiwei Sun, Peter J. Reynolds, R. Kent Owen and William A. Lester
369-387Pseudopotential study of the rare earth monohydrides, monoxides and monofluoridesM. Dolg and H. Stoll
389-400P-V matrix and enumeration of Kekulé structuresHe Wenjie and He Wenchen

Volume 75, Number 6 / November 1989

401-416A string model for the chemical reaction coordinate in static external fieldsAkitomo Tachibana, Masahiko Koizumi, Masatoshi Murashima and Tokio Yamabe
417-424Two-electron atomic wave functions which satisfy proportionality relations between one-and two-electron momentsToshikatsu Koga
425-432Orbitals that minimize the varianceD. Filberg and H. Kleindienst
433-446The structures of HCOO, CH3COO, C2H5COO and CH3O in gas phase and in crystal structure by ab initio and resonance theoryM. Masamura
447-460Gradient extremals and valley floor bifurcations on potential energy surfacesWolfgang Quapp
461-474Intraframework potential energy function of zeolites
475-480Ab initio studies of nuclear quadrupole couplings in N2H2 and NH3 moleculesGirindra Prasad, Aditi Lal and P. Chandra
481-484Rotation procedure in intrinsic reaction coordinate calculationsChen Zhixing

Volume 76, Number 1 / January 1989

1-5Approximate calculation of the matrix elements of Coulomb and exchange operators for the “core” electrons of the atoms In through XeRaffaele Montagnani and Oriano Salvetti
7-31Molecular vibrations in a gradient extremal pathNorihiro Shida, Jan E. Almlöf and Paul F. Barbara
33-46A CASSCF-CI study of the coordination of ethylene with ironPer -Olof Widmark and Björn O. Roos
47-51Series analysis methods in enumeration of chemical isomersJerzy Cioslowski
53-64A theoretical characterization of the structure formation enthalpy, and fluzional behaviour of B2H6 and AlBH6Vincenzo Barone and Camilla Minichino
65-70An extension of the Coulson-Rushbrooke-Longuet-Higgins theoremStojan Karabunarliev and Nikolay Tyutyulkov

Volume 76, Number 2 / March 1989

73-84Gaussian basis sets for calculation of spin densities in first-row atomsDaniel M. Chipman
85-94Numerical computation of the electrostatic interaction energy between methanol and the dyad water-imidazoleDominique Dehareng, Georges Dive, Josette Lamotte-Brasseur and Jean-Marie Ghuysen
95-111An efficient first-order CASSCF method based on the renormalized Fock-operator techniqueU. Meier and V. Staemmler
113-124Analytic expression of the second derivatives of electronic energy for full configuration interaction wave functionsYoshihiro Osamura
125-135Theoretical study of the borane and diborane positive ionsM. Sana, G. Leroy and Ch. Henriet
137-145Quantum simulation of vibration states and Franck-Condon overlap in non-separable potentialsW. Lorenz and O. Heitzsch
147Symmetry-adapted integral derivativesPeter R. Taylor
149-152Book reviewsNenad Trinajstić and Dines Christen

Volume 76, Number 3 / May 1989

153-171Study of the origin of subspectrality in molecular graphsJerry Ray Dias
173-185A quantum chemical study of the hydrogen bonding in the CO2⋯HF and N2O⋯HF complexesJoanna Sadlej and Björn O. Roos
187-193An efficient two-electron integral transformation for vector-concurrent computer architecturesCharles W. Bauschlicher
195-209Combined bond-polarization basis sets for accurate determination of dissociation energiesJ. M. L. Martin, J. P. François and R. Gijbels
211-212Book reviewsT. Hoffmann-Ostenhof, P. Schuster and K. Schwarz

Volume 76, Number 4 / July 1989

213-225A method of incorporating quadruple correction in the scheme of multi-reference singly and doubly excited configuration interaction — a CSF based coupled pair approximationKiyoshi Tanaka, Takeo Sakai and Hidemi Terashima
227-245A numerically stable procedure for calculating Møller-Plesset energy derivatives, derived using the theory of LagrangiansTrygve Helgaker, Poul Jørgensen and Nicholas C. Handy
247-268Subduction of coset representationsShinsaku Fujita
269-284Symmetry functions adapted to the subgroup chain U(7) ⊃ SO(7) ⊃ G2 ⊃ SO(3) ⊃ GWen Zhenyi, Wang Yubin, Dou Yusheng and Liu Zhaomeng
285-289Calculation of the deuterium electric field gradients in HD and LiD using a variation-perturbation method with a Gaussian basis setHae-Won Kim, James O. Jensen and Hendrik F. Hameka
291-293The relation of directly bonded C-H coupling constants to s-characters revisitedVictor M. S. Gil

Volume 76, Number 5 / September 1989

297-313Decomposition of the interaction energy between metal cations and water or ammonia with inclusion of counterpoise corrections to the interaction energy termsRoberto Cammi, Hans-Jörg Hofmann and Jacopo Tomasi
315-329Exact dimer statistics and characteristic polynomials of cacti latticesHaruo Hosoya and Krishnan Balasubramanian
331-351Solution of the generalized eigenvalue equation perturbed by a generalized low rank perturbationTomislav P. Živković
353-371A systematic treatment of three-dimensional quantum mechanical reaction coordinatesNorman M. Witriol and Gary H. Herling
373-375Density functional theory calculations of one electron Rydberg states in Li atomM. B. Viswanath and K. D. Sen

Volume 76, Number 6 / November 1990

377-390Comparison of potential energy maps and molecular shape invariance maps for two-dimensional conformational problemsGustavo A. Arteca, Gerard A. Heal and Paul G. Mezey
391-410Relativistic perturbation theory of chemical propertiesA. Rutkowski and W. H. E. Schwarz
411-422Theoretical analysis of the internal rotation and determination of molecular structures of HSSH, HSSF and FSSFC. Cárdenas-Lailhacar and A. Toro-Labbé
423-435Reaction graphs and a construction of reaction networksJiří Pospíchal and Vladimír Kvasnička
437-450On subspectral problem—benzenoid hydrocarbons with common eigenvalues ±1Y. -S. Jiang and G. -Y. Chen

Volume 77, Number 1 / January 1990

1-15Enhanced Li+ binding energies of some azines: a molecular orbital studyManuel Alcamí, Otilia Mó, José Juis G. de Paz and Manuel Yáñez
17-28An energy criterion for determiningd orbital contribution to adsorbate bonding to a transition metal: CO/Fe12George Blyholder and Michael Lawless
29-37Direct evaluation of one-electron properties in coupled cluster methodsMiroslav Urban, Geerd H. F. Diercksen, Andrzej J. Sadlej and Jozef Noga
39-56Semiempirical study of electronic and bonding properties of iron silicide clustersLeonardo J. Rodríguez, Fernando Ruette, Germán R. Castro, Eduardo V. Ludeña and Antonio J. Hernández
57-60Isoelectronic changes in energy of quark atoms and molecules via the Levy equationK. D. Sen and Jorge M. Seminario
61-62Book reviewsW. Kutzelnigg and W. H. E. Schwarz

Volume 77, Number 2 / March 1990

63-84Multi-exponential unimolecular rate formulaeS. R. Vatsya and H. O. Pritchard
85-109The dynamical crystal field model of selective vibronic coupling in d-d spectraA. Ceulemans and N. Bongaerts
111-122Configuration interaction calculations on the propane radical cation, C3H8+Sten Lunell, David Feller and Ernest R. Davidson
123-141Energy-adjustedab initio pseudopotentials for the second and third row transition elementsD. Andrae, U. Häußermann, M. Dolg, H. Stoll and H. Preuß

Volume 77, Number 3 / May 1990

143-162Constant-isomer benzenoid series and their topological characteristicsJerry Ray Dias
163-190Electron energy level crossings in the time-dependent Born-Oppenheimer approximationGeorge A. Hagedorn
191-205Contracted well-tempered Gaussian basis sets in SCF calculations on the ground and excited electronic states of neutral and ionized diatomic molecules containing first-row atomsM. Klobukowski, T. W. Dingle and S. Huzinaga
207-212On the accuracy of correlation energy calculated by the correlation factor method: first- and second-row atomsEmilio San-Fabián, José Pérez-Jordá and Federico Moscardó

Volume 77, Number 4 / July 1990

213-223A quantified resonance theory and its relation with MO — excited state behaviour of conjugated hydrocarbons and heteroconjugate moleculesYang Pipeng
225-237Phase-space dynamics and quantum mechanicsWalter J. Deal
239-251Dipole Cauchy moments of the atoms H through Ar
253-261Bulk properties from finite-cluster calculations
263-279The calculation of the dipole moments of NiH, TiO, and FeOCharles W. Bauschlicher, Stephen R. Langhoff and Andrew Komornicki
281-287Gradient optimization of polarization exponents inab initio MO calculations on H2SO → HSOH and CH3SH → CH2SH2Miquel Solà, Carlos Gonzalez, Glauco Tonachini and H. Bernhard Schlegel
289-290Book reviewR. Fournier

Volume 77, Number 5 / September 1990

291-306Density matrix averaged atomic natural orbital (ANO) basis sets for correlated molecular wave functions
307-321Enumeration of non-rigid molecules by means of unit subduced cycle indicesShinsaku Fujita
323-331Theoretical study of the6Σ+,6Π, and4Σ+ van der Waals states of NOHarry Partridge, Charles W. Bauschlicher and Stephen R. Langhoff
333-341Predissociation lifetime of the 1σg2g diabatic state of He2+: a one-channel approachAristophanes Metropoulos
343-357MRINDO/S-CI calculation on the electronic spectra of higher azinesR. S. Prasad and B. N. Rai

Volume 77, Number 6 / November 1990

359-367Computational analysis of some possible initial steps in the unimolecular thermal decompositions of 1,3-diazacyclobutane and its 1,3-dinitramine derivativeMichael Grodzicki, Jorge M. Seminario and Peter Politzer
369-382Chemical species conversion in condensed systems or at interfaces: quantum and classical regime of anharmonic Franck-Condon transitionsH. Schultz, C. Engler and W. Lorenz
383-394Theoretical thermochemistry of some LiXHn and BeXHn compoundsMichel Sana and Georges Leroy
395-407Optical properties of perturbed NO2 ions in KNO2 doped NaNO2 single crystalsCarola Kryschi
409-413A note on the electronic structure of O2Knut J. Børve and Per E. M. Siegbahn

Volume 78, Number 1 / January 1990

1-9Isomorphic electron orbitals for vibronic flexibility in a cyclopropenyl radical molecular deviceAkitomo Tachibana, Yoshihiro Asai, Shogo Ikeuchi, Shigeru Ishikawa and Tokio Yamabe
11-24An approximate relation between Wigner-Seitz-type one-electron Hamiltonians and complete Hamiltonians for molecules and solidsRyotaro Irie
25-30The estimation of electron affinities fromab initio 1s orbital energiesKenneth J. Tupper, Ernest R. Davidson and Joseph J. Gajewski
31-43Generators of the character tables of generalized wreath product groupsK. Balasubramanian
45-63Application of coset representations to the construction of symmetry adapted functionsShinsaku Fujita

Volume 78, Number 2 / March 1990

65-128Coupled cluster approaches with an approximate account of triexcitations and the optimized inner projection technique
129-131Calculation of the maximum bond orderChang-Guo Zhan, Qiong-Lin Wang and Fang Zheng

Volume 78, Number 3 / May 1990

133-163Ab initio studies of internal rotation barriers and vibrational frequencies of (C2H2)2, (CO2)2, and C2H2-CO2Richard G. A. Bone and Nicholas C. Handy
165-173Charge and radial correlations in helium and helium-like atomsToshikatsu Koga and Shôji Aoki
175-187A comparison of variational and non-variational internally contracted multiconfiguration-reference configuration interaction calculationsHans-Joachim Werner and Peter J. Knowles
189-201Molecular electric properties in electronic excited states: multipole moments and polarizabilities of H2O in the lowest1B1 and3B1 excited statesMiroslav Urban and Andrzej J. Sadlej
203-209An MNDO study of the electrophilic aromatic substitution on trifluorobenzenesJan Hrušák

Volume 78, Number 4 / July 1991

211-230Stationary points on the aminomethanol potential energy surfaceB. D. El-Issa and R. N. Budeir
231-239Utilization of ‘pseudo-lattice symmetry’ in cluster calculationsJohn D. Head and Ian P. Dillon
241-246On the dynamics of free-radical disproportionation reactionsDeLin Shen and H. O. Pritchard
247-266Energy-adjustedab initio pseudopotentials for the second and third row transition elements: Molecular test for M2 (M=Ag, Au) and MH (M=Ru, Os)D. Andrae, U. Häußermann, M. Dolg, H. Stoll and H. Preuß
267-269Some valence bond calculations for H2 with 1s and 2p basis setsRichard D. Harcourt
271-280Ab initio study of the conformational equilibrium of ethylene glycolBenedito J. Costa Cabral, Lidia M. P. C. Albuquerque and Fernando M. S. Silva Fernandes
281-285Use of the chemical potential to improve energies from approximate wave functionsRalph G. Pearson

Volume 78, Numbers 5-6 / September 1991

287-326The ring opening of cyclopropylidene to allene: global features of the reaction surfaceP. Valtazanos, S. T. Elbert, S. Xantheas and K. Ruedenberg
327-363The ring opening of cyclopropylidene to allene and the isomerization of allene:ab initio interpretation of the electronic rearrangements in terms of quasi-atomic orbitalsS. Xantheas, P. Valtazanos and K. Ruedenberg
365-395The ring opening of cyclopropylidene to allene: key features of the accurate reaction surfaceS. Xantheas, S. T. Elbert and K. Ruedenberg
397-416The ring opening of substituted cyclopropylidenes to substituted allenes: the effects of steric and long-range electrostatic interactionsPetros Valtazanos and Klaus Ruedenberg

Volume 79, Number 1 / January 1991

1-42The automated solution of second quantization equations with applications to the coupled cluster approachCurtis L. Janssen and Henry F. Schaefer
43-52The evaluation of matrix elements for non-canonical Weyl tableau basis states adapted toU(n1+n2)⊃U(n1U(n2)
53-63The evaluation of matrix elements for non-canonical Weyl tableau basis states adapted toU(n1+n2)⊃U(n1U(n2)
65-79Reaction and chemical distances and reaction graphsVladimír Kvasnička, Jiří Pospíchal and Vladimír Baláž

Volume 79, Number 2 / March 1991

81-92A restricted active space (RAS) SCF study of the lifetime of theA3Π state of OH+Manuela Merchán, Per-Åke Malmqvist and Björn O. Roos
93-103Computation of electronic transition moments: the length versus the velocity representationCharles W. Bauschlicher and Stephen R. Langhoff
105-114Anab initio study of the molecules P2O and P2O+Fernando R. Ornellas and Adélia J. A. Aquino
115-122Exploiting non-abelian point group symmetry in direct two-electron integral transformationsMarco Häser, Jan Almlöf and Martin W. Feyereisen
123-140Medium-size polarized basis sets for high-level-correlated calculations of molecular electric properties
141-152Polarization correction to the electrostatic potential at the CNDO and theab initio level. Influence of the basis set expansionD. Dehareng, G. Dive and J. M. Ghuysen

Volume 79, Numbers 3-4 / May 1991

153ForewordDonald G. Truhlar
153-154PrefaceAntonio Laganà
155-167Parallel computer architectures: state of the art and trendsDomenico Laforenza
169-174Designing portable parallel software for linear algebraP. R. Amestoy, M. J. Daydé and I. S. Duff
175-182Massively parallel high-energy time-dependent wave-packet calculationsDavid Chasman, Robert J. Silbey and Michael Eisenberg
183-190Computation of cross sections for the F+H2(v=0,j=0) → FH(v′j)+H reaction by the hyperspherical methodJ. M. Launay
191-198Li + HCl RIOSA cross section calculations on parallel computersAntonio Aguilar, Xavier Gimenez, J. M. Lucas, Osvaldo Gervasi and Antonio Laganà
199-213Benchmark studies of the BCRLM reactive scattering code: Implications for accurate quantum calculationsEdward F. Hayes, Zareh Darakjian and Robert B. Walker
215-224A truncation/recoupling method for eigenvalues and eigenvectors ideal for parallel computationJoel M. Bowman and Bela Gazdy
225-239Quantum chemical reaction dynamics on a highly parallel supercomputerYi-Shuen Mark Wu, Steven A. Cuccaro, Paul G. Hipes and Aron Kuppermann
241-269Variational reactive scattering calculations: computational optimization strategiesDavid W. Schwenke, Steven L. Mielke and Donald G. Truhlar
271-281Propagation in hyperspherical coordinatesJan Linderberg
283-296Discrete analogs of spherical harmonics and their use in quantum mechanics: The hyperquantization algorithmVincenzo Aquilanti, Simonetta Cavalli and Gaia Grossi
297-311On the role of parallel architecture supercomputers in time-dependent approaches to quantum scatteringDavid K. Hoffman, Omar A. Sharafeddin, Donald J. Kouri, Michael Carter and Naresh Nayar, et al.
313-322Time-dependent quantum dynamics of reactive scattering and the calculation of product quantum state distributions — A study of the collinear F+H2(v=0) → HF(v′)+H reactionC. Clay Marston, Gabriel G. Balint-Kurti and Richard N. Dixon
323-333D+D2 Quasiclassical rate constant calculations on parallel computersAntonio Laganà, Ernesto Garcia, Osvaldo Gervasi, Ranieri Baraglia and Domenico Laforenza, et al.
335-336Book reviewsIvan Gutman and W. Kutzelnigg

Volume 79, Number 5 / September 1991

337-347A parallel version of ARGOS: A distributed memory model for shared memory UNIX computersRobert J. Harrison and Rick A. Kendall
349-360Vibronic intensities in the electronic spectra of transition metal complex ions VIII: Vibrational coordinates for octahedral ions and their application to the4A2g2Eg transition of the MnF62− ionR. Acevedo, G. Diaz, S. O. Vasquez and C. D. Flint
361-372Some investigations of the MP2-R12 methodMichael J. Bearpark, Nicholas C. Handy, Roger D. Amos and Paul E. Maslen
373-375Approximate sizes of monoatomic negative ions with fractional nuclear charge using electrostatic potentialsN. Rajani and K. D. Sen
377-378Some remarks on the maximum bond orderI. Mayer
379-387Similarity and complexity of the shapes of square-cell configurationsFrank Harary and Paul G. Mezey

Volume 79, Number 6 / November 1991

389-401Orbital localization in transition metal moleculesMarten A. Buijse and Evert Jan Baerends
403-411On a resonance energy model based on expansion in terms of acyclic moments: Exact resultsDarko Babic, Ante Graovac and Ivan Gutman
413-418Oxygen chemisorption on metal surfaces using the cluster model: Basis set effectsUlf Wahlgren, Per Siegbahn and Jan Almlöf
419-432Density matrix averaged atomic natural orbital (ANO) basis sets for correlated molecular wave functions
433-434Book reviewsW. Kutzelnigg

Volume 80, Number 1 / January 1991

1-17Semiempirical valence-electron calculations of excited state geometries and vibrational frequenciesM. Klessinger, T. Pötter and Ch. v. Wüllen
19-27Potential energy surface for the Pd-H2 system: Comparison with matrix isolation experimentsOctavio Novaro and Cristina Jarque
29-50A mathematical model of the logical structure of chemistry. A bridge between theoretical and experimental chemistry and a general tool for computer-assisted molecular design
51-62A mathematical model of the logical structure of chemistry. A bridge between theoretical and experimental chemistry and a general tool for computer-assisted molecular design
63-70A representation of the exchange operator useful for large moleculesRenato Colle and Oriano Salvetti

Volume 80, Numbers 2-3 / March 1991

71-79Coupled-cluster theory in atomic physics and quantum chemistry
81-89Origins of the Coupled Cluster MethodHermann Kümmel
91-94Origins of coupled cluster technique for atoms and moleculesJiří Čížek
95-148An overview of coupled cluster theory and its applications in physicsR. F. Bishop
149-179Independent-cluster methods as mappings of quantum theory into classical mechanicsJouko S. Arponen
181-205A coupled-cluster study of the ground-state energy and properties of an anisotropic quantum spin lattice model exhibiting antiferromagnetism in various phasesR. F. Bishop, J. B. Parkinson and Yang Xian
207-214Quantum electrodynamic effects in atomic structurePaul Indelicato and Peter J. Mohr
215-219Application of open-shell coupled cluster theory to the ground state of GaAsGustavo E. Scuseria
221AnnouncementAlberte Pullman

Volume 80, Numbers 4-5 / July 1991

223-243Method of moments approach and coupled cluster theoryKarol Jankowski, Josef Paldus and Piotr Piecuch
245-255Spline calculations of the photoionization oscillator strengths of H3+John C. Morrison, C. Bottcher and G. Bottrell
257-288Calculations of the parity non-conserving 6s → 7s transition in caesiumSteven A. Blundell, Adam C. Hartley, Zuwei Liu, Ann-Marie Mårtensson-Pendrill and J. Sapirstein
289-305A holomorphic representation approach to the regularization of model field theories in coupled cluster formJouko S. Arponen and Raymond F. Bishop
307-319Application of the coupled-cluster theory to atomic frequency-dependent polarizabilitiesZ. W. Liu and H. P. Kelly
321-334Performance of single-reference coupled-cluster methods for quasidegenerate problems: The H4 modelS. A. Kucharski, A. Balková and Rodney J. Bartlett
335-348A Hilbert space multi-reference coupled-cluster study of the H4 model systemA. Balková, S. A. Kucharski, L. Meissner and Rodney J. Bartlett
349-386Error analysis and improvements of coupled-cluster theoryWerner Kutzelnigg
387-405Recursive intermediate factorization and complete computational linearization of the coupled-cluster single, double, triple, and quadruple excitation equationsStanislaw A. Kucharski and Rodney J. Bartlett
407-425Restricted Hartree-Fock and unrestricted Hartree-Fock as reference states in many-body perturbation theory: a critical comparison of the two approachesPetr Čársky and Ivan Hubač

Volume 80, Number 6 / November 1991

427-439The Fock space coupled cluster method: theory and applicationUzi Kaldor
441-467Aspects of separability in the coupled cluster based direct methods for energy differencesDebasis Mukhopadhyay, Saroj Mukhopadhyay, Rajat Chaudhuri and Debashis Mukherjee
469-482Multireference coupled cluster theory in Fock space
483-507Fock-space coupled-cluster method

Volume 81, Numbers 1-2 / January 1991

1-20Dimensional scaling and the quantum mechanical many-body problemJ. Avery, D. Z. Goodson and D. R. Herschbach
21-30Marginal electron density and density-difference functionsToshikatsu Koga, Kotomi Sano and Tetsuya Morita
31-43Intermolecular vibronic coupling and energy transfer in a flat molecular aggregateRenato E. Varas and Jorge Ricardo Letelier
45-63Medium-size polarized basis sets for high-level-correlated calculations of molecular electric properties
65-78Gradient corrections to the Hartree-Fock-Slater exchange and their influence on bond energy calculationsVincenzo Tschinke and Tom Ziegler
79-93A measure of roughness of cross sections of molecular surfacesGustavo A. Arteca and Paul G. Mezey
95-103Quantum-chemical definition of the atomic valence in molecules and crystalsR. A. Evarestov and V. A. Veryazov

Volume 81, Number 3 / May 1991

105-123Analysis of the π-electronic structure of infinitely large networks
125-138Constant-isomer benzenoid series and their polyradical subsetsJerry Ray Dias
139-155Relativistic bond lengthening of UO22+ and UO2E. M. van Wezenbeek, E. J. Baerends and J. G. Snijders
157-168Charge transfer and curve crossings in the [BeH2O]2+ systemMaurizio Cossi and Maurizio Persico
169-183Derivation and pilot application of a scheme for intermediate Hamiltonians in Fock spaceS. Koch

Volume 81, Numbers 4-5 / July 1992

185-199Topological analysis of five-vertex clusters of group IVA elementsShyi-Long Lee
201-222Intermediate neglect of differential overlap spectroscopic studies on lanthanide complexes
223-235Ab initio studies of the low-lying states of BeOJun Irisawa and Suehiro Iwata
237-244The evaluation of the eighth moment for benzenoid graphsSvetlana Marković
245-254Structure and electronic structure of [(CF3)2PN]2NVCl2, a molecule involving a planar six-membered ring (N3P2V)Michael Ehrig and Reinhart Ahlrichs
255-268Ab initio molecular orbital calculations of the infrared spectra of hydrogen-bonded complexes of water, ammonia and hydroxylamine
269-279Constant-isomer series of benzenoid hydrocarbonsSven J. Cyvin
281-290Influence of the counterpoise correction on the optimized relative degrees of freedom in the H-bonded complex water-formamideD. Dehareng, G. Dive and J. M. Ghuysen
291-301A theoretical study on the hyperfine coupling constant of the radical cations of aliphatic ethersTakamasa Momose
303-318Proton transfer in the water dimer catalyzed by doubly charged cations (Zn+2, Be+2, and Mg+2)
319-327Differential density matrix overlap: an index for assessment of electron correlation in atoms and moleculesJerzy Cioslowski
329-337Phase-space dynamics and quantum mechanicsJens Peder Dahl
339-354Medium-size polarized basis sets for high-level-correlated calculations of molecular electric properties

Volume 81, Number 6 / November 1992

355-364On the asymptotic behavior of Hartree-Fock orbitalsToshimasa Ishida and Koichi Ohno
365-374A comparison between multireference CI and effective medium theories for diatomic FeNMargareta R. A. Blomberg and Per E. M. Siegbahn
375-390Relativistic treatment of excited electronic states of atomic copperC. M. Marian, D. Hippe, B. A. Hess and S. D. Peyerimhoff
391-404Extension of the MNDO formalism tod orbitals: Integral approximations and preliminary numerical resultsWalter Thiel and Alexander A. Voityuk
405-416Relativistic all-electron molecular Hartree-Fock-Dirac-(Breit) calculations on CH4, SiH4, GeH4, SnH4, PbH4O. Visser, L. Visscher, P. J. C. Aerts and W. C. Nieuwpoort
417-424A CAS SCF study of reactive interactions between Be(3P) and H2(1εg+)Vladimir Kellö and Andrzej J. Sadlej

Volume 82, Numbers 1-2 / January 1992

1PrefaceSimons Jack
3-6Joseph O. HirschfelderPhillip R. Certain
7-27Geometrical linear responses and directional energy derivatives for energetically degenerate MCSCF electronic functionsKeld Lars Bak and Jack Simons
29-46A molecular theory of inhomogeneous broadening, including the correlation between different transitions, in liquids and glassesH. M. Sevian and J. L. Skinner
47-56Resonances of triatomic van der Waals molecules by the complex discrete variable representationNurit Lipkin, Nimrod Moiseyev and Phillip R. Certain
57-73Angle and bond-length dependent C6 coefficients for H2 interacting with H, Li, Be and rare gas atomsAjit J. Thakkar, Zhe-Ming Hu, Claudio E. Chuaqui, J. Scott Carley and Robert J. LeRoy
75-91The time evolution of the pair distribution function of polymeric systemsC. F. Curtiss
93-115The spin polarization model for hyperfine coupling constantsDaniel M. Chipman
117-129Classical and quantal calculations of the dimerization constant and second virial coefficient for argonPeter S. Dardi and John S. Dahler
131-152Constrained anisotropic dipole oscillator strength distribution techniques, and reliable results for anisotropic and isotropic dipole molecular properties, with applications to H2 and N2Ashok Kumar and William J. Meath
153-163Ab initio computation of the interaction energy curves for some low-lying states of CO which dissociate to ground-state3P O and3P C atomsM. E. Rosenkrantz, J. E. Bohr and D. D. Konowalow

Volume 82, Numbers 3-4 / May 1992

165-187Analysis of the interaction energy in the Cu+-H2O and Cl-H2O systems, with CP corrections to the BSSE of the separate terms, and MC simulations of the aqueous systems with and without CP correctionsM. Natália, D. S. Cordeiro, Roberto Cammi, José A. N. F. Gomes and Jacopo Tomasi
189-205A quasi-Newton algorithm for first-order saddle-point locationP. Culot, G. Dive, V. H. Nguyen and J. M. Ghuysen
207-212High-quality Gaussian basis sets for fourth-row atomsHarry Partridge and Knut Faegri
213-222Theoretical calculations of95Mo-NMR chemical shifts for compounds [MoO4−nSn]2−Sun Yue-ming, Zhu Long-geng, You Xiao-zeng and Jiang Yuang-sheng
223-227Static dipole polarizabilities of open-shell negative ionsA. K. Das, D. Ray and P. K. Mukherjee
229-238Treating large intermediate spaces in the CIPSI method through a direct selected CI algorithmA. Povill, J. Rubio and F. Illas
239-248Some results for symmetric-group-adapted reduced density operatorsJosep Planelles and Jacek Karwowski
249-269Molecular photodissociation dynamics: The time-dependent formulationNiels Engholm Henriksen
271-284Anab initio investigation of structure and inversion barrier of triisopropylamine and related amines and phosphinesChristoph Kölmel, Christian Ochsenfeld and Reinhart Ahlrichs
285-298Investigation of electron distribution and hyperfine properties of hemin by first-principles Hartree-Fock self-consistent field procedureN. Sahoo, K. Ramani Lata and T. P. Das
299-308Electronic structure and the unimolecular reactions of imine peroixde HNOOTakayuki Fueno, Keiichi Yokoyama and Shin-ya Takane
309-319Second-order Green's function calculations of the ionization potential of a (H2)7 chain embedded in a homogeneous electric fieldMichaël Deleuze, Joseph Delhalle and Barry T. Pickup
321-337Analysis of the transition from normal modes to local modes in a system of two harmonically coupled Morse oscillatorsGiovanna Longhi, Sergio Abbate, Claudio Zagano, Giovanni Botto and Laure Ricard-Lespade
339-340Book reviewsC. A. Mead and Douglas J. Klein

Volume 82, Number 5 / September 1992

341-342Stephen Prager Professor of Chemistry, University of Minnesota, 1952–1990C. Alden Mead
343-350Adsorption of water soluble ionic/hydrophobic diblock copolymer on a hydrophobic surfaceJ. -F. Argillier and M. Tirrell
351-356Some aspects of diffusion: fluctuations in reaction diffusion, and geometric influences in nonuniform mediaH. L. Frisch and J. C. Kimball
357-382Role of monomer structure and compressibility on the properties of multicomponent polymer blends and solutions
383-396Simultaneous reptation and constraint release in polymer meltsN. A. Rotstein, S. Prager, T. P. Lodge and M. Tirrell
397-406Magnetic screening of nuclei by electrons as manifestation of geometric vector potentialLi Yin and C. Alden Mead
407-417Topologically entangled polymersD. Thirumalai
419-423Short-time mobility of spherical particles in concentrated aqueous dispersions determined by diffusing wave spectroscopyLeeyih Wang and Wilmer G. Miller
425-434Positronium hydride formation in collisions of positrons with molecular hydrogenD. M. Schrader

Volume 82, Number 6 / November 1992

435-457Theoretical study of the association of glycine molecules on ionic crystals NaCl, KI, LiF in aqueous solution
459-471Moller-Plesset perturbation theory with two-configurational reference wavefunctionKrzysztof Wolinski
473-498The USCI approach and elementary superposition for combinatorial enumerationShinsaku Fujita

Volume 83, Numbers 1-2 / January 1992

1Klaus Ruedenberg
3Foreword: the width of theoretical chemistryW. H. Eugen Schwarz
5-13Introduction of Klaus RuedenbergRobert G. Parr
15-20Following gradient extremal pathsH. Bernhard Schlegel
21-30A detailed analysis of pseudorotation in PH4FTheresa L. Windus and Mark S. Gordon
31-55Exploiting regularity in systematic sequences of wavefunctions which approach the full CI limitRobert J. Cave, Sotiris S. Xantheas and David Feller
57-68A comparative study of the bonding in heteroatom analogues of benzeneNikita Matsunaga, Thomas R. Cundari, Michael W. Schmidt and Mark S. Gordon
69-103Orthogonally spin-adapted multi-reference Hilbert space coupled-cluster formalism: diagrammatic formulationPiotr Piecuch and Josef Paldus
105-121Nuclear attraction and electron interaction integrals of exponentially decaying functions and the Poisson equationE. Otto Steinborn and E. Joachim Weniger
123-139Localized molecular orbitals in CI calculations of organic moleculesThomas Neuheuser, Malte von Arnim and Sigrid D. Peyerimhoff
141-154Potential energy surfaces for OsH2Dingguo Dai and K. Balasubramanian
155-163MCSCF study of polaron- and bipolaron-like defects in smallall-trans conjugated polyenesHugo O. Villar and Michel Dupuis
165-175The structures, binding energies and vibrational frequencies of Ca3 and Ca4 — An application of the CCSD(T) methodTimothy J. Lee, Alistair P. Rendell and Peter R. Taylor

Volume 83, Numbers 3-4 / May 1992

177-183On the evaluation of derivatives of Gaussian integralsTrygve Helgaker and Peter R. Taylor
185-190The Hiller-Sucher-Feinberg density is not integrableJerzy Cioslowski and Matt Challacombe
191-199Inclusion of dynamic σ-π polarization in π-electronab initio calculationsPer-Åke Malmqvist and Björn O. Roos
201-208The importance of valencep functions in the bonding of Na2, K2, and Cu2 and their positive and negative ionsHarry Partridge and Charles W. Bauschlicher
209-225Ab initio studies of ground and excited electronic states of MgAr, CdAr, and BeArJerry A. Boatz, Keld Lars Bak and Jack Simons
227-237The electronic and molecular structure of carbon clusters: C8 and C10V. Parasuk and J. Almlöf
239-248Comparison of the effective core potential and model potential methods in studies of electron correlation energy in molecules: Dihalides and halogen hydridesMariusz Klobukowski
249-255Adiabatic corrections for thei3Πg state of the hydrogen moleculeJacek Rychlewski
257-261Potential-hypersurface local minima and temperatureZdenek Slanina
263-312Stationary perturbation theory

Volume 83, Numbers 5-6 / September 1992

313-318Remark on the moment expansion of total π-electron energyIvan Gutman
319-330A test of the Hirshfeld definition of atomic charges and momentsErnest R. Davidson and Subhas Chakravorty
331-338Study on the dynamic resonance of the L-H-L system: H + ClHJu Guan-Zhi, Bian Wen-Sheng and Ernest R. Davidson
339-350Biorthogonal valence bond descriptions of electronic structureJoseph J. W. McDouall
351-366Medium-size polarized basis sets for high-level-correlated calculations of molecular electric properties
367-375Symmetry aspects of bonding in carbon clusters: the leapfrog transformationP. W. Fowler and D. B. Redmond
377-388A new approach to theab initio energy of the homodesmic reaction for the resonance energy of benzeneFu-Ming Tao and Yuh-Kang Pan
389-416Electronic structure and optical spectra of transition metal complexes by the effective Hamiltonian methodA. V. Soudackov, A. L. Tchougreeff and I. A. Misurkin
417-432The evaluation of matrix elements for non-canonical Weyl tableau basis states adapted toU(n1+n2)⊃U(n1U(n2)
433-440A global strategy for determining reaction paths
441-453Computation of some new two-electron Gaussian integralsWim Klopper and Robert Röhse
455-470Direct computation of second-order SCF properties of large molecules on workstation computers with an application to large carbon clustersM. Häser, R. Ahlrichs, H. P. Baron, P. Weis and H. Horn

Volume 84, Numbers 1-2 / October 1992

1-19Quantum field theoretical methods in chemically bonded systems II
21-35Quantum field theoretical methods in chemically bonded systems III
37-53Quantum field theoretical methods in chemically bonded systems IV
55-83On the global convergence of MCSCF wave function optimization: The method of trigonometric interpolationRon Shepard
85-93On the bonding in doubly charged diatomicsJörg Senekowitsch, Stephen ONeil and Wilfried Meyer
95-103Internally contracted multiconfiguration-reference configuration interaction calculations for excited statesPeter J. Knowles and Hans-Joachim Werner
105-114Relativistic perturbation theory of molecular structureA. Rutkowski, D. Rutkowska and W. H. E. Schwarz
115-124On the optimisation of exponents ofd andf polarisation functions for first row atomsMichael J. Bearpark and Nicholas C. Handy
125-133Heavy-atom tunneling in cyclobutadiene:Ab initio calculation of the intensities ofag Raman linesP. Čársky and J. Michl
135Book reviewV. Staemmler

Volume 84, Number 3 / November 1992

155-180A simple treatment to design NBMO degenerate systems in alternant and non-alternant hydrocarbonsYuriko Aoki and Akira Imamura
181-194Water dimer in liquid waterJ. Bertran, M. F. Ruiz-López, D. Rinaldi and J. L. Rivail
195-215Structure and electron density distribution of the nitrate ion and urea molecule upon protonationGuus J. M. Velders and Dirk Feil
217-235Molecular structure of mono- and dicarbonyls of rhodium and palladiumI. Pápai, A. Goursot, A. St-Amant and D. R. Salahub
237-243First-order gradient correction for the exchange-energy density functional for atomsZhongxiang Zhou, P. K. Chattaraj, Robert G. Parr and Chengteh Lee
245-253Quadrupole polarizability and hyperpolarizability of carbon monoxideGeorge Maroulis

Volume 84, Numbers 4-5 / January 1993

255-256Introduction: Parallel Computing in Chemical PhysicsRobert Harrison and Raymond Bair
257-269Towards a portable environment for FORTRAN applications on parallel computersR. J. Allan
271-287Evaluation of the contribution from triply excited intermediates to the fourth-order perturbation theory energy on Intel distributed memory supercomputersAlistair P. Rendell, Timothy J. Lee, Andrew Komornicki and Stephen Wilson
289-299An efficient implementation of the direct-SCF algorithm on parallel computer architecturesMartin Feyereisen and Rick A. Kendall
301-314Parallel direct SCF for large-scale calculationsM. E. Colvin, C. L. Janssen, R. A. Whiteside and C. H. Tong
315-323Harnessing the killer micros: Applications from LLNL's massively parallel computing initiativeJames Belak
325-334Parallel processing forab initio total energy pseudopotential calculationsLyndon J. Clarke
335-342Exact three-dimensional time-dependent wave packet calculations on the Connection MachineDavid Chasman, Robert J. Silbey and Michael D'Mello
343-351Elimination of the diagonalization bottleneck in parallel Direct-SCF methodsRon Shepard
353-361Computational considerations for the study of defects in solidsA. B. Kunz
363-375Moving beyond message passing. Experiments with a distributed-data modelRobert J. Harrison
377-384Performance visualization for parallel programsEwing Lusk
385-398Molecular dynamics on distributed memory (MIMD) parallel computersW. Smith
399-411Simulation of condensed phases using the Distributed Array ProcessorMichael P. Allen
413-421Where are embarrassingly parallel problems? The atom-diatom quasiclassical reactivityAntonio Laganà, Osvaldo Gervasi, Ranieri Baragli, Domenico Laforenza and Raffaele Perego
423-441Parallelism in computational chemistry
443-455Network supercomputing: A distributed-concurrent direct SCF schemeHans P. Lüthi and J. Almlöf
457-473Investigating the performance of parallel eigensolvers for large processor countsRichard J. Littlefield and Kristyn J. Maschhoff

Volume 84, Number 6 / February 1993

475-487Symmetric orthogonalisation in momentum space: A numerical studyAnna Pohl and Jean-Louis Calais
489-509A parallel implementation of the COLUMBUS multireference configuration interaction programMatthias Schüler, Thomas Kovar, Hans Lischka, Ron Shepard and Robert J. Harrison
511-520Maximum bond order hybrid orbitals
521-533Maximum bond order hybrid orbitals II. Correlativity with C-H and C-C spin-coupling constantsZhen-Min Hu and Chang-Guo Zhan
535-543An algorithm for determining dynamically defined reaction paths (DDRP)László L. Stachó and Miklós I. Bán
545-546Book reviewsW. Kutzelnigg

Volume 85, Numbers 1-3 / March 1993

1-2ForwordGaston Berthier and Josef Michl
3-15A Monte Carlo simulation study of the aqueous hydration of d(CGCGCG) in Z formP. S. Subramanian and D. L. Beveridge
17-26Molecular orbital studies on nucleoside antibiotics X. Conformation of nebularine and isoguanosineA. Saran and L. N. Patnaik
27-31A new theoretical approach to the empirical resonance energies of the aromatic hydrocarbonsTakeshi Nakajima and Masahiro Kataoka
33-42Evaluation of angular integrals by harmonic projectionJ. Avery and F. Antonsen
43-59Ab initio study of the stability of [n]paracyclophanes and their Dewar benzene-type isomersMalte von Arnim and Sigrid D. Peyerimhoff
61-67Theoretical studies of peptidic structures. Environmental effectsSerafin Fraga and Stephen E. Thornton
69-86Theoretical studies of [n]paracyclophanes and their valence isomers
87-99Theoretical study of the structure of the glutathione-hydrogen peroxide complexJ. Bergès, J. Caillet, J. Langlet and Z. Abedinzadeh
101-107Auxiliary functions for Slater molecular integralsJ. Fernández Rico, R. López, G. Ramírez and J. I. Fernández-Alonso
109-119Reactivity indices: Remarks on present state and prospectsGiuseppe Del Re
121-126Association of metal cations with alkanes: Na(CH4)+ versus Cu(CH4)+ as molecular modelsLotfi Bouslama, Hélène Mestdagh, Christian Rolando and Michèle Suard
127-136Some applications of local density functional theory to the calculation of reaction energeticsPeter Politzer, Jorge M. Seminario, Monica C. Concha and Jane S. Murray
137-153On operator inequalities as tools in quantum theoryPer-Olov Löwdin
155-166Evaluation of the bond energy terms for the various types of boron-nitrogen bondsG. Leroy, M. Sana and C. Wilante
167-187Molecular interactions in a homogeneous electric field: the (HF)2 complexG. Alagona, R. Cammi, C. Ghio and J. Tomasi
189-197Peptide models II. Intramolecular interactions and stable conformations of glycine, alanine, and valine peptide analoguesWladia Viviani, Jean-Louis Rivail and Imre G. Csizmadia
199-207Nonrigid large van der Waals moleculesJoshua Jortner, Narda Ben-Horin and Daphna Scharf
209-216Point charge representation of multicenter multipole moments in calculation of electrostatic propertiesW. A. Sokalski, M. Shibata, R. L. Ornstein and R. Rein
217-230Transition structures for carbon dioxide and formaldehyde hydroxylation reactions in the coordinate sphere of zinc
231-247Determining proton positions in an enzyme-inhibitor complex is a first step for theoretical mechanistic studies of aspartic proteinasesAmiram Goldblum, Meir Glick and Anwar Rayan

Volume 85, Number 4 / April 1993

249-254Basis-independent potential energy curves for the neutral diatomics of Li, Na and K evaluated by means of Hartree-Fock and different density functional potentialsDirk Heinemann and Arne Rosén
255-259On the invariance of the configuration interaction energy with respect to orbital rotationsCharles W. Bauschlicher and Harry Partridge
261-270Expansion of the spin-coupled wavefunction in Slater determinantsDavid L. Cooper, Joseph Gerratt, Mario Raimondi, Maurizio Sironi and Thorstein Thorsteinsson
271-284A statistical treatment of large configuration interaction eigenvectors
285-303Optimization of both resonance structures of the glyoxal radical cation by means of the Valence Bond Self-Consistent Field methodJ. H. Langenberg and P. J. A. Ruttink
305-323Analysis of coupled cluster methods. II. What is the best way to account for triple excitations in coupled cluster theory?Zhi He and Dieter Cremer

Volume 85, Number 5 / May 1993

325-334A nonlinear Hamiltonian describing the rovibrational states of diatomic moleculesMarcin Molski and Jerzy Konarski
335-344Normal components of benzenoid systemsPierre Hansen and Maolin Zheng
345-361Massively parallel direct SCF calculations on large metal clusters: Ni5-Ni481Lars G. M. Pettersson and Torgny Faxen
363-370Optimal single-zeta description for the atoms Al through XeToshikatsu Koga and Ajit J. Thakkar
371-377Singly excited bound states in continuum: a time-dependent perturbation approachA. K. Das and P. K. Mukherjee
379-390Imminant polynomials of graphsK. Balasubramanian
391-394Medium-size Gaussian basis sets for hydrogen through argonToshikatsu Koga and Ajit J. Thakkar
395-404Dynamic correlation for biorthogonal valence bond reference statesJoseph J. W. McDouall
405Book reviewD. J. Klein

Volume 85, Number 6 / June 1993

409-421Energy analysis on small to medium sized H-bonded complexesG. Dive, D. Dehareng and J. M. Ghuysen
423-440The reduced multiplication scheme of the Rys-Gauss quadrature for 1st order integral derivativesRoland Lindh
441-450A combination of quasirelativistic pseudopotential and ligand field calculations for lanthanoid compoundsM. Dolg, H. Stoll and H. Preuss
451-461A CSF-based multireference coupled pair approximation
463-484Chemical valence from the two-particle density matrixR. F. Nalewajski, A. M. Köster and K. Jug

Volume 86, Numbers 1-2 / July 1993

1-2PrefaceJan Linderberg
3-11The question of the completeness of the natural orbitals with nonzero occupation numbers for atoms and moleculesRobert C. Morrison, Zhongxiang Zhou and Robert G. Parr
13-24Atomic natural orbital basis sets for transition metalsCharles W. Bauschlicher and Peter R. Taylor
25-39Electron densities from the Brueckner Doubles methodCaroline M. van Heusden, Rika Kobayashi, Roger D. Amos and Nicholas C. Handy
41-81Stationary perturbation theory
83-96Unitary group approach to reduced density matrices
97-113Low-lying triplet electronic states of acetylene:cis3B2 and3A2,trans3Bu and3AuYukio Yamaguchi, George Vacek and Henry F. Schaefer
115-127A spherically averaged representation of the atomic one-particle reduced density matrixHartmut Schmider and Vedene H. Smith
129-136Spin-projected Extended Hartree-Fock using a Valence Bond approachCarsten P. Byrman, Joop H. van Lenthe and Jacob Verbeek
137-147Fukutome classes in momentum spaceJean-Louis Calais
149-165Efficient use of Jacobi rotations for orbital optimization and localizationRichard C. Raffenetti, Klaus Ruedenberg, Curtis L. Janssen and Henry F. Schaefer
167-179On the uncorrelated reference for calculation of propertiesWilliam A. Parkinson, John R. Sabin and Jens Oddershede
181-209Freeon unitary group formulation of Hartree-Fock theoryFrederick A. Matsen and Loudon L. Campbell

Volume 86, Number 3 / August 1993

211-217Desolvation effects on the dissociation energy of diatomic molecules:Ab initio study of the dissociation of Li-F in polar mediaJ. Lahsen, A. Toro-Labbe, R. Contreras and A. Aizman
219-228A comparative study of the bond strengths of the second row transition metal hydrides, fluorides, and chloridesPer E. M. Siegbahn
229-239Theoretical calculations of β-lactam antibiotics
241-248Dynamics of the H + LH′ reaction Cl + HBr → HCl + Br. TST-CEQ and VTST calculationsBian Wen-Sheng and Ju Guan-Zhi
249-256MRSDCI studies of low-lying electronic states of the CF2+ ionZ. -L. Cai
257-267Application of high-order neural networks in chemistryVladimír Kvasnička, Šěpán Sklenák and Jiří Pospíchal
269-278On the number of square-cell configurationsWolfgang R. Müller, Klaus Szymanski, Jan V. Knop and Nenad Trinajstić
279-284The use of symmetry in direct Møller-Plesset second-order calculationsChristopher W. Murray, Jamie S. Andrews and Roger D. Amos

Volume 86, Number 4 / September 1993

285-296Ab initio molecular orbital calculations on large lattice cluster models: Use of translational symmetryTapani A. Pakkanen and Juha Muilu
297-313Equivariant Morse theory of theN-body problem: Application to potential surfaces in chemistryDaniel Liotard and Michel Rérat
315-342Spin-orbit coupling coefficients for icosahedral moleculesP. W. Fowler and A. Ceulemans
343-351Theoretical study of Mills-Nixon effect in naphthocyclobutenes and -cyclobutadienesM. Hodošček, D. Kovaček and Z. B. Maksić
353-367Structure and properties of non-classical polymers

Volume 86, Number 5 / October 1993

369-377Convergence property of multireference many-body perturbation theory analyzed by the use of a norm of effective HamiltonianHaruyuki Nakano and Shigeru Obara
379-389Localization maps by orbital partitioning of the electron densityPéter R. Surján, János Pipek and Béla Paizs
391-416Comparison of the Hartree-Fock, Møller-Plesset, and Hartree-Fock-Slater method with respect to electrostatic properties of small molecules
417-427Critical test of PM3 calculated gas-phase aciditiesPeeter Burk and Ilmar A. Koppel
429-437Study of influences of various excitation classes onab initio calculated isotropic hyperfine coupling constantsB. Engels
439-449Hindered internal rotation in molecular systems: quantum statistics of equilibrium and rate constants in the Wigner function formalismGünter Vojta and Christian Zylka

Volume 86, Number 6 / October 1993

451-465A non-local representation of the effective potential due to a molecular fragmentRenato Colle, Alessandro Curioni and Oriano Salvetti
467-476On the theoretical determination of the electron affinity of ozoneRemedios González-Luque, Manuela Merchán, Piotr Borowski and Björn O. Roos
477-485Even-tempered Roothaan-Hartree-Fock wave functions for the third- and fourth-row atomsToshikatsu Koga, Hiroshi Tatewaki and Ajit J. Thakkar
487-496Electronic structure of Li and F calculated directly in momentum spaceLaurent De Windt, Mireille Defranceschi and Joseph Delhalle
497-510SCF calculations on MIMD type parallel computersA. Burkhardt, U. Wedig and H. G. v. Schnering
511-524On the development of exponential ansatze for quantum dynamics in finite dimensional vector spacesG. Sree Latha and M. Durga Prasad

Volume 87, Numbers 1-2 / November 1993

1-4Werner Kutzelnigg a personal viewReinhart Ahlrichs
5-17Theoretical rotational-vibrational spectra of theX3B1,a1A1 andb1B1 states of NH2+G. Chambaud, W. Gabriel, T. Schmelz, P. Rosmus and A. Spielfiedel, et al.
19-28Ab initio study of the NMR shielding constants and spin-spin coupling constants in cyclopropeneAndrzej Barszczewicz, Michal Jaszuński, Krystyna Kamieńska-Trela, Trygve Helgaker and Poul Jørgensen, et al.
29-40Anab initio investigation of Cu2Se and Cu4Se2Ansgar Schäfer, Christian Huber, Jürgen Gauss and Reinhart Ahlrichs
41-57Effective potentials for spectator groups in molecular systems I. Potential curves and binding energiesMalte von Arnim and Sigrid D. Peyerimhoff
59-73Magnetic properties of a molecule in non-uniform magnetic fieldP. Lazzeretti
75-87Relativistic virial theorem for diatomic molecules. Application to H2+A. Rutkowski, W. H. E. Schwarz and R. Kosłowski
89-95Magnetic properties of the BH molecule
97-105Ab initio study on the methanol-water cation radical potential energy surfaceRudolf Burcl and Pavel Hobza
107-127Adding the linked contributions of Triples and Quadruples to a size-consistent Singles and Doubles CIJ. Sanchez-Marin, D. Maynau and J. P. Malrieu
129-145A multi-configuration reference CEPA method based on pair natural orbitalsReinhold Fink and Volker Staemmler
147-173Møller-Plesset (MP2) perturbation theory for large moleculesMarco Häser

Volume 87, Number 3 / December 1993

175-194Intramolecular charge transfer in 5-phenyl-3H-1,2-dithiole-3-thione and 5-phenyl-3H-1,2-dithiole-3-one derivative molecules for quadratic nonlinear opticsAlain Botrel, Bertrand Illien, Péter Rajczy, Isabelle Ledoux and Joseph Zyss
195-213Multiple impacts and energy transfer in a three-body system for noncollinear collisionsVladimir M. Azriel, Lev Yu. Rusin and Mikhail B. Sevryuk
215-232Characterization of vibrational transition modes by use of normal formsSergio Abbate, Danila Ghisletti, Antonio Giorgilli, Laure Lespade and Giovanna Longhi
233-239Theoretical determination of molecular structure. Conformation of some benzo[10]-annulenes and [10]-annuleneJose Ma Hernando-Huelmo and Ma Jesús Rioseras-García
241AnnouncementRobert G. Paar

Volume 87, Numbers 4-5 / January 1994

243-245IntroductionBjörn Roos
247-266Metals in biology: Electronic structure, properties and charge transfer for copper complexes of glyoxal and dithiene
267-275On the use of smalld-spaces in SCF and CI calculations on transition metalsU. Wahlgren and P. E. M. Siegbahn
277-292The activation of the C-H bond in acetylene by second row transition metal atomsP. E. M. Siegbahn
293-305The bonding between NO and the NiO(100) surfaceL. G. M. Pettersson
307-312Simple non-empirical calculations of the zero-field splitting in bis(aquo) bis(malonato) nickel(II)C. Ribbing, M. Odelius, J. Kowalewski and L. Pettersson
313-320The polarisability of Hg and the ground-state interaction potential of Hg2P. Schwerdtfeger, J. Li and P. Pyykkö
321-333On the dimerization process of nitroso compounds
335-342Two hypothetical structures of solid FCNI. Panas
343-371The phosphorescence of benzene obtained byab initio and semi-empirical calculationsS. Knuts, B. F. Minaev, H. Ågren and O. Vahtras
373-385RECP calculations for reactions of H2 with Pt, Os, Ir, and Re — a systematic comparisonO. Gropen, M. Sjøvoll, H. Strømsnes, E. Karlsen and O. Swang, et al.
387-402Theoretical study of the electronic spectra ofcis-1,3,5-hexatriene andcis-1,3-butadieneL. Serrano-Andrés, B. O. Roos and M. Merchán
403-413The excited states of pyrazine: A basis set studyM. P. Fülscher and B. O. Roos

Volume 87, Number 6 / February 1994

415-430Frontier orbital energies in quantitative structure-activity relationships: A comparison of quantum chemical methodsBrian W. Clare
431-439Electronic structure and the hydrogen-shift isomerization of hydrogen nitryl HNO2Shin-ya Takane and Takayuki Fueno
441-452The bonding in second row transition metal dihydrides, difluorides and dichloridesPer E. M. Siegbahn
453-464A new method for approximate solution of one-dimensional Schrödinger equationsS. don Travlos and Jan C. A. Boeyens
465-476An analytical expression for interatomic surfaces in the theory of atoms in moleculesP. L. A. Popelier
477Book reviewVladimír Kvasnička

Volume 88, Number 1 / March 1994

1-12A theoretical investigation of NC3NCM. Horn, P. Botschwina and J. Flügge
13-27The performance of energy extrapolation procedures in truncated averaged coupled-pair functionalsJörg Jenderek and Christel M. Marian
29-33Is dodecahedral P20 special?Ching-Han Hu, Mingzuo Shen and Henry F. Schaefer
35-46Statistical electron correlation — coefficients and — holes in moleculesJiahu Wang and Vedene H. Smith
47-67Analysis of coupled cluster methods
69-74Algorithm for the four-index transformation of primitive molecular integrals stored in triplesM. Jungen
75-96Structures, stabilities and adiabatic ionization and electron affinity energies of small sulfur clustersS3-S5Vyacheslav G. Zakrzewski and Wolfgang von Niessen

Volume 88, Number 2 / April 1994

99-110Vibronic intensities in centrosymmetric lanthanide complex ions. I
111-116An ab initio study of the attack of a nitrosoiminium ion on formamide as a model for DNA basesAnne-Marie Sapse, Danielle S. Sapse and Duli C. Jain
117-129Determination of the correlation effects in molecules using the complete error potentialA. Laforgue, P. Guerin and S. Roszak
131-145Ab initio calculations of the rotationally resolved infrared spectrum of KNa2+Feng Wang and Ellak I. von Nagy-Felsobuki
147-168Expansion of atomic orbital products in terms of a complete function setJ. E. Pérez, H. H. Cuenya, R. H. Contreras, F. S. Ortiz and H. Grinberg, et al.

Volume 88, Number 3 / May 1994

169-181The perturbation calculation of van der Waals potentialsK. T. Tang, J. Peter Toennies and C. L. Yiu
183-199A finite-nucleus model for relativistic electronic structure calculations using a Douglas-Kroll-transformed HamiltonianPraphull Chandra and Bernd Artur Heß
201-216Long-range interactions in H-He:ab initio potential, hyperfine pressure shift and collision-induced absorption in the infraredWilfried Meyer and Lothar Frommhold
217-232Ab initio investigations of the bound rovibrational levels of NeH2+, NeHD+, and NeD2+Ralph Jaquet
233-241Ab initio calculations on theo-benzyne—Ar ando-benzyne—CO complexesPavel Hobza, Rudolf Zahradnik, B. Andes Hess and Juliusz G. Radziszewski
243-256Convergence studies in quantum perturbation theoryPhilippe Durand, Jiří Savrda and Ivana Paidarová
257-270Dilatation transformation and sum rules for general potentials including self-consistent field potentialsL. S. Cederbaum and P. Winkler

Volume 88, Number 4 / June 1994

273-283Double even tempering of orbital exponents: Application to Roothaan-Hartree-Fock calculations for He through Xe in Slater-type basis setsToshikatsu Koga, Hiroshi Tatewaki and Ajit J. Thakkar
285-298Topological complexity of potential surfaces and application to C2H2 moleculeM. Rérat, D. Liotard and J. M. Robine
299-310On the origin of the barriers and the structures of acetaldehyde in its ground and first singlet excited stateC. Muñoz-Caro, A. Niño and D. C. Moule
311-324Theories of binding in H2+Melvyn P. Melrose, Manish Chauhan and Fahim Khan
325-338Ab initio electronic analysis of the hydride transfer in the [CH3-H-CH3]+ systemJ. Mestres, M. Duran and J. Bertrán

Volume 88, Number 5 / July 1994

339-349Lithium atom spin density from the Hiller-Sucher-Feinberg identityVitaly A. Rassolov and Daniel M. Chipman
351-361Correlated and gauge origin independent calculations of magnetic properties
363-373Constrained mechanics for the dynamical simulated annealing of Coulomb systemsJ. C. Greer
375-381Optimal group symmetric localized molecular orbitalsTaijin Zhou and Aimin Liu
383-388On the calculation of expectation values and transition matrix elements by coupled cluster methodM. Durga Prasad
389-393Ab initio calculation of maximum bond order hybrid orbitalsChang-Guo Zhan, Shi-Yong Ye, Chang-Jun Zhang and Jian Wan
395-410Simultaneous presence of two charges or two spins in a linear polyene
411Book reviewV. Staemmler

Volume 88, Number 6 / August 1994

413-424Second row transition metal mixed hydride-halide triatomic moleculesP. E. M. Siegbahn
425-435A theoretical determination of the dissociation energy of the nitric oxide dimerRemedios González-Luque, Manuela Merchán and Björn O. Roos
437-445Density matrices from position and momentum densitiesW. H. E. Schwarz, A. Langenbach and L. Birlenbach
447-472Relativistic and electron correlation effects on thed-d spectrum of transition metal fluoridesL. Visscher and W. C. Nieuwpoort

Volume 89, Number 1 / September 1994

1-12Comparison of methods to estimate geometric and electronic properties on sulfur containing compoundsIbon Alkorta
1-12Comparison of methods to estimate geometric and electronic properties on sulfur containing compoundsIbon Alkorta
13-31Valence bond corrected single reference coupled cluster approach
13-31Valence bond corrected single reference coupled cluster approach
33-57Valence bond corrected single reference coupled cluster approach
33-57Valence bond corrected single reference coupled cluster approach
59-76Valence bond corrected single reference coupled cluster approach
59-76Valence bond corrected single reference coupled cluster approach
77-88Parallel algorithm for integral transformations and GUGA MCSCFTheresa L. Windus, Michael W. Schmidt and Mark S. Gordon
77-88Parallel algorithm for integral transformations and GUGA MCSCFTheresa L. Windus, Michael W. Schmidt and Mark S. Gordon

Volume 89, Numbers 2-3 / October 1994

89-104An analysis of VB structures in MO wave functions I
105-121New algorithm for nonorthogonalab initio valence-bond calculations
123-136Model calculations testing the adiabatic Born-Oppenheimer approximation and its non-adiabatic correctionsD. P. Craig and T. Thirunamachandran
137-145Symmetry adaptation of configuration basis in MCSCF methodTai-jin Zhou and Ai-min Liu
147-155Doubly excited3Se,3De and3Ge states of two-electron atomic systemsA. K. Das, T. K. Ghosh and P. K. Mukherjee
157-168MCSCF reaction-path energetics and thermal rate-constants for the reaction of3NH with H2Josef Ischtwan, Peter Schwerdtfeger, Sigrid D. Peyerimhoff, Michael A. Collins and Trygve Helgaker, et al.
169-180Influence of partial substitution of zinc for copper on electronic structures of YBa2Cu3OyLi Ming and Wu Xiaoping
181-192On CHF calculations of second-order magnetic properties using the method of continuous transformation of origin of the current densityS. Coriani, P. Lazzeretti, M. Malagoli and R. Zanasi
193-209Some aspects of the algebraic description of anharmonic dynamicsG. Madhavi Sastry and M. Durga Prasad

Volume 89, Number 4 / November 1994

213-226A quantum chemical method for the calculation of dynamic structure factors: Applications to silicon, magnesium oxide and beryllium oxidePatrick Azavant, Albert Lichanot, Michel Rerat and Max Chaillet
227-250A multiconfigurational SCF computational method for the resolution of the vibrational Schrödinger equation in polyatomic moleculesF. Culot and J. Liévin
251-259Study of the thermal decomposition of 3-cyclopentenone by using the AM1 semiempirical methodJ. Joaquín Quirante and Fernando Enríquez
261-272Ab initio MO studies of nuclear spin-spin coupling constants in CH4, SiH4, AlH4 and GeH4 systemsAnil C. Nair and P. Chandra

Volume 89, Numbers 5-6 / December 1994

273-275IntroductionPoul Jørgensen and Jens Oddershede
277-285Some remarks on propagators and resolventsPer-Olov Löwdin
287-300Green's functions for separable potentialsSøren Berg Padkjær and Esper Dalgaard
301-309The molecular and electronic structure of dibenzo[g,p]chrysene: A twisted caseErik W. Thulstrup, Jens Spanget-Larsen and Jacek Waluk
311-321Interaction between electronic and nuclear motion in linear chainsJean-Louis Calais
323-333Correlated dipole polarizabilities and dipole moments of the halides HX and CH3X (X=F, Cl and Br)Martin J. Packer, Erik K. Dalskov, Stephan P. A. Sauer and Jens Oddershede
335-362Electronic spectra of finite polyenes and polyacetylene obtained by electron and polarization propagator calculationsChristoph Liegener and Hans Ågren
363-374The S-matrix version of the Hulthén-Kohn variational principle for quantum scattering: Finite element calculations for state-to-state reaction probabilitiesRalph Jaquet and Julia Gribkova
375-382The relative importance of temperature and isotope effects on the dipole oscillator strength distribution of H2John R. Sabin, Ivana Paidarová and Jens Oddershede
383-399Fourier analysis, correlation functions and nonadiabatic electron transfer: Wavepackets and exact representationsAudrey Dell Hammerich, Abraham Nitzan and Mark A. Ratner
401-413Cubic-grid Gaussian basis sets for electron scattering calculations IV
415-427A novel finite element method implementation for calculating bound states of triatomic systems: Application to the water moleculeJ. J. Soares Neto and F. V. Prudente

Volume 90, Number 1 / January 1995

1-26Comparative study of large molecules. Highly accurate calculation of a limit for infinite systems from data on finite systemsM. Randić, D. J. Klein, H. -Y. Zhu, N. Trinajstić and T. Živković
27-39Relativistic Gaussian basis sets for radon through plutoniumTatsuya Minami and Osamu Matsuoka
41-50Transferability of the -COOH...OOC- dyad Geometry from the gas phase to crystals and proteinsTamás Nusser, László Turi, Gábor Náray-Szabó and Kálmán Simon
51-73SPINS: A collection of algorithms for symbolic generation and transformation of many-electron spin eigenfunctionsPeter B. Karadakov, Joseph Gerratt, David L. Cooper and Mario Raimondi

Volume 90, Numbers 2-3 / January 1995

75-86Stability of small fullerenes Cn (n=36,40 and 60): A topological and molecular orbital approachKuniko Nasu, Tetsuya Taketsugu, Takashi Nakano, Umpei Nagashima and Haruo Hosoya
87-114Density matrix averaged atomic natural orbital (ANO) basis sets for correlated molecular wave functions
115-134Generalized oscillator strengths of polyatomic molecules
135-144The evaluation of moments for benzenoid hydrocarbonsYuansheng Jiang, Xiaoliang Qian and Yihan Shao
145-165Cuboidal basis functionsMichael E. Mura and Nicholas C. Handy
167-187Multiconfigurational second-order perturbative methods: Overview and comparison of basic propertiesJean-Paul Malrieu, Jean-Louis Heully and Andréi Zaitsevskii
189-203Theoretical study of the first transition row oxides and sulfidesCharles W. Bauschlicher and Phillippe Maitre

Volume 90, Numbers 2-3 / January 1995

75-86Stability of small fullerenes Cn (n=36,40 and 60): A topological and molecular orbital approachKuniko Nasu, Tetsuya Taketsugu, Takashi Nakano, Umpei Nagashima and Haruo Hosoya
87-114Density matrix averaged atomic natural orbital (ANO) basis sets for correlated molecular wave functions
115-134Generalized oscillator strengths of polyatomic molecules
135-144The evaluation of moments for benzenoid hydrocarbonsYuansheng Jiang, Xiaoliang Qian and Yihan Shao
145-165Cuboidal basis functionsMichael E. Mura and Nicholas C. Handy
167-187Multiconfigurational second-order perturbative methods: Overview and comparison of basic propertiesJean-Paul Malrieu, Jean-Louis Heully and Andréi Zaitsevskii
189-203Theoretical study of the first transition row oxides and sulfidesCharles W. Bauschlicher and Phillippe Maitre

Volume 90, Number 4 / February 1995

205-224Vibronic pairwise charge transfer in copper-oxide sheets: A possible approach to high temperature superconductivity theoryYing-Nan Chiu, Samuel H. Brown, Neal Sondergaard and Frederick E. Wang
225-256Post-adiabatic approach to atomic and molecular processes: The van der Waals interactions of some open shell systemsVincenzo Aquilanti, Simonetta Cavalli, Lev Yu. Rusin and Mikhail B. Sevryuk
257-271Fock space multi-reference coupled cluster study of transition moment and oscillator strengthMaria Barysz

Volume 90, Number 4 / February 1995

205-224Vibronic pairwise charge transfer in copper-oxide sheets: A possible approach to high temperature superconductivity theoryYing-Nan Chiu, Samuel H. Brown, Neal Sondergaard and Frederick E. Wang
225-256Post-adiabatic approach to atomic and molecular processes: The van der Waals interactions of some open shell systemsVincenzo Aquilanti, Simonetta Cavalli, Lev Yu. Rusin and Mikhail B. Sevryuk
257-271Fock space multi-reference coupled cluster study of transition moment and oscillator strengthMaria Barysz

Volume 90, Numbers 5-6 / March 1995

273-290The multiconfigurational spin tensor electron propagator method (MCSTEP): Comparison with extended Koopmans' theorem resultsDodi Heryadi, Danny L. Yeager, Joseph T. Golab and Jeffrey A. Nichols
291-306MCSCF calculation of response properties of ArgonMichał Jaszuński, Poul Jørgensen and Antonio Rizzo
307-322Laser field induced charge transfer: Para-nitroaniline coupled to a quantum mechanical radiation fieldK. V. Mikkelsen and M. Kmit
323-329A probe of dynamical models using functional sensitivity densities with application to He++Ne(2p6)→He++Ne(2p53s) and Li+I→Li++ID. A. Padmavathi, Manoj K. Mishra and Herschel Rabitz
331-339Potential energy surfaces for a mixed-valence dimer in an applied electric fieldLeonel F. Murga and Mary Jo Ondrechen
341-355Accurate electrical and spectroscopic properties ofX1Σ+ BeO from coupled-cluster methodsJohn D. Watts, Miroslav Urban and Rodney J. Bartlett
357-381A two-dimensional model for collisional energy transfer in bimolecular ion-molecule dynamics: M++(H2; D2; or HD)→(MH++H; MD++D; MH++D; or MD++H)Monique Revorêdo Chacon-Taylor and Jack Simons
383-395Calculations of the absorption and emission spectra of p-N,N-dimethylaminobenzonitrile and analogues in solutionAnders Broo and Michael C. Zerner
397-419Electron propagator theory and applicationRicardo Longo, Benoît Champagne and Yngve Öhrn
421-439Orbital connections for perturbation-dependent basis setsJeppe Olsen, Keld L. Bak, Kenneth Ruud, Trygve Helgaker and Poul Jørgensen
441-458Ab initio calculation of electronic circular dichroism fortrans-cyclooctene using London atomic orbitalsKeld L. Bak, Aage E. Hansen, Kenneth Ruud, Trygve Helgaker and Jeppe Olsen, et al.

Volume 90, Numbers 5-6 / March 1995

273-290The multiconfigurational spin tensor electron propagator method (MCSTEP): Comparison with extended Koopmans' theorem resultsDodi Heryadi, Danny L. Yeager, Joseph T. Golab and Jeffrey A. Nichols
291-306MCSCF calculation of response properties of ArgonMichał Jaszuński, Poul Jørgensen and Antonio Rizzo
307-322Laser field induced charge transfer: Para-nitroaniline coupled to a quantum mechanical radiation fieldK. V. Mikkelsen and M. Kmit
323-329A probe of dynamical models using functional sensitivity densities with application to He++Ne(2p6)→He++Ne(2p53s) and Li+I→Li++ID. A. Padmavathi, Manoj K. Mishra and Herschel Rabitz
331-339Potential energy surfaces for a mixed-valence dimer in an applied electric fieldLeonel F. Murga and Mary Jo Ondrechen
341-355Accurate electrical and spectroscopic properties ofX1Σ+ BeO from coupled-cluster methodsJohn D. Watts, Miroslav Urban and Rodney J. Bartlett
357-381A two-dimensional model for collisional energy transfer in bimolecular ion-molecule dynamics: M++(H2; D2; or HD)→(MH++H; MD++D; MH++D; or MD++H)Monique Revorêdo Chacon-Taylor and Jack Simons
383-395Calculations of the absorption and emission spectra of p-N,N-dimethylaminobenzonitrile and analogues in solutionAnders Broo and Michael C. Zerner
397-419Electron propagator theory and applicationRicardo Longo, Benoît Champagne and Yngve Öhrn
421-439Orbital connections for perturbation-dependent basis setsJeppe Olsen, Keld L. Bak, Kenneth Ruud, Trygve Helgaker and Poul Jørgensen
441-458Ab initio calculation of electronic circular dichroism fortrans-cyclooctene using London atomic orbitalsKeld L. Bak, Aage E. Hansen, Kenneth Ruud, Trygve Helgaker and Jeppe Olsen, et al.

Volume 91, Numbers 1-2 / April 1995

1-15Spin density in first-row atoms from the Hiller-Sucher-Feinberg identityVitaly A. Rassolov and Daniel M. Chipman
17-29The internal rotational barrier of biphenyl studied with multiconfigurational second-order perturbation theory (CASPT2)Mercedes Rubio, Manuela Merchán and Enrique Ortí
31-46Different forms of the zeroth-order Hamiltonian in second-order perturbation theory with a complete active space self-consistent field reference functionK. Andersson
47-66Roothaan-Hartree-Fock wave functions for cations and anions in Slater-type basis sets with doubly even tempered exponentsToshikatsu Koga, Eri Shibata and Ajit J. Thakkar
67-71TheT-hull approach to shape analysisPaul G. Mezey
73-81Theoretical characterization and many-body expansion analysis of BF3, BCl3, AlF3 and AlCl3 interactionsA. S. Shalabi, K. A. Kamel and M. M. Assem
83-90The uncatalyzed hydrosilation reactionMark S. Gordon and Paul N. Day
91-108A CASPT2 study of the valence and lowest Rydberg electronic states of benzene and phenolJohan Lorentzon, Per-Åke Malmqvist, Markus Fülscher and Björn O. Roos
109-110RECP calculations for reactions of H2 with Pt, Os, Ir, and Re — a systematic comparisonOdd Gropen, Merethe Sjøvoll, Hege Strømsnes, Elly Karlsen and Ole Swang, et al.

Volume 91, Numbers 1-2 / April 1995

1-15Spin density in first-row atoms from the Hiller-Sucher-Feinberg identityVitaly A. Rassolov and Daniel M. Chipman
17-29The internal rotational barrier of biphenyl studied with multiconfigurational second-order perturbation theory (CASPT2)Mercedes Rubio, Manuela Merchán and Enrique Ortí
31-46Different forms of the zeroth-order Hamiltonian in second-order perturbation theory with a complete active space self-consistent field reference functionK. Andersson
47-66Roothaan-Hartree-Fock wave functions for cations and anions in Slater-type basis sets with doubly even tempered exponentsToshikatsu Koga, Eri Shibata and Ajit J. Thakkar
67-71TheT-hull approach to shape analysisPaul G. Mezey
73-81Theoretical characterization and many-body expansion analysis of BF3, BCl3, AlF3 and AlCl3 interactionsA. S. Shalabi, K. A. Kamel and M. M. Assem
83-90The uncatalyzed hydrosilation reactionMark S. Gordon and Paul N. Day
91-108A CASPT2 study of the valence and lowest Rydberg electronic states of benzene and phenolJohan Lorentzon, Per-Åke Malmqvist, Markus Fülscher and Björn O. Roos
109-110RECP calculations for reactions of H2 with Pt, Os, Ir, and Re — a systematic comparisonOdd Gropen, Merethe Sjøvoll, Hege Strømsnes, Elly Karlsen and Ole Swang, et al.

Volume 91, Numbers 3-4 / May 1995

111-112Preface: CECAM issueA. Goursot, C. Mijoule and N. Russo
113-128Structure, epr parameters, and reactivity of organic free radicals from a density functional approachVincenzo Barone
129-146Association and insertion complexes of nickel with water and methanol studied using Kohn-Sham theoryRené Fournier
147-156Extension of the local-spin-density exchange-correlation approximation to multiplet statesA. D. Becke, A. Savin and H. Stoll
157-167Density functional calculations of the structures and bond energies of Cr(CO)6 and (η6-C6H6) Cr(CO)2(CX) (X=O, S) complexesE. Furet and J. Weber
169-177Hydrogen-bonded and van der Waals complexes studied by a Gaussian density functional method. The case of (HF)2, ArHCl and Ar2HCl systemsFranca Mele, Tzonka Mineva, Nino Russo and Marirosa Toscano
179-186Transition state localization by a density functional method. Applications to isomerization and symmetry-forbidden reactionsYuri Abashkin, Nino Russo and Marirosa Toscano
187-197Theoretical analysis of the electronic structure and reactivity of the CoP3 core in [(triphos)CoP3]Alessandro Bencini, Massimo Di Vaira, Piero Stoppioni and Myriam G. Uytterhoeven
199-214Solvent effects on isomerization equilibria: An energetic analysis in the framework of density functional theoryFrancesco Lelj and Carlo Adamo
215-224Density-functional investigation of the excited state properties and the Jahn-Teller effect in [CrX6]3− (X=Cl, Br)Khalid Bellafrouh, Claude Daul, Hans U. Güdel, François Gilardoni and Jacques Weber
225-236Bonding in C2 and Be2: Broken symmetry and correlation in DFT solutionsA. Goursot, J. P. Malrieu and D. R. Salahub
237-248Ab initio molecular dynamics — Applications to the molecular and solid state physics of phosphorusD. Hohl
249-266Computation of oscillator strengths from Kohn-Sham wave functions: the example of small lithium clustersGeorges Gardet, François Rogemond and Henry Chermette

Volume 91, Numbers 3-4 / May 1995

111-112Preface: CECAM issueA. Goursot, C. Mijoule and N. Russo
113-128Structure, epr parameters, and reactivity of organic free radicals from a density functional approachVincenzo Barone
129-146Association and insertion complexes of nickel with water and methanol studied using Kohn-Sham theoryRené Fournier
147-156Extension of the local-spin-density exchange-correlation approximation to multiplet statesA. D. Becke, A. Savin and H. Stoll
157-167Density functional calculations of the structures and bond energies of Cr(CO)6 and (η6-C6H6) Cr(CO)2(CX) (X=O, S) complexesE. Furet and J. Weber
169-177Hydrogen-bonded and van der Waals complexes studied by a Gaussian density functional method. The case of (HF)2, ArHCl and Ar2HCl systemsFranca Mele, Tzonka Mineva, Nino Russo and Marirosa Toscano
179-186Transition state localization by a density functional method. Applications to isomerization and symmetry-forbidden reactionsYuri Abashkin, Nino Russo and Marirosa Toscano
187-197Theoretical analysis of the electronic structure and reactivity of the CoP3 core in [(triphos)CoP3]Alessandro Bencini, Massimo Di Vaira, Piero Stoppioni and Myriam G. Uytterhoeven
199-214Solvent effects on isomerization equilibria: An energetic analysis in the framework of density functional theoryFrancesco Lelj and Carlo Adamo
215-224Density-functional investigation of the excited state properties and the Jahn-Teller effect in [CrX6]3− (X=Cl, Br)Khalid Bellafrouh, Claude Daul, Hans U. Güdel, François Gilardoni and Jacques Weber
225-236Bonding in C2 and Be2: Broken symmetry and correlation in DFT solutionsA. Goursot, J. P. Malrieu and D. R. Salahub
237-248Ab initio molecular dynamics — Applications to the molecular and solid state physics of phosphorusD. Hohl
249-266Computation of oscillator strengths from Kohn-Sham wave functions: the example of small lithium clustersGeorges Gardet, François Rogemond and Henry Chermette

Volume 91, Numbers 5-6 / June 1995

267-289Analytic energy derivatives for the equation-of-motion coupled-cluster method: Algebraic expressions, implementation and application to theS1 state of HFCOJohn F. Stanton and Jürgen Gauss
291-314Dominant representations and a markaracter table for a group of finite orderShinsaku Fujita
315-332Subduction of dominant representations for combinatorial enumerationShinsaku Fujita
333-351Ab initio study of the HCO3/H2O exchange in the (NH3)3 ZnII(HCO3) complexMiquel Solà, José L. Andrés, Miquel Duran, Agustí Lledós and Juan Bertrán
353-371Polarized basis sets for high-level-correlated calculations of molecular electric properties

Volume 91, Numbers 5-6 / June 1995

267-289Analytic energy derivatives for the equation-of-motion coupled-cluster method: Algebraic expressions, implementation and application to theS1 state of HFCOJohn F. Stanton and Jürgen Gauss
291-314Dominant representations and a markaracter table for a group of finite orderShinsaku Fujita
315-332Subduction of dominant representations for combinatorial enumerationShinsaku Fujita
333-351Ab initio study of the HCO3/H2O exchange in the (NH3)3 ZnII(HCO3) complexMiquel Solà, José L. Andrés, Miquel Duran, Agustí Lledós and Juan Bertrán
353-371Polarized basis sets for high-level-correlated calculations of molecular electric properties

Volume 92, Number 1 / July 1995

1-12Potential energy profiles of the geometric isomerization and the thermal decomposition of diphosphene HP=PH in the ground and excited electronic statesTakayuki Fueno and Hiroshi Akagi
13-47An analysis of the zero differential overlap approximation. Towards an improved semiempirical MO method beyond itChristian Kollmar and Michael C. Böhm
49-59The nature of the carbon-carbon bond in the C2 and C2H2 moleculesAlessandra Forni and Maurizio Sironi
61-65MBOHO calculations of phosphorus-carbon nuclear spin-spin coupling constantsJian Wan and Chang-Guo Zhan

Volume 92, Number 1 / July 1995

1-12Potential energy profiles of the geometric isomerization and the thermal decomposition of diphosphene HP=PH in the ground and excited electronic statesTakayuki Fueno and Hiroshi Akagi
13-47An analysis of the zero differential overlap approximation. Towards an improved semiempirical MO method beyond itChristian Kollmar and Michael C. Böhm
49-59The nature of the carbon-carbon bond in the C2 and C2H2 moleculesAlessandra Forni and Maurizio Sironi
61-65MBOHO calculations of phosphorus-carbon nuclear spin-spin coupling constantsJian Wan and Chang-Guo Zhan

Volume 92, Number 2 / August 1995

67-81A theoretical study of the electronic spectra of pyridine and phosphabenzeneJ. Lorentzon, M. P. Fülscher and B. O. Roos
83-96Proton affinities of molecules containing nitrogen and oxygen: Comparing density functional results to experimentAnn M. Schmiedekamp, Igor A. Topol and Christopher J. Michejda
97-106Restricted random walks on graphsMilan Randić
107-122Investigating optimal coordinates for describing vibrational motionRudolph C. Mayrhofer and Edwin L. Sibert
123-131A comparison of density functional theory withab initio approaches for systems involving first transition row metalsAllesandra Ricca and Charles W. Bauschlicher
133Book reviewGregory J. Atchity

Volume 92, Number 2 / August 1995

67-81A theoretical study of the electronic spectra of pyridine and phosphabenzeneJ. Lorentzon, M. P. Fülscher and B. O. Roos
83-96Proton affinities of molecules containing nitrogen and oxygen: Comparing density functional results to experimentAnn M. Schmiedekamp, Igor A. Topol and Christopher J. Michejda
97-106Restricted random walks on graphsMilan Randić
107-122Investigating optimal coordinates for describing vibrational motionRudolph C. Mayrhofer and Edwin L. Sibert
123-131A comparison of density functional theory withab initio approaches for systems involving first transition row metalsAllesandra Ricca and Charles W. Bauschlicher
133Book reviewGregory J. Atchity

Volume 92, Number 3 / September 1995

135-147Direct solution of H2+ Schrödinger equation using the hyperspherical coordinateWensheng Bian and Conghao Deng
149-181Density matrix averaged atomic natural orbital (ANO) basis sets for correlated molecular wave functions
183-198Large atomic natural orbital basis sets for the first transition row atomsCharles W. Bauschlicher

Volume 92, Number 3 / September 1995

135-147Direct solution of H2+ Schrödinger equation using the hyperspherical coordinateWensheng Bian and Conghao Deng
149-181Density matrix averaged atomic natural orbital (ANO) basis sets for correlated molecular wave functions
183-198Large atomic natural orbital basis sets for the first transition row atomsCharles W. Bauschlicher

Volume 92, Number 4 / October 1995

199-210A theoretical study on the ionization of furan with analysis of vibrational structure of the photoelectron spectraKouichi Takeshita and Yuichi Yamamoto
211-226A vibrational CASSCF study of stretch-bend interactions and their influence on infrared intensities in the water moleculeF. Culot, F. Laruelle and J. Liévin
227-239A theoretical determination of the electronic spectrum of formaldehydeManuela Merchán and Björn O. Roos
241-252Totally dressed SDCI calculations: An application to HF and F2J. Sánchez-Marín, I. Nebot-Gil, D. Maynau and J. P. Malrieu
253-267Electron correlation and relativistic effects in the coinage metal compounds

Volume 92, Number 4 / October 1995

199-210A theoretical study on the ionization of furan with analysis of vibrational structure of the photoelectron spectraKouichi Takeshita and Yuichi Yamamoto
211-226A vibrational CASSCF study of stretch-bend interactions and their influence on infrared intensities in the water moleculeF. Culot, F. Laruelle and J. Liévin
227-239A theoretical determination of the electronic spectrum of formaldehydeManuela Merchán and Björn O. Roos
241-252Totally dressed SDCI calculations: An application to HF and F2J. Sánchez-Marín, I. Nebot-Gil, D. Maynau and J. P. Malrieu
253-267Electron correlation and relativistic effects in the coinage metal compounds

Volume 92, Number 5 / November 1995

269-280A MNDO study of carbon clusters with specifically fitted parametersShiuh-ping Tseng, Min-yi Shen and Chin-hui Yu
281-295Why do the second row transition metal atoms prefer 5s14dm+1 to 5s24dm?
297-303Theoretical studies on the photochromic processes of 4-bromo-N-salicylideneanilineWei-Hai Fang, Xiao-Zeng You and Zhen Yin
305-313An efficient improvement of the string-based direct selected CI algorithmÀngels Povill and Jaime Rubio
315-326N2 activation by iron-sulfur complexes

Volume 92, Number 6 / December 1995

327-332High levelab initio stabilization energies of benzeneMikhail N. Glukhovtsev and Sergei Laiter
333-338Three properties of relative shape envelopes of molecular electron density contoursPaul G. Mezey
339-349An efficient data compression method for the Davidson subspace diagonalization schemeHolger Dachsel and Hans Lischka
351-359Theoretical study on the electronic spectrum of TcO4J. Hasegawa, K. Toyota, M. Hada, H. Nakai and H. Nakatsuji
361-367Theoretical study of the protonation of square-planar palladium(II) complexes. Assessment of basis set and correlation effectsA. Milet and A. Dedieu
369-381A geometry optimization benchmark using highly correlated wavefunctions (FCI and MRD-CI)Josep Maria Anglada and Josep Maria Bofill

Volume 92, Number 6 / December 1995

327-332High levelab initio stabilization energies of benzeneMikhail N. Glukhovtsev and Sergei Laiter
333-338Three properties of relative shape envelopes of molecular electron density contoursPaul G. Mezey
339-349An efficient data compression method for the Davidson subspace diagonalization schemeHolger Dachsel and Hans Lischka
351-359Theoretical study on the electronic spectrum of TcO4J. Hasegawa, K. Toyota, M. Hada, H. Nakai and H. Nakatsuji
361-367Theoretical study of the protonation of square-planar palladium(II) complexes. Assessment of basis set and correlation effectsA. Milet and A. Dedieu
369-381A geometry optimization benchmark using highly correlated wavefunctions (FCI and MRD-CI)Josep Maria Anglada and Josep Maria Bofill

Volume 93, Number 1 / January 1996

1-16Diagrammatic valence bond studies on hemocyaninPravat Kumar Mandal, P. T. Manoharan, Bhabadyuti Sinha and S. Ramasesha
17-33Strained delocalized carbenoid ring systems — A theoretical investigationMats H. M. Olsson, Piotr Borowski and Björn O. Roos
35-48Graphical representation of a new algorithm for nonorthogonalab initio valence bond calculationsJiabo Li
49-59New general formulas for matrix elements of the free-particle Green's function over Cartesian GaussiansPetr Čársky, Vojtěch Hrouda and Martin Polášek

Volume 93, Number 1 / January 1996

1-16Diagrammatic valence bond studies on hemocyaninPravat Kumar Mandal, P. T. Manoharan, Bhabadyuti Sinha and S. Ramasesha
17-33Strained delocalized carbenoid ring systems — A theoretical investigationMats H. M. Olsson, Piotr Borowski and Björn O. Roos
35-48Graphical representation of a new algorithm for nonorthogonalab initio valence bond calculationsJiabo Li
49-59New general formulas for matrix elements of the free-particle Green's function over Cartesian GaussiansPetr Čársky, Vojtěch Hrouda and Martin Polášek

Volume 93, Number 2 / February 1996

61-65On hydrogen-bonded complexes: the case of (HF)2Martin Quack and Martin A. Suhm
67-78Topology of density difference and force analysis
79-85Topology and least motion
87-99Analytical first derivatives of the energy in the MNDO half-electron open-shell treatmentS. Patchkovskii and W. Thiel
101-129Polarized basis sets for high-level-correlated calculations of molecular electric properties

Volume 93, Number 2 / February 1996

61-65On hydrogen-bonded complexes: the case of (HF)2Martin Quack and Martin A. Suhm
67-78Topology of density difference and force analysis
79-85Topology and least motion
87-99Analytical first derivatives of the energy in the MNDO half-electron open-shell treatmentS. Patchkovskii and W. Thiel
101-129Polarized basis sets for high-level-correlated calculations of molecular electric properties

Volume 93, Number 3 / March 1996

131-140Accurate electric multipole moments for HCN and HCP from CCSD(T) calculations with large Gaussian basis setsGeorge Maroulis and Claude Pouchan
141-156Fully relativistic pseudopotentials for alkaline atoms: Dirac-Hartree-Fock and configuration interaction calculations of alkaline monohydridesM. Dolg
157-163Kinetic energy analysis of atomic multiplets
165-176On the definition of valence of functional groups in moleculesRobert Ponec, Matthias Krack and Karl Jug
177-189Effect of crystal potential on dynamic polarizability of negative ionsD. Ray, P. C. Schmidt and Alarich Weiss
191-197Spectral moments of polymer graphsIvan Gutman and Vladimir R. Rosenfeld

Volume 93, Number 3 / March 1996

131-140Accurate electric multipole moments for HCN and HCP from CCSD(T) calculations with large Gaussian basis setsGeorge Maroulis and Claude Pouchan
141-156Fully relativistic pseudopotentials for alkaline atoms: Dirac-Hartree-Fock and configuration interaction calculations of alkaline monohydridesM. Dolg
157-163Kinetic energy analysis of atomic multiplets
165-176On the definition of valence of functional groups in moleculesRobert Ponec, Matthias Krack and Karl Jug
177-189Effect of crystal potential on dynamic polarizability of negative ionsD. Ray, P. C. Schmidt and Alarich Weiss
191-197Spectral moments of polymer graphsIvan Gutman and Vladimir R. Rosenfeld

Volume 93, Number 4 / April 1996

199-210Ab Initio studies on the rotational equilibria of 2-substituted furan and thiophene carbonyl derivativesIn-Suk Han, Chang Kon Kim, Hak Jin Jung and Ikchoon Lee
211-233Generalized doubly symbolic formulation for integral-driven direct configuration interaction methodYuji Mochizuki, Naoki Nishi, Yukio Hirahara and Toshikazu Takada
235-241Magnetic hyperpolarizabilities in a cubic response formulationDan Jonsson, Patrick Norman, Olav Vahtras and Hans Ågren
243-258A theoretical study on the ionization of tetrafluoroethylene with analysis of vibrational structure of the photoelectron spectraKouichi Takeshita

Volume 93, Number 4 / April 1996

199-210Ab Initio studies on the rotational equilibria of 2-substituted furan and thiophene carbonyl derivativesIn-Suk Han, Chang Kon Kim, Hak Jin Jung and Ikchoon Lee
211-233Generalized doubly symbolic formulation for integral-driven direct configuration interaction methodYuji Mochizuki, Naoki Nishi, Yukio Hirahara and Toshikazu Takada
235-241Magnetic hyperpolarizabilities in a cubic response formulationDan Jonsson, Patrick Norman, Olav Vahtras and Hans Ågren
243-258A theoretical study on the ionization of tetrafluoroethylene with analysis of vibrational structure of the photoelectron spectraKouichi Takeshita

Volume 93, Number 5 / May 1996

259-267Complete to second-orderab initio level calculations of electronicg-tensorsG. H. Lushington and F. Grein
269-279Electronic structures of superconductors YBa2Cu3−xMxOy (M=Sn, Ni)Li Ming, Deng Chuanyue and Fu Wentao
281-301The MIDI! basis set for quantum mechanical calculations of molecular geometries and partial chargesR. Evan Easton, David J. Giesen, Andrew Welch, Christopher J. Cramer and Donald G. Truhlar
303-313A simple correction to final state energies of doublet radicals described by equation-of-motion coupled cluster theory in the singles and doubles approximationJohn F. Stanton and Jürgen Gauss
315Extension of the MNDO formalism tod orbitals: Integral approximations and preliminary numerical resultsWalter Thiel and Alexander A. Voityuk

Volume 93, Number 5 / May 1996

259-267Complete to second-orderab initio level calculations of electronicg-tensorsG. H. Lushington and F. Grein
269-279Electronic structures of superconductors YBa2Cu3−xMxOy (M=Sn, Ni)Li Ming, Deng Chuanyue and Fu Wentao
281-301The MIDI! basis set for quantum mechanical calculations of molecular geometries and partial chargesR. Evan Easton, David J. Giesen, Andrew Welch, Christopher J. Cramer and Donald G. Truhlar
303-313A simple correction to final state energies of doublet radicals described by equation-of-motion coupled cluster theory in the singles and doubles approximationJohn F. Stanton and Jürgen Gauss
315Extension of the MNDO formalism tod orbitals: Integral approximations and preliminary numerical resultsWalter Thiel and Alexander A. Voityuk

Volume 93, Number 6 / June 1996

317-331Parallel direct four-index transformationsAdrian T. Wong, Robert J. Harrison and Alistair P. Rendell
333-342Ab initio MP2 study of the HF ... ClF complex using various extended basis sets and bond functionsJosefredo R. Pliego, Stella M. Resende and Wagner B. De Almeida
343-366Modern valence bond representations of CASSCF wavefunctionsThorstein Thorsteinsson, David L. Cooper, Joseph Gerratt, Peter B. Karadakov and Mario Raimondi

Volume 93, Number 6 / June 1996

317-331Parallel direct four-index transformationsAdrian T. Wong, Robert J. Harrison and Alistair P. Rendell
333-342Ab initio MP2 study of the HF ... ClF complex using various extended basis sets and bond functionsJosefredo R. Pliego, Stella M. Resende and Wagner B. De Almeida
343-366Modern valence bond representations of CASSCF wavefunctionsThorstein Thorsteinsson, David L. Cooper, Joseph Gerratt, Peter B. Karadakov and Mario Raimondi

Volume 94, Number 1 / July 1996

1-12Relationship between oxygen content and superconductivity of Tl0.5Pb0.5Sr2CuOy(y≈5)Li Ming
13-22AM1 study of Wolff and 1,2-hydrogen shift rearrangements of β-oxy-α-Diazo carbonyl compoundsF. Enriquez, F. J. López-Herrera, J. J. Quirante and F. Sarabia
23-37Theoretical and experimental studies of electronic effects and second-order nonlinear optical properties of some benzenecarbothioates and benzenecarbodithioatesAlain Botrel, André Darchen, Brigitte Negroni, Isabelle Ledoux and Joseph Zyss
39-51Optimization of Gaussian basis sets for Dirac-Hartree-Fock calculationsKenneth G. Dyalll and Knut Fægri
53-66Supersymmetry and the Hartmann potential of theoretical chemistryGardo Garnet Blado

Volume 94, Number 1 / July 1996

1-12Relationship between oxygen content and superconductivity of Tl0.5Pb0.5Sr2CuOy(y≈5)Li Ming
13-22AM1 study of Wolff and 1,2-hydrogen shift rearrangements of β-oxy-α-Diazo carbonyl compoundsF. Enriquez, F. J. López-Herrera, J. J. Quirante and F. Sarabia
23-37Theoretical and experimental studies of electronic effects and second-order nonlinear optical properties of some benzenecarbothioates and benzenecarbodithioatesAlain Botrel, André Darchen, Brigitte Negroni, Isabelle Ledoux and Joseph Zyss
39-51Optimization of Gaussian basis sets for Dirac-Hartree-Fock calculationsKenneth G. Dyalll and Knut Fægri
53-66Supersymmetry and the Hartmann potential of theoretical chemistryGardo Garnet Blado

Volume 94, Number 2 / September 1996

67-73A theoretical evaluation of steric and electronic effects on the structure of [OsO4 (NR3)] (NR3=bulky chiral alkaloid derivative) complexesGregori Ujaque, Feliu Maseras and Agustí Lledós

  • 75-91

    Electric properties of the water molecule in 1A1, 1B1, and 3B1 electronic states: Refined CASSCF and CASPT2 calculations

  • Stephane Klein, Elise Kochanski, Alain Strich and Andrzej J. Sadlej

  • 93-104

    Standardized basis sets for high-level-correlated relativistic calculations of atomic and molecular electric properties in the spin-averaged Douglas–Kroll (no-pair) approximation

  • 105-124Pseudo-point groups and chronality in enumeration of reaction pairsShinsaku Fujita

    Volume 94, Number 2 / September 1996

    67-73A theoretical evaluation of steric and electronic effects on the structure of [OsO4 (NR3)] (NR3=bulky chiral alkaloid derivative) complexesGregori Ujaque, Feliu Maseras and Agustí Lledós

  • 75-91

    Electric properties of the water molecule in 1A1, 1B1, and 3B1 electronic states: Refined CASSCF and CASPT2 calculations

  • Stephane Klein, Elise Kochanski, Alain Strich and Andrzej J. Sadlej

  • 93-104

    Standardized basis sets for high-level-correlated relativistic calculations of atomic and molecular electric properties in the spin-averaged Douglas–Kroll (no-pair) approximation

  • 105-124Pseudo-point groups and chronality in enumeration of reaction pairsShinsaku Fujita

    Volume 94, Number 3 / September 1996

    125-141Young operator methods for fermion systemsYaxiong Yu, Pancracio Palting and Ying-Nan Chiu
    143-154A theoretical determination of the electronic spectrum of MethylenecyclopropeneManuela Merchant, Remedios González-Luque and Björn O. Roos
    155-176Theoretical study of magnetic properties of ammonia molecule in nonuniform magnetic fieldM. C. Caputo, M. B. Ferraro and P. Lazzeretti
    177-182T-hull relations for shape envelopes of molecular contoursDouglas J. Klein and Paul G. Mezey
    183-184Book reviewJ. Paldus Waterloo

    Volume 94, Number 3 / September 1996

    125-141Young operator methods for fermion systemsYaxiong Yu, Pancracio Palting and Ying-Nan Chiu
    143-154A theoretical determination of the electronic spectrum of MethylenecyclopropeneManuela Merchant, Remedios González-Luque and Björn O. Roos
    155-176Theoretical study of magnetic properties of ammonia molecule in nonuniform magnetic fieldM. C. Caputo, M. B. Ferraro and P. Lazzeretti
    177-182T-hull relations for shape envelopes of molecular contoursDouglas J. Klein and Paul G. Mezey
    183-184Book reviewJ. Paldus Waterloo

    Volume 94, Number 4 / October 1996

    187-203Core and valence electrons in atoms and ions: configuration interaction calculationsNormand Desmarais and Sándor Fliszár
    205-212Isostationary functions for multimode and multilevel Jahn-Teller systemsA. Ceulemans and L. F. Chibotaru
    213-222Numerical investigations of different orders of relativistic effects in atomic shellsK. Molzberger and W. H. Eugen Schwarz
    223-231A model study of intramolecular energy transfer in polyatomic molecular reactionsMeishan Zhao
    233-245Exact transformations of CI spaces, VB representations of CASSCF wavefunctions and the optimization of VB wavefunctionsThorstein Thorsteinsson and David L. Cooper

    Volume 94, Number 4 / October 1996

    187-203Core and valence electrons in atoms and ions: configuration interaction calculationsNormand Desmarais and Sándor Fliszár
    205-212Isostationary functions for multimode and multilevel Jahn-Teller systemsA. Ceulemans and L. F. Chibotaru
    213-222Numerical investigations of different orders of relativistic effects in atomic shellsK. Molzberger and W. H. Eugen Schwarz
    223-231A model study of intramolecular energy transfer in polyatomic molecular reactionsMeishan Zhao
    233-245Exact transformations of CI spaces, VB representations of CASSCF wavefunctions and the optimization of VB wavefunctionsThorstein Thorsteinsson and David L. Cooper

    Volume 94, Number 5 / November 1996

    247-256A comparative QCISD(T), DFT and MCSCF study of the unimolecular, decomposition of the N-chloro-α-glycine anion in gas phaseJ. J. Queralt, V. S. Safont, V. Moliner and J. Andrés
    257-269Analytical form of the interaction energy of radicals at short and long distancesMarek Narożnik and Jan Niedzielski
    271-285Energy levels of the weakly interacting radicalsMarek Naroznik and Jan Niedzielski
    287-295Multipole-based calculation of the polarization energyJohn B. O. Mitchell
    297-310DFT and MO calculations of atomic and molecular chemisorption energies on surface cluster modelsLuciano Triguero, Ulf Wahlgren, Lars G. M. Pettersson and Per Siegbahn

    Volume 94, Number 6 / December 1996

    311-331Study on the behavior of energy convergence in ab initio crystal orbital calculationsHiroyuki Teramae
    333-344Perturbative calculation of intermolecular interactions in orthogonalized or biorthogonal basis setsP. R. Surján and C. Pérez del Valley
    345-381The electron correlation cusp

    Volume 95, Number 1 / January 1997

    1-12Diatomic interaction energies in the topological theory of atoms in moleculesAnibal Sierraalta and Gernot Frenking

  • 13-34

    An integral direct, distributed-data, parallel MP2 algorithm

  • Martin Schütz and Roland Lindh

  • 35-47

    Spin–orbit corrections to the indirect nuclear spin–spin coupling constants in XH4 (X=C, Si, Ge, and Sn)

  • Sheela Kirpekar, Hans Jørgen Aagaard Jensen and Jens Oddershede

  • 49-62

    Møller–Plesset correlation energies in a localized orbital basis using a Laplace transform technique

  • Angela K. Wilson and Jan Almlöf

    Volume 95, Numbers 1-2 / January 1997

    1-12Diatomic interaction energies in the topological theory of atoms in moleculesAnibal Sierraalta and Gernot Frenking
    13-34An integral direct, distributed-data, parallel MP2 algorithmMartin Schütz and Roland Lindh
    35-47Spin-orbit corrections to the indirect nuclear spin-spin coupling constants in XH4 (X = C, Si, Ge, and Sn)Sheela Kirpekar, Hans Jørgen Aagaard Jensen and Jens Oddershede
    49-62Møller-Plesset correlation energies in a localized orbital basis using a Laplace transform techniqueAngela K. Wilson and Jan Almlöf

    Volume 95, Numbers 3-4 / March 1997

    63-65On chiral pathways inEn: A dimensional analysisNoham Weinberg and Kurt Mislow
    67-79The delocalisation energy of benzene and the non-empirical MO theoryMelvyn P. Melrose
    81-95A method for population and bonding analyses in calculations with extended basis setsWenjian Liu and Lemin Li
    97-98A simple correction to final state energies of doublet radicals described by equation-of-motion coupled cluster theory in the singles and doubles approximation (Erratum)John F. Stanton and Jürgen Gauss
    99-112Molecular structures of mononitroanilines and their thermal decomposition productsP. C. Chen, W. Lo and K. H. Hu
    113-130Analytical Hartree-Fock electron densities for atoms He through LrToshikatsu Koga
    131-150Symmetry adaptation and the utilization of point group symmetry in valence bond calculations, including CASVBThorstein Thorsteinsson, David L. Cooper, Joseph Gerratt and Mario Raimondi
    113-130Analytical Hartree–Fock electron densities for atoms He through LrToshikatsu Koga

    Volume 95, Numbers 5-6 / March 1997

    151-163Possible binding orientations ofβ-lactams withinStaphylococcus aureus POβ-lactamase suggest factors involved inβ-lactamase resistanceJ. Frau and S. L. Price
    165-200Correlation effects in a few-particle one-dimensional Coulomb-interacting systemS. Olszewski, T. Rolinski, M. Cinal and T. Kwiatkowski
    201-213Theoretical study of thermal decomposition of azomethaneImrich Vrábel, Stanislav Biskupič and Andrej Staško
    215-241Size-consistent single-reference methods for electronic correlation: a unified formulation through intermediate hamiltonian theoryJosé Sánchez-Marín, Ignacio Nebot-Gil, Jean Paul Malrieu, Jean Louis Heully and Daniel Maynau
    151-163Possible binding orientations of β-lactams within Staphylococcus aureus PC1 β-lactamase suggest factors involved in J. Frau and S. L. Price

    Volume 96, Number 1 / April 1997

    2-6Divide-and-conquer calculations for clean surfaces and surface adsorptionTianhai Zhu, Wei Pan and Weitao Yang
    7-10Coupled-cluster vibrational frequencies for open, ring and superoxide sulfur dioxideCharles B. Kellogg and Henry F. Schaefer
    11-13Is the ˜c state of CH2 linear or bent?Charles W. Bauschlicher Jr.
    14-22Kinetic partitioning mechanism as a unifying theme in the folding of biomoleculesD. Thirumalai, D. K. Klimov and S. A. Woodson
    23-30Approximation of the molecular electrostatic potential in a gaussian density functional methodM. Leboeuf, A. M. Köster and D. R. Salahub
    31-38Quantum dynamics study of Li + HF reactionWei Zhu, Dunyou Wang and John Z. H. Zhang
    39-43A new formulation of the PCM solvation method: PCM-QINTnChristian Silvio Pomelli and Jacopo Tomasi
    44-50Electron correlation effects on the shape of the Kohn–Sham molecular orbitalOleg V. Gritsenko and Evert Jan Baerends
    51-55OH stretch IR spectra of (H2O)3 and benzene-(H2O)3S. Y. Fredericks, J. M. Pedulla, K. D. Jordan and T. S. Zwier
    56-60Conformational analysis of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors using ab initio molecular orbital methods. 1. Rotational isomerism in methane sulfonamide anion, CH3-SO2-NH−Mark A. Murcko
    61-70Computationally useful bridge diagram series for the structure and thermodynamics of Lennard-Jones fluidsJohn Perkyns and B. Montgomery Pettitt

    Volume 96, Number 2 / July 1997

    71-74On the role of single excitations in quasi-degenerate perturbation theoryZoran Konkoli, Zhi He and Dieter Cremer
    75-83The Beijing four-component density functional program package (BDF) and its application to EuO, EuS, YbO and YbSWenjian Liu, Gongyi Hong, Dadi Dai, Lemin Li and Michael Dolg
    84-91A case against large cluster-induced nonequilibrium solvent effects in supercritical waterHuaqiang Luo and Susan C. Tucker
    92-104Relativistic effects in nuclear quadrupole couplingPekka Pyykkö and Michael Seth
    105-113Solvent effects on tautomerism equilibria in heterocyclesF. J. Luque, J. M. López-Bes, J. Cemeli, M. Aroztegui and M. Orozco
    114-121A model VBCI calculation on the state correlation diagram for radical abstraction and addition reactionsA. Salikhov and H. Fischer
    122-128Core and valence regions of moleculesSándor Fliszár
    129-134A molecular design view on the first hyperpolarizability of salicylideneaniline derivativesYong Zhang, Cun-Yuan Zhao, Wei-Hai Fang and Xiao-Zeng You
    135-139Analogy between real irreducible tensor operator and molecular two-particle operatorShi-Jun Zhong, Yin-Gui Wang and Qian-Er Zhang

    Volume 96, Number 3 / August 1997

    141-145On the reduced and oxidized forms of the FeMo- cofactor of Azotobacter vinelandii nitrogenaseKrassimir K. Stavrev and Michael C. Zerner
    146-150Different van der Waals radii for organic and inorganic halogen atoms: a significant improvement in IMOMM performanceGregori Ujaque, Feliu Maseras and Odile Eisenstein
    151-156Solvent effects on the nπ* transition of pyrimidine in aqueous solutionJiali Gao and Kyoungrim Byun
    157-165The vibrational spectra of the boron halides and their molecular complexes, part 5
    166-175Standardized basis sets for high-level-correlated relativistic calculations of atomic and molecular electric properties in the spin-averaged Douglas-Kroll approximation
    176-194Global potential energy surfaces for the lowest two 1A′ states of ozoneG. J. Atchity and K. Ruedenberg
    195-204The intersection seam between the 11A′ and 21A′ states of ozoneG. J. Atchity, K. Ruedenberg and A. Nanayakkara
    205-211Perimetric scale-shape coordinates for triatomic moleculesG. J. Atchity and K. Ruedenberg

    Volume 96, Number 4 / May 1997

    213-216Differentiating between hydrogen and fluorine on a diamond surfaceCharles W. Bauschlicher Jr. and Marzio Rosi
    217-222Bond functions and many-body effects of the helium trimerA. S. Shalabi and A. M. EL-Nahas
    223-242On obtaining localized bonding schemes from delocalized molecular-orbital wave functionsVinzenz Bachler
    243-247Contracted Gaussian-type basis functions revisited II. Atoms Na through ArHiroshi Tatewaki, Toshikatsu Koga and Hiroyuki Takashima
    248-255Atomic ionization potentials and electron affinities with relativistic and mass correctionsToshikatsu Koga, Hidenori Aoki, J. M. Garcia de la Vega and Hiroshi Tatewaki
    256-260The evaluation of spectral moments for molecular graphs of phenylenesSvetlana Marković and Aleksandra Stajković
    261-268Assignment of conformation-sensitive near-infrared bands in high-spin ferrous haemoproteins.
    269-276Spin-adapted multipartitioning perturbation theoryAndréi Zaitsevskii and Jean-Paul Malrieu

    Volume 97, Numbers 1-4 / October 1997

    3-4Biography of Jan Erik Almlöf
    5-9Publications of Jan Erik Almlöf
    10-13Methods for rapid evaluation of electron repulsion integrals in large-scale LCGO calculationsJan Erik Almlöf
    14-40Direct SCF direct static-exchange calculations of electronic spectraHans Ågren, Vincenzo Carravetta, Olav Vahtras and Lars G. M. Pettersson
    41-46A minimal distortion localization of occupied orbitals in supermolecule calculations of intermolecular interactionsG. Reza Ahmadi and I. Røeggen
    47-58Determination of diabatic states through enforcement of configurational uniformityGregory J. Atchity and Klaus Ruedenberg
    59-66The inner-hydrogen migration in free base porphyrinJon Baker, Pawel M. Kozlowski, Andrzej A. Jarzecki and Peter Pulay
    67-71Corannulene-based fullerene fragments C20H10-C50H10: when does a buckybowl become a buckytube?Kim K. Baldridge and Jay S. Siegel
    72-80A comparative study of high-spin manganese and iron complexesMargareta R. A. Blomberg and Per E. M. Siegbahn
    81-87An ab initio analysis of the electronic structure and harmonic frequencies of nickel porphyrinMari Carmen Piqueras and Celeste McMichael Rohlfing
    88-95Approximate second order method for orbital optimization of SCF and MCSCF wavefunctionsGalina Chaban, Michael W. Schmidt and Mark S. Gordon
    96-109Extremely localized molecular orbitals (ELMO): a non-orthogonal Hartree-Fock methodMarc Couty, Craig A. Bayse and Michael B. Hall
    110-118Bond lengths and reorganization energies in fullerenes and their ionsGrigorijus Duškesas and Sven Larsson
    119-124Auxiliary basis sets for main row atoms and transition metals and their use to approximate Coulomb potentialsKarin Eichkorn, Florian Weigend, Oliver Treutler and Reinhart Ahlrichs
    125-135Spinor optimization for a relativistic spin-dependent CASSCF programTimo Fleig, Christel M. Marian and Jeppe Olsen
    136-142A theoretical study of the N8 cubane to N8 pentalene isomerization reactionLaura Gagliardi, Stefano Evangelisti, Per-Olof Widmark and Björn O. Roos
    143-149Valence ionization potentials and cation radicals of prototype porphyrins. The remarkable performance of nonlocal density functional theoryAbhik Ghosh and Torgil Vangberg
    150-157A systematic ab initio study of the water dimer in hierarchies of basis sets and correlation modelsAsger Halkier, Henrik Koch, Poul Jørgensen, Ove Christiansen and Ida M. Beck Nielsen, et al.
    158-163The impact of the resolution of the identity approximate integral method on modern ab initio algorithm developmentRick A. Kendall and Herbert A. Früchtl
    164-176Multiple basis sets in calculations of triples corrections in coupled-cluster theoryWim Klopper, Jozef Noga, Henrik Koch and Trygve Helgaker
    177-184Direct relativistic MP2: properties of ground state CuF, AgF and AuFJon K. Laerdahl, Trond Saue and Knut Faegri Jr.
    185-194A challenge for density functional theory: the XONO and XNO2 (X=F, Cl, and Br) moleculesTimothy J. Lee, Charles W. Bauschlicher Jr. and Dylan Jayatilaka
    195-202Density functional theory and post-Hartree-Fock studies on molecular structure and harmonic vibrational spectrum of formaldehydeJerzy Leszczynski, Lionel Goodman and Józef S. Kwiatkowski
    203-210On the significance of the trigger reaction in the action of the calicheamicin γ1I anti-cancer drugRoland Lindh, Ulf Ryde and Martin Schütz
    211-226Network computing: the Hartree-Fock calculation as a modelHans Peter Lüthi
    227-231Coupling between the convergence behavior of basis set and electron correlation: a quantitative studyJan M. L. Martin
    232-239Effective dynamic correlation in multiconfigurational wave-function calculations on atoms and moleculesItai Panas and Anders Snis
    240-250Molecular integrals over Gaussian-type geminal basis functionsB. Joakim Persson and Peter R. Taylor
    251-259Benchmark calculations with correlated molecular wave functions
    260-270Expectation values of operators in approximate two-component relativistic theoriesMaria Barysz and Andrzej J. Sadlej
    271-276Structures and vibrational spectra for protonated carbonyl sulfideSvein Saebø, Maria M. Sanz and Stephen C. Foster
    277-282Formation of 2-hexene by cationic dimerization of propene: an ab initio and density functional theory studyN. Salhi-Benachenhou, J. R. Alvarez-Idaboy, S. Lunell and L. A. Eriksson
    283-288Electronic structure of axially ligated rhodium carboxylates: π back-bonding revisitedAndrew L. Sargent, Mark E. Rollog and Cassandra T. Eagle
    289-300Hydrogen transfer in the presence of amino acid radicalsPer E. M. Siegbahn, Margareta R. A. Blomberg and Robert H. Crabtree
    301-312A determinantal approach to spin-orbit configuration interactionMerethe Sjøvoll, Odd Gropen and Jeppe Olsen
    313-316The unimolecular chemistry of protonated glycine and the proton affinity of glycine: a computational modelEinar Uggerud
    317-323Variational transition state theory without the minimum-energy pathJordi Villa and Donald G. Truhlar
    324-330Ab initio calculations of the
    331-340RI-MP2: first derivatives and global consistencyFlorian Weigend and Marco Häser
    341-349The X˜1A1, a˜3B1, a˜1B˜1, and B˜1A1 electronic states of SiH2Yukio Yamaguchi, Timothy J. Van Huis, C. David Sherrill and Henry F. Schaefer III

    Volume 98, Number 1 / October 1997

    1-4Analytical first derivatives of the energy for small CI expansionsS. Patchkovskii and W. Thiel
    5-15Ab initio self-consistent reaction field calculations on amino acids: asparagine zwitterions in polar medium and gas phaseJ. T. López Navarrete, J. Casado, V. Hernández and F. J. Ramírez
    16-24Kohn-Sham potentials corresponding to Slater and Gaussian basis set densitiesP. R. T. Schipper, O. V. Gritsenko and E. J. Baerends
    25-32Contracted polarization functions for the atoms helium through neonTakeshi Noro, Masahiro Sekiya and Toshikatsu Koga
    33-41Calculations of rate constants for reactions of first and second row cationsA. I. González, D. C. Clary and M. Yáñez
    42-49Reliability of MEP and MEP-derived properties computed from DFT methods for molecules containing P, S and CLRobert Soliva, Francisco J. Luque and Modesto Orozco
    50-56Application of the iterative difference-dedicated configuration interaction method to the determination of excitation energies in some benchmark systems: Be, CH+, BH and CH2V. M. García, M. Reguero and R. Caballol
    57-63Multireference perturbation CI I. Extrapolation procedures with CAS or selected zero-order spacesCelestino Angeli, Renzo Cimiraglia, Maurizio Persico and Alessandro Toniolo

    Volume 98, Numbers 2-3 / December 1997

    65-67On the calculation of a limit for infinite systems from data on finite systemsDaniel A. Morales
    68-70Approximate molecular relativistic Dirac-Coulomb calculations using a simple Coulombic correctionLucas Visscher
    71-74Contracted polarization functions for B to ArHiroshi Tatewaki, Tomohiro Hashimoto and Kimihiko Hirao
    75-84CCSD(T) expectation value calculations of first-order propertiesMiroslav Medveď, Miroslav Urban and Jozef Noga
    85-109A universal model for the quantum mechanical calculation of free energies of solvation in non-aqueous solventsDavid J. Giesen, Gregory D. Hawkins, Daniel A. Liotard, Christopher J. Cramer and Donald G. Truhlar
    110-116A potential harmonic method for the three-body coulomb problemWensheng Bian and Conghao Deng
    117-128Multireference perturbation CI II. Selection of the zero-order spaceCelestino Angeli and Maurizio Persico
    129-136Analytical Hartree-Fock electron densities for singly charged cations and anionsToshikatsu Koga and Hisashi Matsuyama
    137-153The alternant hydrocarbon pairing theorem and all-valence electrons theory. An approximate LCOAO theory for the electronic absorption and MCD spectra of conjugated organic compounds, part 2Jens Spanget-Larsen

    Volume 98, Number 4 / January 1998

    155-164FSGO band structure calculations of polyethers in Fourier spaceI. Flamant, J. G. Fripiat and J. Delhalle
    165-170A CSF-based multi-reference coupled pair approximation
    171-181Overcoming barriers in macromolecular simulations: non-Boltzmann thermodynamic integrationNobuyuki Ota and Axel T. Brünger
    182-191Superposition of nonorthogonal Slater determinants towards electron correlation problemsSeiichiro Ten-no
    192-196Solution of the Schrödinger equation for two different molecular potentials by the Nikiforov-Uvarov methodFevzi Büyükiliç, Harun Egˇrifes and Dogˇan Demirhan
    197-201A criterion for the confluence of two seams of conical intersection in triatomic moleculesDavid R. Yarkony
    202-205Calculation of quantum mechanical free energy at low temperatureJenn-Kang Hwang
    206-211The Role of Electrostatics in Chemistry

    Volume 99, Number 1 / February 1998

    1-7An efficient treatment of kinematic factors in pseudo-relativistic calculations of electronic structureMerethe Sjøvoll, Hilde Fagerli, Odd Gropen, Jan Almlöf and Bernd Schimmelpfennig, et al.
    8-17Optimization of virtual orbitals in the framework of a multiconfiguration spin-coupled wave functionNick J. Clarke, Mario Raimondi, Maurizio Sironi, Joseph Gerratt and David L. Cooper
    18-28First principles calculation of the thermodynamic properties of silicon clustersDavid W. Dean and James R. Chelikowsky
    29-33Why are buckyonions round?Kevin R. Bates and Gustavo E. Scuseria
    34-43Variation of surface partition in GEPOL: effects on solvation free energy and free-energy profilesChristian S. Pomelli and Jacopo Tomasi
    44-52Second-order quantum similarity measures from intracule and extracule densitiesXavier Fradera, Miquel Duran and Jordi Mestres
    53-59Perturbation calculation of the interaction energy using orthogonalized orbitalsViliam Laurinc, Vladimír Lukeś and Stanislav Biskupič
    60-63Hydrogen bonding and dissociation effects on the gas phase proton transfer reactions of ozoneR. Contreras, V. S. Safont, J. Andrés, P. Pérez and A. Aizman, et al.
    64-67Spin-coupled calculations based on projected spin eigenfunctionsBritt Friis-Jensen, David L. Cooper and Sten Rettrup
    68-70On the validity of the counterpoise correction for the basis set superposition error including the fragment relaxation termsV. M. Rayón and J. A. Sordo

    Volume 99, Number 2 / April 1998

    71-82Density functional calculations of NMR chemical shifts and ESR g-tensorsGeorg Schreckenbach and Tom Ziegler
    83-87A comparative analysis of Hartree-Fock and Kohn-Sham orbital energiesPeter Politzer and Fakher Abu-Awwad
    88-94Theoretical investigation on the GaH molecule and its positive ionYuji Mochizuki and Kiyoshi Tanaka
    95-99The singlet and triplet states of phenyl cation. A hybrid approach for locating minimum energy crossing points between non-interacting potential energy surfacesJeremy N. Harvey, Massimiliano Aschi, Helmut Schwarz and Wolfram Koch
    100-105Fock space multireference coupled cluster theory: noniterative inclusion of triples for excitation energiesNayana Vaval, Sourav Pal and Debashis Mukherjee
    106-112The vibrational frequencies of CaO2, ScO2, and TiO2: a comparison of theoretical methodsMarzio Rosi, Charles W. Bauschlicher, George V. Chertihin and Lester Andrews
    113-115Can triple bonds exist between gold and main-group elements?Pekka Pyykkö and Toomas Tamm
    116-123Isocyanides as hydrogen bond acceptorsIbon Alkorta, Isabel Rozas and Jose Elguero
    124-134Some organic and organometallic molecules with remarkably large second hyperpolarizabilitiesM. G. Papadopoulos, S. G. Raptis, I. N. Demetrouplos and S. M. Nasiou
    135-140Investigation of a hybrid TCSCF-DFT procedureP. Borowski, K. D. Jordan, J. Nichols and P. Nachtigall

    Volume 99, Number 3 / May 1998

    143-150Some fundamental questions in chemical reactivityJuan Bertrán
    151-157Theoretical studies on the structure of M+BF−4 ion pairs M = Li+, NH+4: the role of electrostatics and electron correlationC. H. Suresh, S. R. Gadre and S. P. Gejji
    158-165Inclusion of exact exchange for self-interaction corrected H3 density functional potential energy surfaceGabor I. Csonka and Benny G. Johnson
    166-170Density functional calculations of the pseudorotational flexibility of tetrahydrofuranMarek Štrajbl and Jan Florián
    171-174Computational studies of bond dissociation energies, ionization potentials, and heat of formation for NH and NH+. Are hybrid density functional theory methods as accurate as quadratic complete basis set and Gaussian-2 ab initio methods?Branko S. Jursic
    175-182Basis-set dependence of nuclear spin-spin coupling constantsTrygve Helgaker, Michał Jaszuński, Kenneth Ruud and Anna Górska
    183-191Theory of non-local (pair site) reactivity from model static-density response functionsRenato Contreras, Juan Andrés, Patricia Pérez, Arie Aizman and Orlando Tapia
    192-196MIDI! basis set for silicon, bromine, and iodineJiabo Li, Christopher J. Cramer and Donald G. Truhlar
    197-206A scalable divide-and-conquer algorithm combining coarse and fine-grain parallelizationSor Koon Goh, Carlos P. Sosa and Alain St-Amant
    207-208Computationally useful bridge diagram series for the structure and thermodynamics of Lennard-Jones fluidsJohn Perkyns and B. Montgomery Pettit

    Volume 99, Number 4 / July 1998

    209TCA reduces publication time of contributions
    210-214A theoretical study of the photochemical reductive elimination and thermal oxidative addition of molecular hydrogen from and to the Ir-complexY. Hayashi, H. Nakai, Y. Tokita and H. Nakatsuji
    215-219A new technique for the early detection of stiffness in coupled differential equations and application to standard Runge-Kutta algorithmsMorris Bader
    220-223Parallel implementation of a divide and conquer semiempirical algorithmJames J. Vincent, Steven L. Dixon and Kenneth M. Merz Jr.
    224-230Subduction of Q-conjugacy representations and characteristic monomials for combinatorial enumerationShinsaku Fujita
    231-240Quantum Monte Carlo study of Be2 and group 12 dimers M2 (M = Zn, Cd, Hg)F. Schautz, H.-J. Flad and M. Dolg
    241-247Global geometry optimization of small silicon clusters at the level of density functional theoryBernd Hartke
    248-254Electron affinities, excitation energies and ionization potentials of the transition metals (I) Sc and TiNobuaki Miura, Takeshi Noro, Fukashi Sasaki and You Osanai
    255-264Computation of stationary points via a homotopy methodStefan Ackermann and Wolfgang Kliesch
    265-271Extrapolation to the limit of a complete basis set for electronic structure calculations on the N2 moleculeWim Klopper and Trygve Helgaker
    272-276Structure and stabilities of (HA1NH)n (n = 2–4)Xianyang Chen, Chongde Li, Tao Wu, Tianyang Yao and Guanzhi Ju

    Volume 99, Number 5 / September 1998

    279-288Recent advances in molecular dynamics simulation towards the realistic representation of biomolecules in solutionThomas E. Cheatham III. and Bernard R. Brooks
    289-294Complete basis set ab initio computational study of ionization potential, electron affinity and the C-F bond dissociation energy for perfluorinated methane derivativesBranko S. Jursic
    295-300Stationary points on the H2CO potential energy surface: dependence on theoretical levelFrank Jensen
    301-311Gas phase and water solution conformational analysis of the herbicide diuron (DCMU): an ab initio studyHélio F. Dos Santos, Patrick J. O'Malley and Wagner B. De Almeida
    312-319An ab initio study of the conformational preferences of Hoechst 33258 in gas-phase and aqueous solution environmentsCarlos Alemán
    320-328Atomic one- and two-electron subshell moments in position and momentum spacesToshikatsu Koga and Hisashi Matsuyama
    329-343One - determinantal pure state versus ensemble Kohn-Sham solutions in the case of strong electron correlation: CH2 and C2P. R. T. Schipper, O. V. Gritsenko and E. J. Baerends
    344-346Grid-free DFT implementation of local and gradient-corrected XC functionalsGerd Berghold, Jürg Hutter and Michele Parrinello
    347-350Calculating Gibbs free energies of transfer from Gibbs ensemble Monte Carlo simulationsMarcus G. Martin and J. Ilja Siepmann
    351-356Variational solution of the single-particle Dirac equation in the field of two nuclei using relativistically adapted Slater basis functionsL. LaJohn and J. D. Talman

    Volume 99, Number 6 / November 1998

    357Use of Digital Object Identifiers
    358-365Modification of Guest and Saunders open shell SCF equations to exclude BSSE from molecular interaction calculationsA. Famulari, E. Gianinetti, M. Raimondi, M. Sironi and I. Vandoni
    366-371Relativistic and nonrelativistic finite nucleus optimized double zeta basis sets for the 4p, 5p and 6p elementsKenneth G. Dyall
    372-377Counterpoise-corrected potential energy surfaces of simple H-bonded systemsPavel Hobza and Zdenvk Havlas
    378-383The structure and energetics of cryolite meltsM. Micov, L. Turi Nagy, D. Tunega, M. Liška and P. Perichta
    384-390Calculation of macroscopic first- and third-order optical susceptibilities for the benzene crystalH. Reis, S. Raptis, M. G. Papadopoulos, R. H. C. Janssen and D. N. Theodorou, et al.
    391-403Towards an order-N DFT methodC. Fonseca Guerra, J. G. Snijders, G. te Velde and E. J. Baerends
    404-410Direct subduction of Q-conjugacy representations to give characteristic monomials for combinatorial enumerationShinsaku Fujita
    411-419A theoretical study of substituent effects on the structure of isolated and condensed three-membered rings. A comparison between radicals and parent hydrocarbonsRoger Arnaud, Robert Subra and Vincenzo Barone
    420-425Efficient boundary basis functions for time-independent quantum scattering calculationsHyo Weon Jang
    426-428The saddle point of the nucleophilic substitution reaction Cl− + CH3Cl: results of large-scale coupled cluster calculationsPeter Botschwina

    Volume 100, Numbers 1-4 / November 1998

    3-4Wilfried Meyer
    5-11Analytic UHF-CCSD(T) second derivatives: implementation and application to the calculation of the vibration-rotation interaction constants of NCO and NCSPéter G. Szalay, Jürgen Gauss and John F. Stanton
    12-20The unrestricted natural orbital-restricted active space method: methodology and implementationPawel M. Kozlowski and Peter Pulay
    21-30Reaction path following by quadratic steepest descentFrank Eckert and Hans-Joachim Werner
    31-35Generalization of the nonlocal resonance model for low-energy electron collisions with hydrogen halides: the variable threshold exponentJ. Horáček, M. Čížek and W. Domcke
    36-50Diatomic potential well depths from analyses of high-resolution electron energy spectra for autoionizing collision complexesH. Hotop, T. E. Roth, M.-W. Ruf and A. J. Yencha
    51-59Spin-orbit and spin-spin couplings in He2 and He2−N. Bjerre, A. O. Mitrushenkov, P. Palmieri and P. Rosmus
    60-64Possible long-lived quartet resonance states of CO−A. Dreuw, T. Sommerfeld and L. S. Cederbaum
    65-77Dissociative recombination of HeH+. I. Rovibrational spectrum of HeH Rydberg statesWolfgang P. Kraemer and Per-Åke Malmqvist
    78-84Static electric properties of LiH: explicitly correlated coupled cluster calculationsDaniel Tunega and Jozef Noga
    85-102Toward spectroscopic accuracy of ab initio calculations of vibrational frequencies and related quantities: a case study of the HF moleculeH. Müller, R. Franke, S. Vogtner, R. Jaquet and W. Kutzelnigg
    103-111Core-valence correlation effects for molecules containing first-row atoms. Accurate results using effective core polarization potentialsAndreas Nicklass and Kirk A. Peterson
    112-116Theoretical treatment of predissociation of the CO (3sσ) B and (3pσ) C1Σ+ Rydberg states based on a rigorous adiabatic representationYan Li, Robert J. Buenker and Gerhard Hirsch
    117-123Calculation of ground- and excited-state potential energy curves for barium-rare gas complexes in a pseudopotential approachE. Czuchaj, F. Rebentrost, H. Stoll and H. Preuss
    124-133Pseudopotential study of the ground and excited states of Yb2Yixuan Wang and Michael Dolg
    134-146A theoretical study of the acetylide anion, HCC−Mirjana Mladenović, Peter Botschwina, Peter Sebald and Stuart Carter
    147-153Periodic orbits and vibrational wave functions for DCP: nonlinear resonances in isotopically substituted moleculesStavros C. Farantos, Christian Beck and Reinhard Schinke
    154-170Quenching of Li (2P) by H2: potential energy surfaces, conical intersection seam, and diabatic basesEugene S. Kryachko and David R. Yarkony
    171-182Excited states of acetylene: a CASPT2 studyKarsten Malsch, Rupert Rebentisch, Petra Swiderek and Georg Hohlneicher
    183-190Anharmonic force field and spectroscopic constants of silene: an ab initio studyJürgen Breidung and Walter Thiel
    191-198Extensions and tests of “multimode”: a code to obtain accurate vibration/rotation energies of many-mode moleculesStuart Carter, Joel M. Bowman and Nicholas C. Handy
    199-203Geminate recombination processes induced by rare gas collisions with predissociating NaI molecules prepared by femtosecond excitationH. Dietz and V. Engel
    204-211Ab initio quantum dynamical study of the vinylidene-acetylene isomerizationR. Schork and H. Köppel
    212-221Ab initio quantum chemical study of the formation, decomposition and isomerization of the formaldiminoxy radical (CH2NO): comparison of the Gaussian-2 and CASPT2 techniques in the calculation of potential energy surfacesWarwick A. Shapley and George B. Bacskay
    222-229Modern valence-bond description of chemical reaction mechanisms: the 1,3-dipolar addition of fulminic acid to ethynePeter B. Karadakov, David L. Cooper and Joseph Gerratt
    230-240Dispersion coefficients for first hyperpolarizabilities using coupled cluster quadratic response theoryChristof Hättig and Poul Jørgensen
    241-252Ab initio correlation corrections to the Hartree-Fock quasi band-structure of periodic systems employing Wannier-type orbitalsMartin Albrecht, Peter Reinhardt and Jean-Paul Malrieu
    253-263Choosing GTO basis sets for periodic HF calculationsArmin Grüneich and Bernd A. Heß

    Volume 100, Numbers 5-6 / December 1998

    265-274On the automatic restricted-step rational-function-optimization methodEmili Besalú and Josep Maria Bofill
    275-284Correlated calculations of indirect nuclear spin-spin coupling constants using second-order polarization propagator approximations: SOPPA and SOPPA(CCSD)Thomas Enevoldsen, Jens Oddershede and Stephan P. A. Sauer
    285-299Bifurcation of reaction pathways: the set of valley ridge inflection points of a simple three-dimensional potential energy surfaceWolfgang Quapp, Michael Hirsch and Dietmar Heidrich
    300-306Complexes of ammonia with propane and cyclopropane: electrostatic guidelines for ab initio treatmentShridhar R. Gadre and Pravin K. Bhadane
    307-313Implementation of the IMOMM methodology for performing combined QM/MM molecular dynamics simulations and frequency calculationsTom K. Woo, Luigi Cavallo and Tom Ziegler
    314-323Encapsulated spin function for periodic latticesF. Pétuaud-Létang, A. Fritsch, G. Bignonneau and L. Ducasse
    324-328Multireference perturbation CI III. Fast evaluation of the one-particle density matrixCelestino Angeli, Renzo Cimiraglia and Maurizio Persico
    329-332High level ab initio and density functional theory study of bond selective dissociation of CH3SH and CH3CH2SH radical cationsBranko S. Jursic
    333-338Toward a transferable parametrization for carbon in a periodic semi-empirical molecular orbital schemeL. De Maria, M. Peressi and S. Baroni

    Volume 101, Numbers 1-3 / February 1999

    1Computational chemistry and the living world: from sequence to function
    2-8“Topohydrophobic positions” as key markers of globular protein foldsAnne Poupon and Jean-Paul Mornon
    9-15How possible is the detection of correlated mutations?P. Tufféry, M. Durand and P. Darlu
    16-20Prediction of protein structure using a knowledge-based off-lattice united-residue force field and global optimization methodsAdam Liwo, Jarosław Pillardy, Rajmund Kaźmierkiewicz, Ryszard J. Wawak and Małgorzata Groth, et al.
    21-26Neural networks to study invariant features of protein foldingM. Compiani, P. Fariselli, P. L. Martelli and R. Casadio
    27-32Stabilization centers in various proteinsZsuzsanna Dosztányi and István Simon
    33-40Analyzing patterns between regular secondary structures using short structural building blocks defined by a hidden Markov modelA. C. Camproux, P. Tuffery, L. Buffat, C. André and J. F. Boisvieux, et al.
    41-45A statistical analytical approach to predict the secondary structure of proteins from amino acid sequence informationShrish Tiwari and Boojala V. B. Reddy
    46-50Prediction of stability changes upon single-site mutations using database-derived potentialsDimitri Gilis and Marianne Rooman
    51-56Molecular modeling of the hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1)G. Michel, E. Minet, I. Ernest, F. Durant and J. Remacle, et al.
    57-61SeqFold – fully automated fold recognition and modeling software – evaluation and applicationKrzysztof A. Olszewski, Lisa Yan and David J. Edwards
    62-66Adaptive umbrella sampling of the potential energy: modified updating procedure of the umbrella potential and application to peptide foldingChristian Bartels, Michael Schaefer and Martin Karplus
    67-72Dimer models for ErbB-2/neu transmembrane domains from molecular dynamics simulationsNicolas Sajot, Norbert Garnier and Monique Genest
    73-76A new “hydrophobic template” method detects segments forming transmembrane α-helical bundles in ion channelsRoman G. Efremov, Gérard Vergoten and Alexander S. Arseniev
    77-81Sequence classification of water channels and related proteins in view of functional predictionsB. Tallur, J. Nicolas, A. Froger, D. Thomas and C. Delamarche
    82-86Molecular dynamics simulations of the isolated domain 1 of annexin ITru Huynh, Gabriel Musat, Jean-Michel Neumann, Jeremy C. Smith and Alain Sanson
    87-91Dynamics of the transmembrane domain of the ErbB-2 receptorJean-Pierre Duneau, Serge Crouzy, Yves Chapron and Monique Genest
    92-96Molecular modelling of amphipathic basic model peptides: Interactions in aqueous solutions and in the presence of lipidsDenise Sy, Cécile Mangavel and Jean Antoine Reynaud
    97-102Ion channels of biological membranes: prediction of single channel conductanceKishani M. Ranatunga, Charlotte Adcock, Ian D. Kerr, Graham R. Smith and Mark S. P. Sansom
    103-113C–H...O and C–H...N interactions in RNA structuresMaria Brandl, Klaus Lindauer, Michael Meyer and Jürgen Sühnel
    114-120Sequence dependence of DNA radioprotection by the thiols WR-1065 and WR-151326D. Sy, C. Durand, S. Hugot, C. Savoye and C. Swenberg, et al.
    121-125Molecular modeling study of an abasic DNA undecamer duplex: d(GCGTGOGTGCG) · d(CGCACTCACGC)L. Ayadi and C. Coulombeau
    126-130Study of flexible joints and permanent bends in DNA fragments by brownian dynamics simulationsGiuseppe Chirico and Maddalena Collini
    131-137MCSS-based predictions of RNA binding sitesFabrice Leclerc and Martin Karplus
    138-142Examining ligand-protein interactions with binding-energy landscapesPaul A. Rejto, Djamal Bouzida and Gennady M. Verkhivker
    143-150Theoretical investigation of histidine-tryptophan preferential interactionsGiuliano Alagona, Caterina Ghio, Alessandro Giolitti and Susanna Monti
    151-158Towards a theory of molecular recognitionPatrick Le Guennec
    159-162Theoretical pKa calculations of proteins; the tyrosine and lysine residues of b-elicitinHans J. Vogel and André H. Juffer
    163-169Poisson-Boltzmann calculations versus molecular dynamics simulations for calculating the electrostatic potential of a solvated peptideGerald Löffler
    170-174Peptides in membranes: assessment of environmental effects via simulations using an implicit solvation modelRoman G. Efremov, Dmitry E. Nolde, Gérard Vergoten and Alexander S. Arseniev
    175-179Identifying key electrostatic interactions in Rhizomucor miehei lipase: the influence of solvent dielectricSanna Jääskeläinen, Chandra S. Verma, Roderick E. Hubbard and Leo S. D. Caves
    180-185The effect of the protein environment on the structure and charge distribution of the retinal Schiff base in bacteriorhodopsinEmadeddin Tajkhorshid and Sándor Suhai
    186-193Prediction of solvent accessibility of amino acid residues: critical aspectsM. H. Mucchielli-Giorgi, P. Tufféry and S. Hazout
    194-204Solution conformations of structured peptides: continuum electrostatics versus distance-dependent dielectric functionsMichael Schaefer, Christian Bartels and Martin Karplus
    205-208Enhanced protein crystallization around the metastable critical pointPieter Rein ten Wolde and Daan Frenkel
    209-214Why betaine crystallizes in high local Cs symmetry. An ab initio MO and DFT study of anhydrous betaine and betaine monohydrateTommi H. Nyrönen, Reijo Suontamo and Ilkka Pitkänen
    215-222Structure effects on isomerization pathways and vibrational spectra of epoxysaccharides: a numerical studySvetlana G. Kirillova, Victor M. Andrianov and Rostislav G. Zhbankov
    223-227Information about the biologically relevant properties of Clostridium pasteurianum rubredoxin obtained from modeling and dynamics simulations of molecular variantsJ.-M. Moulis
    228-233Transition state structure invariance to model system size and calculation levels: a QM/MM study of the carboxylation step catalyzed by RubiscoV. Moliner, J. Andrés, M. Oliva, V. S. Safont and O. Tapia
    234-240Transition-state structures for describing the enzyme-catalyzed mechanisms of rubiscoJ. Andrés, M. Oliva, V. S. Safont, V. Moliner and O. Tapia
    241-245Modelling the active site of glyceraldehyde-3 phosphate dehydrogenase with the LSCF formalismAlain Cartier, David Brown, Bernard Maigret, Sandrine Boschi-Muller and Sophie Rahuel-Clermont, et al.

    Volume 101, Number 4 / March 1999

    247-256Convergence of the density functional one-centre expansion for the molecular continuum: N2 and (CH3)3NM. Stener, G. De Alti and P. Decleva
    257-261Theoretical investigation of the GaF molecule and its positive ionYuji Mochizuki and Kiyoshi Tanaka
    262-268Molecular fragment approach to the study of pyrrole oligomers and polypyrroleRenato Colle, Raffaele Montagnani and Oriano Salvetti
    269-273Determination of a set of parameters for the molecular modelling of phosphorothioate DNAH. O. Bertrand, A. Pullman, K. Zakrzewska, B. Hartmann and S. Fermandjian
    274-281Conformational free energy surface of the linear DPDPE peptide: cost of pre-organization for disulfide bond formationYan Wang and Krzysztof Kuczera
    282-291Degenerate symmetry-adapted perturbation theory of weak interactions between closed- and open-shell monomers: application to Rydberg states of helium hydrideTatiana Korona, Bogumil Jeziorski, Robert Moszynski and Geerd H. F. Diercksen
    292-296Theoretical spectroscopic constants of the GaN moleculeYuji Mochizuki and Kiyoshi Tanaka
    297-308Electric and magnetic multipole integrals in STO basis sets: an analytical approachMichael E. Beck and Georg Hohlneicher
    309Erratum: Theor Chem Acc (1997) 98:85–109

    Volume 101, Number 5 / April 1999

    311-318Theoretical analysis of the internal rotation in aminoborane and borylphosphineYirong Mo and Sigrid D. Peyerimhoff
    319-324Interaction energy anisotropy of the pyrrole dimer: ab initio theoretical studyVladimír Lukeš, Martin Breza and Stanislav Biskupič
    325-331Valence p functions for alkali and alkaline-earth atomsHiroshi Tatewaki and Toshikatsu Koga
    332-335Multireference coupled-pair approximation study of the CuSi moleculeMutsumi Tomonari, Yuji Mochizuki and Kiyoshi Tanaka
    336-342Molecular dynamics simulation in aqueous solution of N-methylazetidinone as a model of β-lactam antibioticsJesús Pitarch, Juan-Luis Pascual-Ahuir, Estanislao Silla, Iñaki Tuñón and Manuel F. Ruiz-López, et al.
    343-351A theoretical study on the first ionic states of vinyl fluoride, vinyl chloride, trifluoroethylene, and trichloroethylene with an analysis of the vibrational structures of the photoelectron spectraKouichi Takeshita
    352-358Visual valence bond rules for chemical reactionsZexing Cao, Hui Xian, Wei Wu and Qianer Zhang
    359-363The partial averaging Fourier path Integral approach based on the harmonic reference pathJenn-Kang Hwang

    Volume 101, Number 6 / May 1999

    365-370Prediction of 13C NMR chemical shifts in substituted naphthalenesC. A. L. Mahaffy, J. R. Nanney and R. E. Jetton
    371-387Isomer combinatorics for acyclic conjugated polyenes: enumeration and beyondLaimutis Bytautas and Douglas J. Klein
    388-395Gas-phase properties and Fukui indices of sulfine (CH2SO). Potential energy surface and maximum hardness principle for its protonation process. A density functional studyT. Mineva, N. Russo, E. Sicilia and M. Toscano
    396-408An implementation of the conductor-like screening model of solvation within the Amsterdam density functional packageCory C. Pye and Tom Ziegler
    409-420Möbius function and characteristic monomials for combinatorial enumerationShinsaku Fujita
    421-425The scalar relativistic contribution to gallium halide bond energiesCharles W. Bauschlicher Jr.
    426-434Application of a pairwise generalized Born model to proteins and nucleic acids: inclusion of salt effectsJayashree Srinivasan, Megan W. Trevathan, Paul Beroza and David A. Case
    435-438Vibrational and correlation effects on properties of waterGlenisson de Oliveira and Clifford E. Dykstra
    439Mathematical® computer programs for physical chemistryRobert Q. Topper

    Volume 102, Numbers 1-6 / June 1999

    3Personal history of Professor Kenichi Fukui
    4-6Kenichi Fukui: recollections of a friendshipRobert G. Parr and Jane B. Parr
    7-8Recollecting many years of friendship with Professor Kenichi FukuiSaburo Nagakura
    9-11Prof. Kenichi Fukui 1918–1998 Theoretical chemist who created the fundamental theory of chemical reactivityTeijiro Yonezawa and Chikayoshi Nagata
    12A selection of the most important publications of Professor Kenichi Fukui
    13-22Publications of Professor Kenichi Fukui
    23-32Direct and indirect band gap types in one-dimensional conjugated or stacked organic materialsDong-Kyun Seo and Roald Hoffmann
    33-38META 4. Prediction of the metabolism of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbonsGilles Klopman, Meihua Tu and Bo Tao Fan
    39-48Atomic electron-pair distances and subshell radii in position and momentum spaceToshikatsu Koga and Hisashi Matsuyama
    49-64Theoretical study of the valence π → π* excited states of polyacenes: anthracene and naphthaceneYukio Kawashima, Tomohiro Hashimoto, Haruyuki Nakano and Kimihiko Hirao
    65-71Orbital phase control of the conformations of α- and β-substituted enamines and vinyl ethersSatoshi Inagaki and Shigenori Ohashi
    72-77Topological structures of tetrahedral (Td and T) fullerenes with hexagonal and triangular faces and their vibration and NMR spectraAu Chin Tang and Qian Shu Li
    78-86An ab initio study of electrophilic aromatic substitutionDaniel Zerong Wang and Andrew Streitwieser
    87-91Ab initio studies on the mechanism of dimerization reactions of ketene imine and bis(trifluoromethyl)ketene imineXiaoyuan Fu, Yan Wang and Decai Fang
    92-96Cyanovinyl radical: an illustration of the poor performance of unrestricted perturbation theory and density functional theory procedures in calculating radical stabilization energiesChristopher J. Parkinson, Paul M. Mayer and Leo Radom
    97-104Equation for the direct determination of the density matrix: Time-dependent density equation and perturbation theoryHiroshi Nakatsuji
    105-111Contracted Gaussian-type basis functions revisited. III. Atoms K through KrToshikatsu Koga, Hiroshi Tatewaki, Hisashi Matsuyama and Yasuharu Satoh
    112-120New approaches to chiral discrimination in coupling between moleculesD. P. Craig and T. Thirunamachandran
    121-126Density functional study on zerovalent lanthanide bis(arene)-sandwich complexesHai-gang Lu and Le-min Li
    127-133The spin-forbidden reaction CH(2∏) + N2→ HCN + N(4S) revisited I. Ab initio study of the potential energy surfacesQiang Cui and Keiji Morokuma
    134-138Weighted HOMO-LUMO energy separation as an index of kinetic stability for fullerenesJun-ichi Aihara
    139-146Frontier-orbital analyses of ketene [2+2] cycloadditionsShinichi Yamabe, Kayoko Kuwata and Tsutomu Minato
    147-160Inhibition mechanism of flavin by deprenyl as an acetylenic irreversible inhibitorSachiko Nakai, Fumio Yoneda, Tokio Yamabe and Kenichi Fukui
    161-164SAC-CI general-R study of the ionization spectrum of HClM. Ehara, P. Tomasello, J. Hasegawa and H. Nakatsuji
    165-169RISM-SCF study of the free-energy profile of the Menshutkin-type reaction NH3+CH3Cl→NH3CH3++Cl− in aqueous solutionKazunari Naka, Hirofumi Sato, Akihiro Morita, Fumio Hirata and Shigeki Kato
    170-179Cluster modeling of metal oxides: case study of MgO and the CO/MgO adsorption systemX. Xu, H. Nakatsuji, X. Lu, M. Ehara and Y. Cai, et al.
    180-187Molecular and electronic structures of bipolaron in poly-para-phenylene in terms of molecular orbital symmetryAkira Imamura, Yuuichi Orimoto and Yuriko Aoki
    188-195Chemical potential inequality principleAkitomo Tachibana
    196-206Argon-matrix-isolation Raman spectra and density functional study of 1,3-butadiene conformersCheol Ho Choi, Miklos Kertesz, Sergey Dobrin and Josef Michl
    207-225Ab initio calculations find 2,2-disilylcyclopentane-1,3-diyl is a singlet diradical with a high barrier to ring closureWilliam T. G. Johnson, David A. Hrovat, Anne Skancke and Weston Thatcher Borden
    226-236Theoretical studies of the potential energy surface and wavepacket dynamics of the Li3 systemMasahiro Ehara and Koichi Yamashita
    237-243Density functional study of ethylene oxidation on an Ag(111) surfaceHisayoshi Kobayashi, Katsumi Nakashiro and Tomoatsu Iwakuwa
    244-251Theoretical study on decomposition of γ-halo allylalkoxide and β-halo acrylate ionsKenzi Hori, Nobuhisa Saitoh, Shinjiro Kobayashi and Tsugio Kitamura
    252-261Generalization of coupled-cluster response theory to multireference expansion spaces: application of the coupled-cluster singles and doubles effective HamiltonianSeiichiro Ten-no, Suehiro Iwata, Sourav Pal and Debashis Mukherjee
    262-271Ab initio MD simulations of a prototype of methyl chloride hydrolysis with explicit consideration of three water molecules: a comparison of MD trajectories with the IRC pathMisako Aida, Hiroshi Yamataka and Michel Dupuis
    272-278Conformations of ethyl esters versus thiolestersRobert K. Bohn and Kenneth B. Wiberg
    279-284The topology of catchment regions of potential energy hypersurfacesPaul G. Mezey
    285-292Ab initio MO study of ethylene insertion into the Sm–C bond of H2SiCp2SmCH3Nobuaki Koga
    293-299Revisiting superdelocalizability. Mathematical stability of reactivity indicesHaruo Hosoya and Sayaka Iwata
    300-308The Lewis basicity of nitrido complexes. Theoretical investigation of the structure and bonding of Cl2 (PH3)3ReN–X (X = BH3, BCl3, BBr3, AlH3, AlCl3, AlBr3, GaH3, GaCl3, GaBr3, O, S, Se, Te)Sergei F. Vyboishchikov and Gernot Frenking
    309-316A computational study of the Dougherty model for the prediction of high-spin states in organic chemistryPilar Lafuente, Juan J. Novoa, Michael J. Bearpark, Paolo Celani and Massimo Olivucci, et al.
    317-327Development and applications of a relaxation-inducing cluster expansion theory for treating strong relaxation and differential correlation effectsDebasis Jana, Barun Bandyopadhyay and Debashis Mukherjee
    328-345Symmetry and broken symmetries in molecular orbital descriptions of unstable molecules II. Alignment, flustration and tunneling of spins in mesoscopic molecular magnetsK. Yamaguchi, S. Yamanaka, M. Nishino, Y. Takano and Y. Kitagawa, et al.
    346-354Generalized extended empirical bond-order dependent force fields including nonbond interactionsJianwei Che, Tahir Çağın and William A. Goddard III
    355-365Ab initio molecular orbital study of the flavin-catalyzed dehydrogenation reaction of glycine - protein transport channel driving hydride-transfer mechanismKichisuke Nishimoto, Keiko Higashimura and Toshio Asada
    366-376The catalyzed hydrosilation reaction: substituent effectsBrett M. Bode and Mark S. Gordon
    377-384Acetylene-insertion reactions into Pt(II)–H and Pt(II)–SiH3 bonds. An ab initio MO study and analysis based on the vibronic coupling modelManabu Sugimoto, Ichiro Yamasaki, Nobuteru Mizoe, Masaharu Anzai and Shigeyoshi Sakaki
    385-396Thermodynamic behavior of an area-preserving multibaker map with energyS. Tasaki and P. Gaspard
    397-400Bis-periazulene: a simple Kekulé biradical with a triplet ground stateMaja Nendel, Bernd Goldfuss, K. N. Houk, Klaus Hafner and Udo Grieser

    Volume 103, Number 1 / November 1999

    1-8Transition states in modern valence-bond theory: application to the Cope rearrangementJosep M. Oliva
    9-63Extension of the platform of applicability of the SM5.42R universal solvation modelJiabo Li, Tianhai Zhu, Gregory D. Hawkins, Paul Winget and Daniel A. Liotard, et al.
    64-69A theoretical study of the second band of the photoelectron spectrum of benzene with an analysis of the vibrational structureKouichi Takeshita
    70-76Expansion coefficients and moments of electron momentum densities for singly charged ionsToshikatsu Koga, E. Romera, J. S. Dehesa, Hisashi Matsuyama and Ajit J. Thakkar
    77-80Using simplified protein representation as a reference potential for all-atom calculations of folding free energyZ. Z. Fan, J.-K. Hwang and A. Warshel
    81-84Transition structures and exo/endo stereoselectivities of concerted [6 + 4] cycloadditions with density functional theoryE. Goldstein, Brett R. Beno and K. N. Houk
    85Erratum: Theor Chem Acc (1999) 102:317–327

    Volume 103, Number 2 / December 1999

    87-104Monte Carlo algorithms for simulating systems with adiabatic separation of electronic and nuclear degrees of freedomBin Chen and J. Ilja Siepmann
    105-108The angular dependence of the multipole–multipole interaction for energy transferThomas Luxbacher, Harald P. Fritzer, James P. Riehl and Colin D. Flint
    109-116Theoretical study on the lowest-frequency mode of the flavin ringSachiko Nakai, Fumio Yoneda and Tokio Yamabe
    117-123Adiabatic integration formula for the correlation energy functional of the Hartree–Fock densityStanislav Ivanov and Mel Levy
    124-140The Gaussian and augmented-plane-wave density functional method for ab initio molecular dynamics simulationsGerald Lippert, Jürg Hutter and Michele Parrinello
    141-145TiCl, TiH, and TiH+ bond energies: a test of a correlation-consistent Ti basis setCharles W. Bauschlicher Jr
    146-153Calculations of the indirect nuclear spin–spin coupling constants of PbH4Sheela Kirpekar and Stephan P. A. Sauer
    154-162The infrared spectra of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons containing a five-membered ring: symmetry breaking and the B3LYP functionalCharles W. Bauschlicher Jr, Douglas M. Hudgins and Louis J. Allamandola
    163-166Remarks on large-scale matrix diagonalization using a Lagrange–Newton–Raphson minimization in a subspaceJosep Maria Anglada, Emili Besalú and Josep Maria Bofill

    Volume 103, Numbers 3-4 / February 2000

    167A new century of theoretical chemistryC.J. Cramer and D.G. Truhlar
    168-170Perspective on “Zur Quantentheorie der Spektrallinien”
    171-172A Perspective on “Volume and heat of hydration of ions”
    173-176Perspective on “Zur Quantentheorie der Molekeln”
    177-179Perspective on “Wechselwirkung neutraler Atome und homöopolare Bindung nach der Quantenmechanik”
    180-181Perspective on “Neue Berechnung der Energie des Heliums im Grundzustande, sowie des tiefsten Terms von Ortho-Helium”
    182-186Perspective on “Quantum mechanics of many-electron systems”
    187-189Perspective on “Quantentheoretische Beiträge zum Benzolproblem. I. Die Elektronenkonfiguration des Benzols und verwandter Beziehungen”
    190-195Perspective on “The activated complex in chemical reactions”
    196-199Cavity and reaction field: “robust” concepts. Perspective on “Electric moments of molecules in liquids”
    200-204Perspective on “The transition state method”
    205-208Perspective on “Conduction in polar crystals. I. Electrolyte conduction in solid salts”
    209-211Reaction rates in condensed phases. Perspective on “Brownian motion in a field of force and the diffusion model of chemical reactions”
    212-213Perspective on “The effect of shape on the interaction of colloidal particles”
    214-216Perspective on Norman Ramsey's theories of NMR chemical shifts and nuclear spin–spin coupling
    217-218Perspective on “New developments in molecular orbital theory”
    219-220Perspective on “A molecular orbital theory of reactivity in aromatic hydrocarbons”
    221-224Perspective on “The spectra and electronic structure of the tetrahedral ions MnO4, CrO4, and ClO4
    225-227Perspective on “Equation of state calculations by fast computing machines”
    228-230Perspective on “Quantum theory of many-particle systems I, II, and III”
    231-233Perspective on “On the theory of oxidation–reduction reactions involving electron transfer. I”
    234-235Perspective on “Statistical mechanical theory of irreversible processes. I. General theory and simple applications to magnetic and conduction problems.”
    236-237Using classical mechanics in a quantum framework. Perspective on “Semiclassical description of scattering”
    238-241Chemical building blocks in quantum chemical calculations. Perspective on “The density matrix in many-electron quantum mechanics I. Generalized product functions. Factorization and physical interpretation of the density matrices”
    242-247Perspective on “Some recent developments in the theory of molecular energy levels”
    248-251Perspective on “The physical nature of the chemical bond”
    252-256Perspective on “An extended Hückel theory. I. Hydrocarbons”
    257-258Perspective on “Stereochemistry of polypeptide chain conformations”
    259-262Perspective on “Inhomogeneous electron gas”
    263-264Perspective on “Correlations in the motion of atoms in liquid argon”
    265-269Perspective on “Self-consistent equations including exchange and correlation effects”
    270-272Perspective on “Exchange reactions with activation energy. I. Simple barrier potential for (H, H2)”
    273-275Perspective on “On the correlation problem in atomic and molecular systems. Calculation of wavefunction components in Ursell-type expansion using quantum-field theoretical methods”
    276-277Multireference many-body methods. Perspective on “Linked-cluster expansions for the nuclear many-body problem”
    278-280Finding the way through intermolecular forces. Perspective on “Permanent and induced molecular moments and long-range intermolecular forces”
    281-285Perspective on “Molecular collisions. VIII”
    286-288Perspective on “Benzynes, dehydroconjugated molecules, and the interaction of orbitals separated by a number of intervening σ bonds”
    289-291Perspective on “Intermolecular orbital theory of the interactions between conjugated systems.” I General theory; II Thermal and photochemical cycloadditions
    292-293Two landmarks in polymer physics: the Edwards model and de Gennes' observationD. Thirumalai
    294-296Perspective on “Ab initio calculation of force constants and equilibrium geometries in polyatomic molecules. I. Theory”
    297-299Perspective on “Semiclassical theory of atom–diatom collisions: path integrals and the classical S matrix”
    300-305Quantum wavepacket approach to chemical reaction dynamics. Perspective on “Dynamics of the collinear H + H2 reaction. I. Probability density and flux”
    306-307Perspective on “Molecular dynamics study of liquid water”
    308-310Sugar anomerism – a short and sweet digression Perspective on “The application of ab initio molecular orbital theory to the anomeric effect”
    311-312From Xα-scattered wave to end-of-the-century applications of density functional theory in chemistry. Perspective on “Chemical bonding of a molecular transition-metal ion in a crystalline environment”
    313-314Perspective on “Self-consistent molecular Hartree–Flock–Slater calculations”
    315-316Perspective on “MO approach to electronic spectra of radicals”Čársky P, Zahradník R (1973) Top Curr Chem 43: 1Petr Čársky and Rudolf Zahradník
    317-321Perspective on “Group theoretical approach to the configuration interaction and perturbation theory calculations for atomic and molecular systems”
    322-325Perspective on “Theory of self-consistent electron pairs. An iterative method for correlated many-electron wavefunctions”
    326-327Perspective on “Quantum mechanical reactive scattering for three-dimensional atom plus diatom systems. II. Accurate cross sections for H + H2
    328-329Perspective on “Theoretical studies of enzymic reactions: dielectric, electrostatic and steric stabilization of the carbonium ion in the reaction of lysozyme”
    330-331Perspective on “Theoretical interpretation of 1-2 asymmetric induction. The importance of antiperiplanarity”
    332-334Perspective on “Dynamics of folded proteins”
    335-336Perspective on “Statistical mechanics of isomerization dynamics in liquids and the transition state approximation”
    337-339Perspective on “The energetics of enzymatic reactions”
    340-342The origin of the pseudopotential density functional method. Perspective on “Microscopic theory of phase transformation and lattice dynamics of Si”
    343-345Perspective on “Electrostatic interactions of a solute with a continuum. A direct utilization of ab initio molecular potentials for the prevision of solvent effects”
    346-348Perspective on “Density-functional theory for fractional particle number: derivative discontinuities of the energy”
    349-352Perspective on “Principles for a direct SCF approach to LCAO-MO ab initio calculations”
    353-360Perspective on “Density functional approach to the frontier-electron theory of chemical reactivity”
    361-363Perspective on “Density functional thermochemistry. III. The role of exact exchange”

    Volume 103, Number 5 / March 2000

    365-373A modified variation–perturbation approach to zero-point vibrational motionPer-Olof Åstrand, Kenneth Ruud and Dage Sundholm
    374-379The absorption and emission spectra of 1,4-di(2-phenylvinyl)benzene. A theoretical analysisJenwei Yu, W. S. Fann and S. H. Lin
    380-389Conformational profile of 1-aminocyclopropanecarboxylic acidJesus Gomez-Catalan, Carlos Aleman and Juan J. Perez
    390-398Diabatic and adiabatic potential-energy surfaces for azomethane photochemistryPaola Cattaneo and Maurizio Persico
    399-408Structure and stability of gold-substituted diborane, boranes, and borohydride ionsToomas Tamm and Pekka Pyykkö
    409-416Flow-injection responses of diffusion processes and chemical reactionsJens E.T. Andersen
    417-422An orthogonal approach to determine extremely localised molecular orbitalsMaurizio Sironi and Antonino Famulari
    423-430The influence of protecting the hydroxyl group of β-oxy-α-diazo carbonyl compounds in the competition between Wolff rearrangement and [1,2]-hydrogen shift. Density functional theory study and topological analysis of the charge densityS. Calvo-Losada, T. L. Sordo, F. J. López-Herrera and J. J. Quirante
    431-433Ground-state multiplicities of atoms and positive ionsM. G. Marmorino and J. C. Schug
    434-439MRINDO/S-CI calculation of the electronic spectra of azinesR. S. Prasad and A. K. Singh
    440-443Π delocalisation in 1,3-butadiene: a nonempirical molecular orbital studyMelvyn P. Melrose

    Volume 103, Number 6 / April 2000

    445-450Ab initio configuration interaction study on electronically excited 4-dimethylamino-4′-cyanostilbeneYoshiaki Amatatsu
    451-462Hydride-transfer transition structure as a possible unifying redox step for decscribing the branched mechanism of glutathione reductase. Molecular-electronic antecedentsF. Iribarne, M. Paulino and O. Tapia
    463-468Unified analytical treatment of one-electron two-center integrals with noninteger
    469-476Energetics, structures, bonding, and kinetics of the HSCl–HClS systemFernando R. Ornellas
    477-482Improved generator coordinate Hartree–Fock method for molecular systems: application to H2, Li2 and LiHF. E. Jorge, R. Centoducatte and E.V.R. de Castro
    483-494Computation of the influence of chemical substitution on the p
    495-506Orthogonalization corrections for semiempirical methodsWolfgang Weber and Walter Thiel
    507-517Estimating bounds on the highest and lowest eigenvalues of any matrixSrinivasan S. Iyengar, Donald J. Kouri, Gregory A. Parker and David K. Hoffman
    518-523Transport properties of boron and aluminumEugene Levin, James R. Stallcop and Harry Partridge

    Volume 104, Number 1 / May 2000

    1-6Ab initio polypeptide structure predictionPhilippe Derreumaux
    7-12Ab initio study on the dynamical properties of the hydrogen abstraction reaction NH2 + OH → NH + H2OZhen-Feng Xu, De-Cai Fang and Xiao-Yuan Fu
    13-21Does the topological approach characterize the hydrogen bond?Franck Fuster and Bernard Silvi
    22-28A small-core multiconfiguration Dirac–Hartree–Fock-adjusted pseudopotential for Tl – application to Tl
    29-39Isotope effect of hydrogen and lithium hydride molecules. Application of the dynamic extended molecular orbital method and energy component analysisMasanori Tachikawa and Yoshihiro Osamura
    40-49Non adiabatic vibrational resonances in molecules containing low barrier moieties: a classical dynamics studySergio Abbate, Enrico Montagnoli and Giovanna Longhi
    50-66Squaramido-based receptors: applicability of molecular interaction potential to molecular recognition of polyalkylammonium compoundsDavid Quiñonero, Antonio Frontera, Salvador Tomàs, Guillem A. Suñer and Jeroni Morey, et al.
    67-77Structures and stability of N9, N9 and N9+ clustersQian Shu Li, Li Jie Wang and Wen Guo Xu
    78-81Cation π interaction between acetylcholine and the benzene ringGaston Berthier, Roger Savinelli and Alberte Pullman
    82-88Relativistic electron densities in the four-component Dirac representation and in the two-component picture

    Volume 104, Number 2 / June 2000

    89-95Intramolecular proton transfer of serine in aqueous solution. Mechanism and energeticsFrancisco R. Tortonda, Estanislao Silla, Iñaki Tuñón, Daniel Rinaldi and Manuel F. Ruiz-López
    96-108Recognition determinants in a T4 ← G4 mutant derived from a 5′-GCGTGGGCGT-3′ oligomer in a zinc finger 268–DNA complex.
    109-115Topological approach in the structural and bonding characterization of lanthanide trihalide moleculesLaurent Joubert, Bernard Silvi and Gérard Picard
    116-122Plane-wave calculations applied to conjugated polymersGeert Brocks
    123-130A genetic algorithm for the structural optimization of Morse clustersChris Roberts, Roy L. Johnston and Nicholas T. Wilson
    131-139The Ti2H2 molecule: terminal or bridging hydrogens ?Imre Pápai
    140-145Ab initio molecular orbital study of Fe(CO)
    146-152Valence and correlated basis sets for the first-row transition atoms from Sc to ZnTakeshi Noro, Masahiro Sekiya, Toshikatsu Koga and Hisashi Matsuyama
    153-156Structure and stability of hypervalent NLi
    157-159Local symmetry and chirality of molecular facesAbhik Ghosh
    160-162The equilibrium structures of linear carbon clusters of type C2
    163-166Unitary perturbation theory: a generalization of two-by-two rotationsI. Mayer
    167-171Double- and triple-zeta Slater-type basis sets with common exponentsBeatriz Miguel, Toshikatsu Koga and José M. García de la Vega

    Volume 104, Numbers 3-4 / July 2000

    173Preface to XXV ChiTEI issue
    174-178A new method for modelling spectator chemical groups in ab initio calculations: effective group potentialsFabienne Alary, Romuald Poteau, Jean-Louis Heully, Jean-Claude Barthelat and Jean-Pierre Daudey
    179-182The generalized Hulthén potentialJ. Morales, J. J. Peña and J. D. Morales-Guzmán
    183-188Harmonic analysis and discrete polynomials. From semiclassical angular momentum theory to the hyperquantization algorithmVincenzo Aquilanti and Gabriella Capecchi
    189-194An ab initio multireference doubles excitation configuration interaction study of low-lying electronic states of Cd2 using Slater-type orbitalsJosé M. García de la Vega and Beatriz Miguel
    195-198Nature and importance of three-body interactions in the (H2O)2HCl trimerAnne Milet, Cezary Struniewicz, Robert Moszynski and Paul E. S. Wormer
    199-202Theoretical study of the reaction of CN with C2H2+P. Redondo, M. J. Ruiz, R. Boronat, C. Barrientos and A. Largo
    203-206X˜2A′/Ã2A′ conical intersection effects on the fluorescence of NO2Fabrizio Santoro
    207-209The mechanism of spin polarization in aromatic free radicalsCarlo Adamo, Vincenzo Barone and Robert Subra
    210-217Theoretical study of the stability of myrsinone in vacuo and in solutionGiuliano Alagona, Guido Germano and Caterina Ghio
    218-222The occurrence of electron transfer in aromatic nitration: dynamical aspectsAlexandra Romina Albunia, Raffaele Borrelli and Andrea Peluso
    223-225Tetrahydrofuran analogues with silicon and sulphur atomsG. Berthier, B. Cadioli and E. Gallinella
    226-234Ab initio study of tautomerism and hydrogen bonding of β-carbonylamine in the gas phase and in water solutionGiuseppe Buemi, Felice Zuccarello, Ponnambalam Venuvanalingam and Marimuthu Ramalingam
    235-239The glycosyl C1′—N9 bond of deoxyadenosine and deoxyguanosine: response to electrophilic attacks on the purinic nitrogen atomsE. L. Cavalieri, E. C. Vauthier, A. Cossé-Barbi and S. Fliszár
    240-246A density functional theory study of the chemoselectivity and regioselectivity of the domino cycloaddition reactions of nitroalkenes with substituted alkenesLuis R. Domingo
    247-251Hydration of platinum(II) complexes: a molecular mechanics study using atom-based force-field parametersJacqueline Langlet, Jacqueline Bergès, Jacqueline Caillet and Jiri Kozelka
    252-256Application of the open-shell size-consistent self-consistent singles and doubles configuration interaction method to multielectronic transitions in photoelectron spectraJ. Pitarch-Ruiz, J. Sánchez-Marín and D. Maynau
    257-264Azido-, hydroxo-, and oxo-bridged copper(II) dimers: spin population analysis within broken-symmetry, density functional methodsCatherine Blanchet-Boiteux and Jean-Marie Mouesca
    265-272Magnetic coupling in biradicals, binuclear complexes and wide-gap insulators: a survey of ab initio wave function and density functional theory approachesFrancesc Illas, Ibério P. R. Moreira, Coen de Graaf and Vincenzo Barone
    273-279Effective modeling of intrinsic and environmental effects on the structure and electron plaramagnetic resonance parameters of nitroxides by an integrated quantum mechanical/molecular mechanics/polarizable continuum model approachR. Improta, A. di Matteo and V. Barone
    280-283Ab initio calculations with effective core potentials on trivalent lanthanide–terpyridine complexesC. Rabbe, V. Mikhalko and J. P. Dognon
    284-289Molecular modeling study of DNA abasic sitesLeila Ayadi, Damien Forget, Alain Martelli, Jean-François Constant and Martine Demeunynck, et al.
    290-295Analysis of biomolecular chaos in aqueous solutionVincenzo Villani and José M. Zaldivar Comenges
    296-301Recombination of silicon ions by electron capture from atomic hydrogen and heliumM. C. Bacchus-Montabonel
    302-311Hydrogenation of acetylene–ethylene mixtures on Pd catalysts: study of the surface mechanism by computational approaches. Metal dispersion and catalytic activityDario Duca, Zsuzsanna Varga, Gianfranco La Manna and Tamás Vidóczy
    312-316Intramolecular coupling study on nonlinear optical signalsJ. L. Paz, T. Cusati, M. C. Salazar and A. J. Hernández
    317-322A first principles study of Pd deposition on the TiO2(1 1 0) surfaceJavier Fdez. Sanz, Norge Cruz Hernández and Antonio Márquez
    323-326Solid-State nuclear magnetic resonance: performance of point-charge distributions to model intermolecular effects in 19F chemical shiftsD. Solís and M. B. Ferraro
    327-330Electric response properties of a confined gas of independent particles acted upon by a direct current electric fieldG. P. Arrighini, N. Durante, C. Guidotti and U. T. Lamanna
    331-334Transient excitation behavior of a donor–acceptor–acceptor Auger molecule in a semiconductor hostA. Zehe and A. Ramírez

    Volume 104, Number 5 / August 2000

    335ObituaryMichael C. Zerner
    336-343The generalized hybrid orbital method for combined quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical calculations: formulation and tests of the analytical derivativesPatricia Amara, Martin J. Field, Cristobal Alhambra and Jiali Gao
    344-349Linear scaling computation of the Fock matrix. III. Formation of the exchange matrix with permutational symmetryEric Schwegler and Matt Challacombe
    350-357Efficient electronic structure calculations for systems of one-dimensional periodicity with the restricted Hartree–Fock–linear combination of atomic orbitals method implemented in Fourier spaceI. Flamant, J. G. Fripiat, J. Delhalle and Frank E. Harris
    358-369Multiconfigurational expansions of density operators: equations of motion and their propertiesA. Raab and H.-D. Meyer
    370-384Interaction energies for the water dimer by supermolecular methods and symmetry-adapted perturbation theory: the role of bond functions and convergence of basis subsetsMartin Torheyden and Georg Jansen
    385-391Contracted basis sets for electrical property calculations derived from Second-order Møller–Plesset theory atomic natural orbitalsAnthony J. Russell and Mark A. Spackman
    392-397The equivalence of bond-energy schemes and the determination of resonance energiesMelvyn P. Melrose
    398-406A theoretical investigation of (−)-deprenyl (selegiline) as a radical scavengerSachiko Nakai and Fumio Yoneda
    407-410Calculation of three-center electric and magnetic multipole moment integrals using translation formulas for Slater-type orbitalsI. I. Guseinov, B. A. Mamedov and M. Orbay
    411-413Analytical Hartree–Fock wave functions for the atoms Cs to LrToshikatsu Koga, Katsutoshi Kanayama, Tadanori Watanabe, Takashi Imai and Ajit J. Thakkar
    414Erratum: Theor Chem Acc (1999) 103:163–166
    415Erratum: Theor Chem Acc (2000) DOI 10.1007/s002149900108
    416Book Review

    Volume 104, Number 6 / September 2000

    417-425Dipole moments and molecular electrostatic potentials from MSINDOKarl Jug, Lars Kunert and Andreas M. Köster
    426-438Dressed coupled-electron-pair-approximation methods for periodic systemsP. Reinhardt
    439-444Performance of recently developed kinetic energy density functionals for the calculation of hydrogen binding strengths and hydrogen-bonded structuresAngela D. Rabuck and Gustavo E. Scuseria
    445-454An investigation of basis set effects in the characterization of electron – atom scattering resonances using the dilated electron propagator methodArun Venkatnathan, Manoj K. Mishra and Hans Jørgen Aa. Jensen
    455-460Overestimation of the stability of the π-delocalized versus the σ-localized configuration in radicals by current density functionals: the case of vinylacyl radicalsMaurizio Guerra
    461-470A density functional theory study of a concerted mechanism for proton exchange between amino acid side chains and waterRajeev Prabhakar, Margareta R. A. Blomberg and Per E. M. Siegbahn
    471-483Particular and homogeneous solutions of time-independent wavepacket Schrödinger equations: calculations using a subset of eigenstates of undamped or damped HamiltoniansSrinivasan S. Iyengar, Donald J. Kouri and David K. Hoffman
    484-490The basis set convergence of the Hartree–Fock energy for H3+, Li2 and N2Frank Jensen
    491-498Finite expansion of the inverse matrix in the polarization propagator methodClaudio N. Cavasotto
    499-506Convergence of multipole expanded intermolecular interaction energies for Gaussian-type-function and Slater-type-function basis setsGeorg Jansen

    Volume 105, Number 1 / November 2000

    1-6Ab initio molecular analysis of dimethyl ether dimer. Thermodynamic propertiesJose M. Hermida-Ramón and Miguel A. Ríos
    7-14The inclusion of electron correlation in intermolecular potentials: applications to the formamide dimer and liquid formamideSteve Brdarski, Per-Olof Åstrand and Gunnar Karlström
    15-30Theoretical studies of isomers of C3H2 using a multiconfigurational approachMercedes Rubio, Jonna Stålring, Anders Bernhardsson, Roland Lindh and Björn O. Roos
    31-38Molecular orbital study on the OH stretching frequency of the phenol dimer and its cationTapas K. Ghosh and Eisaku Miyoshi
    39-45A density functional theory study of the conformational properties of 1,2-ethanediamine: protonation and solvent effectsDavid De Corte, Carl-Wilhelm Schläpfer and Claude Daul
    46-54Extensions of the Marcus equation for the prediction of approximate transition state geometries in hydrogen transfer and methyl transfer reactionsPaul Blowers and Richard I. Masel
    55-61Valence 4
    62-67Assessment of the Van Voorhis–Scuseria exchange–correlation functional for predicting excitation energies using time-dependent density functional theoryJuanita Jaramillo and Gustavo E. Scuseria
    68-76Prediction of the Raman spectrum of the aqueous formate anion by a combined density functional theory and self-consistent-reaction-field studyA. L. Magalhães, S. R. R. S. Madaíl and M. J. Ramos
    77-85Self-consistent reaction field calculation of solvent reorganization energy in electron transfer: a dipole-reaction field interaction modelXiang-Yuan Li, Lin-Lin Zhao and Shun-Qing Xiao
    86-92Theoretical predictions of the structure, gas-phase acidity and aromaticity of 1,2-diseleno-3,4-dithiosquaric acidLixin Zhou
    93-95Calculation of overlap integrals over Slater-type orbitals using translational and rotational transformations for spherical harmonicsI. I. Guseinov and B. A. Mamedov
    96-99Isomorphism in electron-pair densities of atomsToshikatsu Koga

    Volume 105, Number 2 / December 2000

    101-109A generalized Langevin dynamics approach to model solvent dynamics effects on proteins via a solvent-accessible surface. The carboxypeptidase A inhibitor protein as a modelBaldomero Oliva, Xavier Daura, Enrique Querol, Francesc X. Avilés and O. Tapia
    110-122Analysis of fourth-order Møller–Plesset limit energies: the importance of three-electron correlation effectsYuan He and Dieter Cremer
    123-131The Born closure approximation for the scattering amplitude of an electron-molecule collisionYukikazu Itikawa
    132-144Spin-projected coupled-cluster theory with single and double excitationsYuan He and Dieter Cremer
    145-155Following the streambed reaction on potential-energy surfaces: a new robust methodWolfgang Quapp, Michael Hirsch and Dietmar Heidrich
    156-164Vibrational and theoretical studies of urea and magnesium-urea complexesS. G. Raptis, J. Anastassopoulou and T. Theophanides
    165-168On the convergence of FPT-DFT calculations of the Fermi contact contribution to NMR coupling constantsJuan E. Peralta, Martín C. Ruiz de Azúa and Rubén H. Contreras
    169-172Inexpensive and accurate predictions of optical excitations in transition-metal complexes: the TDDFT/PBE0 routeCarlo Adamo and Vincenzo Barone

    Volume 105, Number 3 / January 2001

    173-181Dual propagation inversion of truncated signalsDavid K. Hoffman, Hongzhen Zhang, Zhuoer Shi, Donald J. Kouri and Sungyul Lee, et al.
    182-196Comparison of CCSDT-n methods with coupled-cluster theory with single and double excitations and coupled-cluster theory with single, double, and triple excitations in terms of many-body perturbation theory – what is the most effective triple-excitation method?Yuan He, Zhi He and Dieter Cremer
    197-206A quantum chemical study of the mechanism of manganese catalasePer E. M. Siegbahn
    207-212Transition structure selectivity in enzyme catalysis: a QM/MM study of chorismate mutaseSergio Martí, Juan Andrés, Vicent Moliner, Estanislao Silla and Iñaki Tuñón, et al.
    213-218Some fundamental problems with zero flux partitioning of electron densitiesPatrick Cassam-Chenaï and Dylan Jayatilaka
    219-226Quasirelativistic valence ab initio calculation of the potential-energy curves for Cd–rare gas atom pairsE. Czuchaj, M. Krośnicki and H. Stoll
    227-243A systematic theoretical investigation of the valence excited states of the diatomic molecules B2, C2, N2 and O2Thomas Müller, Michal Dallos, Hans Lischka, Zsófia Dubrovay and Péter G. Szalay
    244-251A reexamination of virial coefficients of the Lennard-Jones fluidKippi M. Dyer, John S. Perkyns and B. Montgomery Pettitt
    252-258Relativistic Gaussian basis sets for the elements K – UuoKnut Faegri Jr
    259-264Multireference perturbation CI IV. Selection procedure for one-electron propertiesCelestino Angeli and Renzo Cimiraglia
    265-267Relativistic calculations on thallium hydrideKnut Fægri Jr and Lucas Visscher

    Volume 105, Numbers 4-5 / April 2001

    269Preface to the ChemBond issueJános Ángyán and Bernard Silvi
    270José Molina Molina in memoriam
    271-275Chemical bonding: state of the art in conceptual quantum chemistry An introductionW. H. Eugen Schwarz
    276-283The zero-flux surface and the topological and quantum definitions of an atom in a moleculeRichard F. W. Bader
    284-291Complementary aspects of charge and momentum density for the study of the chemical bondPierre J. Becker, Jean Michel Gillet, Pietro Cortona and Sebastien Ragot
    292-298Multicenter bonding within the AIM theoryRoberto Bochicchio, Robert Ponec, Alicia Torre and Luis Lain
    299-308The hierarchy of localization basins: a tool for the understanding of chemical bonding exemplified by the analysis of the VOx and VOx+ (x=1–4) systemsM. Calatayud, J. Andrés, A. Beltrán and B. Silvi
    309-322Direct-space analysis of the Si–Si bonding pattern in the π-bonded chain reconstructed Si(111)(2 × 1) surfaceF. Cargnoni and C. Gatti
    323-327Spin-coupled description of the chemical bonding to hypercoordinate chlorineDavid L. Cooper
    328-337The three-center-four-electron (3c-4e) bond nature revisited. An atoms-in-molecules theory (AIM) and ELF studyJosé Molina Molina and José A. Dobado
    338-344Vibrational softening of diatomic moleculesLudwik Komorowski and Piotr Ordon
    345-353Identification of molecular reactive sites with an interactive volume rendering toolPreston J. MacDougall and Christopher E. Henze
    354-359Theoretical study of group 11 metal–silonyl complexes: M–SiO and M–(SiO)2 (M = Cu, Ag, or Au)D. Mandelbaum and M. E. Alikhani
    360-364Energy decomposition in the topological theory of atoms in molecules and in the linear combination of atomic orbitals formalism: a noteI. Mayer and A. Hamza
    365-373Recognizing a triple bond between main group atomsJosé Molina Molina, J. A. Dobado, George L. Heard, Richard F. W. Bader and Markku R. Sundberg
    374-382Bonded atoms in sodium chloride – the information-theoretic approachRoman F. Nalewajski and Rafał Loska
    383-392Domain-averaged Fermi holes – a new means of visualization of chemical bonds. Bonding in hypervalent moleculesR. Ponec and J. Roithová
    393-399A fast algorithm to compute atomic charges based on the topology of the electron densityP. L. A. Popelier

    Volume 105, Number 6 / May 2001

    401-407Symmetry-adapted integrals over many-electron basis functions and operatorsP. Dahle and P. R. Taylor
    408-412Near-degeneracy corrections for second-order perturbation theory: comparison of two approachesÁgnes Szabados, Xavier Assfeld and Péter R. Surján
    413-421Harmonic frequency scaling factors for Hartree-Fock, S-VWN, B-LYP, B3-LYP, B3-PW91 and MP2 with the Sadlej pVTZ electric property basis setMathew D. Halls, Julia Velkovski and H. Bernhard Schlegel
    422-430Theoretical analysis of some substituted imine–enamine tautomerismPatricia Pérez and Alejandro Toro-Labbé
    431-436Möbius strip versus linear and cyclic polyacenes: a Hückel and semiempirical investigationMaxime Guillaume, Benoît Champagne, Eric A. Perpète and Jean-Marie André
    437-445Excitation energies, electron affinities and ionization potentials of the transition metals V, Cr and MnYou Osanai, Hirotake Ishikawa, Nobuaki Miura and Takeshi Noro
    446-451An improved iterative solution to solve the electrostatic problem in the polarizable continuum modelChristian Silvio Pomelli, Jacopo Tomasi and Vincenzo Barone
    452-462A theoretical study of the copper–cysteine bond in blue copper proteinsUlf Ryde, Mats H. M. Olsson, Björn O. Roos and Antonio Carlos Borin
    463-472Finding transition states using reduced potential-energy surfacesJosep Maria Bofill and Josep Maria Anglada
    473-476Relativistic virial theorem for atomsOsamu Matsuoka and Toshikatsu Koga
    477-480Transition state for intramolecular C–H bond cleavage in [(LCu)2(μ-O)2]2+ (L = 1,4,7-tribenzyl-1,4,7-triazacyclononane)Christopher J. Cramer and Youngshang Pak

    Volume 106, Numbers 1-2 / June 2001

    2-9How accurate can molecular dynamics/linear response and Poisson–Boltzmann/solvent accessible surface calculations be for predicting relative binding affinities? Acetylcholinesterase huprine inhibitors as a test caseX. Barril, J. L. Gelpí, J. M. López, M. Orozco and F. J. Luque
    10-21Influence of ligand binding on the conformation of Torpedo californica acetylcholinesteraseNathalie Boutonnet, Daniel Van Belle and Shoshana J. Wodak
    22-27Prediction of DNA far-IR absorption spectra based on normal mode analysisMaria Bykhovskaia, Boris Gelmont, Tatiana Globus, Dwight L. Woolard and Alan C. Samuels, et al.
    28-35Exploring the use of a structural alphabet for structural prediction of protein loopsA. C. Camproux, A. G. Brevern, S. Hazout and P. Tufféry
    36-47Compacting local protein folds with a “hybrid protein model”A. G. de Brevern and S. Hazout
    48-54Implicit two-phase solvation model as a tool to assess conformation and energetics of proteins in membrane-mimetic mediaRoman Efremov, Pavel Volynsky, Dmitry Nolde, Gérard Vergoten and Alexander Arseniev
    55-61Assessment of conformation and energetics of the N-terminal part of elafin via computer simulationsRoman G. Efremov, Pavel E. Volynsky, Manuel A. M. Dauchez, Dmitry E. Nolde and Alexander S. Arseniev, et al.
    62-68Coupling overall rotations with modal dynamicsJ. Elezgaray, G. Marcou and Y. H. Sanejouand
    69-75Ab initio structure predictions using a hierarchical approach applied to 434 cro and the Drosophila homeodomainDimitri Gilis and Marianne Rooman
    76-82Extracting parameters for base-pair level models of DNA from molecular dynamics simulationsOscar Gonzalez and John H. Maddocks
    83-90Protein-induced DNA bending: the role of phosphate neutralisationRaphael Gurlie and Krystyna Zakrzewska
    91-97FIRE: predicting the spatial proximity of protein residues from 3D NOESY–HSQCT. E. Malliavin, P. Barthe and M. A. Delsuc
    98-104A computational model of the 5-HT3 receptor extracellular domain: search for ligand binding sitesMaria Cristina Menziani, Francesca De Rienzo, Andrea Cappelli, Maurizio Anzini and Pier G. De Benedetti
    105-112Quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical methods and the study of kinetic isotope effects: modelling the covalent junction region and application to the enzyme xylose isomeraseR. Mark Nicoll, Sally A. Hindle, Grant MacKenzie, Ian H. Hillier and Neil A. Burton
    113-120Deciphering globular protein sequence–structure relationships: from observation to predictionA. Poupon and J.-P. Mornon
    121-127Stabilization centers and protein stabilityÁ. Simon, Z. Dosztányi, C. Magyar, G. Szirtes and É. Rajnavölgyi, et al.
    128-136Analysis of the RGD sequence in protein structures: comparison to the conformations of the RGDW and DRGDW peptides determined by molecular dynamics simulationsRoland H. Stote
    137-145Modelling radiation-induced damage in the lac operator –lac repressor complex. DNA damage: 8-oxoguanineD. Sy, C. Flouzat, S. Eon, M. Charlier and M. Spotheim-Maurizot
    146-151Quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical study of three stationary points along the deacylation step of the catalytic mechanism of elastaseMaya Topf, Péter Várnai and W. Graham Richards
    152-157Exploring a hybrid space minimization procedureP. Tufféry
    158-162Theoretical studies of electron and hydrogen transfer reactions between semiquinone radicals and oxygenYan-Ni Wang and Leif A. Eriksson

    Volume 106, Number 3 / July 2001

    163-170Theoretical study of silicon–sulfur clusters (SiS2)n (n = 1–6)Su-Fan Wang, Ji-Kang Feng, Chia-Chung Sun, Peng Liu and Zhen Gao, et al.
    171-177Theoretical study of the role of low-barrier hydrogen bonds in enzyme catalysis: a model of proton transfer in serine proteaseYongho Kim and Kwang-Hyun Ahn
    178-187Molecular integrals by numerical quadrature. I. Radial integrationRoland Lindh, Per-Åke Malmqvist and Laura Gagliardi
    188-193Ab-initio study on low-lying states of the TiSi moleculeMutsumi Tomonari and Kiyoshi Tanaka
    194-198Study of association of 2-methoxyethanol in the aqueous phaseMohsen Tafazzoli and Safeallah Jalili
    199-217Electronic excitation of sulfur-organic compounds – performance of time-dependent density functional theoryJürgen Fabian
    218-222A density functional theory test study on the N2··· He dimerMary C. Salazar, José L. Paz, Antonio J. Hernández, Carlos I Manzanares and Eduardo V. Ludeña
    223-232A quantitative measure of bond polarity from the electron localization function and the theory of atoms in moleculesStephan Raub and Georg Jansen
    233-235A study of DNA tethered to a surface by an all-atom molecular dynamics simulationKa-Yiu Wong and B. Montgomery Pettitt
    236Hyperspherical harmonics and generalized Sturmians (Progress in theoretical chemistry and physics), John S. Avery, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1999, ISBN 0–792–36087–7Vincenzo Aquilanti

    Volume 106, Number 4 / September 2001

    237-240Radial electron-pair densities in momentum space and shell structure of atomsToshikatsu Koga, Yuka Kato and Hisashi Matsuyama
    241-250Calculations of the geometries, electronic structures and nonlinear second-order optical susceptibilities of spiroannelated quinone-type methanofullerenesWei Fu, Ji-Kang Feng, Ge-Bo Pan and Xiang Zhang
    251-258Coupled-cluster calculation of dispersion contributions to interaction energies and polarizabilitiesMichał Jaszuński, Antonio Rizzo and Poul Jørgensen
    259-263A proposed modification of CBS-4M model chemistry for application to molecules of increasing molecular sizeRois Benassi
    264-270Formulas and numerical table for the radial part of overlap integrals with the same screening parameters of Slater-type orbitalsE. Öztekin, M. Yavuz and S. Atalay
    271-279Strategies for computing chemical reactivity indicesPaul W. Ayers
    280-286Efficient evaluation of one-center three-electron Gaussian integralsPeter Wind, Trygve Helgaker and Wim Klopper
    287-296Rydberg character of the higher excited states of free-base porphinShigeyoshi Yamamoto, Hiroshi Tatewaki, Osamu Kitao and Geerd H.F. Diercksen
    297-300Contracted polarization functions for the atoms Ca, Ga–Kr, Sr, and In–XeMasahiro Sekiya, Takeshi Noro, You Osanai and Toshikatsu Koga
    301-313The effect of basis set superposition error on the convergence of interaction energiesMasao Masamura
    314-318A correlation-consistent basis set for FeAlessandra Ricca and Charles W. Bauschlicher Jr

    Volume 106, Number 5 / October 2001

    319-328Accurate thermochemistry from corrected Hartree–Fock results: rapid estimation of nearly experimental quality total energy using the small 6-31G(d) basis setSándor Kristyán, Adrienn Ruzsinszky and Gábor I. Csonka
    329-338Model studies of the chemisorption of hydrogen and oxygen on the Au (1 0 0) surfaceH. Strømsnes, S. Jusuf, A. Bagatur'yants, O. Gropen and U. Wahlgren
    339-351Identification of deadwood in configuration spaces through general direct configuration interactionJoseph Ivanic and Klaus Ruedenberg
    352-363Theoretical investigation into structures and magnetic properties of smaller fullerenes and their heteroanaloguesZhongfang Chen, Haijun Jiao, Michael Bühl, Andreas Hirsch and Walter Thiel
    364-368Endohedral chemical shifts in higher fullerenes with 72–86 carbon atomsZhongfang Chen, Jerzy Cioslowski, Niny Rao, David Moncrieff and Michael Bühl, et al.
    369-378Simultaneous calculation of Rydberg and valence excited states of formaldehydeThomas Müller and Hans Lischka

    Volume 106, Number 6 / November 2001

    379-392Stabilization of diazene in Fe(II)–sulfur model complexes relevant for nitrogenase activity. I. A new approach to the evaluation of intramolecular hydrogen bond energiesMarkus Reiher, Dieter Sellmann and Bernd Artur Hess
    393-403Ab initio study of bonding trends for f0 actinide oxyfluoride speciesMichal Straka, Kenneth G. Dyall and Pekka Pyykkö
    404-411The performance of the rapid estimation of basis set error and correlation energy from partial charges method on new molecules of the G3/99 test setSándor Kristyán, Adrienn Ruzsinszky and Gábor I. Csonka
    426-433Modeling the H5+ potential-energy surface: a first attemptRita Prosmiti, Alexei A. Buchachenko, Pablo Villarreal and Gerardo Delgado-Barrio
    434-438Molecular Schrödinger–Riccati calculations. Test for the hydrogen-ion moleculeS. Fraga, J. M. García de la Vega and E. S. Fraga

    Volume 107, Number 1 / December 2001

    1-7Theoretical study of the potential-energy surface of C2NPYi-hong Ding, Ze-sheng Li, Xu-ri Huang and Chia-chung Sun
    8-14Molecular dynamics, density functional and second-order Møller–Plesset theory study of the structure and conformation of acetylcholine in vacuo and in solutionT. Marino, N. Russo, E. Tocci and M. Toscano
    15-21Dual-level direct dynamics calculations of deuterium kinetic isotope effects for the Cl(2P)+C2H6 abstraction reactionO. Roberto-Neto and F. B. C. Machado
    22-26Fully relativistic correlated benchmark results for uranyl and a critical look at relativistic effective core potentials for uraniumW. A. de Jong, R. J. Harrison, J. A. Nichols and D. A. Dixon
    27-32Ab initio calculations for the potential curves and spin–orbit coupling of Mg2E. Czuchaj, M. Krośnicki and H. Stoll
    33-37A theoretical study on the ionization of OCS with an analysis of vibrational structures of the photoelectron spectrumKouichi Takeshita, Norihiro Shida and Eisaku Miyoshi
    38-47Second-order energy components in basis-set-superposition-error-free intermolecular perturbation theoryA. Hamza, Á. Vibók, G. J. Halász and I. Mayer
    48-55Reparameterization of hybrid functionals based on energy differences of states of different multiplicityMarkus Reiher, Oliver Salomon and Bernd Artur Hess

    Volume 107, Number 2 / February 2002

    57-70Gradient of the ZAPT2 energyGraham D. Fletcher, Mark S. Gordon and Robert S. Bell
    71-79Local-orbital-based correlated ab initio band structure calculations in insulating solids: LiFMartin Albrecht
    80-89Comparison of solvent reaction field representationsDaniel M. Chipman
    90-102Implementation of solvent reaction fields for electronic structureDaniel M. Chipman and Michel Dupuis
    103-115Maxwell–Cartesian spherical harmonics in multipole potentials and atomic orbitalsJon Applequist
    116Systematic nomenclature of organic chemistry, D. Hellwinkel, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 2001, 35 tables, 228 pages, soft-cover, $ 19.95C. J. Cramer and D. G. Truhlar

    Volume 107, Number 3 / March 2002

    117-129Orbital-band interactions and the reactivity of molecules on oxide surfaces: from explanations to predictionsJosé A. Rodriguez
    130-139A new look at the reduced-gradient-following pathRamon Crehuet, Josep Maria Bofill and Josep Maria Anglada
    140-146Structures and stability of N7+ and N7− clustersYong Dong Liu, Jun Fang Zhao and Qian Shu Li
    147-153The search for stationary points on a quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical potential-energy surfaceXavier Prat-Resina, Mireia Garcia-Viloca, Gerald Monard, Angels González-Lafont and José M. Lluch, et al.
    154-161A theoretical study of photoinduced electron transfer between tetracyanoethylene and areneLi Xiang-Yuan, Yi Hai-Bo, Li Ze-Rong and He Fu-Cheng
    162-172Monte Carlo simulation of 2-ethoxyethanol in continuum configurational biased procedure: conformational analysis and association in aqueous and non-aqueous mediaMohsen Tafazzoli and Seifollah Jalili
    173-179Second-order Møller–Plesset perturbation theory with terms linear in the interelectronic coordinates and exact evaluation of three-electron integralsPeter Wind, Wim Klopper and Trygve Helgaker
    180-186An overlap criterion for selection of core orbitalsAmy J. Austin, Michael J. Frisch, John A. Montgomery and George A. Petersson

    Volume 107, Number 4 / April 2002

    187-199A lattice dynamics model for M2XY6 systems in the Fm3m(Oh5) space groupRoberto Acevedo and Ernesto Cortés
    200-205Theoretical studies on the interaction of anionic collectors with Cu+, Cu2+, Zn2+ and Pb2+ ionsMika Porento and Pipsa Hirva
    206-210Theoretical study on the substituent effect of a Wittig reactionW. C. Lu, N. B. Wong and R. Q. Zhang
    211-219Partial Hessian vibrational analysis: the localization of the molecular vibrational energy and entropyHui Li and Jan H. Jensen
    220-228Deadwood in configuration spaces. II. Singles + doubles and singles + doubles + triples + quadruples spacesJoseph Ivanic and Klaus Ruedenberg
    229-240A theoretical investigation of the mechanism for the reaction between a quebrachitol derivative and N3−Hélio F. Dos Santos, Mauro V. De Almeida and Wagner B. De Almeida
    241-245Digital erosion in the evaluation of molecular integralsMichael P. Barnett
    246-249Correlated electron-pair properties of the Li atom in momentum spaceToshikatsu Koga
    250-251P. Deuflhard, J. Hermans, B. Leimkuhler, A.E. Mark, S. Reich, R.D. Skeel (eds): Computational molecular dynamics: challenges, methods, ideas. (Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 4)

    Volume 107, Number 5 / May 2002

    253-265Theoretical study on structures and stability of HC2P isomersYi-hong Ding, Ze-sheng Li, Yu-guo Tao, Xu-ri Huang and Chia-chung Sun
    266-271Density functional theory gas- and solution-phase study of nucleophilic substitution at di- and trisulfidesSteven M. Bachrach, Joseph M. Hayes, Trang Dao and Justin L. Mynar
    272-281Band structure representations of the electronic structure of one-dimensional materials with helical symmetryWingfield V. Glassey and Roald Hoffmann
    282-290Dipole–reaction field interaction model for the solvent reorganization energy and its application to the benzoquinone–benzoquinone anion radical systemXiang-Yuan Li, Quan Zhu, Lin-Lin Zhao, Shun-Qing Xiao and Feng Liu
    291-303Some thoughts about the stability and reliability of commonly used exchange–correlation functionals – coverage of dynamic and nondynamic correlation effectsVictor Polo, Elfi Kraka and Dieter Cremer
    304-308Using the locality of the small-component density in molecular Dirac–Hartree-Fock calculationsG. Theodoor de Jong and Lucas Visscher
    309-312MnO+: a challenge for density functional theory methodsCharles W. Bauschlicher Jr. and G. L. Gutsev
    313-317Multireference perturbation configuration interaction V. Third-order energy contributions in the Møller–Plesset and Epstein–Nesbet partitionsCelestino Angeli and Renzo Cimiraglia
    318Fully relativistic correlated benchmark results for uranyl and a critical look at relativistic effective core potentials for uraniumW.A. de Jong, R.J. Harrison, J.A. Nichols and D.A. Dixon

    Volume 107, Number 6 / June 2002

    319-325Modeling the cluster formation during infrared and ultraviolet matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization of oligonucleotides in succinic acid matrix with molecular mechanicsSandor Kristyan, Akos Bencsura and Akos Vertes
    326-335Chemical reactivity and selectivity using Fukui functions: basis set and population scheme dependence in the framework of B3LYP theoryP. Thanikaivelan, J. Padmanabhan, V. Subramanian and T. Ramasami
    336-342Density functional computation of 55Mn NMR parametersMichael Bühl
    343-350Role of twisting and sliding on the solvation of a stacked cytosine dimer: an ab initio studyR. Amutha, V. Subramanian and B. U. Nair
    351-356Ab initio structure and vibrational frequencies of lithium aromatic sulfonyl imide saltsS. P. Gejji, P. R. Agrawal and N. R. Dhumal
    357-361Linear stability analysis of a reaction–diffusion model of solid-phase combustionRui Zhu and Qian Shu Li
    362-371The calculation of electron localization and delocalization indices at the Hartree–Fock, density functional and post-Hartree–Fock levels of theoryJordi Poater, Miquel Solà, Miquel Duran and Xavier Fradera
    372-374Molecular structure and Bader's theoryJosé R. Mohallem
    375-377Comments on “Some fundamental problem with zero flux partitioning of electron densities”Eugene S. Kryachko
    378-380Bader's interatomic surfaces are uniqueL. Delle Site
    381-382A comment on “Some fundamental problems with zero-flux partitioning of electron densities”R. F. W. Bader
    383-384A complement to “Some fundamental problems with zero flux partitioning of electron densities”P. Cassam-Chenaï and D. Jayatilaka

    Volume 108, Number 1 / July 2002

    1-11Recent applications of density functional theory calculations to biomoleculesFuqiang Ban, Kathryn N. Rankin, James W. Gauld and Russell J. Boyd
    12-20An atom-in-molecules and electron-localization-function study of the interaction between O2 and VxOy+/VxOy (x = 1, 2, y = 1–5) clustersM. Calatayud, S. Berski, A. Beltran and J. Andrés
    21-26Use of addition theorems in evaluation of multicenter nuclear-attraction and electron-repulsion integrals with integer and noninteger n Slater-type orbitalsI. I. Guseinov and B. A. Mamedov
    27-30The electron affinities of transition metal atoms at the CCSD(T) and density functional levels of theoryCharles W. Bauschlicher Jr and G. L. Gutsev
    31-37Solvent effects on the electronic absorption spectrum of formamide studied by a sequential Monte Carlo/quantum mechanical approachW. R. Rocha, V. M. Martins, K. Coutinho and S. Canuto
    38-40Test of variational transition state theory with multidimensional tunneling contributions against experimental kinetic isotope effects for the CHnD4−n + OH→P (n=0, 4) reactionsLaura Masgrau, Àngels González-Lafont and José M. Lluch
    41-45Contracted Gaussian-type basis functions revisited. IV. Atoms Rb to XeToshikatsu Koga, Shigeyoshi Yamamoto, Tsuyoshi Shimazaki and Hiroshi Tatewaki
    46-52A density functional theory study of bridging and terminal oxotitanium(IV) oligomeric and polymeric linear titanoxanesF. Mercuri, A. Sgamellotti and N. Re
    53-60A singularity excluded approximate expansion scheme in relativistic density functional theoryFan Wang and Le-min Li

    Volume 108, Number 2 / August 2002

    61-70Gaussian-3 and related methods for accurate thermochemistryLarry A. Curtiss and Krishnan Raghavachari
    71-84Computational modeling of enzymatic keto-enol isomerization reactionsIsabella Feierberg and Johan Åqvist
    85-97Infrared spectra of CO in absorption and evaluation of radial functions for potential energy and electric dipolar momentJ. F. Ogilvie, S.-L. Cheah, Y.-P. Lee and S. P. A. Sauer
    98-102Two early branching indices and the relation between themIvan Gutman and Dušica Vidović
    103-112Recombination of tert-butyl radicals: the role of weak van der Waals interactionsMarek Naroznik and Jan Niedzielski
    113-123Evaluation of the Coulomb energy in relativistic self-consistent-field theoryH. M. Quiney, P. Belanzoni and A. Sgamellotti

    Volume 108, Number 3 / October 2002

    125-133Overview of reduced dimensionality quantum approaches to reactive scatteringJoel M. Bowman
    134-142The fundamental nature and role of the electrostatic potential in atoms and moleculesPeter Politzer and Jane S. Murray
    143-149Pseudopotential study of lanthanum and lutetium dimersXiaoyan Cao and Michael Dolg
    150-156Electron localization function for transition-metal compoundsMiroslav Kohout, Frank Richard Wagner and Yuri Grin
    157-167Internal rotation in squaramide and related compounds. A theoretical ab initio studyPere M. Deyà, Antonio Frontera, Guillem A. Suñer, David Quiñonero and Carolina Garau, et al.
    168-178A variationally stable quasi-relativistic method: low-order approximation to the normalized elimination of the small component using an effective potentialMichael Filatov and Dieter Cremer
    179-186Direct ab initio dynamics calculations on the rate constants for the hydrogen-abstraction reaction of C2H5F with O (3P)Jing-yao Liu, Ze-sheng Li, Zhen-wen Dai, Xu-ri Huang and Chia-chung Sun

    Volume 108, Number 4 / October 2002

    187-213A priori rate constants for kinetic modelingR. Sumathi and William H. Green Jr.
    214-224Electron-pairing analysis from localization and delocalization indices in the framework of the atoms-in-molecules theoryXavier Fradera, Jordi Poater, Sílvia Simon, Miquel Duran and Miquel Solà
    225-231Two new symmetry-adapted perturbation theories for the calculation of intermolecular interaction energiesWilliam H. Adams
    232-239Density functional theory study of the mechanism of the proline-catalyzed intermolecular aldol reactionManuel Arnó and Luis R. Domingo
    240-245An ab initio study of NMR chemical shifts and spin-spin coupling constants of bicyclobutaneMichal Jaszuński, Grigory Dolgonos and Helena Dodziuk
    246-253On the relation between a common gauge origin formulation and the GIAO formulation of the NMR shielding tensorGeorg Schreckenbach

    Volume 108, Number 5 / November 2002

    255-272Breathing-orbital valence bond method – a modern valence bond method that includes dynamic correlationPhilippe C. Hiberty and Sason Shaik
    273-285Signatures of reactive resonance: three case studiesSheng Der Chao and Rex T. Skodje
    286-292Molecular recognition by β-cyclodextrin derivatives: molecular dynamics, free-energy perturbation and molecular mechanics/ Poisson–Boltzmann surface area goals and problemsIvan Beà, Carlos Jaime and Peter Kollman
    293-304Theoretical study of the structural character of weakly bonding silicon carbonyl complexesYuxiang Bu and Zhaohua Cao
    305-310Variational calculations for the energy levels of confined two-electron atomic systemsB. Saha, T.K. Mukherjee, P.K. Mukherjee and G.H.F. Diercksen
    311Test of variational transition state theory with multidimensional tunneling contributions against experimental kinetic isotope effects for the CHnD4−n + OH-> P (n=0, 4) reactionsLaura Masgrau, Àngels González-Lafont and José M. Lluch

    Volume 108, Number 6 / December 2002

    313-324Molecular potential-energy surfaces for chemical reaction dynamicsMichael A. Collins
    325-334Improper, blue-shifting hydrogen bondPavel Hobza and Zdenek Havlas
    335-340Relativistic and nonrelativistic finite nucleus optimized triple-zeta basis sets for the 4
    341-346Ab initio study of rate constants of the reaction: HCN + OH → CN + H2OChao Yang Wang, Shaowen Zhang and Qian Shu Li
    347-351Average inner product sums of electron linear momenta for atoms and ionsHisashi Matsuyama and Toshikatsu Koga
    352-364The reduction of ribonucleotides catalyzed by the enzyme ribonucleotide reductasePedro Alexandrino Fernandes, Leif A. Eriksson and Maria João Ramos
    365Relativistic and nonrelativistic finite nucleus optimized double zeta basis sets for the 4
    366J.J. Li: Name reactions – A collection of detailed reaction mechanismsChristopher J. Cramer
    367-368Christopher J. Cramer: Essentials of Computational Chemistry: Theories and Models

    Volume 109, Number 1 / February 2003

    1-7Transition states from empirical force fieldsFrank and Per-Ola
    8-21Study of the dynamics of protein folding through minimalistic modelsGoundla Srinivas and Biman Bagchi
    22-35Long-range and short-range Coulomb correlation effects as simulated by Hartree–Fock, local density approximation, and generalized gradient approximation exchange functionalsVictor Polo, Jürgen Gräfenstein, Elfi Kraka and Dieter Cremer
    36-39Variational calculations for helium-like ions using generalized Kinoshita-type expansionsAjit J. Thakkar and Toshikatsu Koga
    40-42Comments on relativistic basis setsHiroshi Tatewaki and Yuji Mochizuki
    43-52Evaluation of an ab initio quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical hybrid-potential link-atom methodPatricia Amara and Martin J. Field

    Volume 109, Number 2 / March 2003

    53-63Mechanism and control of molecular energy flow: a modeling perspectiveMartin Gruebele
    64-70The role of theory in the laboratory control of quantum dynamics phenomenaHerschel Rabitz
    71-84Continuum solvation of large molecules described by QM/MM: a semi-iterative implementation of the PCM/EFP interfaceHui Li, Christian S. Pomelli and Jan H. Jensen
    85-90Correlating basis sets for the H atom and the alkali-metal atoms from Li to RbTakeshi Noro, Masahiro Sekiya and Toshikatsu Koga
    91-98Physical analysis of the diatomic “chemical” energy componentsA. Hamza and I. Mayer

    Volume 109, Number 3 / April 2003

    99Preface to proceedings of the symposium on methods and applications of combined quantum mechanical and molecularmechanical potentials (2001)J. Gao and D. York
    100-107NMR chemical shifts in the low–pH form of a-chymotrypsin. A QM/MM and ONIOM–NMR studyPablo A. Molina, R. Steven Sikorski and Jan H. Jensen
    108-117Recent advances in quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical calculations of enzyme catalysis: hydrogen tunnelling in liver alcohol dehydrogenase and inhibition of elastase by α-ketoheterocyclesGary Tresadern, Paul F. Faulder, M. Paul Gleeson, Zubeir Tai and Grant MacKenzie, et al.
    118-124A charge-scaling method to treat solvent in QM/MM simulationsAaron R. Dinner, Xabier Lopez and Martin Karplus
    125-132Investigation of the S0S1 excitation in bacteriorhodopsin with the ONIOM(MO:MM) hybrid methodT. Vreven and K. Morokuma
    133-139Semiempirical QM/MM potential with simple valence bond (SVB) for enzyme reactions. Application to the nucleophilic addition reaction in haloalkane dehalogenaseL.S. Devi-Kesavan, M. Garcia-Viloca and J. Gao
    140-148Exploring the quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical replica path method: a pathway optimization of the chorismate to prephenate Claisen rearrangement catalyzed by chorismate mutaseH. Lee Woodcock, Milan Hodošček, Paul Sherwood, Yong S. Lee and Henry F. Schaefer III, et al.
    149-159Parameterization of semiempirical methods to treat nucleophilic attacks to biological phosphates: AM1/d parameters for phosphorusXabier Lopez and Darrin M. York
    160-168Quantum mechanics and mixed quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics simulations of model nerve agents with acetylcholinesteraseM.M. Hurley, J.B. Wright, G.H. Lushington and W.E. White

    Volume 109, Number 4 / May 2003

    169Introduction to the ECCC8 Proceedings Issue of
    170-175Computational insight into the effect of C(19) substituents on [1,7]-hydrogen shift in previtamin DOlga Dmitrenko, Robert D. Bach, Rafal R. Sicinski and Wolfgang Reischl
    176-181Ab initio and density functional theory studies on the mechanism of nucleophilic vinylic substitution of 4
    182-189A DFT study of pyramidalized alkenes: 7-oxasesquinorbornenes and 7,7′-dioxasesquinorbornenesDavor Margetić, Ronlad N. Warrener, Mirjana Eckert-Maksić, Ivana Antol and Zoran Glasovac
    190-194Adsorption of NH3, NO2 and NO on copper-aluminate catalyst: an ab initio density functional studyXilin Yin, Huanmei Han, Momoji Kubo and Akira Miyamoto
    195-199Heteroelectrocyclic reactions of 3-acyl-4-azido heterocycles: ab initio and density functional calculations on 3-azido-propenal as a model systemJ. Kalcher and W. M. F. Fabian
    200-205Action of HCl on 3-hydroxypyrazolo(iso)quinolines to give 1-chloropyrazoles: evidence for an addition–elimination mechanism by ab initio calculations in gas phase and waterJeremy R. Greenwood and Mikael Begtrup
    206-212Aconityl-derived polymers for biomedical applications. Modeling study of cis–trans isomerisationMire Zloh, Elisabeth Dinand and Steve Brocchini
    213-219Accuracy assessment of semiempirical molecular electrostatic potential of proteinsVictor M. Anisimov, Nikolay Anikin, Vladislav Bugaenko, Vladimir Bobrikov and Alexey Andreyev
    220-228Molecular dynamics study of the tautomeric equilibrium in the 4-nitro- and 2,4,6-trichloro derivatives of 2-(
    229-232Atom-type description language: a universal language to recognize atom types implemented in the VEGA programA. Pedretti, L. Villa and G. Vistoli
    233-238Computational structural determination and energy landscape analysis of the hepatic carcinogen 2-(acetylamino)fluoreneR. Q. Topper, K. Chung, C. M. Boelke, D. Louie and J. S. Kang, et al.

    Volume 109, Number 5 / June 2003

    239Addendum to “Gaussian-3 and related methods for accuratethermochemistry,” L.A. Curtiss, K. Raghavachari (2002) Theoretical Chemistry Accounts 108:61–70L.A. Curtiss
    240Editorial noteC.J. Cramer and P.G. Truhlar
    241-250Two-electron distribution functions and intraculesPeter M.W. Gill, Darragh P. O'Neill and Nicholas A. Besley
    241-250Two-electron distribution functions and intraculesPeter M.W. Gill, Darragh P. O'Neill and Nicholas A. Besley

  • 251-267

    Quantum molecular dynamics: propagating wavepackets and density operators using the multiconfiguration time-dependent Hartree method

  • Hans-Dieter Meyer and Graham A. Worth
    268-273An ab initio study of the structure of two-, three- and five-dimersilicon clusters: An approach to the Si(100) surfaceYousung Jung, Yoshinubu Akinaga, Kenneth D. Jordan and Mark S. Gordon
    268-273An ab initio study of the structure of two-, three- and five-dimersilicon clusters: An approach to the Si(100) surfaceYousung Jung, Yoshinubu Akinaga, Kenneth D. Jordan and Mark S. Gordon

  • 274-277

    Influence of diffuse and polarization functions on the second-order Møller-Plesset optimized dihedral angle of biphenyl

  • Friedrich Grein
    274-277Influence of diffuse and polarization functions on the second-order Møller–Plesset optimized dihedral angle of biphenylFriedrich Grein

  • 278-283

    A thermodynamic and kinetic study of the formation of C20 compounds encapsulating H, He and Ne atoms

  • R. Q. Zhang, W. Y. Ma, K. L. Han and C. S. Lee
    278-283A thermodynamic and kinetic study of the formation of C20 compounds encapsulating H, He and Ne atomsR. Q. Zhang, W. Y. Ma, K. L. Han and C. S. Lee

  • 284

    Relativistic and nonrelativistic finite nucleus optimized triple zeta basis sets for the 4

  • Volume 109, Number 6 / July 2003

    285-297Implementation of a quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics approach in the parallel density functional program ParaGauss and applications to model copper thiolate clustersT. Kerdcharoen, U. Birkenheuer, S. Krüger, A. Woiterski and N. Rösch
    298-308Similarities and differences in the structure of 3 d-metal monocarbides and monoxidesGennady L. Gutsev, Lester Andrews and Charles W. Bauschlicher, Jr.
    309-315Multiple solutions of coupled-cluster doubles equations for the Pariser–Parr–Pople model of benzeneRafal Podeszwa, Leszek. Z. Stolarczyk, Karol Jankowski and Krzysztof Rubiniec
    316-325Nature of interaction energy anisotropy in the Li(2S)–HF (˜X1S+) van der Waals complex. A theoretical studyVladimir Lukeš, Martina Bittererová, Stanislav Biskupic and Viliam Laurinc
    326-331Validity of B-splines as a universal basis set for atomic Hartree–Fock–Roothaan calculationsShiro L. Saito
    332-340Why are hexavalent uranium cyanides rare while U–F and U–O bonds are common and short?Michal Straka, Michael Patzschke and Pekka Pyykkö
    341-342Franz Schwabl (translated from German by Ronald Kates): Quantum mechanics, 3rd ednSanford Lipsky

    Volume 110, Number 1 / August 2003

    1-9The intermolecular interaction in the charge-transfer complexes between amines and halogens: A theoretical characterization of the trends in halogen bondingAlfred Karpfen
    10-18A kinetic stability study of MN 5 ( M=Li, Na, K, and Rb)Jun Fang Zhao, Nan Li and Qian Shu Li
    19-27Ab initio and density functional theory based studies on collagen tripletsR. Parthasarathi, B. Madhan, V. Subramanian and T. Ramasami
    28-33Valence ab initio calculation of the potential-energy curves for the Ca 2 dimerE. Czuchaj, M. Krosnicki and H. Stoll
    34-41Accuracy of geometries: influence of basis set, exchange–correlation potential, inclusion of core electrons, and relativistic correctionsM. Swart and J. G. Snijders
    42-46Test study on the excitation spectra of the N2–He van der Waals moleculeMary C. Salazar, José L. Paz, Antonio J. Hernández, Ramón López-Planes and Marcia L. Llanos
    47Comparison of magnetic and thermal properties of prismane and double-cubane [Fe6S6]4+ superclustersM. Czerwiñski and M. Matusiewicz

    Volume 110, Number 2 / September 2003

    49-58Simulating quantum dynamics in classical environmentsAlessandro Sergi, Donal Mac Kernan, Giovanni Ciccotti and Raymond Kapral
    59-69The role of vibronic interactions on intramolecular and intermolecular electron transfer in p-conjugated oligomersV. Coropceanu, J.M. André, M. Malagoli and J.L. Brédas
    70-78Vibrational analysis of small species in the liquid phase by a combined density functional theory and polarizable continuum methodA.L. Magalhães and A.S. Soares Pinto
    79-84Interelectronic angle densities of atoms in momentum spaceToshikatsu Koga
    85-91Eliminating chaos in the Belousov–Zhabotinsky reaction by no-delay feedback and delayed feedbackRui Zhu and Qian Shu Li
    92-99A valence-bond-based complete-active-space self-consistent-field method for the evaluation of bonding in organic moleculesLluís Blancafort, Paolo Celani, Michael J. Bearpark and Michael A. Robb
    100-104Diacetylene's weak bonding to acetylene clustersKimberly Chenoweth and Clifford E. Dykstra
    105-114Excited states of conjugated hydrocarbon radicals using the molecular mechanics – valence bond (MMVB) methodMichael J. Bearpark and Martial Boggio-Pasqua

    Volume 110, Number 3 / October 2003

    115-117Björn’s top tenRoland Lindh and Per Åke Malmqvist
    118-125The performance of density functional theory for LnF (Ln=Nd, Eu, Gd, Yb) and YbHHanne Heiberg, Odd Gropen, Jon K. Laerdahl, Ole Swang and Ulf Wahlgren
    126-129Nonlinear electric response of polyampholytesMalek O. Khan, Torbjörn Åkesson, Cliff E. Woodward and Bo Jönsson
    130-143Modeling water exchange on monomeric and dimeric Mn centersMarcus Lundberg, Margareta R. A. Blomberg and Per E. M. Siegbahn
    144-152Perturbation energy expansions based on two-component relativistic HamiltoniansDage Sundholm
    153-155The ground state of TiC revisitedCharles W. Bauschlicher Jr.
    156-164Semidirect parallel self-consistent field: the load balancing problem in the input/output intensive self-consistent field iterationsRoland Lindh, Jesper Wisborg Krogh, Martin Schütz and Kimihiko Hirao
    165-169Bond length alternation in ground and HOMO?LUMO excited states in polyenes. Dynamic Stokes shift?Fredrik Blomgren and Sven Larsson
    170-175Vibrational linestrengths for the ground and first excited electronic states of HeH 2 +M. Šindelka, V. Špirko and W. P. Kraemer
    176-184Electric properties of hydrogen iodide: Reexamination of correlation and relativistic effectsMiroslav Iliaš, Vladimír Kellö, Timo Fleig and Miroslav Urban
    185-189Maximum radius of convergence perturbation theory: test calculations on Be, Ne, H 2 and HFKotaro Yokoyama, Haruyuki Nakano, Kimihiko Hirao and James P. Finley
    190-195On the influence of the basis set superposition error on calculated vibrational frequenciesJose Manuel Hermida-Ramón, Gunnar Karlström and Bengt Nelander
    196-204The migratory insertion of carbon monoxide and methyl isocyanide into zirconium–carbon and titanium–carbon bonds anchored to a calix[4]arene moiety: a dynamical density functional studyFilippo De Angelis, Simona Fantacci, Antonio Sgamellotti and Nazzareno Re
    205-210Cesium and barium as honorary d elements: CsN 7Ba as an exampleLaura Gagliardi and Pekka Pyykkö
    211-217Calculation of accurate binding energies for the transition-metal carbonyls Ni(CO) 4, Fe(CO) 5 and Cr(CO) 6B. Joakim Persson and Peter R. Taylor
    218-223The electronic spectrum of VCrK. Andersson
    224-232Theoretical characterization of the absorption spectra of phenanthrene and its radical cationR. González-Luque, L. Serrano-Andrés, M. Merchán and M. P. Fülscher

    Volume 110, Number 4 / November 2003

    233-253A derivation of the frozen-orbital unrestricted open-shell and restricted closed-shell second-order perturbation theory analytic gradient expressionsChristine M. Aikens, Simon P. Webb, Rob L. Bell, Graham D. Fletcher and Michael W. Schmidt, et al.
    254-266Towards a ‘‘next generation’’ neglect of diatomic differential overlap based semiempirical molecular orbital techniquePaul Winget, Cenk Selçuki, Anselm H. C. Horn, Bodo Martin and Timothy Clark
    267-275Generalized Christoffel–Darboux formulae and the frontier Kohn–Sham molecular orbitalsPaul W. Ayers
    276-283A study with a complete-active-space self-consistent-field plus density functional theory combination: The low-lying bound states of N 2E. San-Fabián and L. Pastor-Abia
    284-289Resistance distance and Laplacian spectrumWenjun Xiao and Ivan Gutman

    Volume 110, Number 5 / December 2003

    291-306Long-distance electron tunneling in proteinsAlexei A. Stuchebrukhov
    307-321Electronic coupling in electron transfer and the influence of nuclear modes: theoretical and computational probesMarshall D. Newton
    322-327Ab initio and density functional studies on the structure and vibrational spectra of 2-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone-1-oxime derivativesKaustubh A. Joshi, Dilip R. Thube, Sandhya Y. Rane and Shridhar P. Gejji
    328-337A non-orthogonal Kohn-Sham method using partially fixed molecular orbitalsKazushi Sorakubo, Takeshi Yanai, Kenichi Nakayama, Muneaki Kamiya and Haruyuki Nakano, et al.
    338-344Hund’s multiplicity rule: a unified interpretationShubin Liu and Wilfried Langenaeker
    345-351A theoretical study of radical-only and combined radical/carbocationic mechanisms of arachidonic acid cyclooxygenation by prostaglandin H synthasePedro J. Silva, Pedro A. Fernandes and Maria J. Ramos
    352-357The curvature of the Arrhenius plots predicted by conventional canonical transition-state theory in the absence of tunnelingLaura Masgrau, Àngels González-Lafont and José M. Lluch
    358Bernd A. Hess (ed): Relativistic Effects in Heavy-Element Chemistry and PhysicsUzi Kaldor

    Volume 110, Number 6 / December 2003

    359The Quitel-2002Oscar N. Ventura, Marco Antonio Chaer Nascimento and Julián Echave
    360-366Rayleigh and Raman light scattering in hydrogen-bonded acetonitrile–waterEduardo Rissi, Eudes E. Fileti and Sylvio Canuto
    367-370Self-consistent-field – Hartree–Fock method with finite nuclear mass correctionsCristina P. Gonçalves and José R. Mohallem
    371-376New structural parameters of fullerenes for principal component analysisF. Torrens
    377-386Theoretical study of the gas-phase thermolysis reaction of alkyl (ethyl, isopropyl, and tert-butyl) N,N-dimethylcarbamates and N,N-diethylcarbamatesCamilo Quijano, Rafael Notario, Jairo Quijano, Claudia Sánchez and Luis A. León, et al.
    387-394A density functional theory study of the gas-phase elimination reactions of 4-arylideneimino-1,2,4-triazol-3(2H?)-ones and their 3(2H?)-thione analoguesLuis A. León, Rafael Notario, Jairo Quijano, Ederley Vélez and Claudia Sánchez, et al.
    395-402Exact and approximate forms of the kinetic energy functional T s[?] for molecules obtained via local-scaling transformationsEduardo V. Ludeña, Valentin V. Karasiev and Pedro Nieto
    403-409New isospectral generalized potentialsJ. Morales, J. J. Peña and A. Rubio-Ponce
    410-413Immiscible fluid flow through nanotubesJ. Marañón Di Leo and J. Marañón
    414-420Theoretical study of the adsorption of oxygen on a Cu(100) surface and the coadsorption with alkali atomsLuis Padilla-Campos and Patricio Fuentealba
    421-427The maximum hardness and minimum polarizability principles as the basis for the study of reaction profilesB. Gómez, P. Fuentealba and R. Contreras
    428-433Rationalization of the optical rotatory power of chiral molecules into atomic terms: a study of N 2H 4M. P. Béccar Varela, M. B. Ferraro and D. Rial
    434-440Synthesis of anticonvulsant sulfamides. Theoretical study of the related mechanismLuciana Gavernet, Hebe Saraví Saraví Cisneros, Luis E. Bruno-Blanch and Gguillerminal L. Estiú
    441-445Theoretical study on reactions catalyzed by gallium-substituted zeolitesMárcio Soares Pereira and Macro Antonio Chaer Nascimento
    446-459Transferable group contributions for a variety of chemical phenomena and compoundsG. Alagona, S. Campanile, C. Ghio, A. Giolitti and S. Monti
    460-465Monte Carlo study of three-dimensional organization of water molecules around DNA fragmentsE. González, A. Deriabina, A. Teplukhin, A. Hernández and V. I. Poltev
    466-472Caffeine interactions with nucleic acids. Molecular mechanics calculations of model systems for explanation of mechanisms of biological actionsV. I. Poltev, T. I. Grokhlina, A. Deriabina and E. González

    Volume 111, Number 1 / February 2004

    1-17Correlation factor approach to the correlation energy functionalL. Pastor-Abia, A. Pérez-Jiménez, J. M. Pérez-Jordá, J. C. Sancho-García and E. San-Fabián, et al.
    18-24Systematic convergence of energies with respect to basis set and treatment of electron correlation: focal-point conformational analysis of methanolK. Kahn and T. C. Bruice
    25-30Subshell-pair interelectronic angles of atomsH. Matsuyama and T. Koga
    31-35Karplus-type relationships between scalar coupling constants: 3JHH molecular versus 4hJHH supramolecular coupling constantsIbon Alkorta and José Elguero
    36-48Modeling of serine protease prototype reactions with the flexible effective fragment potential quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical methodA. V. Nemukhin, B. L. Grigorenko, A. V. Rogov, I. A. Topol and S. K. Burt
    49-53The optimal size of the exchange hole and reduction to one-particle HamiltoniansPaul Mancas, A. M. Klaus Müller and Heinz Siedentop
    54-55Charles M Quinn: Computational Quantum Chemistry: A guide to interactive basis set theoryJ. T. Fermann
    56Accuracy of geometries: influence of basis set, exchange–correlation potential, inclusion of core electrons, and relativistic correctionsM. Swart and J.G. Snijders

    Volume 111, Numbers 2-6 / March 2004

    57EditorialVincenzo Barone
    58-60Jacopo TomasiMaurizio Persico
    61-65Simulation of volume polarization for the influence of solvation on chemical shieldingDaniel M. Chipman
    66-77Second-order Mø øller–Plesset second derivatives for the polarizable continuum model: theoretical bases and application to solvent effects in electrophilic bromination of ethyleneRoberto Cammi, Benedetta Mennucci, Christian Pomelli, Chiara Cappelli and Stefano Corni, et al.
    78-89Solvent effects in electronically excited states using the continuum solvation model COSMO in combination with multireference configuration interaction with singles and doubles (MR-CISD)Silmar Andrade do Monte, Thomas Müller, Michal Dallos, Hans Lischka and Michael Diedenhofen, et al.
    90-100Achieving linear-scaling computational cost for the polarizable continuum model of solvationGiovanni Scalmani, Vincenzo Barone, Konstantin N. Kudin, Christian S. Pomelli and Gustavo E. Scuseria, et al.
    101-109A molecular dynamics study on Rh 3+ hydration: development and application of a first principles hydrated ion–water interaction potentialJosé M. Martínez, Patrick J. Merkling, Rafael R. Pappalardo, Keith Refson and Enrique Sánchez Marcos
    110-121Theory and computation of electron transfer reorganization energies with continuum and molecular solvent modelsI.V. Leontyev, M.V. Basilevsky and M.D. Newton
    122-131Molecular properties of molecules between electrodesThorsten Hansen and Kurt V. Mikkelsen
    132-140Solvent effects on g-tensors of semiquinone radical anions: polarizable continuum versus cluster modelsI. Ciofini, R. Reviakine, A. Arbuznikov and M. Kaupp
    141-153Towards a modellisation of the solvation energy in multi-component solvents. The interesting case of a charged solute imbedded in a polymer-containing electrolyte solutionAntonio Raudino
    154-161Theoretical study of the S N2 reaction of Cl -(H 2O)+CH 3Cl using our own N-layered integrated molecular orbital and molecular mechanics polarizable continuum model method (ONIOM, PCM)Sung J. Mo, Thom Vreven, Benedetta Mennucci, Keiji Morokuma and Jacopo Tomasi
    162-167Solvent effects on 17O nuclear magnetic shielding: N-methylformamide in polar and apolar solutionsMaurizio Cossi and Orlando Crescenzi
    168-175Solvent effects on optically detected magnetic resonance in triplet spin labelsBoris Minaev, Oleksandr Loboda, Olav Vahtras, Kenneth Ruud and Hans Ågren
    176-181Solvation effects on cation–p interactions: a test study involving the quaternary ammonium ionCarlo Adamo, Gaston Berthier and Roger Savinelli
    182-187A theoretical study of the H 2SO 4+H 2O ? HSO 4 -+H 3O + reaction at the surface of aqueous aerosolsRoberto Bianco and James T. Hynes
    188-195Solvent effects on molecular reactivity descriptors: some test casesIlaria Ciofini, Sandrine Hazebroucq, Laurent Joubert and Carlo Adamo
    196-203An averaged solvent electrostatic potential from molecular dynamics study of the anomeric equilibrium of D-xylose in aqueous solutionI. Fdez. Galván, F.J. Olivares del Valle, M.E. Martín and M.A. Aguilar
    204-209Theoretical investigation into the influence of conformational equilibria on the water-exchange process in magnetic resonance imaging contrast agentsUgo Cosentino, Demetrio Pitea, Giorgio Moro, Vincenzo Barone and Alessandra Villa, et al.
    210-216Density functional computations of the energetic and spectroscopic parameters of quercetin and its radicals in the gas phase and in solventMonica Leopoldini, Tiziana Marino, Nino Russo and Marirosa Toscano
    217-222Water-catalyzed isomerization of the glycine radical cation. From hydrogen-atom transfer to proton-transport catalysisSílvia Simon, Mariona Sodupe and Joan Bertran
    223-230Tautomeric conjugate acids of 2-aminopyrroles: effect of substituents, solvation and cosoluteXavier Fradera, Michael De Rosa, Modesto Orozco and F. Javier Luque
    231-236A study of amino-protecting groups using the polarizable continuum model (PCM)Clarissa O. da Silva, André Gustavo H. Barbosa, Emerson T. da Silva, Edson Luiz L. da Silva and Marco Antonio C. Nascimento
    237-245Computation of protein p K’s values by an integrated density functional theory/Polarizable Continuum Model approachVincenzo Barone, Roberto Improta and Nadia Rega
    246-254Quasi-periodic ab initio models in material science: the case of oxygen-deficient centers in optical fibersC. Pisani, M. Busso, F. Lopez-Gejo, S. Casassa and L. Maschio
    255-263Tailoring approach for exploring electron densities and electrostatic potentials of molecular crystalsK. Babu, V. Ganesh, Shridhar R. Gadre and Nour E. Ghermani
    264-269Surface-enhanced Raman spectra of pyridine and pyrazolide on silver colloids: chemical and electromagnetic effectsMaurizio Muniz-Miranda, Gianni Cardini and Vincenzo Schettino
    270-279QM/MM connection atoms for the multistate treatment of organic and biological moleculesA. Toniolo, C. Ciminelli, G. Granucci, T. Laino and M. Persico
    280-286Generalized hybrid orbital for the treatment of boundary atoms in combined quantum mechanical and molecular mechanical calculations using the semiempirical parameterized model 3 methodMireia Garcia-Viloca and Jiali Gao
    287-302Theoretical investigation on the oxazaborolidine-ketone interaction in small model systemsGiuliano Alagona, Caterina Ghio and Simone Tomasi
    303-310A possible role of histidine residues in long-range electron transfer in proteinsMariangela Di Donato and Andrea Peluso
    311-327Structural and dynamic variations in DNA hexamers containing T-T and F-F single and tandem internal mispairsEdward C. Sherer and Christopher J. Cramer
    328-334Electrostatic interactions in peptides. Polarisation effects due to an a-helixXavier Assfeld, Nicolas Ferré and Jean-Louis Rivail
    335-344Small basis sets for calculations of barrier heights, energies of reaction, electron affinities, geometries, and dipole momentsBenjamin J. Lynch and Donald G. Truhlar
    345-351Relativistic atomic natural orbital type basis sets for the alkaline and alkaline-earth atoms applied to the ground-state potentials for the corresponding dimersBjörn O. Roos, Valera Veryazov and Per-Olof Widmark
    352-357An application of second-order n-electron valence state perturbation theory to the calculation of excited statesCelestino Angeli, Stefano Borini and Renzo Cimiraglia
    358-362Interaction of the uracil dipole-bound electron with closed-shell systems (Ar and N 2)Abraham F. Jalbout, Kostyantyn Y. Pichugin and Ludwik Adamowicz
    363-372A theoretical study of the lowest electronic states of azobenzene: the role of torsion coordinate in the cis–trans photoisomerizationLaura Gagliardi, Giorgio Orlandi, Fernando Bernardi, Alessandro Cembran and Marco Garavelli
    373-380How electrons guard the space: shape optimization with probability distribution criteriaEric Cancès, Renaud Keriven, François Lodier and Andreas Savin
    381-389The nature of the chemical bond revisited. An energy partitioning analysis of diatomic molecules E 2 (E=N–Bi, F–I), CO and BFCatharine Esterhuysen and Gernot Frenking
    390-394Ab initio investigation of the vibrational hyper-Raman spectra of ethylene, ethane, and dimethyl etherOliver Quinet and Benoît Champagne
    395-399Atomic and molecular energies as functionals of the electrostatic potentialP. Politzer
    400-406Hyperspherical harmonics for polyatomic systems: basis set for collective motionsV. Aquilanti, A. Lombardi and R. G. Littlejohn
    407-413Thermodynamic properties of small rare gas clusters by path integral Monte Carlo simulations: a preliminary studyC. Parletta, C. Guidotti and G.P. Arrighini
    414-421Can STO basis sets do a good job in evaluating molecular electromagnetic properties? I. First hyperpolarizability of H 2O, CH 4, and NH 3 according to the TDHF theoryUgo T. Lamanna, Carla Guidotti, Nicola Durante and Giovanni P. Arrighini

    Volume 112, Number 1 / April 2004

    1-6Accurate energies calculated by empirical corrections to the local spin density approximationRené Fournier and Luba Boroukhovskaia
    7-15Structural optimization of atomic clusters by tabu search in descriptor spaceJoey Cheng and René Fournier
    16-26A systematic theoretical investigation of the lowest valence- and Rydberg-excited singlet states of trans-butadiene. The character of the 1 1B u (V) state revisitedMichal Dallos and Hans Lischka
    27-32Theoretical studies on the molecular electron densities and electrostatic potentials in azacubanesUjwala N. Patil, Nilesh R. Dhumal and Shridhar P. Gejji
    33-39The well-tempered model core potentials for the main-group elements Li–RnJonathan Y. Mane and Mariusz Klobukowski
    40-51An approach to reaction path branching using valley–ridge inflection points of potential-energy surfacesWolfgang Quapp, Michael Hirsch and Dietmar Heidrich
    52-57The accuracy of hyperfine integrals in relativistic NMR computations based on the zeroth-order regular approximationJochen Autschbach

    Volume 112, Number 2 / May 2004

    59-67Own N-layered integrated molecular orbital and molecular mechanics study of the reaction of OH - with polychlorinated hydrocarbons CH (4-n)Cl n (n=2–4)Suyong Re and Keiji Morokuma
    68-74Explicit definition of the reaction coordinate for the Jackels–Gu–Truhlar projection technique to compute harmonic vibrational frequencies along the intrinsic reaction pathGregory A. Natanson
    75-83Generalized reaction-path Hamiltonian dynamicsJavoer González, Xavier Giménez and Josep Maria Bofill
    84-94Correlation potentials for a multiconfigurational-based density functional theory with exact exchangeSergey Gusarov, Per-Åke Malmqvist, Roland Lindh and Björn O. Roos
    95-105Ab initio study of the oxidation of CH3SH to CH3SSCH3Rois Benassi
    106-112Performance of density functionals for calculation of reductive ring-opening reaction energies of Li +-EC and Li +-VCYoung-Kyu Han and Ssang Uck Lee

    Volume 112, Number 3 / July 2004

    113-123Reduced-size representations of high-quality atomic densities. The hybrid Gaussian–exponential caseE. Francisco, L. Pueyo and A. Martín Pendás
    124-134The expansion of hydrogen states in Gaussian orbitalsVebjørn Bakken and Trygve Helgaker
    135-140Can STO basis sets do a good job in evaluating molecular electromagnetic properties? II: Second hyperpolarizability of H 2O, CH 4 and NH 3 according to the TDHF theoryU. T. Lamanna, C. Guidotti, N. Durante, G. P. Arrighini and S. Bruzzone
    141-144Method for evaluation of density functional integrals in molecular calculationsQiuping Bian and James D. Talman
    145-157The influence of simulation conditions in molecular dynamics investigations of model ß-sheet peptidesLuca Monticelli and Giorgio Colombo
    158-162A scheme for the economical use of numerical basis sets in calculations with SIESTAR. Q. Zhang, Q. Z. Zhang and M. W. Zhao
    163-178Development and optimisation of a novel genetic algorithm for studying model protein foldingGraham A. Cox, Thomas V. Mortimer-Jones, Robert P. Taylor and Roy L. Johnston

    Volume 112, Number 4 / September 2004

    179-183Jean-Louis Rivail Honorary IssueM.F. Ruiz-López
    184-203Thirty years of continuum solvation chemistry: a review, and prospects for the near futureJ. Tomasi
    204-216An improved semiempirical method for hydrated systemsW. Harb, M. I. Bernal-Uruchurtu and M. F. Ruiz-López
    217-227Computation of equilibrium oxidation and reduction potentials for reversible and dissociative electron-transfer reactions in solutionP. Winget, C. J. Cramer and D. G. Truhlar
    228-239Solvent effects on the asymmetric Diels–Alder reaction between cyclopentadiene and (-)-menthyl acrylate revisited with the three-layer hybrid local self-consistent field/molecular mechanics/self-consistent reaction field methodY. Moreau, P.-F. Loos and X. Assfeld
    240-246The costly process of creating a cavity in n-octanolS. Höfinger and F. Zerbetto
    247-253Determination of extremely localized molecular orbitals in the framework of density functional theoryE. Burresi and M. Sironi
    254-262A novel approach to relax extremely localized molecular orbitals: the extremely localized molecular orbital–valence bond methodA. Genoni and M. Sironi
    263-269Rotational cooling of Li 2 ( 1 S g + ) molecules by ultracold collisions with a helium gas bufferE. Bodo, F. A. Gianturco, F. Sebastianelli, E. Yurtsever and M. Yurtsever
    270-276A density functional theory study of N 2O formation from the reaction of NO with pyridine and with acridineR. López and T.L. Sordo
    277-281Assignment of the first photoelectron band of the CH 3CHCl radical using ab initio quantum mechanical calculationsM. H. N. Zamanpour and F. Hadidsaz
    282-289Homolytic dissociation in hydrogen-bonding liquids: energetics of the phenol O–H bond in methanol and the water O–H bond in waterS. G. Estácio, P. Cabral do Couto, R. C. Guedes, B. J. Costa Cabral and J. A. Martinho Simões
    290-297Acid-catalysed oxidative ring-opening of epoxide by DMSO. Theoretical investigation of the effect of acid catalysts and substituentsS. Antoniotti, S. Antonczak and J. Golebiowski
    298-304The importance of nonconventional structures in the binding of Ni + to ethynylsilanes and ethynylgermanesI. Corral, O. Mó and M. Yáñez
    305-312Theoretical study of the semihydrogenation of alkynes catalyzed by Pd(0) complexes: Is a zwitterionic pathway possible?A. Dedieu, S. Humbel, C. Elsevier and C. Grauffel
    313-317Application of semiempirical quantum chemical methods as a scoring function in dockingV. Vasilyev and A. Bliznyuk
    318-326Effects of protonation on proton-transfer processes in guanine–cytosine Watson–Crick base pairsM. Noguera, M. Sodupe and J. Bertrán
    327-334Electrostatic effects in enzyme catalysis: a quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics study of the nucleophilic substitution reaction in haloalkane dehalogenaseA. Soriano, E. Silla, I. Tuñón, S. Martí and V. Moliner, et al.
    335-341Complete-active-space self-consistent-field/Amber parameterization of the Lys296–retinal–Glu113 rhodopsin chromophore-counterion systemNicolas Ferré, Alessandro Cembran, Marco Garavelli and Massimo Olivucci
    342-348Ab initio conformational maps in the gas phase and aqueous solution for a prototype of the glycosidic linkageC. da Silva and M. Nascimento

    Volume 112, Numbers 5-6 / December 2004

    349-393Method of moments of coupled-cluster equations: a new formalism for designing accurate electronic structure methods for ground and excited statesP. Piecuch, K. Kowalski, I. S. O. Pimienta, P.-D. Fan and M. Lodriguito, et al.
    394-402Analytical Hartree–Fock gradients with respect to the cell parameter for systems periodic in three dimensionsK. Doll, R. Dovesi and R. Orlando
    403-409Relativistic double-zeta, triple-zeta, and quadruple-zeta basis sets for the 5 d elements Hf–HgKenneth G. Dyall
    410-418Improving numerical integration through basis set expansionDew A. McCormack, Evert Jan Baerends, Erik van Lenthe and Nicholas C. Handy
    419-430Multicenter bonding and the structure of electron-rich molecules. Model of three-center four-electron bonding reconsideredRobert Ponec, Gleb Yuzhakov and David L. Cooper
    431-434Approximate formulas for the characteristics of interelectronic angle densitiesToshikatsu Koga
    435-441Subshell-pair interelectronic angles of atoms in momentum spaceHisashi Matsuyama and Toshikatsu Koga
    442-452A parallelized integral-direct second-order Møller–Plesset perturbation theory method with a fragment molecular orbital schemeYuji Mochizuki, Tatsuya Nakano, Shigeru Koikegami, Souichirou Tanimori and Yukinobu Abe, et al.
    453-459Electron localizability indicator for correlated wavefunctions. I. Parallel-spin pairsMiroslav Kohout, Katarzyna Pernal, Frank Richard Wagner and Yuri Grin

    Volume 113, Number 1 / February 2005

    1-14Theory and range of modern semiempirical molecular orbital methodsThomas Bredow and Karl Jug
    15-27Ab initio calculations of vibronic activity in phosphorescence microwave double resonance spectra of p-dichlorobenzeneÒscar Rubio-Pons, Boris Minaev, Oleksandr Loboda and Hans Ågren
    28-34Structure and torsional flexibility of the linkage between guanine and fluorene residues in the deoxyguanosine–aminofluorene and deoxyguanosine–acetylaminofluorene carcinogenic adductsJan Florián and James Borden
    35-41Polyparametric modification equation for estimating thermodynamic properties of energetic nitro compoundsMin-Hsien Liu, Cheng Chen, Yaw-Shun Hong and Chuan-Wen Liu
    42-57Redox potential of iron–sulfur clusters as a model of the Desulfovibrio vulgaris centerM. Czerwiński and M. Matusiewicz
    58-62Newton leaves on potential energy surfacesMichael Hirsch and Wolfgang Quapp
    63-68Structural and electronic trends in ortho-metalated dirhodium(II) complexesPipsa Hirva, Pascual Lahuerta and Julia Pérez-Prieto

    Volume 113, Number 2 / March 2005

    69-72Gaussian basis sets for CO2 molecule generated with the molecular improved generator coordinate Hartree–Fock methodM. T. Barreto, E. P. Muniz, F. E. Jorge and A. G. Cunha
    73-79Graphs to chemical structures 1. Sphericity indices of cycles for stereochemical extension of Pólya’s theoremShinsaku Fujita
    80-86Graphs to chemical structures 2. Extended sphericity indices of cycles for stereochemical extension of Pólya’s coronasShinsaku Fujita
    87-94Accurate ab intio determination of binding energies for rare-gas dimers by basis set extrapolationJae Shin Lee
    95-106Symmetry or asymmetry in cheletropic additions forming cyclopropanesShinichi Yamabe, Noriko Tsuchida, Tsutomu Minato and Takahisa Machiguchi
    107-131Density-functional theory and hybrid density-functional theory continuum solvation models for aqueous and organic solvents: universal SM5.43 and SM5.43R solvation models for any fraction of Hartree-Fock exchangeJason D. Thompson, Christopher J. Cramer and Donald G. Truhlar
    132Rotational cooling of Li2(1Σ+g) molecules by ultracold collisions with an He gas bufferE. Bodo, F. A. Gianturco, F. Sebastianelli, E. Yurtsever and M. Yurtsever

    Volume 113, Number 3 / April 2005

    133-151Accurate partial atomic charges for high-energy molecules using class IV charge models with the MIDI! basis setC. P. Kelly, C. J. Cramer and D. G. Truhlar
    152-160Towards a complete basis set limit of Hartree–Fock method: correlation-consistent versus polarized-consistent basis setsShant Shahbazian and Mansour Zahedi
    161-166Hydrogen bonding motif in 2-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinoneN. R. Dhumal, A. V. Todkary, S. Y. Rane and S. P. Gejji
    167-177Molecular electrostatic potentials and electron densities in azatriprismanes and nitroazatriprismanesS. P. Gejji and K. A. Joshi
    178-182Monte Carlo simulation of polarizable systems: Early rejection scheme for improving the performance of adiabatic nuclear and electronic sampling Monte Carlo simulationsMilton Medeiros
    183-186Average electron momenta in many-electron atomsT. Koga
    187-190On the accuracy of numerical Hartree–Fock energiesFrank Jensen
    191-196Self-interaction correction and isotropic hyperfine parameter of light atomsDiana Guenzburger, D.E. Ellis and Joice Terra

    Volume 113, Number 4 / May 2005

    197-204New designs for inhibitors of the NF-κB: DNA bindingPedro A. Fernandes, Elsa S. Henriques, Vineet Pande, Maria. J. Ramos and Ana R. R. Maia, et al.
    205-211Geometric and electronic similarities between transition structures for electrocyclizations and sigmatropic hydrogen shiftsRobert Ponec, Patrick Bultinck, Sofie Van Damme, Ramon Carbó-Dorca and Dean J. Tantillo
    212-224Valence basis sets for lanthanide 4f-in-core pseudopotentials adapted for crystal orbital ab initio calculationsJ. Yang and M. Dolg
    225-232Interpolated potential energy surface for abstraction and exchange reactions of NH3 + H and deuterated analoguesGloria E. Moyano and Michael A. Collins
    233-237Basis set effects on relative energies and HOMO–LUMO energy gaps of fullerene C36Kyoung Hoon Kim, Young-Kyu Han and Jaehoon Jung
    238-247Reduced–size polarized basis sets for calculations of molecular electric properties. III. Second–row atomsZuzana Benkova, Andrzej J. Sadlej, Roma E. Oakes and Steven E. J. Bell

    Volume 113, Number 5 / June 2005

    249-256Computational study of hydrogen-bonded complexes between the most stable tautomers of L-leucine and bases of RNAYaying Zhao and Lixin Zhou
    257-266Variation of electrophilicity during molecular vibrations and internal rotationsR. Parthasarathi, M. Elango, V. Subramanian and P. K. Chattaraj
    267-273Estimating the Hartree—Fock limit from finite basis set calculationsFrank Jensen
    274-280The effects of solvation in the theoretical spectra of cationic dyesP. Homem-de-Mello, B. Mennucci, J. Tomasi and A. B. F. da Silva
    281-286Properties of modified cyclo-olefin copolymers predicted by ab initio and molecular simulation techniquesJ. Katajisto, M. Linnolahti and T. A. Pakkanen
    287-293Electron localizability indicator for correlated wavefunctions. II Antiparallel-spin pairsM. Kohout, K. Pernal, F. R. Wagner and Yu. Grin
    294The nature of the chemical bond revisited. An energy partitioning analysis of diatomic molecules E2 (E = N–Bi, F–I), CO and BFCatharine Esterhuysen and Gernot Frenking

    Volume 114, Numbers 1-3 / September 2005

    1The 65th birthday of Karl JugA.M. Köster and T. Bredow
    2-3Karl Jug's 65th birthdayThomas Bredow and Joachim Heidberg
    4-18Reduced communication channels of molecular fragments and their entropy/information bond indicesRoman F. Nalewajski
    19-28Wannier-type atomic orbitals for periodic systemsR. A. Evarestov, D.E. Usvyat and V. P. Smirnov
    29-37A DFT study on the hydrated V2O5-TiO2-anatase catalyst: stability of monomeric speciesMònica Calatayud, Basma Mguig and Christian Minot
    38-45About the Mulliken electronegativity in DFTMihai V. Putz, Nino Russo and Emilia Sicilia
    46-51Stochastic resonance in circadian rhythmsK. Sriram and M.S. Gopinathan
    52-59NO adsorption on the stoichiometric and reduced SnO2(110) surfaceThomas Bredow and Gianfranco Pacchioni
    60-67Ab initio DFT studies of oxygen K edge NEXAFS spectra for the V2O3(0001) surfaceC. Kolczewski and K. Hermann
    68-75DFT ×TB − a unified quantum-mechanical hybrid methodHélio A. Duarte, Thomas Heine and Gotthard Seifert
    76-83Analysis of spin states, spin barriers, and trans-effects involved in the coordination and stabilization of dinitrogen by biomimetic iron complexesGerrit Moritz, Markus Reiher and Bernd Artur Hess
    84-89Generic implementation of semi-analytical CI gradients for NDDO-type methodsS. Patchkovskii, A. Koslowski and W. Thiel
    90-96Spectroscopic identification of adsorption properties of Zn2+ ions at cationic positions of high-silica zeolites with distant placing of aluminium ionsG.M. Zhidomirov, A.A. Shubin, V.B. Kazansky and R.A. van Santen
    97-109Transition metal complexes with open d-shell in semiempirical context. Application to analysis of Mössbauer data on spin–active iron(II) compoundsM.B. Darkhovskii, A.V. Soudackov and A.L. Tchougréeff
    110-114Entanglement and phaseThomas Krüger
    115-123Dissociation, solvation, and dynamics of HBr in small water clustersA. Goursot, G. Fischer, C. C. Lovallo and D. R. Salahub
    124-128Electrostatic exchange-correlation charge density in Be and Ne: quantal density functional theoretic analysisK.D. Sen and F. Javier Luque
    129-136Adsorption of water on sodium chloride surfaces: electrostatics – guided ab initio studiesAmitava Pramanik, Rashmi P. Kalagi, Vishal J. Barge and Shridhar R. Gadre
    137-144First principle σ-π energy separationG. Geudtner, Z. Gómez-Sandoval, F. Janetzko and P. Calaminici
    145-152Pseudopotentials for H to Kr optimized for gradient-corrected exchange-correlation functionalsM. Krack
    153-158Peculiarities of electric field alignment of nonlinear optical chromophores incorporated into thin film polymer matrixM. Makowska-Janusik, H. Reis, M. G. Papadopoulos and I.G. Economou
    159-168Multipole electrostatic model for MNDO-like techniques with minimal valence spd-basis setsA.H.C. Horn, Jr-H. Lin and T. Clark
    169-181Some answers to frequently asked questions about the distortive tendencies of π-electronic systemP.C. Hiberty and S. Shaik
    182-188Stationary points on the energy hypersurface of the reaction O3 + H→ [O3H]* ⇆ O2 + OH and thermodynamic functions of O3H at G3MP2B3, CCSD(T)-CBS (W1U) and MR-ACPF-CBS levels of theoryW. M. F. Fabian, J. Kalcher and R. Janoschek
    189-199An ab initio and density functional study of microsolvation of carbon dioxide in water clusters and formation of carbonic acidN.R. Jena and P.C. Mishra
    200-207Ab initio SCRF study of solvent effect on the nonlinear polarizabilities of different intramolecular charge-transfer moleculesP.K. Nandi, K. Mandal and T. Kar
    208-212Chemical bonding in solids. On the generalization of the concept of bond order and valence for infinite periodical structuresR. Ponec
    213-221Density functional theory analysis of some triple-decker sandwich complexes of iron containing cyclo-P5 and cyclo-As5 ligandsE. J. Padma Malar
    222-228On the origin of Baeyer strain in molecules – an ab initio and DFT analysisD. Barić and Z. B. Maksić
    229-234How π-electron delocalisation reflects replacement of H+ with Li+ in variously substituted malonaldehydesT.M. Krygowski and J.E. Zachara
    235-241Theoretical ab initio study of the intrinsic band gap in semiconductor oxides based on modified titanium dioxidesNurbosyn U. Zhanpeisov and Masakazu Anpo
    242-252MSINDO study of water adsorption on NiO surfacesD. J. Simpson, T. Bredow and A. R. Gerson

    Volume 114, Numbers 4-5 / October 2005

    253-254Hermann StollMichael Dolg and Peter Botschwina
    255-258Method of increments for excitations in correlated electron systemsPeter Fulde
    259-264On the application of the incremental scheme to ionic solids: test of different embeddingsElena Voloshina and Beate Paulus
    265-275Implicit infinite lattice summations for real space ab initio correlation methodsM. Albrecht
    276-282Nonorthogonal ultralocalized functions and fitted Wannier functions for local electron correlation methods for solidsDenis Usvyat and Martin Schütz
    283-296Systematically convergent basis sets for transition metals. II. Pseudopotential-based correlation consistent basis sets for the group 11 (Cu, Ag, Au) and 12 (Zn, Cd, Hg) elementsKirk A Peterson and Cristina Puzzarini
    297-304Improved relativistic energy-consistent pseudopotentials for 3d-transition metalsMichael Dolg
    305-308A short-range correlation energy density functional with multi-determinantal referenceJ. Toulouse, P. Gori-Giorgi and A. Savin
    309-317Ab initio study of the O2 binding in dicopper complexesMichal F. Rode and Hans-Joachim Werner
    318-326Understanding solvent effects on hyperfine coupling constants of cyclohexadienyl radicalsMichal Straka, Martin Kaupp and Emil Roduner
    327-332Multi-level vibrational SCF calculations and FTIR measurements on furazanKlaus Pflüger, Monika Paulus, Stefan Jagiella, Tobias Burkert and Guntram Rauhut
    333-340Vibrational spectrum of BiH3: Six-dimensional variational calculations on high-level ab initio potential energy surfacesSergei N. Yurchenko, Jürgen Breidung and Walter Thiel
    341-349Theoretical study of the C3S moleculeA. Zaidi, S. Lahmar, Z. Ben Lakhdar, P. Rosmus and M. Hochlaf
    350-356On the equilibrium structures and the IR active bending vibrations of linear C13 and C15: results of large-scale coupled cluster calculationsPeter Botschwina
    357-379A new proposal for the reason of magic numbers in alkali cation microhydration clustersFranziska Schulz and Bernd Hartke
    380-386Discrete contributions to static dipole polarizabilities of excited bound states of non-relativistic hydrogen-like atomsVolker Koch and Dirk Andrae

    Volume 115, Number 1 / January 2006

    1-17Study of thermodynamic parameters in amphiphilic systems by lattice Monte Carlo: effect of tails and headsH. Gharibi, R. Behjatmanesh-Ardakani, S. M. Hashemianzadeh, S. M. Mousavi-Khoshdel and S. Javadian, et al.
    18-26The basis set superposition error in multilevel methods: a test on the H2O and HF dimerKyung Hyun Kim and Yongho Kim
    27-31Cu, Zn Superoxide dismutase: distorted active site binds substrate without significant energetic costR.J.F. Branco, P.A. Fernandes and M.J. Ramos
    32-36Ab initio studies of small AlmFen clustersY. Ouyang, H. Chen and X. Zhong
    37-53Graphs to chemical structures 3. General theorems with the use of different sets of sphericity indices for combinatorial enumeration of nonrigid stereoisomersShinsaku Fujita
    54-58Binding energies of hydrogen-bonded clusters from extrapolation-oriented basis setsRyong Hwang, Young Choon Park and Jae Shin Lee
    59-64Inner and outer radial density functions in many-electron atomsToshikatsu Koga and Hisashi Matsuyama
    65-71Ionization thresholds and positions of avoided crossing of potassium Stark Rydberg states: a Stark-adapted quantum defect orbital treatmentJ.M. Menéndez, I. Martín and A.M. Velasco
    72Richard L. Liboff: Primer for Point and Space Groups Springer, 2004. 220 pp (ISBN 0-387-40248-9) US $59.95Christopher Stromberg
    73First principle α-π energy separationG. Geudtner, Z. Gómez-Sandoval, F. Janetzko and P. Calaminic
    74Discrete contributions to static dipole polarizabilities of excited bound states of non-relativistic hydrogen-like atomsVolker Koch and Dirk Andrae

    Volume 115, Numbers 2-3 / March 2006

    75-76Theoretical chemistry of metal and single ions in solutionsEnrique Sánchez Marcos
    77-85Ab initio quantum mechanical charge field (QMCF) molecular dynamics: a QM/MM – MD procedure for accurate simulations of ions and complexesBernd M. Rode, Thomas S. Hofer, Bernhard R. Randolf, Christian F. Schwenk and Demetrios Xenides, et al.
    86-99Electronic structure, statistical mechanical simulations, and EXAFS spectroscopy of aqueous potassiumVassiliki-Alexandra Glezakou, Yongsheng Chen, John L. Fulton, Gregory K. Schenter and Liem X. Dang
    100-112The Arrangement of First- and Second-shell Water Molecules Around Metal Ions: Effects of Charge and SizeCharles W. Bock, George D. Markham, Amy K. Katz and Jenny P. Glusker
    113-126Quantum versus classical electron transfer energy as reaction coordinate for the aqueous Ru2+/Ru3+ redox reactionJ. Blumberger and M. Sprik
    127-135Study of interactions of various ionic species with solvents toward the design of receptorsN. Jiten Singh, Adriana C. Olleta, Anupriya Kumar, Mina Park and Hai-Bo Yi, et al.
    136-144A molecular dynamics investigation of the titration of a trivalent aqueous ionJames R. Rustad and William H. Casey
    145-160Actinide Chemistry in Solution, Quantum Chemical Methods and ModelsValerie Vallet, Peter Macak, Ulf Wahlgren and Ingmar Grenthe
    161-169Ion solvation in aqueous supercritical electrolyte solutions at finite concentrations: a computer simulation studyE. Guàrdia, J. Martí and J. A. Padró
    170-176First and Second Hydration Shell of Ni2+ Studied by Molecular Dynamics SimulationsAndrei V. Egorov, Andrei V. Komolkin, Alexander P. Lyubartsev and Aatto Laaksonen
    177-189A Theoretical Study of the Hydration of Li+ by Monte Carlo Simulations with Refined Ab Initio Based Model PotentialsMaría Luisa San-Román, Mauricio Carrillo-Tripp, Humberto Saint-Martin, Jorge Hernández-Cobos and Iván Ortega-Blake
    190-195Hyperfine interactions in aqueous solution of Cr3+: an ab initio molecular dynamics studyOleg V. Yazyev and Lothar Helm
    196-203Hydration Structure and Dynamic Properties of the Square Planar Pt(II) Aquaion Compared to the Pd(II) CaseFrancisco Torrico, Rafael R. Pappalardo, Enrique Sánchez Marcos and José M. Martínez

    Volume 115, Number 4 / April 2006

    205-211Direct Ab Initio Dynamics Study for the Hydrogen Abstraction Reaction: CH
    212-220A spin-coupled study of the Claisen rearrangement of allyl vinyl etherJ. Grant. Hill, Peter B. Karadakov and David L. Cooper
    221-226Parallelization of three-center electron repulsion integralsPatrizia Calaminici, Victor D. Domínguez-Soria, Gerald Geudtner, Elizabeth Hernández-Marín and Andreas M. Köster
    227-245Ab initio calculation of molecular chiroptical propertiesT. Daniel. Crawford
    246-252Ab initio interaction and spectral properties of CO+–HeMary C. Salazar, Indira Lugo, Antonio J. Hernández and Carlos Manzanares I
    253-256Density bifunctional theory using the mass density and the charge densityPaul W. Ayers
    257-265Comparison between the frozen core and finite differences approximations for the generalized spin-dependent global and local reactivity descriptors in small moleculesJorge Garza, Rubicelia Vargas, Andrés Cedillo, Marcelo Galván and Pratim Kumar Chattaraj
    266-273Simple analysis of atomic reactivity: Thomas–Fermi theory with nonergodicity and gradient correctionWilliam Eek and Sture Nordholm
    274-275A comment on “Accurate ab initio determination of binding energies for rare-gas dimers by basis set extrapolation”Tanja van Mourik
    276-280An attempt to decompose the force constants for some diatomic molecules by the derivatives of the electronic kinetic energyKen Sakata
    281-286Multireference configuration interaction calculations for complexes of positronium and B, C, N, and O atomsShiro L. Saito
    287-290Subshell-pair correlation coefficients of atoms in momentum spaceHisashi Matsuyama, Toshikatsu Koga and Yoshihisa Kawata
    291-297Ab initio study of structures and energies of Al2H4 and Al2H
    298-307Rapid Estimation of Basis Set Error and Correlation Energy Based on Mulliken Charges and Mulliken Matrix with the Small 6-31g* Basis SetSandor Kristyan
    308-321Theoretical investigations on structure, electrostatics potentials and vibrational frequencies of Li+ - CH3- O- (CH2- CH2- O)n- CH3 (
    322-329Gegenbauer polynomials in a theoretical study of the vibrational structure of the Ca+–H2 systemM. Krośnicki and J. Czub
    330-333Comment on: “Estimating the Hartree–Fock limit from finite basis set calculations” [Jensen F (2005) Theor Chem Acc 113:267]Amir Karton and Jan M. L. Martin
    334-342The Colle–Salvetti Wavefunction Revisited: a Comparison Between Three Approaches for Obtaining the Correlation EnergyFederico Moscardó, Emilio San-Fabián and Luis Pastor-Abia

    Volume 115, Number 5 / May 2006

    343-347Assignment of the First Photoelectron Band of CH3CHBr(X2A) Using Ab-initio and Density Functional Theory (DFT) Computational CalculationsM. H. N. Zamanpour and G. Ebrahimzadeh
    348-353On the nature of oxoiron (IV) intermediate in dioxygen activation by non-heme enzymesAlexander V. Nemukhin, Igor A. Topol, Raul E. Cachau and Stanley K. Burt
    354-360Analytical Hartree–Fock gradients with respect to the cell parameter: systems periodic in one and two dimensionsK. Doll, R. Dovesi and R. Orlando
    361-369Structural and Electronic Characterization of Antioxidants from Marine OrganismsMarcella Belcastro, Tiziana Marino, Nino Russo and Marirosa Toscano
    370-378Information Theory, the Shape Function, and the Hirshfeld AtomPaul W. Ayers
    379-384Theoretical Study of Sticking Processes on Molecular Models of Silica SurfacesG. Berthier, R. Savinelli, C. Adamo and I. Ciofini
    385-390Gradients of the Exchange-repulsion Energy in the General Effective Fragment Potential MethodHui Li and Mark S. Gordon
    391-397Direct calculation of Henry’s law constants from Gibbs ensemble Monte Carlo simulations: nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and methane in ethanolLing Zhang and J. Ilja. Siepmann
    398-409Systematic Sequences of Geometric Relativistic Basis Sets. I:s- and p-Block Elements up to XeAndré Severo Pereira Gomes, Rogério Custodio and Lucas Visscher
    410-426Structure and Stability of Isomers of the Promising Interstellar Molecule PC3OYang Liu, Xu-Ri Huang, Guang-Tao Yu, Hui-Ling Liu and Chia-Chung Sun
    427-433Conformational Analysis of 2,2′-bifuran: Correlated High-level Ab initio and DFT ResultsJ. C. Sancho-García and A. Karpfen
    434-440CO2 Activation by Zr+ and ZrO+ in Gas PhaseF. Rondinelli, N. Russo and M. Toscano
    441-447Relativistic Quadruple-Zeta and Revised Triple-Zeta and Double-Zeta Basis Sets for the 4p, 5p, and 6p ElementsKenneth G. Dyall
    448-459The Silicon Carbonyls Revisited: On the Existence of a Planar Si(CO)4P. Belanzoni, G. Giorgi, G. F. Cerofolini and A. Sgamellotti

    Volume 116, Numbers 1-3 / August 2006

    1New Perspectives in Theoretical ChemistryChristopher J. Cramer and Donald G. Truhlar
    2-17Symbolic Algebra in Quantum ChemistrySo Hirata
    18-30Quantum effects in ab-initio calculations of rate constants for chemical reactions occuring in the condensed phaseJeremy Schofield
    31-42Time dependent solvation: a new frontier for quantum mechanical continuum modelsBenedetta Mennucci
    43-50Pseudobond ab initio QM/MM approach and its applications to enzyme reactionsYingkai Zhang
    51-59Theoretical and computational studies of vectorial processes in biomolecular systemsQ. Cui
    60-74Novel perspectives in quantum dynamicsFabien Gatti
    75-86Protein Folding Simulations: Combining Coarse-grained Models and All-atom Molecular DynamicsGiorgio Colombo and Cristian Micheletti
    87-105Computational Organic Photochemistry: Strategy, Achievements and PerspectivesMarco Garavelli
    106-123Coupled Cluster Theory with Emphasis on Selected New DevelopmentsOve Christiansen
    124-136Electron transfer in environmental systems: a frontier for theoretical chemistryKevin M. Rosso and Michel Dupuis
    137-147Carbohydrates and quantum chemistry: how useful is this combination?Clarissa O. da Silva
    148-159A first principles approach to optimal controlLeticia González and Jürgen Full
    160-168Predicting RNA secondary structure by free energy minimizationDavid H. Mathews
    169-182Understanding the chemical physics of nucleationShawn M. Kathmann
    183-193Simulation of conformational transitionsArjan van der Vaart
    194-205Extending the horizon: towards the efficient modeling of large biomolecular complexes in atomic detailMichael Feig, Jana Chocholoušová and Seiichiro Tanizaki
    206-218Quantized Hamilton DynamicsOleg V. Prezhdo
    219-231Exploring the photophysical behaviour of supramolecular systems: problems and perspectivesIlaria Ciofini
    232-240Quantum chemical modeling of enzyme active sites and reaction mechanismsFahmi Himo
    241-252Douglas–Kroll–Hess Theory: a relativistic electrons-only theory for chemistryMarkus Reiher
    253-261Valence Bond – Rebirth of the Phoenix or Relic from the Stone AgeAvital Shurki
    262-273The Thermodynamics of Folding of a β Hairpin Peptide Probed Through Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics SimulationsAndrij Baumketner and Joan-Emma Shea
    274-280Molecular dynamics with quantum statistics: time correlation functions and weakly bound nano-clustersPierre-Nicholas Roy
    281-296Estimating the thermodynamics and kinetics of chlorinated hydrocarbon degradationEric J. Bylaska
    297-306Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Peptide FoldingXavier Daura
    307-315Prediction of new inorganic molecules with quantum chemical methodsLaura Gagliardi
    316-325The SCC-DFTB method and its application to biological systemsM. Elstner
    326-337Ab initio dynamics with wave-packets and density matricesSrinivasan S. Iyengar
    338-346Free Energy Calculations with Non-Equilibrium Methods: Applications of the Jarzynski RelationshipHui Xiong, Alejandro Crespo, Marcelo Marti, Dario Estrin and Adrian E. Roitberg
    347-354Vibrational Analysis Beyond the Harmonic Regime From Ab-initio Molecular DynamicsNadia Rega
    355-372Ab initio electronic structure theory as an aid to understanding excited state hydrogen transfer in moderate to large systemsSimon P. Webb
    373-382Detecting Reaction Pathways and Computing Reaction Rates in Condensed PhaseStyliani Consta

    Volume 116, Numbers 4-5 / September 2006

    383-389About the scientific contribution of Jean-Paul MalrieuB. Lévy, Ph. Millié, F. Spiegelman, J. Sanchez-Marin and N. Guihéry
    390-397A Topological Study of the Ferromagnetic “No-Pair Bonding” in Maximum-Spin Lithium clusters: n+1Lin (n=2–6)M. E. Alikhani and S. Shaik
    398-403A Smplified Method for the Computation of Correlation Effects on the Band Structure of SemiconductorsU. Birkenheuer, P. Fulde and H. Stoll
    404-419Accurate DMBE Potential Energy Surface For the N(2D) + H2(1Σ
    420-426Forces on the Nuclei of a Molecule in Optical FieldsPaolo Lazzeretti
    427-433Multireference State-specific Coupled Cluster Approach with the CAS Reference: Inserting Be into H2Dmitry I. Lyakh, Vladimir V. Ivanov and Ludwik Adamowicz
    434-439A Simple Approximate Perturbation Approach to Quasi-degenerate SystemsCelestino Angeli, Renzo Cimiraglia and Jean-Paul Malrieu
    440-449Making More Extensive Use of the Coupled-cluster Wave Function: from the Standard Energy Expression to the Energy Expectation ValueLeszek Meissner, So Hirata and Rodney J. Bartlett
    450-455Ionisation Potential, Electron Affinity and Polar Bond: A First-order Correction Method for Interaction EnergyGwang-Hi Jeung
    456-461Solvent Effects on the UV (n → π*) and NMR (17O) Spectra of Acetone in Aqueous Solution: Development and Validation of a Modified AMBER
    462-471Two-body Reduced Density Matrix Reconstruction for Van der Waals SystemsB. Bories, S. Evangelisti, D. Maynau and T. Leininger
    472-479The nature of the AuI ... AuI Interactions between Cationic [AuL2]+ Complexes in the Solid StateM. A. Carvajal, J. J. Novoa and S. Alvarez
    480-485Structure and Dynamics of Methyl-substituted Beryllocene: [Be(C5Me5)2]Javier Fernández Sanz and Antonio M. Márquez
    486-496Towards a Frequency Independent Incremental Ab Initio Scheme for the Self EnergyM. Albrecht
    497-504Theoretical Study of the Metal–Metal Interaction in Dipalladium(I) ComplexesTahra Ayed, Nathalie Guihéry, Bahoueddine Tangour and Jean-Claude Barthelat
    505-508On the Bond Length Change upon 4
    509-513Electron Localization versus Delocalization and Ferromagnetic Coupling in Mixed Valence PolyoxometalatesSerguei A. Borshch and Ekaterina M. Zueva
    514-523Optical Properties of Noble Metal Clusters as a Function of the Size: Comparison between Experiments and a Semi-Quantal TheoryE. Cottancin, G. Celep, J. Lermé, M. Pellarin and J. R. Huntzinger, et al.
    524-534Effective Hamiltonian Approach for Strongly Correlated SystemsSylvain Capponi
    535-548Accurate Determination of the Electronic Structure Parameters of the Spin Ladder Compounds SrCu2O3, Sr2Cu3O5 and CaCu2O3Esther Bordas, Coen de Graaf, Rosa Caballol and Carmen J. Calzado
    549-558Quantum Chemistry Close to the Fermi Level: Reducing Clusters to Few Active Hole and/or Electron SystemsGérard Durand and Fernand Spiegelman
    559-565From Effective Hamiltonians to Fluctuation and DissipationPhilippe Durand and Ivana Paidarová
    566-575Accurate Ab Initio Calculations for LiH and its Ions, LiH+ and LiHFlorent Xavier Gadéa and Thierry Leininger
    576-586The Double Exchange Phenomenon Revisited: The [Re2OCl10]3− CompoundNathalie Guihéry
    587-597Spin Symmetry Requirements in Density Functional Theory: The Proper Way to Predict Magnetic Coupling Constants in Molecules and SolidsFrancesc Illas, Ibério de P. R. Moreira, Josep Maria Bofill and Michael Filatov
    598-607Interplay between Theoretical Quantum Chemistry and Cold Atom ExperimentsMichèle Leduc and Jacques Vigué
    608-613Application of Exact Analytic Total Energy Functional for Hooke’s Atom to He, Li+ and Be++: An Examination of the Universality of the Energy Functional in DFTDaniel Gómez, Eduardo V. Ludeña, Valentin Karasiev and Pedro Nieto
    614-620Similarities in the Intensities of Analogous Rydberg–Rydberg Transitions in the Molecular Series CFx Cly(x=3, 2, 1; y=1, 2, 3)I. Martín, E. Mayor and A. M. Velasco
    621-636Towards the Development and Applications of Manifestly Spin-free Multi-reference Coupled Electron-pair Approximation-like Methods: A State Specific ApproachDola Pahari, Pradipta Ghosh, Debashis Mukherjee and Sudip Chattopadhyay
    637-640Is the CH2OH + O2 → CH2 = O + HO2 Reaction Barrierless? An Ab Initio Study on the Reaction MechanismVíctor M. Ramírez-Ramírez, Luis Serrano-Andrés and Ignacio Nebot-Gil
    641-654The Spectroscopy of Copper and Silver Monohalides: What Modern Quantum Chemistry Can and Cannot doA. Ramírez-Solís
    655-663Dressed Second-order Epstein–Nesbet Perturbation Theory and Consequences of Orbital Delocalization for the BSSE Correction in Dimer Systems (in Honor of J.-P. Malrieu)P. Reinhardt
    664-669A Self-consistent Reaction Field Model of Solvation Using Distributed Multipoles. II: Second Energy Derivatives and Application to Vibrational SpectraDaniel Rinaldi, Alain Bouchy and Jean-Louis Rivail
    670-682Excited States of Conjugated Hydrocarbons Using the Molecular Mechanics - Valence Bond (MMVB) Method: Conical Intersections and DynamicsMichael J. Bearpark, Martial Boggio-Pasqua, Michael A. Robb and François Ogliaro
    683-690An Extended Group Function Model for Intermolecular InteractionsI. Røeggen
    691-699Analysis of Main Factors Determining the Prediction of Stabilization Energies of Halide-water ClustersRegla Ayala, José M. Martínez, Rafael R. Pappalardo and Enrique Sánchez Marcos
    700-710Size Consistent Properties from Size-consistent Self-consistent Configuration Interaction CoefficientsJ. M. Junquera-Hernández and J. Sánchez-Marín
    711-717DFT Calculation of Deuterium Quadrupolar Tensor in Crystal AnthraceneMichele Pavanello, Benedetta Mennucci and Jacopo Tomasi
    718-725Theoretical Study of the Distortion from Regular Tetrahedral Structure of M(NH2)4 ComplexesPaul Fleurat-Lessard and François Volatron
    726-733Symmetry-adapted Localized Wannier Functions Suitable for Periodic Local Correlation MethodsSilvia Casassa, Claudio M. Zicovich-Wilson and Cesare Pisani

    Volume 117, Number 1 / January 2007

    1-5Time-dependent density functional theory study on electronic and spectroscopic properties for Ph2Bq and its complexesY. L. Teng, Y. H. Kan, Z. M. Su, Y. Liao and S. Y. Yang, et al.
    7-27Atoms-in-molecules from the Stockholder Partition of the Molecular Two-electron DistributionRoman F. Nalewajski and Elżbieta Broniatowska
    29-39Charge Transport Properties of Molecular Junctions Built from Dithiol PolyenesAlexander Schnurpfeil and Martin Albrecht
    41-48Quantum Monte Carlo Calculation of Correlation Effects on Bond OrdersCarsten Müller, Heinz-Jürgen Flad, Miroslav Kohout and Joachim Reinhold
    49-56Predicting Potential Stable Isomers on the Singlet Surface of the [H,P,C,S] System by the MP2 and QCISD(T) MethodsHai-Tao Yu
    57-68CHIH-DFT Determination of the Molecular Structure and Infrared and Ultraviolet Spectra of AzathiophenesDaniel Glossman-Mitnik
    69-72Acceleration of Correlation-corrected Vibrational Self-consistent Field Calculation Times for Large Polyatomic MoleculesLiat Pele, Brina Brauer and R. Benny Gerber
    73-84An efficient parallelization scheme for molecular dynamics simulations with many-body, flexible, polarizable empirical potentials: application to waterGeorge S. Fanourgakis, Vinod Tipparaju, Jarek Nieplocha and Sotiris S. Xantheas
    85-97Structural Dynamics of Some Large-Ring Cyclodextrins. A Molecular Dynamics Study: An Analysis of Force Field PerformanceItziar Maestre, Ivan Beà, Petko M. Ivanov and Carlos Jaime
    99-113Unravelling Hot Spots: a comprehensive computational mutagenesis studyIrina S. Moreira, Pedro A. Fernandes and Maria J. Ramos
    115-122Electronic Structures of 5d Transition Metal Monoxides by Density Functional TheoryC. Yao, W. Guan, P. Song, Z. M. Su and J. D. Feng, et al.
    123-126Multipole analysis of electron repulsion energies in many-electron atomsToshikatsu Koga and Hisashi Matsuyama
    127-135Ionic liquid-alkane association in dilute solutionsAlain Berthod, John J. Kozak, Jared L. Anderson, Jie Ding and Daniel W. Armstrong
    137-144Perturbation expansion theory corrected from basis set superposition error II. Charge transfer, pair correlationand dispersion termsSuehiro Iwata and Takeshi Nagata
    145-152Isomerization reactions of RSNO (R=H, CnH2n+1n≤ 4)Chin-Hung Lai, Elise Y. Li and Pi-Tai Chou
    153-161An ab initio quantum chemical comparative study of possible additive rules and linear relations in parent and extended sulfur diimide familiesShant Shahbazian, Rohoullah Firouzi and Mansour Zahedi
    163-165Initial anticrossing between Stark manifold n and n+1 in NaYong Li
    167-169Computation of density of perfluoroalkyl methacrylates: a molecular modeling approachB. Prathab, T. M. Aminabhavi, R. Parthasarathi and V. Subramanian
    171-181Effective tailor-made force field parameterization of the several Zn coordination environments in the puzzling FTase enzyme: opening the door to the full understanding of its elusive catalytic mechanismSérgio Filipe Sousa, Pedro Alexandrino Fernandes and Maria João Ramos

    Volume 117, Number 2 / February 2007

    183Proceedings of the 10th Electronic Computational Chemistry ConferenceRobert Q. Topper and Guangyu Sun
    185-199QM/MM: what have we learned, where are we, and where do we go from here?Hai Lin and Donald G. Truhlar
    201-205Lewis acid sites in boralitesYa. V. Tikhii, A. P. Moskalets and A. A. Kubasov
    207-212The Application of Composite Energy Methods to n-butyl Radical β-scission Reaction Kinetic EstimationsXiaobo Zheng and Paul Blowers
    213-222Nonlinear transformation methods for accelerating the convergence of Coulomb integrals over exponential type functionsHassan Safouhi and Ahmed Bouferguene
    223-229Metal Binding Induced Conformational Interconversions in Methyl ß-D-xylopyranosideWalter M. F. Fabian
    231-238The Role of Small Molecule–small Molecule Interactions in Overcoming Biological Barriers for Antibacterial Drug ActionMire Zloh and Simon Gibbons
    239-245Computational Study of Supramolecular Bis-porphyrin “Molecular Tweezers”Davor Margetić, Ronald N. Warrener, Doug N. Butler and David Officer
    247-252Quantum Chemical Studies on Structure Activity Relationship of Natural Product PolyacetylenesMire Zloh, Franz Bucar and Simon Gibbons
    253-258Oxygen diffusion in minihemoglobin from Cerebratulus lacteus: a locally enhanced sampling studySlawomir Orlowski and Wieslaw Nowak
    259-265Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Proteins with Chemically Modified Disulfide BondsAntony Godwin, Ji-Won Choi, Elisa Pedone, Sibu Balan and Roshan Jumnah, et al.
    267-273Molecular dynamics simulation of the preferred conformations of 2-thiouridine in aqueous solutionAnsuman Lahiri, Joanna Sarzynska, Lennart Nilsson and Tadeusz Kulinski
    275-281Probing the structural effects on the intrinsic electronic and redox properties of [2Fe–2S]+ clusters, a broken-symmetry density functional theory studyShuqiang Niu and Toshiko Ichiye
    283-290Relative Raman Intensities in C6H6, C6D6, and C6F6: A Comparison of Different Computational MethodsStephen D. Williams, Timothy J. Johnson, Thomas P. Gibbons and Christopher L. Kitchens
    291-296Differences in electrostatic potential around DNA fragments containing guanine and 8-oxo-guanineMaciej Harańczyk and Maciej Gutowski
    297-304Study of H-bond characteristics in sub- and supercritical methanolS. Krishtal, M. Kiselev, A. Kolker and A. Idrissi
    305-314Automated docking of estrogens and SERMs into an estrogen receptor alpha and beta isoform using the PMF forcefield and the Lamarckian genetic algorithmG. Kiss and N.W. Allen
    315-322Computing relative stabilities of metallofullerenes by Gibbs energy treatmentsZdeněk Slanina, Shyi-Long Lee, Filip Uhlík, Ludwik Adamowicz and Shigeru Nagase
    323-332Natural resonance structures and aromaticity of the nucleobasesGuangyu Sun and Marc C. Nicklaus

    Volume 117, Number 3 / March 2007

    333-338On convergence of the normalized elimination of the small component (NESC) methodMichael Filatov and Kenneth G. Dyall
    339-351Graphs to chemical structures 5. Combinatorial enumeration of centroidal and bicentroidal three-dimensional trees as stereochemical models of alkanesShinsaku Fujita
    353-370Graphs to chemical structures. 4: Combinatorial enumeration of planted three-dimensional trees as stereochemical models of monosubstituted alkanesShinsaku Fujita
    371-381Computing the Fukui function from ab initio quantum chemistry: approaches based on the extended Koopmans’ theoremPaul W. Ayers and Junia Melin
    383-395Hybrid density functional theory with a specific reaction parameter: hydrogen abstraction reaction of trifluoromethane by the hydroxyl radicalTitus V. Albu and Saravanan Swaminathan
    397-405A graphical symmetric group approach for a spin adapted full configuration interaction: partitioning of a configuration graph into sets of closed-shell and open-shell graphsKiyoshi Tanaka, Yuji Mochizuki, Takeshi Ishikawa, Hidemi Terashima and Hiroaki Tokiwa
    407-415Electronic structures of 4d transition metal monoxides by density functional theoryP. Song, W. Guan, C. Yao, Z. M. Su and Z. J. Wu, et al.
    417-429Atomic radical—molecule reactions F +  CH3C≡CH: mechanistic studyJi-Lai Li, Cai-Yun Geng, Xu-Ri Huang and Chia-Chung Sun
    431-440Theoretical study on the structure and conformational features of distally dibromo-dipropoxythiacalix[4]arene derivatives and their Zn2+ complexesA. Suwattanamala, A. L. Magalhães and J. A. N. F. Gomes
    441-449Hybrid Monte Carlo simulations of vertical electronic transitions in acetone in aqueous solutionAnders Öhrn and Gunnar Karlström
    451-458A density functional study of the SERS spectra of pyridine adsorbed on silver clustersGianni Cardini, Maurizio Muniz-Miranda, Marco Pagliai and Vincenzo Schettino
    459-460Relativistic electronic structure theory. Part 2. Applications, edited by P. Schwedtfeger (Elsevier: Amsterdam 2004)Kenneth G. Dyall
    461-465Multipole electrostatic model for MNDO-like techniques with minimal valence spd-basis setsAnselm H. C. Horn, Jr-Hung Lin and Timothy Clark

    Volume 117, Number 4 / April 2007

    467-472Long-Range van der Waals Interactions in Density Functional TheoryJ. A. Alonso and A. Mañanes
    473-481Quasirelativistic energy-consistent 5f-in-core pseudopotentials for trivalent actinide elementsAnna Moritz, Xiaoyan Cao and Michael Dolg
    483-489Relativistic double-zeta, triple-zeta, and quadruple-zeta basis sets for the 4d elements Y–CdKenneth G. Dyall
    491-500Relativistic double-zeta, triple-zeta, and quadruple-zeta basis sets for the actinides Ac–LrKenneth G. Dyall
    501-520Theoretical study on the potential energy surface of NC3P isomersHui-ling Liu, Xu-ri Huang, Yi-hong Ding and Chia-chung Sun
    521-533Tailoring model Hamiltonians for dihalogen—rare gas matrix problems
    535-540Do all pieces make a whole? Thiele cumulants and the free energy decompositionMatevž Bren, Jan Florián, Janez Mavri and Urban Bren
    541-553Parallelized integral-direct CIS(D) calculations with multilayer fragment molecular orbital schemeYuji Mochizuki, Kiyoshi Tanaka, Katsumi Yamashita, Takeshi Ishikawa and Tatsuya Nakano, et al.
    555-564Accurate and local formulation for thermodynamic properties directly from integral equation methodShiqi Zhou
    565-574Optimisation of accurate rutile TiO2 (110), (100), (101) and (001) surface models from periodic DFT calculationsH. Perron, C. Domain, J. Roques, R. Drot and E. Simoni, et al.
    575-578On the inner and outer radial density functionsToshikatsu Koga
    579-586Radical–molecule reaction CH2Cl + NO2: a mechanistic studyJia-xu Zhang, Ze-sheng Li, Jing-yao Liu and Chia-chung Sun
    587-597Optimized accurate auxiliary basis sets for RI-MP2 and RI-CC2 calculations for the atoms Rb to RnArnim Hellweg, Christof Hättig, Sebastian Höfener and Wim Klopper

    Volume 117, Numbers 5-6 / May 2007

    599-602Theoretical and computational chemistry in Italy: an overviewVincenzo Barone
    603-619Computational NMR spectroscopy: reversing the information flowAlessandro Bagno and Giacomo Saielli
    621-635Structural and new spectroscopic properties of neutral
    637-647Statistical mechanical modelling of chemical reactions in complex systems: the kinetics of the Haem carbon monoxide binding–unbinding reaction in MyoglobinAndrea Amadei, Marco D’Abramo, Isabella Daidone, Maira D’Alessandro and Alfredo Di Nola, et al.
    649-662Interaction of NH
    673-683Theoretical modeling of the benzoic acid adsorption on the GaAs (001)-β2(2 × 4) oxidized surfaceMaria Francesca Iozzi and Maurizio Cossi
    685-698Extremely localized molecular orbitals: theory and applicationsMaurizio Sironi, Alessandro Genoni, Monica Civera, Stefano Pieraccini and Michela Ghitti
    699-707Theoretical mechanistic studies on oxidation reactions of some saturated and unsaturated organic moleculesG. Ghigo, A. Maranzana, M. Causà and G. Tonachini
    709-721Few-body quantum and many-body classical hyperspherical approaches to reactions and to cluster dynamicsA. Lombardi, F. Palazzetti, L. Peroncelli, G. Grossi and V. Aquilanti, et al.
    723-741Computational approaches to shed light on molecular mechanisms in biological processesGiorgio Moro, Laura Bonati, Maurizio Bruschi, Ugo Cosentino and Luca De Gioia, et al.
    743-754New perspectives in multireference perturbation theory: the
    755-764Non-stationary states in chemistryAlessandro Lami and Giovanni Villani
    765-779The role of quantum chemistry in the elucidation of the elementary mechanisms of catalytic processes: from atoms, to surfaces, to enzymesMonica Leopoldini, Tiziana Marino, Maria del Carmen Michelini, Ivan Rivalta and Nino Russo, et al.
    781-791Beyond a Hartree–Fock description of crystalline solids: the case of lithium hydrideSilvia Casassa, Migen Halo, Lorenzo Maschio, Carla Roetti and Cesare Pisani
    793-803A test case for time-dependent density functional theory calculations of electronic circular dichroism: 2-chloro-4-methoxy-6- [(R)-1-phenylethylamino]-1,3,5- triazineGiuliano Alagona, Caterina Ghio and Susanna Monti
    805-825Chemistry at surfaces: from ab initio structures to quantum dynamicsGiorgio Lanzani, Rocco Martinazzo, Giuliana Materzanini, Ilaria Pino and Gian Franco Tantardini
    827-845Theory of oxides surfaces, interfaces and supported nano-clustersFabrizio Cinquini, Cristiana Di Valentin, Emanuele Finazzi, Livia Giordano and Gianfranco Pacchioni
    847-884Chemical insight into electron density and wave functions: software developments and applications to crystals, molecular complexes and materials scienceLuca Bertini, Fausto Cargnoni and Carlo Gatti
    885-901Structure and dynamics of mesogens using intermolecular potentials derived from ab initio calculationsClaudio Amovilli, Ivo Cacelli, Giorgio Cinacchi, Luca De Gaetani and Giacomo Prampolini, et al.
    903-913Magnetotropicity of five-membered heterocyclic moleculesStefano Pelloni and Paolo Lazzeretti
    915-931Electron-transfer in molecular functional materialsAnna Painelli, Francesca Terenziani and Zoltán G. Soos
    933-942A computational multiscale strategy to the study of amorphous materialsG. Malavasi, M. C. Menziani, A. Pedone, B. Civalleri and M. Corno, et al.
    943-956Recent advances in molecular photoionization by density functional theory based approachesM. Stener, D. Toffoli, G. Fronzoni and P. Decleva
    957-967Electron transfer rates and Franck–Condon factors: an application to the early electron transfer steps in photosynthetic reaction centersRaffaele Borrelli, Mariangela Di Donato and Andrea Peluso
    969-977Investigation of electric-field-gradient-induced birefringence in H2 and D2A. D. Buckingham, Sonia Coriani and Antonio Rizzo
    979Investigation of electric-field-gradient-induced birefringence in H2 and D2A. D. Buckingham, Sonia Coriani and Antonio Rizzo
    981-989The localized Hartree–Fock method for a self-interaction free Kohn–Sham potential: applications to closed and open-shell moleculesFabio Della Sala
    991-1000Ab initio vibrational spectra and dielectric properties of carbonates: magnesite, calcite and dolomiteL. Valenzano, Y. Noël, R. Orlando, C. M. Zicovich-Wilson and M. Ferrero, et al.
    1001-1015Theoretical modeling of spectroscopic properties of molecules in solution: toward an effective dynamical discrete/continuum approachGiuseppe Brancato, Vincenzo Barone and Nadia Rega
    1017-1027Stochastic modelling of roto-translational motion of dyes in micellar environmentDiego Frezzato, Antonino Polimeno, Alberta Ferrarini and Giorgio J. Moro
    1029-1039A quantum mechanical polarizable continuum model for the calculation of resonance Raman spectra in condensed phaseBenedetta Mennucci, Chiara Cappelli, Roberto Cammi and Jacopo Tomasi
    1041-1059Light driven molecular switches: exploring and tuning their photophysical and photochemical propertiesPiero Altoè, Fernando Bernardi, Irene Conti, Marco Garavelli and Fabrizia Negri, et al.
    1061-1072Complex excited dynamics around a plateau on a retinal-like potential surface: chaos, multi-exponential decays and quantum/classical differencesFabrizio Santoro, Alessandro Lami and Massimo Olivucci
    1073-1084Excited state properties of sizable molecules in solution: from structure to reactivityFabrizio Santoro, Vincenzo Barone, Caterina Benzi and Roberto Improta
    1085-1092Molecular properties and stacking of 1-substituted hexaalkoxy triphenylenesLuca Muccioli, Roberto Berardi, Silvia Orlandi, Matteo Ricci and Claudio Zannoni
    1093-1104An integrated computational tool for the study of the optical properties of nanoscale devices: application to solar cells and molecular wiresFilippo De Angelis, Simona Fantacci and Antonio Sgamellotti
    1105-1120Problems in molecular dynamics of condensed phasesVincenzo Schettino, Riccardo Chelli, Simone Marsili, Alessandro Barducci and Cristian Faralli, et al.
    1121-1129A gate mechanism indicated in the selectivity filter of the potassium channel KscAJ. Kóňa, M. Minozzi, V. Torre and P. Carloni
    1131-1143Excited state dynamics with the direct trajectory surface hopping method: azobenzene and its derivatives as a case studyGiovanni Granucci and Maurizio Persico
    1145-1152Gaussian grid: a computational chemistry experiment over a web service-oriented gridN. Sanna, T. Castrignano, P. D’Onorio De Meo, D. Carrabino and A. Grandi, et al.

    Volume 118, Number 1 / July 2007

    1-7PrefaceMarco Garavelli and Michael A. Robb
    9-24Improved direct diabatization and coupled potential energy surfaces for the photodissociation of ammoniaZhen Hua Li, Rosendo Valero and Donald G. Truhlar
    25-34Potential energy surface and kinetics of the helix–coil transition in a 33-peptideGiorgia Brancolini, Alessandro Venturini and Francesco Zerbetto
    35-46A multireference perturbation theory study on the vertical electronic spectrum of thiopheneMariachiara Pastore, Celestino Angeli and Renzo Cimiraglia
    47-52Quantum dynamics of H atom transmission across carbon nanotubesDimitrios Skouteris, Osvaldo Gervasi and Antonio Laganà
    53-65Bosonic helium clusters doped by alkali metal cations: interaction forces and analysis of their most stable structuresF. Marinetti, E. Coccia, E. Bodo, F. A. Gianturco and E. Yurtsever, et al.
    67-73SERS effect in CO physisorbed on homogeneous and core-shell nanoparticle aggregatesS. Bruzzone, M. Malvaldi, G. P. Arrighini and C. Guidotti
    75-80Protonated acetylene revisitedBrian T Psciuk, Victor A. Benderskii and H. Bernhard Schlegel
    81-87Electronic excitation in a
    89-97Magnetotropicity of phosphole and its arsenic analogueStefano Pelloni and Paolo Lazzeretti
    99-106Nonlinear optical properties of C60 with explicit time-dependent electron dynamicsGarth A. Jones, Angela Acocella and Francesco Zerbetto
    107-112C6 dispersion coefficients from reduced dipole pseudospectraGiuseppe Figari, Marina Rui, Camilla Costa and Valerio Magnasco
    113-121Effects of protonation on proton transfer processes in Watson–Crick adenine–thymine base pairM. Noguera, M. Sodupe and J. Bertrán
    123-127The ring current in cyclopropanePatrick W. Fowler, Jon Baker and Mark Lillington
    129-134Quantum mechanical studies on the existence of a trigonal bipyramidal phosphorane intermediate in enzymatic phosphate ester hydrolysisImre Berente, Tamás Beke and Gábor Náray-Szabó
    135-142Rank-1 approximation to the van der Waals interaction
    143-148UV-vis spectra of
    149-163Tuning the physisorption of molecular hydrogen: binding to aromatic, hetero-aromatic and metal-organic framework materialsFabrizia Negri and Nadja Saendig
    165-171Intramolecular interactions and
    173-183About the intrinsic photochemical properties of the 11-cis retinal chromophore: computational clues for a trap state and a lever effect in Rhodopsin catalysisAlessandro Cembran, Remedios González-Luque, Luis Serrano-Andrés, Manuela Merchán and Marco Garavelli
    185-191Effects of water re-location and cavity trimming on the CASPT2//CASSCF/AMBER excitation energy of RhodopsinAngela Strambi, Pedro B. Coto, Nicolas Ferré and Massimo Olivucci
    193-201New computational evidence for the catalytic mechanism of carbonic anhydraseGian Pietro Miscione, Marco Stenta, Domenico Spinelli, Ernst Anders and Andrea Bottoni
    203-210A computer simulation of model discotic dimersIsabella Miglioli, Luca Muccioli, Silvia Orlandi, Matteo Ricci and Roberto Berardi, et al.
    211-218Potential energy functions for an intramolecular proton transfer reaction in the ground and excited stateAlessandro Cembran and Jiali Gao
    219-240A tunable QM/MM approach to chemical reactivity, structure and physico-chemical properties predictionPiero Altoè, Marco Stenta, Andrea Bottoni and Marco Garavelli
    241-251An analytical second-order description of the S
    253-264Germyl mesolytic dissociations in the allylgermane and penta- 2,4-dienylgermane radical anions. A theoretical studyPaola Antoniotti, Claudio Carra, Andrea Maranzana and Glauco Tonachini
    265-269The constitution of 2-hydroxypyridine in aqueous solutionSaul Wolfe, Noham Weinberg and Yihhuang Hsieh
    271-279Ab initio DFT study of Z–E isomerization pathways of N–benzylideneanilineAlexander V. Gaenko, Ajitha Devarajan, Laura Gagliardi, Roland Lindh and Giorgio Orlandi

    Volume 118, Number 2 / August 2007

    281-293Calculation of acidic dissociation constants in water: solvation free energy terms. Their accuracy and impactNina Sadlej-Sosnowska
    295-303A barrier-free molecular radical-molecule reaction:
    305-314Cationic dye dimers: a theoretical studyP. Homem-de-Mello, B. Mennucci, J. Tomasi and A. B. F. da Silva
    315-323On the kinetic mechanism of reactions of hydroxyl radical with CHF2CH3 − 
    325-335Understanding the chemical reactivity of phenylhalocarbene systems: an analysis based on the spin-polarized density functional theoryDoris Guerra, Juan Andrés, Eduardo Chamorro and Patricia Pérez
    337-345Theoretical study on the mechanism of OH + HCNO reactionSong Wang, Jian-Kang Yu, Da-Jun Ding and Chia-Chung Sun
    347-356A relativistic 4-component general-order multi-reference coupled cluster method: initial implementation and application to HBrTimo Fleig, Lasse K. Sørensen and Jeppe Olsen
    357-362DFT studies of the phosphinidene derivative HPNaF and its insertion reaction with R–H(R=F, OH, NH2, CH3)Xiaojun Tan, Weihua Wang, Ping Li, Xiuli Yang and Gengxiu Zheng, et al.
    363-369A study of influence of temperature and
    371-381On the electronegativity nonlocality paradoxPaul W. Ayers
    383-397Theoretical study on structures and stability of triplet SiC3O isomersFei Li, Xu-Ri Huang, Guang-Tao Yu and Chia-Chung Sun
    399-405Density functional theoretical study of A series of pentazolide compounds An(N5)6-407-415Classical kinetic energy, quantum fluctuation terms and kinetic-energy functionalsI. P. Hamilton, Ricardo A. Mosna and L. Delle Site
    417-423The solvation dynamics of Na+ and K+ ions in liquid methanolCristian Faralli, Marco Pagliai, Gianni Cardini and Vincenzo Schettino
    425-435Can semi-empirical models describe HCl dissociation in water?O. I. Arillo-Flores, M. F. Ruiz-López and M. I. Bernal-Uruchurtu
    437-441Spectroscopy of sodium atom in liquid helium cluster: a symmetry adapted cluster-configuration interaction (SAC-CI) studyB. Saha, R. Fukuda, H. Nakatsuji and P. K. Mukherjee
    443-448Free volume from molecular dynamics simulations and its relationships to the positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopyDušan Račko, Riccardo Chelli, Gianni Cardini, Salvatore Califano and Josef Bartoš

    Volume 118, Number 3 / September 2007

    449DedicationJaime Fernández Rico, José Manuel García de la vega and José Ángel Sordo
    451-452HomageSigeru Huzinaga
    453-471Merging two traditional methods: the Hartree–Fock and the Heitler–London and adding density functional correlation correctionsEnrico Clementi and Giorgina Corongiu
    473-482Thirty years of relativistic self-consistent field theory for molecules: relativistic and electron correlation effects for atomic and molecular systems of transactinide superheavy elements up to ekaplutonium E126 with g-atomic spinors in the ground state configurationGulzari L. Malli
    483Thirty years of relativistic self-consistent field theory for molecules: relativistic and electron correlation effects for atomic and molecular systems of transactinide superheavy elements up to ekaplutonium E126 with g-atomic spinors in the ground state configurationGulzari L. Malli
    485-493He photoionization: βN and σN below N = 5 and 6 thresholds
    495-502Atomic many-body effects in the 4f XPS of the U5+ and U4+ cations: part II: consequences of orbital relaxationPaul S. Bagus and Eugene S. Ilton
    503-509The contracted Schrödinger equation methodology: study of the third-order correlation effectsC. Valdemoro, L. M. Tel, D. R. Alcoba and E. Pérez-Romero
    511-517Additive intermolecular potentials from ab initio calculations: trends in Rg2–dihalogen van der Waals trimersCarmen Diez-Pardos, Alvaro Valdés, Rita Prosmiti, Pablo Villarreal and Gerardo Delgado-Barrio
    519-525Harmonic oscillators in relativistic quantum mechanicsJacek Karwowski and Grzegorz Pestka
    527-531Vertical excitation energies to valence states of DMS and DMSOV. Pérez Mondéjar, M. J. Yusá, I. García Cuesta, A. M. J. Sánchez de Merás and J. Sánchez-Marín
    533-539Theoretical study of neutral and protonated triple bonded molecules formed between C, N, Si, P, B and AlIbon Alkorta, Isabel Rozas and José Elguero
    541-547Order-N and embedded-cluster first-principles DFT calculations using SIESTA/MosaicoLuis Seijo, Zoila Barandiarán and José M. Soler
    549-556Externally steered relaxation of tight polyethylene tangles with different initial knot topologiesGustavo A. Arteca
    557-561A re-statement of the Hohenberg–Kohn theorem and its extension to finite subspacesRamiro Pino, Olivier Bokanowski, Eduardo V. Ludeña and Roberto López Boada
    563-571The separation of electronic and nuclear motion in the diatomic moleculeBrian T Sutcliffe
    573-578Modeling the reaction mechanisms for redox regulation of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B activityNing Liu and Russell J. Boyd
    579-588Charge-charge and cation-π interactions in ligand binding to G protein-coupled receptorsN. Dölker, X. Deupi, L. Pardo and M. Campillo
    589-595Gas-phase proton-transport self-catalysed isomerisation of glutamine radical cation: The important role of the side-chainAdrià Gil, Sílvia Simon, Mariona Sodupe and Juan Bertran
    597-606Non-alkane behavior of cyclopropane and its derivatives: characterization of unconventional hydrogen bond interactionsAnnia Galano, J. Raúl Alvarez-Idaboy and Annik Vivier-Bunge
    607-622Relativistic calculations on the ground and excited states of AgH and AuH in cylindrical harmonic confinementJohn M. H. Lo and Mariusz Klobukowski
    623-6304p2 resonances in photoionization from 4s4p levels in neutral zincCharlotte Froese Fischer and Oleg Zatsarinny
    631-635Application of the Colle–Salvetti model to the uniform electron gasFederico Moscardó
    637-642Theoretical investigation of excited states of molecules. An application on the nitrogen moleculeE. San Fabián and L. Pastor-Abia
    643-647Average inner and outer radii in singly-excited 1snl states of the He atomHisashi Matsuyama and Toshikatsu Koga
    649-663Exploring the potential energy surfaces of association of NO with aminoacids and related organic functional groups: the role of entropy of associationRachel Crespo-Otero, Yoana Pérez-Badell, Juan Alexander Padrón-García and Luis Alberto Montero-Cabrera
    665-671Transition metal impurities in wide gap materials: are the electronic properties well described through the ligand field theory?M. Moreno, J. M. García-Lastra, M. T. Barriuso and J. A. Aramburu
    673-679Solutions to the Quantum QSPR problem in molecular spacesRamon Carbó-Dorca and Sofie Van Damme
    681-691Multiresolution potential energy surfaces for vibrational state calculationsKiyoshi Yagi, So Hirata and Kimihiko Hirao
    693-707Reparameterization of a meta-generalized gradient approximation functional by combining TPSS exchange with τ1 correlationYue Zhang, Alberto Vela and Dennis R. Salahub
    709-721Chemical forces in terms of the electron densityJ. Fernández Rico, R. López, I. Ema and G. Ramírez
    723-732Influence of electronic correlation in monoelectronic density in p-spaceBeatriz Miguel and José M. García de la Vega
    733-738On the application of the counterpoise correction for the basis set superposition error in geometry optimization calculations of molecular systems: some inconsistent resultsC. Barrientos and J. A. Sordo

    Volume 118, Number 4 / October 2007

    739-754Theoretical study on the potential energy surface of NC3P isomersHui-ling Liu, Xu-ri Huang, Yi-hong Ding and Chia-chung Sun
    755-767Gradient incorporation in one-dimensional applications of interpolating moving least-squares methods for fitting potential energy surfacesIgor V. Tokmakov, Albert F. Wagner, Michael Minkoff and Donald L. Thompson
    769-775Can the MaxFlux algorithm describe bifurcating paths?
    777-783The performance of the Hartree–Fock–Wigner correlation model for light diatomic moleculesRebecca Fondermann, Michael Hanrath and Michael Dolg
    785-790A practical scheme for ab initio determination of a crystal structure based on the Dirac equationHasan Karabıyık
    791-797Metal–metal bonding in Re2Cl
    799-805Additional peaks in the cluster size distribution of amphiphile + water systems: a clue for shape/phase transition or statistical uncertaintyReza Behjatmanesh-Ardakani
    807-812A comparison between the absorption properties of the regular and F
    813-826Symmetry numbers and chemical reaction ratesAntonio Fernández-Ramos, Benjamin A. Ellingson, Rubén Meana-Pañeda, Jorge M. C. Marques and Donald G. Truhlar

    Volume 118, Numbers 5-6 / December 2007

    827-835Description of functional groups by means of domain-restricted reduced density matricesDiego R. Alcoba, Alicia Torre, Roberto C. Bochicchio and Luis Lain
    837-844Comparison of algorithms for conical intersection optimisation using semiempirical methodsThomas W. Keal, Axel Koslowski and Walter Thiel
    845-854Quasirelativistic energy-consistent 5f-in-core pseudopotentials for divalent and tetravalent actinide elementsAnna Moritz, Xiaoyan Cao and Michael Dolg
    855-862Autocatalytic reaction on low-dimensional substratesE. Agliari, R. Burioni, D. Cassi and F. M. Neri
    863-868Invariance of multipole polarisabilities of nuclear magnetic shielding within the approach of continuous transformation of the origin of the current densityP. Lazzeretti, M. B. Ferraro, G. I. Pagola and M. C. Caputo
    869-879Theoretical studies on the reaction of pentafulvenone with water in gas phase and aqueous solventY. Liu, X. M. Pan, Z. S. Li, X. J. Jia and S. Li, et al.
    881-898The 1-D hindered rotor approximationJim Pfaendtner, Xinrui Yu and Linda J. Broadbelt
    899-913Geometry prediction of hafnocenes by quantum chemical methodsVirve A. Karttunen, Mikko Linnolahti, Tapani A. Pakkanen, Janne Maaranen and Päivi Pitkänen
    915-922A CASPT2//CASSCF study of the quartet excited state
    923-930Local hardness: a critical accountPratim K. Chattaraj, Debesh R. Roy, Paul Geerlings and Miquel Torrent-Sucarrat
    931-935Direct and exchange contributions to inner and outer radii in many-electron atomsToshikatsu Koga and Hisashi Matsuyama
    937-945Fragment interaction analysis based on local MP2Takeshi Ishikawa, Yuji Mochizuki, Shinji Amari, Tatsuya Nakano and Hiroaki Tokiwa, et al.
    947-957Study of hydrogen-bonded clusters of 2-methoxyphenol–waterSeifollah Jalili and Mojdeh Akhavan
    959-972Reduced-size polarized basis sets for calculations of molecular electric properties. IV. First-row transition metalsAngelika Baranowska, Magdalena Siedlecka and Andrzej J. Sadlej
    973-978Theoretical investigation of the decomposition mechanisms of
    979A relativistic 4-component general-order multi-reference coupled cluster method: initial implementation and application to HBrTimo Fleig, Lasse K. Sørensen and Jeppe Olsen

    Volume 119, Numbers 1-3 / January 2008

    1-3Introduction: a Festschrift in honor of Philip J. Stephens’ 65th birthdayGerard M. Jensen and Karl J. Jalkanen
    5-18Philip J. Stephens: A scientific memoirPhilip J. Stephens
    19-28Determination of the absolute configuration of chiral molecules via density functional theory calculations of vibrational circular dichroism and optical rotation: The chiral alkane D3-anti-trans-anti-trans-anti-trans-perhydrotriphenyleneP. J. Stephens, F. J. Devlin, S. Schürch and J. Hulliger
    29-34The change of the proton magnetic shielding in red- and blue-shifted linear hydrogen-bonded complexesSean A. C. McDowell and A. David Buckingham
    35-38Electronic structures of tetragonal nitrido and nitrosyl metal complexesPatrick Hummel, Jay R. Winkler and Harry B. Gray
    39-55Theory of Raman scattering and Raman optical activity: near resonance theory and levels of approximationLaurence A. Nafie
    57-65Extended charge decomposition analysis and its application for the investigation of electronic relaxationSerge I. Gorelsky and Edward I. Solomon
    67Extended charge decomposition analysis and its application for the investigation of electronic relaxationSerge I. Gorelsky and Edward I. Solomon
    69-79Reduction of linear birefringence in vibrational circular dichroism measurement: use of a rotating half-wave plateXiaolin Cao, Rina K. Dukor and Laurence A. Nafie
    81-97Tight β-turns in peptides. DFT-based study of infrared absorption and vibrational circular dichroism for various conformers including solvent effectsJoohyun Kim, Josef Kapitán, Ahmed Lakhani, Petr Bouř and Timothy A. Keiderling
    99-106Response tensors for chiral discrimination in NMR spectroscopyPaolo Lazzeretti, Alessandro Soncini and Riccardo Zanasi
    107-111Protein voltammetry and spectroscopy: integrating approachesLouise Male, Sophie J. Marritt, Ben C. Berks, Myles R. Cheesman and Jessica H. van Wonderen, et al.
    113-131Characterizing vibrational motion beyond internal coordinatesWerner Hug and Maxim Fedorovsky
    133-142Direct determination of absolute configuration: a vibrational circular dichroism study on dimethyl-substituted phenyloxiranes synthesized by Shi epoxidationPeter Fristrup, Peter Rygaard Lassen, David Tanner and K. J. Jalkanen
    143-153Regional organic geochemistry of host sediments of Palaeoproterozoic McArthur River Ore deposit, AustraliaKaren L. Mackenzie, Craig P. Marshall and Malcolm R. Walter
    155-176A combined theoretical and experimental study of the structure and vibrational absorption, vibrational circular dichroism, Raman and Raman optical activity spectra of the L
    177-190A configurational and conformational study of aframodial and its diasteriomers via experimental and theoretical VA and VCD spectroscopiesK. J. Jalkanen, Julian D. Gale, P. R. Lassen, L. Hemmingsen and A. Rodarte, et al.
    191-210Role of hydration in determining the structure and vibrational spectra of L
    231-244An IEF-PCM study of solvent effects on the Faraday
    245-263A vibrational circular dichroism implementation within a Slater-type-orbital based density functional framework and its application to hexa- and hepta-helicenesValentin Paul Nicu, Johannes Neugebauer, Stephen K. Wolff and Evert Jan Baerends
    265-274Classification of protein fold classes by knot theory and prediction of folds by neural networks: A combined theoretical and experimental approachK. Ramnarayan, H. G. Bohr and K. J. Jalkanen
    275-290A definition for the covalent and ionic bond index in a molecule
    291-296A liposomal dispersion formulation of propofol: formulation, pharmacokinetics, stability, and identification of an oxidative degradantG. M. Jensen, C. S. Ashvar, S. W. Bunte, C. D. Barzak and T. H. Bunch, et al.

    Volume 119, Number 4 / March 2008

    297-303Theoretical studies on the mechanisms of NCCO + O2 reactionYi-Zhen Tang, Jing-Yu Sun, Hao Sun, Ya-Ru Pan and Rong-Shun Wang
    305-312Modeling of the solid-state packing of charged chains (PEDOT) in the presence of the counterions (TSA) and the solvent (DEG)A. Dkhissi, D. Beljonne, R. Lazzaroni, F. Louwet and B. Groenendaal
    313-318Geometry, electronic structure and energy barriers of all possible isomers of Fe2C3 nanoparticleM. V. Ryzhkov, A. L. Ivanovskii and B. Delley
    319-327Theoretical studies on the reactions of hydroxyl radicals with trimethylsilane and tetramethylsilaneHui Zhang, Gui-Ling Zhang, Ying Wang, Xiao-Yang Yu and Bo Liu, et al.
    329-333Theoretical predication of third-order optical nonlinearities of [Al4MAl4]
    335-342The Si-doped planar tetracoordinate carbon (ptC) unit CAl3Si could be used as a building block or inorganic ligand during cluster-assemblyLi-Ming Yang, Yi-Hong Ding and Chia-Chung Sun
    343-354Structural and vibrational theoretical analysis of protonated formaldehyde in its
    355-368Quantum computation of the properties of helium using two-body and three-body intermolecular potentials: a molecular dynamics studyElaheh K. Goharshadi, Mohsen Abbaspour, Hamideh Kashani and Mahmood Baherololoom
    369-381Global warming potential predictions for hydrofluoroethers with two carbon atomsPaul Blowers, Kyle Franklin Tetrault and Yirla Trujillo-Morehead
    383-405Shift equations iteration solution to n-level close coupled equations, and the two-level nonadiabatic tunneling problem revisitedRandall S. Dumont and Stephen W. K. Lam
    407-411Counter-ion effect in the nucleophilic substitution reactions at silicon: a G2M(+) level theoretical investigationYi Ren, Xin Wang, San-Yan Chu and Ning-Bew Wong

    Volume 119, Numbers 5-6 / April 2008

    413-420Electron localizability indicator for correlated wavefunctions. III: singlet and triplet pairsM. Kohout, F. R. Wagner and Yu. Grin
    421-427Harmonic averaging of smooth permittivity functions in finite-difference Poisson–Boltzmann ElectrostaticsStephen T. Kottmann
    429-435Current–voltage curves for molecular junctions: the issue of the basis set for the metal contactsCharles W. Bauschlicher and John W. Lawson
    437-443Computation of large systems with an economic basis set: systems in excited statesQ. S. Li and R. Q. Zhang
    445-451Theoretical studies on the reactions of acetone with chlorine atom and methyl radicalHui Zhang, Gui-ling Zhang, Jing-yao Liu, Miao Sun and Bo Liu, et al.
    453-462A theoretical study of thermodynamics and kinetics of nitrosamines: a potential no carrierChin-Hung Lai and Pi-Tai Chou
    463-468A quantitative prediction of the electronic spectra of thiocarbonyl chromophores: TD-DFT versus SAC-CIJulien Preat, Denis Jacquemin, Daniel P. Vercauteren and Eric A. Perpète
    469-476Intramolecular charge transfer in
    477-487Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics simulations and EPR property calculations on aqueous ubisemiquinone radical anionJames R. Asher and Martin Kaupp
    489-500Theoretical design of blue emitting materials based on symmetric and asymmetric spirosilabifluorene derivativesMiao Sun, Ben Niu and Jingping Zhang
    501-509Theoretical study on the structures, isomerization and stability of SiC3H isomersHao Sun, Nannan Tan, Hongqing He, Xiumei Pan and Zhongmin Su, et al.
    511-521Can extrapolation to the basis set limit be an alternative to the counterpoise correction? A study on the helium dimerA. J. C. Varandas
    523-524Dyall K G, Fægri K, Jr.: Introduction to Relativistic Quantum Chemistry
    525The M06 suite of density functionals for main group thermochemistry, thermochemical kinetics, noncovalent interactions, excited states, and transition elements: two new functionals and systematic testing of four M06 functionals and 12 other functionalsYan Zhao and Donald G. Truhlar

    Volume 120, Numbers 1-3 / May 2008

    1-4Mark S. GordonKim K. Baldridge and Michael W. Schmidt
    5-22A microsolvation approach to the prediction of the relative enthalpies and free energies of hydration for ammonium ionsG. N. Merrill and G. D. Fletcher
    23-35Calculating molecular vibrational spectra beyond the harmonic approximationChing Yeh Lin, Andrew T. B. Gilbert and Peter M. W. Gill
    37-43Improved wood–kirkwood detonation chemical kineticsKurt R. Glaesemann and Laurence E. Fried
    45-58Structure, vibrational frequencies, ionization energies, and photoelectron spectrum of the para-benzyne radical anionVitalii Vanovschi, Anna I. Krylov and Paul G. Wenthold
    59-78Application of renormalized coupled-cluster methods to potential function of waterPiotr Piecuch, Marta Włoch and António J. C. Varandas
    79-83Cluster study of surface radicals of Si(111)-7 × 7 reconstructed surfaceHee Soon Lee and Cheol Ho Choi
    85-94Tetra-hydrides of the third-row transition elements: spin–orbit coupling effects on geometrical deformation in WH4 and OsH4Taka-aki Hisashima, Takeshi Matsushita, Toshio Asada, Shiro Koseki and Azumao Toyota
    95-106Quantum chemical prediction of the 13C NMR shifts in alkyl and chlorocorannulenes: correction of chlorine effectsKim K. Baldridge and Jay S. Siegel
    107-118Kinetics of the hydrogen abstraction CHO + Alkane → HCHO + Alkyl reaction class: an application of the reaction class transition state theoryLam K. Huynh and Thanh N. Truong
    119-131Core-valence correlation consistent basis sets for second-row atoms (Al–Ar) revisitedScott Yockel and Angela K. Wilson
    133-153Towards a special-purpose computer for Hartree–Fock computations
    155-166Ab initio molecular orbital study of the insertion of H2 into POSS compoundsT. Kudo, M. Akasaka and M. S. Gordon
    167-175Effects of conjugation in length and dimension on two-photon properties of fluorene-based chromophoresKiet A. Nguyen, Paul N. Day and Ruth Pachter
    177-183Criteria for pericyclic and pseudopericyclic character of electrocyclization of (Z)-1,2,4,6-heptatetraene and (2Z)-2,4,5-hexatriene-1-imineShogo Sakai
    185-189A new algorithm of two-electron repulsion integral calculations: a combination of Pople–Hehre and McMurchie–Davidson methodsKazuya Ishimura and Shigeru Nagase
    191-198An ab initio molecular dynamics study on the dissociative recombination reaction of HD2O+ + eMegumi Kayanuma, Tetsuya Taketsugu and Keisaku Ishii
    199-213Spectral-product methods for electronic structure calculationsP. W. Langhoff, R. J. Hinde, J. D. Mills and J. A. Boatz
    215-241The M06 suite of density functionals for main group thermochemistry, thermochemical kinetics, noncovalent interactions, excited states, and transition elements: two new functionals and systematic testing of four M06-class functionals and 12 other functionalsYan Zhao and Donald G. Truhlar
    243-261A theoretical study of the reaction of Ti+ with propaneJerzy Moc and Mark S. Gordon
    263-271Theoretical study of environmental effects on proton transfer reaction through the peptide bond in a model systemToshio Asada, Tadayoshi Takahashi and Shiro Koseki
    273-279Anharmonic vibrational spectroscopy calculations with electronic structure potentials: comparison of MP2 and DFT for organic moleculesGalina M. Chaban and R. Benny Gerber
    281-294Intrinsic local constituents of molecular electronic wave functions. I. Exact representation of the density matrix in terms of chemically deformed and oriented atomic minimal basis set orbitalsJoseph Ivanic, Gregory J. Atchity and Klaus Ruedenberg
    295-305Intrinsic local constituents of molecular electronic wave functions. II. Electronic structure analyses in terms of intrinsic oriented quasi-atomic molecular orbitals for the molecules FOOH, H2BH2BH2, H2CO and the isomerization HNO → NOHJoseph Ivanic and Klaus Ruedenberg
    307-312Assessment of Two Surface Monte Carlo (TSMC) method to find stationary points of (H2O)15 and (H2O)20 clustersPradipta Bandyopadhyay
    313-320The strength of the

    Volume 120, Numbers 4-6 / July 2008

    321-323The 60th Birthday of Nino RussoV. Barone, T. Marino, M. C. Michelini, E. Sicilia and M. Toscano
    325-336Ab initio characterization of XH3 (X=N, P). I. Ammonia, phosphine and their related ions and radicals: structure and thermochemistryCristina Puzzarini
    337-339On the properties of natural orbitals for chemical valenceMariusz Radoń
    341-349An electron localization function and catastrophe theory analysis on the molecular mechanism of gas-phase identity SN2 reactionsVictor Polo, Patricio Gonzalez-Navarrete, Bernard Silvi and Juan Andres
    351-361Analysis of the metal–ligand bonds in [Mo(X)(NH2)3] (X = P, N, PO, and NO), [Mo(CO)5(NO)]+, and [Mo(CO)5(PO)]+Giovanni F. Caramori and Gernot Frenking
    363-374Quantitative derivation of the bijective link between molecular data and UV–visible absorption spectra for diluted molecules: guidelines for non specialistsRémy Fortrie and Henry Chermette
    375-383Electric field response of molecular reactivity descriptors: a case studyRahul Kar and Sourav Pal
    385-393MP2 Study of synergistic effects between X–H/π (X = C,N,O) and π–π interactionsDavid Quiñonero, Antonio Frontera, Daniel Escudero, Pablo Ballester and Antoni Costa, et al.
    395-403Theoretical study of the gas-phase ethane C–H and C–C bonds activation by bare niobium cationM. C. Michelini, I. Rivalta and E. Sicilia
    405-410On the TD-DFT UV/vis spectra accuracy: the azoalkanesDenis Jacquemin, Eric A. Perpète, Ilaria Ciofini and Carlo Adamo
    411-419Ligand binding properties of cobalaminsDorota Rutkowska-Zbik, Malgorzata Witko and Grazyna Stochel
    421-428Interaction of uranyl ion with few molecules of water: thought (computational) scenarios with hydrogen bonding motif
    429-435Proton catalyzed hydrolytic deamination of cytosine: a computational studyV. Labet, A. Grand, C. Morell, J. Cadet and L. A. Eriksson
    437-445Structure and electron paramagnetic resonance parameters of the manganese site of concanavalin A studied by density functional methodsSandra Schinzel, Robert Müller and Martin Kaupp
    447-457Competition between Bailar and Ray-Dutt paths in conformational interconversion of tris-chelated complexes: a DFT studyMario Amati and Francesco Lelj
    459-466Theoretical investigation of the catalytic mechanism of the protein arginine deiminase 4 enzymeM. Leopoldini, T. Marino and M. Toscano
    467-478Theoretical study of the biologically important dioxo diiron diamond core structuresLisa M. Pérez, Charles Edwin Webster, Arthur A. Low and Michael B. Hall
    479-489Characterization of the active site of yeast RNA polymerase II by DFT and ReaxFF calculationsRui Zhu, Florian Janetzko, Yue Zhang, Adri C. T. van Duin and William A. Goddard, et al.
    491-497The excited states of adenine and thymine nucleoside and nucleotide in aqueous solution: a comparative study by time-dependent DFT calculationsRoberto Improta and Vincenzo Barone
    499-506Theoretical modeling of open-shell molecules in solution: a QM/MM molecular dynamics approachGiuseppe Brancato, Nadia Rega, Mauro Causà and Vincenzo Barone
    507-513A theoretical investigation on the interaction of a new gene vector with DNALaurence Petit, Laurent Joubert, Isabelle Tranchant, Jean Herscovici and Carlo Adamo
    515-522Technical aspects of quantum chemical modeling of enzymatic reactions: the case of phosphotriesteraseShi-Lu Chen, Wei-Hai Fang and Fahmi Himo
    523-531Computational methods applied to the discovery of stem cell factor ligandsStefano Alcaro, Lorenzo Gontrani, Ottaviano Incani and Francesco Ortuso
    533-542Protein–protein recognition: a computational mutagenesis study of the MDM2–P53 complexIrina S. Moreira, Pedro A. Fernandes and Maria J. Ramos
    543-550On the nature of the interaction between H2 and metal-organic frameworksAgnieszka Kuc, Thomas Heine, Gotthard Seifert and Hélio A. Duarte
    551-556Ab initio modeling of TiO2 nanosheetsAndrea Vittadini and Maurizio Casarin
    557-564Elastic and dynamical properties of alkali-silicate glasses from computer simulations techniquesAlfonso Pedone, Gianluca Malavasi, Alastair N. Cormack, Ulderico Segre and M. Cristina Menziani
    565-573Density functional studies of coinage metal nanoparticles: scalability of their properties to bulkAlberto Roldán, Francesc Viñes, Francesc Illas, Josep Manel Ricart and Konstantin M. Neyman
    575-582Adsorption of transition metal atoms on the NiO(100) surface and on NiO/Ag(100) thin filmsFabrizio Cinquini, Livia Giordano and Gianfranco Pacchioni
    583-589Zn7Cu6: a magic cluster of brass?Jessica Botticelli, René Fournier and Min Zhang
    591-597Evaluation of translational friction coefficients of micro-sized spherical probes in nematic liquid crystalsAntonino Polimeno and Silvia Carlotto

    Volume 121, Numbers 1-2 / September 2008

    1-10Ab initio characterization of XH3 (X = N,P). Part II. Electric, magnetic and spectroscopic properties of ammonia and phosphineCristina Puzzarini
    11-19Explicitly correlated second-order perturbation theory calculations on molecules containing heavy main-group elementsFlorian A. Bischoff, Sebastian Höfener, Andreas Glöß and Wim Klopper
    21-31Theoretical studies on the properties of uracil and its dimer upon thioketo substitutionWeihua Wang, Nana Wang, Ping Li, Yuxiang Bu and Xiaoyan Xie, et al.
    33-41Theoretical study of the reaction of ethynyl radical with acetonitrileJing-Yu Sun, Yi-Zhen Tang, Hao Sun, Xiu-Juan Jia and Xiu-Mei Pan, et al.
    43-52A charge iteration-corrected extended-Hückel study of the electronic and spectroscopic properties of conjugated heterocyclesCharles M. Castevens
    53-57Effect of molecular size on the parity-non-conserving contributions to the nuclear magnetic resonance shielding constantVille Weijo, Pekka Manninen and Juha Vaara
    59-70Origin of threefold methyl torsional potential in methylindolesRajeev K. Sinha, Bhanu P. Singh and T. Kundu
    71-82A quantum mechanical study of the stability and structural properties of substituted acylthiourea compoundsMengistu Ghebreysus Woldu and Jan Dillen
    83-90Lithium–silicon Si
    91-101Thermal [1,3] sigmatropic rearrangements of bicyclic and tricyclic vinylcyclobutanes: a gray zone between the concerted and stepwise extremesHai-Rong Tao and De-Cai Fang
    103Kaplan, I. G.: Intermolecular Interactions: Physical Picture, Computational Methods, and Model Potentials
    105-106Chipot, C., Pohorille, A., Eds. Free Energy Calculations: Theory and Applications in Chemistry and Biology
    107Theoretical investigations on structure, electrostatics potentials and vibrational frequencies of Li+–CH3–O–(CH2–CH2–O)n–CH3(n  =  3–7) conformersNilesh R. Dhumal and Shridhar P. Gejji

    Volume 121, Numbers 3-4 / October 2008

    109-122End-substitution effect on the geometry and electronic structure of oligoheterocyclicsGui-Ling Zhang, Hui Zhang, Dong-Ping Li, Dan Chen and Xiao-Yang Yu, et al.
    123-134Theoretical studies on the electronic structures and spectroscopic properties for a series of Osmium(II)-2,2′,6′,2′′-terpyridine complexesJian-Po Zhang, Xin Zhou, Tao Liu, Fu-Quan Bai and Hong-Xing Zhang, et al.
    135-146Theoretical study of N–H· · ·O hydrogen bonding properties and cooperativity effects in linear acetamide clustersMehdi D. Esrafili, Hadi Behzadi and Nasser L. Hadipour
    147-153Theoretical investigation of the electronic absorption spectrum of Piceatannol in methanolic solutionT. Andrade-Filho, Hardiney S. Martins and Jordan Del Nero
    155-164Theoretical studies of the spectroscopic properties of blue emitting iridium complexesTao Liu, Bao-Hui Xia, Xin Zhou, Qing-Chuan Zheng and Qing-Jiang Pan, et al.
    165-172Theoretical study of spectroscopic parameters of alkali -Al and alkaline earth-Al dimersJianchuan Wang, Deming Zhai, Fei Guo, Yifang Ouyang and Yong Du, et al.
    173-179ChelpG and QTAIM atomic charge and dipole models for the infrared fundamental intensities of the fluorochloromethanesThiago C. F. Gomes, João Viçozo da Silva, Luciano N. Vidal, Pedro A. M. Vazquez and Roy E. Bruns
    181-186Inverse hydrogen bonds between XeH2 and hydride and fluoride derivatives of Li, Be, Na and MgFernando Blanco, Mohammad Solimannejad, Ibon Alkorta and Jose Elguero
    187-195An exponential multi-reference wavefunction ansatz: connectivity analysis and application to N2Michael Hanrath
    197-200Prediction of NMR order parameters in proteins using weighted protein contact-number modelShao-Wei Huang, Chien-Hua Shih, Chih-Peng Lin and Jenn-Kang Hwang
    201-207DFT and ab initio study on the reaction mechanism of CH2SH + O2Yi-Zhen Tang, Ya-Ru Pan, Jing-Yu Sun, Hao Sun and Rong-Shun Wang
    209-218Evolution of class C β-lactamases: factors influencing their hydrolysis and recognition mechanismsCristina Fenollar-Ferrer, Juan Frau, Josefa Donoso and Francisco Muñoz

    Volume 121, Numbers 5-6 / December 2008

    219-225On the mechanism of the OH initiated oxidation of acetylene in the presence of O2 and NOxAnnia Galano, Luis Gerardo Ruiz-Suárez and Annik Vivier-Bunge
    227-237Chemical reaction paths and calculus of variationsWolfgang Quapp
    239-246Excited electronic and ionized states of the nitramide molecule, H2NNO2, studied by the symmetry-adapted-cluster configuration interaction methodItamar Borges
    247-255Metal induced molecular nano-extractionAned de Leon and Abraham F. Jalbout
    257-266Rotational symmetry of the molecular potential energy in the Cartesian coordinatesPaweł Grochowski
    267-270Short- and long-range behavior of the inner and outer densitiesToshikatsu Koga and Hisashi Matsuyama
    271-278The interconversion mechanism between TcO3+ and TcO2+ core of 99mTc labeled amine-oxime (AO) complexesHong-Mei Jia, De-Cai Fang, Yan Feng, Jian-Ying Zhang and Wen-Bo Fan, et al.
    279-288Narcissistic reaction pathways: an example of Maxwell’s theorem of geometrical optics applied to the intrinsic reaction coordinate modelMiquel Llunell, Pere Alemany and Josep Maria Bofill
    289-295Core-valence correlating basis sets for alkali and alkaline earth metal atomsTakeshi Noro, Masahiro Sekiya and Toshikatsu Koga
    297-306Quasirelativistic energy-consistent 5f-in-core pseudopotentials for pentavalent and hexavalent actinide elementsAnna Moritz and Michael Dolg
    307-312Assessment of time-dependent density functional theory for predicting excitation energies of bichromophoric peptides: case of tryptophan-phenylalanineRodolphe Pollet and Valérie Brenner
    313-319Regioselectivity preference of testosterone hydroxylation by cytochrome P450 3A4Yan Zhang, Phani Morisetti, Jeffery Kim, Lynelle Smith and Hai Lin
    321-326Combined ab initio and classical molecular dynamics simulations of alkyl-lithium aggregates in ethereal solutionsHassan K. Khartabil, Marilia T. C. Martins-Costa, Philippe C. Gros, Yves Fort and Manuel F. Ruiz-López

    Volume 122, Numbers 1-2 / January 2009

    1-22Thermodynamics of the gas-phase reactions in chemical vapor deposition of silicon carbide with methyltrichlorosilane precursorJuanli Deng, Kehe Su, Xin Wang, Qingfeng Zeng and Laifei Cheng, et al.
    23-29Quasirelativistic energy-consistent 4f-in-core pseudopotentials for tetravalent lanthanide elementsMichael Hülsen, Anna Weigand and Michael Dolg
    31-42Theoretical studies on electronic structures and spectroscopic properties of a series of novel β-diketonate Os(II) complexesJian-Po Zhang, Xin Zhou, Fu-Quan Bai, Hong-Xing Zhang and Au-Chin Tang
    43-50Ab initio excitation spectrum of the weak H···CO interactionMary C. Salazar and Antonio Jose Hernández
    51-66The electronic structure of the F2, Cl2, Br2 molecules: the description of charge-shift bonding within the generalized valence bond ansatzAndré G. H. Barbosa and Alvaro M. Barcelos
    67-76Theoretical study on the reaction mechanism of CH2SH + NO2Yi-Zhen Tang, Ya-Ru Pan, Bing He, Jing-Yu Sun and Xiu-Juan Jia, et al.
    77-86A theoretical investigation of intermolecular interaction of a phthalimide based “on–off” sensor with different halide ions: tuning its efficiency and electro-optical propertiesShabbir Muhammad, Chunguang Liu, Liang Zhao, Shuixing Wu and Zhongmin Su
    87-100Ab Initio rovibrational spectrum of the NaH2+ ion–quadrupole complexAlister J. Page and Ellak I. von Nagy-Felsobuki
    101-106An evaluation of nitro derivatives of cubane using ab initio and density functional theoriesJinshan Li
    107-114Theoretical studies on the reactions OH + CH3COCCl2
    115-118Curvilinear and surficial electron holes in atoms and moleculesToshikatsu Koga and Masahiro Sekiya

    Volume 122, Numbers 3-4 / March 2009

    119-125Computational study of the ground state properties of iodine and polyiodide ionsAbu Md Asaduzzaman and Georg Schreckenbach
    127-136On the basis set superposition error in supermolecular calculations of interaction-induced electric properties: many-body componentsBartłomiej Skwara, Wojciech Bartkowiak and Daniel Luiz Da Silva
    137-143On the relation between the non-adiabatic vibrational reduced mass and the electric dipole moment gradient of a diatomic moleculeHanna Kjær and Stephan P. A. Sauer
    145-155Circular dichroism of some high-symmetry chiral molecules: B3LYP and SAOP calculationsCarl Trindle and Zikri Altun
    157-166A quantum mechanics study on the reaction mechanism of chalcone formation from
    167-178A three-point method for evaluations of AMBER force field parameters: an application to copper-based artificial nucleasesYanyan Zhu, Yan Wang, Guangju Chen and Chang-Guo Zhan
    179-188Density functional study of the influence of C5 cytosine substitution in base pairs with guanineAdam Moser, Rebecca Guza, Natalia Tretyakova and Darrin M. York
    189-196A theoretical study on photodissociation of the A state of the H2S+ ionHai-Bo Chang and Ming-Bao Huang
    197-206A multi-reference coupled-cluster study on the potential energy surface of N2 including ground and excited states: spin projections and wavefunction overlapsMichael Hanrath and Anna Engels-Putzka
    207-216Theoretical mechanistic study on the radical-molecule reaction of CH2Br/CHBrCl with NO2Xiu-Juan Jia, Xiu-Mei Pan, Jing-Yu Sun, Yi-Zhen Tang and Hao Sun, et al.
    217-226Theoretical study on the two-dimensional second-order nonlinear optical properties: a series of charge-transfer covalently bonded organoimido derived hexamolybdate complexesY. L. Si, C. G. Liu, E. B. Wang and Z. M. Su

    Volume 122, Numbers 5-6 / April 2009

    227-243Stochastic theory of direct simulation Monte Carlo methodHasan Karabulut and Huriye Arıman Karabulut
    245-256Theoretical conformational study of six-membered cyclic allyl epoxidesPaolo Crotti, Valeria Di Bussolo, Christian Silvio Pomelli and Lucilla Favero
    257-264Activation enthalpies of pericyclic reactions: the performances of some recently proposed functionalsVincent Tognetti, Pietro Cortona and Carlo Adamo
    265-273Quantum chemical study of redox-switchable second-order optical nonlinearity in Keggin-type organoimido derivative [PW11O39(ReNC6H5)]
    275-281Fluorinated derivatives of
    283-296Docking and molecular dynamics studies on the stereoselectivity in the enzymatic synthesis of carbohydratesNatércia F. Brás, Pedro A. Fernandes and Maria J. Ramos
    297-304Bidimensionality of 8-atom clusters of Au: first principles study and comparison with Ag clustersJorge Botana, Manuel Pereiro, Daniel Baldomir and Juan Enrique Arias
    313-324Vibrational contributions to static linear and nonlinear optical coefficients: from two-level to two-band systemsChia-Chun Chou and Bih-Yaw Jin
    325-332Theoretical ab initio study of the interplay between hydrogen bonding, cation–π and π–π interactionsCarolina Estarellas, Daniel Escudero, Antonio Frontera, David Quiñonero and Pere M. Deyà

    Volume 123, Numbers 1-2 / May 2009

    1-2The 65th birthday of Professor Santiago Olivella NelloJosep M. Anglada, Josep Maria Bofill and José M. Lluch
    3-10Ab initio study of the singlet-triplet splitting in reduced polyoxometalatesCoen de Graaf, Rosa Caballol, Susanna Romo and Josep M. Poblet
    11-20Solvation enthalpies of neutral solutes in water and octanolAxel Bidon-Chanal, Oscar Huertas, Modesto Orozco and F. Javier Luque
    21-27Static and dynamic properties of anionic intermolecular aggregates: the I–benzene–Arn caseM. Albertí, A. Aguilar, J. M. Lucas and F. Pirani
    29-40Excess charge delocalization in organic and biological molecules: some theoretical notionsLluís Blancafort, Miquel Duran, Jordi Poater, Pedro Salvador and Sílvia Simon, et al.
    41-49The vibrational auto-adjusting perturbation theoryEduard Matito, Juan Manuel Barroso, Emili Besalú, Ove Christiansen and Josep M. Luis
    51-58A Bohmian total potential view to quantum effects. II: decay of temporarily trapped statesMaría F. González, Antoni Aguilar-Mogas, Javier González, Ramon Crehuet and Josep M. Anglada, et al.
    59-66Density functional methods in the study of oxygen transfer reactionsCarles Acosta-Silva and Vicenç Branchadell
    67-73Oxidation states, atomic charges and orbital populations in transition metal complexesGabriel Aullón and Santiago Alvarez
    75-84The role of amide ligands in the stabilization of Pd(II) tricoordinated complexes: is the Pd–NR2 bond order single or higher?Salvador Moncho, Gregori Ujaque, Pablo Espinet, Feliu Maseras and Agustí Lledós
    85-92Uniform linear chains of group 11 atoms: do they have a bias towards a Peierls distortion?Pere Alemany, Miquel Llunell and Enric Canadell
    93-103Formation pathways of CH3SOH from CH3S(OH)CH3 in the presence of O2: a theoretical studyJuan M. Ramírez-Anguita, Àngels González-Lafont and José M. Lluch
    105-111Influence of π-stacking on the N7 and O6 proton affinity of guanineM. Noguera, R. Ríos-Font, L. Rodríguez-Santiago, X. Solans-Monfort and A. Oliva, et al.
    113-118Analysis of the basis set and correlation effects on the computation of molecular polarizabilities using molecular polarization mapsLurdes Roset, Jaime Rubio-Martinez and Juan J. Perez
    119-126Influence of the exchange–correlation potential on the description of the molecular mechanism of oxygen dissociation by Au nanoparticlesAlberto Roldán, Josep Manel Ricart and Francesc Illas
    127-135Ion binding to polyelectrolytes: Monte Carlo simulations versus classical mean field theoriesSergio Madurga, Josep Lluís Garcés, Encarnació Companys, Carlos Rey-Castro and José Salvador, et al.
    137-143Long, multicenter bonding in π-[terthiophene]
    145-156Assessment of semiempirical methods for the photoisomerisation of a protonated Schiff baseThomas W. Keal, Marius Wanko and Walter Thiel

    Volume 123, Numbers 3-4 / June 2009

    157-164Learning from the past: a personal view on the perspectives of quantum computational chemistryJacopo Tomasi
    165-169The importance of Colle–Salvetti for computational density functional theoryNicholas C. Handy
    171-182The self-interaction error and the description of non-dynamic electron correlation in density functional theoryJürgen Gräfenstein and Dieter Cremer
    183-187A variational density matrix approach with nonlocal effective potentialRenato Colle
    189-196Analysis of the stability of finite subspaces in density functional theoryRamiro Pino, Olivier Bokanowski, Eduardo V. Ludeña and Roberto López Boada
    197-205Some questions on the exchange contribution to the effective potential of the Kohn–Sham theoryFederico Moscardó, A. J. Pérez-Jiménez and J. C. Sancho-García
    207Some questions on the exchange contribution to the effective potential of the Kohn–Sham theoryFederico Moscardó, A. J. Pérez-Jiménez and J. C. Sancho-García
    209-235From Hartree–Fock and Heitler–London to chemical orbitalsGiorgina Corongiu and Enrico Clementi
    237-247Combinatorics of angular momentum recoupling theory: spin networks, their asymptotics and applicationsVincenzo Aquilanti, Ana Carla P. Bitencourt, Cristiane da S. Ferreira, Annalisa Marzuoli and Mirco Ragni
    249-256The O + O2 reaction: quantum detailed probabilities and thermal rate coefficientsSergio Rampino, Dimitris Skouteris and Antonio Laganà
    257-263Reduced dipole pseudospectra for the accurate tabulation of C6 dispersion coefficientsValerio Magnasco and Giuseppe Figari
    265-272A numerical method for computing dispersion constantsGian Luigi Bendazzoli, A. Monari and S. Evangelisti
    273-286Three-dimensional diabatic models for the ππ* → nπ* excited-state decay of uracil derivatives in solutionFabrizio Santoro, Roberto Improta and Vincenzo Barone
    287-298A multireference n-electron Valence State Perturbation Theory study of the electronic spectrum of s-tetrazineCelestino Angeli, Renzo Cimiraglia and Mirko Cestari
    299-309Interaction of biomolecular systems with titanium-based materials: computational investigationsVincenzo Carravetta, Susanna Monti and Wenhua Zhang
    311-316Chemical reactivity of second-row transition metal clusters from Hückel-type calculationsGaston Berthier and Mireille Defranceschi
    317-325Structural and electronic properties of small platinum metallorganic complexesGiovanni Barcaro and Alessandro Fortunelli
    327-335A local-MP2 approach to the ab initio study of electron correlation in crystals and to the simulation of vibrational spectra: the case of Ice XICesare Pisani, Lorenzo Maschio, Silvia Casassa, Migen Halo and Alessandro Erba
    337-346Stepwise versus concerted mechanisms in the Wittig reaction in vacuo and in THF: the case of 2,4-dimethyl-3-pyrrol-1-yl-pentanal and triphenylphosphonium ylideGiuliano Alagona and Caterina Ghio
    347-352A theoretical study of the solvent effect on Diels-Alder reaction in room temperature ionic liquids using a supermolecular approachRiccardo Bini, Cinzia Chiappe, Veronica L. Mestre, Christian S. Pomelli and Thomas Welton
    353-364Topological models of magnetic field induced current density field in small moleculesStefano Pelloni, Paolo Lazzeretti and Riccardo Zanasi
    365-373An overview of the electronic structure in trigonal bipyramidal clusters of main elements or mixed with transition metalsCarlo Mealli, Abdelatif Messaoudi and Andrea Ienco

    Volume 123, Numbers 5-6 / August 2009

    375-381Calculations and assignments of endohedral helium-3 chemical shifts of open-cage fullerenes and higher fullerenesGuan-Wu Wang and Ping Wu
    383-390Thermodynamic features and environmental effects in a two-states molecular device under strict electrochemical controlCostantino Zazza, Giordano Mancini, Nico Sanna and Massimiliano Aschi
    391-412A theoretical study of the thermodynamics and kinetics of small organosulfur compoundsAäron G. Vandeputte, Marie-Françoise Reyniers and Guy B. Marin
    413-429An adaptive density-guided approach for the generation of potential energy surfaces of polyatomic moleculesManuel Sparta, Daniele Toffoli and Ove Christiansen
    431-441Theoretical study on the mechanism of C2Cl3 + NO2 reactionYan Li, Hui-ling Liu, Xu-ri Huang, De-quan Wang and Chia-chung Sun, et al.
    443-453Density functional study on rare gas-noble metal closed-shell interaction in XeMX (M = Au, Ag, Cu; X = F, Cl, Br) systemsHua Fang and Xiao-Gang Zhang
    455-468DNA bindings of a novel anticancer drug, trans-[PtCl2(isopropylamine)(3-picoline)], and kinetic competition of purine bases with protein residues in the bifunctional substitutions: a theoretical DFT studyYan Gao and Lixin Zhou
    469-475Structure and stability of AuXe
    477-485Locating seam minima for macromolecular systemsSøren Madsen and Frank Jensen
    487-500Study of water clusters in the n = 2–34 size regime, based on the ABEEM/MM modelPing Qian, Li-nan Lu, Wei Song and Zhong-zhi Yang
    501-511Is high electric field capable of selectively inducing a covalent-like bond between polar and non-polar molecular species?Dhurba Rai, Anant D. Kulkarni, Shridhar P. Gejji and Rajeev K. Pathak
    513-520Informatics and magnetic behavior of [Fe6S6]3+ superclustersM. Czerwiñski and M. Matusiewicz
    521-525Theoretical analysis on yellow emission of gallium nitride with vacancy defects or impuritiesXiao-Lin Hu, Jun-Qian Li, Yong-Fan Zhang, Hao-Hong Li and Yi Li

    Volume 124, Numbers 1-2 / September 2009

    1-10Density fitting with auxiliary basis sets from Cholesky decompositionsThomas Bondo Pedersen, Francesco Aquilante and Roland Lindh
    11-28Molecular modeling and dynamics studies with explicit inclusion of electronic polarizability: theory and applicationsPedro E. M. Lopes, Benoit Roux and Alexander D. MacKerell
    29-36The effect of phenyl group on the electronic and phosphorescent properties of cyclometalated analogues of platinum(II) terpyridine complexes: a theoretical studyL. L. Shi, T. Li, S. S. Zhao, H. Li and Zhongmin Su
    37-47Effects of microsolvation and aqueous solvation on the tautomers of histidine: a computational study on energy, structure and IR spectrumAmareshwar Kumar Rai, Weixin Fei, Zhiwen Lu and Zijing Lin
    49-57Computational study of the substitution effect on the mechanism for phospha-Wittig reactionHsin-Yi Liao
    59-70Hydrogen abstraction from CF3CF2CFH2 and CF3CFHCF2H by OH radicals and Cl atoms: theoretical enthalpies and rate constantsHong Gao, Ying Wang, Qin Wang, Jing-Yao Liu and Chia-Chung Sun
    71-83Glutathione transferase A1-1: catalytic role of waterDaniel F. A. R. Dourado, Pedro Alexandrino Fernandes and Maria João Ramos
    85-93A CASSCF/CASPT2 study on the low-lying excited states of HSiCN, HSiNC and their ionsZeng-Xia Zhao, Chun-Yuan Hou, Xin Shu, Hong-Xing Zhang and Chia-chung Sun
    95-103Chloromethane and dichloromethane decompositions inside nanotubes as models of reactions in confined spaceBartosz Trzaskowski and Ludwik Adamowicz
    105-113Mechanistic and dual-level direct dynamics studies on the reaction Cl + CH2FClXiu-Juan Jia, You-Jun Liu, Jing-Yu Sun, Yi-Zhen Tang and Hao Sun, et al.
    115-122Interaction between uracil nucleobase and phenylalanine amino acid: the role of sodium cation in stackingAli Ebrahimi, Mostafa Habibi-Khorassani, Ali Reza Gholipour and Hamid Reza Masoodi
    123-137Radical reaction HCNO + 3NH: a mechanistic studyYan Li, Hui-ling Liu, Yan-bo Sun, Zhuo Li and Xu-ri Huang, et al.
    139-150Ab initio and ABEEM/MM fluctuating charge model studies of dimethyl phosphate anion in a microhydrated environmentFang-Fang Wang, Dong-Xia Zhao and Li-Dong Gong

    Volume 124, Numbers 3-4 / October 2009

    151-159Hypervalent molecules, sulfuranes, and persulfuranes: review and studies related to the recent synthesis of the first persulfurane with all substituents carbon-linkedZhifeng Pu, Qian-shu Li, Yaoming Xie and Henry F. Schaefer
    161-167A potential energy surface survey of OB6: global minima and isomerization stabilityChang-bin Shao, Lin Jin, Li-juan Fu and Yi-hong Ding
    169-178Ab initio excited states calculations of Kr
    179-186DFT studies of pressure effects on structural and vibrational properties of crystalline octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocineWeihua Zhu, Xiaowen Zhang, Tao Wei and Heming Xiao
    187-195A theoretical study of diborenes HLB=BLH for L=CO, NH3, OH2, PH3, SH2, ClH: structures, energies, and spin–spin coupling constantsIbon Alkorta, Janet E. Del Bene, José Elguero, Otilia Mó and Manuel Yáñez
    197-215Benchmark calculations on models of the phosphoryl transfer reaction catalyzed by protein kinase AManuel Montenegro, Mireia Garcia-Viloca, Àngels González-Lafont and José M. Lluch
    217-223Energetic of molecular interface at metal-organic heterojunction: the case of thiophenethiolate chemisorbed on Au(111)Francesco Buonocore and Andrea di Matteo
    225-234Theoretical investigation of chemosensor for fluoride anion based on amidophthalimide derivativesRuifa Jin and Jingping Zhang
    235-250A theoretical study about the structural, electronic and spectroscopic properties of the ground and singlet excited states of curcuminoidic coreEnrico Benassi and Ferdinando Spagnolo
    251-259A multiconfigurational perturbation theory study of the electronic structure and EPR g values of an oxomolybdenum enzyme model complexSteven Vancoillie and Kristine Pierloot
    261-268Structure–activity relationship of nitrosating agents in the nitrosation reactions of ammonia: a theoretical studyYong Dong Liu and Ru Gang Zhong
    269-278First-principles determination of molecular conformations of indolizidine (−)-235B′ in solutionFang Zheng, Linda P. Dwoskin, Peter A. Crooks and Chang-Guo Zhan
    279-294How critical fluctuations influence adsorption properties of a van der Waals fluid onto a spherical colloidal particleShiqi Zhou
    295-301The electronegativity scale of Allred and Rochow: revisitedDulal Chandra Ghosh, Tanmoy Chakraborty and Bhabatosh Mandal

    Volume 124, Numbers 5-6 / November 2009

    303-317Numerical solution methods for large, difficult kinetic master equationsTerry J. Frankcombe and Sean C. Smith
    319-330Structural and electronic structure differences due to the O–H···O and O–H···S bond formation in selected benzamide derivatives: a first-principles molecular dynamics studyAneta Jezierska, Jarosław J. Panek and Riccardo Mazzarello
    331-338Substituent effects in the tuning of excited-state intramolecular proton transfer and optical properties of the derivatives of 2-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-5-phenyl-1,3,4-oxadiazoleRuifa Jin and Jingping Zhang
    339-344Effect of one ligand substitution on charge transfer and optical properties in mer-Alq3: a theoretical studyAhmad Irfan and Jingping Zhang
    345-354Structure, stability and electronic property of the gold-doped germanium clusters: AuGen (n = 2–13)Xiao-Jun Li and Ke-He Su
    355-363Reaction force analyses of nitro-aci tautomerizations of trinitromethane, the elusive trinitromethanol, picric acid and 2,4-dinitro-1H-imidazoleJane S. Murray, Pat Lane, Michael Göbel, Thomas M. Klapötke and Peter Politzer
    365-376On finite basis set implementation of the exchange-only optimized effective potential methodVitaly N. Glushkov, Sergiy I. Fesenko and Hariton M. Polatoglou
    377-384On the combined use of discrete solvent models and continuum descriptions of solvent effects in ligand exchange reactions: a case study of the uranyl(VI) aquo ionPernilla Wåhlin, Bernd Schimmelpfennig, Ulf Wahlgren, Ingmar Grenthe and Valérie Vallet
    385-394First principles calculations on the origin of violet-blue and green light photoluminescence emission in SrZrO3 and SrTiO3 perovskitesValéria M. Longo, Laécio S. Cavalcante, Maria G. S. Costa, Mário Lúcio Moreira and Alberthmeiry T. de Figueiredo, et al.
    395-408Electronic structure and optical properties of chelating heteroatomic conjugated molecules: a SAC-CI studyYun-Peng Lu and Masahiro Ehara
    409-420Theoretical study on the ion–molecule reaction of HCN+ with NH3Yan Li, Hui-ling Liu, Yan-bo Sun, Zhuo Li and Xu-ri Huang, et al.
    421-430Zwitterionic structures of strained cis-pyramidalized disilenes: fact or artifactZoran Glasovac, Ivana Antol, Mario Vazdar and Davor Margetić
    431-437Study on structures and electron affinities of small potassium–silicon clusters SinK (n = 2–8) and their anions with Gaussian-3 theoryDong-Sheng Hao, Jin-Rong Liu, Wen-Guang Wu and Ju-Cai Yang
    439-444Theoretical study of the potential energy surface for CH3 and CH4 losses from ethyltoluenesGuzel G. Garifzianova and Grigorii M. Khrapkovskii
    445-460Phenomenological description of the transition state, and the bond breaking and bond forming processes of selected elementary chemical reactions: an information-theoretic studyRodolfo O. Esquivel, Nelson Flores-Gallegos, Cristina Iuga, Edmundo M. Carrera and Juan Carlos Angulo, et al.

    Volume 125, Numbers 1-2 / January 2010

    1EditorialChristopher J. Cramer and Donald G. Truhlar
    3-21A universal approach for continuum solvent pKa calculations: are we there yet?Junming Ho and Michelle L. Coote
    23-34Static and dynamic ionization levels of transition metal-doped zinc chalogenidesCesar Tablero
    35-44Understanding on absorption and fluorescence electronic transitions of carbazole-based conducting polymers: TD-DFT approachesSongwut Suramitr, Wichanee Meeto, Peter Wolschann and Supa Hannongbua
    45-55Theoretical investigation on mechanism for OH-initiated oxidation of CH2=C(CH3)CH2OHWeichao Zhang, Benni Du and Changjun Feng
    57-64Theoretical studies of decomposition kinetics of CF3CCl2O radicalHari Ji Singh, Bhupesh Kumar Mishra and Nand Kishor Gour
    65-73CASPT2 and CASSCF studies on the low-lying electronic states of the HCCO radical and its anionYue-Jie Liu, Zeng-Xia Zhao, Hong-Xing Zhang and Chia-Chung Sun
    75-82Dual-level direct dynamics studies on the reactions of tetramethylsilane with chlorine and bromine atomsHui Zhang, Gui-ling Zhang, Jing-yao Liu, Wen-jie Hou and Bo Liu, et al.
    83-95Molecular structure and spectroscopic properties of polyaromatic heterocycles by first principle calculations: spectroscopic shifts with the adsorption of thiophene on phyllosilicate surfaceClaro Ignacio Sainz-Díaz, Misaela Francisco-Márquez and Annik Vivier-Bunge
    97-100Revised relativistic basis sets for the 5d elements Hf–HgKenneth G. Dyall and Andre S. P. Gomes

    Volume 125, Numbers 3-6 / March 2010

    101-105A Festschrift in honor of Sándor Suhai’s 65th birthdayKarl James Jalkanen, Michaela Knapp-Mohammady, Agnes Hotz-Wagenblatt, Karl-Heinz Glatting and Anke Retzmann, et al.
    107-119Publication list of Professor Sándor SuhaiSándor Suhai
    121-144Role of quantum chemical calculations in molecular biophysics with a historical perspectiveAlexander K. Kukushkin and Karl J. Jalkanen
    145-172Review of biorthogonal coupled cluster representations for electronic excitationJochen Schirmer and Frank Mertins
    173-176Towards interactive 3D graphics in chemistry publicationsVladislav Vasilyev
    177-184The determination of Wilson–Decius F matrix elements from Cartesian force constantsDouglas F. McIntosh
    185-191Charge transfer between DNA and proteins in the nucleosomesJános Ladik, Attila Bende and Ferenc Bogár
    193-201The application of quantum chemistry and condensed matter theory in studying amino-acids, protein folding and anticancer drug technologyN. H. March and Clarence C. Matthai
    203-206Analytical derivation of the Hückel “4n + 2 rule”István Mayer
    207-215The generic geometry of helices and their close-packed structuresKasper Olsen and Jakob Bohr
    217-231Rigid assembly and Monte Carlo models of stable and unstable chromatin structures: the effect of nucleosomal spacingFrank Aumann, Jürgen Sühnel, Jörg Langowski and Stephan Diekmann
    233-244A DFT study of uracil and 5-bromouracil in nanodropletsTanja van Mourik, Victor I. Danilov, Vladimir V. Dailidonis, Noriyuki Kurita and Hajime Wakabayashi, et al.
    245-252Adenine versus guanine quartets in aqueous solution: dispersion-corrected DFT study on the differences in π-stacking and hydrogen-bonding behaviorCélia Fonseca Guerra, Tushar van der Wijst, Jordi Poater, Marcel Swart and F. Matthias Bickelhaupt
    253-268Hydrogen bonding in the urea dimers and adenine–thymine DNA base pair: anharmonic effects in the intermolecular H-bond and intramolecular H-stretching vibrationsAttila Bende
    269-278A quantum chemical study of reactions of DNA bases with sulphur mustard: a chemical warfare agentP. K. Shukla and P. C. Mishra
    279-291On the structure, infrared and Raman spectra of the 2:1 cysteine–Zn complexMartina Kieninger and Oscar N. Ventura
    293-303Quantum-chemical study of the potential anti-cancer drug Ru–NAMI-A in complex with estrogen and the simulated VA and VCD spectra of estrogen, the Ru–NAMI-A drug, and possible/proposed estrogen–Ru–NAMI-A complexesMichaela Knapp-Mohammady and Norman H. March
    305-317Quantum cluster size and solvent polarity effects on the geometries and Mössbauer properties of the active site model for ribonucleotide reductase intermediate X: a density functional theory studyWen-Ge Han and Louis Noodleman
    319-327Surface-enhanced Raman scattering: a new optical probe in molecular biophysics and biomedicineJanina Kneipp, Burghardt Wittig, Henrik Bohr and Katrin Kneipp
    329-334Raman spectroscopy study of breast diseaseMarcelo Moreno, Leandro Raniero, Emília Ângelo Loschiavo Arisawa, Ana Maria do Espírito Santo and Edson Aparecido Pereira dos Santos, et al.
    335-344Effects of bundling on the properties of the SPC water modelMarc Fuhrmans, Barbara P. Sanders, Siewert-Jan Marrink and Alex H. de Vries
    345-352The mechanisms of excited states in enzymesF. N. R. Petersen and H. G. Bohr
    353-363Mechanism of a proton pump analyzed with computer simulationsAna-Nicoleta Bondar, Jeremy C. Smith and Marcus Elstner
    365-373Excitation of the M intermediates of wild-type bacteriorhodopsin and mutant D96N: temperature dependence of absorbance, electric responses and proton movementsRudolf Tóth-Boconádi, Andras Dér, Stefka G. Taneva and Lajos Keszthelyi
    375-386Rationalizing perhydrolase activity of aryl-esterase and subtilisin Carlsberg mutants by molecular dynamics simulations of the second tetrahedral intermediate stateWook Lee, Ljubica Vojcic, Dragana Despotovic, Radivoje Prodanovic and Karl-Heinz Maurer, et al.
    387-396Competing gas-phase fragmentation pathways of asparagine-, glutamine-, and lysine-containing protonated dipeptidesChristian Bleiholder and Béla Paizs
    397-405Interplay of mechanical and binding properties of Fibronectin type IJiankuai Diao, Andrew J. Maniotis, Robert Folberg and Emad Tajkhorshid
    407-418Implications of fast-time scale dynamics of human DNA/RNA cytosine methyltransferases (DNMTs) for protein functionDavid A. Evans and Agnieszka Katarzyna Bronowska
    419-426Quantum chemical excited state calculations on pigment–protein complexes require thorough geometry re-optimization of experimental crystal structuresAndreas Dreuw, Philipp H. P. Harbach, Jan M. Mewes and Michael Wormit
    427-432Brief review related to the foundations of time-dependent density functional theoryThomas A. Niehaus and Norman H. March
    433-444Ab initio dynamic correlation effects in density functional theories: a density based study for argonKarol Jankowski, Krzysztof Nowakowski, Ireneusz Grabowski and Jan Wasilewski
    445-451Density functional calculations of potential energy surface and charge transfer integrals in molecular triphenylene derivative HAT6Mohamed Zbiri, Mark R. Johnson, Gordon J. Kearley and Fokko M. Mulder
    453-460Electronic structures and nonlinear optical properties of supramolecular associations of benzo-2,1,3-chalcogendiazoles by the elongation methodAnna Pomogaeva, Feng Long Gu, Akira Imamura and Yuriko Aoki
    461-470A joint theoretical and experimental investigation on the 13C and 1H NMR chemical shifts of coumarin derivativesPhilippe d’Antuono, Edith Botek, Benoît Champagne, Laetitia Maton and Dorothée Taziaux, et al.
    471-479A wavelet-based adaptive method for determining eigenstates of electronic systemsSzilvia Nagy and János Pipek
    481-491Exchange repulsion between effective fragment potentials and ab initio moleculesDaniel D. Kemp, Jamie M. Rintelman, Mark S. Gordon and Jan H. Jensen
    493-501Application of the elongation method to the electronic structure of spin-polarized molecular wire under electric fieldYuuichi Orimoto, Feng Long Gu, Jacek Korchowiec, Akira Imamura and Yuriko Aoki
    503-509Radiationless decay of excited states of tetrahydrocannabinol through the S1S0 (conical) intersectionGábor J. Halász, Andrzej L. Sobolewski and Ágnes Vibók
    511-520Theoretical study on nonlinear optical properties of metalloporphyrin using elongation methodLi Kai Yan, Anna Pomogaeva, Feng Long Gu and Yuriko Aoki
    521-533Theoretical investigation of the electronic spectrum of pyrazineClemens Woywod, Attila Papp, Gábor J. Halász and Ágnes Vibók
    535-541Transport properties of chrysazine-type moleculesAngelica G. Zacarias and E. K. U. Gross
    543-554The VCI-P code: an iterative variation–perturbation scheme for efficient computations of anharmonic vibrational levels and IR intensities of polyatomic moleculesPhilippe Carbonnière, Alain Dargelos and Claude Pouchan
    555-568Current functional theory for multi-electron configurationJens N. Bang and Henrik Georg Bohr
    569-581Similarity clustering of proteins using substantive knowledge and reconstruction of evolutionary gene histories in herpesvirusBoris Mirkin, Renata Camargo, Trevor Fenner, George Loizou and Paul Kellam
    583-591PromoterSweep: a tool for identification of transcription factor binding sitesCoral del Val, Oliver Pelz, Karl-Heinz Glatting, Endre Barta and Agnes Hotz-Wagenblatt
    593-598Isoform specific gene auto-regulation via miRNAs: a case study on miR-128b and ARPP-21Molly Megraw, Praveen Sethupathy, Kiranmai Gumireddy, Shane T. Jensen and Qihong Huang, et al.
    599-611Optimization of multi-classifiers for computational biology: application to gene finding and expressionRocío Romero-Zaliz, Cristina Rubio-Escudero, Igor Zwir and Coral del Val
    613-619Repeated two-hybrid screening detects transient protein–protein interactionsArunachalam Vinayagam, Ulrich Stelzl and Erich E. Wanker
    621-635Forces mediating protein–protein interactions: a computational study of p53 “approaching” MDM2Shubhra Ghosh Dastidar, Arumugam Madhumalar, Gloria Fuentes, David P. Lane and Chandra S. Verma
    637-642Computational classification of microRNAs in next-generation sequencing dataJoshua Riback, Artemis G. Hatzigeorgiou and Martin Reczko
    643-650Why similar protein sequences encode similar three-dimensional structures?Szymon Kaczanowski and Piotr Zielenkiewicz
    651-658TissueDistributionDBs: a repository of organism-specific tissue-distribution profilesSunitha Kogenaru, Coral del Val, Agnes Hotz-Wagenblatt and Karl-Heinz Glatting
    659-669Mathematical models for estimating effective diffusion parameters of spherical drug delivery devicesSong Wang, Shalela Mohd. Mahali, Andrea McGuiness and Xia Lou

    Volume 126, Numbers 1-2 / May 2010

    1-14Cooperativity in multiple unusual weak bondsIbon Alkorta, Fernando Blanco, Pere M. Deyà, José Elguero and Carolina Estarellas, et al.
    15-25Theoretical study on the structures, isomerization and stability of SiC4 isomersHao Sun, Hongwei Gong, Huiling Liu, Fang Wang and Xiumei Pan, et al.
    27-37Theoretical study in gas phase of linear and nonlinear optical properties of the ortho-, meta- and para-nitrophenol isomersJohan Urdaneta, Yaneth Bermúdez, Federico Arrieta, Merlin Rosales and Néstor Cubillán, et al.
    39-44DFT study of the electronic, vibrational, and optical properties of SnO2Pablo D. Borges, Luisa M. R. Scolfaro, Horácio W. Leite Alves and Eronides F. da Silva
    45-54Phenomenological chemical reactivity theory for mobile electronsMauricio Gonzalez-Suarez, Arie Aizman and Renato Contreras
    55-73Computational methods for analysis of an unsaturated carbocycle: heptafulveneIngo B. Aumüller and Jari Yli-Kauhaluoma
    75-85Counterpoise corrected interaction energies are not systematically better than uncorrected ones: comparison with CCSD(T) CBS extrapolated valuesJuan Raul Alvarez-Idaboy and Annia Galano
    87-98Theoretical study of the competitive decomposition and isomerization of 1-hexyl radicalFeng Wang, Dong Bo Cao, Gang Liu, Jie Ren and Yong Wang Li

    Volume 126, Numbers 3-4 / June 2010

    99-108Jean-Pierre Daudey, a scientific itinerary
    109-116Avoided crossings in metal (M)–gas (X) reactions (M = Hg, and X = SiH4, GeH4)Octavio Augusto Novaro, María del Alba Pacheco-Blas and Juan Horacio Pacheco-Sánchez
    117-127Quasirelativistic f-in-core pseudopotentials and core-polarization potentials for trivalent actinides and lanthanides: molecular test for trifluoridesAnna Weigand, Xiaoyan Cao, Jun Yang and Michael Dolg
    129-138A systematic density functional and wavefunction-based study on dicarboxyl dianions O2C–R–CO2 with R = C2, C2X2, C2X4, and C6X4 (X = H, F)Ralf Tonner, Matthias Lein, Ralf Wesendrup and Peter Schwerdtfeger
    139-150Configuration interaction benchmark for Be ground stateCarlos F. Bunge
    151-163Multicentered effective group potentials: ligand-field effects in organometallic clusters and dynamical study of chemical reactivityChristophe Raynaud, Iker del Rosal, Franck Jolibois, Laurent Maron and Romuald Poteau
    165-175A fundamental connection between symmetry and spatial localization properties of basis setsClaudio M. Zicovich-Wilson and Alessandro Erba
    177-183Modeling hole transfer in DNA. II. Molecular basis of charge transport in the DNA chainDaniel Roca-Sanjuán, Gloria Olaso-González, Pedro B. Coto, Manuela Merchán and Luis Serrano-Andrés
    185-196Extending the active space in multireference configuration interaction calculations of magnetic coupling constantsCarmen J. Calzado, Celestino Angeli, Rosa Caballol and Jean-Paul Malrieu
    197-211A theoretical study of the hydration of Rb+ by Monte Carlo simulations with refined ab initio-based model potentialsMaría Luisa San-Román, Jorge Hernández-Cobos, Humberto Saint-Martin and Iván Ortega-Blake
    213-222Investigating sigma bonds in an electric field from the Pauling’s perspective: the behavior of Cl–X and H–X (X = C, Si) bondsPanagiotis Papanikolaou and Padeleimon Karafiloglou
    223-229Structure and bonding of ethoxy species adsorbed on transition metal surfacesJuan Radilla, Mercè Boronat, Avelino Corma and Francesc Illas
    231-241Possible use of DFT approaches for the determination of double exchange interactionsCorentin Boilleau, Nicolas Suaud, Roland Bastardis, Nathalie Guihéry and Jean Paul Malrieu
    243-255Structural and optical properties of a neutral Nickel bisdithiolene complex: density functional versus ab initio methodsFabienne Alary, Jean-Louis Heully, Anthony Scemama, Bénédicte Garreau-de Bonneval and Kathleen I. Chane-Ching, et al.
    257-263Electron localizability and polarizability in tight-binding graphene nanostructuresStefano Evangelisti, Gian Luigi Bendazzoli and Antonio Monari
    265-273Charge state of metal atoms on oxide supports: a systematic study based on simulated infrared spectroscopy and density functional theoryAntonio M. Márquez, Jesús Graciani and Javier Fdez Sanz
    275-287The lithium–thiophene interaction: a critical study using highly correlated electronic structure approaches of quantum chemistryMichel Caffarel, Anthony Scemama and Alejandro Ramírez-Solís

    Volume 126, Numbers 5-6 / August 2010

    289-304Accurate computational thermochemistry from explicitly correlated coupled-cluster theoryWim Klopper, Rafał A. Bachorz, Christof Hättig and David P. Tew
    305-314Fluorene-based oligomers as red light-emitting materials: a density functional theory studyXue-Feng Ren, Ai-Min Ren, Lu-Yi Zou and Ji-Kang Feng
    315-322Flexible-boundary QM/MM calculations: II. Partial charge transfer across the QM/MM boundary that passes through a covalent bondYan Zhang and Hai Lin
    323-337A sum-over-state scheme of analysis of hyperpolarizabilities and its application to spiroconjugated molecular systemNabamita Panja, Tapan K. Ghanty and Prasanta K. Nandi
    339-349Theoretical basis for the correlation between energetic, magnetic, and electron density criteria of aromaticity: definition of molecular circuit electric conductanceMarcos Mandado
    351-360Theoretical study of the excited-state intramolecular proton transfer and rotamerism in 2,5-bis(2-hydroxyphenyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazoleRuifa Jin, Jingping Zhang and Lizhu Hao
    361-369Theoretical design study on photophysical property of the B–N derivatives for OLED applicationsLu-Yi Zou, Zi-Long Zhang, Ai-Min Ren, Xue-Qin Ran and Ji-Kang Feng
    371-382The optimum contraction of basis sets for calculating spin–spin coupling constantsFrank Jensen
    383-385Note on the electron–electron counterbalance holeToshikatsu Koga and Hisashi Matsuyama

    Volume 127, Numbers 1-2 / September 2010

    1-17Wavepacket quantum dynamicsGabriel G. Balint-Kurti
    19-25A comparison of approaches to estimate the resonance energyMarcin Zielinski, Remco W. A. Havenith, Leonardus W. Jenneskens and Joop H. van Lenthe
    27-38How to properly compute the resonance energy within the ab initio valence bond theory: a response to the ZHJVL paperYirong Mo, Philippe C. Hiberty and Paul von Ragué Schleyer
    39-47Solvolysis process of organophosphorus compound P-[2-(dimethylamino)ethyl]-N,N-dimethylphosphonamidic fluoride with simple and α-nucleophiles: a DFT studyManoj K. Kesharwani, Md. Abdul Shafeeuulla Khan, Tusar Bandyopadhyay and Bishwajit Ganguly
    49-56Theoretical study on the radical–radical reaction mechanism of CH2I + NO2Xiu-Juan Jia, You-Jun Liu, Jing-Yu Sun, Hao Sun and Fang Wang, et al.
    57-67Intramolecular ferromagnetic coupling in bis-oxoverdazyl and bis-thioxoverdazyl diradicals with polyacene spacersDebojit Bhattacharya, Suranjan Shil, Anirban Misra and D. J. Klein
    69-80Mechanistic pathways for the reaction of quercetin with hydroperoxy radicalZoran S. Marković, Jasmina M. Dimitrić Marković and Ćemal B. Doličanin
    81-94Theoretical study on the singlet and triplet potential energy surfaces of NH (X3Σ) + HCNO reactionYang Gao, Xiu-Juan Jia, Sha Li, Yan-Bo Yu and Rong-Shun Wang, et al.
    95-108Heterogeneous reaction mechanisms of the reduction of nitric oxide on carbon surfaces: a theoretical analysisAna Arenillas, Borja Arias, Fernando Rubiera, José J. Pis and Ramón López, et al.

    Volume 127, Number 3 / October 2010

    109-119EditorialAlexander Alijah and Dirk Andrae
    121-131To what question is the clamped-nuclei electronic potential the answer?Brian Sutcliffe
    133-139Stacking of triphenylene: characterization of the potential energy surfaceErsin Yurtsever
    141-148Chemical bonding in “early–late” transition metal complexes [(H2N)3M–M′(CO)4] (M = Ti, Zr, Hf; M′ = Co, Rh, Ir)Andreas Krapp and Gernot Frenking
    149-155An empirical formula to estimate off-diagonal adiabatic corrections to rotation–vibrational energy levelsAlexander Alijah, Dirk Andrae and Juergen Hinze
    157-173Spectroscopy of H
    175-182S-matrix theory of high harmonic generation and ionization of coherently ro-vibrating linear molecules by intense ultrashort laser pulsesF. H. M. Faisal
    183-193Temperature effects for vibrational relaxation of hydrogen adsorbed on Si(100): a stochastic multiconfigurational time-dependent Hartree (MCTDH) studyFranziska Lüder, Mathias Nest and Peter Saalfrank
    195-202Relativistic effects on the Fukui functionNick Sablon, Remigius Mastalerz, Frank De Proft, Paul Geerlings and Markus Reiher
    203-209Energy landscapes: topographies, interparticle forces and dynamics, and how they are relatedR. Stephen Berry
    211-221Orbital relaxation and the third-order induction energy in symmetry-adapted perturbation theoryKonrad Patkowski, Krzysztof Szalewicz and Bogumil Jeziorski
    223-229Dispersion-corrected energy barriers for silylene addition to white phosphorus, a density functional investigation into substituent effectsWolfgang W. Schoeller
    231-235A Hartree–Fock approach to the Steklov eigenproblem for a two-electron atom in an s2 stateRadosław Szmytkowski
    237-257Toward a physical understanding of electron-sharing two-center bonds. II. Pseudo-potential based analysis of diatomic moleculesT. Bitter, S. G. Wang, K. Ruedenberg and W. H. E. Schwarz

    Volume 127, Number 4 / November 2010

    259-270Hydrogen physisorption in metal–organic frameworks: concepts and quantum chemical calculationsGerman Sastre
    271-284Theoretical advances in the dissolution studies of mineral–water interfacesShikha Nangia and Barbara J. Garrison
    285-292Higher hydrogen uptake capacity of C2H4Ti+ than C2H4Ti: a quantum chemical studyNitin Wadnerkar, Vijayanand Kalamse and Ajay Chaudhari
    293-302An amber compatible molecular mechanics force field for the anticancer drug topotecanGiovanni Chillemi, Andrea Coletta, Giordano Mancini, Nico Sanna and Alessandro Desideri
    303-309Ab initio study of the cooperativity between NH···N and NH···C hydrogen bonds in H3N–HNC–HNC complexBaoan Gong, Bo Jing, Qingzhong Li, Zhenbo Liu and Wenzuo Li, et al.
    311-325The role of orbital transformations in coupled-pair functionalsChristian Kollmar and Andreas Heßelmann
    327-344Thermal unimolecular decomposition mechanism of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene: a first-principles DFT studyXiao-Fang Chen, Ji-Feng Liu, Zi-Hui Meng and Ke-Li Han
    345-354Enhanced detonation sensitivities of silicon analogs of PETN: reaction force analysis and the role of σ–hole interactionsJane S. Murray, Pat Lane, Anian Nieder, Thomas M. Klapötke and Peter Politzer
    355-367Predicting rate constants of OH radical reactions with organic substances: advances for oxygenated organics through a molecular orbital HF/6-31G** approachAnna Böhnhardt, Ralph Kühne, Ralf-Uwe Ebert and Gerrit Schüürmann
    369-381Relativistic double-zeta, triple-zeta, and quadruple-zeta basis sets for the lanthanides La–LuAndré S. P. Gomes, Kenneth G. Dyall and Lucas Visscher
    383-391The low-lying electronic states of BeAs: a first principles characterizationTiago Vinicius Alves, Willian Hermoso and Fernando R. Ornellas
    393-400A localized electrons detector for atomic and molecular systemsHugo J. Bohórquez and Russell J. Boyd
    401-409Adsorption of tetralin and hydrogenated intermediates and products on the (100) surfaces of Ir, Pt and Pd: a DFT studyXiang Li, Madaliene S. M. Wong and Kok Hwa Lim
    411-418Oscillator strengths and photoionisation cross sections for Rydberg transitions in acetaldehydeM. V. Vega, C. Lavín, A. M. Velasco and I. Martín
    419-427Theoretical study on dithieno[3,2-b:2′,3′-d]phosphole derivatives: high-efficiency blue-emitting materials with ambipolar semiconductor behaviorJie Wu, Shuixing Wu, Yun Geng, Guochun Yang and Shabbir Muhammad, et al.

    Volume 127, Numbers 5-6 / November 2010

    429-442Overcoming systematic DFT errors for hydrocarbon reaction energiesStephan N. Steinmann, Matthew D. Wodrich and Clemence Corminboeuf
    443-448Theoretical consideration of the anomalous temperature dependence of the surface tension of pure liquid galliumAhmed Ayyad and Fathi Aqra
    449-465Transition metal oxide clusters with character of oxygen-centered radical: a DFT studyYan-Xia Zhao, Xun-Lei Ding, Yan-Ping Ma, Zhe-Chen Wang and Sheng-Gui He
    467-474Electronic structures and spectroscopic properties of promising highly efficient red phosphorescent Os(II)(LR)2(PH3)2 complexes: a theoretical explorationJian-Po Zhang, Bao-Hui Xia, Li Jin and Hong-Xing Zhang
    475-484A theoretical investigation on the spectroscopic properties and photosensitizing capability of 5, 10, 15, 20-tetraphenylsapphyrin and 5, 10, 15, 20-tetraphenyl-26,28-diheterosapphyrins with two O, S, or Se AtomsRamón López, M. Isabel Menéndez, Mireya Santander-Nelli and Gloria I. Cárdenas-Jirón
    485-492Are pterins able to modulate oxidative stress?Ana Martínez and Andrés Barbosa
    493-506Theoretical study on the role of cooperative solvent molecules in the neutral hydrolysis of keteneXiao-Peng Wu, Xi-Guang Wei, Xiao-Ming Sun, Yi Ren and Ning-Bew Wong, et al.
    507-517Theoretical study of spin–orbit coupling and kinetics in spin-forbidden reaction between Ta(NH2)3 and N2OLing Ling Lv, Yong Cheng Wang, Hui Wen Liu and Qiang Wang
    519-538An investigation of the lowest reaction pathway of propene + BCl3 decomposition in chemical vapor deposition processXiaoqiong Jiang, Kehe Su, Xin Wang, Yanli Wang and Yan Liu, et al.
    539-550How do phosphoramides compete with phosphine oxides in lanthanide complexation? Structural, electronic and energy aspects at ab initio and DFT levelsKhodayar Gholivand, Hamid Reza Mahzouni and Mehdi D. Esrafili
    551-560Theoretical studies of the reactions of Cl atoms with CF3CH2OCHnF(3−n) (n = 1, 2, 3)Hui Zhang, Cheng-yang Liu, Gui-ling Zhang, Wen-jie Hou and Miao Sun, et al.
    561-571Theoretical study of proton-catalyzed hydrolytic deamination mechanism of adenineHuanjie Wang and Fancui Meng
    573-585Computation of some thermodynamics, transport, structural properties, and new equation of state for fluid neon using a new intermolecular potential from molecular dynamics simulationMohsen Abbaspour and Elaheh K. Goharshadi
    587-594Theoretical investigations of the charge transfer properties of anthracene derivativesAhmad Irfan, Jingping Zhang and Yingfei Chang
    595-603Theoretical study on the chemical fate of adducts formed through free radical addition reactions to carotenoidsAna Martínez, Rubicelia Vargas and Annia Galano
    605-612Theoretical study of challenging properties of intramolecularly π-stacked oligo(dibenzofulvene) organic molecular semiconductorsJ. C. Sancho-García
    613-619Molecular dynamics simulation study of friction and diffusion of a tracer in a Lennard–Jones solventSong Hi Lee
    621-626On the enthalpy of formation of thiophenePablo A. Denis
    627-639Theoretical studies on the hydration of formic acid by ab initio and ABEEMσπ fluctuating charge modelShu-Ling Chen, Dong-Xia Zhao, Li-Dong Gong and Zhong-Zhi Yang
    641-650Perfluorinated exohedral potassium-metallofullerene K···CnFn (n = 20 or 60): partial interior and surface excess electron stateYin-Feng Wang, Ying Li, Zhi-Ru Li, Fang Ma and Di Wu, et al.
    651-659Structure and stability of Al–Fe–Zr–Ce cluster: density functional studyYifang Ouyang, Deming Zhai, Peng Wang, Hongmei Chen and Yong Du, et al.
    661-669Computational study on the energies and structures of the [H, Si, N, C, S] isomersSimon R. T. Neil and Corey J. Evans
    671-679Molecular dynamics study of formamidine decomposition in gas and solution phases via free energy curves from ab initio interaction potentialsS. Tolosa Arroyo, A. Hidalgo Garcia and J. A. Sansón Martín
    681-687Factors influencing the binding of a potassium cation to a polyethylene glycol type podand in liquid–liquid extraction—a molecular dynamics studyMário Valente, Sérgio Filipe Sousa, A. L. Magalhães and Cristina Freire
    689-695Modulation of the work function of silicon nanowire by chemical surface passivation: a DFT studyMan-Fai Ng, Li Yun Sim, Haixia Da, Hongmei Jin and Kok Hwa Lim, et al.
    697-709Gas-phase enthalpies of formation, acidities, and strain energies of the [m, n]polyprismanes (m ≥ 2; n = 3–8; m × n ≤ 16): a CBS-Q//B3, G4MP2, and G4 theoretical studySierra Rayne and Kaya Forest
    711-725The physical chemistry of [M(H2O)4(NO3)2] (M = Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, Zn2+) complexes: computational studies of their structure, energetics and the topological properties of the electron densityPradeep R. Varadwaj and Helder M. Marques
    727-733Chemical functionalization of pyridine-like and porphyrin-like nitrogen-doped carbon (CNx) nanotubes with transition metal (TM) atoms: a theoretical studyYan Shang, Jing-xiang Zhao, Hong Wu, Qing-hai Cai and Xiao-guang Wang, et al.
    735-742Charge transport and luminescent properties of C6F5Cu(py) and their relationships with cuprophilic interactions: a density functional theory investigationFei Yu, Shui-Xing Wu, Yun Geng, Guo-Chun Yang and Zhong-Min Su
    743-750TDDFT study of absorption spectrum of ketocyanine dye complexes with metal ions: explicit solvent modelAndrzej Eilmes
    751-757The effects of the introduction of Al atom into monoclinic BiVO4: a theoretical predictionShanshan Yao, Kaining Ding and Yongfan Zhang
    759-763Theoretical investigation into charge mobility in 4,4′-bis(1-naphthylphenylamino)biphenylHongze Gao

    Volume 128, Number 1 / January 2011

    1Springer in the International Year of Chemistry 2011
    3-16Trends in template/fragment-free protein structure predictionYaoqi Zhou, Yong Duan, Yuedong Yang, Eshel Faraggi and Hongxing Lei
    17-24Atomic carbon adsorption on Ni nanoclusters: a DFT studyQiang Wang, Kok Hwa Lim, Shuo-Wang Yang, Yanhui Yang and Yuan Chen
    25-37Computational insight into protein circular dichroism: detailed analysis of contributions of individual chromophores in TEM-1 β-lactamaseChristo Christov and Tatyana Karabencheva
    39-46Atomic shell structure based on inhomogeneity measures of the electron densityK. Wagner and M. Kohout
    47-61An empirical, variational method of approach to unsymmetric valley-ridge inflection pointsWolfgang Quapp and Benjamin Schmidt
    63-67Acetonitrile adsorption and decomposition on the SnO2 (110) surface: a first-principles computationXiujuan Zou, Kaining Ding, Yonfang Zhang and Shanshan Yao
    69-82Gaussian basis sets for use in correlated molecular calculations. VII. Valence, core-valence, and scalar relativistic basis sets for Li, Be, Na, and MgBrian P. Prascher, David E. Woon, Kirk A. Peterson, Thom H. Dunning and Angela K. Wilson
    83-90Quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical study of anthrax lethal factor catalysisChristopher R. Smith, Gregory K. Smith, Zhenxiao Yang, Dingguo Xu and Hua Guo
    91-113Hydrogenated amorphous silicon nanostructures: novel structure–reactivity relationships for cyclization and ring opening in the gas phaseAndrew J. Adamczyk, Marie-Francoise Reyniers, Guy B. Marin and Linda J. Broadbelt
    115-125Direct calculation of the Coulomb matrix: Slater-type orbitalsIgnacio Ema, Rafael López, Guillermo Ramírez and Jaime Fernández Rico
    127-136Assessment of the ωB97 family for excited-state calculationsDenis Jacquemin, Eric A. Perpète, Ilaria Ciofini and Carlo Adamo
    137-146Importance of iron as the metal ion in peptide deformylase: a biomimetic computational studyMatthew F. Brown and Benjamin F. Gherman

    Volume 128, Number 2 / January 2011

    147-155Vibrational energy relaxation of small molecules and ions in liquidsJ. L. Skinner
    157-164Theoretical prediction of ionization/oxidation potentials in conjugated polymersMuhammet E. Köse
    165-174Theoretical investigation into optical and electronic properties of oligothiophene derivatives with phenyl ring as core or end-capped group in linear and V-shapeShanshan Tang and Jingping Zhang
    175-181Toward a fuzzy atom view within the context of the quantum theory of atoms in molecules: quasi-atomsFarnaz Heidar Zadeh and Shant Shahbazian
    183-189Dual-level direct dynamics studies on the hydrogen abstraction reactions of fluorine atoms with CF3CH2X(X=F, Cl)Li Wang, Yuan Zhao, Jing Zhang, Yanna Dai and Jinglai Zhang
    191-206Theoretical studies on model reaction pathways of prostaglandin H2 isomerization to prostaglandin D2/E2Naoto Yamaguchi, Tatsuya Naiki, Takamitsu Kohzuma, Toshikazu Takada and Fumihiko Sakata, et al.
    207-213Direct ab initio MD study on the hydrogen abstraction reaction of triplet state acetone from methanol moleculeHiroto Tachikawa and Hiroshi Kawabata
    215-222Low-lying electronic states of HNCS and its ions: a CASSCF/CASPT2 studyTao Liu, Zeng-Xia Zhao, Ming-Xing Song, Hong-Xing Zhang and Chia-Chung Sun
    223-229On the efficient calculation of the quantum properties (dipolar moments) of the molecular heteroatomic (nitrogen) polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbonsJosé Ramón Álvarez-Collado
    231-240Influence of temperature, pressure, nanotube’s diameter and intertube distance on methane adsorption in homogeneous armchair open-ended SWCNT triangular arraysSayyed Jalil Mahdizadeh and Sayyed Faramarz Tayyari
    241-248Three-propeller-blade-shaped electride: remarkable alkali-metal-doped effect on the first hyperpolarizabilityHong-Liang Xu, Shi-Ling Sun, Shabbir Muhammad and Zhong-Min Su
    249-256Theoretical study on the second-order nonlinear optical properties and reorganization energy of silafluorenes and spirobisilafluorenes derivativesYanling Si and Guochun Yang
    257-264Charge transport and electronic properties of N-heteroquinones: quadruple weak hydrogen bonds and strong π–π stacking interactionsGuochun Yang, Yanling Si, Yun Geng, Fei Yu and Qingxiu Wu, et al.
    265-274Theoretical study of one- and two-photon absorption properties of pyrene derivativesYang Zhao, Jing-Fu Guo, Ai-Min Ren and Ji-Kang Feng

    Volume 128, Number 3 / February 2011

    275-283Shells theory of solvation and the long-range Born correctionJosefredo R. Pliego
    285-293Rare earth element doping effect on the bonding and the transport property of δ-MoNJing Yu, Guiling Zhang, Yan Shang, Hui Zhang and Luqing Yang, et al.
    295-305Minimally augmented Karlsruhe basis setsJingjing Zheng, Xuefei Xu and Donald G. Truhlar
    307-316Laser control of double proton transfer in porphycenes: towards an ultrafast switch for photonic molecular wiresMahmoud K. Abdel-Latif and Oliver Kühn
    317-325Theoretical studies and rate constants calculation for the reactions of acetone with fluorine and bromine atomsHui Zhang, Gui-ling Zhang, Jing-yao Liu, Miao Sun and Bo Liu, et al.
    327-339Thermolysis of 2-methyloxetane: a computational studyJ. Martín-Ortiz and J. J. Quirante
    341-348Unimolecular decomposition mechanism of vinyl alcohol by computational studyJu-Xiang Shao, Chun-Ming Gong, Xiang-Yuan Li and Jun Li
    349-358Theoretical study of the gas-phase Fe+-mediated oxidation of ethane by N2OLianming Zhao, Wenyue Guo, Zhaochun Liu, Yuanyuan Li and Xiaoqing Lu
    359-365Theoretical studies on N-loss predissociation mechanisms of N2O+ (A 2Σ+) in Cs symmetryQingyong Meng, Hai-Bo Chang, Ming-Bao Huang and Hua Dong
    367-376Copper formal oxidation states above +1 in organometallic chemistry: the possibility of synthesizing cyclopentadienylcopper chlorides by oxidative addition reactionsCongzhi Wang, Xiuhui Zhang, Qian-shu Li, Yaoming Xie and R. Bruce King, et al.
    377-388Interaction of chemically modified tetracyclines with catalytic Zn(II) ion in matrix metalloproteinase: evidence for metal coordination sitesBruna L. Marcial, Luiz Antônio S. Costa, Wagner B. De Almeida, Cleber P. A. Anconi and Hélio F. Dos Santos

    Volume 128, Numbers 4-6 / March 2011

    389-391Theoretical and computational chemistry in SpainMariona Sodupe and Enrique Sánchez Marcos
    393-404Current trends in the computational modelling of polyoxometalatesXavier López, Pere Miró, Jorge J. Carbó, Antonio Rodríguez-Fortea and Carles Bo, et al.
    405-410A study of the relationships between unpaired electron density, spin-density and cumulant matricesLuis Lain, Alicia Torre, Diego R. Alcoba and Roberto C. Bochicchio
    411-418Electron delocalization and bond formation under the ELF frameworkJ. Contreras-García and J. M. Recio
    419-431Aromaticity and electronic delocalization in all-metal clusters with single, double, and triple aromatic characterFerran Feixas, Eduard Matito, Miquel Duran, Jordi Poater and Miquel Solà
    433-444Generalized electron number distribution functions: real space versus orbital space descriptionsE. Francisco, A. Martín Pendás and Miguel A. Blanco
    445-456Causes of energy destabilization in carbon nanotubes with topological defectsFrancisco J. Martín-Martínez, Santiago Melchor and José A. Dobado
    457-464Assisted intramolecular proton transfer in (uracil)2Ca2+ complexesAne Eizaguirre, Al Mokhtar Lamsabhi, Otilia Mó and Manuel Yáñez
    465-475Quantum chemical calculations of stability constants: study of ligand effects on the relative stability of Pd(II)–peptide complexesElkin Tílvez, Natalia Díaz, M. Isabel Menéndez, Dimas Suárez and Ramón López
    477-484Computational evaluation of pKa for oxygenated side chain containing amino acids interacting with AluminumJ. I. Mujika, J. M. Ugalde and X. Lopez
    485-495Molecular structure of cyanidin metal complexes: Al(III) versus Mg(II)Laura Estévez, Nicolás Otero and Ricardo A. Mosquera
    497-503A density functional theory study of the manganese-phthalocyanineDaniele Stradi, Cristina Díaz, Fernando Martín and Manuel Alcamí
    505-519Analysis of the magnetic coupling in nitroxide organic biradicalsCarmen J. Calzado, Celestino Angeli, Coen de Graaf and Rosa Caballol
    521-530Functionalized pentacenes: a combined theoretical, Raman and UV–Vis spectroscopic studyJuan Aragó, Pedro M. Viruela, Enrique Ortí, Reyes Malavé Osuna and Víctor Hernández, et al.
    531-539Study of the interaction between aniline and CH3CN, CH3Cl and CH3FEnrique M. Cabaleiro-Lago, Jesús Rodríguez-Otero and Ángeles Peña-Gallego
    541-553Theoretical evaluation of the nature and strength of the F···F intermolecular interactions present in fluorinated hydrocarbonsReyes Malavé Osuna, Victor Hernández, Juan T. López Navarrete, Emiliana D’Oria and Juan J. Novoa
    555-561Importance of electron correlation effects and basis set superposition error in calculations of interaction energies and interaction-induced electric properties in hydrogen-bonded complexes: a model studyAngelika Baranowska, Berta Fernández and Andrzej J. Sadlej
    563-567An ab initio study of the proton transfer and tautomerization processes in hydroxycarbeneIbon Alkorta and José Elguero
    569-577A variational transition state theory description of periselectivity effects on cycloadditions of ketenes with cyclopentadieneJuan Manuel Ramírez-Anguita, Ricard Gelabert, Àngels González-Lafont, Miquel Moreno and José M. Lluch
    579-592The reaction between HO and (H2O)n (n = 1, 3) clusters: reaction mechanisms and tunneling effectsJavier Gonzalez, Marc Caballero, Antoni Aguilar-Mogas, Miquel Torrent-Sucarrat and Ramon Crehuet, et al.
    593-599A molecular mechanism for direct generation of nitric oxide, peroxynitrite and superoxide in the reaction of nitroglycerin with a cysteil-cysteine derivativeJuan Soto, Francisco J. Avila, Juan C. Otero, Daniel Peláez and Juan F. Arenas
    601-607Molecular mechanism of chorismate mutase activity of promiscuos MbtISilvia Ferrer, Sergio Martí, Juan Andrés, Vicent Moliner and Iñaki Tuñón, et al.
    609-618Theoretical study of the C–F bond activation in methyl fluoride by alkaline-earth metal monocationsAdrián Varela-Álvarez, José Ángel Sordo, Pilar Redondo, Antonio Largo and Carmen Barrientos, et al.
    619-626On the mechanism of the N-glycosydic bond hydrolysis of 2′-deoxyguanosine: insights from first principles calculationsR. Rios-Font, J. Bertran, M. Sodupe and L. Rodríguez-Santiago
    627-638Comparative study of the hydrolysis of a third- and a first-generation platinum anticancer complexesAndrea Melchior, Enrique Sánchez Marcos, Rafael R. Pappalardo and José M. Martínez
    639-646The importance of conformational search: a test case on the catalytic cycle of the Suzuki–Miyaura cross-couplingMaria Besora, Ataualpa A. C. Braga, Gregori Ujaque, Feliu Maseras and Agustí Lledós
    647-661Performance of density functional theory on homogeneous gold catalysisOlalla Nieto Faza, Roi Álvarez Rodríguez and Carlos Silva López
    663-673A density functional theory study of the ‘mythic’ Lindlar hydrogenation catalystM. García-Mota, J. Gómez-Díaz, G. Novell-Leruth, C. Vargas-Fuentes and L. Bellarosa, et al.
    675-681Origin of the size dependence of Au nanoparticles toward molecular oxygen dissociationAlberto Roldán, Josep M. Ricart and Francesc Illas
    683-694DFT and kinetics study of O/O2 mixtures reacting over a graphite (0001) basal surfaceVíctor Morón, Pablo Gamallo and Ramón Sayós
    695-703Influence of the sodium and calcium non-framework cations on the adsorption of hexane isomers in zeolite BEAElena García-Pérez, Patrick S. Barcia, José A. C. Silva, Alirio E. Rodrigues and Sofía Calero
    705-711On the photoproduction of DNA/RNA cyclobutane pyrimidine dimersIsrael González-Ramírez, Daniel Roca-Sanjuán, Teresa Climent, Juan José Serrano-Pérez and Manuela Merchán, et al.
    713-725Understanding the differences in photochemical properties of substituted aminopyrimidinesMireia Segado, Maria-Angels Carvajal, Isabel Gómez and Mar Reguero
    727-734On the anomaly of the quasiclassical product distributions of the OH +CO ®735-742Probing vibrational wave packets in molecular excited statesAlberto González-Castrillo, Jhon Fredy Pérez-Torres, Alicia Palacios and Fernando Martín
    743-755Kinetics and dynamics study of the H + CCl4 → HCl(v′, j′) + CCl3 reactionJ. Espinosa-García, C. Rangel, M. Monge-Palacios and J. C. Corchado
    757-767A 3D-analysis of the Cl–benzene dimer solvation by Ar atomsF. Huarte-Larrañaga, A. Aguilar, J. M. Lucas and M. Albertí
    769-782Vibrational dynamics of polyatomic molecules in solution: assignment, time evolution and mixing of instantaneous normal modesAdrián Kalstein, Sebastián Fernández-Alberti, Adolfo Bastida, Miguel Angel Soler and Marwa H. Farag, et al.
    783-793Theoretical study of the role of solvent Stark effect in electron transitionsM. Elena Martín, M. Luz Sánchez, José C. Corchado, Aurora Muñoz-Losa and Ignacio Fdez. Galván, et al.
    795-805Diffusion in macromolecular crowded media: Monte Carlo simulation of obstructed diffusion vs. FRAP experimentsEudald Vilaseca, Isabel Pastor, Adriana Isvoran, Sergio Madurga and Josep-Lluís Garcés, et al.
    807-823Predicting binding energies of CDK6 inhibitors in the hit-to-lead processLaura Delgado-Soler, Javier Ariñez-Soriano, José M. Granadino-Roldán and Jaime Rubio-Martinez
    825-833An efficient implementation of a QM–MM method in SIESTACarlos F. Sanz-Navarro, Rogeli Grima, Alberto García, Edgar A. Bea and Alejandro Soba, et al.

    Volume 129, Number 1 / May 2011

    1EditorialChristopher J. Cramer and Donald G. Truhlar
    3-13Using multipole point charge distributions to provide the electrostatic potential in the variational explicit polarization (X-Pol) potentialHannah R. Leverentz, Jiali Gao and Donald G. Truhlar
    15-30The effect of local approximations on first-order properties from expectation-value coupled cluster theoryTatiana Korona
    31-43Modeling quantum vibrational excitations in condensed-phase molecular systemsAndrea Amadei, Isabella Daidone, Laura Zanetti-Polzi and Massimiliano Aschi
    45-51Determination of the charge transport abilities of polymorphs [C6F5Cu]2(4,4′-bipy) with different interactions: a density functional theoretical investigationFei Yu, Guochun Yang, Shuixing Wu, Yun Geng and Zhongmin Su
    53-61Electronic spectrum of F2CO: theoretical calculations of vertical excitation energies and intensitiesC. Lavín, A. M. Velasco, I. Martín, J. V. Pitarch-Ruíz and A. M. J. Sánchez de Merás, et al.
    63-71Theoretical design study on photophysical property of the organoboron quinolate derivativesLu-Yi Zou, Ai-Min Ren, Xue-Qin Ran, Xue-Feng Ren and Ji-Kang Feng
    73-84Hydrogen abstraction reactions of OH radicals with CF2ClCClXH (X = F, Cl) and CFCl2CClXH (X = F, Cl): a mechanistic and kinetic studyLi Wang, Yuan Zhao and Jinglai Zhang
    85-92Theoretical study of phenol adsorption on the (8, 0) silicon carbide nanotubeJing-xiang Zhao, Bo Gao, Qing-hai Cai, Xiao-guang Wang and Xuan-zhang Wang
    93-103Reduction mechanism in class A methionine sulfoxide reductases: a theoretical chemistry investigationE. Thiriot, G. Monard, S. Boschi-Muller, G. Branlant and M. F. Ruiz-López
    105-118A computational study of the radical–radical reaction of O(3P) + C2H5 with comparisons to gas-phase kinetics and crossed-beam experimentsSe-Hee Jung, Yong-Pal Park, Kyoo-Weon Kang, Min-Jin Park and Jong-Ho Choi
    119-129Theoretical insights into the catalytic mechanism of β-hexosaminidaseÓscar Passos, Pedro Alexandrino Fernandes and Maria João Ramos

    Volume 129, Number 2 / May 2011

    131-139Structure and electronic properties of tris(4-hydroxy-1,5-naphthyridinato) aluminum (AlND3) and its methyl derivatives: a theoretical studyJ. Laxmikanth Rao and K. Bhanuprakash
    141-150Coalescence of metastable states in chemical reactions: double poles of the scattering matrix and exceptional pointsSimonetta Cavalli and Dario De Fazio
    151-160Stability criterion for organic ferromagnetismMasashi Hatanaka
    161-172The elusive excited states of bithiophene: a CASPT2 detective storyMarcin Andrzejak and Henryk A. Witek
    173-179Stereo-dynamics study of O + HCl → OH + Cl reaction on the 3A″, 3A′, and 1A′ statesMei Hua Ge and Yu Jun Zheng
    181-197Picture change error correction in the radial distributions of canonical orbital densities and total electron density of radon atom: the effect of the size of nucleus and the basis set limitLukáš Bučinský, Stanislav Biskupič and Dylan Jayatilaka
    199-208Computational studies of the interactions of I and I3 with TiO2 clusters: implications for dye-sensitized solar cellsAbu Md. Asaduzzaman and Georg Schreckenbach
    209-217On the possible catalytic role of a single water molecule in the acetone + OH gas phase reaction: a theoretical pseudo-second-order kinetics studyCristina Iuga, J. Raul Alvarez-Idaboy and Annik Vivier-Bunge
    219-227Coupled cluster, B2PLYP and M06-2X investigation of the thermochemistry of five-membered nitrogen containing heterocycles, furan, and thiophenePablo A. Denis
    229-234Theoretical study of UV-Vis light absorption of some impurities in alkylbenzene type liquid scintillator solventsPin-Wen Huang, Hui-Ying Cao, Ming Qi, Pi-Yi Li and Zai-Wei Fu, et al.
    235-245Atoms in molecules: beyond Born–Oppenheimer paradigmMohammad Goli and Shant Shahbazian
    247-255The influence of thienyl-S,S-dioxidation on the photoluminescence and charge transport properties of dithienothiophenes: a theoretical studyYun Geng, Haibin Li, Shuixing Wu, Yuai Duan and Zhongmin Su, et al.
    257-270Tuning the electronic structures and optical properties of fluorene-based donor–acceptor copolymers by changing the acceptors: a theoretical studyYanling Wang, Qiang Peng, Qiufei Hou, Kun Zhao and Ying Liang, et al.

    Volume 129, Numbers 3-5 / June 2011

    291-301Computational characterization of organic photovoltaic devicesYuan Shang, Qikai Li, Lingyi Meng, Dong Wang and Zhigang Shuai
    303-312DFT studies of reductive elimination, C–H activation and β-hydride elimination in alkyl and aryl palladium amine complexesChristopher Ryan, Alexandra K. de K. Lewis, Stephen Caddick and Nikolas Kaltsoyannis
    313-324Nuclear magnetic resonance parameters in water dimerTeemu S. Pennanen, Perttu Lantto, Mikko Hakala and Juha Vaara
    325-330NMR shielding constants in hydrogen molecule isotopomersMichał Jaszuński, Grzegorz Łach and Krzysztof Strasburger
    331-342Time-dependent density functional theory gradients in the Amsterdam density functional package: geometry optimizations of spin-flip excitationsMichael Seth, Grzegorz Mazur and Tom Ziegler
    343-347Spin–orbit ab initio study of two low-lying states of chloroiodomethane cationJoonghan Kim, Hyotcherl Ihee and Yoon Sup Lee
    349-358Calculated tautomeric equilibria and X-ray structures of 2-substituted N-methoxy-9-methyl-9H-purin-6-aminesLise-Lotte Gundersen, Carl Henrik Görbitz, Liina Neier, Heidi Roggen and Toomas Tamm
    359-366Electric field effects on nuclear spin–spin coupling tensors and chiral discrimination via NMR spectroscopyGabriel I. Pagola, Marta B. Ferraro, Stefano Pelloni, Paolo Lazzeretti and Stephan P. A. Sauer
    367-379Improved valence basis sets for divalent lanthanide 4f-in-core pseudopotentialsMichael Hülsen, Michael Dolg, Pascal Link and Uwe Ruschewitz
    381-387Theoretical study of the interaction between Pt(0) and MPH3+ fragments in complexes of the [Pt3 (μ-CO)3(PH3)3]–MPH3+ (M = Cu+, Au+, Ag+) typeDaniela Donoso and Fernando Mendizabal
    389-399Bonding in cationic MOH
    401-407On the stability and lifetime of GaO2+ in the gas phaseInés Corral, Alicia Palacios and Manuel Yáñez
    409-412The nuclear quadrupole moments of 191,193,195,197Pb and 139LaIgor Itkin, Ephraim Eliav and Uzi Kaldor
    413-422Structural and electronic trends among group 15 polyhedral fullerenesAntti J. Karttunen, Mikko Linnolahti and Tapani A. Pakkanen
    423-436Comparison of restricted, unrestricted, inverse, and dual kinetic balances for four-component relativistic calculationsQiming Sun, Wenjian Liu and Werner Kutzelnigg
    437-445Electric multipole moments, polarizability, and hyperpolarizability of xenon dihydride (HXeH)George Maroulis
    447-452Theoretical study of the bent U(η8-C8H8)2(CN) complexCarine Clavaguéra and Jean-Pierre Dognon
    453-466Calculation of molecular g-tensors using the zeroth-order regular approximation and density functional theory: expectation value versus linear response approachesJochen Autschbach and Benjamin Pritchard
    467-481Geometries, electronic structures, and excited states of UN2, NUO+, and UO
    483-494Relativistic effects on the shielding of SnH2XY and PbH2XY (X, Y = F, Cl, Br and I) heavy atom–containing moleculesJuan I. Melo, Alejandro Maldonado and Gustavo A. Aucar
    495-505Are MCDF calculations 101% correct in the super-heavy elements range?Paul Indelicato, Jacek Bieroń and Per Jönsson
    507-515Cyclic dimers of tetrafluorobutatrieneChristian Ehm and Dieter Lentz
    517-525The symmetrized random matrix approach, an efficient method to obtain relativistic molecular symmetry adapted functionsDaoling Peng and Kimihiko Hirao
    527-543Quantitative vibronic coupling calculations: the formyloxyl radicalKerstin Klein, Etienne Garand, Takatoshi Ichino, Daniel M. Neumark and Jürgen Gauss, et al.
    545-554Ab initio theoretical study of luminescence properties of Pr3+-doped Lu2O3José Luis Pascual, Zoila Barandiarán and Luis Seijo
    555-559Effect of electron correlation on the Pa atom energy levels and electron couplingMichael K. Mrozik and Russell M. Pitzer
    561-566Relativistic effects in low-lying electronic states of ironLukáš Demovič, Vladimir Kellö and Miroslav Urban
    567-574Relativistic free complement method for correctly solving the Dirac equation with the applications to hydrogen isoelectronic atomsHiroyuki Nakashima and Hiroshi Nakatsuji
    575-592Hydration of gas-phase ytterbium ion complexes studied by experiment and theoryPhilip X. Rutkowski, Maria C. Michelini, Travis H. Bray, Nino Russo and Joaquim Marçalo, et al.
    593-602Basicity of bisperhalophenyl aurates toward closed-shell metal ions: metallophilicity and additional interactionsJosé M. López-de-Luzuriaga, Miguel Monge, M. Elena Olmos, María Rodríguez-Castillo and Antonio Laguna, et al.
    603-613Relativistic double-zeta, triple-zeta, and quadruple-zeta basis sets for the 6d elements Rf–CnKenneth G. Dyall
    615-623Divalent Pb(0) compoundsNozomi Takagi and Gernot Frenking
    625-630Attractive interaction between transition-metal atom impurities and vacancies in graphene: a first-principles studyA. V. Krasheninnikov and R. M. Nieminen
    631-650Mössbauer spectroscopy for heavy elements: a relativistic benchmark study of mercuryStefan Knecht, Samuel Fux, Robert van Meer, Lucas Visscher and Markus Reiher, et al.
    651-656Accurate potential energy curves for the group 12 dimers Zn2, Cd2, and Hg2Elke Pahl, Detlev Figgen, Anastasia Borschevsky, Kirk A. Peterson and Peter Schwerdtfeger
    657-666How accurate are electronic structure methods for actinoid chemistry?Boris B. Averkiev, Manjeera Mantina, Rosendo Valero, Ivan Infante and Attila Kovacs, et al.
    667-676Is rhodium tetroxide in the formal oxidation state VIII stable? a quantum chemical and matrix isolation investigation of rhodium oxidesYu Gong, Mingfei Zhou, Lester Andrews, Tobias Schlöder and Sebastian Riedel
    677-684Simulations of 129Xe NMR chemical shift of atomic xenon dissolved in liquid benzeneStanislav Standara, Petr Kulhánek, Radek Marek, Jan Horníček and Petr Bouř, et al.
    685-699Relativistic four-component calculations of Buckingham birefringence using London atomic orbitalsRadovan Bast, Kenneth Ruud, Antonio Rizzo and Trygve Helgaker
    701-713Theoretical investigation of photoelectron spectra and magnetically induced current densities in ring-shaped transition-metal oxidesHeike Fliegl, Olli Lehtonen, Ying-Chan Lin, Michael Patzschke and Dage Sundholm
    715-725Assessment of higher-order spin–orbit effects on electronic g-tensors of d1 transition-metal complexes by relativistic two- and four-component methodsPeter Hrobárik, Michal Repiský, Stanislav Komorovský, Veronika Hrobáriková and Martin Kaupp

    Volume 129, Number 6 / August 2011

    727-746Thermodynamic limit and size-consistent designSo Hirata
    747-756An atomistic model for simulations of nilotinib and nilotinib/kinase bindingNajl V. Valeyev and Alexey Aleksandrov
    757-769Activation of carboplatin by chloride ions: a theoretical investigationAntonella Ciancetta, Cecilia Coletti, Alessandro Marrone and Nazzareno Re
    771-780Computational study on the reaction of CH3SCH2CH3 with OH radical: mechanism and enthalpy of formationJia Cao, Wenliang Wang, Yue Zhang, Weina Wang and Tianlei Zhang, et al.
    781-791QM/MM study on catalytic mechanism of aspartate racemase from Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3Chenghua Zhang, Yong Guo and Ying Xue
    793-801Electronic spectra of the linear cationic chains NC2nN+ (n = 1–7): an ab initio studyYuan Zhao, Jia Guo and Jinglai Zhang
    803-821Exploration of cyclopropyl radical ring opening to allyl radical by Newton trajectories: importance of valley-ridge inflection points to understand the topographyWolfgang Quapp, Josep Maria Bofill and Antoni Aguilar-Mogas
    823-832Theoretical study on the reaction of hydrogen atoms with anilineMarwan Batiha, Mohammednoor Altarawneh, Abdullah Alsofi, Mohammad Al-Harahsheh and Ibrahem Altarawneh, et al.
    833-845Theoretical study on photophysical properties of 2,1,3-benzothiadiazole-based star-shaped moleculesYing-Fang Liu, Xue-Feng Ren, Lu-Yi Zou, Ai-Min Ren and Ji-Kang Feng, et al.
    847-857DFT study of structure–properties correlations in [MnTPP][TCNE] quasi-one-dimensional molecular magnetsCorneliu I. Oprea, Fanica Cimpoesu, Petre Panait, Bogdan Frecuş and Marilena Ferbinteanu, et al.

    Volume 130, Number 1 / September 2011

    1-13Avoiding gas-phase calculations in theoretical pKa predictionsRodrigo Casasnovas, David Fernández, Joaquín Ortega-Castro, Juan Frau and Josefa Donoso, et al.
    15-25On the catalytic mechanism of Pt
    27-36Measuring electron sharing between atoms in first-principle simulationsGiovanni La Penna, Sara Furlan and Miquel Solà
    37-50Theoretical investigation of one- and two-photon spectra of pyrazabole chromophoresXiao-Ting Liu, Lu-Yi Zou, Ai-Min Ren, Jing-Fu Guo and Ying Sun, et al.
    51-60Mechanism and kinetics of the hydroxyl and hydroperoxyl radical scavenging activity of N-acetylcysteine amideAnnia Galano
    61-68A theoretical study on magnesium ion–selective two-photon fluorescent probe based on benzo [h] chromene derivativesYang Zhao, Ai-Min Ren, Lu-Yi Zou, Jing-Fu Guo and Ji-Kang Feng
    69-82Microscopic binding of butyrylcholinesterase with quinazolinimine derivatives and the structure–activity correlationMohamed Diwan M. AbdulHameed, Junjun Liu, Yongmei Pan, Lei Fang and Carlos Silva-Rivera, et al.
    83-93Assessing group-based cutoffs and the Ewald method for electrostatic interactions in clusters and in saturated, superheated, and supersaturated vapor phases of dipolar moleculesMohammadhasan Dinpajooh, Samuel J. Keasler, Donald G. Truhlar and J. Ilja Siepmann
    95-101Spectroscopy and dissociation of I2–Rg (Rg = Kr and Xe) van der Waals complexesSrimanta Pakhira and Abhijit K. Das
    103-114Structural and electronic properties of tungsten trioxides: from cluster to solid surfaceHua Jin, Jia Zhu, Jianming Hu, Yi Li and Yongfan Zhang, et al.
    115-125Theoretical study on the reactions of trimethylsilane with chlorine and bromine atomsYuan Zhang, Hui Zhang, Jing-Yao Liu, Xue-Mei Duan and Ze-Sheng Li
    127Erratum to: Electric field effects on nuclear spin–spin coupling tensors and chiral discrimination via NMR spectroscopyGabriel I. Pagola, Marta B. Ferraro, Stefano Pelloni, Paolo Lazzeretti and Stephan P. A. Sauer

    Volume 130, Numbers 2-3 / October 2011

    129-152A Festschrift in honor of Shigeru NagaseZdenek Slanina, Gernot Frenking, Peter Pulay and Shigeyoshi Sakaki
    153-160An examination of density functionals on aldol, Mannich and α-aminoxylation reaction enthalpy calculationsRaman K. Singh, Takao Tsuneda and Kimihiko Hirao
    161-173Photophysical properties and vibrational structure of ladder-type penta p-phenylene and carbazole derivatives based on SAC-CI calculationsPotjaman Poolmee, Masahiro Ehara and Hiroshi Nakatsuji
    175-185Theoretical study of the excited states and the redox potentials of unusually distorted β-trifluoromethylporphyceneJun-ya Hasegawa and Kenji Matsuda
    187-195An analysis of the role of the Born--Oppenheimer approximation in calculating rotational--vibrational interactions in moleculesBrian T. Sutcliffe
    197-207The role of the heteroatom (X = SiIV, PV, and SVI) on the reactivity of {γ-[(H2O)RuIII(μ-OH)2RuIII(H2O)][Xn+W10O36]}(8−n)− with the O2 moleculeAleksey E. Kuznetsov, Yurii V. Geletii, Craig L. Hill, Keiji Morokuma and Djamaladdin G. Musaev
    209-213First-principles studies on doped graphene as anode materials in lithium-ion batteriesD. H. Wu, Y. F. Li and Z. Zhou
    215-226Reaction path optimization and vibrational frequency analysis via ab initio QM/MM free energy gradient (FEG) method: application to isomerization process of glycine in aqueous solutionNorio Takenaka, Yukichi Kitamura, Yoshiyuki Koyano, Toshio Asada and Masataka Nagaoka
    227-236Theoretical studies on a new pattern of laser-driven systems: towards elucidation of direct photo-injection in dye-sensitized solar cellsKenji Mishima, Hiroshi Segawa and Koichi Yamashita
    237-250Inverted-sandwich-type and open-lantern-type dinuclear transition metal complexes: theoretical study of chemical bonds by electronic stress tensorKazuhide Ichikawa, Ayumu Wagatsuma, Yusaku I. Kurokawa, Shigeyoshi Sakaki and Akitomo Tachibana
    251-260Assessment of theoretical procedures for hydrogen-atom abstraction by chlorine, and related reactionsBun Chan and Leo Radom
    261-268The effects of orbital interactions on the geometries of some annelated benzenesXiaoguang Bao, David A. Hrovat and Weston Thatcher Borden
    269-277Structures and bonding situation of Pb2X2 (X = H, F, Cl, Br and I)Taka Shimizu and Gernot Frenking
    279-297Quantum chemical studies on the role of water microsolvation in interactions between group 12 metal species (Hg2+, Cd2+, and Zn2+) and neutral and deprotonated cysteinesSeiji Mori, Takahiro Endoh, Yuki Yaguchi, Yuuhei Shimizu and Takayoshi Kishi, et al.
    299-304Solvent effect on (2,2,6,6-Tetramethylpiperidine-1-yl)oxyl (TEMPO): a RISM-SCF-SEDD studyMarvin Jose F. Fernandez and Hirofumi Sato
    305-315A significant role of the totally symmetric valley-ridge inflection point in the bifurcating reaction pathwayYu Harabuchi and Tetsuya Taketsugu
    317-321MPI/OpenMP hybrid parallel implementation of second-order Møller–Plesset perturbation theory using numerical quadraturesKazuya Ishimura and Seiichiro Ten-no
    323-331DFT and ONIOM study on the alkylation of the lithium enolate in solution: microsolvation cluster models for CH2=CHOLi + CH3Cl + (THF)0–6Kaori Ando and Keiji Morokuma
    333-339Adsorption of catechol on a wet silica surface: density functional theory studyShabeer Ahmad Mian, Xingfa Gao, Shigeru Nagase and Joonkyung Jang
    341-352What is the best density functional to describe water clusters: evaluation of widely used density functionals with various basis sets for (H2O)n (n = 1–10)Fengyu Li, Lu Wang, Jijun Zhao, John Rui-Hua Xie and Kevin E. Riley, et al.
    353-359Negative rectification and negative differential resistance in nanoscale single-walled carbon nanotube p-n junctionsLili Yu, Xin Yan, Hong Li, Rui Qin and Guangfu Luo, et al.
    361-369Self-interaction artifacts on structural features of uranyl monohydroxide from Kohn–Sham calculationsRaghunathan Ramakrishnan, Alexei V. Matveev, Sven Krüger and Notker Rösch
    371-383Ab initio MO and DFT study for the isomerisation of bicyclo[1.1.0]tetrasilane and the germanium analoguesY. Konno, T. Kudo and S. Sakai
    385-391Nuclear quantum effect on the hydrogen-bonded structure of guanine–cytosine pairMasashi Daido, Akihito Koizumi, Motoyuki Shiga and Masanori Tachikawa
    393-400Unsaturation in homoleptic tetranuclear iridium carbonyls: a comparison of density functional theory with the MP2 method in metal cluster structuresQing Kui Chi, Qian-shu Li, Yaoming Xie, R. Bruce King and Henry F. Schaefer III
    401-410An MD simulation of the decoy action of Epstein–Barr virus LMP1 protein mimicking the CD40 interaction with TRAF3Wilfredo Credo Chung and Toshimasa Ishida
    411-417Linear-scaling divide-and-conquer second-order Møller–Plesset perturbation calculation for open-shell systems: implementation and applicationTakeshi Yoshikawa, Masato Kobayashi and Hiromi Nakai
    419-427A benchmark quantum chemical study of the stacking interaction between larger polycondensed aromatic hydrocarbonsTomasz Janowski and Peter Pulay
    429-438Role of hydrogen bonds in acid-catalyzed hydrolyses of estersShinichi Yamabe, Takeshi Fukuda and Misao Ishii
    439-448QM/MM investigation of the degradation mechanism of the electron-transporting layerToshio Asada, Kenichi Ohta, Takeshi Matsushita and Shiro Koseki
    449-453Application of resolution of identity approximation of second-order Møller–Plesset perturbation theory to three-body fragment molecular orbital methodMichio Katouda
    455-462High-pressure transitions in bulk mercury: a density functional studyS. Biering and P. Schwerdtfeger
    463-473Facial dissociations of water molecules on the outside and inside of armchair single-walled silicon nanotubes: theoretical predictions from multilayer quantum chemical calculationsYong Wang, Guoyong Fang, Jing Ma and Yuansheng Jiang
    475-482Binding energy of gas molecule with two pyrazine molecules as organic linker in metal–organic framework: its theoretical evaluation and understanding of determining factorsMilind M. Deshmukh and Shigeyoshi Sakaki
    483-489Tuning graphene nanoribbon field effect transistors via controlling doping levelLu Wang, Jiaxin Zheng, Jing Zhou, Rui Qin and Hong Li, et al.
    491-500“Gold standard” coupled-cluster study of acetylene pentamers and hexamers via molecular tailoring approachAnuja P. Rahalkar, Brijesh K. Mishra, V. Ramanathan and Shridhar R. Gadre
    501-505Projector Monte Carlo method based on Slater determinants: a new sampling method for singlet state calculationsYuhki Ohtsuka and Shigeru Nagase
    507-513The concerted and stepwise chemisorption mechanisms of isothiazole and thiazole on Si(100)−2 × 1 surfaceManik Kumer Ghosh and Cheol Ho Choi
    515-530Higher-order correlated calculations based on fragment molecular orbital schemeYuji Mochizuki, Katsumi Yamashita, Tatsuya Nakano, Yoshio Okiyama and Kaori Fukuzawa, et al.
    531-542Electronic stress tensor analysis of hydrogenated palladium clustersKazuhide Ichikawa, Ayumu Wagatsuma, Paweł Szarek, Chenggang Zhou and Hansong Cheng, et al.
    543-548Water trimer cationHan Myoung Lee and Kwang S. Kim
    549-554Calculated relative yields for Sc2S@C82 and Y2S@C82Zdeněk Slanina, Filip Uhlík, Shyi-Long Lee, Naomi Mizorogi and Takeshi Akasaka, et al.
    555-561Understanding properties of copoly(arylene ether nitrile)s high-performance polymer electrolyte membranes for fuel cells from molecular dynamics simulationsTakahiro Ohkubo, Yasuhiko Iwadate, Yu Seung Kim, Neil Henson and Yoong-Kee Choe
    563-570Theoretical study of the V(4F) + NO(2Πr) → VO(4Σ) + N(4S°) reaction compared with the Sc(2D) and Ti(3F) casesDong-ki Lee, Young Choon Park, Yoon Sup Lee and Gwang-Hi Jeung

    Volume 130, Numbers 4-6 / December 2011

    571-574A Festschrift in honor of Akira Imamura’s 77th birthday, his recent retirement, and his many contributions to theoretical chemistryKarl James Jalkanen and Yuriko Aoki
    575-593Akira Imamura: a scientific memoir (1950–2011)Akira Imamura
    595-608Highly accurate O(N) method for delocalized systemsYuriko Aoki, Oleksandr Loboda, Kai Liu, Marcin A. Makowski and Feng Long Gu
    609-632Thermo-dynamical contours of electronic-vibrational spectra simulated using the statistical quantum–mechanical methodsVladimir Pomogaev, Anna Pomogaeva, Pavel Avramov, K. J. Jalkanen and Sergey Kachin
    633-644An improved algorithm for the normalized elimination of the small-component methodWenli Zou, Michael Filatov and Dieter Cremer
    645-669An application of double exponential formula to radial quadrature grid in density functional calculationMasaki Mitani
    671-678Mixing parameters for geometry optimization using the Hamiltonian algorithmHiroyuki Teramae, Takayoshi Ishimoto and Umpei Nagashima
    679-685Analytical optimization of orbital exponents in Gaussian-type functions for molecular systems based on MCSCF and MP2 levels of fully variational molecular orbital methodNaoto Shimizu, Takayoshi Ishimoto and Masanori Tachikawa
    687-700On the dipolar electric field response of large systemsMichael Springborg and Bernard Kirtman
    701-709Finite-field evaluation of static (hyper)polarizabilities based on the linear-scaling divide-and-conquer methodTsuguki Touma, Masato Kobayashi and Hiromi Nakai
    711-724(Hyper)polarizability density analysis for open-shell molecular systems based on natural orbitals and occupation numbersMasayoshi Nakano, Hitoshi Fukui, Takuya Minami, Kyohei Yoneda and Yasuteru Shigeta, et al.
    725-726Erratum to: (Hyper)polarizability density analysis for open-shell molecular systems based on natural orbitals and occupation numbersMasayoshi Nakano, Hitoshi Fukui, Takuya Minami, Kyohei Yoneda and Yasuteru Shigeta, et al.
    727-737Alkali metal doping effect on static first hyperpolarizabilities of PMI chainsLing Zhi Kang, Talgat Inerbaev, Bernard Kirtman and Feng Long Gu
    739-748Singlet–triplet energy gap for trimethylenemethane, oxyallyl diradical, and related species: single- and multireference computational resultsToru Saito, Satomichi Nishihara, Shusuke Yamanaka, Yasutaka Kitagawa and Takashi Kawakami, et al.
    749-763Symmetry and broken symmetry in molecular orbital description of unstable molecules IV: comparison between single- and multi-reference computational results for antiaromtic moleculesToru Saito, Satomichi Nishihara, Shusuke Yamanaka, Yasutaka Kitagawa and Takashi Kawakami, et al.
    765-774Orbital views of the electron transport through heterocyclic aromatic hydrocarbonsXinqian Li, Aleksandar Staykov and Kazunari Yoshizawa
    775-788Molecular orbital concept on spin-flip transport in molecular junctions
    789-806Guidelines proposed for designing organic ferromagnets by using a quantum chemical approachShohei Onitsuka and Yuriko Aoki
    807-813Theoretical investigation of hole mobility in 9,10-diphenylanthracene by density functional calculationsShotaro Watanabe, Yasuyo Shimodo and Kenji Morihashi
    815-828Interference-induced electron- and hole-conduction asymmetrySören Wohlthat, Gemma C. Solomon, Noel S. Hush and Jeffrey R. Reimers
    829-837Interaction of Fe3+meso-tetrakis (2,6-dichloro-3-sulfonatophenyl) porphyrin with cationic bilayers: magnetic switching of the porphyrin and magnetic induction at the interfaceKatia C. U. Mugnol, Marccus V. A. Martins, Edvaldo C. Nascimento, Otaciro R. Nascimento and Frank N. Crespilho, et al.
    839-850A theoretical approach to molecular single-electron transistorsStine T. Olsen, Thorsten Hansen and Kurt V. Mikkelsen
    851-857An examination of density functional theories on isomerization energy calculations of organic moleculesJong-Won Song, Takao Tsuneda, Takeshi Sato and Kimihiko Hirao
    859-870The nature of base stacking: a Monte Carlo studyVladimir V. Dailidonis, Victor I. Danilov, Herbert A. Früchtl and Tanja van Mourik
    871-881Theoretical study of formation of ion pairs in (NH3·HCl)(H2O)6 and (NH3·HF)(H2O)6Roger L. DeKock, Benjamin M. Brandsen and John R. Strikwerda
    883-889A B3LYP investigation of the conformational and environmental sensitivity of carbon–deuterium frequencies of aryl-perdeuterated phenylalanine and tryptophanAlyssa S. Hickert, Andrew C. Durgan, Duncan A. Patton, Samantha A. Blake and Matthew E. Cremeens
    891-900An unsymmetrical behavior of reactant units in the Kolbe–Schmitt reactionShinichi Yamabe and Shoko Yamazaki
    901-907The [2 + 2 + 2] mechanisms of trimerization of three ethynes and monosilaethylenes
    909-918A computational study on the relationship between formation and electrolytic dissociation of carbonic acidShinichi Yamabe and Nao Kawagishi
    919-938Conformational study of the structure of free 12-thiacrown-4 and some of its cation metal complexesNada I. Al-Badri, Nada A. Al-Jallal and Adel A. El-Azhary
    939-953DFT studies of cation binding by β-cyclodextrinAnna Stachowicz, Anna Styrcz, Jacek Korchowiec, Ali Modaressi and Marek Rogalski
    955-963Computational study on the partial dechlorination of the pesticide chloropicrin by sulfur speciesOscar N. Ventura, Patricia Saenz-Méndez and Fiorentina Bottinelli
    965-979A quantum mechanical study of bioactive 3-chloro-2,5-dihydroxybenzyl alcohol through substitutionsAnoja Pushpamali Wickrama Arachchilage, Yong Wang and Feng Wang
    981-990Biradical processes in reactions between benzyne and troponeShinichi Yamabe, Tsutomu Minato, Teruyuki Watanabe and Takahisa Machiguchi
    991-1000Effect of non-specificity in shape, size, and dielectric properties on electromagnetic extinction and optical field enhancement from spherical nanolayered metal-dielectric particlesAnil K. Kodali and Rohit Bhargava
    1001-1008Structural and thermodynamic properties of Au2–20 clustersYi Dong, Michael Springborg and Ingolf Warnke
    1009-1022The geometric, energetic, and electronic properties of charged phosphorus-doped silicon clusters, PSin+/PSin (n = 1–8)Yu Chang, Guoliang Li, Aimei Gao, Hongyu Chen and Qian-shu Li
    1023-1030D3h Al3N: a novel promising ligand for coordination chemistryNan Li and Qiong Luo
    1031-1038Density functional theory study on quasi-three-dimensional oxidized platinum surface: phase transition between α-PtO2-like and β-PtO2-like structuresTomomi Shimazaki, Toshiya Suzuki and Momoji Kubo
    1039-1042Isotope effect of proton and deuteron adsorption site on zeolite-templated carbon using path integral molecular dynamicsKimichi Suzuki, Masanori Tachikawa, Hiroshi Ogawa, Somlak Ittisanronnachai and Hirotomo Nishihara, et al.
    1043-1053Quantum chemical studies of Lindqvist-type polyoxometalates containing late 3d transition metals ([(py)MIIW5O18]4− (M = Fe, Co, Ni)): MII–N bonding and second-order nonlinear optical propertiesSha Cong, Li Kai Yan, Shi Zheng Wen, Wei Guan and Zhong Min Su
    1055-1059Role of CH–π interaction energy in self-assembled gear-shaped amphiphile molecules: correlated ab initio molecular orbital and density functional theory studyJun Koseki, Yukiumi Kita, Shuichi Hiraoka, Umpei Nagashima and Masanori Tachikawa
    1061-1069Influence of polar groups on the wetting properties of vertically aligned multiwalled carbon nanotube surfacesS. C. Ramos, A. O. Lobo, G. de Vasconcelos, E. F. Antunes and V. J. Trava-Airoldi, et al.
    1071-1082Proposed model for growth preference of plate-like nanohydroxyapatite crystals on superhydrophilic vertically aligned carbon nanotubes by electrodepositionA. O. Lobo, F. R. Marciano, I. Regiani, S. C. Ramos and J. T. Matsushima, et al.
    1083Erratum to: Proposed model for growth preference of plate-like nanohydroxyapatite crystals on superhydrophilic vertically aligned carbon nanotubes by electrodepositionA. O. Lobo, F. R. Marciano, I. Regiani, S. C. Ramos and J. T. Matsushima, et al.
    1085-1093Thermodynamic aspects of fibroblastic spreading on diamond-like carbon films containing titanium dioxide nanoparticlesF. R. Marciano, C. C. Wachesk, A. O. Lobo, V. J. Trava-Airoldi and C. Pacheco-Soares, et al.
    1095-1103The close-packed triple helix as a possible new structural motif for collagenJakob Bohr and Kasper Olsen
    1105-1114MD simulations of plant hemoglobins: the hexa- to penta-coordinate structural transitionMariano Andrea Scorciapino, Claire Wallon and Matteo Ceccarelli
    1115-1129Incipient structural and vibrational relaxation process of photolyzed carbonmonoxy myoglobin: statistical analysis by perturbation ensemble molecular dynamics methodMasayoshi Takayanagi and Masataka Nagaoka
    1131-1143Computational analysis of ligand recognition mechanisms by prostaglandin E2 (subtype 2) and D2 receptorsHiromi Daiyasu, Takatsugu Hirokawa, Narutoshi Kamiya and Hiroyuki Toh
    1145-1154Systematic mutational analysis of an ubiquitin ligase (MDM2)-binding peptide: computational studiesYun Liu, David P. Lane and Chandra S. Verma
    1155-1167The application of condensed matter methods to the study of the conformation and elastic properties of biopolymers and the transport of DNA through cell membranesC. C. Matthai and N. H. March
    1169-1183Ground-state properties of the retinal molecule: from quantum mechanical to classical mechanical computations of retinal proteinsAna-Nicoleta Bondar, Michaela Knapp-Mohammady, Sándor Suhai, Stefan Fischer and Jeremy C. Smith
    1185-1196Impact of proximal and distal pocket site-directed mutations on the ferric/ferrous heme redox potential of yeast cytochrome c peroxidaseG. M. Jensen and D. B. Goodin
    1197-1202Antigen–antibody interactions of influenza virus hemagglutinin revealed by the fragment molecular orbital calculationAkio Yoshioka, Kazutomo Takematsu, Ikuo Kurisaki, Kaori Fukuzawa and Yuji Mochizuki, et al.
    1203-1210A schematic model for energy and charge transfer in the chlorophyll complexH. G. Bohr and F. B. Malik
    1211-1220A Rheumatoid arthritis study using Raman spectroscopyC. S. Carvalho, A. A. Martin, A. M. E. Santo, L. E. C. Andrade and M. M. Pinheiro, et al.
    1221-1229Diagnosis of inflammatory lesions by high-wavenumber FT-Raman spectroscopyLuis Felipe das Chagas e Silva de Carvalho, Érika Tiemi Sato, Janete Dias Almeida and Herculano da Silva Martinho
    1231-1238High-wavenumber FT-Raman spectroscopy for in vivo and ex vivo measurements of breast cancerA. F. García-Flores, L. Raniero, R. A. Canevari, K. J. Jalkanen and R. A. Bitar, et al.
    1239-1247In and ex vivo breast disease study by Raman spectroscopyL. Raniero, R. A. Canevari, L. N. Z. Ramalho, F. S. Ramalho and E. A. P. dos Santos, et al.
    1249-1260Spectral unmixing and clustering algorithms for assessment of single cells by Raman microscopic imagingMartin Hedegaard, Christian Matthäus, Søren Hassing, Christoph Krafft and Max Diem, et al.
    1261-1273Overview of the use of theory to understand infrared and Raman spectra and images of biomolecules: colorectal cancer as an exampleJ. A. A. C. Piva, J. L. R. Silva, L. Raniero, A. A. Martin and H. G. Bohr, et al.